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Give & Take

Full Line of Car and Truck parts

• Deka Batteries • Gates Hydraulic Hoses • Amsoil Products • Wix Filters • Mower Belts and Parts

Mon.-Fri., 7am-6pm; Sat. 8am-3pm; Sun. 9am-1pm Honeoye Auto Parts

8649 Main Street • Honeoye, NY 585-229-5116 Road T ip Ready


• Oil & Filter Change • Air Filter Change • Fluid Top-off Service • Tire Rotation • 70 Point Inspection Ca for your appointment today!


2063 Rochester Rd., Canandaigua 585-905-3278 • 585-867-7055


(NAPSI)—Roughly 37 million vehicles—across all makes and models— have dangerous, recalled airbags that need to be replaced immediately and they’re FREE. In the event of a crash, the faulty airbags can explode with sharp metal fragments, causing serious injury or even death to the driver or passengers. The easiest way to check if your vehicle has a defective airbag is to fi nd your vehicle’s 17-digit vehicle identifi cation number (VIN), typically located on the driver’s side dashboard by the windshield and on vehicle registration and insurance documents. Next, visit CheckToProtect.org and enter the VIN. Within seconds, you’ll learn whether the vehicle has an open airbag safety recall. If you do have an open airbag recall, call your dealer immediately to set up a FREE repair. Recall repairs are FREE and will always be done at an authorized dealer, even if you purchased the vehicle somewhere else. Alternative transportation may be available at some dealers. Even after you’ve checked your vehicle, it’s important to set a reminder to check every six months for airbag and other safety recall notices. Recalls are announced by automakers throughout the year, and if you miss a recall announcement—or have lost touch with your original dealer—you could be driving a vehicle with a dangerous safety recall. To help protect your family and friends from these dangerous airbags, encourage everyone you know to Check To Protect today.

We specialize in collision repair, so you can count on us for quality work.

Frame straightening, custom color matching, dent and ding removal, insurance specialists Free Written Estimates C L A R’ S C O L L I S I O N

4778 Honeoye Business Park, Honeoye • 585-229-2008

Fi n d i n g t h e r i g h t f a m i l y c a r

Sa fe ty : Sa f e t y i s t h e t o p p r i o r i t y f o r m a n y p a r e n t s a s t h e y p u r c h a s e n e w ca r s f o r t h e i r f a m i l i e s . Lo o k f o r a c a r w i t h a h i g h s a f e t y r a t i n g a n d a pr o v e n t r a c k r e c o r d o f e n s u r i n g p a s s e n g e r s s u r v i v e a c c i d e n t s . Th e In s u r a n c e I n s t i t u t e f o r Hi g h w a y Sa f e t y (w w w .i i h s .o r g ) a s w e l l a s t h e Na t i o n a l Hi g h w a y Tr a f f i c Sa f e t y A d m i n i st r a t i o n (w w w .n h t sa .g o v) t e st a n d ra t e n e w v e h i c l e s f o r s a f e t y , a n d p a r e n t s s h o u l d l o o k u p t h e r e s u l t s o f th e s e t e s t s a n d r a t i n g s o n a n y v e h i c l e t h e y a r e c o n s i d e r i n g p u r c h a s i n g fo r t h e i r f a m i l i e s.

Fair Housing Statement

All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org


Pick your own Blueberries & Red and Black Raspberries at


Blueberry Farm

• Wagon rides to the elds • Buckets for your use, but please bring container to carry home! • Gi Shop, Jams, Blueberry Juice, Maple Syrup • Blueberry Hotline: (585) 526-5442

824 E. Swamp Rd., Penn Yan

Hours: Mon-Sat 8-4pm Serves 4 4 slices country bread 2 peaches Extra-virgin olive oil for brushing 1/4 pound blue cheese, gorgonzola or Blue Castello cheese Preheat the broiler. Arrange the bread slices on a rimmed baking sheet, slip under the broiler and toast, turning once, until golden brown on both sides. This should take only a few minutes. While the bread is toasting, halve the peaches lengthwise, pit them and then peel each half. Cut each half lengthwise into 1/4-inch-thick slices, keeping the shape of each half intact. When the bread is ready, remove from the broiler and brush each slice on both sides with olive oil. Spread one-fourth of the cheese on each slice of warm bread, place a sliced peach half on top, and serve.

BUDGET-FRIENDLY LOCAL ACTIVITIES: Live music: Arenas and football stadiums are not the only places that showcase talented musicians. Music lovers with a passion for live music can visit local venues that cater to local musicians or even more established professionals who play small venues. Open mic nights at local bars can introduce music fans to new artists and/or styles of music, and can provide great opportunities to meet fellow music lovers in your area.


Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the provisions of Section 6-108 of the New York State Election Law, that a Democratic Party Caucus will be held on July 19, 2021 at 7:00pm at Levi Corser Park, 6702 County Road 32, Canandaigua, New York 14424 County of Ontario, State of New York.

The purpose of this caucus is to nominate candidates for public officers in the office of: Town Super visor Town Council Member (two positions) Town Clerk

Town Highway Superintendent

All duly enrolled members of the Democratic Party in the Town of Bristol are eligible to participate and vote.

Paid for by Bristol Democrats

Want more info? E-mail Bristol.NY.Democrats@gmail.com

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