By Sam Marzotta
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: We had a cold snap a couple of weeks ago, and the morning temperature dipped below freezing. A er taking my Labradoodle, “Pierre,” for a walk around the block, I noticed he was shivering, and he walked with a tiny limp the rest of the day. He’s OK now, but it didn’t seem so cold when we went out. From now on, I’ll make sure he has a doggie sweater and booties on for walks, even if there is no snow on the ground. -- Sara in Bennington, Vermont
DEAR SARA: at’s a good plan. I’m glad Pierre is doing fine now, but I’m sure that was a scary lesson. Small dogs can be quickly affected by cold temperatures. Even when the weather is above freezing, their little bodies can get chilled very quickly.
Even large dogs can suffer from the cold. And ice-cold pavement can be dangerous for paws, no matter how big or small your dog is. e pads on their paws can get frostbitten. Dry, cold temperatures can cause the skin of the pads to chap and crack, resulting in a lot of discomfort.
Put a protective jumper or coat on your pet before going out when temperatures dip into the 40s (or single-digit Celsius). Booties will protect their paws from frozen sidewalks and from ice or other debris that might injure their pads. At the end of each walk, check their paws for cuts. If the pads appear dry, apply a balm for pet paws like Musher’s Secret, Bag Balm or Burt’s Bees.
Some dogs don’t like wearing booties or coats. Work with them between walks to make them more comfortable: Put their coat on in the house for a minute, then five, then 10. Same with the booties. Give them lots of praise and treats during the process; they’ll eventually tolerate it.
Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.
One-on-one personal attention. Let us pamper your pet in our mobile unit!
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Gracie is a pug who loves attention, playing tug of war, her big brother bandit, and chasing guinea fowl.
Send us a photo and a write-up to be featured. Submit online at gvpennysaver.com - Share With Us. Or, mail to: PO Box 340, Avon, NY 14414. Published at discretion of GVPS.
Karam Creative
Mann Circulation
Pare down the menu. Holiday feasts don’t have to resemble medieval banquets with excessive amounts of food and drink. Hosts with small kitchens and tiny dining quarters can pare down the menu, limiting offerings to just a single entree and a few simple side dishes, so everyone feels comfortable at the table and has ample room to eat. A small menu also gives hosts more time to spend with their loved ones during the festivities.
Come join us for our annual Cookie Walk and Vendor Fair.
Saturday, December 7, 2024 beginning at 10am
Variety of cookies, sold by the pound. Many Christmas gifts and ideas.
Batavia First United Methodist Church 8221 Lewiston Road, Batavia, NY 14020 585-343-4708
Wall murals painted by artist Lorie Longhany
Christmas village and train display
Animated “department store” window displays
Christmas story by author Sandra Whiting
The Cinnamon Bear 1937 radio show diorama
Scenes by artist Mary Marks
Visits from the Grinch and Cindy Lou Who Kazoos and hot dogs for sale
Small Business Saturday Special Sales
Hours: Friday-Sunday, 11am-4pm
Thank you for all your support.
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Ask an electrician to inspect your exterior outlets and circuits. Ground fault circuit interruptor (GFCI) outlets are designed to prevent electric shocks and reduce the risk of electrical fires.Most areas now require new homes be built exclusively with GFCIs, which are recognizable because they feature two buttons between the outlets. But older homes may not be equipped with GFCIs, particularly with exterior outlets. GFCI installation is not an especially expensive job, so homeowners should ask an electrician to inspect their interior and exterior outlets and replace non-GFCIs with GFCIs.
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6 egg whites
1/2 tsp Cream of Tarter
1/4 tsp salt
1 1/2 cups sugar
2 cups chilled whipping cream
6 ounces cream cheese, so ened
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla
2 cups miniature marshmallows
Cherry Berry Topping
12 to 15 servings.
Stir together 1 can (21 ounces) cherry pie filling, 1 tsp lemon juice and 2 cups sliced fresh strawberries or 1 pkg. (16 ounces) frozen strawberries, thawed. (Or you can just use cherry pie filling on each slice.)
Heat oven to 250 degrees. Butter a baking pan, 13"x9"X2". In a large mixer bowl, beat egg whites, cream of tartar and salt until foamy. Beat in 1 1/2 cups sugar, 1 tablespoon at a time and continue beating until stiff and glossy. Do not under beat. Spread in the pan. Bake 1 hour. Turn off the oven; leave meringue in the oven with the door closed for 12 hours or longer.
In a chilled bowl, beat whipping cream until stiff. Blend cream cheese, 1/2 cup sugar and the vanilla. Gently fold the whipped cream and marshmallows into the cream cheese mixture, spread over the meringue. Chill 12 to 24 hours. Cut into serving pieces and top with the cherry berry topping.
Deborah A Bakos
Hint: Do not bake on the bottom rack of the oven.
Wednesday: Wings 1/2 Price - 4pm
Sunday: Pot Roast Dinner Reserve your holiday parties, sports banquets, funerals, etc. in our Heritage Room. Seating for up to 40 guests.
ursday: Comfort Foods
Friday: Fresh Beer Battered Fish Fry
Saturday: Steak Specials
1 cup flour
1/4 cup Xsugar
1/2 cup butter or margarine FILLING
1/2 cup seedless raspberry jam
4 oz. so ened cream cheese
2 T milk
1 cup vanilla/white chocolate flavored chips - melted GLAZE
3/4 cup semi sweet chocolate chips
2 T shortening
In a bowl, combine & X sugar, cut in butter until crumbly. Press into an ungreased 9 inch baking pan. Bake @ 375 for 15-18 minutes until browned. Spread jam over warm crust. In a small mixing bowl, beat cream, cheese, and milk until smooth. And vanilla chips and beat until smooth. Spread evenly over jam layer and cool completely then chill in refrigerator until set-about one hour. For the glaze, melt chocolate chips, and shortening, spread overfilling & chill for 15 minutes. Cut into bars, then chill another hour
Store in the refrigerator -makes about two dozen
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Cognitive decline is a condition that is often associated with aging, but even middle-aged people can experience memory loss or cognition issues.
The Alzheimer’s Association says that more than five million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. By 2050, that number could rise to as high as 16 million people. More than 747,000 Canadians are living with Alzheimer’s or another dementia, says the Canadian Alzheimer’s Association.
Although there is no definitive way to prevent dementia, living a long, vibrant life may be possible by encouraging some healthy habits for the brain. It is never too late or too early to begin health and lifestyle changes.
Exercise: Becoming more active can improve brain volume, reduce risk for dementia and improve thinking and memory skills. The journal Neurology found that older people who vigorously exercise performed better on cognitive tests than others of the same age, placing them at the equivalent of 10 years younger. Increased blood flow that occurs with physical activity may help generate new neurons in the hippocampus, an area of the brain involved with learning and memory.
The Harvard Medical School says aerobic exercise may help improve brain tissue by improving blood flow and reducing the chances of injury to the brain from cholesterol buildup in blood vessels.
Quit smoking: The Alzheimer’s Association indicates that evidence shows smoking increases the risk of cognitive decline. Smoking can impair blood flow to the brain and cause small strokes that may damage blood vessels.
Eat healthy foods: Foods that are good for the heart and blood vessels also are good for the brain. These include fresh fruits and vegetables,
whole grains, fish-based proteins, unsaturated fats, and foods containing omega-3 fatty acids. Neurologists state that, while research on diet and cognitive function is limited, diets, such as Mediterranean and Mediterranean-DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension), may contribute to a lower risk of cognitive issues.
Consume caffeine: Caffeine may help boost memory performance and brain health. A Journal of Nutrition study found people ages 70 and older who consumed more caffeine scored better on tests of mental function than those who consumed less caffeine. Caffeine may help improve attention span, cognitive function and feelings of well-being. Information from Psychology Today also indicates caffeine may help in the storage of dopamine, which can reduce feelings of depression and anxiety. In addition, compounds in cocoa and coffee beans may improve vascular health and help repair cellular damage due to high antioxidant levels.
Work the brain: Engaging in mentally stimulating activities can create new brain connections and more backup circuits, states Dr. Joel Salinas, a neurologist at Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital. Working the brain through puzzles, reading and participating in social situations can stimulate the release of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a molecule essential for repairing brain cells and creating connections between them.
A good way to combine these lifestyle factors is to take an exercise class with friends, mixing the social, stimulation and exercise recommendations together.
Cognitive decline can come with aging, but through healthy habits, people can reduce their risk of memory loss and dementia.
LEROY: 7EastMainStreet,Saturday,December7th,(8am-3pm) Thrift SaleattheParsonage. Eightrooms fullofhouseholditems,dishes,glass, furniture,books,toys,craftsand more!Pleaseusefrontdoor.
No business is too small to be a small business. In fact, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics noted that microbusinesses, which are defined as firms that employ between one and nine employees, accounted for 75 percent of all private-sector employers as recently as 2013.
Autumn! sad, sighing, yet most lovely Autumn, again art thou here; and again with feelings “pleasant but mournful to my soul,” do I greet thy return. And the strangest feelings of mingled pleasure and pain are awakened at thy approach, though thou excitest emotions less rapturous and fancies less playful, yet hath thy presence for me a solace and a spell unfelt amid the greener verdure, brighter sunbeams and more fragrant flowers of Summer. Dearer to me than the clustering roses of June, are they withered stalk and falling leaf.... And for the heart, the busy, changeful human heart, thou hast a thousand stirring chords, whose vibrations awaken with an electric influence its slumbering sensibilities, and whose sympathetic music responds with all the truth of an echo.
• - Rush Recreation and Park Association: Help us plant and care for 50 acres of Native Trees, Bushes, Perennials on formerly farmed land as a demonstration of the beauty and utility of native plants in providing food and habitat for reduced numbers of birds and pollinators. Email: jchaize@rochester.rr.com
• - Patrick Place-A Comfort Care Home: Patrick Place-A Comfort Care Home in Scottsville is looking for additional volunteers, Resident Care and other opportunities. No experience necessary, all training provided. Go to https://patrickplace.org/volunteer for info and application.
• - Webster Association of Senior Program Supporters: Volunteer drivers will drive Webster School District Residents, seniors and disabled, to their medical, dental, physical therapy, health related appointments anywhere in Monroe County. A great Webster service for those who are no longer able to drive themselves. Email websterwasp@gmail.com.
~Elizabeth J. Eames, “An Autumn Reverie,” October 1840 Charitable Organizations and Nonprofits can submit requests at gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us.’ Published online and in print of the last week of the month as space permits. See more volunteer opportunities at gvpennysaver.com.
• - Serenity House of Victor: We are a two-bed comfort care home needing caregiver, grounds, or fundraising volunteers. Free 2 hour weekly training Mondays, Wednesdays OR ursdays beginning 11/4. Share your most valuable gi - yourself! Come join our team. Email serenityhousevictor@gmail.com or call 585-729-7617.
• - Teresa House: Could you spare 4 hours twice a month? Teresa House, Livingston County’s only comfort care home, invites you to join our compassionate end-of-life care team. No experience necessary—hands-on training provided. Email nurse@teresahouse. org or visit teresahouse.org/volunteer to apply today!
• - Friends of the Red Jacket Community Center: RJCC is looking for volunteers to help plan, advertise and staff community events. Social media, grant searching/writing, and volunteers for our October Punkin Chunkin event especially desired. Make a difference today! Email: FriendsOfRJCC@gmail.com
• - Light Hill: A caring heart is all you need! Join our family in caring for those at a profound and beautiful time in life. Flexible shi s. Training & support provided. Email: marie@lighthillhome.org
• - Livonia Volunteer Fire Department: Come join us in helping our community and its citizens in what may be the worst day of their life during a fire, accident or many other emergencies. Contact Dave Peck at 585-519-2360 for more info.
• - Hospeace House, Inc.: Do you have 4 hours a month to volunteer? Our Comfort Care Home is located in Naples, NY. We are looking for folks that enjoy helping others. Volunteer hours are 4 hour shi s. Reach out to visit us at our home. Email: kathymincer@ hospeacehouse.org
• - Crossroads House: Genesee County’s only comfort care home. Please consider lending your time and talents to care for our two residents at end-of-life. Will train! Email: ashleymanuel@ crossroadshouse.com
• - Literacy Volunteers of Wayne County: Share your love of learning! Become a Tutor to help an adult with reading, English Language, or math. Join us for our next Volunteer Orientation. Contact Heidi at heidi.barnes@lvwayne.org to sign up.
SimplyChristmas&Holiday Shoppe: SimplyChristmasisa celebrationofSt.NicholasDaywith stories,songs,readingsandcarols. CometotheCobblestoneMuseum’s1834CobblestoneChurch (14393RidgeRdW,Albion)at11 amonDec.7forthisholidayevent. Lightrefreshmentsfollowinthe lowerlevelofthechurch,nearthe HolidayShoppe.Donationsgladly received.TheHolidayShoppewill beopenfrom10am-3pm. Browseourwidearrayofaffordablypricednewandgentlyused Christmasitems.Lights,ornaments, books,papergoods,decorations galore!
AlexanderFireDepartment ChristmasCraft&VendorShow! Sunday,December1,10am-3pm, AlexanderFireDepartment RecreationHall,10708Alexander Rd.,Alexander.Refreshments Available.FREEADMISSION.OVER 80TABLES.Info.:585-356-3301
PancakeswithSanta! Joinuson Sunday,December8th,8a.m.NoonforPancakeswithSanta. ServedbyAlexanderBoyScouts Troop6650attheAlexanderF.D. RecreationHall,10708Alexander Rd.-EnjoyPancakesw/realmaple syrup,eggs,sausage,coffee,milk andjuice.$10eachand4and underarefree.
WNYBluegrassMusicAssoc. FREEMonthlyOpenJam- Two indoorareas,aswellasonthe coveredpatioandtheGroto (weatherpermitting)onthesecond Sundayofeachmonthfrom2-7pm attheBenningtonLanes,1374 ClintonSt.Rd.,(Route354)Attica. Wewelcomeeveryoneandencourageyoutobringyouracoustic instruments(guitars,banjos,mandolins,basses,fiddles,etc.)and playalongatanylevel,orjuststop inforalisten2pm-7pm.Thenext jamisSunday,DECEMBER8th,2-7 pm.Pleasetellyourmusicloving friendstobringtheirinstruments andplayalongforanextrafun afternoon!
UnitedMethodistWomen“WinterFestWonders”- Saturday, December14th,9am-2pm,Attica MethodistChurch,75MainStreet. VendorBlenderShow!Coffee, donuts,soupandsandwiches available.Formoreinformation pleasecontactGinnyFugle 585-813-4227orvfugle@verizon. net
MuseumQuiltGuild meetson the3rdSaturdayofeachmonthat theVAMedicalCenter,222RichmondAve.,Bldg.4,2ndFloor, Auditorium,inBatavia,NewYork (ExceptforDecembermeeting whichisthesecondSaturday.) Meetingsbeginat9:30AMand includeashortbusinessmeeting, Show&TellandaProgramsometimeswithaWorkshop.Other activitiesincludetheraffle,mini fleamarketandourminilibrary. Wehaveaphonetreetocontact membersduringinclement weather.Duesare$25peryearfor eachmember.Formoreinformationclickon:https://www. themuseumquiltguild.com/
GeneseeSymphonyOrchestra ChristmasConcert- TheGenesee SymphonyOrchestra’sChristmas Concert,“HolidayMiracles”isSunday,December8,2024at4pmat theGCCStuartSteinertheater. Featuringmanyfavoritesofthe seasonincludingLeroyAnderson’s “ChristmasFestival.”ThemostfestivesweatergetstoconductSleigh Ride.Ticketsavailableonlineat geneseesymphonyorchestra@ gmail.comatHollandLandOffice Museum,YNGODESS,GOART,Mr. WineandLiquorandCoffeePress. Pricesare$17adult,$12seniors, studentsfreewithID.A“can’t miss”concerttohighlightyourseason.
ChristmasPageant- Joinusfora dramaticpresentationofthestory ofthebirthofJesus.Enjoybeautiful Christmasmusic,andthegiftsand faithofchildren.Areceptionwill followthepageant.December14, 1-2pm,BataviaFirstPresbyterian Church,300E.MainStreet,Batavia.http://www.fpcbatavia.org
Livingston County children enroll at this summer enrichment program at SUNY Geneseo to develop a sense of self-confidence, self-efficacy, and accomplishment through engaging, inquiry-based, provocative learning experiences that value the student, teacher, and the environment as equal contributors to the experience. www.geneseo.edu/soaringstars
MindfulMondays- Comerenew yourspiritandrejuvenateyour body’senergythroughatimeof gentlemovement,calmingpractices,quietreflectiononscripture, orwalkingalabyrinth.Noexperienceorreligiousbeliefarerequired!December2,6:30-7:30pm, BataviaFirstPresbyterianChurch, 300E.MainStreet,Batavia.You mayalsojoinusvirtuallyon Facebookat:https://www. facebook.com/fpcbatavia/videos. Questions?Contactusat 585-343-0505orfpcbatavia@ fpcbatavia.org.
DecemberYouthServiceAdventure- MiddleandHighSchool Youthareinvitedtomeetatthe Towersat6pm.Helpsetuprefreshments.HaveFunCaroling. December11,6pm-7:30pm,400 Towers,400E.MainStreet,Batavia.http://www.fpcbatavia.org
CommunityHolidayDinner- EnjoyaneveningofChristmasmusic withharperandsinger,MaryLester,andmusicians,HowardLester andBartDentino.Joinusfora delicioussoupdinner.St.Nicholas willbetheretosharehisstoryof generosityandgiveoutgiftstothe children.December4,5:30-7pm, BataviaFirstPresbyterianChurch, 300E.MainStreet,Batavia.http:// www.fpcbatavia.org
VFWPost1602OpenMicNiteVFWPost1602,25EdwardsStreet, BataviaishostinganOpenMicNite thefirstandthirdWednesdays eachmonthstartingat6PM.Wings andThingsareavailableforpurchasefrom6PM-8PM.
FreeWinterClothing, sweaters andblanketsdistribution.November25th-29th,December2nd-6th Monday-Friday11am-1pmoruntil gone.FirstBaptistChurch,306E. MainSt.,Batavia.Noincome requirements.Sponsoredbythe FirstBaptistChurch,andMt.Zion Church.
GeneseeSymphonyOrchestra’s UglySweaterHoliday- The GeneseeSymphonyOrchestra’s ChristmasConcert,“HolidayMiracles”isSunday,December8, 2024at4pmattheGCCStuart Steinertheater.Featuringmany favoritesoftheseasonincluding LeroyAnderson’s“ChristmasFestival.”Themostfestivesweater getstoconductSleighRide.Tickets availableonlineat geneseesymphonyorchestra@ gmail.comatHollandLandOffice Museum,YNGODESS,GOART,Mr. WineandLiquorandCoffeePress. Pricesare$17adult,$12seniors, studentsfreewithID.A“can’t miss”concerttohighlightyourseason.
Bill Korth
1 C granulated sugar
1C + 3 tablespoons so shortening
1 teaspoon vanilla
2C crushed almonds
3 1/4 C flour Jam
Knead and mix all ingredients well. Roll thin and cut with cookie cutters. Bake on ungreased cookie sheet at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes or until lightly brown. Take 1 cookie and spread with jam. Place matching cookie on top and dip in sugar. Note: Bake all cookies first, then fill with jam and dip in sugar. A memorable German cookie. (melt in your mouth sandwiches)
BrockportSymphonyOrchestra 15thAnnualHolidayPopsConcert -Saturday,December7,7PM attheFirstPresbyterianChurchof Brockport,35StateStreetinthe VillageofBrockport.Directedby JonathanAllentoff,thisfamily celebrationwillfeaturevocalartists MaryWojciechowskiandMichael DeLuca,violinsoloistEloiseFadial, andclarinetsoloistRachelRoessel. Theorchestrawillalsopresentan encoreperformanceofthisprogramattheLivingstonCounty Auditorium,1MurrayHillDrive, Mt.MorrisonSaturday,December 14,2024,at7PM,hostedbythe GeneseeValleyCouncilontheArts. Admissionisfree,anddonations willbegratefullyaccepted.For additionalinformation,pleasevisit www.brockportsymphony.org.
ChristmasCantata presentedby TheEastBethanyPresbyterian Church-TheEastBethanyPresbyterianChurchinvitesyoutoour annualChristmasCantataonSundayDecember15that10:30am. Theadultchoirunderthedirection ofMarkBariepresents“GoSingIt OnTheMountain”byPepper Choplin.Joinusforabeautiful serviceofmusicandreadings.5735 EllicottSt.Rd.,EastBethany.
Miracleon34thStreet: Step back intimeastheBloomfieldRotary Playersbringtheirliveradioplay, Miracleon34thStreet,toSt. Mark’sChurch,1EastMainSt., LeRoyonSaturday,December14at 3:00pmand7:00pm.Watchthis stageradioshowwithactorsin periodcostume,soundeffects,and asupportingcastfromtheLeRoy HighSchoolMusicDepartment. Tickets:$10eachandsupportThe JoyProject.Ticketsmaybepurchasedatthechurchoffice(open Tuesdays-Thursdays7am-12noon), atApril’sFinds(7895EastMain Road,LeRoy)orbymailingacheck withaSASEtoSt.Mark’sChurch. Information:stmarksleroy.org.
DON’T underestimate the things that can and will go wrong when hosting for the holidays. Take a deep breath, assess the situation and stay calm through any hiccups.
Henry’sDeliFundraiserforthe Hope Center- Here’sanopportunitytotryoutthenewplacein town!Henry’sDelilocatedat72 MainStreetinLeRoyishavinga “foodiefundraiser”tosupportthe FREEprogramsofferedbytheHope Center.OnWednesdayDecember 4th,theyaredonating20%oftheir pre-taxsalesonALLSUBS,ALLDAY from10amto7pmanditwon’t costyouanythingmore.Theirbakerycaseisstockedwithmanyoptionstocompleteyourmeal.Pick upacannolifordessert!Call(585) 502-5092ThankyouforyoursupportoftheHopeCenterofLeRoy!
TheJoyProject, afreeexhibit inspiredbytheformerSibley’s DepartmentStoreindowntown Rochester,bringsold-time ChristmastolifeattheExhibitHall atSt.Mark’sEpiscopalChurch,1 EastMainStreet,LeRoyonSaturdaysfrom10-4andSundaysfrom 12-4betweenNov.30andDec.22. AnextensiveChristmasvillageand traindisplay,“departmentstore windows”withanimatronicsand accompanyingstory,hand-painted muralsofChristmasesofyesteryear bylocalartistLorieLonghany,anda one-of-a-kinddioramaofthe1937 radioshowTheCinnamonBearare included.GoArt!fundingsupportedtheartworkbyLorie Longhany.Infoatstmarksleroy.org/ the-joy-project.
FunForTheWholeFamilyArt Classes - Freeeventoccurringand sponsoredbyGoArt.HeldatThe Goose,33SouthMainStreet,Oakfield.TuesdayDecember10th1:008:00pmHollyJollyCalendars-RegistrationRequired.Registeremail raooak@gmail.com
Yoga - EveryWednesdayfrom 6:00p.m.to7:00p.m.Opentoall! Allequipmentisprovided!NoRegistrationRequired!Walkinandjoin us!HeldatTheGOOSECommunity Center,33SouthMainStreet,Oakfield.http://www. warriorhouseofwny.com
We’veOnlyJustBegun”Sr. Luncheon - Wearetakingpaid reservationsforourAnnual ChristmasLuncheon,December10, 202411:30-1:30pmS.Alabama Firehall,Route63,Oakfield.Itwill becateredbytheAlabamaHotel for$15.00perperson.AllReservationsmustbepaidinAdvance. Contact:LaNoraThompson(630) 888-8966.Youcancometo
Christforanoldfashioned ChristmasHymnSingonSaturday, December7,at3:00pm.Alight soupanddessertsupperalongwith fellowshipwillfollowtheprogram inaformeroneroomschoolhouse. Wewillhaveanorganaccompanist toleadusthroughsomeoftheold, familiarhymnswelovetosing.It’s agreatopportunitytoinvitea friendorneighbortojoinalong withyouforalittleChristmas cheer.Thechurchandschool housearelocatedat8466MorganvilleRoadinStafford.www. caledoniafirstpc.org
Meet Bolt and Charlie of Gates, NY
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• 8 1-inch-thick bread slices, cut from a country or peasant loaf
• 2 cups half-and-half
• 4 egg yolks
• 3 tablespoons light brown sugar
• 1 tablespoon vanilla extract, plus 1/2 teaspoon
• 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
• 3 tablespoons unsalted butter
• 1/2 cup sour cream
• 1 tablespoon granulated sugar
• 1/3 cup strawberry jam or preserves (see note 2)
1. Arrange a rack at center position and preheat the oven to 400 F. Place the bread slices on a baking sheet and bake until dry and very lightly browned, about 8 minutes per side. Watch carefully so that the bread does not burn. Remove the bread from the oven and reduce the oven temperature to 200 F.
2. In a medium bowl, whisk together the half-and-half, egg yolks, brown sugar, 1 tablespoon vanilla, and cinnamon. Pour the mixture into a shallow pan (a 9-by-13-inch glass baking dish works well). Add the
4 toasted bread slices and soak them 4 minutes per side. Remove to a large plate or platter.
3. Place a large, heavy frying pan over low to medium heat. Add about 2 teaspoons of the butter, or enough to coat the bottom of the pan lightly. When melted, add enough bread slices to fit comfortably in a single layer. Cook slowly until the slices are golden brown and crisp on both sides, about 4 minutes per side. Remove to a baking sheet and place in the warm oven. Repeat, adding more butter to the pan as needed until all the bread slices have been sautéed.
4. In a small bowl, stir together the sour cream, granulated sugar and remaining 1/2 teaspoon vanilla.
5. When ready to serve, spread each toast with a thin coating of strawberry jam and top with a dollop of sweetened sour cream.
Note 1: The best bread for this dish is an unsliced loaf of good-quality peasant or country bread, preferably one without an extra-hard crust. One that is rectangular, rather than round, is more convenient, but either will do. Cut off the ends of the loaf, and reserve for another use. Then slice the bread into 1-inch-thick slices. If your loaf is large and the slices seem large, cut them in half.
Note 2: You can try other jams, preserves or marmalades. Cherry, raspberry or peach preserves and orange marmalade are other possibilities.
What is your favorite kind of pie?
- Apple
- Cherry - Cream (Chocolate, key lime, etc)
- Pecan
- Pumpkin
- All of the above
- None of the above
Poll ends 12-03-2024
Poll ended 11-25-2024
After the Nov 17th Buffalo game, the Associated Press reports, “Josh Allen came out of his cage… He’s gone out there and silenced critics and detractors with one impressive effort after another this season.” Allen and McDermott downplayed it as just Week 11, “This is not the finish line.”
With seven weeks left, what do you think about Buffalo now?
6.3% It’s not all about Allen, but they’re now heading toward the Big Game.
6.3% I never lost confidence in their projection.
87.5% I don’t follow football
We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit www.gvpennysaver.com!
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org
•MinutesfromThruway Entrance,Batavia, Buffalo,andRochester
DID YOU KNOW? When nurses go to work each day, many report to hospitals while others work at private practices. For others, a day at the office takes place at research labs. According to the online nursing resource Nurse.org, research nurses develop and implement studies to investigate and provide information on new medications, vaccinations and medical procedures. Research nurses, sometimes referred to as clinical nurse researchers or nurse researchers, typically have advanced degrees, and many first work as research assistants, clinical data collectors and/or clinical research monitors to gain some practical experience as they pursue or consider pursuing their degrees. Some research nurses even conduct independent research, though Nurse.org notes that such professionals need advanced degrees such as an MSN or Ph.D. to pursue such a path. More information about becoming a research nurse can be found at www.Nurse.org.
Each mumbered row contains two clues and two answers. e two answers differ from each other by only one letter, which has already been inserted. For example, if you exchange the A from MASTER for an I, you get MISTER. Do not change the order of the letters.
(NAPSI) — According to Darrell Smith, executive director of the International Window Film Association, window film makes a lot of sense for homeowners eager to save money on their energy bills.
“Solar-control films can block as much as 80 percent of the solar heat coming through glass into a building, decrease the heat load on the air-conditioning system and reduce energy costs,” Smith says.
With more people working and studying from home, window film allows in abundant natural sunlight while blocking 99 percent of the sun’s harmful UV rays to better protect the skin (from possible cancer) and eyes (from cataract development), while reducing the fading of floors and furnishings. Smith estimates that 40 to 60 percent of color fading is caused by UV exposure. Windows may also be upgraded for safety, as window film helps to hold glass pieces together if the window is impacted and broken.
For even a 3,000 square foot home, window film may be installed in a day or less with minimal disruption. Window film installers clean the glass before installation, keep the work space clean and practice safe contact as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control. Find a local dealer/installer at www.iwfa.com.
12/3 Albion Online Tractor, Tool & Collectible Auction Farmall OS4l wood working tools; Models; and more!
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See our website: www.williamkentinc.com for more information!
• Buy the safest lights. It might be tempting to buy the most inexpensive lights, especially given all the extra costs already associated with the holiday season. However, safety should be the utmost priority when buying new lights. Testing laboratories such as CSA, Intertek and UL certify products to ensure they’re safe for use. Products that aren’t certified should be avoided.
• Use lights and cords where they’re intended to be used. e packaging on lights will indicate if the product is intended to be used indoors or outdoors. It’s vital that individuals decorating their homes pay attention to these labels. Extension cords made for indoors also should not be used outdoors and vice versa.
• Be especially careful with candles. Candles should only be burned when adults are in the room and should always be extinguished before leaving the room or going to bed. When burning candles, place them on heat-resistant surfaces that are beyond the reach of curious kids and pets. Never place candles within arm’s length of Christmas trees or houseplants, including poinsettias.
• Ask an electrician to inspect your exterior outlets and circuits. Ground fault circuit interruptor (GFCI) outlets are designed to prevent electric shocks and reduce the risk of electrical fires. GFCI installation is not an especially expensive job, so homeowners should ask an electrician to inspect their interior and exterior outlets and replace non-GFCIs with GFCIs.
• Do not pinch light cords. Stringing lights can be a hassle, but cords should never be pinched in doors or windows or beneath interior and exterior furniture. Doing so increases the risk of damage to the cord, which in turn increases the likelihood of fire.
• Avoid overloading circuits. Overloaded circuits pose a significant fire hazard. When plugging in lights, choose outlets that aren’t already occupied by devices and other electronics. If need be, unplug appliances like televisions and devices while lights are on and plugged in.
BYLINE: By JoAnn Derson
* At a loss of what to do with Christmas cards from years past? Why not try making a wreath? Cut out a large ring from a cardboard box or other sturdy material. Arrange cards at different angles around the circle. Add holiday picks and ribbon or a bow for depth.
* Having a holiday party? Put foods and drinks in separate areas, as these are places that guests tend to linger. With different stops for each, guests will not bunch up in one place trying to do both, and it actually encourages mingling!
* Looking for a great cause for gi ing this year? Go to www.charitynavigator.org to find out more about how your prospective charities rank in areas like CEO pay, money spent on fundraising, etc.
By Fifi Rodriguez
1. GEOGRAPHY: In which country would you find the Angkor Wat temple?
2. SCIENCE: Which vitamin aids in blood clotting?
3. MUSIC: Which pop music icon has a Pantone color named after him?
4. TELEVISION: Which 1990s TV comedy series features the theme song “Cleveland Rocks”?
5. U.S. STATES: Which state is last alphabetically?
6. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is an adult female turkey called?
7. MOVIES: Which popular 1994 movie features a character named Red?
8. AD SLOGANS: Which company’s advertising slogan is “Like a Good Neighbor”?
9. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: How long is the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade route?
Specialized cells in the pancreas that produce insulin.
2.5 miles.
“The Shawshank Redemption.” 8. State Farm.
Wyoming. 6. A hen.
“The Drew Carey Show.”
Prince (“Love Symbol #2,” a purple shade).
10. ANATOMY: What are beta cells? Answers
There’s a National Cookie Cutter Historical Museum in Joplin, Missouri, established for the public. All the varied cutters designed by the club members are featured there.
If you really want to delve into the origin of cookie cutters, you’d have to go a long way back to 2000 B.C. The tradition of molding sweet cakes into shapes began in Ancient Egypt and was later adopted by the inhabitants of Greece, Rome, and Western Europe. In the 1500s, the Germans started baking molds with intricate designs, out of which emerged oodles of gingerbread people, houses, trees, mountains, and whatnot. And by the 1800s, American tinsmiths had built cookie cutters and introduced them into the market for sale.
The Cookie Cutter Collectors’ Club. Yes, you read that right! There’s a club for people who share an interest in cookie cutters and any cookie-related topics.
Decorate Your Cookies!
cookies for the Invite your friends or amily over and have your parents help you bake cookies. Host a cookie baking day and decorate holidays! or family C
Serving Every Friday Dine in or take out
Fresh Beer Battered Haddock Fish Fry
$16.99 whole • $10.95 half Served with pasta salad, french fries, homemade remoulade, roll with butter & lemon wedge
Dine In • Take Out • Delivery Open Daily at 11am 206 E. Main St. • Batavia, NY • 343-0007
Take a moment to let a business owner know you saw their ad in the Penny Saver, tell a friend about an upcoming event or like any of our posts on social media. These small gestures make all the difference to us.
Don’t miss this Family Holiday Tradition! Ramblin’ Lou Family Band
“WNY’s 1st Family of Country Music” Christmas Show & Live Radio Broadcast
Dec. 7
2-hour show 11am-1pm, followed by turkey luncheon, special guests & door prizes. Classics V Banquet Ctr., Amherst, NY. Tickets $45.00 pp, on sale now. Mail your check to: WXRL Radio, PO Box 170, Lancaster, NY 14086
Hosted by the Ramblin’ Lou Family
Watch for upcoming 2025 tours to be announced (BOOK NOW) including:
March 26 Sprague’s/Seneca Alleg. Casino w/ $25 bonus & food
April 16 Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame – Cleveland/Golden Corral
April 25-27 Polka Weekend– Catskills, Jimmy Sturr & more
April 29-30 (2-day express) NOAH, Lancaster, PA
May 7 Ron & Nancy Onesong – Ellicottville/Vidler’s
May 13-19
Celebrate 100th Anniv. of the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville, Memphis & Elvis’ Graceland
June 10-12 Ohio Amish – Antiquing, great food, show
June 23-26 Mackinac Island-Grand Hotel/Frankenmuth, MI
Jun. 29-Jul. 1 Thousand Islands, Skaneateles, 3 castles, 2 boat rides
July 9 Grand River Luncheon Cruise
Sept. 7-11 Montréal & Québec City
Sept. 22-27 Chattanooga, TN – 3 train rides, riverboat cruise
Oct. 1 Sprague’s – Turkey/Seneca Alleg. Casino w/ $25 bonus & food
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Milton CAT is in search of New York State certified MBE/MWBE and SDVOB subcontractor enterprises that can provide selected goods and/or services to us.
Subcontractors must be able to meet insurance, financial and bonding requirements as contained and specified in general contract documents and other New York State entity requirements.
If interested, please contact us at goodfaitheffort@ miltoncat.com to begin the screening process.
Dentures are removable oral devices used to replace missing teeth. With proper care, a set of dentures can last seven to ten years. Different denture options include temporary/immediate, full/complete, partial, and snap-in. Implant-retained and implant-supported dentures are used in combination with implants. Your best option depends on how many teeth are missing and where. Full dentures are used to replace a full arc of teeth on either the top or bottom jaw. Partial dentures are used when several or most teeth are missing from one or both jaws. These dentures clasp onto your remaining teeth for stability. Dentures or implants often require tooth extractions first, and temporary/ immediate dentures are used as a placeholder while the mouth heals.
We will be glad to discuss today’s denture options that can keep your
smile a beautiful and happy one. At BATAVIA FAMILY DENTAL, we believe in an informed patient, and we promise to provide you with information regarding all aspects of your dental care. You can always count on our experienced, honest recommendations for the treatment best suited to your dental needs. Our goals are the same as yours at 6 Batavia City Centre- a healthy mouth and a brilliant smile. Call 585.343.4246 for an appointment!
P.S. Implant-retained dentures attach to dental implants but can be removed by the patient. Implantsupported dentures are unlike other dentures because they can only be removed by a dentist.
By Keith Roach, M.D. Rheumatoid Arthritis Patient
DEAR DR. ROACH: I’m a 67-year-old healthy male, but I do take Humira for rheumatoid arthritis (RA). It does a wonderful job for me with no side effects. It does such a good job that I can periodically extend the time between injections, such as one every three weeks instead of the recommended dose every two weeks. I can even go as long as six months between injections without noticing much of the RA symptoms.
My rheumatologist is aware of this and encourages me to use the lesser amount if I still get relief. My quandary is that I was recently talking to my gastroenterologist about Humira, and he said that they use a very similar drug for gastrointestinal issues. But apparently, you aren’t supposed to stop taking it consecutively because the body will become immune to the drug, and the drug can lose its effectiveness.
Naturally, I don’t want to lose the great relief I am lucky to be getting, but I also know it’s a strong drug. It seems that the less I take of it, the better. -- J.C.
ANSWER: I share your gastroenterologist’s concern. He may be thinking of a similar medication, vedolizumab (Entyvio). When this drug is stopped in someone with Crohn’s disease, it will cause a flare-up in about half of the cases within six months. In a third of them, the medication will no longer be effective. The situation is similar with adalimumab (Humira), as there is the possibility of a relapse if you stop it entirely. Taking it every three weeks led to a flare-up in 36% of people who had their disease well-controlled for years. The researchers were unable to identify any way to predict who would flare up. Restarting Humira regained control for over half of the study participants -- but not everybody.
I do understand that these are powerful medicines with side effects. Even if you aren’t noticing any, many people will, and there can be very serious side effects to many organs. Fortunately, these are uncommon, and in most cases, it is far better to stay on the medicine, as long as you are being monitored.
As a medical student, I remember seeing what RA looked like before we had effective medications such as methotrexate and TNF inhibitors like Humira. Years of inflammation caused terrible hand deformities, mostly in the women I saw. Since you aren’t having any side effects, and it is working well, I don’t recommend the three-week dosing -- and certainly not six months between doses.
DR. ROACH WRITES: A recent column on hair loss and thyroid disease prompted many readers to write me with their experiences. One reader noted that increasing protein in their diet seemed to slow down hair loss and even cause some regrowth. Another reader recommended biotin. I often recommend this as a trial, despite a lack of good evidence that it works. Biotin is a B-type vitamin that is very safe, although it can interfere with a lab assay when it comes to thyroid levels and other hormone levels. Note that both hair loss and thyroid disease are very common, and it is not always the case that thyroid disease causes hair loss.
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu. © 2024 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
Wanttoreply? Goonlinetosee all&comment! 2
We got take out from a local restaurant this past weekend and were lucky enough to have one of the owners helping us check out. When I mentioned we were celebrating our anniversary, he was so nice to run back and give us two slices of their peanut butter pies to celebrate. Thank you for making our anniversary even sweeter!
On Tuesday, November 19th I foolishly left my purse in the shopping cart in front of the big box store and drove off. Shortly after, I realized I left it and hurriedly drove back. There in the parking lot I saw a young man heading into the store with my purse. I called out to him and retrieved my purse. My God, what a feeling of relief. Never got his name but he was a caring and honest man. Thank you for being who you are. Your parents raised a special young man.
Recently I was talking to a young person who attends a local junior high school. She told me that students are now allowed to wear pajama pants to school. What's next? Bringing their pillows and blankets? Whatever happened to schools being a place where education and discipline in life were taught? What role are our tax funded Administrators/ Principals playing in all of this? I was also told that swearing has become common among the students and is being tolerated. The saddest thing was when I asked this young person why they thought all of this was allowed and she said it was because the principal and teachers don't care. Is this what our school system in NY has become? Why don't we just allow all students to stay at home and get their education online? Why are our tax paying dollars going into keeping up with these expensive buildings just to become a free for all for the students?
On Saturday while driving in our village, I saw four separate instances of people walking in the road with the sidewalk right there. You know, that cement thing that you bought with your taxes specifically for pedestrians to walk on so they’d be safe. You somehow think it’s cool and fun to walk in the road for no reason whatsoever. Your recklessness is not appreciated.
(NAPSI) — According to Darrell Smith, executive director of the International Window Film Association, window film makes a lot of sense for homeowners eager to save money on their energy bills.
“Solar-control films can block as much as 80 percent of the solar heat coming through glass into a building, decrease the heat load on the air-conditioning system and reduce energy costs,” Smith says.
With more people working and studying from home, window film allows in abundant natural sunlight while blocking 99 percent of the sun’s harmful UV rays to better protect the skin (from possible cancer) and eyes (from cataract development), while reducing the fading of floors and furnishings. Smith estimates that 40 to 60 percent of color fading is caused by UV exposure. Windows may also be upgraded for safety, as window film helps to hold glass pieces together if the window is impacted and broken.
For even a 3,000 square foot home, window film may be installed in a day or less with minimal disruption. Window film installers clean the glass before installation, keep the work space clean and practice safe contact as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control. Find a local dealer/installer at www.iwfa.com.
More money kept in the community. Shopping locally means that more money will stay in the community. According to recent research from Civic Economics, local eateries return nearly 79 percent of revenue to the community,compared to just over 30 percent for chain restaurants. Overall, for every $100 spent at a local business, around $73 remains in the community, verus roughly $43 when shopping at a non-locally owned business.
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David Neth, a Batavia-based author of nearly 30 books of fantasy and superhero fiction and 10 of holiday romance, has deep roots in his Genesee County upbringing and professional background.
A Genesee County native, Neth graduated from Pembroke High School and currently lives in Batavia. With master’s degrees in Publishing and School Librarianship, Neth has spent over a decade immersed in the literary world, wearing hats including editor, designer, and promoter. He now works as a librarian at Pembroke High School, keeping him connected to his passion for books and storytelling.
Neth’sjourneyintocreativewritingwasinspiredbydissatisfaction with a video game’s story. “ e story, as I remember it, is that when I was 12 years old, my brother was playing a video game [with] a storyline. I didn’t like the direction the story was going, and I thought to myself, ‘I could do a better job than that.’” So, he started writing.
Over the years, Neth has honed a structured approach to his cra , saying, “I figured out over the years that I need to work from an outline. I’m not one who can sit down and ‘see where the characters take me.’ I need to know a clear beginning, middle, and ending from the start.” His process begins with brainstorming ideas and creating a detailed chapter-by-chapter outline. From there, he dra s, revises, and then collaborates with an editor before moving onto the final stages of publishing, including formatting, cover design, and promotion.
Flexibility has been a hallmark of Neth’s writing habits. “I’ve written on the family computer in the living room, my basement bedroom when I lived at home, a noisy dorm room in college,
and lunch breaks at work,” Neth says. Amid distractions or in complete silence, with vast spans or tiny chunks of time to write, he emphasizes, “What’s remained consistent is the writing, and that’s all that matters.”
Neth has found a dedicated audience through his holiday romance books, particularly the Small Town Christmas series set in Batavia. “People like to read about where they live—the things they know and are familiar with,” he says. Describing the series as “similar to Hallmark movies,” he believes its combination of positivity, hopefulness, and local charm resonates deeply with readers.
For aspiring writers, Neth offers three pieces of advice:
“1. Read a lot. Anything. Everything. In your genre. Out of your genre. It doesn’t matter. Pay attention to the way the writer cra s a story and focus on the ways they draw you in to make you feel like you’re not reading at all. en try to replicate that in your writing.
2. Write a lot. You will continue to call yourself an ‘aspiring’ writer if you don’t ever put words to a page. You only get better with practice, so write consistently and o en.
3. Allow yourself to [write badly]. Your first dra is not going to be perfect. You’re not going to [write] your best every day. Cut yourself some slack and just get the words on the page, even if you think they’re terrible while you’re writing them. You can edit a terrible dra ; you can’t edit a blank page.”
As Neth looks to the future, his goals include completing his ever-growing list of book ideas and expanding his readership. He also dreams of owning a bookstore someday, though he notes that remains a long-term aspiration.
With the conclusion of the Coven series set to publish in 2025, Neth continues to inspire both readers and aspiring writers with his dedication to storytelling and his deep connection to the Batavia community. www.davidnethbooks.com
Share your original story, personal experience, community happening or school event with us and you could earn CASH! It may be featured on our website for all to see and even selected for print. Email hometown@gvpennysaver.com for more information!
Level: Advanced
By Lucie Winborne
* Had Georgie Fletcher of Australia never signed on to play the mobile game “Words With Friends,” her husband, Simon, might be dead. Georgie struck up a friendship via the game’s chat feature with frequent opponent Beth Legler from Missouri. One day, Georgie told Beth that Simon hadn’t been feeling well. Beth relayed his symptoms to her husband Larry, a doctor, who insisted that the Fletchers go to the hospital immediately. A 99% blockage was discovered near his heart, which, left untreated, would have certainly been fatal.
* The process of things being stretched out and torn apart as they enter a black hole is called spaghettification.
* Our senses of taste and smell are cut by 50% and 20%, respectively, during flights, which is why airplane food has never tasted so hot. (“That’s what I’ve been telling you!” said every airplane food chef, ever.)
Thought for the Day: “A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.” -- Oliver Wendell Holmes
QUEEN BED FRAME (metal rails). Palmyra. 315-986-1029
RECLINER and one LEATHER LOUNGE CHAIR in good decent condition. Avon. 585-519-3325
QUEEN SIZE BOX SPRING, 8 years old from City Mattress. Excellent condition, no stains, non-smoking home. Spencerport. 585-406-1824
INFANT FORMULA WITH IRON, Hypoallergenic EleCare, 0-12 months. DHA | ARA Amino Acid Based Powder. Piffard. 585-243-0153
COOLERS for medical supplies. POOL LADDER, needs cleaning. hansjoan2@gmail.com
DOWNED TREES. You cut and remove. Byron. 585-721-1526
LIFE FITNESS ELLIPTICAL. Works great. Heavy- you move. Bring friends- need truck! Canandaigua. 585-469-4539
KING SIZE MATTRESS. 3yrs. old. No stains. Good condition. Pick up, Henrietta. 585-455-5933 lv msg
OVAL COFFEE TABLE. Very good condition. Pick up. 585-752-5809
40-GALLON FISH/TURTLE TANK w/hinged screen top. All lights/filters/ heaters, misc. accessories. Lima. 585-624-2657
BABY CRIB and MATTRESS in great condition. Avon. 585-613-6069
Two older working DESKTOP COMPUTERS. PREVAIL 100 ct., and a medium sized SHOPPING CART. Mount Morris. rayjentayok@gmail.com
36” Samsung Smart TV. Good condition. Chili. 585-705-5940
INDUSTRIAL METAL WORKBENCH, 6’ L x 33” H x 30” D with one shelf. Text 585-746-1798
For nonprofit organization only. Complete SANTA CLAUS OUTFIT. Pick up, Canandaigua. 585-233-6073
Owens Corning Canyon Red ROOF SHINGLES – 9, 3-tab and 18 cap shingles – can be used for repair. Fairport. marliej@frontier.com
HOSPITAL BEDS. Pick up, Avon. 585-729-8138
Three DRESSERS. Pittsford. 585-385-3699
17-20 large STYROFOAM BOXES. Good for frozen food transport or storage. Clarkson. 585-964-8306
LITTLE TYKES PLAYHOUSE in clean, good condition. 585-519-1261
Need an older HP 3050A DESKJET PRINTER SCANNER that is still working. 585-519-3325
SEWING MACHINE in good condition and ASSORTED FABRIC. Text/call 680-766-0230
SPIDER ORCHID that you no longer want. Webster/Penfield area. 585-217-3397
GOURDS for making birdhouses. susan5257@yahoo.com
LEGOs. Genesee Co for pick up. 585-356-9306
COMIC BOOKS. Any and all. Will pick up. Text/Call 585-260-0437
Any and all HISTORY MAGAZINES. Like American Heritage, Wild West. I will pick up. 585-755-3195
Old CIGARETTE LIGHTERS, working or non-working, TOBACCO TINS, PIPES, and accessories. bartonta@gmail.com
Empty GREEN GLASS OLIVE OIL BOTTLES. amber.weiland@yahoo.com
GUITAR, acoustic or electric. Does not have to be pretty as long as it plays well. Sth711@aol.com or 585-690-0367
DVD PLAYER and MICROWAVE in good working condition. 585-481-6517
HALL COAT TREE BENCH and the BIBLE MONOPOLY game. 585-507-8788
MAGAZINES: Birds & Blooms, Reminisce, anything military relatedboats, planes. 585-356-9466
WHITE BIRCH BRANCHES and/or LOGS. Call or text 585-764-9769
Old TRUCK or CAR in working condition. 585-629-8678
Cooperstown Dreams Field TRADING PINS. 585-334-6134
Collector edition BASEBALL CARDS. 585-419-5246
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received. Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
Take advantage of placing wood orders before the fuel prices increase.
• Conceal cables and cords. Cable and cord concealers are inexpensive and easily installed. Often used to cover cords hanging down from mounted televisions, concealers also can be used to hide cords coming from computers, lamps and other items that can pose a threat to young children.
• Avoid hand-me-down kids’ furniture. The older a piece of furniture is, the less likely it is that the item will meet current safety guidelines. Some parents may be tempted to let their children sleep in the same crib they slept in as kids decades ago, but it’s safer to eschew nostalgia in favor of products that meet the latest safety standards.
• Get rid of potential choking hazards. Prior to bringing their babies home, expecting parents can remove all small trinkets and other items that curious children may want to put in their mouths. When buying toys for kids, read the packaging to make sure each item is safe for babies and avoid buying or accepting any gifts with small pieces.
• Store all medicines on high shelves behind cabinet doors. Vitamins and medicines should be stored on high shelves behind cabinet doors. If kids can see them, they’ll likely try to grab them. Hiding medicines on high shelves behind closed cabinet doors reduces the risk that kids will be poisoned and suffer a fallrelated injury.
earned money. Your local merchant is working just as hard to earn your money. And when you choose to not support your local merchant and shop outside your community or county, you’ve robbed yourself of the benefits of your money staying where you live.
THINK LOCAL, especially at this gi ing time of year. Make it a Merry Christmas for all of us because, ‘it matters!’
businesses was more important than getting the best deals. That may be due to the feeling of helping out a fellow neighbor.
Shopping at small businesses keeps those establishments afloat, along with their employees. Small businesses are the largest employers in the United States. That’s also true in Canada, where 68.8 percent of the total labor force works for a small business. A person may never know when he or she - or a relative - will need a job. Keeping small businesses viable provides a strong job market for locals.
The Small Business Administration says $48 out of every $100 spent at a small business stays in the community. Spend the same $100 at a national retailer and only $14 stays.
National retailers and other businesses follow a global business model that may not allow for much customization, but small businesses can provide products or services that relate directly to the needs of the communities they serve. These same small businesses may also be more inclined to work with local vendors and start-ups than national companies that have global supply chains.
“When one
for us.” –Alexander Graham Bell
is expanding and needs the following personnel
For the upcoming winter season
• Snowplow Operators
• Loader Operators
• Sidewalk Technicians
Please send resume to: info@bubbaslandscape.net or stop in: Bubba’s Landscape 81 Lake St. • LeRoy, NY 14482 585-768-6578
Serves 8
8 tablespoons (1 stick) unsalted butter, melted and cooled, plus 1 tablespoon at room temperature for the pan
2 tablespoons granulated sugar
2 bananas
3/4 cup chopped pecans
3 tablespoons dark brown sugar
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
11/2 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
1 cup granulated sugar
2 large eggs, lightly beaten
1/4 cup sour cream
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
Preheat the oven to 350 F. Butter a 9-inch round cake pan with the 1 tablespoon room temperature butteranddustwiththegranulated sugar and tip out any excess. Place the bananas on a small rimmed baking sheet and roast for 15 minutes. Remove and set aside to cool.
In a small bowl, combine the pecans, brown sugar and cinnamon. Set aside.
Sift the flour, baking soda, baking powder, and nutmeg through a fine-mesh strainer into a medium bowl.
DID YOU KNOW? According to the American Cancer Society, the average age at the time of diagnosis of testicular cancer is 33. Young and middle-aged men are the most likely to be diagnosed with testicular cancer, though the ACS notes that 14 percent of cases occur in children, teens and men over the age of 55.The ACS estimates that roughly 440 men will die of testicular cancer in 2021. Though that’s troubling, testicular cancer can usually be treated successfully. In fact, the ACS notes that a man’s lifetime risk of dying from the disease is one in 5,000. However, the incidence rate of testicular cancer has been increasing in many countries, including the United States, for several decades. The reasons for that are unknown, though the rise in incidences underscores the need for men, especially young men, to discuss testicular cancer, including its risk factors and symptoms, with their physicians.
In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, beat together the butter and sugar on low speed until light and fluffy, 2 to 3 minutes. Add the eggs one at a time, mixing well after each addition. Scrape down the sides of the bowl with a spatula, then add the roasted bananas, sour cream and vanilla. Beat until incorporated.
With the mixer running on low speed, spoon in the flour mixture and mix until just combined. Pour the batter into the prepared pan and smooth the top with a spatula. Sprinkle evenly with the pecan topping. Bake for 40 to 45 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean with a few crumbs attached.
Let cool for 10 minutes before slicing and serving.
Rent your first home. The Allied survey found that 31 percent of respondents indicated the most challenging part of relocating for a job was finding a home, while 29 percent felt acclimating to their new community was the most challenging aspect of their relocation. Adults who rent their first homes upon relocating can remove some of the pressure to find the perfect home, knowing full well their first home in their new community will be temporary. If possible, rent in a location that makes it easy to immerse yourself in your new community, which should maketheadjustmenteasier.Inaddition,placeitemsthatareunnecessary for day-to-day life in storage. Having some of your possessions already packed should make your next move less stressful.
Are you ready to work for a company with a stellar reputation and a commitment to quality and innovation? Lapp, LLC, based in LeRoy, NY, is looking for a dedicated and skilled individual to join our team as a Production Worker.
Location: LeRoy, NY Shi : 1st and 2nd Shi ($1.25 /hour shi differential for 2nd shi )
Wage Range: Starting at $20.10/hour.
What You’ll Do:
• Read and interpret production orders, simple blueprints, & work instructions.
• Perform tasks requiring strong mechanical skills and attention to detail.
• Handle physical duties, including li ing heavy loads.
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Union Representation: is position is covered under a collective bargaining agreement.
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO): Lapp, LLC is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or any other legally protected status. We encourage applications from diverse candidates, including veterans and individuals with disabilities.
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