BYLINE: By JoAnn Derson
* If you run out of buttermilk, you can use an equal amount of yogurt, preferably nonsweetened, plain, but you can adjust the sugar in a recipe slightly if your yogurt is favorably flavored.
* When entertaining, keep cold drinks in a cooler away from the kitchen. is keeps the floor space free for the cooks.
* So en brown sugar quickly by grating it on a fine hand grater. If you have a bit more time, add an apple to the container and seal tightly.
* “Day-old bread makes excellent handmade croutons. Slice, spray with cooking spray and season with whatever spices on hand sound good. Toast in a 300 degree oven for 10 minutes or so. ey are especially good with soups.” -- S.S.D. in Maryland
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Each mumbered row contains two clues and two answers. e two answers differ from each other by only one letter, which has already been inserted. For example, if you exchange the A from MASTER for an I, you get MISTER. Do not change the order of the letters.
MOMENTS IN TIME The History Channel
* On Nov. 6, 1854, John Philip Sousa, “The March King,” is born in Washington, D.C. Sousa composed 136 marches, including “The Washington Post” (1889) and “Stars and Stripes Forever” (1896).
Every blade in the field, every leaf in the forest, lays down its life in its season, as beautifully as it was taken up. It is the pastime of a full quarter of the year. Dead trees, sere leaves, dried grass and herbs—are not these a good part of our life? And what is that pride of our autumnal scenery but the hectic flush, the sallow and cadaverous countenance of vegetation? its painted throes, withtheNovemberairforcanvas?
~Henry David Thoreau, letter to Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1842 March 11th
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.
We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org
Set long-term goals: It’s easier to save when saving is attached to specific goals. While some may aspire to retire early, establish an emergency fund or to purchase a home, others may want to save for an overseas vacation. Motivation to save can make it that much easier to do so.
Level: Intermediate
What colors are used in Día de los Muertos?
This holiday uses the colors yellow and orange to portray marigolds, the sun, and light. Marigolds are their strong scent and bright colors are thought to aid the way back home.
November 2 , 2024
The ancient indigenous people of Mexico have practiced rituals celebrating the lives of past ancestors for around 3,000 years. The celebration that is now known as the Day of the Dead originally landed on the ninth month of the Aztec calendar and was observed for the entire month. In the 20th century, the month long festivities were condensed to three days called The Days of the Dead: Halloween on October 31, Day of the Innocents on November 1, and Day of the Dead on November 2.
So many towns in the Rochester area boast a rich agricultural history that has shaped its landscape and community for centuries. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, farming was the backbone of much of the economy, with autumn being a particularly busy and celebratory time for local farmers. It has been illuminating to explore the traditions of yesteryear.
During the 1800s, farming in Western NY was largely defined by small, family-owned farms. Autumn meant the culmination of a year’s hard work, a time when farmers gathered the fruits of their labor before the onset of winter. Key crops during this period included wheat, corn, potatoes, and apples, all of which were harvested in the fall. e process of harvesting was labor-intensive and required the entire family’s involvement, along with hired hands or even neighbors who pitched in during particularly bountiful seasons.
One of the most iconic crops of the area was (and remains) the apple, our state fruit for which the Finger Lakes region and Western NY is well-known to this day. Orchards dotted the landscape, with farmers cultivating several varieties, each ripening at different times to extend the harvest season. Apples were hand-picked from trees, o en in late September and October, with the entire family participating in the gathering process. Apples were stored in cool, dark cellars to preserve them through the winter or were processed into cider.
Cidermakingwasacommonpracticeamongareafarmers.Apples were crushed using wooden presses, and the juice was fermented in barrels. Hard cider was a staple on many farm tables, providing a source of refreshment and, in some cases, a form of currency or trade. By late autumn, many farmers would have a significant portion of their apple harvest dedicated to cider production, ensuring they had a supply to last through the winter months.
Grain crops such as wheat and oats were another significant part of our area’s autumn harvest. e process began with reaping, where farmers used scythes or horse-drawn reapers to cut the stalks. e grain was bundled into sheaves and le to dry in the fields before being threshed. reshing separated the grain from the chaff and was o en done using a flail or, later, with the help of threshing machines. reshing machines were a significant advancement, allowing farmers to process grain more efficiently. In the early days, threshing
was a communal activity, with neighbors o en coming together to help. is sense of community was central to the farming lifestyle here, especially during the fall harvest when time was of the essence.
Completion of the Erie Canal in 1825 had a profound impact on Western NY agriculture. e canal provided an efficient means for farmers to transport their goods to larger markets, particularly during autumn when crops were harvested in abundance. Farmers in Western NY could ship grain, apples, and other produce to New York City and beyond, significantly boosting the local economy. is connection to the canal meant that autumn in Western NY was not just about harvesting but also about preparing goods for transport. Farmers would spend the fall months gathering crops and processing, packaging, and readying them for the journey along the canal.
Today, some (arguably a lot of) farmland has given way to residential and commercial development. However, the legacy of our agricultural past lives on in local traditions and landmarks. Farmers’ markets are a modern-day reflection of our deep-rooted farming traditions.
Western NY’s agricultural history is a testament to the hard work and resilience of its early farmers. eir practices, particularly during the fall harvest, shaped the local economy and fostered a strong sense of community, a spirit that continues to be felt in Western NY today. Support your local farms and farmers this autumn and year-round to keep our local economy going and growing.
Sources: Jean West’s Henrietta: e First 200 Years, WH McIntosh’s History of Monroe County, omas X Grasso’s e Erie Canal: Exploring New York’s Great Canals, New York Apple Association - Historical Insights on Apple Cultivation in New York State.
Love to write? You could earn CASH when you share your original story, personal experience, community happening or school event with us! It may be featured on our popular website for all to see and even selected for print! Go to My Hometown at www.gvpennysaver.com or email hometown@gvpennysaver.com!
By Keith Roach, M.D.
DEAR DR. ROACH: I have a question about suntanning. First off, I want to say that I get yearly skin cancer checks, love the sun, and hardly ever use suntan lotion. I monitor my time outside, so as not to get a sunburn. I see warnings about certain days being high ultraviolet (UV) days. Are they talking about UVA or UVB, and which one gives you a tan? -- S.K.
ANSWER: You’re not going to like my answer, because all types of UV light exposure, whether they lead to a sunburn or suntan, cause damage to the skin and lead to an increased risk of skin cancer. A tan from sunlight leads to a small degree of protection against further UV light damage, but there is still ongoing skin damage with UV light exposure. Even people with very dark skin are susceptible to skin cancer, although their risk is a lot less than others. UVA light is more constant throughout the year and penetrates deeper into the skin. UVB light is stronger near the equator, at higher altitudes, and closer to the summer solstice. The UV index reported by the National Weather Service considers both UVA and UVB light in its calculations, as well as the time of year, altitude, and cloud cover.
Both UVA and UVB light cause the skin to tan, but tanning from UVA light alone (for example, in a tanning machine) doesn’t provide any protection from the sun. So, while I am at least glad that you aren’t exposing yourself enough to get burned, I don’t agree with being out in the sun to get tanned. I do recommend the liberal use of a sunscreen with protection against both UVA and UVB. It needs to be used in a large-enough quantity to provide protection -- approximately an ounce for an average-sized body, plus another teaspoon for the face and neck. I recommend a high-SPF sunscreen (30 or more). I buy mineral sunscreens such as zinc oxide or titanium dioxide for myself and my family. Finally, sunscreen needs to be reapplied regularly, especially when exercising or swimming.
Staying out of the sun, wearing sun-protective clothing, and wearing sunscreen will not only help you avoid cancer, but also help you avoid problems that I see in my older patients, who did what you did when they were young. Now they have thinned skin that bleeds easily, as well as “age spots” and other signs of skin damage from the sun, including wrinkles.
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Cancer survival rates are on the rise, and that rise can be credited toahostoffactors.Advancements in cancer research and treatment have played a big role in rising survival rates, as have the efforts ofvariousorganizationstopromote cancer prevention and raise awarenessaboutthedisease.
The World Health Organization notes that between 30 and 50 percent of cancers can currently be prevented by avoiding certain risk factors and implementing evidence-based prevention strategies. However, people can be vulnerable to cancer if they do not pay attention to their bodies or make an effort to protect themselves against certain risk factors for cancer. In such instances, cancer may already have spread to other parts of their bodies, or metastasized, before they are even diagnosed, greatly reducing their likelihood of surviving the disease.
Cancerthatspreadstodistantparts of the body is known as metastatic cancer and is often referred to as “stage IV cancer.” According to theNationalCancerInstitute,when observed under a microscope, metastatic cancer cells feature traitslikethatoftheprimarycancer and do not mimic the cells in the part of the body where the cancer is found. That is how doctors can tell that the cancer is metastatic cancer and has spread from anotherpartofthebody.
When doctors diagnose metastatic cancer, they will refer to it with the same name as the primary cancer regardless of where the metastatic cancer was discovered. For example, the NCI notes that breast cancer that has spread to the lungs will not be referred to as lung cancer, but metastatic breast cancer. In addition, when treating the disease in this example, doctors will treat the cancer as stage IV breast cancer, not as lung cancer.
Understanding metastatic cancer can help recently diagnosed men and women better comprehend their disease and their prognosis.
By Fifi Rodriguez
1. MOVIES: Who was the only actor to receive an Oscar nomination for work in a “Star Wars” movie?
2. GEOGRAPHY: What is a body of land with water on three sides called?
3. U.S. PRESIDENTS: In 1960, which two candidates participated in the first televised presidential debate in 1960?
4. FOOD & DRINK: What type of flower produces vanilla bean pods?
5. MUSIC: What was the name of blues musician Stevie Ray Vaughn’s first Fender Stratocaster?
6. SCIENCE: What type of gas is absorbed by plants?
7. LITERATURE: What is the name of the submarine in “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas”?
8. TELEVISION: What is Clair Huxtable’s profession in “The Cosby Show”?
9. ANATOMY: What is a more common name for the sternum?
10. ART: Which European city houses the Rijksmuseum? Answers
Canadaigua Lake
Reading the Genesee Valley Penny Saver means directly supporting local businesses that contribute to our community’s success.
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Lack of sunlight: All plants need the proper ratio of sunlight to grow. Too much sunlight and plant blades can scorch. Too little sunlight and grass may turn brown and die. Although there are shade-tolerant varieties of grass, homeowners also can explore alternative landscapes. Work in a garden bed or create a design that utilizes gravel or mulch. Avoid aggressively pruning back trees to give the lawn more sunlight in that area, as this may just damage the trees.
American Blend Wild Birdseed 18lb bag $8.99 ea.
Qik Joe Pet Safe Melt 20lb bag $8.99 ea. Artic Ban RV/Marine Antifreeze Gallons $5.99 ea.
Hours: M-F 8am-6pm, Sat. 8am-5pm & Sun. 10am-2pm
Share a costumed photo of your little monster for a chance to win a pawsome prize, plus a chance to see your pet featured in our Halloween edition! Enter online at www.gvpennysaver.com/costumes by Mon., Nov. 4th
lucky winners will receive a $25
Bessie Smith (1894-1937): While there are female instrumentalists in the genre of jazz, in the early days many, such as Bessie Smith, were vocalists. Born in Chattanooga, Tennessee, Smith would come to be known as “Empress of the Blues” thanks to her powerful voice. By the 1920s, Smith was among the highest paid black performers. Tragically, Smith’s life was cut short when she died from injuries sustained in a car crash on her way to a show in Memphis in 1937.
According to the National Confectioners Association poll, more than half of all parents say they steal from their children’s Halloween candy. What do or did you do with your child/ren’s collection?
- I openly take candy as the Parent Tax
- I sneak a few pieces of candy from my child/ren’s candy
- I don’t touch any of their candy
- My child/ren don’t collect candy on Halloween
Poll ends 11-05-2024
Poll ended 10-29-2024
“Born from the collision of rhythm & blues, country, and gospel, rock & roll is a spirit that is inclusive and ever-changing.” Each year, the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame recognizes a handful of musicians and bands with at least 25 years since their first commercial recording. Which of the 2024 inductees is your favorite? 21.1% Cher
Dave Matthews Band
Foreigner 10.5% Peter Frampton 5.3% Kool & The Gang
Ozzy Osbourne
A Tribe Called Quest
We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit www.gvpennysaver.com!
The world is tired, the year is old, The faded leaves are glad to die... ~Sara Teasdale, “November”
Jack is full of personality, likes to hang out close with the family and stares in the kitchen window to remind us of his mealtimes.
Send us a photo and a write-up to be featured. Submit online at gvpennysaver.com - Share With Us. Or, mail to: PO Box 340, Avon, NY 14414. Published at discretion of GVPS.
By Sam Marzotta
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: Can you remind your readers that Halloween can present many dangers to pets? ank you. -- Clara in Atlanta
DEAR CLARA: You’re absolutely right! While it can be lots of fun to celebrate Halloween with your pet, owners need to protect them from risks that can endanger them during the fun.
If you’re having a Halloween party, consider sending your pet to a friend or family member for the evening or give them a safe place to hang out while the guests are there -- like your bedroom or a back room. Make sure they have a comfy bed or blanket, water and toys. You can bring a pet out to meet the party guests if they are well socialized and calm in group settings. Once your dog or cat (or rabbit or bird or iguana) has said hello to everyone, take them back to their safe room.
Costumes on pets are so much fun, but be sure that the costume isn’t constrictive and that wearing it doesn’t cause them anxiety. A few minutes at a time is recommended -- enough time to get some cute photos for your Instagram.
Keep all candies, cookies and sweet treats out of reach of your pets. Chocolate is especially dangerous for dogs. Likewise, if you have party snacks out, keep them up high. Avocado, onions and grapes are also dangerous foods for dogs and cats.
If you’re trick-or-treating with your pet, keep them on a leash at all times. at includes cats! It’s dark, the streets are unfamiliar and there are lots of strange characters walking around. Your pet can get scared and run off.
With advance preparation, you can have a safe, fun and happy Halloween!
Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.
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Branded apparel like shirts and sweatshirts have a remarkable staying power! Most houses have an average of 30 promotional products and some promotional statistics show that roughly 40% of consumers keep their promo merch for over ten years!*
Getting out and about is a vital component of many seniors’ daily lives, but it’s important that aging men and women recognize how much exercise is healthy for them. The Department of Health & Human Services notes that adults need a mix of physical activity to stay healthy.That mix should be a combination of moderate-intensity aerobic activities, which can include golfing, swimming and even gardening, and muscle strengthening activities like weightlifting that make the muscles work harder than usual.The DHHS recommends adults combine 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week with at least two days of muscle-strengthening activities. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes that these guidelines are safe for individuals who are 65 and older, generally fit and have no limiting health conditions. Individuals who do not fit that criteria should consult with their physicians before beginning a new exercise regimen, as it’s possible that they could be putting their health at considerable risk if they attempt to follow guidelines designed for people who are generally fit. It’s also important that healthy seniors avoid overdoing it in regard to exercise.Though the DHHS suggestions are the minimum recommendations,going too far beyond those guidelines without first consulting a physician could increase seniors’ risk for injury, illness or even death.
(1:00pm-2:00pm) FallLeafEarrings (2:00pm-2:45pm)CardioDrumming
Nov.2: (10:00am-11:30am)Codingclub forgrades6-12
Clifton Springs Library
4 Railroad Avenue
Clifton Springs, NY 14432
Hrs.: Mon-Thur 10-7; Fri 10-5; Sat 10-2
Geneva Public Library
244 Main Street Geneva, NY 14456
Hrs.: Mon-Fri 8:30-7; Sat 9-2
Macedon Public Library
30 Main Street Macedon, NY 14502
Hrs.: Mon-Thur 10-8; Fri & Sat 10-2
Newark Public Library 121 High Street Newark, NY 14513
Hrs.: Mon-Thur 9:30-7; Fri 9:30-6; Sat 9:30-1
Palmyra Community Library
402 East Main Street Palmyra, NY 14522
Hrs.: Mon-Thur 10-8; Fri 10-5; Sat 10-2
Phelps Library
8 Banta Street, Suite 200 Phelps, NY 14532
315-548-3120 phelpslibrary.org
Hrs.: Mon-Thur 9-8; Fri 9-5
Here’s what’s happening at your local library…
(11:00am-1:30pm)PaintwithSteve Duprey.Suppliesprovided.First10 registrationsfree.Followingregistrations$35.00.
Nov.4: (Noon-1:00pm)MacedonSenior Meeting
(2:00pm-4:00pm)Euchre (4:00pm-5:00pm)GEDInstructional Help
Nov.5: (6:00am-9:00pm)GeneralElection. Pollingfortowndistricts3and4. (10:15am-11:am)PreschoolStory Time (6:00pm-7:45pm)PaintedQuilt BlockonCanvas
Nov6: (10:30pm-11:15pm)CardioDrumming (3:00pm-5:00pm)Hailey’sCuriosity Leagueforgrades3-5 (5:00pm-7:45pm)GEDInstructional Help
Nov.7: (2:00pm-4:00pm)Euchre (2:00pm-5:00pm)Mahjong (6:00pm-6:40pm)Exercisewith Kristi,ages50+. (6:00pm-7:00pm)MakeaCard withSally (6:00pm-7:00pm)TeenTime:Yak ’nYarn
Nov.8: (10:00am-3:00pm)AmericanRed CrossBloodDrive (1:00pm-2:00pm)Thanksgiving Coasters (2:00pm-2:45pm)CardioDrumming
Disney’sTheLittleMermaidThe CobblestoneCommunityPlayersPresent:Disney’sTheLittleMermaid!Joinusforanenchanting journeyundertheseawiththree magicalperformancesofDisney’s TheLittleMermaid!Datesand Times:Friday,November22ndat 6PM.Saturday,November23rdat 2PM.Sunday,November24that2 PM.Bringthewholefamilyand diveintothisbelovedclassicfilled withunforgettablemusic,vibrant characters,andaheartwarming tale.Don’tmissoutonthefun!Get yourticketsnowandbepartofthis unforgettableadventure! CobblestoneArtsCenter,1622 Route332,Farmington.
United Church of Phelps 58 Main Street
Fri., Nov. 8th 12-7pm
Sat., Nov. 9th 10am-3pm
Fantastic Silent Auction Items
• Handmade holiday and gi items • Homemade canned and baked goods • Upcycled creations • Vintage treasures
Friday - Homemade soup & chili
Saturday 11:30am-1pm, Soup served with sandwich
We would love to have you visit!
VeteransTributeConcert- The concert willfeaturetheNewarkVFW andAmericanLegionColorGuard. NewarkFUMCChancelChoirand theCanaltownChorale,alongwith othermusicalguests,willperforma varietyofpatriotictunesfromthetime oftheRevolutionaryWartopresent. Allarewelcomeandadmissionis FREE.Freewilldonationswillbe acceptedtobenefitthe“MightyOaks Foundation”.Areceptionhostedby theVFWAuxiliaryandNewarkFirst UMCwillbeheldimmediatelyfollowing.November9,3-5:30pm,First UnitedMethodistChurch,301S. MainSt.,Newark.Questions:Callthe churchofficeat315-331-3895.
Small businesses benefit one another, as a 2017 report from the Canadian firm FreshBooks found that 66 percent of small businesses outsource services to other small businesses.
FingerLakesRailwayTrainExcursion - RidethehistoricFingerLakes Railway!Boardingatthecornersof ChurchandPleasantStreetstartsat 9:30AMonSaturdayNovember9th. Experiencethescenic2.5hour roundtripfromPhelpstoCanandaigua andback.Restroomsareavailablein everycoach.Snacksandwaterwillbe available(cashonly).FreeParkingon sidestreetsanddowntownoffChurch Street.Ticketsare$35each,kids2 andunderridefreeonyourlap! Ticketsareavailableonlineatwww. phelpsnyhistory.comortheycanbe purchasedattheHoweHouse66 MainStreet,Phelps.Phone(315) 548-4940.Allproceedsbenefitthe PhelpsCommunityHistoricalSociety PHELPS
50thAnniversaryCelebrationDinner - TheUnitedChurchofPhelps locatedat58MainStinPhelps, invitesyoutojoinusaswecelebrate our50thAnniversaryDinnerCelebrationSaturday,November2nd@5 PM.(Loveofferingaccepted).Please call315-548-2772forreservation.
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
Shopping local shops, farms and fairs is a great way to enjoy the fresh autumn air while supporting local businesses.
November 8, 9 & 10 10am-5pm
20 shops participating and a free gi at each location. Plus enter to win a gi basket!
Please check our website for participating stores! www.waynecountyshoppingfling.com
Hostel: Hostels are geared toward the traveler who needs a place to stay on a limited budget. Hostels often offer communal accommodations with shared rooms and bathroom facilities at very low costs, according to the hospitality resource Professional Connector.
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AWA Communication Technologies Museum Two Hundred Years of Innovations
Hours are: Tuesdays 10am-3pm and Saturdays 1-5pm
6925 State Route 5, Bloomfield, New York 14469 585-257-5119 • www.antiquewireless.org
By Lucie Winborne
* You’re more likely to die on your way to purchase a lottery ticket than you are to actually win the lottery.
* The Western lowland gorilla’s scientific name is Gorilla gorilla gorilla.
* Speaking of names, SpongeBob was originally created as SpongeBoy, but Nickelodeon discovered that the moniker was already copyrighted by a mop.
* Using &%#@$ instead of swear words is called a Grawlix.
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Our little hamlet is such a special place to live. Our volunteer firemen and women recently got up very early to make HUNDREDS of chicken for the annual chicken BBQ. What a wonderful meal it was and we so appreciated and enjoyed the work these people did.
Please, it is not that hard to pick up after your dog goes potty! So many people just leave it. Children play in parks, people walk on trails and paths and other dogs should have the right to enjoy the outdoors as well. Don’t leave your dog’s mess for someone else to clean up or for it to cause issues. Be respectful and responsible. You chose to get a dog and cleaning up after them goes right along with having them; it’s not that hard.
I saw the [local church] ad in your Penny Saver and was glad they put it in there because I went to it and let me tell you, the sale was the best The ladies had everything so well organized and each item was priced and so very neat and they only had clean, workable items and clothes. And the price for the items were a steal!! I can't thank the ladies enough for the time and effort they all did to make this sale so enjoyable and just so perfect. I can't wait for next year's sale!
Saw construction ahead so took an alternative route through a nearby neighborhood to stay out of the construction workers’ way and avoid delays. Came up to a large loader which was fine because he was in his own lane, with no other cars or obstacles on that stretch of road. Stayed in my lane, even hugging the right side to give plenty of room. As we passed each other going opposite directions towards each other, a golf cart ATV behind him came whipping out in reverse, almost all the way over into my lane just to turn the thing around. I made sure to stay in my lane the whole time (about 25 mph, not 50) and we might have come within a few feet of each other as he popped out because he was whipping almost all the way over into my lane with little warning/reason though there were no cones or flagman or anything like that so he should have looked first before whipping out so fast and so far or turn tighter because those things have a tighter turning radius than that or do a 3pt turn. But he yelled at me.
Have you selected a trusted person to carry out wishes? A health care proxy, according to the American Bar Association, is a person appointed by you with the authority to make decisions for you if you are unable to express your preferences for medical treatment. Together with the living will, the health care proxy, also called a durable medical power of attorney, can fulfill your wishes accordingly. MEMORIAL
he loss of a friend or loved one is seldom easy, particularly if a person had been suffering from an illness. Close friends and family honor the memoriesoftheirdeceasedlovedonesindifferentways.Charitablegiving can be a great way to honor a loved one’s memory while helping others. Survivors often find comfort in the knowledge that they can do good in the name of a loved one. Tributes or memorial gifts can be approached in differentwaysandserveasanongoingreminderofadeceasedlovedone.
• Newly remodeled
• Handicap accessible facility
Our staff is here to assist you with pre-arrangement options. We offer various services to meet your needs, including traditional funerals and cremation services. Our traditional funerals include a visitation, funeral service, and burial. Our cremation services offer various options, from a simple cremation to a memorial service or cremation with visitation options.
Create a charitable foundation: Those who have the time and resources can establish their own charitable groups in the decedent’s name. This method of charity requires the most time and effort, but can prove to be quite an impactful memorial. Individuals who would like to go this route can consult with financial and tax professionals about the best way to establish a charitable group.
Community foundation: Families can focus on something their loved one cared deeply about, such as animal rescue, children, the arts, or even particular places in a community - such as a local park. AccordingtoCarePages,acompanythatproducesfreepatientwebsites and offers community support for those coping with illness, families can choosetohavetheirdonationsfunneledtospecificcharitiesornonprofit groups. Otherwise, funds can be allocated to a third party community fund that will distribute money to various organizations no matter where they are located.
Medical tribute: Memorial gifts that assist medical associations or groups working to find cures or offer treatments for diseases are quite popular. If a loved one passed away due to a specific illness, it is common to ask for donations to a specific organization that specializes in information and services pertaining to that illness. Many such groups have a “donate in memory” option on their websites. Oftentimes families are notified regarding who made memorial donations in their loved ones’ names, but the amount of the donation need not be revealed.
Personal intentions: Those who would like to make a donation but cannot think of a charity to associate with their deceased loved one have a host of options at their disposal. Consider donating to a school or library, requesting materials be purchased in the decedent’s name. Otherwise, donate to a general scholarship fund, possibly at the decedent’s alma mater.
Finish their work: If the decedent was engaged in a charitable project prior to their death, volunteer to help complete that project.
Giving back after the death of a loved one is a great way to keep the memory of that person alive.
SHOW: Saturday, 11/9(9am4pm)Sunday,11/10(9am-3pm) SpringvilleVolunteerFirehall, 405MainStreet.Springville.Buy, Sell&Trade.$6admission.Cattarauguspistolclerkonsite. NFGShows.com
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Make exercise part of your retirement routine. A lack of structure may seem enticing to individuals who have spent decades working. However, many retirees find that little structure loses it appeal quickly after calling it quits.When creating a new routine in retirement, include regular exercise. According to the Mayo Clinic, studies indicate that people who are physically active are less likely to experience a decline in their mental function. So daily exercise not only gives retirees something to do,but also benefits their brains.
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TWIN BED w/mattress & box spring, railing & headboard. Pick up, Batavia. 585-300-7776
Large pile of RED BRICKS. Pick up, Riga. 585-293-1439
1940s ROPER GAS STOVE. Heavy; you must move. Leave message 585-323-1762
QUEEN BED, Mattress, Box Spring. Cherry stain. Like-new mattress and box spring have always been encased. You pick up. 585-764-2169
TRACHEOSTOMY SUPPLIES: cannulas, sterile water, suction catheters, and more. ejohn2908@frontiernet.net
ENTERTAINMENT UNIT, great condition. Light wood approx. 15’3” long x 22” deep x 5’1” tall. Call or text 585-750-0688
Two custom made QUILT RACKS 5’ high; CRAFT FOLDING TABLE with wheels; SEWING MACHINE CABINET TABLE. Dansville. Text 585-957-5803
FIREWOOD. Pick up, Ontario. 585-265-0374 leave message SENTRY 1330 SAFE 16” x 16” x 20”. In excellent condition. You pick up - it is HEAVY. Brighton. 585-461-0893
Twelve-piece PUNCH SET GLASSES. Brockport. 585-704-1030
RECLINER, brown. With footrest and reclines. Pick up, Brockport. 585-615-9177
DOUBLE BED, virtually brand new. Disassembled for journey - either truck or van. Ionia. 585-624-7998
STATIONARY BIKE, in good shape. Needs battery. Pittsford. 585-385-3699
Two-drawer WOODEN FILE CABINET in good shape. Pick up, Clifton Springs. 585-905-1746
HO model RR locos, cars, structures, etc. Three boxes of railfan mags & books. Rochester. 585-217-6427
1 gal Valspar dark grey STAIN PAINT. Never opened. Groveland. 585-697-4489
Brand new Nike Therma-Fit women’s medium NEW YORK METS SWEATSHIRT. Must pick up, Henrietta. Text only 585-752-5809
S, M, L BOXES and PACKING MATERIALS. Naples. Text only 209-988-9940
15-20 4-foot, 40-watt FLUORESCENT LIGHT BULBS. Palmyra. 315-871-6631
Lots of LEFTOVER PINE BOARDS and odds & ends. Good for bird houses and other small projects. Canandaigua. 585-394-8189
HYGIENE SUPPLIES, toilet paper, paper towels, cleaning supplies etc. Drop off at Liberty Square, Batavia. 585-483-3456
4 DRAWER METAL FILE CABINETS. mumfordruralcemetery1324@gmail.com
CRIB MATTRESS. 585-697-4489
WHITE CHRISTMAS TREE (any size) also red or blue garland and red or blue ornaments. Batavia. 716-704-4451
HARD SHELL CAMPING TRAILER needed. Title/registration not required. bhaizlip@rochester.rr.com or 585-455-4363
POKÉMON CARDS. salvatore.d.timpani@gmail.com
Clean, used BLANKETS, MATTRESS PADS, BATTING. No fabric needed. jhblank68@gmail.com
WHITE CHRISTMAS TREE, any size. Conesus Lake area. 585-730-9292
GRASS CATCHER for behind lawnmower. 585-762-9245
ALUMINUM CAP for an 8’ truck bed. Does not have to look pretty. Waterproof a plus. 585-208-9784
WOODEN DINING ROOM TABLE- sturdy and strong. 585-381-6546
MODELS* Built or Unbuilt. Automotive, Military, Aviation, Ships, etc. Parts and pieces ok. 585-314-6989
TREE HAMMOCK or one on a stand. 585-443-9974
COMIC BOOKS, any & all. Will pick up any amount, any condition. Call/text 585-260-0437
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received. Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
Walk-in/Open Interviews!
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Maintenance Assistant needed for townhouse complex in Perinton, NY. Some duties include work orders, vacant unit prep, snow removal, landscaping, and occasional on-call.
Qualifications include painting experience and basic mechanical aptitude. Must be able to li 50 lbs. and have a clean driving record. Excellent benefits, including healthcare. Hourly pay commensurate with skills ($22-$26/hr). Reply with resume and contact information to: bnikolevski@lindenoaks.com
Currently recruiting for maintenance roles with a pay range of $32.68-$37.12 per hour.
Work schedule: Overnights 7pm-7am with 2 consecutive days off (12-hr shifts)
Benefits: Health Insurance, 401K with company matching, flexible spending account, Health Savings Account, Employee Assistance Program, Life Insurance, etc.
Use your network. The notion that “it’s not what you know, but who you know” has some truth to it. Successful jobseekers continually expand their professional contacts. This is achievedbygoingtoinformational interviews, attending trade association meetings and reviewing trade publications. Target people who work at the companies where you see yourself, so you can get the inside track about job openings.
Retirement can seem like it will never come for young professionals. But time can be a sieve, and retirement age can arrive in the blink of an eye. Young adults who have not planned accordingly for retirement can find themselves in financial straits at a point in their lives when they want to kick back and enjoy themselves. Financial experts from Money, CNN and The Motley Fooladvisethatfinanciallysolvent people should begin saving aggressively for their retirements early on. Ideally people should start saving in their 20s when they first leave school and begin their careers. The sooner one saves, the more time money has to grow. Vanguard says that the person who saves $4,500 per year over a career spanning 45 years can reach a goal of having more than $1 million in savings by the time he or she retires. Compounding interest and investment matches from employers can further secure professionals’ financial futures.