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Puzzle Answers This Week
Carpets & Bedding
Prior Sales Excluded
Hours: M-F 9-5; Sat. 10-3; Evenings by appointment www.wortzmanfurniture.com
Common Terms Found On Food Labels
Dietary fiber: The Mayo Clinic notes that dietary fiber refers to the parts of plant foods that the human body cannot digest or absorb. Fiber is typically classified as soluble, which refers to types of fiber that dissolve in water, and insoluble, which is used to describe types of fiber that promote movement of material through the digestive system. Soluble fiber can help lower blood cholesterol and glucose levels, while insoluble can help people who suffer from constipation or irregular stools.
Household Hazardous Waste Collection
Sat., Aug. 26 • 9am-12:15pm
Accepting: oil filters, antifreeze & vehicle batteries, household cleaning products, pesticides & insecticides, polishes & waxes, solvents, driveway sealer, pool chemicals, fluorescent bulbs & tubes, OIL BASED paint & stain ONLY, resins & adhesivesNO MOTOR OIL
Accepting: oil lters, antifreeze & vehicle batteries, household cleaning products, pesticides & insecticides, polishes & waxes, solvents, driveway sealer, pool chemicals, uorescent bulbs & tubes, LATEX & OIL BASED paint and stain, resins & adhesivesNO MOTOR OIL
* Tires accepted for $5.00 ea. (Passenger/ Light Truck). *NO ELECTRONICS www.glowsolidwaste.org or pgrayson@co.genesee.ny.us
*Tires accepted for $5.00 ea. (Passenger/ Light Truck). *NO ELECTRONICSsee our ad week of 9/10/20.
2583 Main Rd., P.O. Box 189, East Pembroke, NY 14056
Phone 585-762-8721 • Email: cornerstonechurchep@yahoo.com
Church Facebook: Cornerstone Church of East Pembroke
Bible Study every Wednesday at 10am • All are welcome!
Chicken BBQ May 21, start serving at 11:30am $15.00/dinner
Secretary’s hours: Tues, Weds, urs. 9am-1pm
PASTOR: Rev. Glenn Bloom, Jr 585-356-4657 • Pastor’s wife Joyce 585-356-8253
Our Lady of Mercy & St. Brigid Catholic Parishes
44 Lake St., LeRoy, NY 14482 • 585-768-6543 • www.ourladyofmercyleroy.org
Our Lady of Mercy Masses: Sat. 4:30pm; Sun. 7:15am, 10:45am, 5:30pm
Weekday Masses: Mon. - Fri. 7:30am; Sat. 9am
Confessions: Sat. 3-4pm; Tues. 7-7:30pm; urs. 6-6:30pm
St. Brigid’s, 18 Gibson St., Bergen, NY 14416, Sunday Mass: 9am
Weekday Masses: Tues. & urs. 8:30am; Confessions: Sat. 2-2:30pm
St. James Episcopal Church
405 East Main St., Batavia, NY • sjecbataviany.org
Sundays: 9am Service of God’s Word and Spiritual Communion -- via Zoom
10am Service of the Holy Eucharist -- In Person, Children Welcome
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8085432266
Meeting ID: 808 543 2266 • Password: zrXG3y
Pavilion United Methodist Church
Come worship with us!
11115 East Park St., Pavilion • 585-584-3808
Worship Sundays at 10:30 a.m.
Pastor Karen Woodworth
All are welcome!
Batavia First United Methodist Church
To Make Disciples We Must Listen, Learn, Lead, and Love Our Way to God!
8221 Lewiston Rd., Batavia, NY • 343-4708 • Rev. Wayne Mort
Worship & Sunday School, 10am • Child care provided Sun. at 10am. https://www.facebook.com/BataviaFirstUnitedMethodist
Indian Falls United Methodist Church
7908 Alleghany Rd, Corfu, NY 14036 • (585) 762-9105 https://indianfallsumc.com • indianfallsumc@gmail.com
Sunday Morning Worship 10:00am
Sunday School (all ages) 11:30am
All Are Welcome!
Cornerstone Church
8020 Bank Street Road, Batavia 343-8020 www.cornerstonebatavia.org
Sunday Co ee & Fellowship 9:30am • Sunday Worship Service 10am
Wednesday Prayer & Worship 5:30pm
Wednesday Men’s & Women’s Bible Study at 6:30pm
Church of Christ
PO Box 230, 60 Spring St., Brockport, NY 14420 • Minister: Scott Kelley 585-637-2650 • brockportchurchofchrist.org
10:00am Bible Study, 11:00am Worship Service; Wed. 7:00pm Mid-week Bible Study - email us for Zoom link
Additional parking at 69 High Street.
Protection of the Mother of God Russian Orthodox Church
100 Stanford Dr., Rochester, NY 14610 • 585-224-0554
Archpriest Gregory Naumenko, Rector • A ROCOR Parish
Serving all English and Russian Speaking Orthodox Christians
Full schedule of services and live service streaming at www.pomog.org
Batavia Seventh-Day Adventist Church
101 Richmond Ave, Batavia, NY 14020 • (585) 563-5331
Pastor, Edgar De León
Saturday Worship Service: 9:30am
Bible Study: 11am-12pm
Here’s a tip
• When baking, you can slow the rising time of dough by placing it in a cool place to rise. You can even let it rise in the refrigerator! Basically, it’s done rising when it’s doubled in size, so use that as your guide.
• Place individual fabric so ener sheets into sneakers to keep them fresh between wearings. You can use this for other shoes, too. Just be aware that the so ener sheet should stay inside the shoe; it could discolor certain fabrics on the outside.
• When baking savory bread, try substituting vegetable broth for the water in your recipe. It adds a deeper element of avor to the bread. Just try to use low-sodium broth so you don’t add too much salt to your bread.
Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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