Canandaigua-Naples- Genesee Valley Penny Saver- 1-31-25

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Though certain elements of modern-day Valentine’s Day celebrations can be traced back to the 14th century, chocolate is not one of them. In his 1382 poem, “Parlement of Foules,” English poet Geoffrey Chaucer became the first to connect romance with St. Valentine’s Day. Over the next several centuries, the day’s connection to romance only grew stronger,andbytheVictorianerain England, it was not uncommon for lovers to profess their affections through songs, poetry and even the giving of roses as gifts. It was during the Victorian era that British chocolate manufacturer Richard Cadbury began searching for ways to use the cocoa butter that his company was extracting during the production of their drinking chocolate. In 1861, Cadbury decided to produce edible chocolates, which he even sold and marketed in heartshaped boxes decorated with images of Cupid and rosebuds. It would be a few more decades before edible chocolates caught on in the United States, where they remain a must-have item for many Valentine’s Day celebrants more than 150 years after Cadbury first began selling them.

Submissions will be featured on our website, then cast your vote for the winner out of our top 5 favorites!

• Entries Accepted: 1/24/25 to 1/31/25

• Voting: 2/4/2025 to 2/10/25

• Winner Announced: 2/14/25 editions Contest

A world of words is yours to share, Through rhyme or verse, with thought or air. The Genes Va ey Penny Saver’s the place, To let your poem nd its space. Head to today, To enter your poem—don’t drift away! The Pen-a-Poem Contest is ca ing for you, Let your creativity shine through!

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Office: PO Box 340 1471 Route 15 Avon, NY 14414

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President ...........................Steve Harrison

General Manager ...........................Manuel Karam

Creative Director ................................Kelly Nolan

Production Supervisor

.................................Jeff Wasson

Sales Department ............................Colleen Mann

Circulation Manager ...............................Paul Schojan

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GrovelandRoad.February7th(3pm6pm),8th(10am-2pm),and9th (10am-1pm).MOVINGSALE.Almost everything’s$1.SaturdayBOGO,Sunday4for$1/kidsshopfree!Antiques, furniture,oldbooks,homedecor, collectibles,men’swoman’s/kids/ clothes,toys.


Price things reasonably It’s tempting to overprice items, but a good rule of thumb is to mark things for one-half to one-third of the original value. Be open to negotiation, but try to haggle with a “buy one get one” approach, rather than marking down the price considerably. After all, the goal is to get rid of as many items as possible, with financial gain a distant second.

Site Work

Septic Pumping

Septic Systems



National Award Winning Paper

Fair Housing Statement

All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main St., Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • 5810 Goodale Rd., Canandaigua Call 585-394-4722

olunteers eeded


• Begin Again Horse Rescue: We need you! e horses need you! Volunteer in the barn. Volunteer in the tack shop. Volunteer for fundraising. Volunteer once or on a regular schedule. Volunteer on the weekend or during the week. Email:

• Tool ri Shop: Volunteer/donation based storefront that provides reuse of tools/hardware. Flexible Volunteer times with variety of roles from Cashier to Tool Preparation, with profits benefiting Senior programs in our Community. Email to become part of our family.

• Geneseo Groveland Emergency Food Pantry: Shopping Assistants needed. Tuesday mornings from 10am-12pm.


• Genesee County CASA for Children: Change a Child’s Story! CASA is seeking volunteers to advocate for the best interest of children who come to the attention of Family Court as a result of abuse and/ or neglect. Flexible schedule, training provided, supportive network. Make that difference! Email:

• Guiding Eyes for the Blind: Do you love dogs? Join our So Tier region and volunteer to raise a puppy to be a future guide dog. You supply love, socializing and basic obedience. We provide vet care and classes. Email:

• Crossroads House: Genesee County’s only comfort care home. Please consider lending your time and talents to care for our two residents at end-of-life. Will train!


• American Red Cross: Doing Good Does You Good - Blood Donor Ambassador. Greet blood donors, help them sign in and monitor their well-being a er they have donated. Allegany, Cayuga, Monroe, Ontario & Wayne Counties. Training provided. 585-690-4021 or

• Cheshire Volunteer Fire Dept: Looking for dedicated individuals to be part of our team! Join the busiest volunteer fire department in Ontario County. Firefighters, EMTs, Boat Operators, Cold/Ice Water and Rope Rescue Techs plus support personnel needed. Training available. Email:

• Rush Recreation and Park Association: Help us plant and care for 50 acres of Native Trees, Bushes, and Perennials on formerly farmed land as a demonstration of the beauty and utility of native plants in providing food and habitat for reduced numbers of birds and pollinators. Email:

• Patrick Place-A Comfort Care Home - Scottsville: Looking for additional volunteers, Resident Care and other opportunities. No experience necessary, all training provided. Go to for info and application.

• Webster Association of Senior Program Supporters: Volunteer drivers will drive Webster School District Residents, seniors and disabled, to their medical, dental, physical therapy, and health related appointments anywhere in Monroe County. A great Webster service for those who are no longer able to drive themselves. Email

Charitable Organizations and Nonprofits can submit requests at under ‘Share With Us.’ Published online and in print of the last week of the month as space permits. See more volunteer opportunities at


Volunteering: Local environmental groups often sponsor cleanups at parks and waterfront attractions like beaches and lakes. Volunteering with such organizations is a great way to get outside and give back, and working with like-minded individuals can be a great way for seniors to meet new people. In addition, a national study sponsored by the Corporation for National and Community Service in 2019 found that 88 percent of Senior Corps volunteers who initially reported a lack of companionship reported a decrease in feelings of isolation after volunteering.


• 8 1-inch-thick bread slices, cut from a country or peasant loaf

• 2 cups half-and-half

• 4 egg yolks

• 3 tablespoons light brown sugar

• 1 tablespoon vanilla extract, plus 1/2 teaspoon

• 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

• 3 tablespoons unsalted butter

• 1/2 cup sour cream

• 1 tablespoon granulated sugar

• 1/3 cup strawberry jam or preserves (see note 2)

1. Arrange a rack at center position and preheat the oven to 400 F. Place the bread slices on a baking sheet and bake until dry and very lightly browned, about 8 minutes per side. Watch carefully so that the bread does not burn. Remove the bread from the oven and reduce the oven temperature to 200 F.

2. In a medium bowl, whisk together the half-and-half, egg yolks, brown sugar, 1 tablespoon vanilla, and cinnamon. Pour the mixture into a shallow pan (a 9-by-13-inch glass baking dish works well). Add the

toasted bread slices and soak them 4 minutes per side. Remove to a large plate or platter.

3. Place a large, heavy frying pan over low to medium heat. Add about 2 teaspoons of the butter, or enough to coat the bottom of the pan lightly. When melted, add enough bread slices to fit comfortably in a single layer. Cook slowly until the slices are golden brown and crisp on both sides, about 4 minutes per side. Remove to a baking sheet and place in the warm oven. Repeat, adding more butter to the pan as needed until all the bread slices have been sautéed.

4. In a small bowl, stir together the sour cream, granulated sugar and remaining 1/2 teaspoon vanilla.

5. When ready to serve, spread each toast with a thin coating of strawberry jam and top with a dollop of sweetened sour cream.

Note 1: The best bread for this dish is an unsliced loaf of good-quality peasant or country bread, preferably one without an extra-hard crust. One that is rectangular, rather than round, is more convenient, but either will do. Cut off the ends of the loaf, and reserve for another use. Then slice the bread into 1-inch-thick slices. If your loaf is large and the slices seem large, cut them in half.

Note 2: You can try other jams, preserves or marmalades. Cherry, raspberry or


marmalade are other possibilities.

Spring Presentation for 2025 Trips

Saturday, March 8, 1:00-4:00pm*

Friendly Village Club House (Manchester, NY)

Meet our staff, listen to a presentation of tours and enjoy light refreshments!

*Presentation will start PROMPTLY at 1:15PM. Please be on time.

*Space is limited and an RSVP is Required! Call Darlene at 585-289-1071 and leave your name & phone number.


• Tuesday, April 15: WWII Museum, Beef ‘n Barrel Lunch & Cuba Cheese Shoppe $149 PP

• Tues.- Wed., May 6-7: PA Dutch Country featuring NOAH $449 PPouble

• Tuesday, May 13: Quilter’s Day Trip to the Southern Tier $125 PP

• Wednesday, June 25: Seneca Lake Doo Wop Lunch Cruise (Gal’s Day Out!) $179 PP

• Tues.- urs., July 15-17 : Ohio Amish Lands featuring 2 Shows! $699 PP Dbl

• Wednesday, July 30: Hidden Valley Animal Adventure $159 PP

• Tuesday, August 19: A Summer Day in Chautauqua $189 PP

• Fri.- Sat., September 19-20: e ADK Balloon Festival in Lake George $TBD

• Tuesday, October 14: Autumn in Cooperstown, NY (Gent’s Day Out!) $TBD

All tours include deluxe charter motorcoach and depart from Tops Plaza Cli on Springs and Canandaigua Park & Ride. Additional pickup locations may be offered - see individual tour flyers for details. Senior Citizen/Adult Motorcoach Tours


DMSO Isn’t Recommended Based On Potential Harm

DEAR DR. ROACH: I’m interested in consuming dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). I’ve read that it will destroy the root of cancer and hasten the healing of broken bones, ligaments and strained muscles. My question is whether it is OK to consume the suggested amount of DMSO? My aortic valve was replaced with a mechanical valve three years ago. After 12 months of follow-up exams, I was informed that the valve had sealed perfectly and was told to enjoy life. --

ANSWER: DMSO is indicated by the Food and Drug Administration for the symptomatic relief of interstitial cystitis, a chronic and painful bladder condition. It is instilled directly in the bladder and is sometimes used for other urinary conditions, although there is no evidence of its usefulness.

DMSO is often used topically for musculoskeletal injuries, and some people do note pain relief. Numerous studies on rheumatological conditions (such as rheumatoid arthritis) failed to show a benefit, although a study from Germany in 1995 showed that DMSO gel with a 25% concentration reduced pain when applied to joints. Other studies were unable to confirm this. For cancer, there are no convincing studies that show benefit, and some studies have shown an increase in breast cancer cell growth with DMSO. Based on studies showing minimal benefit and potential harm, I don’t recommend the use of DMSO. What’s more important is that the studies have been done with medical-grade DMSO, which is only available with a prescription. When you buy DMSO at a hardware store, you are getting industrial-grade DMSO, which is potentially contaminated with industrial toxins and isn’t intended for human use.

In addition, DMSO is very good at bringing other substances with it into the skin. This is useful as a drug-delivery system but dangerous when the DMSO you use is contaminated with chemicals or if you get those chemicals on your skin. While I can find DMSO for sale that companies purport to be very pure, you are relying on the company that may or may not have purified it, as it isn’t independently tested. However, I do not think that the topical use of DMSO is likely to be a danger to your prosthetic heart valve.

DEAR DR. ROACH: Recently, at an event sponsored by our community, an expert on the gut microbiome gave a lecture on how to keep it in balance. While the lecture was generally informative and useful, at one point, he stated that vaccines were detrimental to the microbiome. Is there any evidence (other than anecdotal) that supports such an opinion? -- W.G.

ANSWER: The huge number of bacteria in our gastrointestinal tract is referred to as the microbiome, and our microbiome can have effects on many aspects of our functioning. How much of an effect it has is debated. COVID-19 infections were known to have a marked detrimental effect on the microbiome, but the effect of vaccination on the microbiome was not well-studied until quite recently. A 2024 study from the University of Cambridge found that the microbiome was only minimally affected by vaccination. Based on this recent study, I disagree with your community speaker and conclude that if you’re concerned about your microbiome, you’d be much better off getting vaccinated and taking other steps to prevent infection.

Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Email questions to © 2025 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved

(Cleaning, X-rays, Comprehensive Exam)

Valid for one month ONLY – Expires 1/31/25. Appointments will be limited and fill fast. is is a total savings of $258!

*Cannot be combined with insurance, discounts, or any other savings.*

Dr. Julie Labrecque


Explore poaching, broiling and grilling. Poaching, broiling and grilling are three healthy alternatives to frying. Broiling and grilling expose food to direct heat, so it is a fast method of cooking and may not be appropriate for foods that require longer cooking times to tenderize. Poaching is the process of simmering foods in water or another flavorful liquid.

JANUARY 31, 2025

500 BC | Hot & Spicy Chocolate

The Ancient Mayans drank chocolate made from crushed cocoa seeds mixed in water and chili peppers.

1876 | Milk Chocolate Swiss Chocolatier

Daniel Peter created

This drink reminds us of rainy days, skiing, sledding, or even a quiet day watching the snow fall. It’s thick, silky, toasty, and usually smothered in whipped cream—no other drink brings warmth to our lives and tastebuds quite like hot chocolate. Cozy up with your favorite mug because on January 31, we celebrate National Hot Chocolate Day, a day devoted to our favorite chocolate beverage.



We rescued Zooey, the Scottish Terrier, in August From EARS. She is loving life! She uses her nose as a snowplow.


What are common expectations? A foster program will explain their specific expectations. These may include training the pets to void outdoors or in a litter box. Foster parents may be expected to teach a dog to rest in his crate or basic commands.

Send us a photo! and a brief write-up of your pet and we’ll feature it! Submit at: under Share With Us or mail to: P.O. Box 340, Avon, NY 14414. Pets will be published at discretion of GVPS.



DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I hope you will warn your readers to take care of their dogs’ paws during the winter. Recently, a er a big snowstorm, I took my toy poodle, “Blake,” out for his morning walk. Five feet from the door, he let out a yelp and started limping with his right front paw li ed. A big piece of rock salt had embedded itself in one of the pads! I took him back inside to clean the wound. Fortunately, it wasn’t too bad, but I had to carry him outside for the rest of the week to do his business until it healed. -- Tired Momma in Buffalo, New York

DEAR TIRED: Many owners are aware that ice and snow can cause frostbite injury to their dogs, but some don’t realize that rock salt and other deicers are also dangerous. In addition to potentially cutting their paws, deicing mixtures that have low or no salt use chemicals that can poison pets.

Before venturing out in cold weather -- even when it’s above freezing -- dogs of all sizes should have on booties and a warm vest (one that is water-resistant if it’s snowing or raining). I know some owners will scoff and say that dogs survived thousands of years without booties. But they didn’t have to contend with salt-strewn sidewalks!

A frostbitten paw is very painful, as well, and could mean your dog is sidelined indoors for several days as the injury heals. Getting too cold while outside -- especially for small dogs -- can cause hypothermia or reduce their resistance to illness. So remember, if it feels cold to you, it feels cold to them. Take heed and protect your dog from cold weather.

Send your tips, comments or questions to

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Tax experts say Americans should now have documents needed to file their taxes, but filing choices differ. When do you typically file your taxes?

• As soon as I receive my documents

• Last minute, running down the clock to April 15

• Depending on my circumstances each year

• I don’t pay taxes

Poll ends 02-04-2025

Poll ended 01-28-2025

January 20, 2025 commemorates the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr, who “had a dream” that boys and girls could school together, regardless of race, religion, creed, or color, judged only “by the content of their character” and not “the color of their skin.” 61 years later, where do you think we stand as a nation?

19.0% We have achieved Dr. King’s vision

28.6% We have made significant progress, but there’s still work to be done

1. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What year was the first Barbie doll released?

2. MOVIES: What is the name of the island in the “Jurassic Park” film?

3. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What are baby rabbits called?

4. U.S. STATES: Which state is the home of Mount Rushmore?

5. INVENTIONS: When were emojis invented?

6. TELEVISION: In the TV series “The Walking Dead,” what was the character Rick Grimes’ profession previously?

7. CHEMISTRY: Which element is also known as quicksilver?

8. SCIENCE: What is the name for the pivot on which a lever turns?

Level: Advanced

14.3% We have made little to no progress toward this vision

38.1% We are now moving away from Dr. King’s dream

Vote and make your voice heard when you visit WWW.GVPENNYSAVER.COM!

Each mumbered row contains two clues and two answers. e two answers differ from each other by only one letter, which has already been inserted. For example, if you exchange the A from MASTER for an I, you get MISTER. Do not change the order of the letters.

9. GEOGRAPHY: Which country is home to the ancient city of Petra?

10. MUSIC: Which of Taylor Swift’s songs was first to appear on the Billboard Hot 100?


February’s birthstone is the amethyst, which symbolizes piety, sincerity and spiritual wisdom.

1. 1959.
2. Isla Nublar.
3. Kits.
4. South Dakota.
5. 1999.
6. Sheriff’s deputy.
7. Mercury.
8. Fulcrum.
9. Jordan.
10. “Tim McGraw.”
© 2025 King Features Synd., Inc.

active senior living

Here’s A Tip

* To ripen a green tomato, wrap it in a sheet of newspaper or place it in a paper bag. It can then be le on the counter for several days to ripen.

* “To keep those ice crystals from forming on the top of your quart of ice cream, just cut a square of plastic wrap and push it down onto the surface of the ice cream each time you scoop a bowlful out. It peels off easily when you’re ready for another helping, but there’s no ice! Works for me!” -- T.D. in Nebraska

* White vinegar will clean off fruit or food coloring stains on your hands -- or most other places too!

Hocus Focus

LEAH OU’S PIPA: TranscendingMusical BoundariesthroughtheFusion ofTradition&Innovation

“Startingatsuchayoungage laidthefoundationformy lifelongpassionformusic.”

Leah Ou’s musical journey began in Chengdu, China, where she was born and first picked up the pipa at the age of six. “Starting at such a young age laid the foundation for my lifelong passion for music,” she reflects. Her early training was rigorous, but it helped establish the technical skills that would become the cornerstone of her artistry. She participated in numerousbandsandensemblesthroughouttheyears, honing her ability to adapt to various musical settings and deepen her appreciation for collaboration.

Learning the pipa, however, was not without its challenges.Leahvividlyrecallsherfamily’sdedication to her cra : “My mom or grandma would take me to lessons by bicycle, with me sitting on the back holding my pipa tightly. I’d eat instant noodles before class because our schedules were too packed to cook.” Despite moments of physical strain – “I remember crying sometimes from the soreness in my fingers a erpracticingtoomuchbeforecompetitions”–Leah found joy in the music itself. “ e joy of feeling the music move through my body, discovering the stories behind each piece, and seeing people’s amazement at this unique instrument made the journey incredibly rewarding,” she shares.

Leah’s passion for the pipa began with a deliberate choice. “My mom took me to a music store, and I was immediately drawn to its beautiful pear-shaped design and intricate details,” she recalls. She almost chose the Chinese flute, but the pipa captured her heart.

One of her earliest and most transformative experiences with the instrument came when she encountered the ancient composition “Ambush from Ten Sides.” “ is piece, which depicts an ancient battle, initially shocked me with how much dissonance and noise it included,” she says. “It broadened my sense of the pipa’s incredible versatility.” Over time, it has become one of her favorite pieces to perform.

A er moving to Rochester, Leah began an exciting new chapter in her musical journey. She released her debut album, O’s Pipa, which showcased classical and traditional pipa compositions. Her latest album, Nomad, is a testament to her ability to innovate while respecting tradition. “ is album represents a blend of classical Chinese techniques and my own compositions,” Leah explains. Nomad also highlights her collaborative spirit, featuring instruments like guitar, piano, synthesizer, flute, and drums alongside the pipa. For this project, she also recorded on her second Chinese instrument, the ruan. “ e ruan holds a special place in my musical journey,” she adds, noting that she learned it during an internship with the TianZi Chinese Orchestra, part of the Sichuan Symphony Orchestra.

Leah’s artistry has been shaped by the guidance of remarkable mentors. She credits her long-time teacher, Tang Wenting, a National First-Class Pipa Performer in China, for instilling a poetic understanding of the instrument. “She told me to ‘feel the music’ and strive to achieve the sound of ‘big and small pearls dropping on a jade plate,’” Leah recounts. e imagery, drawn from an ancient poem, “ e Ballad of the Pipa,” continues to inspire her approach to music.

Another pivotal figure is Wu Man. “At the Silkroad Global Musician Workshop, renowned pipa virtuoso, Wu Man taught me the importance of being relaxed in my music and my head,” Leah says. “She also inspired me to dive deeper into traditional Chinese pieces.”

Recently, Leah explores new territory with rock band, Mountain – River – Traveler, which creates a fusion of traditional Chinese elements and modern rock energy, with the pipa, ruan, electric guitar, bass, and drums. e band’s innovative sound, which they call “supercharged Chinese folk,” blends powerful grooves with

Lovetowrite?Share your original stories about local heroes, community events, school achievements, or hidden gems—and you could earn CASH! Your submission might even be featured on our website or in print!


intricate time signatures to push musical boundaries, with the goal of making music that feels “fresh yet familiar, traditional yet modern, and transcends musical boundaries.”

Leah’s proudest moments as a musician o en come from sharing her music with others. “I cherish moments of practicing alone, becoming immersed in the stories behind the music, and meticulously preparing for performances,” she says. From the adrenaline of pre-show preparations to the quiet satisfaction of packing up a erward, these experiences ground her and affirm her connection to her art.

Leah’s upcoming performances reflect her diverse musical endeavors. On January 27th, she will present on the pipa and perform a concert for the Rochester Guitar Club (open to the public) at 1010 East Avenue, Rochester. On February 2nd, she will perform with Mountain – River – Traveler at the Lunar New Year Festival in Hamburg. On May 24th, she will appear at the Hillbrook House Concerts ROC series.

To follow Leah’s musical journey and discover her work, visit her websites,, or find her on Facebook: imospipa.

rough her dedication to both tradition and innovation, Leah Ou continues to enchant audiences, proving that the pipa’s rich legacy has a vibrant place in the modern musical landscape.




Wanttoreply? Goonlinetosee all&comment! 2


Thank You

School closed, what’s important?

Thank you to the person or persons who picked up our breakfast tab mid-December at Golden Boys Webster. We were not able to find out who you are or where you were sitting and don't know much about you. What we do know is that you are thoughtful, kind and generous. My husband is a veteran and often wears his hat. If that was the reason for your kind gesture, thank you. it was much appreciated. Hope you see this 'vibe' and know we will pay it forward! A veteran and his wife

Thank you Dr Ken and Lorie

Of Lima Veterinary Center! My daughter and I picked up an injured red tail hawk this evening and stopped there hoping for some advice on what to do with it or who to call. Instead, even though they had literally been in their car ready to leave for the night, we were brought right in and got to watch/help as they expertly examined the hawk and set him up for the night! Turns out Dr. Ken works with Wild Wings, Inc, so we lucked out! He was the exact right person to help the poor hawk! We are so very lucky to have people right here in our community who can and will drop everything to help our injured wildlife! Fingers crossed the hawk is just stunned and will be feeling better tomorrow.

[Recently], two schools were closed due to weather and travel conditions, and regents exams canceled. But low and behold, [local school] held hockey practice that day, and also had a game that night against [local school], that was also closed because of poor travel and weather. A travel advisory was issued all day. When school is closed all activities should cease. Travel time was 50 minutes to the rink. Why put kids in danger? If the school allows a sporting event for a total of 4 hours when school is closed, they could have given the regents exams that night, not to upset another day of lost classes. Do sports count more than classroom work? It seems that every year there are fewer and fewer school days. Why not just go to remote learning, get rid of our school taxes, and if anyone wants sports, start private schools?

Don't crowd the plow

Why do people choose to crowd the plows? They can only go so fast down the road, and for goodness' sake, they're clearing the roads so that you can drive safely to wherever you need to go so darned fast. When it snows, slow down, take a breath, pay attention to the world around you, and we'll all get where we need to go safely.


Allens Hill Free Library

3818 County Road 40

Bloomfield • 585-229-5636

Hours: Tues. & Wed. 3-6pm; Fri. 3-8pm; Sat 1-4pm

Bristol Library

6750 County Rd. #32, Bristol 585-229-5862,

Hours: Mon., Wed., & Thurs. 3-7pm; Tues. & Sat. 10am-2pm

Gorham Free Library

2664 Main St., Gorham, 585-526-6655

M & F, 12–6 PM; T & TH, 2–8 PM W, 9 AM–5 PM; Sat., 9 AM–1 PM Sun., 2–4 PM

Naples Library

118 S. Main St., Naples (585) 374-2757

Honeoye Public Library

8708 Main St., Honeoye 585-229-5020 • Hours: Mon. 12-6pm; Tues., Thurs. 2-8pm; Wed. 10am-4pm; Sat. 9am-1pm; Fri. & Sun. Closed

Hours: Mon., Wed., Fri. 10am-6pm; Tues., Thurs 10am-7pm; Sat. 10am-2pm Sunday Closed Red Jacket Com. Library

89 S. Main St., Manchester Hours: Sun. & Mon. Closed; Tues. & Wed. 11am-8pm; Th. & Fri. 10am-5pm; Sat. 10am-2pm

Wood Library

134 North Main St., Canandaigua 585-394-1381,

Hours: Mon. to Thurs. 9am-9pm; Fri. 9am-6pm; Sat. 10am-5pm

CHAIR YOGA,Tuesdays&select Saturdays,9-9:45am.KNIT& STITCH,firstandthirdTuesdayeverymonth,10am-12pm.EUCHRE, Thursdays,3-5pm.TAICHI Thursdays,2-2:45pm,January9thMarch27th.NAPLESWEAVERS’ GUILD,secondSaturdaymonthly, 10am-12pm.HEALTHINSURANCE HELP,secondandfourthTuesdays, 3-5pm.PleasecallHelpLineat 1-800-346-2211toschedulean appointment.AfreeserviceprovidedbyFingerLakesCommunity Health.WATERCOLORCLASS,Saturday,February1st,12-2pm.$35 perpersoncashorcheck.STORY TIMEWITHHALLEYTHETHERAPY DOG,Saturday,February1st,at 1pm.BASICSOFESTATEPLANNING,Wednesday,February5th, 6-7pm.Free,providedbyarepresentativefromFingerLakesAttorneyPLLC.HISTORYANDMYSTERYVIDEOSHOWING,Tuesday, February18th,12:30-1:30pm.ProvidedbyBristolHillsHistoricalSociety,a35-minutevideothatbrings tolifethepopularbook.BOOK CLUB,Wednesday,February19th (thirdWednesdayeverymonth) 6-7pm,discussingBittersweetby ColleenMcCullough.Signupatthe frontdesk.


BloomfieldLionsClub-Spaghetti Dinner atVeteransPark. DineinorTakeout.Wednesday, February12th,4:30-6:30pmor SOLDOUT.6910Routes5&20 Bloomfield.Adults$12.00(13and UP)Children$6(12andunder). DinnerincludesSpaghetti, Meatballs,salad,breadandice cream.BloomfieldCubScoutsPack 54assistinginDiningRoom.(Proceedsbenefitcharitableworkwe performinourcommunity).


HikeFishersParkinVictor- Hike & ExploreFishersParkSundayFebruary2from2-4PMwith SpringwaterTrails,followedbya socialget-togetherattheCottage HotelinMendon.Foradditional info/directions/updatesvisitthe


Viola Davis Desmond: Born in Halifax, Nova Scotia, in 1914, Viola Davis Desmond took a stand for African Canadians in 1946 when she refused to sit in the balcony at the Roseland Theatre in New Glasgow, a section designated for Blacks. Desmond was forcibly removed and arrested and ultimately fined and sentenced to 30 days in jail. She took her case all the way to the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, which upheld the verdict. Desmond passed away in 1965, but in 2010 the province of Nova Scotia issued an official apology and pardoned her.


DownUnderinAustralia- Are you readyforavirtualget-awayto Australia?JoinusonSaturday,February8,2025,asSonnenbergGardenClubmemberBethHickman presentshighlightsofhertripto Australia.TouringtheGreatBarrier Reef,theOutback,andSydney, Bethandherhusbandexploredthe geological,biological,andhistorical diversityofthisfascinatingcontinent.Thispresentationwillbe heldatWoodLibrary,134N.Main St.,Canandaigua,10:30a.m.Itis freeandopentothepublic.

OntarioCounty101:ThePhelps and GorhamPurchaseLunchtimeHistoryTalksarebackin 2025!Sopackalunchandvisit OCHSforthefirstofthespring series,hostedbyourveryown DirectorofEducation,BenFalter! Benwillbeservingupathorough lookatthePhelpsandGorham Purchaseof1789,whichprovidesa windowintolocaldevelopment andexplainsthecreationofOntarioCounty.February6,12-1pm, OntarioCountyHistoricalSociety, 55NMainSt.,Canandaigua.

VinylRecordNight@DalaiJava! Celebrate thenewyearwithOCHS, CanandaiguaRecordExchange, andDalaiJava!AFREEeveningof jazzonvinylfromthe50sand60s, alongwithafewsurprisegems. We’redoingthingsalittledifferentlyin2025likegoingouton thetown!OnFebruary7,5-7pm, catchourdreamteamdownat DalaiJavaforthisveryspecialrenditionofoursemi-annualVinylRecordNight!Keepyoureyespeeled fordetailsonsomehotsy-totsyrafflebaskets!(Infocomingsoon!) Donationsfromthiseventwillsupportour2025summerinternship program.DalaiJava,157SMain St.,Canandaigua.

CalledtoCare,Canandaigua’s “Chasin’ theBlues” eventreturns onFebruary7that7:00pmat CrosswindsWesleyanChurch, 3360MiddleCheshireRoad, Canandaigua.Featuredthisyear willbeaperformancebyCoolClub andtheLipkerSistersandatestimonyfromDougDoeblerandJudi Gorenflo.$30ticketsareavailable nowatCNBBankandMobileMusicinCanandaigua.Ticketsare$35 atthedoor.

CanandaiguaElksPizza&Wings - 19 NiagaraStreet,Saturday,February1st,from4:00pmto7:00pm. Dineinorcarryout-CASHonly! Nophoneorderswillbeaccepted. Thepublicisinvitedtocomeinthe frontdoorentranceandplacetheir orderatthebar.Pizzasizes7”, 12”,16”,plusregular&boneless wings,chickentenders& mozzarellasticks.Specialtypizza thismonth-16”LasagnaPizza.


TheHoneoyeAmericanLegion 1278 Auxiliary’sMonthlyDinner willbeFebruary3rd,4:00pm6:00pmoruntilgone.Cost$7. Takeoutonly.Dinnerwillbelasagna,salad,Italianbreadandcake fordessert.ReservationsaresuggestedbytextingBonnieat 585-752-2939withquantityand approximatepickuptime.4931Co Rd36,Honeoye.Thankyoufor helpingussupportourtroopsand veterans!

There is a privacy about it which no other season gives you.... In spring, summer and fall people sort of have an open season on each other; only in the winter, in the country, can you have longer, quiet stretches when you can savor belonging to yourself.


Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:

• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program

• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor

• Organizations seeking donations of items

Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows.

Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date

REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414

Residents of St. Lucia celebrate their independence on February 22.


Take-outSpaghettiDinner at the UnitedMethodistChurchof Livonia,21SummerSt,Livoniaon Wednesday,February12,4:306:00PM(oruntilsoldout).Spaghetti,sauce,meatballs,undressed salad,andgarlicbread.Donations accepted.


ChocolateCakeContest- Saturday February8thduringNaples VintageVinesandValentines.Bring yourcakestotheMorganHose Buildingbetween9:00-10:30 a.m.,winnersandprizeswillbe awardedat1:00p.m.,cakeslices willbesoldtobenefittheNaples HistoricalSociety1:15-4:00p.m. Visitwww. NaplesNYHistoricalSociety.orgfor contestrules,prizecategories,and information.

Storms:ArtExhibition-The Work ofMichaelT.Smith willbe ondisplayintheHurstGalleryat CummingNatureCenter,Naples throughMarch30,2025.Stormsis astudyinthebeautyofmovement andchange.Drawinginspiration frompersonalexperiencesandthe strikinglandscapesoftheFinger Lakes,thiscollectionseekstocapturetheaweandwonderfoundin life’sturbulentmoments.Gallery Hours:Sunday:9AM-5PM.Monday:Closed.Tuesday:Closed. Wednesday:9AM-4PM.Thursday: 9AM-4PM.Friday:9AM-4PM.Saturday:9AM-5PM.Admission:Free withadmissiontoCummingNature Center.Formoreinformation:


BreakfastBuffet, Sunday, February9th,7:30-11:00AMatthe LimaLegionPost282,2475State Route65,WestBloomfield.$10 Adults;$6Ages8-12;7&under Free.Sausagegravy&biscuits, scrambledeggs,homefries,French toast,bacon,sausage,pastries, fruit,juice,coffee.Takeouts available.Everyonewelcome.

The cry of our heart is to know God and make Him known. Come and join us Sunday mornings at 9:30am for worship. Trevor Price, Senior Pastor 7609 County Road 36 • Naples, NY 14512 • 585-374-5310

26th Annual Sunday, February 9, 2025 9AM-3:30PM Hotel Canandaigua 205 Lakeshore Drive, Canandaigua

$9 Admission • Clip ad for $1 discount or download coupons at:

Honey is a natural wonder that can be equally useful in the kitchen and in the medicine cabinet.

Magic Maze


300 USED CORKS available to any nonprofit organization. Henrietta. 585-474-0588

Daily Messenger (Canandaigua) 150TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION from 1947. 175th ANNIVERSARY EDITION from 1972. DEMOCRAT & CHRONICLE 1998. 585-742-3687

FOOSBALL TABLE - original wooden model. Quite heavy. You move. Lima.

Large STANDUP FREEZER. Lights work, gets cold, won’t freeze. Very old, very heavy WATER TANK. Move from basement - several stairs. Lima.

Several hundred gallons of HEATING OIL. In basement. Must pump tank yourself. Springwater.

Large DOG CRATE, RECLINER, LIVING ROOM CHAIR and two 20” TVs. Farmington. 585-330-5022

FOLDUP ALUMINUM WALKER with wheels in the front. 585-2089784

1960s PLAYER PIANO player with bench, rolls and sheet music. The player mechanism needs repair. Avon. Text or call 585-576-6828

Large bag of JEWELRY BOXES - a variety of sizes. Fairport. 585-388-0318

1990 SONY 5-disc player. Works great. Pick up near MCC.

About 20 / 2 lb. bags of WHITE RICE. You pick up, Springwater.

Several boxes of WOMEN’S HEAVY ABSORBENCY UNDERWEAR (small/medium) and BOOSTER PADS. Also, several FLOWER VASES. Gates. 585-402-8870

COLOGNE: L’Homme Suave by Capucci, 100 mil. half full bottle. Dior Sauvage clone/copycat. Penfield.

COLOGNE: Imperia by Rayhaan, 100 mil. bottle, 90% full. Creed Aventus clone/copycat. Penfield.

20 one dozen CARDBOARD EGG CARTONS, 60+ TOILET PAPER ROLLS - great for crafts or seed starting, 20+ VHS MOVIES. Penfield. 585-736-2749

Approx. 25 bags and pails of CHESTNUT COAL. Wayland. 585-278-4119


Working COFFEE MAKER with POT.

Electric, active HOYER LIFT year 2020 or newer. Can pick up.

PLASTIC COATED PAPER FISHING MAPS of the Finger Lakes. Call or text Roy 585-208-9784

A couple of old WOOD STEPLADDERS, 6 - 8 feet.

MOTORIZED SCOOTER for person in Genesee Co. 585-483-3110


Cooperstown Dreams Field TRADING PINS.


COMIC BOOKS- any & all. Any condition. Any amount. Will pick up. Text/call 585-260-0437


ALUMINUM WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE RAMP, 20’ long or shorter. 585-329-2964

ART SUPPLIES in new/good condition: drawing, painting, photo, fabric/sewing, paper, storage containers, jewelry, wood crafts.

METRONOME. 585-948-5079

ICE SKATES FOR YOUNG BOYS. Sizes 12 & 7. Text 585-313-9355

CHESTNUT COAL. 585-374-5768

AMPLIFIED TV ANTENNA and a small ELECTRIC SPACE HEATER. 585-323-1762 leave message

Working HOME EMBROIDERY MACHINE w/5x7 hoop or larger. 585-297-9273

COAT TREE, small IGLOO DOGHOUSE, medium sized DOG CRATE. 585-507-8788

Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received. Submit at under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111


Rare coins & currency, Gold/Silver bullion, buy and sell.

Private appointments/ house calls available. 585-289-7326

40 W. Main St., Shortsville, NY

Hours: Wed.-Fri. 9am-5pm, Sat. 9am-Noon, Appointments available Mon. & Tues.

Put a healthy spin on an old family favorite

Meatloaf is a dinnertime staple for many families. A favorite of adults and children alike, meatloaf can be prepared however cooks see fit, making it a versatile dish for family dinners. Parents who want to enjoy meatloaf with their families and do so while promoting healthy diets can try the following recipe for “Turkey, Vegetable & Oat MiniMeatloaves with Marinara Sauce” from Michelle Dudash’s “Clean Eating For Busy Families” (Fair Winds).

Turkey, Vegetable & Oat

Mini-Meatloaves with Marinara Sauce

Serves 6

Expeller-pressed canola oil spray

1 8-ounce package crimini (baby bella) mushrooms (about 21/2 cups)

1 small yellow onion, cut into eighths

4 cloves garlic, minced

1 tablespoon extra-virgin oil

1 cup dry rolled oats

2 large eggs

1 pound lean ground turkey (or beef or bison) 13/4 cups pasta sauce, divided

3 tablespoons red wine vinegar

1 tablespoon Italian herb seasoning

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

Preheat oven to 375 F. Coat a 9 x 13-inch baking pan or 6 mini loaf pans with spray. Pulse mushrooms in a food processor until finely chopped and add them to a large bowl. Repeat with onion and garlic.

Place a large frying pan over medium heat and add oil. When oil is shimmering, add vegetables and sauté for 7 minutes or until water releases and evaporates completely, lowering the heat as necessary. Set aside.

Process the oats until they are of a fine consistency. Whisk the eggs in the bowl used for the vegetables. Add processed oats, turkey, 3/4 cup of pasta sauce, cooked vegetables, vinegar, Italian seasoning, salt, and pepper and stir together with a fork until blended.

Scoop the mixture into 6 mounds on the pan or into each mini-loaf pan, about 3/4 cup each. Shape each mound into a 4 x 2-inch loaf. Spread remaining 1 cup of pasta sauce on top of the loaves, distributing evenly. Bake on middle rack for 25 minutes, turning pan midway through cooking, until loaves are firm or a thermometer inserted in the middle reads at least 165 F. Allow loaves to rest for 5 minutes before serving.

Recipe Notes: You can finely chop vegetables with a knife rather than using a food processor if you prefer. Whole oats can be added to the meat mixture for a more rustic texture.


The flower most commonly associated with funeral services in the popular mind is the lily. Lilies are often interpreted as a symbol of the innocence that has been restored to the soul of the departed. A white stargazer lily symbolizes sympathy and any type of white lily expresses majesty and purity.

Ruth Marie Allen Campbell January 27, 2025

Bristol: Ruth passed away on Monday, January 27, 2025, at age 88. She was born on August 18, 1936, and grew up on a farm in Bristol. Her parents were Gordon B. and Clara T. Allen. She was always proud to say she attended the District #5 oneroom schoolhouse for several years until Honeoye Central School was constructed. Another prominent feature of Ruth’s early life was when she began studying to become one of Jehovah’s Witnesses when she was only 13. Eventually, the majority of her family became baptized Witnesses and Ruth was proud to see several generations of her extended family follow her example.

Ruth married Bruce C. Campbell of Cheshire on July 17, 1954, at the Granger Homestead in Canandaigua. ey built a home on the Allen family farm where they raised their family and lived out their lives together. Bruce died in 2019. Ruth leaves three children: Kim (Linda) Campbell, Linda (David) Werder, and Mark Allen Campbell, along with six grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.

Ruth enjoyed life in Bristol – even co-authoring two local history books in the 1990s on early life in the town. She had a lifelong love of art. Many of her watercolors of Roseland’s carousel, as well as many other local scenes, were obtained by art collectors. Ruth and Bruce enjoyed studying the Bible with numerous individuals over the years. She spent decades as a loving housewife, mother, and grandmother.

Burial at Evergreen Cemetery, Bristol, NY will take place privately and at the convenience of the family.

To send a condolence or share a memory please visit:


Puzzle Answers This Week

When choosing coverage, you will no doubt be asked if you prefer term insurance or permanent insurance. Term insurance is the least expensive life insurance, and such policies only last for a predetermined number of years. Men and women may purchase life insurance policies if they only want life insurance until they retire or until their children reach adulthood. Permanent insurance is more expensive and will last from the moment you purchase the policy until your death. Many people choose permanent life insurance policies so the money their beneficiaries receive upon their death can be used to pay estate taxes. In addition, there is an investment component to permanent insurance policies, as a portion of the premiums on such policies is invested (policies will spell out how the money is invested) and allowed to grow tax-free so long as the policy is open. Term insurance only provides protection with no investments.


Rent your first home. The Allied survey found that 31 percent of respondents indicated the most challenging part of relocating for a job was finding a home, while 29 percent felt acclimating to their new community was the most challenging aspect of their relocation. Adults who rent their first homes upon relocating can remove some of the pressure to find the perfect home, knowing full well their first home in their new community will be temporary. If possible, rent in a location that makes it easy to immerse yourself in your new community, which should maketheadjustmenteasier.Inaddition,placeitemsthatareunnecessary for day-to-day life in storage. Having some of your possessions already packed should make your next move less stressful.

Looking for a great career opportunity near home? Seneca Foods in Leicester has positions available.

Seneca Foods

We have two full-time openings: General Maintenance Mechanic

$26.74 -$33.38/hr. -2nd shi pack season (July-November), 1st shi off season Maintenance Electrician

$26.74 -$33.38/hr. 1st shi

High Earning Potential with built in Overtime, Competitive Wages, Medical, Dental, Vision, Disability Benefits, Life Insurance, 401k, Paid Time Off, Growth Opportunities, Yearly Tool, Footwear and Uniform Allowance.

Ability to participate in reduced costs for Libby’s, Green Valley and Aunt Nellies vegetables and Seneca Apple Chip Snacks. Apply to:

Farm Fresh Goodness Made Great 5705 Route 36, Leicester, NY 14481


Placer, Operator and Maintenance roles available. Pay range for production roles:

$18.12-$22.66/hr. Pay range for maintenance roles:

$33.33-$37.86/hr. Hiring for all shifts. Competitive benefits and shift differentials.

Stay in touch. Professional networks are most effective for professionals who keep in touch with their colleagues and acquaintances. Follow up with colleagues you’ve worked with in the past to see if there’s anything you can do for them or to check in on how a project you discussed with them is going. Staying in touch can shed light on job opportunities or open other doors that might facilitate your job search.


TRAVELING?LaminatedLuggage Tags with handlefastener.Just$1 eachforsomuchpeaceofmind! GeneseeValleyPennySaver,1471 Route15,Avon.OpenM-Th8:30am5pm&F8:30am-3pm.

DIDYOUKNOW... Placing anObituaryinthe GeneseeValleyPennySaver PassagesSectionisfarlessexpensivethanothermedia? Call: 585-226-8111 formoreinformation!


CASHFORCARS, trucks, vans, SUVs.WE’RELOCAL!Fastcash! Freetowing.$200-$5000.No keys,notitle,noproblem! 585-482-2140

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REDUCEHEATINGEXPENSES with Central Boiler’sreliableClassic EdgeTitaniumHDXOUTDOOR WOODFURNACE.Callnowfor affordablewarmthsolutions!Martin’s StoveandFireplace,1506Rt.5&20, Geneva(315)549-6048.


WeBuyHousesforCashASIS! No repairs. Nofuss.Anycondition.Easy threestepprocess:Call,getcashoffer andgetpaid.Getyourfaircashoffer todaybycallingLizBuysHouses: 1-888-704-5670


NEWARKVILLAGE: Nice, quiet wellmaintained1&2bedroom, $685/$785pluselectric.Nopets,no smoking.Includeswater,garbage,and propertymaintenance.585-737-9758


STEVE´SMASONRY AND FIREPLACE SERVICES: Brick, block,concrete,stamped concrete,chimneyrepairs, foundations,brickandstone veneers. 585-309-4295.

TRICODOORCOMPANY for garagedoorsandopeners.Parts,Service, Salesandinstallations.Commercial, Residential,Automatic.FREEESTIMATES.585-924-3210.Insured.

TLCCARPENTRY: Home Maintenance,Repairs&Improvements. Interior&Exterior.FreeEstimates. Reasonableprices.Fullyinsured. 585-374-6565or585-259-8553.

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CASHPAID: Antiques&Collectibles wantedtobuy.Especiallyinterestedin tinsigns,advertising,earlypaperwork, oldtoys,militaryitems,hunting& fishing,vintagejewelry,pocket watches,oldradios,lighting,oldbottles,crocks&artglass,primitive furniturew/milkpaint. Knowledgeable&friendly,payingfair pricesforantiques.607-368-6020. WANTED


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* On Feb. 1, 1790, the Supreme Court of the United States meets in New York City for the first time, with Chief Justice John Jay presiding. The U.S. Supreme Court was established by Article Three of the U.S. Constitution, which took effect in March 1789.

* On Feb. 4, 1861, delegates from South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia and Louisiana convene to establish the Confederate States of America. Within two months, Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina and Tennessee all had joined the Confederacy.

* On Feb. 5, 2003, U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell gives a speech to the United Nations justifying an invasion of Iraq that is full of fabrications. Powell later called it a “blot” on his record.

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