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Bo a t s : W i n t e r t i m e i s b o a t s h o w se a so n , b u t i t ’ s a l so t h e o f f se a so n fo r b o a t e r s w h o l i v e i n c o o l e r cl i ma t e s. Th e se f a c t o r s c o mb i n e t o ma ke i t e a si e r a n d l e ss e xp e n si ve to f i n d a n e w b o a t . A c c o r d i n g t o bo a t - b u y i n g r e t a i l e r B o a t l i n e , co n su me r s c a n p r o b a b l y g e t o n e o f la st ye a r ’ s mo d e l s a t a g o o d p r i c e .
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Puzzle Answers This Week
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By Lucie Winborne * On Earth you need heat to fuse metal, but in space, due to the lack of atmosphere, two pieces of the same kind of metal will fuse together with just a little pressure in a process called cold welding.
* Digging a hole to China is possible if you start in Argentina.
* Liquids can boil and freeze at the same time.
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From Webster to Africa & Beyond BY DP DUNN
Rich Comins of Webster, NY, is a quiet man with salt and pepper hair and a twinkle in his eye. He has made friends and changed lives on every continent, except perhaps Antarctica. Rich is a small but mighty link in a chain of Rotarians that deliver ‘mobility devices’ all around the world. What’s a mobility device? Examples include crutches, wheelchairs, walkers, canes, leg braces, baby joggers and strollers, bike strollers, and prosthetic limbs. Rich collects these items for distribution overseas, at no cost to the recipient, through an organization called Crutches 4 Africa, whose mission is to “Collect, ship and distribute mobility devices.” Now if you’ve visited Hegedorn’s Market in Webster, you might have noticed a large plastic barrel near the store’s main entrance. On that barrel is a sign “CRUTCHES 4 AFRICA.” Maybe you’ve seen a couple of pairs of crutches, or a walker or two in the bin, ready to travel. Here’s their story. e whole Crutches 4 Africa operation was started by David Talbot of Boulder, Colorado. Talbot endured polio as a child. He recovered, a er surgery and much rehabilitation and exercise. Although he became an athlete in high school and college, he always remembered that painful illness. Dave traveled internationally, and as he traveled, he realized, as many travelers do, that Americans enjoyed so much. It’s scandalous what we throw away. Dave saw a need, especially in Africa, and took action to make a di erence. Medical mobility equipment was, and continues to be, in great demand to improve the lives of so many people with temporary or lifelong disabilities as well as many victims of accidents or war or illness. In 2018, Rich Comins attended an International Rotary conference in Toronto. Rich and Talbot met, and a series of conversations ensued. e next thing you know, as Rich tells the story, “Phil Smith visited the Webster chapter and presented an informational program about Crutches 4 Africa. e Ontario and Walworth clubs had already begun because of the discussion between Mark Wyse and myself in Toronto. I later presented to the Greece Rotary where Bill & Helen Gormont joined in the cause.” All agreed this was a worthwhile project. ey began collecting, storing, and shipping a wide array of mobility devices all around the world. In addition to the African continent, equipment has now been shipped to Mexico and Mongolia, El Salvador, Vietnam, Cambodia, India, ailand, Guatemala, and even Christmas Island. Merry Christmas, Christmas Islanders! Donations come from individuals, nursing homes, loan closets, hospitals, and other organizations with access to “used but usable” mobility devices. e items are inspected rst, and minor repairs are made if necessary, before the devices are bundled and batched for shipment overseas. is involves the work of many hands, and a periodic run across the PA border with a trailer full of donations. Shipping containers are then procured, and the items are delivered to their destinations. Importantly, according to Rich, “the equipment is never given to a government; items go directly to individuals in need, and always free of charge.” How many? “Over 171,000 items shipped (and lives changed)!” according to their website. When winter releases her icy grip, and shipping containers become available (right now, they’re at a premium), three containers worth are ready to go. “Hopefully we’ll make shipments this April, May, and June,” said Rich. Rich also passed along the following tips for those wishing to donate: 1. Don’t toss; DONATE, please! Your donation will change a life. 2. “Used but Usable” equipment only please; minor repairs are OK. 3. No electric scooters, please. e infrastructure elsewhere is not what we have at home. 4. Free pick up is available for larger donations of equipment. Aside from donations of equipment, Crutches 4 Africa welcomes cash contributions. Additionally, if a generous neighbor nearby has a storage space available, Crutches 4 Africa would greatly appreciate the use of it. Ideally, such a space would be 400 sq. . or larger, secure, accessible, and safe from the weather (no leaks). As a 501(c)(3) organization, receipts for donations are available to donors. Crutches 4 Africa is responsible for so many stories, so many lives touched and improved, all thanks to a brilliant idea, teamwork, and dedication. Please consider joining this international team. ose wishing to donate may call Rich Comins at (585) 899-9336 or email him at richecomins@gmail.com. To make a cash donation, read about the organization’s history, and view recipient testimonials check out the Crutches 4 Africa at www.crutches4africa.org.
Rich Comins of Webster (right) is dedicated to helping Crutches 4 Africa reach those in need of mobility devices. Crutches 4 Africa helps children like this young boy stay mobile! In addition to the African continent, equipment has now been shipped to Mexico and Mongolia, El Salvador, Vietnam, Cambodia, India, Thailand, Guatemala, and even Christmas Island.
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