ESTATESALE: 19 ClintonSt, DansvilleFridayOctober18th(9am6pm)andSaturdayOctober19th (10am-3pm)Furniture,tools,mower, clothing,andmore.
Older age is the main risk factor for most cancers. The chance of getting cancer increases as you get older.
~Leo Tolstoy, to Nikolay Strakhov
Leone Production
Mann Circulation
Feature your birthday girl or boy in our BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS SECTION!
Submit online at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Birthday Celebrations; stop by the office; or mail to: Birthday Celebrations, PO Box 340, Avon, NY 14414
Submissions must be received at least 1 week prior to publication date. Your child must be 15 years or younger. Photo may be submitted by a parent/guardian/grandparent.
Women who exercise four or more hours a week have a lower risk of breast cancer. The effect of exercise on breast cancer risk may be greatest in premenopausal women who have normal or low body weight.
By Fifi Rodriguez
1. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is a group of walking penguins called?
2. MOVIES: What was the first movie to be adapted from one of Stephen King’s novels?
3. GEOGRAPHY: How many time zones does Australia have?
4. LITERATURE: Which country is featured in Sir Walter Scott’s historical novels?
5. HISTORY: How many essays are in The Federalist Papers?
6. SCIENCE: Who created the Periodic Table?
7. TELEVISION: What is the reality series “The Deadliest Catch” about?
8. PSYCHOLOGY: What irrational fear is represented in the condition called pogonophobia?
9. U.S. STATES: What is the only state with a one-syllable name?
Eat before and after a workout. Early risers who like to exercise first thing in the morning might develop muscle fatigue if they workout on empty stomachs. The HSS recommends eating a light meal or snack roughly two hours before exercising, and then eating again within one hour of finishing a workout. Doing so provides some energy during a workout and helps muscles broken down during exercise refuel and repair.
10. MUSIC: Which branch of the U.S. military did Elvis Presley serve in?
By Keith Roach, M.D.
DEAR DR. ROACH: About three months ago, I bled a bit while urinating. This was the first (and only) time in over 30 years that this happened since I went through menopause. An ultrasound was performed, and they found a mildly thickened endometrium (6.1 mm) with scattered cystic change and without focal lesion.
My gynecologist is suggesting an endometrial biopsy. I am concerned because I have no symptoms other than kidney stones. I’m due to see a urologist, but even with my kidney stones, I have no symptoms. I am 80 and concerned about anesthesia. Should I go ahead with the biopsy? - L.O.
ANSWER: A thickened endometrium is concerning for uterine cancer. The most common symptom of uterine cancer is abnormal uterine bleeding. This usually takes the form of red, pink or brown spotting. However, it sounds like you had blood in your urine, which is more concerning for kidney stones than uterine bleeding.
Your ultrasound is abnormal; 5 mm is the maximum thickness for a normal endometrium. Getting a biopsy is clearly the recommended procedure, as it gives guidance on the next steps. Still, your risk of uterine cancer is small. You do not have to proceed with the biopsy if you do not want to. An endometrial biopsy is an in-office procedure with minimal risk. My textbooks say there is minimal pain, but my patients tell me this isn’t always the case. You don’t have to receive anesthesia; you can take pain medication (such as naproxen), get a local anesthetic, or do both. I’ve had several patients who’ve requested a nerve block and were very happy with their decision. If the biopsy shows cancer of the endometrium, surgery is the preferred treatment, but radiation is also a possibility for some people.
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu. © 2024 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
Cohocton Public Library
8 Maple Ave. • 585-384-5170
Hrs.: Mon., -Fri. 10am-6pm; Sat. 10am-2pm
Dansville Public Library
200 Main St., Dansville, 585.335.6720
Hrs.: Mon.-Thurs. 10am-8pm; Fri. 10am-5pm; Sat. 9am-1pm
E.J. Cottrell Memorial Library
5 Beecher St., Atlanta, NY 585-534-5030
Hrs.: Mon., Tues. 10am-8pm; Wed., Thurs., Fri. 10am-5pm; Closed Sat., Sun.
Wayland Free Library
101 W. Naples St. • 585-728-5380 www.gunlockelibrary.org
Hrs.: Mon.-Thurs. 10am-6pm; Fri. 12pm-5pm; Sat. 10am-noon
Here’s what’s happening at your local library…
VeteransOnly-Campingat Letchworth StatePark: Veterans joinus25-27Oct24,foraweekendatParker’sHideawayCabin andenjoyLetchworthStatePark. Wewillusethecabinashomebase formeals,camping,andconversation.Duringtheday,feelfreeto hike,bike,leafwatch,orsiteseeall thattheparkhastooffer.Limited spaceavailableinthecabin,also roomfortentsifdesired.Come sharearelaxingweekendbythe campfirewithus.RSVPonour websiteatwww.livcovets.com
TheMapleViewCemeteryAssociation in Cohoctonrequeststhat allhangers,decorations,artificial plants,pots,andwreathsberemovedbySaturday,November9th. Allitemswillbedisposedofifnot removed.Holidaywreathsmaybe placedongravesasofDecember 1st.Call728-5738withanyquestions.
DansvilleSeniorNutritionProgramWeekofOctober21-October25 Monday,10/21:Ravioliw/Sauce, BrusselsSprouts,YellowBeans, DinnerRoll,Peaches. Tuesday,10/22:ChickenCordon Bleu,SourCream&ChiveMashed Potatoes,Zucchini,WholeWheat BreadSlice,ChocolatePudding. Wednesday,10/23:TunaNoodle Casserole,Peas,Carrots,Whole WheatBreadSlice,OrangeJuice, Pears.
Thursday,10/24:OvenFriedPork Chop,SweetPotatoes,Spinach, WholeWheatBreadSlice,Grape Juice,Applesauce,Birthday Brownie. SiteClosedFriday. (585)335-8130
Sat., Nov. 2, 2024 • 7PM
Atlanta Fire Hall
University Ave, Atlanta, NY
Benefit: Hatch Hose Co. Refreshments Available
EighthWallofPrideInduction to be heldSaturday,October19, 2024attheDansvilleAmerican Legion.Incollaborationwith DansvilleSchools,theFoundation forDansvilleEducationwillbehonoringMargaretE.Hondelink,Edward(EJ)Monster,andMaryEllen Webster.KyleYorkwasalsoselectedtobeinducted,butisunable toattendthisyear.Hewillbe inductedinJune2025.Pleasejoin usfordinnertoparticipateinthis amazingcelebration.Tickets($40) areavailablebycontactingMarcia Millerat(585)455-4921.Tickets mayalsoberequestedbymail throughtheFoundationatP.O.Box 616,Dansville,NY.
AARPSmartDriverCourseDansville PublicLibrary,200Main St.,Dansville.LearnDefensiveDriving,NewTrafficLaws&Rulesof theRoad.ProvenSafetyStrategies. Save10%onCar/Truck/RV&MotorcycleInsurance.NoTesttoPassJustSignUp&Learn.Removeupto 4PointsFromYourLicense.6Hour Course,3hourseachdayThursday,October24,12-3PM& Friday,October25,1200-3PM.To registercallTomFellion(585) 335-8935.$25AARPMembers/ $30Non-Members.Checkor Moneyorderonly,madeoutto AARP(NOCASH).Courselimitedto 30Students.Opentoages18and above.
TrunkorTreat! Saturday, October 26at2pm-4pm.Trunkswillbe decorated,candygivenout,games anddrinks.Comeandenjoyatthe DansvilleFreeMethodistChurch, 25FranklinSt.
ConesusLakeRidersMotorcycle Club Breakfast BreakfastwillbeheldOctober20th (9-12)attheConesusLakeRiders MotorcycleClub,6199LibertyPole Road,Dansville.
Hike&Explorethetrailsof Stony BrookPark,withthe splendorofAutumnfoliage abounding,SundayOctober20 from2-4PMwithSpringwater Trails,followedbyasocialgettogetherdish-to-passpicniconthe parkgrounds.Foradditionalinfo/ directions/updatesvisitthewebsite: springwatertrails.org
ChickenBarbecue - SpartaFirst PresbyterianChurch,7369 GrovelandHillRd.,Groveland.Saturday,October26,Noonuntilsold out.Pre-saletickets$13.Contact 585-261-2067.Ticketsatthedoor $15.
WaylandHistoricalSocietyPlease joinusattheWayland HistoricalSocietyforTheSteuben CountyMuseumTrail.Theevent willtakeplaceonSaturday,October19thfrom10:00to5:00and alsoonSunday,October20thfrom 12:00to5:00.TheWayland HistoricalSocietywillbeoneof11 museumsinSteubenCountythat willbeonthetrailroute.Wehope youcanjoinusoneofthesedaysto seetheHistoricalTreasuresthis MuseumandothersinSteuben Countyholdforyou.Also,onSunday,October27that2:00wehope youwilljoinusforourprogramon ParaNormal.Thisprogramisjustin timeforHalloween.
The History Channel
* On Oct. 18, 1867, the U.S. formally takes possession of Alaska after purchasing the territory from Russia for $7.2 million, or less than 2 cents an acre. Russia sold its Alaska territory to the U.S. rather than risk losing it in battle with a rival such as Great Britain.
The Board of Trustees of the Village of Dansville have announced that TRICK-OR-TREATING will be held
The parade will start off at 6pm from the front of the Town Hall. Donuts and Cider from 6-7pm
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
BYLINE: By JoAnn Derson
* “If you have magazines or books that you are finished reading, perhaps you’d consider donating them to local seniors centers. You can look in the yellow pages to see if there are any near you. O en, the seniors are grateful to have new reading material.” -- T.C. in Florida
* Many more of us are using the reusable fabric shopping bags nowadays. A few cities have banned the use of plastic bags for retail shops. ese bags are much better for the environment, and can hold a lot more groceries per bag. One thing many people forget to do is wash them. You can take out the plastic insert (if there is one) and toss them in the washing machine. Hang to dry and you’re carrying around a much cleaner bag!
SAT., OCT. 26TH • 9AM
Consignments are starting to come in for our annual fall consignment auction at the Allegany County Fairgrounds. Rich and James are working to bring in a nice selection of farm equipment, construction equipment, tools, vehicles, lawn and garden and more. We will be offering online simulcast internet bidding thru Proxibid and Equipment Facts; FILLMORE NY ESTATE- IH 706 gas – flat fender – very nice tractor; IH 706 cab gas low hrs; 7ft King Kutter brush hog – very nice; Ford 907a 3pt hitch flail mower very low use excellent condition; IH 75 lb weights and other IH tools and misc; ESTATE #2 NH 555E; Tractor loader backhoe;4x4 extend a hoe; extra buckets; NH 3930 4x4 w/ cab & lder- low hrs; Ford 3930 2wd ROPS & canopy – low hrs; ESTATE #3 NH T2320 4wd, loader, very nice- low hrs and 3pt hitch equipment; Hobby Farm Ford 3000; Hesston 540 rd baler; NH 479 haybine; 2 star tedder; multi wagons and small items; TRACTORS 2022 Case IH 70a 4wd lder, only 115hrs; IH 84 hydro – nice; McCormick MC95 4wd w/ cab; Ford 5610 2wd; Case 730 gas w/lder very nice; David Brown 880 w/loader very clean; NH TS110 2wd; Ford 7710 2wd w/ cab (motor redone); Case 430; 600 hrs- nice; NH TN78A 4x4 w/ loader; Ford 4610 2wd – w/ loader nice; IH 986 2wd CHA- low hrs; COMPACT TRACTORS NH 1920 nice 4wd w/ lder; Bobcat CT 120 4wd w/ belly mower; Mahindra Emax 22 4x4 w/ lder and belly mower; NH T2210 4x4 w/lder and cab; NH 3040 w/ cab & lder; 2- JD 3720 4x4 cha; Mahindra 28XKL Max HST 4x4 w/ loader like – new; MF GC 1723 4x4 loader – nice; JD 2520 4x4 w/ loader; CONSTRUCTION JD 450J LT Dozer with CHA; JCB 407B wheel loader- one owner; 2021 Kubota SVL97-2 skid steer- nice; 2018 Kubota 95-2 skid steer; Bobcat S550 skid steer; JD 325 skid steer w/ CHA very nice; CASE 1840 (gray) low hrs – nice; 2019 NH E57C excavator w/ hyd thumb, extra buckets and CHA; JD 2032R tractor loader backhoe; 2018 Cat 303.5E2 CR mini excavator- very nice; JLG 600S 60ft man lift; new ATG mini Excavator; Meva 13C mini excavator- cab gas; will have good selection of new and use skid steer attachments; FARM EQUIP NH 570 sq baler w/ thrower- nice; NH 676 tandem axle manure spreader; Fricklin CA 9600 grain cart – like new; Fricklin 9500 grain cart – very nice; Parker 4500 grain cart- good shape; multi gravity wagons; electric feed grinder mixer; rd bale wagon tops; Hesston 840 rd baler; NH 315 sq baler with thrower; Land pride RCF 3096 pull type brush hog; JD 7000 2 row corn planter; NH 256 rake; JD HX 15 batwing brush hog; NH 630 rd baler; Woods 3180 15ft batwing brush hog; 30 ton wd splitter – like new; Western 8’ v plow CONTAINERS 2 new 40ft shipping container; 4 20ft sea containers; VEHICLES ‘15 GMC Sierra 4x4; ‘14 Dodge Ram 4x4; Autocar diesel; ‘13 Ford Edge; ‘06 Toyota Avalon; Golf Cart electric golf cart club car; ‘05 GMC Yukon; ‘16 Handicap van; TRAILERS 2023 Quality 22ft stationary front tilt; LAWN AND GARDEN Ferris IS 3400 61” deck; ‘08 Polaris Ranger; New 2024 Troybilt Super Bronco Riding lawn mower; Semi load of Pennsylvania blue stone; Ferris IS2200 61” nice- Ferris Procut S 61”- nice; Ventrac 4100 mower – nice; Husqvarna MZ52LE 52” zero turn, JD 54R zero turn; SUPPORT ITEMS new gas steam jenny pressure washers; Amish sheds; Terms –10% buyer’s premium with a $1000.00 cap per lot – cash, good check with proper ID. If you buy on Proxibid or Equipment Facts there are additional fees. We will be taking consignments starting Tuesday, Oct. 15th – Friday, 18th 9am to 5pm , Sat., Oct. 19th from 9am to noon , Mon.- Wed., Oct. 21st- Oct 23rd 9am to 5pm. Go to www.rgmasonauctions.com for more information.
Hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone, can be made into a pill form in a laboratory. Estrogen, progestin, or both may be given to replace the estrogen no longer made by the ovaries in postmenopausal women or women who have had their ovaries removed. This is called hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or hormone therapy (HT). Combination HRT/HT is estrogen combined with progestin. This type of HRT/HT increases the risk of breast cancer. Studies show that when women stop taking estrogen combined with progestin, the risk of breast cancer decreases.
The Village of Dansville will be flushing hydrants on Monday, October 21, 2024, and Wednesday, October 23, 2024. They will do the East side of the Village on the 21st and the West side of the Village on the 23rd. During this time, the water may appear roily. Ifyouhaveanyquestions,pleasecallthe Water Department at 335-5270.
Level: Beginner
Grandma Ruth Reads: e Day I Was Born is an enchanting children’s book that takes readers on a journey back to the 1920s to celebrate the birth of Grandma Ruth, as told through the eyes of a mystical guardian cat named Luck. Co-authored by lifelong Avon resident, 102-year-old Caroline R. Weden, known as Grandma Ruth, and Pamela D. Bickford, her caregiver, the book offers a touching blend of history, family, and magic. e official release will take place on October 27th at the Avon Preservation & Historical Society, marking the debut of a heartfelt story that brings together generations.
Pamela D. Bickford, a multifaceted writer and caregiver, collaborated with Caroline Weden to share the story of Grandma Ruth’s birth in this beautifully illustrated book. At the heart of the tale is Luck, a guardian feline spirit who watches over Ruth as she enters the world, offering readers a window into a magical time when family bonds and guardian spirits were intertwined. e story resonates with the warmth and values that have shaped generations, and the historical backdrop of the 1920s adds a layer of richness to the narrative.
Pamela reflects on the book’s creation, saying, “We wanted to create a story that celebrates the wonder of life’s beginnings while paying homage to the strong family bonds that carry us through generations.” For Pamela, this debut is not just a children’s book but a tribute to the timeless themes of family, love, and history. “Writing this book with Caroline has been a true labor of love.”
Caroline R. Weden brings over a century of life experience to the book. Having lived through decades of adventure, she adds her unique perspective to the narrative. “ is book reflects a part of my journey, and it’s been a joy to work with Pamela to share the story. Luck was always by my side, and I believe this story will touch families the way it touches ours.” Caroline’s life is one filled with moments that have shaped her into a cherished matriarch, from her years as a Grandparent Teacher Aide to raising five boys who mean the world to her.
e October 27th book release celebration will allow readers to meet the authors, enjoy interactive readings, and take home signed copies of the book. ere will also be family-friendly activities, giving the event a welcoming and celebratory atmosphere. For families looking to share a story filled with warmth and magic, this debut promises to be a memorable experience.
Pamela, who has been Caroline’s caregiver for three years, describes their collaboration as deeply meaningful. “Helping to write this book has brought me joy and a feeling of great accomplishment. To live a fulfilling life, always remember to
pick yourself back up if you fall and pursue your dreams, no matter how old you are,” Caroline says, inspiring so many.
Pamela, a writer, mother, editor, and Reiki Master Teacher, brings her own experiences to the project, blending her skills to create a magical narrative that will resonate with readers of all ages. With this book, she marks the beginning of her journey as a children’s author, sharing her love for storytelling and family with the world.
As for Caroline, at 102 years young, she still draws joy from her past experiences, particularly her time as a Grandparent Teacher Aide, a role she held from 1989 until her retirement at age 93. “ ose years were some of the happiest and most meaningful in my life,” Caroline reflects. Her dedication to her family shines through her words and work, making this book a heartfelt tribute to her life and legacy. She lovingly dedicates it to her five sons, who, as she says, “mean everything to me.”
Grandma Ruth Reads: e Day I Was Born offers readers a chance to step into a magical world where history, family, and fantasy come together. Both Pamela and Caroline hope that this story will touch readers’ hearts and inspire them to cherish the bonds that connect us all across generations. Caroline says, “ e secret to getting old is to keep moving!”
On the 27th, stop in to the Avon Preservation & Historical Society for signed copies, interactive readings, and family-friendly activities.
Love to write? You could earn CASH when you share your original story, personal experience, community happening or school event with us! It may be featured on our popular website for all to see and even selected for print! Go to My Hometown at www.gvpennysaver.com or email hometown@gvpennysaver.com!
Older Troy Bilt ROTOTILLER, runs but needs clutch replaced. Text only 585-698-5645
BN GM LUGGAGE RACK CROSS RAILS Part #19154852 Tahoe, Suburban, Yukon, not for Traverse. Box of two. RHCL88@rochester. rr.com
Sturdy DOG HOUSE with shingled roof. 52” L x 34” W x 45” H. 585301-6088
Huge pile of BLACK WALNUTS. tamilynn38@aim.com
Car BIKE RACK, 2 bikes, needs trailer hitch. Good condition. 585455-6116
Oak BOOKCASE with open front, heavy, VGC. sscott01@rochester. rr.com
Cream Craft Dairy Canandaigua MILK BOX & 4 quart BOTTLES. Excellent condition. You take all. 585-742-3687
50+ Used CINDER BLOCKS. Whole. You haul. Clarkson. Jim 585352-9395 jeschneima@aol.com
RECIPE BOOKS (large collection). Pride MOBILITY SCOOTER with extra batteries. 585-789-0764 or 585-385-9956 Pittsford
Smith Corona electric TYPEWRITER and case. 585-347-4402
Mature CHRISTMAS CACTUS; heavy, you must move. Text 404-3133602
Blackstone OUTDOOR GRIDDLE, uses 1# propane can, 17” x 17” x 9”, lavender3661@yahoo.com
1940s ROPER GAS STOVE. Heavy; you must move. Please leave message 585-323-1762
WURLITZER SPINET PIANO and BENCH. Good condition. You move. Canandaigua. Text 585-690-9916
Ethan Allen harvest style DROP LEAF TABLE with four matching CHAIRS. 585-538-2224
ELECTRIC HOSPITAL BED w/LIFT. Macedon. 585-236-7091
7.5 ft artificial CHRISTMAS TREE with stand. Good condition. You pick up. Livonia. 585-346-2215
17 USED washable INCONTINENCE BED PADS 31”x34”. nadlhoc1@gmail.com
50+ CINDER BLOCKS. Whole - some used. You haul. Clarkson. Jim 585-352-9395 jeschneima@aol.com
Boxes/bags of COSTUME JEWELRY, hand SEGA GENESIS SYSTEM with games, fold up CANE, COMPUTER CHAIR. Call 585-415-8513
Cooperstown Dreams Field TRADING PINS & POKÉMON CARDS. salvatore.d.timpani@gmail.com
Unwanted BOOKS! New Age, Children’s, Educational and/or Horror Fiction! 585-729-1259
TREE HOUSE. 585-734-7971
ADULT SCOOTER and Buffalo Sabres hockey team QUEEN BED SHEETS. Jacklynn12370@aol.com
SEWING MACHINE that works. 585-498-6013
Aluminum HANDICAP RAMP with railings at least 20’ long in good condition. 585-447-2176
HEAVY DUTY TRIPOD. 607-936-3137
WALL INSULATION in good condition. michelle@thechildrensagenda.org
OLD DIRT BIKES. Call or text 315-576-1278
PEDAL EXERCISER. 585-698-5937
LADDER FOR BUNK BEDS. Text 585-750-2834
DOG FOOD, CAT LITTER & TIMOTHY HAY. holdfort@rochester.rr.com
Queen size BED FRAME (RAILS). Not looking for head/foot boards. Salubrious48@yahoo.com
Old, colorful PYREX GLASS BOWLS, butter dishes, casserole dishes and more from the 1940s, 1950s, 1960s & 1970s. Call or text 315576-1278
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received. Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
Thank You
Why can’t things be easy?
I want to thank the couple who bought me breakfast last Sunday at Denny's. You had the sweetest little boy. I appreciated it very much. It made my day!
Hometown People
I love reading the Hometown Stories column each week. Learning about local people and organizations doing amazing things makes me thankful to live in such a great community. In an age of increasing technology and weaker personal connections, it's great to know our communities still thrive and bring people together. Thank you to everyone who has been featured on that page and I look forward to learning more about other great folks around town!
I called [national fix it company] to repair a washing machine. First they had a tech come out that said we needed to order a part but that we could get it cheaper online. So we ordered it online and called the company to come back. They replaced the part and the machine was working for a short time and then stopped again. They came back again and said the same part was broken but that it wasn’t covered under warranty since we bought it online. So now we have to buy the same part again and it will take 3 weeks for it to arrive. UGH.
Dockworkers Strike
Greed has already begun. If there’s a shortage of items due to the strike, why do businesses get away with raising prices of items already in stock? Businesses already paid for the items that are staged in their stockrooms. A shortage is one thing, but price increases is price gouging.
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.
We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org
Glenmorangie Lasanta or Quinta Ruban
MacCallan 12 yr., 15 yr., 18 yr. fine oak
Talisker Distillers Ed. Amoroso
10 yr., Storm
Singleton 18 yr.
Famous Grouse 12 yr., 18 yr.
Bowmore 12 yr., 15 yr.
Balvenie 14 yr., 16 yr. + 21 yr.
Laphroaig Quarter Cask
Laphroaig 10 yr., Select, LORE
Glenfiddich 12 yr., 15 yr., 18 yr.
Dalmore Cigar Malt
Aberfeldy 21 yr.
Cragganmore 12 yr.
Oban 18 yr.
Glengoyne Cask, 18 yr.
By Lucie Winborne
* Babe Ruth paid a fan $20 to return the baseball he hit for his 700th career home run.
Glenmorangie Original, Port Cask
McClellands Speyside
McClellands Highland
McClellands Lowland
McClellands Islay
Glenlivet 12 yr., 15 yr., 18 yr.
Stop by and browse our entire Scotch/Bourbon Selection.
HRS: Mon- urs 10am-7pm Fri & Sat 10am-8pm CASES AVAILABLE
Auchentoshan 3 Wood
Glenmorangie 18 yr.
Speyburn 10 yr.
Craigellachie 17 yr.
Bunnahabhain 12 yr., 18 yr.
Lagavulin 8 yr., 11 yr., 12 yr.
Distillers Ed. 16 yr.
Jura 10 yr. & Seven Wood
Dalwhinnie - 15 Yr.
A new lump or mass: The ACS indicates that this is the most common symptom of breast cancer.A lump or mass that is cancerous is often painless, but hard and has irregular edges. However, lumps caused by breast cancer also can be soft, round and tender. Some even cause pain.
Each mumbered row contains two clues and two answers. e two answers differ from each other by only one letter, which has already been inserted. For example, if you exchange the A from MASTER for an I, you get MISTER. Do not change the order of the letters.
Sunday, October 27th, 2024 11:30am to 1:30pm Eat In or Drive thru Pickup at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church
25 Clara Barton Street, (School Street Entrance) $15.00
Tickets Available at Dogwood Floral Company
142 Main Street or any Lions Member
Saturday, October 26, 2024 @ 2-4pm Hayride starts at 2:15pm to the West Sparta United Methodist Church for Trunk or Treat! Free for all ages! 8302 Kysorville/Byersville Rd. Dansville, NY 14437 www.townofwestsparta.org
Rt. 256, Dansville, NY • (585) 335-2091
SUNDAY, October 20th, 2024
Roast Beef, Mashed Potatoes, Cole Slaw, Squash, Rolls and Pie
Adults: $12 • Children: $6 (ages 10 and under) TICKETS for sale at Sparta Center Church
Tuesdays Oct. 8 & 15 • 9am-noon
Wednesdays Oct. 9 & 16 • 1-6pm and Dogwood Floral Company (during store hours) Tickets also available on Sundays and at the door.
New parents often need a respite from the near-constant demands of infants. Dining out can be one of those breaks. When a babysitter is unavailable or if you’re not yet comfortable leaving a little one with someone else, bringing baby along may be possible.
First, find a family-friendly restaurant or try an establishment that has outdoor seating where you can quickly distance yourself from other diners if need be. Time dining out around the baby’s feeding and sleeping schedule. Babies sated by a recent feeding and a relaxing car ride may be more inclined to sleep through your restaurant meal. Just in case, pack an extra bottle or prepare to breastfeed to keep your baby happy.
October 28th, 2024
Perkinsville Fire Hall
Doors open at 6:00pm Drawings start at 7:00pm
Refreshments served • Door Prizes
50/50 Drawing • Special Raffle Table
To Benefit Perkinsville Ladies Auxiliary
Saturday, Oct. 26th
8:30PM-Midnight $10.00 COVER Cash Prizes for Funniest, Scariest & Sexiest Costumes
St. Peter’s UCC
October 19th, 2024
From 10am - 2pm at Perkinsville Fire Hall 1904 County Route 90, Perkinsville, NY
$6 Soup & Sandwich Luncheon (includessoup,sandwich,pie&drink) 50/50 Raffle • Basket Raffle
Wanda M. Earner
October 13, 2024
Dansville: Wanda M. Earner, age 89, passed away early Sunday morning, October 13, 2024, at the Livingston County CNR in Mt. Morris, where she had been a resident for the past week. She was born in Dansville on January 19, 1935, a daughter of the late Oather and Beatrice (Kenyon) Struble. She was also predeceased by her granddaughter, Rebecca Earner; a sister, Josie Harris; a brother, Ronald McKinney; a son-in-law, Dominic Cosimano; and her stepfather, Harland Struble. On December 4, 1954, she married James Earner, who survives.
Wanda was a longtime member of the former Sparta Center United Methodist Church. She was formerly employed at FA Owen Publishing Company, the Castle on the Hill and had worked at several former Dansville Department Stores. In her free time, along with her husband, Jim, she enjoyed maintaining their meticulous home on Ossian Street in Dansville inside and out. She loved her flowers, gardening and was very artistic, enjoying drawing and painting. She is survived by her husband of 70 years, Jim; two daughters, Sherry (David) Roberts, Laurie Cosimano; a son, Joe (Ida) Earner; a brother, Roger (Mary) McKinney; a sister-in-law, Lucy McKinney; nine grandchildren, ten great-grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. Friends and family were invited to a graveside service on ursday, October 17th at 1:00 pm at Holy Cross Cemetery in Dansville. Arrangements made by the Hindle Funeral Home, Inc., 271 Main St., Dansville, NY 14437. Online memorials may be left at HindleFuneralHome.com
In lieu of flowers please make memorials to the Vincent House, 310 Second Ave., Dansville, NY 14437.
Clayton A. Wood
October 12, 2024
Clayton A. Wood, affectionately known as “Woody,” passed away peacefully at home surrounded by his loving family on Saturday, October 12,2024 at the age of 91.
Woody was born on October 15,1932 in Wayland to the late Clifford & Marie (Blowers) Wood. He attended Wayland Central School and honorably served in the United States Army during the Korean War from 1952-1954.
roughout his career,Woody owned many businesses but was most wellknown for Wood’s Busy Mart & Woods Collision Shop. He was also a recognized and respected pillar of the community; Woody was a Lifetime Member of the Wayland Fire Department & Fire Police. In addition to being a jack of all trades, Woody’s greatest accomplishment was being called Grandpa & Papa- his children & grandchildren were the driving force of his life and he loved each of them very much.
Woody was the youngest of 6 children; in addition to his parents, he is predeceased by all of his siblings: Hazel Wood, Harold Wood, Nina McDowell,PearlTotten & Lyman Wood;his special sister-in-laws:Susan Spencer & Mary Wood; and his great-grandson,Kolby Scott.
Woody is survived by his loving wife and caretaker of nearly 40 years, Patricia “Ticia” Wood; his children: Heather (Tim) Holmwood of Dansville, Bill (Cheryl) Wood of Tennessee, Janet (Kenny) Scott of Arkansas, Debbie Fields of Florida & Loretta Matthews (Michael Giagios) of Wayland; several grandchildren, great-grandchildren, the kids who were the highlight of his golden years: Katie, Evan, Cole, Ayda, Henry, Brantley & Addison; brothers & sister-in-laws; and many nieces, nephews & cousins.
Friends & family were invited to call from 4pm to 7pm on Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at the Walter E. Baird & Sons Funeral Home in Wayland. A graveside funeral service was held at 11am on ursday, October 17, 2024 at the Village Cemetery in Wayland where a Firemen’s Service & full military honors were presented. Everyone was invited to join the family at the Wayland Fire Department for a luncheon following the burial.
In lieu of flowers, please consider making a memorial contribution to the Wayland Fire Department: 14 E.Naples Street,Wayland,NY 14572. Funeral arrangements have been entrusted to the Walter E.Baird & Sons Funeral Home in Wayland.
To leave an online condolence,please visit BairdFuneralHomes.com
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By Sam Marzotta
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I’m heartbroken seeing the destruction in North Carolina, Florida, Georgia and South Carolina a er Hurricane Helene. ere must be a lot of lost, hungry and suffering pets. I want to fill my truck and trailer with pet food and drive it to where it’s most needed, but I’m not sure where to go. Do you have any advice? -- Maggie in upstate New York
DEAR MAGGIE: It is heartwarming knowing that you and other pet owners want to do something positive for people and their pets in these areas that have been so hard hit.
As I write this, organizations from across the country are getting in place, setting up in strategic locations so that they can distribute aid, assist with rescues and help recover those lost to this storm. With many major highways cut, travel is nearly impossible in North Carolina, and very difficult elsewhere.
e best thing that you can do right now is to stay put. Instead of driving supplies to disaster areas, start a fundraising drive and donate cash to an organization that is actively helping pets and their owners. For example, the ASPCA is working with the Humane Society in Charlotte, North Carolina, to evacuate rescue and foster dogs from Asheville and surrounding areas. e Humane Society of the United States is doing likewise. Both organizations are helping owners with pet food and medical care, and providing shelter to animals without families.
Donating to these major organizations, or selecting a local shelter or rescue group in these areas to support now and in the months to come, will help immensely.
Clarification: In a previous column on ticks, it was implied that ticks transmit heartworm. ey do not; however, they can transmit tapeworms.
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In a survey of 3,500 working professionals, Allied Van Lines found that 17 percent had relocated for a job. Roughly 50 percent of those who relocated did so for career advancement and/or more money, while 8 percent moved to be closer to family or for other relationship reasons. Moving is often characterized as stressful, and 31 percent of survey respondents who moved indicated that finding a home was the most challenging part of relocating for a job. Acclimating to a new community (29 percent), finding services such as utilities and medical care (13 percent) and making friends (12 percent) were also cited as some of the most challenging parts of relocating for a job. As difficult as relocating can be, 64 percent of those who had relocated expressed positive sentiments toward their job relocation, while just 7.5 percent harbored negative feelings about relocating (28 percent were neutral).
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Since 1990, November has been designated National American Indian Heritage Month, to recognize & celebrate the culture, traditions, languages, stories, & achievements of Native Americans, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, & affiliated island communities. Our own local Ganondagan in Victor is the only NYS Historical site dedicated to Native Americans, particularly the Seneca & the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) people who lived here. Have you been to this historical site?
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- I haven’t been yet, but would like to Poll ends 10-22-2024
Poll ended 10-15-2024
Candy corn was originally produced in the 1880s as a candy called Chicken Feed, with its ‘cousin’ the mellowcreme pumpkins coming along around 1950. According to the National Confectioners Association, more than 35 million pounds of candy corn are produced each year. Which do you prefer?
39.1% Candy Corn
13.0% Mellowcreme Pumpkins
47.8% Neither
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More than three-and-a-quarter million women in our country are living in the aftermath of a breast cancer diagnosis. The National Cancer Institute’s Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program estimates that, in 2014, there were 3,327,552 women living in the United States who had a history of breast cancer.
Compiled by the Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester