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DID YOU KNOW? According to the National Autism Association, autism is a bio-neurological developmental disability that affects the normal development of the brain in various areas. Those areas include social interaction, communication skills and cognitive function. Autism generally appears before a child reaches his or her third birthday, and the NAA notes it is diagnosed four times as often in boys than it is in girls. Roughly 40 percent of children with autism do not speak, but parents whose children speak between the ages of 12 and 18 months should know that such youngsters can still ultimately be diagnosed with autism. In such instances, the NAA notes that children lose the words they previously learned. Incidences of autism appear to be on the rise, though the reasons for that remain unclear. According to a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the prevalence of autism had risen to one in every 59 children by 2018. That’s twice as great as the rate in 2004, when the CDC reported one in 125 children were diagnosed with autism.


The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics reports that mushrooms contain about 15 vitamins and minerals, including folate magnesium, potassium, vitamin B6, and zinc. Mushrooms also are low in calories and rich in antioxidants, which can help to lower risk for inflammation.

his wife deemed too expensive and sent him back to return. He bought two Powerball lottery tickets with the

From: Durham, John H. (JMD) John.H.Durham@usdoj.gov

Sent: ursday, May 18, 2023 6:36 PM

To: RICHARD C. CURTISS <Curtissway@hughes.net>

Subject: RE: Automatic reply: [EXTERNAL] RE: Representation e US House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol: ‘Congressman Adam Schi ’ adam.schi @mail.house.gov

As of the close of business on May 19, 2023, I will no longer have access to or be using this email address. If you need assistance with any Special Counsel matters, please contact Ms. Joyce Moak at joyce.moak2@usdoj.gov.

From: Select_Clerks <Select_Clerks@mail.house.gov>

Sent: Tuesday, November 2, 2021 4:17 PM

To: RICHARD C. CURTISS <curtissway@gmail.com>

Subject: RE: House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6, 2021 Attack on the US Capitol:

Mr. Curtiss, ank you for following up. While the Select Committee would prefer to receive submissions as soon as possible, there is no deadline by which information must be submitted. ank you

From: Select_Clerks <Select_Clerks@mail.house.gov>

Sent: ursday, October 28, 2021 11:18 AM

To: Richard Curtiss <curtissway@gmail.com>; Select_ Clerks <Select_Clerks@mail.house.gov>

Subject: RE: House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6, 2021 Attack on the US Capitol:

Mr. Curtiss, ank you for your reply. You can upload the attachments using the link below: https://house.app.box.com/f/ b7431151a43a44a4890ef579c74fa723 ank you, January 6th Select Committee Clerks

From: Select_Clerks <Select_Clerks@mail.house.gov>

Sent: Friday, December 10, 2021 10:00 AM

To: RICHARD C. CURTISS <curtissway@gmail.com>

Cc: Select_Clerks <Select_Clerks@mail.house.gov>

Subject: RE: House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6, 2021 Attack on the US Capitol: ank you!

Mr. Curtiss, e Select Committee is in receipt of the information you provided. At this time the Select Committee does not anticipate requiring your testimony. If that were to change, we will notify you.

“US Senators Are Being Issued Satellite Phones in Preparation for a ‘Disruptive Event.”

May 23, 2023 e network reported Gibson said the phones were o ered last month as a means “to ensure a redundant and secure means of communication during a disruptive event.”

Members of the U.S. Senate were recently o ered satellite phones that will allow them to communicate in the case of a “man-made” or natural disaster.

Citing numerous people familiar with the matter. All 100 Senators were recently o ered the phones.

More than 50 took Senate Sergeant at Arms Karen Gibson up on the o er.

Gibson reportedly demonstrated the phones. Senators who agreed to take the devices were urged to keep them close by during Travel.


Cornerstone Baptist Church

4232 Reservoir Rd., Geneseo • 243-4514 www.baptistchurchgeneseo.com

Pastor John Zatkiewicz

Worship 11am • Sunday School 9:45am

Wednesday Prayer, 6:30pm

Pleasant Valley Baptist Church

4631 Lakeville Rd., Geneseo • 243-0130

Pastor Don Ray • E-mail: pvbc@frontier.com pleasantvalleybaptist.com • Sunday School 10:00am

Worship Services Sunday, 11:00am • Bible Study Wed., 6:30pm

Children’s Church • Youth Activities

Grace Baptist Church

Pastor David eobald

9316 Main Street, Dansville, NY 14437 585-335-6190

Sunday School 9:15 AM; Worship Service 10:30 AM

Wednesday Prayer Meeting/Kids Block/Youth Group 7:00 PM www.gracebcdansville.org


St. Luke the Evangelist Parish

Sat. 4:00 pm at St. Lucy, Retsof • Sun. 8:00 am at St. Mary, Geneseo

Sun. 8:15 am at Holy Angels, Nunda • Sun. 10 am at St. Patrick, Mt. Morris • Sun. 10:15 am at St. Mary, Geneseo

Daily Masses: Mon. 8:00 am at St. Mary, Tues. at St. Patrick, Wed. & Fri. at St. omas Aquinas

Sts. Mary & Matthew Faith Community

St. Mary’s, Honeoye • St. Matthew, Livonia www.stsmaryandmatthew.com - Rev. William Laird

9am Daily Masses: Mon. & Wed. at St. Matthew • Tues. & urs. at St. Mary’s

Weekend Schedule: Sat. - 3:30pm Reconciliation, 4:30pm Mass at St. Matthew • Sun. - 8:30am Mass at St. Mary’s, 10:30am Mass at St. Matthew

Holy Family Catholic Community

O ce: 206 Fremont St., Wayland, NY 14572 • 728-2228

Hours: Mon- urs. 9:00am-4:00pm, Fri 9:00am-12:00noon

Mass Schedule: Sat. 4pm @ St. Mary’s, 40 Elizabeth St., Dansville

Sun. 7:30am @ St. Joseph’s, 206 Fremont St., Wayland

Sun. 9:15am @ Sacred Heart, 11119 Chapel St., Perkinsville

Sun. 11am @ St. Pius, 35 Maple Ave., Cohocton

Christian Science

Christian Science Church

3350 Middle Cheshire Rd., Canandaigua, NY 14424

Sun. Service & Sunday School: 10:30AM

Wed. Testimonial Meeting: Noon at Church

Reading rm. @ Church Tues. 11AM - 2:30PM & before & a er services christiansciencechurch@frontier.com • christianscience.com

Find us on Facebook at Christian Science Canandaigua • 585-393-9935 for info.

Church Of The Nazarene

e Center Church

Meeting at the Lakeville Fire Training Grounds

5604 Stone Hill Rd., Lakeville, NY 14480

Service: Sunday at 10:00 a.m.

Bible Study: Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. on Zoom. Phone: 585-376-0749

Community Church

Livonia Community Church

A non-denominational Evangelical church

41 Spring St., 346-5290; Pastor Benjamin Nickels

Bible Study – all ages 9:45am; Worship Service 10:30am LivoniaCC.org


St. Peter’s Episcopal Church

25 Clara Barton Street • Box 127 Dansville, NY 14437 • 585-335-5434 stpetesdansville.org • Handicap accessible Sunday Service @ 10:30am

Zion Episcopal Church

10 Park Place (on the Circle), Avon • (585) 226-3722 zionepiscopalchurchavon.org

Sunday Worship and Holy Communion 10:00am

Online Facebook: facebook.com/Zionchurchavon

Sunday School (Pre-K-12) 9:00am


St. Timothy Lutheran Church - ELCA

A Sanctuary and Reconciling in Christ Church

5015 Lakeville Rd, Geneseo, NY 14454 • 585-243-4490

Vicar Lisa Frauens • vicarlisaf@gmail.com • sttimothylutherangeneseo.org

Sunday worship 9:30AM, & Live Streamed: www.facebook.com/sttimothygeneseo

Intergenerational Sunday School, 10:30am 1st Sunday of the month Oct-May. Accessible building with hearing loop available.

List your place of Worship on our monthly Worship Pages. Call 226-8111 today.

What we are is God’s gift to us. What we become is our gift to God.

~Eleanor Powell


Geneseo United Methodist Church

Rev. Beth Malone • Rt. 63 & Court Street, Geneseo • 243-3160

8:30am Non-Traditional, 10:30am Traditional, 9:30am co ee hour

Sunday School classes for all ages • Nursery care provided

Now “Looped” for the Hearing Impaired Worship services available via Zoom - more info at www.geneseomethodist.com

“Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors” • Handicapped accessible

United Methodist Church of Livonia

Pastor: Hoyt Brown • 21 Summers St., Livonia • (585) 346-3511

E-mail: UMCLivonia@gmail.com • Website: UMCL.us

Sunday School 9:45AM • Worship service Sundays at 9AM, in-person in the sanctuary or online. Online access is available via the church website: UMCL.us or on our Facebook page (Livonia United Methodist Church). Nursery Care available for infant to preschool-aged children.

Dansville United Methodist Church

5 Chestnut Ave., Dansville

Church phone: 585-335-5354

Sunday Worship: 11am

Pastor Michael Whitcomb-Tavey

Springwater United Methodist Church

8001 South Main St., Springwater, NY 14560

O ce: 585-669-2131, Pastor Dawn Merritt

Sunday Service: 11am

Children’s Church/Sunday School

Handicap accessible.


Faith Fellowship Church

5630 Pebble Beach Rd., Lakeville • 703-1340 www. cny.org

Pastor Stephen Sweeting • Pastor Steven LaMar, Discipleship

Pastor Cli Baker, Youth

Sunday Worship Prayer 10am

Holy Ground Ministries Church

2637 Genesee St. (Rte. 63), Retsof, Across from York School bus garage. 585-245-3334 • Sunday at 10am. All are welcome.

Bible Study - Every Saturday at 9:30am

See what the Lord can do in your life. www.holygroundministries.org

Genesee Valley Church Of Christ

Calvin Watson, Minister • 7351 Rt. 256, Scottsburg • 281-4733 (Sparta Community Center)

Sunday Bible Study 9-9:45am • Sunday Worship 10:00-11:00am

Non-denominational New Testament Teachings.


Protection of the Mother of God Russian Orthodox Church

100 Stanford Dr., Rochester, NY 14610 • 585-224-0554

Archpriest Gregory Naumenko, Rector • A ROCOR Parish

Serving all English and Russian Speaking Orthodox Christians

Full schedule of services and live service streaming at www.pomog.org


First Presbyterian Church of Livonia Center

3836 Richmond Mills Road

Rt. 20A, Livonia Center


Sunday Worship 9:30 am • Handicap Accessible

Leicester Evangelical Presbyterian Church

161 Main St., Leicester • 382-3311

Pastor David Missel www.seekinggodtogether.com

Adult Sunday School: 10am • Worship Service: 10:30am

Please Join Us!

York United Presbyterian Church

2662 Main St., York, NY • 243-1266

Sunday Worship Service in person at 10:00 am

Available on the YouTube channel: “York United Presbyterian Church”.

Pastor: Rev. Michelle Sumption • All are welcome!

Central Presbyterian Church of Geneseo

Corner 2nd & Center St. • 243-0669

Pastor Rev. Dr. Nancy E. Lowmaster

Sunday Worship at 10am @www.cpcgeneseo.org

Sunday School and Nursery provided.

United Church Of Christ

Lakeville United Church of Christ

5687 Big Tree Rd., Lakeville • 346-5235 www.facebook.com/Lakevilleucc

Sunday Worship at 10:30am

All are welcome/Open and A rming Church.

South Livonia United Church of Christ

5087 South Livonia Rd., Livonia • Pastor Susan Smith

585-346-0420 • slucc2021@charter.net

Worship 10:00am

Children Sunday School 10:20am

FB - South Livonia UCC

Antique things have an appreciation and worth. Something can be old, but it can be timeless; therefore, it becomes an antique. If this antique is preserved and deemed precious, it could be passed down as a family heirloom.

~CeeLo Green

Vacuum pumping of




Town Of Ossian Republican Caucus

Notice is hereby given to all registered Republican voters that the Republican Caucus will be held at the Ossian Town Hall, located at 4706 Ossian Hill Rd., Dansville, New York on Monday, June 19, 2023 at 7:00 PM. e purpose of the caucus is to select candidates for the November 7, 2023 General Election for the following positions: Town Council Members (2) Four Year Terms. Such other business as needed to be taken care of and the closing time of the caucus will be decided during the caucus.

omas P. Wamp, Chairman

Town of Ossian Republican Caucus

Take thy plastic spade, It is thy pencil; take thy seeds, thy plants, They are thy colours.

~William Mason, The English Garden, 1782


Asphalt Maintenance


Line Striping

Crack Repairing

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Yield: 12 squares

1 cup light corn syrup

1/2 cup sugar

1/2 cup brown sugar

1 cup reduced-fat peanut butter

3/4 cup raisins

8 cups air-popped popcorn nonstick cooking spray

In large saucepan, combine corn syrup, sugar, brown sugar and peanut butter.

Bring to boil over low heat, stirring constantly; boil 2-3 minutes. Remove saucepan from heat.

In large bowl, combine raisins and popcorn; pour hot mixture over popcorn and toss carefully with wooden spoons until well-coated.

Spray 9-by-13 inch baking dish with cooking spray; press popcorn mixture into pan and cool completely.

Cut into squares and serve.

Homeowners with attics in their homes can inspect the ceilings inside the attic for signs of holes or leaks. Light peering through the top of the house indicates a hole or leak, as does stains or streaks on the ceiling.

We’ve Got Dumpsters!


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