4 minute read
Magic Maze
Words With A Pop
Request For Proposal
e Board of Education of the Wayland-Cohocton Central School District, Wayland, New York hereby invites the submission of:
Intent to submit should be received by August 10, 2023 and nal submissions for External Audit Services should be made by August 31, 2023 to Mr. Adam Button, District O ce, 2350 Route 63, Wayland, NY 14572. A er review of proposals, selected rms may be invited for interview. Speci cations may be obtained at the above address. (585-728-2212). e Board of Education reserves the right to waive any informalities in or reject all proposals.
Board of Education
Wayland-Cohocton Central School District, Wayland, New York
Kathryn Gelser District Clerk
Hazardous Waste Collection
Sat., Sept. 19 • 9am-1pm Mt. Morris, NY
Accepting: oil filters, antifreeze & vehicle batteries, household cleaning products, pesticides & insecticides, polishes & waxes, solvents, driveway sealer, pool chemicals, fluorescent bulbs & tubes, OIL BASED paint & stain ONLY, resins & adhesivesNO MOTOR OIL
Accepting: oil lters, antifreeze & vehicle batteries, household cleaning products, pesticides & insecticides, polishes & waxes, solvents, driveway sealer, pool chemicals, uorescent bulbs & tubes, LATEX & OIL BASED paint and stain, resins & adhesivesNO MOTOR OIL
*Tires accepted for $5.00 ea. (Passenger/ Light Truck). *NO ELECTRONICSsee our ad week of 9/10/20.
* Tires accepted for $5.00 ea. (Passenger/ Light Truck). *NO ELECTRONICS www.glowsolidwaste.org glow@co.genesee.ny.us or pgrayson@co.genesee.ny.us glow@co.genesee.ny.us
Online at www.glowsolidwaste.org Call (585) 815-7906 or (800) 836-1154 toll free.
CALL (585) 344-2580 Ext. 5463 or (585) 815-7906 or (800) 836-1154 toll free.
Separate electronics collection 9/23 by appointment.
ItwasJune,andtheworldsmelled of roses. The sunshine was like powdered gold over the grassy hillside. ~Maud Hart Lovelace, Betsy-Tacy and Tib, 1941
Friends&FamiliesMuscularDisordersFoundations -FALLARTS, CRAFT,VENDORS&RAFFLEFAIR! JoinusonSunday,October8,2023 from10am-4pmattheBatavia Downs&Casino,Batavia.Formore informationcallortextMarkat 585-519-1917. FriendsandFamiliesMuscularDisordersFoundation 501(c)3not-for-profitorganization dedicatedtoimprovingthequality oflifeandindependenceofchildrenandadultsdiagnosedwith neuromusculardisorders/diseases andover100otherdiseases.
VeteranOnly-CharterFishing w/HarringtonOutfitters: Veteranscomejoinusandfish CanandaiguaLakewiththenew charterfishingopportunitiesinthe fingerlakes,HarringtonOutfitters. WewillfishCanandaiguaLakefor fourhoursandshareamealafterwards.ValidNewYorkStateFishingLicenseisrequired.Besureto askabouttheVeterandiscounted fishinglicenseatyourlocallicensingfacility.Spaceislimited,don’t missout,RSVPatourwebsite www.livcovets.comnowtogeta spot.HeldAugust17,5:45AM1PM,SouthEnd-Canandaigua LakeBoatLaunch,7201State Route21,Naples.Wehopetosee youthere.
Monday,8/7:TurkeyMeatSauce w/StuffedShells,Broccoli,Peas, TropicalFruit,ChocolateMousse.
Tuesday,8/8:TunaSalad, Croissant,ClaremontSalad,Beet Salad,Melon,AppleJuice.
Wednesday,8/9:BBQPork, RoastedPotatoes,BrusselsSprouts, Carrots,Apple,StrawberryJell-O. Thursday,8/10:BeefStroganoffw/ EggNoodles,Carrots,Asparagus, Grapes,AppleJuice. SiteClosedonFriday. (585)335-8130
AugustSaleatTheInterfaith Center -“NewtoYou”&Book Saleat11FranklinSt.,Geneseoon Friday&SaturdayAugust25&26 from9amto4pm.“Welcometo Geneseo”giftcardraffleandother rafflebaskets.Gentlyuseditems fromcrockerytocutlery,from furnituretosmallappliancesand lotsinbetweenAND...WilsonFarm Beefsticks.Paymentscanbemade bycash,check,Venmoorcredit card.
I drifted into a summer-nap under the hot shade of July, serenaded by a cicadae lullaby, to drowsywarm dreams of distant thunder.
~Terri Guillemets
VeteranPlus1-Photography Group: Veteransplus1cancome joinusandlearnthebasicsof photographyfromalocalprofessionalphotographer.Location TBD.GroupmeetsAugust9thfrom 10a.m.-12p.m.,bringacamera, phoneornotebook.Dressaccordingly.RSVPatourwebsitewww. livcovets.comWehopetoseeyou there!
Take-outSpaghettiDinner atthe UnitedMethodistChurchof Livonia,21SummerSt,Livoniaon Wednesday,August9,4:306:00PM(oruntilsoldout).Spaghetti,sauce,meatballs,undressed salad,andgarlicbread.Donations accepted.
FishingCharterwithHarrington Outfitters: VeteransandActiveDutyMilitaryarewelcometojoin usforafreemorningorafternoon fishingcharteronConesusLake. Wewillhaverefreshmentsandenjoyawonderfulafternoonfishing withourfriendsatHarringtonOutfitters.HeldAugust25,Conesus BoatLaunch,5030ELakeRoad, Livonia.RSVPtoAmandaHayes 716-313-2242ahayes@vocwny. org.
PancakeBreakfast,OpenTrap Shoot&CrosmanArms Display/ Raffle.Youthactivitiesincludefree archery&indoorpelletrange.Sunday,August6,8am-11amatthe MiddlesexConservationClub,6087 SouthHillRoad,Middlesex.http:// www.middlesexconservationclub. org/
Mount Morris
VeteranOnly-EarlyRiser’sCoffeeClub: August21,7am-9am. VeteranscomejoinusatBrian’s USADinerinMt.Morrisforour monthlyEarlyRiserCoffeeClub. Thethird(3rd)Mondayevery monthwewillmeetwithother veteransandenjoythecoffee,conversation,andcompanyasweget readytotackletheweektogether. RSVPonourwebsite,www. livcovets.comWehopetoseeyou there.
7thannualMulliganDiscGolf Tournament -Saturday,August5, 2023atNaplesCommunityPark, Rte245,Naples.Tobenefitthe HospeaceHouse.Checkinbegins at8a.m.Prizesandlunch.50/50 raffle.Cost:$50.Registeratwww. dgscene.com/Mulligan2023.
“MakeAnOffer/Donation Sale” @theGatheringPlace,Cty Rd.46,SouthDansvilleonAugust 18th&19thfrom9-4pm.SponsoredbySouthDansvilleMethodist Church.
WaylandHistoricalSociety: The WaylandHistoricalSocietywillbe holdingitsANNUALGARAGESALE -August24th9-4,August25th 9-4,August26th9-2andAugust 27th12-5duringouroutsideconcertat2:00withTrevorDonlon.
By Fifi Rodriguez
1. GEOGRAPHY: Which European city is home to the Prado Museum?
2. MOVIES: What is Forrest’s hometown in the movie “Forrest Gump”?
3. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the only vowel that isn’t on the top row of letters on a keyboard?
4. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What breed of dog is the TV star Lassie?
5. CHEMISTRY: What is a common name for nitrous oxide?
6. MUSIC: Which musical instrument does the singer Lizzo play?
7. LITERATURE: What is a bildungsroman?
8. U.S. STATES: Which two states share the most borders with other states?
9. TELEVISION: What decade is represented in the TV sitcom “The Goldbergs”?
10. FOOD & DRINK: In which century was coffee introduced to Europe?
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows.
Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’
Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
10. 16th.
9. The 1980s.
8. Tennessee and Missouri, with eight bordering states each.
7. Novel that focuses on the moral and psychological growth of a protagonist from childhood to adult.
6. Flute.
5. Laughing gas.
4. Rough Collie.
3. A.
2. Greenbow, Alabama.
1. Madrid, Spain.
10009 State Rte. 21 South (3 miles south of I-390) Wayland, NY 585-384-5912
Ice Cream Social!
Sat., July 27th • 5-7PM Saturday, August 12th 3-5pm
Hots, Sauerkraut, Baked Beans, etc. Cake & Ice Cream • Lemonade & Coffee
Protect Your Mobile Devices - and Your Identity (Family Features) Mobile devices have become an indispensable tool for many people - and the thought of losing one of those devices, or having it stolen, is disconcerting, to say the least. But it happens every day. It’s estimated that lost or stolen phones alone could cost U.S. users $30 billion in 2012.
When a phone or tablet goes missing, so does a lot of personal information. And that can lead to more than just some inconvenience - it can lead to a stolen identity.
The Federal Trade Commission estimates that as many as 9 million Americans have their identities stolen each year. While identity thieves still resort to old-fashioned methods of information gathering, like going through trash and stealing wallets and purses, they can also get the personal information you store on your mobile device.
Blueberry Farm
• Wagon rides to the elds
• Buckets for your use, but please bring container to carry home!
Blanc 750ml................$12.99
Matua Sauvignon Blanc 750ml ........................$15.99
Nobilo Sauvignon Blanc 750ml........................$14.99
Starborough Sauvignon Blanc 750ml ...............$13.99
The Crossings Sauvignon Blanc 750ml ............$12.99
Oyster Bay Sauvignon Blanc 750ml..................$15.99
Seaglass Sauvignon Blanc 750ml ....................$12.99
Kim Crawford Sauvignon Blanc 750ml .............$18.99
Unshackled Sauvignon Blanc 750ml ................$19.99
Bota Sauvignon Blanc 3L Box..........................$22.50
• Gi Shop, Jams, Blueberry Juice, Maple Syrup
• Blueberry Hotline: (585) 526-5442
824 E. Swamp Rd., Penn Yan Hours: Mon-Sat 8am-4pm
Invite small business owners to community activity centers, nursing homes, schools, and the like to share their experiences about starting a business in the area.
Fair Housing Statement
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org EQUAL
Sponsored By:
When on vacation check your hotel for all your fire exits.
Sponsored by Dansville Fire Department.
National Day 8.7.23