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DID YOU KNOW... Placing an Obituary in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver Passages Section is far less expensive than other media? Call: 585-226-8111 for more information!
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GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES: Males $350, Females $450 Born 12/26/21. Shots and dewormed. No Sunday sales. 6400 Vista Hill Road, Dansville, 14437.
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Honor Your Loved One In print and online by publishing an Obituary in our Passages section. Includes color photo. Call: 585-226-8111
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By Fifi Rodriguez
1. HISTORY: When did the fi rst Winter Olympics take place? 2. PSYCHOLOGY: What is the extreme fear represented by a condition called ophidiophobia? 3. AD SLOGANS: Which company featured this advertising campaign in the mid-1980s: “Quality never goes out of style”? 4. LITERATURE: Which 19thcentury novel begins with the line, “Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show”? 5. MOVIES: Where were the park bench scenes from “Forrest Gump” fi lmed? 6. ANATOMY: What is the common name for the orbit in human anatomy? 7. MEASUREMENTS: What does a hygrometer measure? 8. U.S. STATES: In which state was the movie “Children of the Corn” fi lmed? 9. LANGUAGE: What does “fair dinkum” mean in Australian English? 10. SCIENCE: What is the common name for nitrous oxide?
10. Laughing gas 9. Unquestionably good 8. Iowa 7. Humidity 6. Eye socket Georgia 5. Chippewa Square, Savannah, 4. “David Copperfi eld” 3. Levi’s 2. Fear of snakes 1. 1924, Chamonix, France Answers