15 minute read
By Matilda Charles
Ways to Train Your Brain
ere are several “brain support” online programs out there, but many cost more than we’d like to pay.
Lumosity (lumosity.com) comes in seven languages and has games that promote memory, attention, exibility, problem-solving and more. A er you sign up, you’ll get three free games per day, and the Brain Performance Index monitors your progress. ere is a subscription plan, of course, if you want access to more areas of the site, and you can pay by the month or the year. Test the free version rst to see if you like it.
BrainHQ (brainhq.com) is another cognitive training program that you can access online. eir exercises explore brain speed, memory, attention and more. And you can design your own program. eir goals are to help you think faster, focus better and remember more. You can try it out by subscribing to their email newsletters, which have free daily exercises to sample.
As for me, I’ve found books that don’t cost much and are good at putting my brain through its paces on a daily basis. e New York Times series of puzzle books begins with the Monday editions, which are the easiest of the week. ( e crossword puzzles get increasingly di cult as the week progresses.) I found the whole series of spiral-bound puzzle books (50 to a book) on Amazon.
en there are the online jigsaw puzzles at eJigsawPuzzles.com. e puzzles (a new one every day) can be set in any number of ways, including the number of pieces in a puzzle. I’ve found that the 100-pieces level is plenty challenging when viewed on a computer monitor.
And then there is online chess, for those of us who used to play back in the day but would be embarrassed to lose to a small child now without serious brushing up of our skills. Try this for free at www.chess.com and play against their computer.
(c) 2023 King Features Synd., Inc.
Fair Housing Statement
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
• www.lawny.org
Six balls STRING TYPE CROCHET COTTON, box of FABRIC PAINT, box of CORKS: 585-889-4320
HEWLITT PACKARD OFFICE JET #4650 – Printer, scanner, fax, copy machine. You pick up: 585-396-9669
White MICROWAVE. Pick up, Batavia: 727-543-1759
AVANA COMFORT MATTRESS ELEVATOR (king size). Pick up, Webster: 585-872-6756
Several packages of SIZE 3 DIAPERS. Pick up, Avon (delivery possible): 585-905-7426
UPRIGHT PIANO. Good condition. Pick up, Honeoye Falls: 585-624-2453
Back issues of FINE WOODWORKING MAGAZINES. Covers years 2000 thru 2020: jlg1972@gmail.com
CRAFT STUFF – Yarn, knitting needles, crochet hooks, melty beads, latch hook, material, felt, and misc. Some brand new. Moving: 585-721-8963
MEN’S CLOTHING - Coats size large. Pants size 30 / 32 and bigger shirts size medium / large. Sweaters size medium / large: 585-721-8963
PATTERNS for an 18” doll: 585-624-5144
PREVAIL OVERNIGHT UNDERWEAR, small, bladder control and a box of ALCOHOL
PREP PADS. Pick up Batavia: 716-474-0292 leave message
OLD WOODEN HIGHCHAIR, blonde wood. Good condition. Pittsford/Mendon area: 585-414-0845
Loose advertisement pages from 1920s LADIES HOME JOURNAL magazines, 11”x14”. Many still with vibrant colors. Perfect for crafts/framing. Fairport: jvc45@aol.com
FIREWOOD - Two maples trees near driveway. Easy excess. You cut and take down. Cleanup not required: 585-538-9305
FINISHED DIAMOND PAINTING, Nightmare Before Christmas. You frame. Batavia: 845-309-9373 text only
TWIN SIZE HOSPITAL BED - like brand new. To meet at the storage unit in Farmington on February 4th. Text or call: 585-967-2413
BROTHER PRINTER, model MFC_L8900CDW. Touch screen flickers at times, prints well. Has ink in it and also has new ink: Meetu@twc.com
PET CARRIER for small pet, plus two LITTER BOXES, two small METAL FOOD BOWLS. Pick up, Fairport: Text only: 585-278-0445
WOMEN’S CLOTHING. Gently used. Size 2 / Small. Full trash bag. Name brands. Pick up York/Caledonia: mariab827@yahoo.com
PACK N PLAY: 585-861-0181
KETTLE BELLS and a MINI TRAMPOLINE: bhaag1@frontiernet.net
MONITOR needed for older Dell computer (80s-90s) for disabled person to work with: 585-346-7022
Small STANDARD SHIFT TRUCK or CAR. Running and passes inspection: christinaplaton20@gmail.com
BUNK BED in good condition. Can only pick up in Batavia. Text me: 585- 536-6269
VINTAGE LEGO SETS or PIECES! Can be newer Legos! Greatest Appreciation and God Bless! 585-590-7995
BABY MONITOR for kitty cabin and a CAT TOWER in good condition (prefer a large one): 585-637-0933
Any BOOKS by Arch Merrill or Henry Clune: 585-924-2651
LIFT RECLINER - must also lift legs. New or gently used: 585-719-7866
PORTABLE WASHER or OLD WRINGER WASHER that works. Thank you: 607-329-6086
BARN ROOFING and SIDING - aluminum or metal, new or used. Thank you: 585-861-0181
FOAM COUCH CUSHIONS, tan, or cream cloth for craft projects: s.marty.nary@gmail.com
COOPERSTOWN DREAMS PARK TRADING PINS for 12 year old granddaughter who will be playing this summer in the tournament: salvatore.d.timpani@gmail.com
BASEBALL/FOOTBALL/BASKETBALL CARDS, 1950-1970. Will pick up. Located in Victor. What I can’t use I donate to kids: 585-313-4131.
UPRIGHT FREEZER in good working condition for church group community outreach: 585-447-8452
Baby PACK N PLAY or PORTA CRIB, plus a PLAY PEN: 585-670-0719. Send photo to dajude03@yahoo.com
ALUMINUM RAMPS and PLATFORMS for Boy Scout Pack 39. Toy Train Box car construction project: 585-233-6143
TONGUE and GROOVE PINE for refurbishing interior of train car for Scout Pack 39. Toy train project: 585-233-6143
DIRECTORIES – Rochester and Suburban from 1900s to present for handicap senior project: 585-500-2588
DOUBLE or TWO SINGLE BEDS for husband who has cancer: 585-201-3161
VINTAGE SPORTS CARDS, 1980s TOYS/GAMES and VINTAGE BOOKS! God Bless and Happy New Year: 585-729-1259
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received.
Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
AARPDriverSafetyCourseDansvillePublicLibrary,200Main St.,Dansville.LearnDefensiveDriving,NewTrafficLaws&Rulesof theRoad.ProvenSafetyStrategies. Save10%onCar/Truck/RV&MotorcycleInsurance.NoTesttoPassJustSignUp&Learn.Removeupto 4PointsFromYourLicense.6Hour Course-ThursdayFeb16&Friday Feb17,12-3PM.Toregistercall TomFellion(585)335-8935.$25 AARPMembers/$30NonMembers.CheckorMoneyorder onlymadeouttoAARP(NOCASH). Courselimitedto30Students. Opentoages18andabove.Be15 Minutesearly1stdaytocomplete signin.
DansvilleSeniorNutritionProgramWeekofFebruary6-February9, 2023
Monday:ShreddedPork,Brussels Sprouts,Corn,WheatBreadSlice (2),Peaches,GrapeJuice
Tuesday:OvenFriedChicken, RoastedPotatoes,Broccoli,Wheat BreadSlice,Clementine,Apple Juice
Wednesday:PotRoastwithGravy, MashedPotatoes,MixedVegetables,WheatBreadSlice, Applesauce,CranberryJuice
Thursday:TunaNoodleCasserole, Beets,Spinach,WheatBreadSlice, Grapes,OrangeJuice
SiteClosedonFriday (585)335-8130
BoardGameDay-SecondSaturdayDansville:Whodoesn’tenjoy agoodboardgame?!Jointhe DansvilleChamberdowntownand seewhatourbusinessesandorganizationsareplayingonSecond Saturday,February11,from11am to2pm.Moredetailsareonthe SecondSaturdayDansville FacebookandInstagrampages. Grablunch,exploreandshopabit whileyou’rehavingfunduringSecondSaturdayDansville.SecondSaturdayDansvilleissponsoredbythe DansvilleAreaChamberofCommerce.
HugeWinterClothesGive Away!! Saturday,February18th from10am-12atPleasantValley BaptistChurch,4631Lakeville Road,Geneseo.Bringyourown bagandseeyouthere!
GrovelandFederatedParish~ Drive-ThruTakeOutDinner: HeldattheGrovelandFederated Parish,6616GrovelandHillRd., Groveland.Drive-ThruTakeOut Dinner$10onSunday,February 12th,2-4:30PM-SuperBowlSunday.Call704-0771forAdvance Tickets.Menu:ChiliorCornChowder,EggSaladorHamSalad, ChocolateorWhiteCake.
VeteranPlus1Photography Group- Veterans,doyouliketakingpictures?Wouldyouliketo learnhowtotakebetterpictures fromaprofessionalforfree?Come joinusandlearnthebasicsof photographyfromalocalprofessionalphotographer.Wewill meetonthesecondTuesdayofthe monthatLittleLakesCommunity Centerfrom6-8p.m.,bringacamera,phoneornotebook.RSVPon ourwebsiteatwww.livcovets.com orbyemailing,textorcallingwith yournameandnumber.rwolter@ vocwny.org,585-200-9742.You willreceiveaconfirmationreply withthestatusofyourRSVP. https://www.livcovets.com
LittleLakesBookClub- Doyou lovetoreadanddiscussbooks?
JoinuseverysecondWednesdayof themonthatLittleLakesCommunityCenterforBookClub,4705S. MainSt.Hemlock,from6:308:30pm.Hereistheline-upforthe nextthreemonths.2/8“TheChristieAffair”byNinadeGamont,3/8 “TheRedMountainbyBooWalker, 4/12“TheProposalbyJasmine Guillroy.Asnackwillbeavailable. Wehavealotoffun,hopeyouwill joinus.http://www.littlelakesny.org
AneveningofIrishMusicand Dance- AnexcitingeveningofIrish musicanddanceonFebruary10th. BrittaBerry,KaitlynDostieandIsabelScheiderich,allSeniordancers fromtheButler-SheehanAcademy ofIrishDanceinRome,NYwillbe performing.Theskillstheseyoung ladiessharewiththeiraudienceis amazingandentertainingtowatch. Lightrefreshmentsservedduring intermissionandweinviteanylocal musicianstocomeandplayIrish music.Thiseventisfreehowever, donationsareappreciated.Monies collectedhelppayforcostumes wornwhencompeting.LittleLakes CommunityCenter,4705S.Main St.,Hemlock.Doorsopenat 6:45PM.http://www.littlelakesny. org
WoodenGnomeReversible SaintPatrickandEasterFigurine Class -Createabeautifultwofor onereversiblewoodengnome decorationforSt.Paddy’sDayand EasterwithDawnandSuefrom “GrooveSunLaserDesign”.The classis$40.00ppandincludesall ofthematerialsneeded.Classwill beheldFebruary26thfrom1:003:30PMatLittleLakesCommunity Center,4705S.MainSt.Hemlock. Registeronlineatwww. littlelakesny.orgorcallDawnfrom “SimplyPositive”at585-204-0441 registrationcutoffisFebruary 20th.Minimumof10people neededandnomorethan20to holdtheclass.http://www. littlelakesny.org
One kind word can warm three winter months. ~Japanese Proverb
HerbalCraftClub-February Meeting CreatingwithLavender: HerbalCraftClubtomeetevery 2ndSaturdayofthemonthatLittle LakesCommunityCenter,4705S. MainSt.,Hemlock,from10-12. Thetopicofthefirstmeetingon February11thwillbecreatingwith Lavender.Participantswillmake andtakehomeagentlebodypowderandsatinsachet.Costforthe classis$35.00andincludesall materials.Pre-registerbyFeb.4th usingVenmoorPayPal.ForadditionalinformationcallKateAghaghiriat585-261-1937.http://www. littlelakesny.org
TheScentofLavenderand Valentine’sDay: ThescentofLavenderandValentine’sDaywillbein theairatLittleLakesCommunity CenterGiftShop,1407S.MainSt., HemlockonSaturday,February11 from10-1.Wearepleasedtohost ElizabethPrvsinowskiownerofAuroraLavenderFields,Honeoye,NY asshesharesherknowledgeand loveoflavender.Lightrefreshments willbeservedandValentine’sproductswillbeavailableforpurchase. Formoreinformationemailusat contact@littlelakesny.org,call 585-367-1046orcheckthewebsitewww.littlelakesny.org
VeteranOnly-BakingClassHerecomesanotherVeteranrequestedevent.Comeoutandjoin uswhilewelearnhowtobake deliciousdessertsattheVanilla LaneBakeShopinLima.Erinwill teachushowtoperfectpiecrust andcreatethebestdesserts,space islimitedsosignupfasttoreserve yourspot.RSVPonourwebsite,by text,calloremail.OnceyouRSVP beonthelookoutforourconfirmationemailconfirmingyourattendance.February18th,3pm,Vanilla laneBakeShop,7629WestMain Street,Lima.
Facts About February
During common years, February can pass by without a single full moon.
VeteranOnly-BakingClass: Due tothelimitedspotsinthefirstclass, weareholdingasecond.Fightoff thatcabinfeverandcomeoutand joinuswhilewelearnhowtobake deliciousdessertsattheVanilla LaneBakeShopinLima.Erinwill teachushowtoperfect buttercreamflowersandmakethe bestdesserts,spaceislimitedso signupfasttoreserveyourspot. RSVPbyvisitingourwebsite,by text,calloremail.Onceregistered beonthelookoutforouremail confirmingyourattendance.February25th,3pm,VanillaLaneBake Shop,7629WestMainStreet, Lima.
Take-outSpaghettiDinner atthe UnitedMethodistChurchof Livonia,21SummerSt.,Livoniaon Wednesday,February8,4:306:00PM(oruntilsoldout).Spaghetti,sauce,meatballs,undressed salad,andgarlicbread.Donations accepted.
HikeLehighValleyTrailinMendon- HikeorCrossCountrySki& ExploreaportionoftheLehigh ValleyTrailinMendononSunday February5from2-4PMwith SpringwaterTrails,followedbya socialget-togetherattheCottage HotelinMendon.Foradditional info/directions/updatesvisitthe website:springwatertrails.org
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today!
Online POLL
It's that time of year where millions of people tune in to watch the big game. With that many viewers, there’s more to this event than just football! In your opinion, what's the best thing about this annual tradition.
• Great competitive football
• The food and drinks
• The commercials
• Halftime entertainment
• Getting together with friends
Poll Ends 2-7-23
Poll Ended 1-31-23
Oreo is releasing a new cookie that is the “most Oreo” ever. The cream-flavored filling will be packed with finely ground Oreos. This January 30 release leaves us wondering… What is your favorite Oreo cookie?
21.4% Mint Oreos
14.3% Oreo Golden Sandwich Cookie
64.3% Double Stuf
We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit www.gvpennysaver.com!
Facts About February
During leap years, February will end on the same day that it begins.
The Type Of Lodging Accommodation
Hotel: Hotels cater to people who will be staying a few nights. They often feature spacious lobbies and some amenities, such as swimming pools or exercise rooms. Some hotels have restaurants attached to them. Hotels are among the most popular accommodations. According to the travel resource Dauntless Jaunter, hotels are categorized according to a “star” rating system.
· 1-star: This is a bare essentials hotel that offers just the basics with no extra bells and whistles.
· 2-star: A two-star hotel is usually reasonably priced and has minimal services and amenities and a neutral decor.
· 3-star: This hotel is meant to offer an above-average stay as far as options and amenities. Modern conveniences can be expected at three-star properties.
· 4-and 5-star: These hotels offer deluxe service and guests can expect luxury amenities and a wide range of offerings at these properties. However, they also can expect to pay more for accommodations.
144 Main St., Dansville, NY 14437
Hearty stews and belly-warming soups are coming out frost is sparkling, and winter jackets are coming out of hiding. Families are craving slow-cooked, savory meals that yield health benefits and leftovers. Delicious, savory winter-recipe ingredients that will surely satisfy are white beans and Oso Sweet Onions, an onion grown at the foot of the Andes Mountains. Onions are not only believed to be a cancer preventative, their low-salt, low-fat health benefits are the proactive equivalent to superhero powers. Onions have 25 compounds that lower blood pressure and cholesterol, prevent thrombosis, inhibit strokes and battle heart disease,says the American Heart Association. Plus, the antioxidants and flavonoids found in onions don’t lose their potency once cooked. This makes them ideal for slow-cooked recipes. They add a punch of flavor and a whopping serving size, making them an affordable luxury during the chilly winter months.
Steak and Egg Soft Shell Tacos (Family Features)
1 cup medium or mild Salsa
Salt, to taste
4 tablespoons olive oil
1 pound skirt steak
Pepper, to taste
6 eggs, beaten
1 (14.5-ounce) can diced new potatoes, drained well
1 1⁄2 cups shredded cheddar cheese
9 (6-inch) flour tortillas
Cook steak on grill or saute pan. If using grill, high heat. If using saute pan, heat pan to medium-high heat. Season steak w/salt and pepper. Cook steak, approximately 4-5 minutes on each side for medium temperature steak. Rest 5 min. While steak is resting, in large saute pan on high heat add 2-4 tbls. olive oil followed by potatoes and pinch of salt and pepper. Begin frying until golden brown and crispy, approximately 3-5 minutes. Once potatoes are cooked, add beaten eggs and cook until scrambled. Turn off heat and add cheese. Slice steak thinly against grain of meat. Place flour tortillas in microwave 30 seconds or long enough to lightly warm them. Portion egg and potato mixture evenly between flour tortillas followed by sliced steak and approximately 1-2 tablespoons salsa and serve immediately.
Cory Saltsman & Carson Beardsley formerly of CAC Electric. Bringing 20+ years of electrical experience. Reach Cory at 315-430-9754
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“When you enter a grove peopled with ancient trees, higher than the ordinary, and shutting out the sky with their thickly inter-twined branches, do not the stately shadows of the wood, the stillness of the place, and the awful gloom of this doomed cavern then strike you with the presence of a deity?” - Seneca
All types of Interior Upgrades Jesus
"Quality Service at Reasonable Rates"
By JoAnn Derson
* To store asparagus, trim the ends and wrap them in a few paper towels that you have dampened. Keep it in the fridge for two days max. This will keep it very fresh and tasty.
* “To stretch your food dollar -- especially now that the weather is colder, and soups and stews are daily fare -- substitute peas, beans and lentils for meats whenever possible. Not only will this semivegetarian diet keep your food dollars down, it will make you healthier and it’s a more ecofriendly diet.” -- K.F. in Connecticut
* If you add dried fruit or raisins to your batter for cakes or muffins, roll them or shake them in flour first. This will prevent them from sinking down to the bottom of the pan.
* Bathroom fan reminder: When you leave your bathroom fan running excessively, you are pumping heat out of your house. Set a timer for 10 minutes maximum, and then turn it off.
* “Old pantyhose can be washed and cut up to use as stuffing for a toy. The same is true for other light materials. This can be a good way to get one more use out of something rather than putting it in the trash bin.” -- P.L. in Pennsylvania
* If your bathtub has a grainy or rough texture, try soaking the bath in vinegar, either by adding a large bottle to some water and plugging it up, or by laying down a towel and soaking it in vinegar. Scrub and remove.
Care For Tools Properly
Homeowners often choose to save money and learn valuable skills by doing their own home improvement projects. These minor or major renovations are made much more successful by having the right tools for the job. Investing in good tools can be smart, but those tools are only effective if they are accessible and in good repair. Homeowners who emphasize taking care of their tools can make DIY projects that much easier and more rewarding.
Neil Andrew Baverstock
January 27, 2023
Wayland – Slaithwaite, West Yorkshire, UK: Neil Andrew Baverstock, 53 years of age, passed away Friday afternoon, January 27, 2023 at Highland Hospital after a long illness.
Neil was born October 31, 1969, the son of Anthony and Margaret (Bell) Baverstock. Neil and Laurie Morsch were married October 13, 2005 in Hudders eld, West Yorkshire, UK.
Neil’s education was proli c and his lifelong love of learning endless. He attended the prestigious Mill eld School in Somerset, England from the ages of 16-18 on an academic and sports scholarship for football (soccer) and cricket. He then attended Phillips Academy, Andover, MA on scholarship from Harvard University. In 1988 he attended the University of Leeds to study Astro Physics. Neil was scouted and o ered a full scholarship to attend the University of Hartford, CT where he received a Master’s Degree in Economics from the Barney School of Business and Public Administration. He then brie y undertook law studies in Los Angeles. His employment career was centered around data analytics in the international arena and was cut short due to his ongoing health problems.
Neil’s love of sports and his accomplishments were astounding as well. He opened the batting for Yorkshire boys at under 15 (the equivalent of being selected as quarterback for the Bu alo Bills). While at Mill eld School he won the All England Football (soccer) National Schools Championship and also played in their First Eleven Cricket Team. He captained Hudders eld Town School Boys both as a goalkeeper and center forward. He played soccer (football) at the University of Hartford, winning the 1991 and 1992 North Atlantic Conference Championship and played in the Sweet 16 round of the 1991 NCAA Men’s College SoccerTournament.He loved his hometown Football Club,Hudders eld Town – one of only 4 teams to have won the English Premiership of Old Division I, 3 years running. e other being Liverpool, Manchester
United and Arsenal. Another accomplishment for Neil was running in the 2010 London Marathon.
Neil’s other hobbies included reading and writing. He authored a book titled “Back in the Game” – the chronicles of one lapsed football fan’s (soccer) return to life and the “Game”in England after a decade of living in the land of soccer. He also wrote many poems, ction and non- ction pieces. He loved coaching youth soccer in both Wayland and Naples, passing on his lifelong love of soccer (football) to others.He would shovel his backyard and put ood lights up so his son could practice year-round! Golf was also favorite of his, both in playing and then watching as his ill health progressed.
Neil’s zest for learning and sports made him competitive. He did not like games of chance because of the lack of skill and knowledge needed. A defeat at Jeopardy was unheard of against Neil nor was a goal scored against him a common feat!
Neil was predeceased by his father and mother-in-law, Carl and Lee Morsch. He is survived by wife, Laurie Baverstock of Wayland; his son, George of Wayland; his parents, Anthony Alderson Baverstock and Margaret Patricia Baverstock of Slaithwaite, West Yorkshire; his brother, Paul Baverstock (Justin Kitson) of Harrogate, North Yorkshire and his sister,Debra Baverstock of Slaithwaite,West Yorkshire; his nieces,Cecilia and Olivia Baverstock; along with brothers and sisters-in-law; and other nieces and nephews within his extended family here in the United States. Neil’s family and friends are invited to his funeral service at 11am Saturday at St. George-Forsythe Funeral Home, 109 West Naples St., Wayland. Immediately following the funeral service Neil’s celebration will continue with food and fellowship at Palmer’s Last Stop on Main St., Wayland. Contributions in memory of Neil A. Baverstock may be made to Vincent House, 310 Second Ave., Wayland, NY 14572.
Neil’s funeral service will be livestreamed and the link will be available Friday evening.
Hospice care often begins when the individual receiving care and his or her family members feel the end of life may be near. According to Relias, a healthcare advisory organization, most patients enter hospice during the last six months of life. Care providers are interdisciplinary. Doctors, nurses, social service providers, bereavement therapists, dietitians, spiritual counselors, and physical or occupational therapists may be included in hospice treatment.
St. George - Forsythe Funeral Home andM uments
109 West Naples St. • Wayland, NY 14572 (585) 728-2100
Create An Enduring Memorial For A Loved One
Establish an online memorial website. If you want to share stories, photos and anecdotes about your loved one with the world, a memorial website is a great way to do so. Create the site and share your own feelings before soliciting others to share their thoughts and anecdotes as well.
Passed peacefully at home at the age of 96. DeMerle was predeceased by his parents, Harry Sr. and Mabel (Shaver) of Groveland; brothers, Donald and Harry Jr; loving wife, Harriet Finch Johnson and loving long-time companion,
He is survived by his daughters, Cheryl Wood (William) of Tennessee, Debbra Seeley (James Ward) of Livonia and Donna Gould of Dansville; sister, Helen Plumley of Camden, NY; sister-in-law, C Jayne Kelly of Dansville; 10 grandchildren, 11 great-grandchildren and 2 great-great-grandsons; several nieces and nephews and special
Deke was born and raised in Groveland, NY. He was a proud WWII Army veteran, serving in Italy for two years, in 1945 and 1946, with the US Army 2nd Corp. He was a longtime member of the Daniel Goho American Legion Post #86, with more than seventy continuous years of membership. He was also a member of the local VFW. It was his honor to serve his country and his service was acknowledged when he was a guest of Rochester Honor Flight #36 to Washington, DC.
Deke worked as a self-employed mechanic who, with his friend and business partner Paul MacDonald, owned and operated the Valley Auto Parts until both retired in 1982. He continued to work several more years at the Expressway Auto Auction in Dansville. Since retirement, Deke volunteered once a week at the Glenn H Curtiss museum in Hammondsport, NY.
Deke was an avid reader. He enjoyed playing golf and maintaining his homestead. If grass was growing, he was mowing! Deke mostly enjoyed spending time with his family and friends, sharing his quick wit and stories of times past. He was a kind, caring and generous person who will be deeply missed for his laughter, wisdom and loving ways.
Per his wishes there will be no calling hours. Service and internment will be private and at the convenience of the family. In lieu of owers, the family requests donations be made to Honor Flight Rochester, PO Box 23581, Rochester, NY 14692.
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The Postal Service processes and delivers 425.3 million mail pieces each day.
The largest ZIP Code in the continental U.S. is 99734, Prudhoe Bay, AK, at 30,683 square miles.
The Postal Service delivers mail by bicycle on 50 routes in Arizona and Florida -- reducing emissions, saving fuel and the carriers can ride a bike all day!
was established in a tavern in Boston in 1639.
There are 41,683 ZIP Codes in the country.
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