11 minute read
Bout of Pneumonia Leads to Shocking Breast Cancer Diagnosis
DEAR DR. ROACH: My 73-year-old wife has been diligent in getting her mammograms done, plus blood tests and doctor’s visits every three months. In November 2021, she came down with what seemed like a very bad cold that was actually confirmed by X-ray to be pneumonia. After two rounds of different antibiotics, she had lost 35 pounds, and it left her with weakness and a lingering cough. A CT scan later indicated that she “either has cancer or had cancer in the past.”
Multiple tests later, it was determined that there was a tumor at the 12:00 position in her breast and a tumor in her stomach that had spread to her pelvis and bones in her legs. She started taking letrozole and Ibrance, and although extreme fatigue is the most common side effect, they appear to be working.
My question is, how could this initial breast cancer have gone undetected for some time with all of the regular testing and not set off alarms? As bad as the pneumonia was, it allowed her to receive a diagnosis of a disease that eluded detection by current screening methods and very good physicians. -- Anon.
ANSWER: I am so very sorry to hear about your wife. Breast cancer is not just one disease. We think of breast cancer as something that can be easily cured if it is found early, but if you wait too late, it becomes difficult or impossible to cure. Some breast cancers do act that way, but others are much more indolent -- they grow slowly and may never get to the point where they threaten a person’s life.
Unfortunately, there are some breast cancers that can become metastatic (spreading to different sites such as the lymph nodes, bones, liver or lungs) before they are detectable at all by even the most sensitive tests, such as a mammogram or MRI. By the time they are found, because of symptoms, they are incurable by surgery and require systemic treatments like chemotherapy and hormonal therapy.
Most metastatic breast cancer is incurable, but newer treatments have improved life expectancy, with the average being three years. Screening for breast cancer is unable to save all lives. More effective treatment, in combination with regular screening, will be necessary to continue to progress against this horrible disease.
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu.
© 2023 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
How To Support A Loved One With Cancer
Treat your loved one just as you ordinarily do. The ASCO notes the importance of treating a loved one during treatment just as you normally would.While that may not always be possible, it can help patients feel like they’re still a friend or family member first and a cancer patient second.
Cohocton Public Library
8 Maple Ave. • 585-384-5170 www.cohoctonlibrary.org
Hrs.: Mon., Wed., Fri. 1pm-7pm; Tues., Thurs. 10am-7pm; Sat. 10am-2pm
Dansville Public Library
200 Main St., Dansville, 585.335.6720 www.dansville.lib.ny.us
Hrs.: Mon.-Thurs. 10am-8pm; Fri. 10am-5pm; Sat. 9am-1pm
E.J. Cottrell Memorial Library
5 Beecher St., Atlanta, NY 585-534-5030
Hrs.: Mon., Tues. 10am-8pm; Wed., Thurs., Fri. 10am-5pm;
Closed Sat., Sun.
Wayland Free Library
101 W. Naples St. • 585-728-5380 www.gunlockelibrary.org
Hrs.: Mon.-Thurs. 10am-6pm; Fri. 12pm-5pm; Sat. 10am-noon
Here’s what’s happening at your local library…
Annual AvonDrivingParkPleasureShow2023!July29&30, 2023,Avon,NY.TraditionalAntiqueCarriageShow.Food-Vendors-2DayEvent-StallsAvailable. SundayPresentationParadeDrive.
ClassesOffered:Turnout,Timed Obstacle,Working,Reinsmanship, CrossCountry,ChooseYourRoute. FindPrizeListandRegistration
Father’sDayBreakfast: June 18, 2023from8am-10am(ortillgone). HeldatCohoctonLegion.Pancakes,ScrambledEggs,Sausage/ Biscuits/Gravy;HomeFries,Sausage,FreshFruit,Juice,Milk, Coffee.Father’s-$7.00.Allothers 6andabove$10.00,5andunder free.SponsoredbytheAmerican LegionandLadiesAuxiliary.
OvereatersAnonymousMeetings - OvereatersAnonymous(OA) isacommunityofpeoplewho supporteachotherinorderto recoverfromcompulsiveeatingand foodbehaviors.Wewelcomeeveryonewhofeelstheyhaveaproblem withfood.JoinusattheDansville PublicLibraryonThursdaysat6:30 pm.
Tuesday,6/20:CitrusPorkCarnitas, SpanishRice,Tortilla,RoastedCorn w/Peppers,BlackBeans,Pear,AppleJuice
Wednesday,6/21:ChickenSalad, BurgerBun,TomatoCucumber Salad,BroccoliSalad,Plum,Orange Juice
Thursday,6/22:ChoppedSteakw/ Onion&MushroomGravy,Mashed Potatoes,Carrots,Peach,Apple Juice
SiteClosedonFriday (585)335-8130
AARPDriverSafetyCourseDansville PublicLibrary,200Main St.,Dansville14437.LearnDefensiveDriving,NewTrafficLaws& RulesoftheRoad.ProvenSafety Strategies.Save10%onCar/Truck/ RV&MotorcycleInsurance.NoTest toPass-JustSignUp&Learn. Removeupto4PointsFromYour License.6HourCourse-Thursday, JUNE29&Friday,JUNE30,11:453PM.ToregistercallTomFellion (585)335-8935.$25AARP Members/$30Non-Members. CheckorMoneyorderonlymade outtoAARP(NOCASH).Course limitedto30Students.Opento ages18andabove.Be15Minutes early1stdaytocompletesignin.
HotDogFundraiserforMissions - Saturday,June17thfrom 11:30amto1:30pmatthe DansvilleFreeMethodistChurch, 25FranklinStreet,Dansville.$2.00 HotDog.$10.00Meal(2hotdogs, macsalad,bakedbeans).
CelebratingIndependenceDay, “Faith, Family,FreedomWalk”Pleasejoinusforthiscelebration walk,hostedbytheWestSparta UnitedMethodistChurch,onJuly 4th,from9:00AMuntil10:00AM, coveringabout2miles,with8 remembrancestops.Thewalkwill startatWilliamsPark,61Clara BartonStreet,Dansville(across fromRalphClementsField).Bring thefamily,strollersandwheelchairs welcome.Wehaveflagsand braceletsforparticipants,snacksat thecompletion.Everyoneis welcome...seeyouthere!
“GolfingForACause”Golf Tournament - Saturday,July22, 2023attheFarviewGolfCourse, Rt.39,Geneseo-AvonRd.,Avon. Registration/Lunchstartsatnoon. Shotgunstart1pm.HoleInOne plusothereventsoncourse.Dinner tofollowwithrafflesandprizes. $125perplayer,$500foursome. CallortextMarkat585-519-1917 formoreinformation. Friendsand FamiliesMuscularDisorders Foundation501(c)3not-for-profit organizationdedicatedtoimprovingthequalityoflifeandindependenceofchildrenandadultsdiagnosedwithneuromuscular disorders/diseasesandover100 otherdiseases.
GeneseoRotarySummerFestival! The GeneseoRotaryFestival isatwodayeventfilledwithfun, food,musicandactivities.HeldJuly 7thand8thattheGeneseoVillage Park.Comelistentothemusic,visit ourcraftersandstrollMainStreet andsupportourlocalbusinesses andserviceorganizations.Jointhe TeddyBearParadeonSaturday morningandtheSkycoasterson Saturdaynight.http://www. geneseosummerfestival.com/index. html
Veterans&Family-KayakFishing onHemlockLake: Veterans& Familycancomeoutforadayof fishingandfunonHemlockLake. GeneseeValleyHeroesonthe WaterandLivingstonCountyOutdoorRXareinvitingyoutocome outandenjoythefunandsunon HemlockLake23July,9-1pmatthe NorthEndBoatLaunch,EastLake Road,Springwater.Wewillfishand enjoyanoutdoorshoresidelunch. RSVPrequiredandcanbesubmittedthroughourwebsite,www. livcovets.com,orbyemailing rwolter@vocwny.org,orcalling/ texting(585)200-9742.Wewill reachoutandconfirmyourreservation.
VeteranOnly-ConesusLake Fishing Charter: Veteranscome joinusandfishConesusLakefor oursecondadventurewiththenew charterfishingopportunitiesinthe fingerlakes,HarringtonOutfitters. WewillfishConesusLakeforfour hoursandshareamealafterwards. ValidNewYorkStateFishingLicenseisrequired.Besuretoask abouttheVeterandiscountedfishinglicenseatyourlocallicensing facility.Spaceislimited,don’tmiss out,RSVPnowtogetaspot.We hopetoseeyouthere.HeldJune 30,5:30-11am,ConesusLakeBoat Launch,5030EastLakeRoad, Livonia.
VeteranOnly-EarlyRiser’sCoffee Club: Veteranscomejoinus June19th,7am-9amatBrian’sUSA DinerinMt.Morrisforourmonthly EarlyRiserCoffeeClub.Thethird (3rd)Mondayeverymonthwewill meetwithotherveteransandenjoy thecoffee,conversation,andcompanyaswegetreadytotacklethe weektogether.Wehopetoseeyou there.RSVPonourwebsite,www. livcovets.conandclickonthelink, orbycalling/textingmeat 585-200-9742orbyemailat rwolter@vocwny.org.
FingerLakesUFO&Paranormal Meetup - CometalkaboutGhosts, Aliens&Cryptids.OpenDiscussion Night!Shareyourfavoriteparanormalexperience.Saturday,June17, 6:00-8:00pm,UnitedMethodist ChurchofLivonia(UMCL),21SummersStreet,Livonia.$5.00donationtoUMCL.Snackstoshareare appreciated.Info:TextorcallMary Graceat585-766-9318,www. giftsofgraceministry.org
HLRCGolfTournament- On July 31,2023,theHoneoyeLakeRotary Clubwillhostits38thAnnualGolf TournamentatOldHickoryin Livonia.Thefunbeginswithregistrationstartingat9,shotgun startat10anddinneraround4. Golfcart,lunchanddinnerare includedwithyourroundofgolf foronly$95.Silentauctionand rafflewillalsoaddtothefun. ComejoinusforourannualfundraisertosupportCamp ONSEYAWA,communityservice projectsatHoneoyeCentralSchool, andotherprojectsaroundour town,nationandworldwide.For moreinformationcontactJeanne Hamele585-729-9118orbyemail jnnhamele@aol.com.
PancakeBreakfast,OpenTrap Shoot! Youthactivitiesincludefree archery&indoorpelletrange.Sunday,June25,8am-11amatthe MiddlesexConservationClub,6087 SouthHillRoad,Middlesex.http:// www.middlesexconservationclub. org/
MiddlesexHoseCo.RoastBeef Dinner! The nextMiddlesexHose Co.RoastBeefDinnerswillbeon Saturday,June24.Dinnerswillbe heldonthelastSaturdayofeach monththruOctober28TH,atthe MiddlesexHoseCoFirehall,5537 WaterSt,Middlesexfrom4-7pm. Adults$15,Children$10(school ageto12),Preschoolfree(take outsexcluded).Dinnermenu: tossedsalad,rolls,relishdish,roast beef,gravy,potatoes,Corn,pie, icedtea,milk,andcoffee.
Mount Morris
TourofMountMorrisDam: WalkingToursoffereddaily:(May1 -October25).Reserveticketsat www.Recreation.gov.MondayThursday:2pm.Friday-Saturday: 11amAND2pm.Limitedspace; walk-upticketsnotguaranteed. ValidphotoIDrequiredforparticipation.Reservewww.Recreation. govor877-444-6777.MountMorrisDamandRecreationAreaVisitor Centerisopen10am-4:30pm daily.Location:6103VisitorCenter Rd.,MountMorris,NY.Fordetails call:(585)658-4790.
CommunityDinnerTableSpaghettiDinner: Webster’s CrossingUnitedMethodistChurch, Route15betweenSpringwater& Conesus.HeldThursday,June22, 2023from4:30pm-7pm.DineIn orTake-Outbydonation.Music Jam!
SpringwaterFarmer’sMarket at HillsideGardensCountryStore, 8148SouthMainStreet.Every Thursday3:00to7:00P.M.Starting May4th-Oct.26th2023.VENDERSWELCOME.
HikeDansvilleReservoir&Gully PreserveinDansville- Hike& ExploretheDansvilleReservoirand GullyPreserveonWhitmanRoadin DansvilleonSundayJune18from 4-6PMwithSpringwaterTrails,followedbyasocialget-togetherpicnicattheWhitmanRoadGully Preserve.Foradditionalinfo/ directions/updatesvisitthewebsite: springwatertrails.org
West Sparta
WestSpartaOldFashionedDay -Arts,Crafts,Wares! Saturday, July29,2023from10am-4pmat theWestSpartaTownHall&Park. DETAILSavailablefromLisaat 585-315-2053oremailat Ldylisa62@aol.com.Finduson Facebook!WestSpartaHistorical Society- WestSpartaWhereHistoryGrows.
68thAnnualYorkLeicesterField DayandFireworks -Saturday,July 1st(raindateJuly2nd).The communitysponsoredeventis scheduledfrom7to11pmonthe groundsofYorkCentralSchool andfeaturesgames,prizes,music, refreshmentsandfreetreatsfor youngsters.Admissionisfreebut donationsareappreciatedatthe gatesorstands.Asuperfireworks displaywillbeginatdusk.The eventishandicappedaccessible.No alcoholicbeverages,smoking,pets, oroutsidevendorsarepermitted ontheschoolgrounds.Formore info.:Betty585-243-0184,Bill 585-382-3460orConnie 585-243-4042.Bringalawnchair orblanketandenjoyourcelebrationofIndependenceDay.
It’s spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you’ve got it, you want — oh, you don’t quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so! ~ Mark Twain, Tom Sawyer, Detective
* On June 18, 1923, the first Checker Cab rolls off the line at the Checker Cab Manufacturing Company in Kalamazoo, Michigan. America’s version of the London taxi would continue to be built until 1982.
Noon-3pm (or 'til sold out)
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows.
Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today!
Summer tip for Seniors
Be Mindful of Outdoor Activities
Engaging in outdoor activities is a great way to enjoy summer, but it’s important for seniors to be mindful of their limitations. Avoid strenuous activities during peak heat hours to prevent exhaustion and heatstroke. Plan outdoor activities in the early morning or evening when temperatures are cooler. Take breaks in shaded areas and listen to your body. Stay active with low-impact exercises like walking or swimming, which provide a refreshing way to beat the heat. Remember to consult your doctor before starting any new exercise routine.
By Sam Mazzotta
My Cat Follows Me Everywhere
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I adopted a cat from a shelter just before anksgiving of last year. Blue is a beautiful boy who settled right into my home. He’s very well socialized and doesn’t even claw the furniture. However, he follows me everywhere! Even to the bathroom -- I have to close the door in his face. At night, he meows and paws at my bedroom door. He runs under the bed when I leave the house, and he sulks for quite a while when I return. How can I stop his clingy ways? -- Beth in Syracuse, New York
DEAR BETH: ere’s a ne line between “cuddly” and “clingy,” and Blue has hopped right over it. If it helps, know that you’re not alone. Studies over the past decade show that cats bond to their humans much more strongly than we thought. Underneath that aloof exterior is a loyal heart of gold.
Cats who’ve had to spend time in a shelter may become overly clingy once they reach their forever home. ey’re nally with a forever family, and they don’t want to let go! It’s also tempting to give in to their demands for treats or to take over your bedroom to make up for their lost time.
Keep enforcing boundaries, but try to introduce positive stimuli before and a er you shut him out of the bathroom or bedroom. Two important factors to be aware of are: 1. A daily routine and 2. Combatting boredom. Commit to spending time with your cat before leaving for work, a er returning and before going to bed. Incorporate play, using toys or laser pointers that he can chase.
Don’t give up. You and Blue will gure out a routine and comfort level that works for both of you.
Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.
(c) 2023 King Features Synd., Inc.
Father’s Day has been celebrated in one form or another since the beginning of the nineteenth century. Perhaps the most driving force behind Father’s Day was Senora Dodd, who thought of the idea of a day to honor fathers while listening to a Mother’s Day sermon in 1909. Having been raised by her father, Dodd wanted to honor the sacrifices that fathers make. Father’s Day was not formally considered a holiday until 1972, when a Congressional Act officially designated the third Sunday in June Father’s Day.
Families celebrate Father’s Day in many ways. This year Father’s Day falls on Sunday, June 15. Dads who are history buffs may want to celebrate this year’s holiday by reminiscing about the notable events that have occurred on June 15 through the years. Here are just some of the many historical events that took place on June 15.
1752: Ben Franklin performs his famous kite-flying experiment to test the electrical power of lightning.
1775: George Washington is appointed Commander in Chief of the American Army.
1878: The first attempt at a motion picture takes place. Twelve cameras, each taking one picture, focus on horses’ hooves to see if they will leave the ground.
1887: The New York Giants baseball team beats the Philadelphia Phillies 29 -1.
By Lucie Winborne
* Irish author and politician Edmund Burke was not a skilled public speaker. In fact, his speeches at the House of Commons were so boring, many MPs left the building once he stood up.
* While Jackie Robinson was laid up for two weeks in 1948 with a hamstring injury, the Dodgers secretly replaced him with Herschel Morowitz, a white man in black face.
* Drinking seawater will cause rapid dehydration and, if enough is consumed, eventually death. Frozen seawater is a much safer alternative, since it contains only a tenth as much salt as the liquid form, due to the fact that the salt is separated from the water when freezing as it does not fit into the crystalline structure of ice.
-- John Quincy
What superpower would you like to have? • Flight
Super strength
• Telekinesis
• Invisibility
• Teleportation
• Super speed
• Telepathy
Poll ends 06-20-2023
Poll ended 06-13-2023
With graduations around the corner, what do you think is the most viable option for high school graduates?
50.0 % Pursuing higher education or trade/apprenticeship
14.3 % Joining the military
14.3 % Taking a gap year to travel or explore other interests before deciding on a path forward
14.3 % Starting their own business or pursuing entrepreneurship
7.1 % Engaging in volunteer work or community service
We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit www.gvpennysaver.com!
Fair Housing Statement
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.
We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project
Monroe County Legal Assistance Center
1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614
(585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org
How to pack a suitcase: Roll pants and tops, adding to suitcase first, toward the handle side. Then add heavy items (shoes, boots) toward the wheel end. Make sure you choose the right size case for the trip; too much room will cause items to shift around.
e Burning Chair
Kentucky Owl
- 6 types
Evan Williams - 6 types
Ezra Brooks
Old Crow
Jesse James & Single Barrel
Ten High
Kentucky Gentleman
Early Times
Bardstown - 3 types
Bird Dog ree Chord 81° & 15 yr
Belle Meade - 2 Types
Bower Hill Special Edition
Milam & Greene 13 yr
Johnny Drum
American Highway Reserve
Old Ezra omas S Moore - 2 types
Fable & Folly
D12tance Puncher’s Chance
Old Elk
Pure Kentucky
Heaven’s Door & 3 pack gi set
Brother’s Bond
Baker’s Single Barrel
Citrus Nascar
Hardin’s Creek Jacob’s Well
TABLETOP GAS BBQ PRO GRILL. Good condition. Just needs cleaning: 585-671-2598
PLAYER PIANO w/BENCH and MUSIC ROLLS. Geneseo area. Must be picked up: 585-243-4894
DOUBLE KNIT FABRICS and RIBBINGS, 12 pounds, including some reds, blues, kid prints: 585-584-3015
KIMBALL PUMP ORGAN works; needs TLC. Beautiful case and seat. It was a great family instrument! You pick up: 585-624-9169
Several EGG CARTONS. Geneseo area. You pick up: 585-243-2173
Used brown camo SOFA/HIDE-A-BED & RECLINER. Great for cabin, college apt. You pick up. Text only: 585-813-4270
High quality Kate Farms NUTRITIONAL DRINK (like Ensure or Boost). Vanilla flavor. Approx. 200 11oz containers. Exp Nov 2023: 585-451-8868
CPAP MACHINE, approx. 10 years old. In working condition - includes case and related accessories: 315-871-8312
Box of MEDICAL NEWSLETTERS (Mayo Clinic, UCLA & Cleveland Clinic). NUTRITION
ACTION MAGAZINES and an envelope of OLD RECIPES. Fairport: 585-388-0318
Several swatches of ASSORTED FABRIC, YARN, KNITTING NEEDLES, EMBROIDERY THREADS and a large bag of assorted SILK FLOWERS. E. Pembroke area: sbly5722@gmail.com
CANON PRINTER INKS box set, also have separate box of the 220PGBK ink: dsmith60@rochester.rr.com
Old AT&T PUSH BUTTON PHONE from 1990s, perhaps someone likes nostalgic items: dsmith60@rochester.rr.com
4” aluminum 90-degree adjustable ELBOW DRYER PIPE: dsmith60@rochester.rr.com
GUITAR MAGAZINES dating back to the ‘90s. Also, SMITHSONIAN and FINGER LAKES MAGAZINES: 585-229-2100
Eleven boxes of 12x12 GREY TILES, 10 in each box: 585-743-5773
Old ESQUIRE MAGAZINES, January 2008 to September 2010. Good condition: 585-671-2598
BABY GRAND PIANO with BENCH. 585-739-0888
Assorted size OLDER WINDOWS from old barn. One lg crank out, six lg skylights, ass’t others & panes. TEXT: 585-354-3346
Oldies but goodies – large collection of VHS TAPES, DVDs and CDs: 585-582-2011 DOCK SECTIONS - Sixteen 10’ long pressure treated with legs. Pick up Conesus: 585-346-2390
VARIETY OF CRAFT ITEMS. Pick up Lima: 585-624-2633 or najhedanglis@gmail.com
Working WINDOW AIR CONDITIONING UNITS for refugee family in Canandaigua area. Text or call: 585-754-1275
Looking for an ATV or DIRT BIKE that is running or not for father son project. Call/Text Matt: 315-576-1278
CPAP MACHINE, used or unwanted, for low-income senior with sleep apnea: 585-506-8125
GOLF PUSHCART: ndirisio@verizon.net
VINTAGE MOOG ANALOG SYNTHESIZERS & ACCESSORIES. Parts or whole, working or not. Mini, Micro, Sonic, Taurus, & Poly: 585-599-3142
TWIN BED FRAME with HEAD/FOOT BOARD FUTON in good condition. For refugees in Canandaigua area. Call or text: 585-754-1275
Food grade 55-GALLON BARRELS WITH LIDS: rsmckernan@frontiernet.net
WEBER GRILL you are no longer using. Call or text Matt: 315-576-1278
CPAP. Gently used: 585-313-4315
VINTAGE ELECTRONICS - Tubes, tube testers, stereo equipment, Vintage radios, test equipment, speakers, turntables, Ham Radio, Advertising, Early TVs, records, communication, parts: greg3151@ymail.com
Elderly disabled mechanic looking for a good VEHICLE to go to doctor appts., grocery shopping, etc. Minor repairs okay: 585-883-7387
BOX TRAILER and working MINI FRIDGE: 585-323-1762 (leave message)
Old TABLETOP MANUAL MEAT GRINDER in useable condition (sometimes worded vintage): 585-201-6001
Two disabled veterans would like a CAMPER TO FIX UP: dobstarczyk@hotmail.com
COOPERSTOWN DREAMS PARK TRADING PINS and DISPLAY BOOK for granddaughter who will play in one tournament this summer: 585-334-6134
Looking for a decent GARAGE DOOR, 85”x9’: 585-298-0040
TRUCK for low-income Senior Citizen. Road-worthy, for transportation of elderly mother, and general handy work/yard work. Soon to be urgent need! 585-483-1054
Looking for CLEAN PINE NEEDLES: 585-520-3819
Looking for any OLD/NEW VIDEO GAMES/CONSOLES or COMPUTERS. High school student looking to learn. Can be working/not working. Text 585-450-1172
FOLD-UP TREADMILL. Can pick up: Breit11763@gmail.com
All DC and MARVEL COMIC BOOKS; any year, any issue, any condition: timpani_m@yahoo.com
MANNEQUIN or MANNEQUINS. Used or unwanted for school project. Will pick up: stujaxon@yahoo.com
THE CHOSEN SERIES: braduns@yahoo.com
Small SUV or PICKUP needed for disabled veteran for transport to appointments and errands: bhaizlip@rochester.rr.com
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received.
Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111