e Atlanta-North Cohocton Fire District will hold a budget hearing for the 2025 budget. It will be held at the Atlanta-North Cohocton Fire Hall, 30 University Avenue, Atlanta, NY, on Tuesday, October 15, 2024 from 6-7pm.
~Leo Tolstoy, to Nikolay Strakhov
By Keith Roach, M.D.
Sculpt abdominals: The cosmetic benefits of building a strong core should not be overlooked, as individuals might gain additional motivation to keep exercising and eating right when they see desirable results in the mirror. Core exercises strengthen and sculpt abdominal muscles, creating a win-win situation for anyone who wants to get healthy and look good doing it.
DEAR DR. ROACH: Can someone have diffuse multiple myeloma with serious symptoms (like bone pain, pale skin, amber-colored urine, constipation, fatigue, insomnia, excessive sweating, and dizziness) and still be alive after four years? -- J.O.
ANSWER: Multiple myeloma is a type of cancer of the bone marrow. The cells in the bone marrow (called plasma cells) stop responding as they should and make large amounts of antibodies. Unfortunately, these antibodies don’t help you fight off infections; they consist of a single clone that usually doesn’t have any discernible activity. What myeloma does do is crowd out the rest of the cells in the bone marrow so that the person can’t make adequate red blood cells (causing pale skin and dizziness), blood-clotting cells (predisposing people to bleeding), and other immune system cells. This puts a person at a high risk for infection. The myeloma cells can get into the bone and cause bone pain. The high metabolic activity can also cause dizziness and sweating, and many cancers cause more nonspecific symptoms like fatigue, insomnia and constipation. Myeloma can also damage the kidney.
Although myeloma is generally considered incurable, new treatments have greatly improved the prognosis. In people with the standard type of myeloma, survival is eight years with the usual treatment. With a stem-cell transplant, survival with average-risk myeloma is over 12 years. Some highly aggressive forms of myeloma have a much worse survival rate.
I don’t have enough information to tell whether you have standard or high-risk myeloma. Your symptoms suggest that your disease isn’t under good control. But the majority of people treated with the best available treatments do live longer than four years.
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu. © 2024 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
Pain in the lower extremities may be indicative of a condition called peripheral artery disease, or PAD. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute says PAD occurs when plaque builds up in the arteries that carry blood to the limbs, head and organs, contributing to atherosclerosis, or a hardening of the arteries. Blocked blood flow and eventual limited oxygen supply to these areas can cause pain and numbness. When severe enough, PADmayleadtotissuedeath.
Discomfort due to PAD usually occurswhenapersoniswalking or exercising, because the muscles are not getting enough blood during these activities to meet their needs, says the American Heart Association. Those with diabetes may confuse pain with neuropathy, and the elderly may think pain from PAD is a normal sign of aging and stiffness.
Whenundiagnosed,PADcanlead tofurthercomplications,including increased risk for heart attack, stroke, and coronary artery disease. Even amputation of a limb may be necessary. However, PAD is preventable when taking a fewstepstoimprovediet.
According to new research published by the American Heart Association, eating more fruits and vegetables may reduce the risk of developing PAD, which affects an estimated 8.5 million people in the United States alone. Researchers examined dietary data from roughly 3.7 million men and women, with an average age of 65. Approximately 6.3 percent of the subjects had PAD, and 29.2 percent indicated they ate three or more servings of fruits and vegetables each day. The discovery was those who reported eating three or more daily servings of fruits and vegetables had an 18 percent lower risk of PAD than those who reported eating less of these foods. The association between fruit and vegetable consumption andlowerPADriskremainedeven after accounting for age, gender, race, smoking status, and various cardiovascularriskfactors.
Saturated fats, trans-fats and sodium can contribute to the formation of plaques that lead to PAD. Replacing these foods with more vegetables and fruits that are naturally lower in saturated fats can help, as can increasing dietary fiber consumption. One way to incorporate these types of foods is to adhere to a Mediterranean diet, which offers high proportions of legumes, fruits, vegetables; moderate amounts of fish and dairy; and limitedmeatandmeatproducts.
With collective bargaining conflicts rising again, this time with talk of strikes and walkouts of dockworkers at dozens of US ports potentially on the horizon, do you think we will face supply chain issues again this year?
- Yes - No
Poll ends 10-08-2024
Poll ended 10-01-2024
The autumnal equinox marks the first day of fall in the Northern Hemisphere. What is your take on fall?
50.0% It’s my favorite season. Bring on all things fall.
38.9% It’s too short, sandwiched between summer’s heat and winter’s bitter cold 11.1% I’m indifferent.
We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit www.gvpennysaver.com!
Autumn burned brightly, a running flame through the mountains, a torch flung to the trees. ~Faith Baldwin, American Family
Maintain appliances and replace older ones. While reducing reliance on energy-thirsty appliances is a great way to reduce energy consumption, no one needs to throw away their refrigerators. Instead, maintain appliances so they are not forced to work harder, and thereby consume more energy, to function. Routinely clean the filtersonwindowairconditioners, replacing them if they’re worn down. In addition, have HVAC units serviced annually to ensure they’reoperatingatpeakcapacity. Replace older appliances, includingrefrigerators,thatareno longereffective.
This notice announces that, on or about October 21, 2024, Baron Winds II LLC (Baron Winds II or Certificate Holder) will commence construction of Phase II of the Baron Winds Project. Phase I was previously constructed and commenced operations in 2023.
Pursuant to the Article 10 process, this notice is being provided in accordance with Certificate Condition Nos. 19 & 20 in the Order Granting Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need, with Condition, issued by the New York State Board on Electric Generation Siting and the Environment, on September 12, 2019 and the Order Granting Amendment Petition II, with Conditions, and Granting Transfer Petition, with Conditions, issued on July 1, 2024. A copy of the Order (and all public documents filed in this proceeding) may be accessed electronically at the Department of Public Service website, www.dps.ny.gov. To access documents, go to “Search,” type the case number, “15-F-0122,” and click “Search by Case Number.”
Baron Winds II will construct Phase II which will consist of up to 26 wind turbines, associated electrical collection lines (32.5 miles), 10.9 miles of temporary and permanent access roads, one permanent meteorological tower (MET tower), ADLS tower, a new collection substation, and temporary staging/laydown yards for use during construction. The Project will share the operations & maintenance (O&M) building constructed for the Baron Winds Phase I project in the town of Wayland. An additional storage building will be constructed within the O&M yard to accommodate equipment storage for the Facility. The proposed collection substation is located at the Point of Interconnection (POI) in the Town of Cohocton, adjacent to the Baron Winds Phase I project substation.
Construction is scheduled to begin in late October 2024. Project construction is expected to conclude at the end of December 2025. Construction activities shall be limited to 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday.
Project Development Manager: Jason Dagger 1-844-833-9145
353 North Clark Street Suite 3000 Chicago, IL 60654
Construction Manager: Doug Tanaka 1-844-833-9145
353 North Clark Street Suite 3000 Chicago, IL 60654
Website: https://www.rwe.com/en/our-portfolio/innovation-and-technology/project-proposals/constructionprojects-renewables/baron-winds
Complaints by neighboring residents or others may be made through the following channels. For safety reasons, members of the public will not be allowed on-site to register complaints with Baron Winds Phase II-affiliated workers at locations other than those identified below.
1. By calling the Toll Free Number: 1-844-833-9145
2. Visiting the construction office once established at the intersection of Rex Road and Dye Road
3. By writing to Baron Winds at its email address baroninfo@rwe.com; or
4. Mailing complaints to its principal place of business at 353 North Clark Street, Suite #3000, Chicago, IL 60654. CONTACT INFORMATION
Board on Electric Generation Siting and the Environment and Public Service Commission:
Honorable Michelle L. Phillips
Empire State Plaza
Agency Building 3 Albany, New York 12223-1350 secretary@dps.ny.gov
Article 10 Coordinator: James Denn, NYS Department of Public Service 3 Empire State Plaza Albany, NY 12223
Tel. No. (518) 474-7080 james.denn@dps.ny.gov
Joan M Curtiss LeVesque September 27, 2024
Joan M Curtiss LeVesque passed away on September 27, 2024 at her home in Jasper, Alabama a er a short battle with cancer. She was born June 14, 1950, daughter of Clarence and Martha (Buckley) Curtiss.
She was an employee of Moore Cottrell
Subscription Agency when it closed and she moved on with Ebsco, relocating to Birmingham, Alabama. She was currently employed at Jack, Henry and Associates as a Project Manager.
She was predeceased by her parents, Clarence and Martha (Buckley) Curtiss; brother, Lawrence Curtiss and nephew, Craig Curtiss.
She is survived by her son, Kevin of Jasper, Alabama. Her brothers, James Curtiss, Richard Curtiss and John (Donna) Curtiss. Her sister, Nancy (Milt) LeVesque.
ere will be no prior calling hours.
AshortservicewillbeheldattheClearviewCemeteryinNorthCohocton on Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 11am with a luncheon to follow at Nancy & Milt LeVesque’s on Garlinghouse Rd.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Vincent House, Box 566, Wayland, NY 14572.
Breast cancer affects millions of individuals each year. e World Cancer Research Fund International reports that breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women across the globe, affecting roughly 2.3 million women each year.
Despite the global prevalence of breast cancer, various organizations report high five-year survival rates, particularly among women whose cancers are detected in the earliest stages of the disease. In fact, a 2023 study published in the journal BMJ found that the risk for dying from breast cancer in the five years a er an early-stage diagnosis fell to 5 percent in recent years, a notable improvement from the 14 percent risk of death that was reported in the 1990s.
Increased survival rates for breast cancer are welcome news for women and their families. e higher survival rates are a byproduct of the tireless efforts of cancer researchers, who have also discovered links between the disease and certain lifestyle factors. ough there's no way to eliminate one's risk for breast cancer entirely, the American Cancer Society notes certain variables are within women's control. With that in mind, women can consider these three strategies that can lead to improved overall health and might help women lower their risk for breast cancer as well.
Reach and maintain a healthy weight. e benefits of maintaining a healthy weight include a lower risk for heart disease and stroke, and women should know that weight and breast cancer risk are linked as well. According to the ACS, increased body weight and weight gain as an adult are linked to a higher risk of developing breast cancer. at’s particularly so among post-menopausal women. A 2023 study published in the journal BMC Women’s Health found that the chances of developing breast cancer increase among post-menopausal women who are obese.
Avoid a sedentary lifestyle. Exercise is one of the ways to achieve and maintain a healthy weight, so it makes sense that being physically active can reduce breast cancer risk. e National Cancer Institute reports that a 2016 meta-analysis of 38 cohort studies found that the most physically active women had between a 12 and 21 percent lower risk for breast cancer than women who were the least physically active. e NCI also notes that additional studies have found that women who become more physically active a er menopause also have a lower risk for breast cancer than those who do not.
Limit or eliminate alcohol consumption. e ACS urges women who drink to consume no more than one alcoholic drink per day, noting that consumption of even small amounts of alcohol have been linked to an increased risk for breast cancer. Officials with the MD Anderson Cancer Center note that the link between alcohol consumption and breast cancer risk is low. However, the MDACC notes that alcohol can contribute to unwanted weight gain, thus increasing cancer risk. In addition, alcohol can increase levels of estrogen and other hormones associated with breast cancer.
It may be impossible to completely prevent breast cancer. However, women can embrace strategies that improve their overall health in ways that lower their risk for breast cancer.
Cohocton Public Library
8 Maple Ave. • 585-384-5170
Hrs.: Mon., -Fri. 10am-6pm; Sat. 10am-2pm
Dansville Public Library
200 Main St., Dansville, 585.335.6720 www.dansville.lib.ny.us
Hrs.: Mon.-Thurs. 10am-8pm; Fri. 10am-5pm; Sat. 9am-1pm
E.J. Cottrell Memorial Library
5 Beecher St., Atlanta, NY 585-534-5030
Hrs.: Mon., Tues. 10am-8pm; Wed., Thurs., Fri. 10am-5pm; Closed Sat., Sun.
Wayland Free Library
101 W. Naples St. • 585-728-5380 www.gunlockelibrary.org
Hrs.: Mon.-Thurs. 10am-6pm; Fri. 12pm-5pm; Sat. 10am-noon
Here’s what’s happening at your local library…
VeteransOnly-Campingat Letchworth StatePark: joinus25-27Oct24,foraweekendatParker’sHideawayCabin andenjoyLetchworthStatePark. Wewillusethecabinashomebase formeals,camping,andconversation.Duringtheday,feelfreeto hike,bike,leafwatch,orsiteseeall thattheparkhastooffer.Limited spaceavailableinthecabin,also roomfortentsifdesired.Come sharearelaxingweekendbythe campfirewithus.RSVPonour websiteatwww.livcovets.com
Chicken&BiscuitDinner- Join us foradeliciousChicken&Biscuit DinneronSaturday,October5, 4:30-6:30pmattheGarwood UnitedMethodistChurch,10524 CountyRoute15B,Canaseraga. Donation.
RummageSale! North Cohocton MethodistChurch,10University Ave.,No.Cohocton.Held Thursday,October17from9-2and Friday,October18from9-2. COHOCTON
Supporting Independence -This educationfocusesonhelpingthe personlivingwithdementiatake partindailyactivities,providingthe rightamountofsupportandbalancingsafetyandindependence whilemanagingexpectations.Held October16,11am,DansvilleSenior NutritionSite,5ChestnutAve., Dansville.PleaseRSVPby10/9if youareplanningonstayingforthe noonmeal.585-335-8130
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today!
www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
This Year of Reunion! With Your Holy Family Catholic Community. All your friends long to see you. Come back to the Great Celebration! - SATURDAY4pm - St. Mary (Dansville) - SUNDAY7:30am - St. Joseph (Wayland) 9:15am - Sacred Heart (Perkinsville) 11am - St. Pius (Cohocton) Celebrate! Celebrate!
EighthWallofPrideInduction to be heldSaturday,October19, 2024attheDansvilleAmerican Legion.Incollaborationwith DansvilleSchools,theFoundation forDansvilleEducationwillbehonoringMargaretE.Hondelink,Edward(EJ)Monster,andMaryEllen Webster.KyleYorkwasalsoselectedtobeinducted,butisunable toattendthisyear.Hewillbe inductedinJune2025.Pleasejoin usfordinnertoparticipateinthis amazingcelebration.Tickets($40) areavailablebycontactingMarcia Millerat(585)455-4921.Tickets mayalsoberequestedbymail throughtheFoundationatP.O.Box 616,Dansville,NY.
DansvilleSeniorNutritionProgramWeekofOctober7-October11 Monday,10/7:BakedHam,Sweet Potatoes,Zucchini,WholeWheat BreadSlice,LemonPudding. Tuesday,10/8:LemonBakedFish, RicePilaf,BrusselsSprouts,Whole WheatBreadSlice,OatmealRaisin Cookie.
Wednesday,10/9:OvenFried Chicken,Asparagus,YellowBeans, WholeWheatBreadSlice,Orange Juice,AppleCrisp. Thursday,10/10:PepperSteakw/ Gravy,MashedPotatoes,Peas, WholeWheatBreadSlice,Tropical Fruit.
SiteClosedFriday. (585)335-8130
CandlelightVigil - Tuesday,October15at6pm-7:30pm.Joinusfor atimeofREMEMBRANCE,SUPPORTANDHOPE.Letusuniteasa communitytorememberthosewe havelosttoSubstanceAbuseDisorderandsupporttheirfamily& friends.HeldattheDansvilleFree MethodistChurch,25FranklinSt.
TrunkorTreat! Saturday, October 26at2pm-4pm.Trunkswillbe decorated,candygivenout,games anddrinks.Comeandenjoyatthe DansvilleFreeMethodistChurch, 25FranklinSt.
CreateBeadedGhostSuncatchers - GetintotheHalloween spiritbyjoiningourartsandcrafts classtocreatebeadedghostsuncatchers!Allmaterialswillbeprovidedforjust$20perperson.Join usonSunday,October13th,from 2-4PMatLittleLakesCommunity Center,4705S.MainSt.,Hemlock. Don’tmissoutonthefun!
ChristianMotorcyclistchapter meeting - ChristianMotorcyclist Association’sHornellchapter“Solid RockRiders”hastheirmonthly meetingthesecondSaturdayofthe monthfrom9:30-11amatArkport CyclesinHornellNY.Meetingison the2ndfloorinaroomontheleft. Allarewelcometocomeandjoin us.
Take-outSpaghettiDinner at the UnitedMethodistChurchof Livonia,21SummerSt,Livoniaon Wednesday,October9,4:306:00PM(oruntilsoldout).Spaghetti,sauce,meatballs,undressed salad,andgarlicbread.Donations accepted.
Saturday, October 12th 9am-2pm
8455 Sparta Center Rd. & Rte. 256 4 miles north of Dansville
* On Oct. 4, 1957, the Soviet Union inaugurates the “Space Age” with its launch of Sputnik, the world’s first artificial satellite. The 22-inch sphere weighed 184 pounds. In January 1958, Sputnik burned up in the atmosphere when its orbit deteriorated.
CovingtonUnitedMethodist Church AnnualHamDinner, Bazaar,&BakeSale Saturday,October12that4pm. Thechurchislocatedat1557 SimmonsRoad(betweenPerryand Pavilion).Themenuwillinclude ham,macandcheese,potatoes, squash,applesauce,roll,and homemadepie.Donationis$15.00 foradultsand$7.50forchildren 5-12.Take-outoreat-in.Thankyou foryoursupport.
South Bristol- HikeOntario CountyPark,enjoyingtheFallwildflowersandchangingleavesalong theway,SundayOctober6from 2-4PMwithSpringwaterTrails,followedbyasocialget-togetherdishto-passpicnicinthepark.Foradditionalinfo/directions/updatesvisit thewebsite:springwatertrails.org
Each mumbered row contains two clues and two answers. e two answers differ from each other by only one letter, which has already been inserted. For example, if you exchange the A from MASTER for an I, you get MISTER. Do not change the order of the letters.
97 Maple Avenue, Cohocton, NY
Eat In - Take Out Available Roast
Sunday, October 13th • 12:30-4pm HomemadeDesserts
DINNERS: $12.00
DINNERS: 12.00
Menu: Roast Pork, Sauerkraut, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Green Beans, Applesauce, Rolls, And Cupcake
No Pre-Sale Tickets!
Webster Crossing United Methodist Church 7242 Webster Crossing Rd. • Springwater, NY $14
Be willing to accept help. It’s easy for cancer patients to feel like they’re suddenly seen as charity cases upon sharing their diagnosis with an employer and their colleagues. But offers to help come from a good place, and patients would likely offer to help if the shoe was on the other foot and a colleague revealed a cancer diagnosis. It’s alright to tell people willing to help that you’ll let them know if you need anything if and when a difficult situation arises. In the meantime, thank them for their kindness and prepare to lighten your professional load as treatment begins.
• REGISTRATION deadline is October 26, 2024. Apply in person or postmark no later than October 26, 2024.
• ADDRESS CHANGES must be received by the Board of Elections by October 21, 2024.
• Deadline to request an ABSENTEE BALLOT by mail is October 26, 2024. You may apply in person until November 4, 2024.
Please refer to https://www.livingstoncounty.us/123/ Board-of-Elections for more information or call the Livingston County Board of Elections at 243-7090 if you have any questions.
Four 5’ x 7’ BARN RUGS. Avon. 585-503-7083
3 SCREEN DOORS, 32’ X 80’, one vinyl, two wood. With handles, hinges, and spring closer. Text only please. 585-278-5100
5TH WHEEL TRAILER. Good for hunting cabin. Must pick up. Corfu. 585-604-0006
Large PLASTIC DOG KENNEL and RED BRICKS. You haul / pick up. 585-764-3525
21” Toro CORDLESS ELECTRIC MOWER, charger, extra blade, adapter plug and collection bag. You pick up. 585-705-6354
COMPUTER PARTS, lots of memory sticks, motherboard, (2) 10” tablets for parts. Must take all. 585-748-1179
MASON / BALL CANNING JARS - (11) quart jars, (9) two cup jars, no rings, or lids. Must take all. 585-748-1179
Black VariDesk Pro Plus 36” STANDING DESKTOP CONVERTER with dual monitor arms. Heavy. East Bloomfield. Texts only, please. 315-753-2193
FLOOR CLOCK, 6’ tall. Needs repair. Text only. 585- 730-0869
WOLMAN TRANSPARENT OIL DECK, FENCE, SIDING PRESERVATIVE. Two one-gallon cans of natural color. Unopened. Rush area. mrssiberfile@aol.com
Heavy duty OUTDOOR ELECTRIC WHEELCHAIR for a handicapped person. Needs batteries. You pick up. 585-223-2612 or 315-9869405
CAR BIKE RACK - holds two bikes. Needs trailer hitch. Good condition. 585-455-6116
Perfectly preserved ROBIN’S NEST with two eggs for science class or nature study. Text 585-813-2671
Large bag of PINECONES for crafting. Please text. 585-314-1548
BOOKS IN GERMAN (mostly novels I think). 585-233-5625
FULL SIZE COUCH (99”) and LOVE SEAT (55”), good condition, no rips/tears. Beige/tan. W/pillows. You pick up in Rush. 585-533-1223 20 Green CHOIR ROBES with yellow stoles. 585-356-9941
UPRIGHT PIANO. Old heavy beast. Would be cool to gut and repurpose as desk, etc. lyndaleebee@gmail.com
SWING SET in very good condition. Picture available upon request. You disassemble. 585-317-4821
OUTBACK BIKE RACK - Mounts in standard trailer 2” receiver. Holds two bikes. Good condition. Text please 585-746-1798
Two small PET STEPS for ailing pets to get up on bed/couch. TEXT PLEASE. 585-315-0563
COBALT BLUE WINE BOTTLES for garden bottle tree. sunny14586. jw@gmail.com
3-5 CONCRETE PAVERS for under raised garden. 2 ft. by 3 or 4 ft. We will remove. Please text. 585-416-3530
RECLINER in good, clean condition. No pets. For senior. marge_ behl@yahoo.com
Two older WEIGHT BENCHES, 2 bars, dumbbell bars, tricep bar, and over 300 pounds of weights. 585-243-5412
RELIABLE CAR for medical apts and job. Graciously needed. Brockport to city several times a week. 585-287-0624
DOG FOOD, CAT FOOD, CAT LITTER, and TIMOTHY HAY. holdfort@ rochester.rr.com
Cooperstown Dream Field TRADING PINS and POKÉMON CARDS. salvatore.d.timpani@gmail.com
Any SPORTS COLLECTIBLES, good pair of size 8/9 MEN’S WINTER BOOTS, Buffalo Bills WINTER HAT AND GLOVES, lightweight and foldable RASCAL SCOOTERS, COSTUME JEWELRY. Call 585-415-8513.
COMIC BOOKS. Will pick up, any & all, any amount & condition. Call or text 585-260-0437
Any beater CAR for travel to and from work. Only one vehicle in the household. Needed security for wife and children. 585-729-1259
ADULT NUTRITION/MEAL REPLACEMENT DRINKS. Brand unimportant. Lakeville. Call or text 585-649-8706
ELECTRIC LEAF BLOWER in good condition, CAR RAMPS and CROCHET SET. 585-507-8788
Looking for ‘70s/’80s/’90s Rock and Roll 8 TRACK TAPES, CASSETTES, and VINYL RECORDS. gzintel1967@gmail.com XL DOG CRATE & DOG CARRIER. 585-507-8788
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received. Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
BYLINE: By JoAnn Derson
* Use a turkey baster to "squirt" pancake batter into your frying pan. Mix the batter as normal and unscrew the top of the baster to load. You can use it to make letters for fun kids' breakfasts. No drips!
* If you have trouble opening the lid on glass jars, try using a pair of standard dishwashing gloves. ey work to grip both the lid and the jar. ey work especially well if your hands are the least bit moist. - D.Y. in Pennsylvania
“This recognition is so well deserved for all who work so hard for our advertisers and readers. Thank you all so much!”
Each year we enter various categories in the Association of Community Publishers (ACP) national contest and we’re so pleased with this year’s results.
1ST PLACE Special Section • Food & Drink • General Excellence 2ND PLACE Best Use of Digital • Self Promo • Banner/Masthead 3RD PLACE Best Use of Art or Photography
Thank you for paying it forward!
A big THANK YOU to the woman behind my husband and I in line last Saturday for the big craft event. We traveled quite far to attend and were told there was no admission fee and had not brought cash with us. Turns out there was a cash only admission fee and we were told we could enter the grounds to access an ATM and come back and pay. But before we could do so the woman behind us quietly and generously paid for both my husband and my admission as well as for her friend! We thanked her there but it really meant a lot to be given this kindness and wanted to thank her again. Hope she reads this!
I cringe watching another balloon release in memory of a family’s loved one on the news almost every week. Yes, losing a loved one is tragic but balloons don’t just disappear in the heavens, out of sight and out of mind. They come back down to earth, polluting land and water, killing wildlife and causing power outages. Don’t be ignorant; please use other environmentally safe alternatives: blow bubbles, release flowers or petals in water, plant a tree or native flowers, use pinwheels or other stationary decorations. City or Town laws should be put in place to prevent balloon releases.
Team Dominos
On 9/27, I went to a local pizza place with my grand-nephew. Upon entering, the busy staff exclaimed welcoming greetings. Due to time constraints, I had to exit without placing an order! Upon exiting, the team again exclaimed kind farewells. I actually was astounded and wanted to go back in again just to tell them how heartwarming their hospitality impressed me. It restored my faith that “customer care” is still thriving at this local shop. Love the pizza and the offers!!
I can’t understand why people can be proud of being a billionaire or why people admire them. It only proves how selfish they are. If you are a person who really cares about others, you can always find a charity that does good for the deserving, such as charities that help save the lives of children or organizations that find water so people can grow their own food and bathe. There are so many charities that do really good work and help make this planet a better place for all of us to live. You don’t usually accumulate even several million dollars if you truly do your best to share. I grew up in a family that didn’t have much money because my siblings were not the healthiest, but my parents always gave to others who were in need. The world would be a better place if people cared about others and less about accumulating a lot of things they really don’t need.
Ahiddenfireburnsperpetuallyupon the hearth of the world.... In autumn this great conflagration becomes especially manifest. Then the flame that is slowly and mysteriously consuming every green thing bursts into vivid radiance. Every blade of grass and every leaf in the woodlands is cast into the great oven of Nature; and the bright colours of their fading are literally the flames of their consuming. The golden harvest-fields are glowing in the heart of the furnace.... By this autumn fire God every year purges the floor of nature. All effete substances that have served their purposeintheoldformareburntup. Everywhere God makes sweet and cleantheearthwithfire.
~Hugh Macmillan
Monday-Thursday 10am - 7pm; Friday & Saturday 10am - 8pm VODKA
Recipe 21 1.75 Ltr
Deep Eddy Ruby Red, Peach, Lemon,
Offer practical support. Cancer affects the body in a number of ways. Energy levels may wane and certain symptoms may arise. Side effects from treatments also can make it difficult to continue with daily tasks. So an offer to help with tasks associated with daily living, such as cooking meals, gardening, washing clothes, or cleaning up around the house, can be practical and much appreciated. Approach the individual and ask questions in pointed ways. Rather than, “What can I do to help?”, which may result in an answer of, “Nothing,” figure out a way to pitch in and then ask if that would be acceptable. This may be, “Would you like me to run to the supermarket for you today?”
e Town of West Sparta is accepting bids for lawn mowing and landscape maintenance of the Town Hall Grounds, Town Park, and the four Historic Town Cemeteries. Bids must be postmarked by Oct. 26, 2024 and should be mailed to Town of West Sparta 8302 Kysor./Byers. Rd., Dansville, N. Y. 14437 Attn: Building & Grounds or email to: Townhallgrounds@townofwestsparta.org.
Interested parties should contact Mark Mullikin at 585-519-3321 for details on the type and amount of work required. e Town of West Sparta has the right to refuse any or all bids.
Order by the Board: Town Clerk, Marie Powell www.townofwestsparta.org
Level: Beginner
The completion of the Erie Canal in 1825 was a transformative event for New York State, connecting the Atlantic Ocean to the Great Lakes and revolutionizing commerce in our region. For towns like Henrietta, the canal was not just a feat of engineering but a vital connection to larger markets, particularly during the autumn harvest season. e impact of the Erie Canal on Henrietta’s agricultural practices and economy is a story of growth, opportunity, and the profound influence of a waterway that opened new horizons for local farmers.
Before the canal’s construction, Henrietta’s farmers faced significant challenges in reaching markets beyond their immediate area. Transportation was slow and costly, limiting the ability of local farmers to sell their produce elsewhere. e Erie Canal changed this dynamic, providing a direct, efficient route to major urban centers such as New York City. During autumn harvest season, farmers could transport their goods quickly and at a lower cost by canal, ensuring products arrived at markets in peak condition.
e canal’s accessibility encouraged Henrietta’s farmers to diversify their crops and increase production. Grains like wheat, barley, and oats, which were well-suited for bulk transport, became more prominent. e ability to reach distant markets also motivated farmers to improve produce quality, knowing they could command higher prices for superior goods. Apples, a key crop in the Henrietta area, benefited particularly from canal transportation. During the fall, vast quantities of apples were harvested, carefully packed in barrels, and shipped via canal boats to new markets, enhancing the profitability of local apple growers.
e process of preparing goods for canal transport became an integral part of the autumn season in Henrietta. Harvesting was only the beginning; farmers also had to process and package their crops to ensure they were market-ready. Grains needed to be threshed, winnowed, and bagged, while apples required careful packing to prevent bruising during transport. is preparation was o en a communal effort, with local farmers working together to maximize the efficiency and quality of their shipments.
e canal’s influence extended beyond the fields, stimulating the development of processing industries in Henrietta. Gristmills that ground grain into flour and cider mills that pressed apples into juice became more common, particularly near the canal where access to
both raw materials and shipping routes was easiest. e rise of these industries boosted the local economy, creating jobs and adding value to the crops grown in the area.
Autumn in Henrietta became a season of bustling activity, with the Erie Canal at the heart of the town’s agricultural commerce. Canal boats in Rochester were loaded with produce from Henrietta, ready to embark on the journey to distant markets. is seasonal surge in trade benefited more than just farmers; so did local businesses that supplied goods and services to those involved in the canal trade. Merchants, blacksmiths, and general stores experienced increased business during the fall as farmers prepared for the harvest and subsequent transport of their goods. Additionally, the canal brought an influx of seasonal workers to Henrietta, many of whom stayed temporarily to assist with the harvest and shipment, creating a vibrant, if short-lived, economic boost each autumn.
Although the rise of railroads eventually diminished the Erie Canal’s dominance as a transportation route, its impact on Henrietta’s agricultural history remains significant. e canal not only opened new markets to Henrietta’s farmers but also fostered a sense of connectedness with the broader economy of New York State and beyond. Today, the legacy of the Erie Canal in Henrietta is still felt, particularly in the town’s agricultural traditions. Fall farmers’ markets, apple festivals, and other seasonal events continue to celebrate the harvest’s bounty, much as they did when the canal first brought new opportunities to the region. While the Erie Canal may no longer serve as the vital commercial artery it once was, its role in shaping the history and economy of Henrietta endures.
Sources: e Erie Canal: Exploring New York’s Great Canals by omas X. Grasso; Henrietta: e First 200 Years by Jean West; History of Monroe County, New York by W.H. McIntosh; e Erie Canal and the Growth of New York State Agriculture by Peter L. Bernstein
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1817 | Harper Bros. was founded in NYC Palmer Putnam and John Wiley established one of America's first major publishing houses in what would later become the center of the publishing industry: New York City.
1439 | Printing press sparks a revolution Johannes Gutenberg began work on his printing press — the first with mechanical movable type. The ability to print anything quickly sparked the Printing Revolution, where knowledge and ideas spread around the world. How to observe National Book
1. Start a new book One of the best ways to celebrate National Book Month is by opening a book you've never read before.
2. Share an old book Take one of your favorites and share it with someone.
3. Post on social media #NationalBookMonth
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By Fifi Rodriguez
1. MOVIES: Which animated film was the first to be nominated for an Academy Award for Best Picture?
2. SCIENCE: What is a common name for the Aurora Borealis?
3. U.S. PRESIDENTS: Who was the third U.S. president?
4. GEOGRAPHY: Where are the Maldives (islands) located?
5. MUSIC: Who was the first woman inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame?
6. TELEVISION: What is Dorothy’s job on “The Golden Girls”?
7. MATH: Which number doesn’t have a Roman numeral equivalent?
8. LITERATURE: In the Harry Potter series of novels, what was Lord Voldemort’s name before he changed it?
9. ANIMAL KINGDOM: Which dog breed doesn’t “bark”?
10. FAMOUS QUOTES: Who wrote the poetic line about fall, “Nature’s first green is gold”?
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DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My dog “Austin” was recently diagnosed with Lyme disease. He’s responding very well to treatment with antibiotics. Still, I’m wracking my brain as to how he was exposed. I check him for ticks every time we go out hiking, and I’ve never found one. I avoid trails in the deep woods during the summer months, when there’s a lot of brush and ticks are out. What can I do to protect him from another tick bite? -- Zack in Asheville, North Carolina
DEAR ZACK: I’m glad to hear Austin is on the mend! Lyme disease in dogs can be very debilitating.
e most important tool in the tick-fighting arsenal is prevention. Use a flea and tick preventive treatment -- like a topical ointment or a chewable medication -- to arm your dog in advance of going outside. Oral treatments o en have the added advantage of heartworm medication to prevent this dangerous transmitted disease in dogs from fleas and mosquitoes.
Avoiding the deep woods in summer is one way to reduce the chance of acquiring a tick (or three, or four), but ticks can lurk right in your yard and around the neighborhood. Keep the lawn mowed and brush trimmed back, and remove any debris piles around your property. Vacuum carpets weekly and sweep and mop the floors regularly.
Check Austin every day for ticks, even on days that you don’t go out hiking. It’s not unheard of to miss a tick in a dog’s fur, before it’s latched on to the skin -- and you have a 48-hour window to locate and remove an attached tick before Lyme exposure occurs.
Finally, talk to the vet about whether a Lyme vaccine would be a good choice for your dog.
Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.