Brown Square, Ontario, NY (off Furnace Rd.) 1-315-524-5505 • TTY 1-800-662-1220
Rent Based On 30% of Gross Income
Income may be from wages, SSI, Soc. Sec., etc.! This Institution is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer
If you have children, you may have the advantage of meeting people at school functions or at the bus stop. Volunteer with the PTA/PTO or sign up to coach youth sports or serve as a scout leader. These opportunities willhelpexpandthenumberofpeopleyoumeetinyournewcommunity.
Fair Housing Statement
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 •
One-bedroom apartments with appliances located in a country-like setting within walking distance to downtown. Coin-operated laundry, cozy community room with resident activities, 24-hour maintenance.
62 years of age or older or disabled, regardless of age, with or without children. is institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
TDD Relay # 1-800-662-1220 Equal Housing
Keeptrackofyourprogress.Keep a resolutions journal or start a blog that allows you to write about your efforts. If your goal is to pay down debt, make a spreadsheet that tracks your progress. That spreadsheet might be more motivational than simply seeing a loan or credit card balance gradually reduce on your monthly statement. Writing about your trials and errors can help others and also provide a great way for you to explore your approach and tinker with it to ensureyourultimatesuccess.
active senior living
Here’s A Tip
BYLINE: By JoAnn Derson
* Lunchbox tip: Assemble your sandwich the night before (without veggies). Wrap in waxed paper and freeze. Add veggies and a condiment packet in a separate bag. Your sandwich will thaw by lunchtime and will stay cold!
* “Plant banana skins in your garden, just below the surface. ey rot quickly and provide nutrients for growing plants.”
-- A.R. in Ohio
* “Always keep two needles threaded, one with black and one with white. When you have a rip, a button comes off or a hem comes out of your clothes, and you are in a hurry, you can use one of these for a quick repair.” -- J.R. in Virginia
Hocus Focus
10 Editions
delivered weekly to 105,000 Homes
165,000 Print Readers
80,000 Digital Readers
Office: PO Box 340 1471 Route 15 Avon, NY 14414
Phone: 585-226-8111 Fax: 585-226-3390
President ...........................Steve Harrison
General Manager ...........................Manuel Karam
Jan. 25: (11:am-Noon)CookingattheLibrary:DryBeansHow-To (1:00pm-2:00pm)WholeFoods, Plant-BasedSupportGroup Jan.27: (2:00pm-4:00pm)Euchre (5:00pm-7:45pm)GEDInstructional Help
Creative Director ................................Kelly Nolan
Production Supervisor .................................Jeff Wasson
Sales Department ............................Colleen Mann
Set up an accountability system. Institute a rewards system for your success. You might even use a monetary system as a double-bonus. When you stick to a resolution over a predetermined period, put a dollar in a jar. If you fall off course, take a dollar away. Find the incentive that works for you.
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows.
Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
The History Channel
* On Jan. 25, 1776, the Continental Congress authorizes the first national Revolutionary War memorial in honor of Gen. Richard Montgomery, who had been killed during an assault on Quebec on Dec. 31, 1775, one of the first generals of the American Revolution to lose his life on the battlefield.
* On Jan. 28, 1855, the Panama Railway, which carried thousands of unruly gold miners to California via the dense jungles of Central America, dispatches its first train across the Isthmus of Panama. The Panama Canal would parallel the railway 50 years later.
* On Jan. 31, 1944, D-Day is postponed until June when several key leaders agreed that there would not be enough ships available by May. D-Day would later be postponed once more, by a single day due to high winds. Finally, on the morning of June 6, the long-awaited invasion of France began.
Thank you
Thank you to whomever turned in my wallet at the Avon Tops. It was the week before Christmas too, no less. Thank you.
THANK YOU to our local town/village of Avon for keeping our roads cleared so far this winter. They are always out early, late, and inbetween, helping to make sure we get to our destinations safely. We appreciate you!
Please Drive Safely and Smartly!
Please be sure that your headlights are on whenever your wipers are. It is astounding how many vehicles do not follow this LAW. It is required of drivers to use their headlights when visibility is low, at dawn and dusk, and when it's raining, snowing, or sleeting. It's not just to help you see where you're going - it's to help others see YOU/your vehicle. Pleasedrive safely and smartly!
Electric Shopping Carts
I felt bad for this elderly lady (80+). She was dropped off at the door. She could hardly walk or stand and had an oxygen tank. She had to wait, quite a while, until an electric handicap cart was brought in from outside by an employee. Everyone of the handicap carts were being used by other people. Most walked ok from their vehicles that were parked far out in the lot. Yes, some do require the use of a handicap cart but it amazes me that they feel more entitled than to someone who really does need one.
A winner will be chosen from entries to receive a $50 gift card
Mail to: GVPS: Football MVP Contest, PO Box 340, Avon, NY 14414
Postmarked by: 1/31/2025
Winner and trivia answers will be in our 2/7/2025 editions
Name: ___________________________
Phone: ___________________________
Email: ___________________________
Town: ___________________________
Sponsored by:
1. Which two conferences compete in the NFL’s annual championship game? ___________________________________
2. Who holds the record for the most championship wins by a player? ___________________________________
3. What year was the first NFL championship game played?
4. Which team has the most championship wins?
5. What is the name of the trophy awarded to the champion?
6. Which team has made the most appearances in the NFL’s championship game? ___________________________________
7. What is the only team to go undefeated in the regular season and win the championship? ___________________________________
8. Which city has hosted the most NFL championship games?
9. What is the largest margin of victory in a championship game?
10. Which quarterback famously guaranteed a win in the 1969 championship game? ___________________________________
11. Which team was the first to win the championship in their home stadium? ___________________________________
12. What is the most-watched halftime show performance of all time? ___________________________________
13. What team scored the most points ever in a single NFL championship game? ___________________________________
14. Who was the first defensive player to win MVP in the championship? ___________________________________
By Sam Marzotta
Sweetie is a 15 1/2 year old Jack Russell who’s a huge Bills fan!
Pick up food bowls and water several hours before bedtime. This can prevent accidents by ensuring dogs’ stomachs and bladders are not full overnight.
Send us a photo! and a brief write-up of your pet and we’ll feature it! Submit at: under Share With Us or mail to: P.O. Box 340, Avon, NY 14414. Pets will be published at discretion of GVPS.
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I adopted a puppy about two months ago. “Spencer” seemed to housetrain just fine, but for the last couple of weeks, he has been pooping on the bathroom rug. It’s not diarrhea, just regular healthy poos. He does it between walks – even though he poops as normal during walks! What is going on?
– John D. in Burlington, Vermont
DEAR JOHN: Even though Spencer seems healthy, take him to the vet to rule out any underlying health issues. In the days prior to the vet appointment, get out a notepad and write down his behaviors, what time he poops each day, if he’s doing a lot of barking –anything. Bring that to the appointment; it might give the vet additional insight.
Puppies go through phases during their growth, and it’s not too unusual to see some regression in housetraining periodically. For example, when they’re teething, or as they enter their “teen” phase at around 8 months or so, you may see a change in behavior patterns or “forgetting” commands you know they’ve learned.
If there is no health issue to worry about, focus on training. Go back to basics and teach him how to alert you when he needs to go outside. Work on his basic commands. Observe him closely when you’re at home to see whether his behavior is changing.
You may need to adjust your schedule as well. If he’s an especially young puppy, his body is changing rapidly and he may need more potty breaks than the training guide says. Be prepared to make those adjustments as you patiently retrain him. And don’t worry, he will fully housetrain, as long as you remain diligent.
Send your tips, comments or questions to
By Keith Roach, M.D.
Probiotics May Help Restore Good Bacteria in the Gut
DEAR DR. ROACH: You recently wrote that you do not recommend probiotics in healthy people. I am a 78-year-old male who, three years ago, underwent an esophagectomy to remove my esophagus and part of my stomach because of cancer. I was put on 30 mg of pantoprazole, which was later increased to 40 mg. I’ve read that prolonged use of this medicine isn’t recommended. My understanding is that this medicine is used to reduce the chance of acid reflux. I have read that it also kills bacteria (both bad and good) in the stomach. I asked my primary care physician about this and whether she was OK with me starting probiotics to help restore the good bacteria. -- E.M.
ANSWER: Proton-pump inhibitors like pantoprazole are often used in people after surgical treatment for esophageal cancer. They reduce acid reflux and consequently prevent a stricture where the remainder of the esophagus meets the remainder of your stomach. While it is true that proton-pump inhibitors do have the potential for side effects with long-term use, there are times when the benefits outweigh the risks. Many esophageal cancer experts feel that the benefits outweigh the risks in esophageal survivors like you.
Long-term acid suppression does lead to changes in the gut bacteria, called the microbiome. Using probiotics to improve the quality of the microbiome has been studied, and preliminary studies showed that taking probiotics daily can get more healthy bacteria in the gut. What isn’t clear is whether this translates to better outcomes for the patient or whether any of the long-term adverse effects of proton-pump-inhibitor therapy will be reduced. It makes sense that it might help, but it is unproven as yet.
There is the potential for harm in probiotic treatment, but it’s not common. A very few cases of infection have been shown to be transmitted by probiotics. The main harm is mostly financial, since some probiotics are expensive.
DEAR DR. ROACH: I am 81 years old and in pretty good health. I often have a hard time getting to sleep and staying asleep. A couple of months ago, I was dealing with a sore lower back from overdoing yard work, so I took two ibuprofen tablets before going to bed for several nights in a row. What I noticed is that I was able to get to sleep quicker.
I have continued to take ibuprofen as a sleep aid, and it continues to help me get to sleep. But I am wondering if there might be any medical issue that could arise from the continued daily use of ibuprofen. -- J.T.N.
ANSWER: Most people don’t find that ibuprofen helps or hurts their sleep, so I don’t recommend it as a sleep aid in general. In fact, some people find that ibuprofen can be disruptive to their sleep. Others, however, find that it makes them sleepy.
In any case, the risk of two ibuprofen tablets at night, or even every day, is small. A person with a history of ulcer disease or abnormal bleeding shouldn’t take ibuprofen daily without discussing it with their doctor.
Dementia presents itself through various symptoms, and memory loss alone is not enough to lead to a dementia diagnosis. Dementia can affect thinking and social abilities, but the Mayo Clinic notes that some dementias may be reversible. The following are some common symptoms of dementia:
• Trouble communicating or finding words.
• Difficulty completing complex tasks.
• Challenges with planning and organization.
• Episodes of confusion and disorientation.
• Memory loss, which is often noticed by a third party.
• Personality changes that can include agitation, anxiety, inappropriate behavior and even hallucinations.
Apart from Alzheimer’s disease, which is a progressive disorder most common in people age 65 and older, there are other types of dementia. The second most common is called “vascular dementia.” This results from damage to vessels that supply blood to the brain. This damage can be the result of stroke, smoking and other blood vessel conditions. Brain imaging can often detect blood vessel problems implicated in vascular dementia. Dementia with Lewy bodies, or DLB, is another dementia that laymen may mistakeforAlzheimer’sdisease.TheAlzheimer’sAssociationnotesthatpeople with DLB often have not only memory loss and cognitive problems common in Alzheimer’s, but they also display initial or early symptoms such as sleep disturbances, well-formed visual hallucinations, slowness, gait imbalance or other Parkinsonian movement features, which can lead to misdiagnosis.
Level: Intermediate
Pen-A-Poem Contest
Submissions will be featured on our website then cast your vote for the winner out of our top 5 favorites!
• Entries Accepted: 1/24/25 to 1/3/2025
• Voting: 2/4/2025 to 2/10/2025
• Winner Announced: 2/14/2025 editions
Contest Guidelines:
Must be 18 or older. Poems must be original. GVPS employees/families are ineligible
Soundproof Your Home
What’s the first step in sound proofing your home? Finding which rooms have the least amount of sound resistance.
To do this, make sure everyone is out of the house, unplug all electronics and close all doors and windows. Take a quick walk through your house and pause for a few moments in each room to evaluate which ones are the noisiest. Now consider if you’re installing a media room or teenage recreational room where volumes will be blasting on TV’s and stereos.
With this information, you should have a good idea of where you need to soundproof and create barriers against noise. Here are some tips to help you achieve the optimal result of peace and quiet:
• Plant trees and hedges along the exterior of your home, perhaps along a fence. Not only do trees and hedges help with the environment and provide a good amount of privacy, they also slow down the travel of noise from the neighborhood into your home.
• Insulate your walls and ceilings. Better insulation in your interiors and exteriors won’t just drive away excess noise, it will also reduce your heating and cooling bills during the hot and cold months.
• Seal up all cracks and holes around windows and doors, and add double glazed windows to your current glass panes.
Animals and insects can cause damage, too. It’s not just poor weather that homeowners need to consider with regard to roof damage. Boring insects and animals may cause problems with roofs as well. A roof inspection may shed light on potential pest problems. Holes or nesting materials may indicate that an animal or animals are using the attic as a shelter from the elements.
Magic Maze
Online POLL
January 20, 2025 commemorates the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr, who “had a dream” that boys and girls could school together, regardless of race, religion, creed, or color, judged only “by the content of their character” and not “the color of their skin.” 61 years later, where do you think we stand as a nation?
- We have achieved Dr. King’s vision
- We have made significant progress, but there’s still work to be done
- We have made little to no progress toward this vision
- We are now moving away from Dr. King’s dream
Poll ends 01-28-2025
Poll ended 01-21-2025
With wildfires devastating tens of thousands of acres, tornados ripping apart the Midwest each year, tsunamis washing away oceanside cities, Western NYers may feel fortunate to “only” deal with snow and ice. Are you ready for an emergency evacuation?
13.3% I have an emergency kit ready at home
26.7% I receive alerts for severe weather/emergencies
33.3% I feel somewhat prepared but could improve
26.7% I am not prepared
Poor time management or focus: Students who are struggling may have their attention drift or they put off doing tasks because they don’t grasp the assignments.
We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit!
Each mumbered row contains two clues and two answers. e two answers differ from each other by only one letter, which has already been inserted. For example, if you exchange the A from MASTER for an I, you get MISTER. Do not change the order of the letters.
By Fifi Rodriguez
1. TELEVISION: Who created the retro TV series “Stranger Things”?
2. U.S. STATES: Which state is the home of Yellowstone National Park?
3. ASTRONOMY: Which is the only planet in our solar system to rotate on its side?
4. MOVIES: What is the given name of the large bird in the animated movie “Up”?
5. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which three zodiac signs are considered earth signs?
6. LITERATURE: What is the name of Hagrid’s half-brother in the “Harry Potter” book series?
7. GEOGRAPHY: What is the capital city of Australia?
8. FOOD & DRINK: What type of nut is used in the chocolate spread Nutella?
9. SPORTS: What kind of sports match is divided into 7-minute periods called chukkas?
10. ADVERTISEMENTS: What type of horses often are used in Budweiser beer ads?
In a pinch, you can use toothpaste to scrub your faucet in the bathroom.
1. The Duffer Brothers. 2. Wyoming.
3. Uranus. 4. Kevin.
5. Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.
6. Grawp. 7. Canberra. 8. Hazelnut. 9. Polo.
10. Clydesdale.
CClarissa Hall Jerome:
the Great American Dame from Palmyra
larissa Hall Jerome (1825–1895) was a woman of remarkable resilience and social ambition, leaving a mark on her hometown of Palmyra and the international social circles she would later inhabit. Historic Palmyra aptly describes her as “independent, self-reliant, and charming.”
Born the third daughter of Ambrose (Amos) Hall and Clarissa Willcox, Clarissa faced early tragedy, becoming an orphan as a toddler. Yet, despite hardships, she embodied determination and grace, as noted by Bonnie Hays, Executive Director of Historic Palmyra in 2017, who remarked, “ is young woman from Palmyra met all her hardships head on, and even though an orphan, she made a difference in the world.”
Clarissa remained in her childhood home in Palmyra until April 1849, when she married Leonard Jerome, a lawyer, businessman, and entrepreneur, in the Western Presbyterian Church. e couple began their married life on Canal Street near the Village Park in Palmyra. Leonard’s ambitions soon led them to Rochester and eventually New York City, where he gained fame as “ e King of Wall Street.” Jerome became one of New York’s wealthiest men before the age of 40. Known for daring financial ventures, Leonard Jerome built and lost multiple fortunes, making headlines for his savvy investments in railroads and newspapers.
Clarissa and Leonard Jerome had four daughters: Clarita (Clara), Lady Jennie Spencer-Churchill, Camille, and Lady Leonie Leslie. Tragically, Camille passed away at the age of eight, but the surviving daughters became celebrated figures of their era, earning the monikers “the Good, the Witty, and the Beautiful,” according to American Aristocracy. Clarissa was determined that her daughters should secure advantageous marriages. While she initially hoped to find French aristocrats for them, the Franco-Prussian War of 1870 redirected her ambitions to England. ere, her daughter Jennie famously married Lord Randolph Churchill, becoming the mother of Sir Winston Churchill. Leonie married Sir John Leslie, an Irish baronet, and Clara wed Moreton Frewen, an English squire.
Clarissa became known as “ e Great American Dame” due to her extensive travels in Europe, where she cultivated friendships with individuals of significant fame
and fortune. Her notable experiences included dining with Emperor Napoleon and touring the Bastille. ese connections solidified her reputation as a cosmopolitan figure in both American and European society.
In New York City, the Jerome family’s extravagant lifestyle was epitomized by their residence, the Jerome Mansion. On the corner of 26th and Madison Streets, overlooking Central Park, the mansion was renowned for its opulence, featuring a 600-seat private theater and fountains spouting champagne and cognac.
Clarissa passed away in April 1895 at the age of 69 in Kent, England. Her remains were interred in the Jerome Mausoleum in Brooklyn.
Clarissa Hall Jerome’s life story is a testament to resilience, ambition, and social grace. From her humble beginnings in Palmyra to her status as an international socialite and the matriarch of one of history’s most notable families, her legacy endures. To learn more about the history of Palmyra and its notable residents, visit Historic Palmyra at
Upcoming Events at Historic Palmyra:
• February 7: ‘60s Dance Party Fundraiser
• February 20: Black History Month Celebration
• March 1: Women Spies and Soldiers of the American Civil War
• March 20: Women’s History Month
• April 17: e Burned Over District
• May 15: Underground Railroad Walk and Talk
Love to write? You could earn CASH when you share your original story, personal experience, community happening or school event with us! It may be featured on our popular website for all to see and even selected for print! Go to My Hometown at or email!
Clarissa’s daughtersJennie, Clara, and Leonie
SHOW: SundayOnly!February 2nd(8am-3pm) Alexander Fireman’sRec.Hall,10708 AlexanderRd.(Rt.98)Alexander NY.100tablestoview.BuySell &Trade.$6admission.
TRAVELING?LaminatedLuggage Tags with handlefastener.Just$1 eachforsomuchpeaceofmind! GeneseeValleyPennySaver,1471 Route15,Avon.OpenM-Th8:30am5pm&F8:30am-3pm.
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OAK DINING ROOM TABLE in good condition. 585-381-6546
1990s COMPUTER MONITOR and an older TYPEWRITER, manual or electric, in good working condition. 585-200-0667 leave message
Set of DUMBBELLS - anywhere between 12lbs-15lbs. 585-455-4923
RELIABLE VEHICLE to get back and forth to work. 585-213-0181
Working JEWELRY MAKING KILN, kiln and jewelry making accessories.
FLAT ROCK for edging.
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received. Submit at under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
Thursday 1/30/25
Join us at the FLACRA Job Fair and Career Expo! We are looking for talented candidates to fill more than 85 exciting opportunities for your career and professional journey!
Call today to schedule your interview 315-332-0712
Apply for Positions Such As: Vocational Counselor | Behavioral Health Technician
Hiring for all shifts. Competitive benefits and shift differentials.
Feb. 1, 2025 • 10am-2pm at the Avon Inn 55 East Main Street • Unit 1 • Avon, NY 14414 140 Spring Street • Avon, NY 14414
Define career expectations. Defining career expectations early on can be beneficial in various ways. Such expectations can guide career choices and provide a road map that women can utilize to stay the professional course.This can help women make decisions about their careers when they come to forks in the road. For example, if a path to promotion seems blocked, women can examine their established career expectations to help them decide if it’s time to seek new employment. Defining career expectations also can help women effectively communicate with mentors about their goals, and mentors can then use that information when offering guidance. Expectations need not be concrete, and it’s likely they will change over time. But they can serve as an important foundation for anyone from young female professionals to experienced executives looking to make changes or determine the next step in their careers.
Puzzle Answers This Week
Senior Citizen/Adult Motorcoach Tours
Saturday, March 8, 1:00-4:00pm*
Friendly Village Club House (Manchester, NY)
Meet our staff, listen to a presentation of tours and enjoy light refreshments!
*Presentation will start PROMPTLY at 1:15PM. Please be on time.
*Space is limited and an RSVP is Required! Call Darlene at 585-289-1071 and leave your name & phone number.
• Tuesday, April 15: WWII Museum, Beef ‘n Barrel Lunch & Cuba Cheese Shoppe $149 PP
• Tues.- Wed., May 6-7: PA Dutch Country featuring NOAH $449 PPouble
• Tuesday, May 13: Quilter’s Day Trip to the Southern Tier $175 PP
• Wednesday, June 25: Seneca Lake Doo Wop Lunch Cruise (Gal’s Day Out!) $179 PP
• Wednesday, July 30: Hidden Valley Animal Adventure $159 PP
• Tuesday, August 19: A Summer Day in Chautauqua $189 PP
• Fri.- Sat., September 19-20: e ADK Balloon Festival in Lake George $TBD
• Tuesday, October 14: Autumn in Cooperstown, NY (Gent’s Day Out!) $TBD
All tours include deluxe charter motorcoach and depart from Tops Plaza Cli on Springs and Canandaigua Park & Ride. Additional pickup locations may be offered - see individual tour flyers for details.