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Hometown Events
Come and support our Military!
Let them know how much you do appreciate them. e Blue Star Mothers NY Chapter #1
is sponsoring a C h i c k e n BBQ Canandaigua Runnings parking lot Saturday, July 31st 11am til sold out. Grove Boys are Cooking. All proceeds will support our Veterans and Deployed troops.
42nd Street - A love letter to Broadway dreams and the pure thrill of entertainment. 42nd Street is the musical comedy that celebrates Broadway and the magic of show business! Featuring 14 showstopping production numbers, 40 tapping feet and over 200 jawdropping costumes, this show delivers on every level. Aspiring chorus girl Peggy Sawyer comes to the big city from Allentown, PA and soon lands her first big job in the ensemble of a glitzy new Broadway show. But when its star is injured, will Peggy be able to step in and save the show? An exhilarating celebration of the American song and dance musical. For tickets, call 1 - 8 0 0 - 4 5 7 - 8 8 9 7 . h t t p : / / w w w . therevtheatre.com
Footloose - The movie was a global phenomenon and the musical is just as good! With its Oscarnominated score, Footloose celebrates the exhilaration of youth, the strength of community, and the power of forgiveness. Kick off your Sunday shoes and get ready to dance in the aisles! A family feelgood show for everyone! Held August 4 - September 1, 7:30pm at the The Rev Theatre Company, Merry-Go-Round Playhouse, 6877 E Lake Road, Auburn. Cost: $53-$65. More info.: https:// therevtheatre.com/2021-season/ footloose/
Bristol Hills Historical Society Chicken BBQ - Enjoy takeout chicken barbeque with drivethrough service at the Historical Society’s Grange Hall in Bristol Springs - Saturday, August 14, 114pm. Catering by the Grove Boys. Meals served until the chicken runs out! $12 per dinner. Please help support the volunteer-run preservation and educational work of the h i s t o r i c a l s o c i e t y . h t t p s : / / bristolhillshistory.org/
The Seneca Soundwaves are Meeting on Zoom during Covid. Zoom rehearsals occur bi-weekly from 10 am to 11:30 am. Invite will indicate specific dates. Contact info@senecasoundwaves.net to receive Zoom invitation.
Seneca Chapter DAR Community Service: The Seneca Chapter D a u g h t e r s o f t h e A m e r i c a n Revolution, based in Geneva, NY, offer an event open to the public on Saturday, July 31, at Ontario County Historical Society (North Main St., Canandaigua), beginning at 10am. This event seeks to show the public what we have to offer to educators and historic preservation groups.
Events should occur on a specifi c date at a specifi c time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items: • Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program • Organizations seeking crafters or vendor • Organizations seeking donations of items Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date R E G I S T E R A N D S U B M I T Y O U R E V E N T O N L I N E AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414 Chicken Barbecue - The Crystal Beach Fire Dept., 4468 East Lake Rd/Rte.364, Canandaigua, will hold a drive-thru Chicken Barbecue on Saturday, July 24, 2021, beginning at 11:00 am until Sold Out. Price of dinners $12.00. Street Dance with Live Music from 5:00 pm until 9:00 pm. East Bloomfield UMC summer fundraiser Chicken BBQ - Sunday, August 8th, 11-3pm at Joann Fabrics parking lot at Roseland Plaza, 3225 NY-364, Canandaigua. $12 dinners include half a chicken, coleslaw, macaroni salad, and a roll. Gale-Wyn catering. Come, enjoy, and accept our thanks! http:// www.eastbloomfieldumc.org
Senior Citizens of Canandaigua Club - Our next Lunch get-together will be on Tuesday, August 3rd, 12-1:30pm at the Wilcox Lane Senior Apartments, 40 Wilcox Lane, C a n a n d a i g u a . h t t p s : / / w w w . f a c e b o o k . c o m / g r o u p s / 527440221200193
Parkinson Support Group of the Finger Lakes Monthly Zoom Meeting - July 28, 2021 at 1PM entitled “Digestive Issues and Parkinson Disease” with Leslie Matson, a physician assistant with Sentara Neurology Specialists in Virginia Beach, who is passionate for caring for patients suffering with Parkinson’s disease. Current PSGFL members will receive an email regarding Zoom information to join the program on the internet. If you are not a member, please call or email Stu for the Zoom details 585-396-9245/ swgillim@yahoo. c o m o r G a i l 5 8 5 - 6 2 4 - 1 4 4 8 / gshellma@rochester.rr.com. Find meeting information, hints for both Parkinson patient and caregiver, and resources and contacts. www. parkinsonsupportgroupofthefingerlakes.com
Chicken BBQ: Drive-Thru, pick up service. Running’s Parking Lot. Featuring Grove Boys’ BBQ. Dinners include 1/2 chicken, salt potatoes, coleslaw, and a dinner roll. $12/ dinner. Donations are appreciated. Proceeds benefit Canandaigua Emergency Squad, a not-for-profit, non-tax-funded agency. HONEOYE
Pittsford Fire Dept. Band Concert at Richmond Town Hall Gazebo, 8690 Main St., Honeoye on Friday, July 30th at 7pm. Free to Public - Bring your lawn chair. Honeoye Lake Rotary Club Craft Sale - The Honeoye Lake Rotary Club will be hosting its 4th Annual Craft Sale on September 4, 2021 at the Gazebo on Main Street in Honeoye. Visit us from 9AM till 1PM. All items are hand made by club members and Friends of Rotary -- turkeys, pumpkins with cats, Pilgrim Pairs, sconces and knitted and crocheted pieces will be available.
By Fifi Rodriguez
1. TELEVISION: What were the fi rst names of the “Golden Girls” characters on the 1980s sitcom? 2. MOVIES: What was the name of the dance song in the movie “The Rocky Horror Picture Show”? 3. GEOGRAPHY: What is the newest internationally recognized nation in the world? 4. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: How big is an Olympic swimming pool? 5. U.S. STATES: What is the state animal of Nevada? 6. ASTRONOMY: What color is the sunset on Mars? 7. HISTORY: When was the Emancipation Proclamation issued? 8. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What are the offspring of cicadas called? 9. AD SLOGANS: Which auto is advertised as “the ultimate driving machine”? 10. LITERATURE: What is the setting for the novel “Anne of Green Gables”?
10. Prince Edward Island, Canada 9. BMW 8. Nymphs 7. Jan. 1, 1863 6. Blue 5. Desert bighorn sheep and at least 2 meters deep 4. Fifty meters long, 25 meters wide 3. South Sudan (2011) 2. “Time Warp” 1. Rose, Blanche, Dorothy and Sophia Answers
Join us for Something Special!
Sunday, July 25th • 10:30am
Our special guest speaker will be
Brad Ransom, Chief Training Offi cer North American Ministries - Nashville, TN. Special guest singers, Heartsound from Canandaigua, NY.
2143 NY-96, Clifton Springs All are invited to attend. For more information call 315-462-4673.
The Honeoye American Legion 1278 Auxiliary’s Monthly Dinner is Monday, August 2, 2021 from 4:00pm til gone. Dinner will be C h i c k e n ’ n D u m p l i n s , m i x e d vegetables, and marble cake for dessert. The dinner will be take out only and reservations will be most appreciated. The cost for dinner will be $7 per person. Please text Bonnie at 752-2939 to let us know h o w m a n y d i n n e r s a n d approximate pick up time. See you there! American Legion Post 1278, 4931 Co. Rd. 36, Honeoye.
13th annual Young and Wyld 5K Race - Join us for the 13th annual Young and Wyld 5K Race through beautiful historic Honeoye Falls. Wednesday, August 4 at 7PM. Starts across from the Honeoye Falls Post Office. Further Details/ Register at runsignup.com. Includes free food and root beer floats post race. Open to all ages, families. Walkers welcome. Proceeds benefit Y o u n g L i f e . Q u e s t i o n s : lesley54321@yahoo.com
Band Concert in the Park - The Honeoye Falls Community Concert Band will perform its final summer concert in Harry Allen Park on Saturday, July 31st at 7pm. This is a free concert. All are welcome. Bring a chair and enjoy the music! For information about the band, visit: http://hfccb.org/
Take-out Spaghetti Dinner at the U n i t e d M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h o f Livonia, 21 Summer St, Livonia on Wednesday, August 11, 4:306:00PM (or until sold out). Spaghetti, sauce, meatballs, undressed salad, and garlic bread. Donations accepted. Please follow signs in church parking lot for drivethrough instructions.
August 14 - Chicken BBQ by Paul Teed. Held 3pm - 6pm or until sold out. (during Classic Car Cruise). $12 includes 1/2 chicken, baked beans, roll, and brownie. Drive thru or walk up. First Presbyterian Church of Livonia, 3837 Center St. along Rt 20A, Livonia Center. Cont a c t C i n d y f o r p r e s a l e s : 585-245-4958.
Middlesex Conservation Club Pancake Breakfast & OPEN Trap Shoot. Activities include indoor pellet range and youth archery. Dates: July 25, 8:15am-11am; August 8, 8:10am-11am; August 22, 8am11am and September 5, 8-11am. Middlesex Conservation Club, 6087 South Hill Road, Middlesex.
South Bristol Fish & Game Club Chicken BBQ - Chicken BBQ South Bristol Fish & Game famous recipe! Benefits the Naples Clay Target/ Trap Shooting Team. Saturday, August 7th, 10:30am until sold out. Fields Gravel Pit, 6500 State Route 64, Bristol Springs. Drive through pick up. Cost: $12.
Hike/Paddle Keuka Lake in Branchport - Hike or Paddle Keuka L a k e i n B r a n c h p o r t w i t h Springwater Trails Sunday, July 25 from 4-6 PM. For additional info/ directions/updates visit the website: springwatertrails.org
1.Picking a handful of lavender from the fi eld. 2. Anthony visits Great Grandma on Long Island! 3. First day of summer camp was a success! 4. Exploring Ellison Park in Rochester after the rain storm. SPORTS • EVENTS CELEBRATIONS VACATIONS
T I P S F R O M L O C A L W R I T E R , D P D U N N
Retirement: that goal of every hard-working American. Time to do—what exactly? Before you dive into that great unknown, give a bit of forethought, dare to dream and contemplate, cogitate and ruminate, even! en, make your retirement lists.
Lists are powerful tools. ey help us to organize, prioritize, and even discard. Writing a list can be cathartic; lists get ‘stu ’ like emotions or ideas out of our head, heart and mind, and onto paper where they can be handled di erently. Writing makes ideas visual and real.
Our daily work provides us with structure, money (always useful), socialization, connection, and purpose. It comes at a cost, however. When working, you do the bidding of others, like your boss, your clients, even your customers. You are paid for your time, ideas, labor, creativity, insight, and skill. It sounds great, but sometimes we desire change, renewal, and feel the need to explore. In retirement, you can become who you want to be or need to be beyond the context and con nes of your career.
As you contemplate that great retirement change, consider starting with a few lists:
List 1: Things you will miss
A paycheck? Meaningful work? e structure of a daily routine? Intelligent conversation with smart, educated, well-read and interesting people? Solving problems and xing things or processes? Free co ee? When you leave, there will be a void in your life. By identifying the ‘good stu ’ at work, you can identify other ways to ll those pleasant voids. It is easier that you might think. Be creative. Ask other like-minded people you know who have already retired.
List 2: Things you don’t like
is is easy. Simply list every aspect that causes you grief, worry, heartburn and headaches. No names or titles, please. ‘Je ’ in accounting might not think highly of you, either! is shouldn’t be personal; note activities, situations, or tasks that stress you to your limit, things that make you sad, angry or crazy. What hurts your spirit or does not t with who you are or who you want to be? What holds you back or gets in your way? Write. Get it all out. ere, that feels better!
List 3: Life events you have missed
A wise person once wrote: “Show me your calendar, and I’ll show you your priorities.” While your relationship with your employer has been mutually bene cial, you have likely forfeited or delayed some of your life in exchange. You were compensated for your time, but what events were sacri ced? Your work calendar shows your work priorities. Now, look for the priorities that are missing from your calendar; see what is not there.
First, list speci c events you have missed because of work such as your child’s rst words or rst steps, a family reunion, a destination wedding, opportunities to sit quietly and contemplate, changes to create or renew important relationships or friendships. Maybe there are more events and experiences you’ve missed. Write them down and get these losses out of your head and your heart.
Next, look for common themes within your listed items like Family & Friends, Travel, Exploration, Spirituality and Faith, Fitness, Organization, Downsizing, or the Pursuit of Hobbies and Pastimes. Now, you are ready to plan.
Each list has a purpose!
List 1: e rst list shows you what you need to retain post-retirement. A nancial planner will help you analyze the cash- ow while addressing your missing paycheck and your insurance concerns.
Social interaction: You may need to add some new friends. You can meet with the old friends from work when they’re available. Try not to gloat; they don’’t like that! Where will you meet new friends? And what about your ‘meaningful work and purpose’ goals? Considering your skills and knowledge developed during your career, perhaps you can volunteer or teach others to do what gave you joy and purpose for so many years.
List 2: What is the purpose of the second list? at list is for six months a er you leave. You might start thinking, “Gee, it wasn’t so bad. Maybe I should have stayed longer.” Stop! Pull out list number two and re-read it. Take a deep breath and feel a rmed in your decision.
List 3: List number three is your roadmap. Look at what you missed and focus on lling your remaining time addressing those voids and de cits. You’re likely still young and healthy, interesting, and interested. Go forth! Do! Pursue what you wanted to when you didn’t have the time. Explore! Grow!
Forethought and planning (Some may say daydreaming!) can help us prepare for change while growing in the right directions at the right times. At the same time, this roadmap is not cast in stone; modify it and make it your own. Time’s short, so prepare and live your best life.
Mr. Dunn retired in 2020 mid-pandemic. He contemplates the profundities of the human condition, and why pickle jars can be so di cult to open, while sitting under a large willow tree, sipping a beer, enjoying summer breezes, and watching cars zip by his Webster, NY home. is is his second article for GVPS.
Enjoy this article? Check out this week’s other great story online at www.gvpennysaver.com: • Valley Fuel Gives Generously to Support Local Veterans • Golisano Foundation Awards Additional Funds to Wyoming County SPCA Love to write? You could earn $$$ when you share your original story, personal experience, community happening or school event with us! It may be featured on our popular website for all to see and even selected for print! Go to My Hometown at www.gvpennysaver.com or email our Hometown Editor Amanda Dudek at AmandaDudek@ gvpennysaver.com!