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R.A.C.E. Coin Show
Sun., August 13, 2023
10am-3pm · Buy, Sell, Trade FREE Admission!
Free Appraisals!
Coin Supply Dealer on-site.
Bill Gray’s Regional Ice Plex
2700 Brighton-Henrietta Townline Rd. Roche er, NY Information 607-368-2617
How Everyday Citizens Can Protect Local Parks
Leave nothing behind. Memories are not the only things park visitors should take with them when they leave the park. Estimates suggest that as much as 100 million pounds of garbage are generated at California’s Yosemite National Park each year. Significant damage can result if even a tiny fraction of that garbage is left behind. In addition, park officials forced to expend their limited resources on garbage pickup may not have enough resources left to address other issues, further threatening the park. Whether you’re hiking or camping, make sure everything you take into the park comes with you when you leave. If you have trash, make sure it’s deposited into the appropriate receptacles.
Teach kids how to develop budgets. Another problem many first-year college students encounter is an inability to effectively manage their money. Whether you plan to give kids an allowance while they are in school or intend for them to work part-time for their spending money, use senior year of high school as an opportunity to show kids how to budget their money. If they don’t have accounts already, open bank accounts in your youngster’s name, and insist that he or she start paying for his or her expenses via these accounts. Resist the urge to give high school kids gas money or money for shopping trips if they have already spent their allowances so they can learn how to effectively manage money between paydays. In addition, teach kids abouttherightandwrongwaystousecreditcards,includingtheimportance of paying balances in full and on time.