8 minute read
When a small-town historical society publishes a book on local history, the template is pretty well set: lots of grainy, black-and-white photos, descriptions of famous citizens and noteworthy buildings, and maybe a version of the town’s origin story that overlooks the thousands of years of human history before white settlers arrived.
e Bristol Hills Historical Society took a di erent route. For nearly three years, shortly a er the group merged the two separate historical societies for the towns of Bristol and South Bristol, its volunteers enlisted dozens of residents and businesses to sponsor original watercolor paintings to publish with the stories they depict.
ose stories, a mix of historical fact and folklore, tell the towns’ history from ancient native American times and post-Revolutionary War settlement to contemporary events and locations that are history in the making.
e project’s organizer and lead editor, John Holtz, said, “We wanted the community to tell the stories that they want remembered about our special place in the hills. I started thinking about this as a children’s book, but it grew into something more: a keepsake that we hope is handed down to future generations.” at keepsake, History and Mystery: e Folklore and Legends of the Bristol Hills, with thirty paintings by local illustrator Anna Overmoyer, will be celebrated publicly May 20 at an event featuring a display of original art from the book and a presentation by Haudenosaunee storyteller Perry Ground. at caught Holtz’s fancy, and he commissioned a painting of “ e Green Man of the Sugar Bush,” telling the story of maple sugaring by what the book now calls “a forest dweller who moves at the border between the worlds of men and plants.” at painting sparked an idea for an entire book of similar works telling other stories, all in a painting style that Overmoyer said is inspired by her rural upbringing in woods and elds “where there was little to do but draw and imagine.” A ergraduatingfromartschool,Overmoyerhonedherimagination during a gap year in Ireland. “I drew portraits, listened to songs and stories, and soaked up the magic of the Irish countryside,” she said.
Holtz, a longtime historical society board member, professional outdoors educator, and owner of a South Bristol tree farm, met Overmoyer at an arts festival where she was selling her threedimensional gures and watercolor paintings.
Overmoyer’s work typically features fairies and other whimsical characters.
A erHoltzgotthehistoricalsociety’sapprovaltocompileabook, he and other volunteers put out a call for art patrons with stories to tell. Some residents wanted to memorialize a favorite private hideaway or a legend passed down from earlier generations. Others, including businesses like Bristol Mountain Ski Resort, sought to support the non-pro t organization with a painting and story important to them – in Bristol Mountain’s case, it’s the mountain as Father Winter’s head sporting luxurious white ski slopes as hair.
Other stories include the legend of a cannon lost by General John Sullivan’s destructive campaign against the area’s Seneca people, Bristol’s famed Burning Springs, and “Lonely Lucy,” supposedly the ghost of a woman who lived in an early settlement that is now on the grounds of the Rochester Museum and Science Center’s Cumming Nature Center, another book patron.
Visit bristolhillshistory. org and the society’s Facebook page for upcoming history presentations and other events, articles on local history, and historic photos. To contact Mark Obbie with the Historical Society, email bristolhillshistory@gmail.com
Overmoyer, a native of East Bloom eld, is a freelance illustrator and sculptor in Rochester. She teaches illustration at Rochester Institute of Technology and exhibits her work at art festivals and galleries around New York state. Her website is at anna-overmoyer.square.site.
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By Sam Mazzotta
Readers Sound O on Dogs’ Front Yard “Gi s”
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I have so many thoughts a er reading the letter from the woman with the shared driveway whose neighbor leaves her dog’s poop on her side.
I’m of the opinion that life would be more enjoyable if people learned to meet others where they are. e dog owner clearly doesn’t want to pick up her dog’s poop, and I don’t think checking with an HOA or municipal ordinance will change that. Maybe she has mobility issues. e writer says she and her neighbor “get along ne,” and there’s a LOT to be said for that. If I were her, I would simply buy poop bags and clean up a er the dog. If the neighbor sees her and says something, I would say: “I’ve asked that you pick up a er your dog, but I don’t want that to become a big issue between us because we get along so well. Your friendship means more to me than my taking a few minutes to clean up the driveway.” -- Susan W., via email another reader shares their advice:
I have had this issue several times in the past. I have successfully resolved this issue every time it has come up.
I used a new tool to solve it -- the power of social media. My solution was simple: When I observed an individual allowing their canine to defecate on my property, I announced loudly from my front door that if they did not clean it up, I would locate their property and defecate on theirs as well. I made the same announcement on the neighborhood’s Facebook page.
Aside from the occasional beer can thrown out of a vehicle full of teenagers, we have been at peace.
-- Zack in Murieta North
Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.
(c) 2023 King Features Synd., Inc.
Online POLL
May is National Military Appreciation Month, with Armed Forces Day on May 20th and Memorial Day on May 29th this year. Within which branches do you personally know someone currently / previously serving the US military?
Army Army National Guard Air Force
Air National Guard
Coast Guard
Marine Corps Navy Space Force
Poll Ends 05-23-2023
Poll Ended 05-16-2023
Mother’s Day is May 14th. What is your favorite way to celebrate Mother’s Day?
8.3% Hosting or going out for brunch/dinner
8.3% Sending flowers or a thoughtful gift
33.3% Spending quality time with mom, together doing something she likes to do
8.3% Helping her with chores she doesn’t like to do
41.7% All or most of the above
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R&R: Dad’s idea of the perfect Father’s Day may be an afternoon free of obligations and deadlines. A relaxing day in the yard swimming laps in the pool or hitting a few grounders to your waiting baseball mitt may be all the excitement he needs. Toss a few steaks on the grill to give Father’s Day a truly perfect ending.
VINTAGE ARCHERY RECURVE BOWS/ARROWS/ACCESSORIES for Scout Archery Merit Badge. 501C Compliant. Text 585-794-0448 or mintshape@netacc.net
TIRES. Hankook 275/55R20. Factory tires F150. 2 y/o good tread remaining about 30k on: pdc964@gmail.com
2’x4’ FLUORESCENT LIGHT FIXTURE. Works. Good for a shop or garage. Conesus: 585-764-8301
Large quantity of BUSINESS ENVELOPES WITH WINDOW. Return address is printed on but can be covered with a label: 585-748-3148
Blue leather POWER RECLINER. Cat scratches on left arm. Pick up North Chili: barb125kel@aol.com
LANDSCAPING BRICKS and PAVERS. Several different styles. You pick it up. Text only: 585-519-7369
QUIET GLIDE 5-DRAWER TOOL CHEST: sdimpfl45@gmail.com
LAP QUILTING VHS TAPES (set of 10) by Georgia Bonesteel: 585-362-7914
ONETOUCH ULTRA 2 GLUCOSE METER with case and a sealed bag of Lancets. Does NOT Include Test Strips: eschroll123@gmail.com
50” SAMSUNG SMART TV. Eight years old. Good condition, just has loose cable connection. Located in Naples: 585-374-5577
BOOST PLUS NUTRITIONAL DRINK, Rich Chocolate flavor. 11-8 oz bottles. Sealed. Henrietta: 585-334-5802
CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTS. All white. Used. Fairport: 585-354-8339
BOOKS - Art Books, some instructional, some famous artists’ paintings, Encyclopedias, some children’s books. You pick up. Call for info: 585-728-5316
DIESEL BUS ENGINE, already taken out of bus. Pick up only: sbly5722@gmail.com
Four boxes of OLD CAR MAGAZINES, DIRT BIKE MAGAZINES and HUNTING MAGAZINES going back to at least 1981. You pick up: 585-329-5631
HP PRINTER - Laser Jet 1320 (no cartridge). May work but have no time to fool with it: 585-346-3829
BROTHER PRINTER, corporate quality with new laser cartridges - TN431, TN433, TN436. Touch screen needs adjustment. Very high-quality print and copy: aelaine636@gmail.com
SERESTO FLEA and TICK COLLAR - large dog. just in time for tick season: enaginny@gmail.com
HOLLISTER NEW IMAGE FLEXTEND SKIN BARRIER; 2-pc ostomy skin barrier, convex, tape. #14904 Green 1 3/4”/pre-sized 1”; 23 boxes, 5 ostomy barriers in each box: 585-226-8887
SPRING CEDAR TREES. Entire trees or just the limbs. Will load and remove! Mothersfield@aol.com
All DC and MARVEL COMIC BOOKS; any year, any issue, any condition: impani_m@yahoo.com
INK PRINTER CARTRIDGES, Number 60 and 61 for HP Printer: 585-519-3325
Thank you
YARN - For a mission project. Can pick up. Thank you! Webster: 585-265-4548
One lightweight and one portable type of VACUUM CLEANER, TRANSISTOR
RADIO, small FILE CABINET with key. Webster/surrounding area: 585-424-0732
ENTERTAINMENT CENTER, a RECLINER, and a working 2.7L ENGINE to fit a 2008 Dodge Charger or a used vehicle in good working condition: 585-883-7387
LIFT CHAIR: Donna.lievense@gmail.com
70s STEREO EQUIPMENT: Receivers, Speakers, Turntables, Reel to Reels, Amplifiers, Records, Reel Tapes, Old Nintendo Games: 585-883-5334
RIDING LAWNMOWERS. Working or not: 518-888-4216
70s-80s-90s ROCK and ROLL 8 TRACK TAPES, CASSETTES, RECORDS for personal collection. Thanks: gzintel1967@gmail.com
INCONTINENCE ADULATION, men large, for elderly relative in nursing home. If you have any unused unwanted, I will take them! Bargainhunter22@ymail.com
Seeking DIRT BIKES, ATVs or GO-KARTS for father son project. Will pick up, call or text Matt: 315-576-1278
In need of a FOLDING GROCERY CART for a new refugee family: 716-430-2876
FLATSCREEN TV, any size. In good working condition: 585-867-3355
RASCAL SCOOTER in good working condition: 585-415-8513
Used/New SUV in good working condition for retired couple to transport the elderly to appointments and errands: 585-398-7626
TWIN SIZE BED in good condition. Needed for elderly couple. Call or text: 585-719-7866
COOPERSTOWN DREAMS PARK TRADING PINS and DISPLAY BOOK for granddaughter who will play in one tournament this summer: salvatore.d.timpani@gmail.com
9” or 10” straight edge, GLASS PIE DISH: salvatore.d.timpani@gmail.com
Large MOVING BOXES. Deliver in ER: stellaswirlery@yahoo.com
BB RIFLE. Must work. Fairport: 585-354-8339
BOX TRAILER: 585-323-1762 (leave message)
DIRECT VENT NATURAL GAS HEATER for a basement: 585-208-9784
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received.
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