Friday, February 14th • 6:30pm
Cuisine by Executive Chef Simon DeJohn & Executive Sous Chef Brian Gussler Champagne and Amuse Bouche Upon Arrival.
Wine and Dine your sweetheart!
Don’t delay, this premier culinary event will sell out!
Carrot Bisque, Ginger Spiced Pecans, Butternut Squash Croutons, Mint Gremolata
Pastrami Seared Tuna Steak, Petite Arugula, Watermelon & Feta Salad, Lemon Caper Vinaigrette, Grilled Crostini
Homemade Roasted Red Pepper Pasta, Braised Veal Osso Buco, Italian Herbs & Cheeses, Stuffed Cremini Mushrooms, Marsala Glaze, Sage Pesto, Bresaola Julienne
Filet Mignon Modiga, Beef Tartare on Lobster Ceviche Cake, Short Rib, Twice Baked Potato w/Six Minute Egg, Charred Tomato Relish
Orange Zested Milk Chocolate Custard, Ricotta Sweet Cream, Raspberry Pavlova, Candied Orange Peel
Students seeking private music lessons have options – Nearby colleges: Music students at local colleges may want to make extra money by offering music lessons. They may be able either to meet at your home or use the music room on campus to conduct lessons.
Explore one of New York State’s largest gluten-free menus for lunch and dinner - just minutes from Rochester. Enjoy dining in, convenient take-out, or our delivery service. Daily hand-cra ed delights from our Master Baker and options for every occasion, including family & business gatherings. Let us make your dining experience safe, delicious, and unforgettable. Taking special orders for allergy-friendly meals and celebrations. Come taste the difference!
Monday: Closed Tues.- urs.: 11am-8:30pm Fri.-Sat.: 11am-9pm Sun.: 12-8pm
Phone: 585-226-8111 Fax: 585-226-3390 www.gvpennysaver.com
President ...........................Steve Harrison
General Manager ...........................Manuel Karam
Creative Director ................................Kelly Nolan
Production Supervisor .................................Jeff Wasson
Sales Department ............................Colleen Mann
Circulation Manager ...............................Paul Schojan
Can gas go bad? Yes it can, the lighter, more volatile components of gasoline evaporate over time. Old gas can compromise engine performance, potentially causing a car to hesitate or stall. Gas that has gone bad can begin to smell like varnish. To determine if gas smells differently, drivers should remove the gas cap and stand next to the car where you would normally put the gas pump. If you detect an aroma of varnish, then the gas has likely gone bad. Gas can begin to go bad in as little as three months, so drivers who haven’t driven much over that period may have bad gas in their tanks. One way drivers can combat bad gas,even if they aren’t driving much, is to add fuel stabilizer when filling up the tank. Fuel stabilizer keeps gas from degrading, but it’s only effective if it is mixed with good gasoline, hence the reason to add it when filling up and not when you detect the gas already in the car has gone bad.
Submissions will be featured on our website then cast your vote for the winner out of our top 5 favorites!
• Entries Accepted: 1/24/25 to 1/3/2025
• Voting: 2/4/2025 to 2/10/2025
• Winner Announced: 2/14/2025 editions
Contest Guidelines:
Must be 18 or older. Poems must be original. GVPS employees/families are ineligible
A winner will be chosen from entries to receive a $50 gift card
Mail to: GVPS: Football MVP Contest, PO Box 340, Avon, NY 14414
Postmarked by: 1/31/2025
Winner and trivia answers will be in our 2/7/2025 editions
Name: ___________________________
Phone: ___________________________
Email: ___________________________
Town: ___________________________
Sponsored by:
1. Which two conferences compete in the NFL’s annual championship game? ___________________________________
2. Who holds the record for the most championship wins by a player? ___________________________________
3. What year was the first NFL championship game played?
4. Which team has the most championship wins?
5. What is the name of the trophy awarded to the champion?
6. Which team has made the most appearances in the NFL’s championship game? ___________________________________
7. What is the only team to go undefeated in the regular season and win the championship? ___________________________________
8. Which city has hosted the most NFL championship games?
9. What is the largest margin of victory in a championship game?
10. Which quarterback famously guaranteed a win in the 1969 championship game? ___________________________________
11. Which team was the first to win the championship in their home stadium? ___________________________________
12. What is the most-watched halftime show performance of all time? ___________________________________
13. What team scored the most points ever in a single NFL championship game? ___________________________________
14. Who was the first defensive player to win MVP in the championship? ___________________________________
Sweetie is a 15 1/2 year old Jack Russell who’s a huge Bills fan!
Keep licensing up to date. Licensing will keep dogs registered in the area and help have current contact information available. Pet owners often license and microchip their pets to ensure safety all around.
Send us a photo! and a brief write-up of your pet and we’ll feature it!
Submit at: gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us or mail to: P.O. Box 340, Avon, NY 14414. Pets will be published at discretion of GVPS.
By Sam Marzotta
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I adopted a puppy about two months ago. “Spencer” seemed to housetrain just fine, but for the last couple of weeks, he has been pooping on the bathroom rug. It’s not diarrhea, just regular healthy poos. He does it between walks – even though he poops as normal during walks! What is going on?
– John D. in Burlington, Vermont
DEAR JOHN: Even though Spencer seems healthy, take him to the vet to rule out any underlying health issues. In the days prior to the vet appointment, get out a notepad and write down his behaviors, what time he poops each day, if he’s doing a lot of barking –anything. Bring that to the appointment; it might give the vet additional insight.
Puppies go through phases during their growth, and it’s not too unusual to see some regression in housetraining periodically. For example, when they’re teething, or as they enter their “teen” phase at around 8 months or so, you may see a change in behavior patterns or “forgetting” commands you know they’ve learned.
If there is no health issue to worry about, focus on training. Go back to basics and teach him how to alert you when he needs to go outside. Work on his basic commands. Observe him closely when you’re at home to see whether his behavior is changing.
You may need to adjust your schedule as well. If he’s an especially young puppy, his body is changing rapidly and he may need more potty breaks than the training guide says. Be prepared to make those adjustments as you patiently retrain him. And don’t worry, he will fully housetrain, as long as you remain diligent.
Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.
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Bloomfield Public Library
9 Church Street, Bloomfield 585-657-6264
Mon.-Thus. 10am-8pm Fri. 10am-6pm; Sat. 10am-2pm
Mendon Library
22 N. Main St., Honeoye Falls 585-624-6067 mendonlibrary.org
Mon.-Thurs. 9am-8pm; Fri. 9am-5pm; Sat. 9am-3pm; Closed Sunday
Victor Farmington Library
15 West Main St., Victor 585-924-2637 victorfarmingtonlibrary.org
Mon.-Thurs. 9am-8pm; Fri. 9am-6pm; Sat. 10am-4pm; Sun. 12-4pm
Here’s what’s happening at your local library…
Bra measurements are hard to come by, no doubt thanks in part to the nature of getting measured in such an intimate area of the body. But considering undergarments set the foundation for all clothing worn on top, this is one of the more important measurements to verify. Enlist the help of a friend or family member to make measurements go more smoothly.
TeenGameNight-Magic:The Gathering.Monday,1/27,6:307:45PM.TeensandAdultsarewelcome.Registrationisrequired. PreschoolStoryTimeinTwoLanguages,Fridays 1/31,2/7,2/14,2/21,2/28,10-10:30 AM.Forpreschoolersandtheir caregivers.Noregistrationrequired. FridayMovieMatineesforAdults, Friday,1/31,1:30-3:30PM.This week’smovieisConclave(PG).No registrationisrequired. Tosignupforaprogramortolearn aboutotherprogramslog onto:https://mendonlibrary.org/ programs/
Mondays2:00PM:MahJonggJoin otherMahJonggenthusiasts!
Mondays12:30PM&Thursdays 11:00AM:On-SiteChairYoga* Suggesteddonation$3/class
Mondays5:30PM:HandandFoot Game
Tuesdays1:30PM:Mexican Dominoes
Wednesdays9:15AM:Library Walkers
Wednesdays10:30AM-12:30PM BasicComputerSkillsforAdults* Wednesdays2:00-4:00PM:Euchre &HandandFootGames
Fridays12:30PMLet’sPlayBridge! Saturday1/2510:30AMHenna WorkshopforAdults*Hennaartist RobinJaekelwillgiveabrief overview(geographical,cultural andhistorical)abouthennaaswell asofferingasamplehennadesign toeachparticipant.
Thursday1/306:00PMAnEvening withPsychicCarolCieslinski*Learn whatitmeanstobeapsychic,and howCarolusesthisgifttohelp others.Bringyourquestions,comments,concerns,fascinationand curiosity!
Friday1/3110:30AMCreateSmall HandmadeBooks:AThree-partSeriesLearnthreebasicbook structuresinthisrelaxed,educationalprogram. *www.victorfarmingtonlibrary. libcal.comforinformationandregistration.
In seed-time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy. ~ William Blake
CanandaiguaAmericanLegion RidersBakedZitiDinnerJanuary25,4-6PM.Eatinor takeoutavailable.$10.00.Baked Ziti,meatsauce,saladandbread. OpentothePublic!!AmericanLegionCanandaigua,454NorthMain St.,Canandaigua.http:// koto101621@gmail.com
WhenLafayetteCametoTown: ABicentennialAppreciation -As thebicentennialapproachesof GeneralMarquisdeLafayette’s June1825farewelltour,theBristol HillsHistoricalSocietywelcomes ChristopherCarosa,authorofthe newbook HistoryUnleashed: Lafayette’sRemarkableTourofthe GreaterWesternNewYorkRegion HearhowtheFrenchheroofthe AmericanRevolutionmadehisway fromRochesterthroughMendon andBloomfieldtoCanandaigua andGeneva:wherehestayed, whomhemet,whatthe CanandaiguaMainStreetparade forhimlookedlike.Freeandopen tothepublic.Thursday,April24, 7pm,BristolSpringsGrangeHall, 6457StateRoute64,Naples. https://bristolhillshistory.org/events/ when-lafayette-came-to-town-abicentennial-appreciation
GatesGreeceLionsClubSnow BallGolf! Benefiting:LionsPark Renovation.Saturday,February1, 2025.Only$5.00perperson/per round.GatesLionsPark,100KentuckyAve.Thegamewillbeplayed witha9-IronandaTennisBall,ona 12holecoursewithnaturaland “man-made”obstacles.Weprovidethetennisball.Bringyourown 9-IronorClubrentalsavailable.NO PRIORGOLFEXPERIENCENEEDED!! Food,PrizesandWarmthinthe GatesLionsParkBuilding.FOR MOREINFORMATIONANDTICKETS.Call(585)746-1179oremail wfrance1@rochester.rr.com
Monday,February3-American RedCrossBloodDrive:1:30pm to6:30pmatSt.Patrick’sChurch, 115MapleAve.,Victor.Participants mustbeages17orolder;16with parentalconsentandbringID.For information:redcross.org. Appointmentsmaybemadeat redcrossblood.org.
AnnualEuchreTournament: February9,2025from1-4pm.$25 pp.LightRefreshmentsprovided. Location:GypsumMillsCommunity Room,PlasterMillRoad,Victor. Winners:1stPlace-$100,2nd Place-$75,3rdPlace-$50.Victor LionsClubEuchreTournament:PO Box85,Victor,NY14564.Questions:BillSemmler315-331-0278. Registrationacceptedonafirst comebasisasspaceislimited. Checkspayableto“VictorLions Club”.
DIY Hand Pampering: Mix together 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 1/5 cup milk, 1/2 cup brown sugar, 1/4 cup honey. Soak hands in mixture for 2 minutes, then rinse and dry hands.
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
MOMENTS IN TIME The History Channel
* On Jan. 26, 1970, U.S. Navy Lt. Everett Alvarez Jr. spends his 2,000th day in captivity in Southeast Asia. First taken prisoner when his plane was shot down Aug. 5, 1964, during one of the first bombing raids over North Vietnam, he became the longest-held POW in U.S. history.
“Women’sClubOfWebster: Thursday,February20” -Janice CamilleriofNeverSayNeverStables,anon-profitprovidinglifeenrichinghorse-relatedactivitiesto SpecialNeedsChildrendescribes heruniqueprogrammingat WCW’sFebruarymeeting.Location:Nucci’s,807RidgeRd.,Webster.Social:11:15;Meeting:12:00 noon;lunch:12:30followedbyMs. Camilleri’spresentation.BuffetfeaturesChickenMarsala,Mixed Vegetables,RoastedPotatoes, Pennewithsauce,Salad,Cannoli andcamaraderiefor$21.New membersWELCOME!Sendcheck madeouttoWCWbyFebruary 13thtoCarolynRittenhouse,405 CountyLineRoad,Ontario,14519. Questions(?)orpossiblelatecheck, phoneCarolyn,585-265-1303.
WestBloomfieldUnitedChurch ofChrist -ThirdAnnualDayof CuriosityonSaturdayFebruary8, 2025.Comeforanhourorawhole daypackedwithlearningandinteractinginbody,mind,andspirit! Topicsinclude:EatLovingly,Nature communion,IndigenousWisdom, DancesofUniversalPeace,Poetic Expressions,ChooseYourOwnClimateChangeAdventure,Artificial intelligence,Refugees,Recycling& Riding-thestoryof“Wheelsfor Workers”,MindfulnessinMindless Times.9035Rts5&20inWest Bloomfield,fullyaccessible.9am4pmonFebruary8,2025.Register atwbccucc.orgLunchincluded. Suggestedcontributionof$10-20 andanitemforthefoodpantryif feasible.
January 20, 2025 commemorates the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr, who “had a dream” that boys and girls could school together, regardless of race, religion, creed, or color, judged only “by the content of their character” and not “the color of their skin.” 61 years later, where do you think we stand as a nation?
- We have achieved Dr. King’s vision
- We have made significant progress, but there’s still work to be done
- We have made little to no progress toward this vision
- We are now moving away from Dr. King’s dream
Poll ends 01-28-2025
Poll ended 01-21-2025
With wildfires devastating tens of thousands of acres, tornados ripping apart the Midwest each year, tsunamis washing away oceanside cities, Western NYers may feel fortunate to “only” deal with snow and ice. Are you ready for an emergency evacuation?
13.3% I have an emergency kit ready at home
26.7% I receive alerts for severe weather/emergencies
33.3% I feel somewhat prepared but could improve 26.7% I am not prepared
We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit www.gvpennysaver.com!
Each mumbered row contains two clues and two answers. e two answers differ from each other by only one letter, which has already been inserted. For example, if you exchange the A from MASTER for an I, you get MISTER. Do not change the order of the letters.
Outdoor entertaining in winter may be challenging, especially in regard to keeping everyone warm. The following are some solutions that can help people stay warm and have fun outside.
• Fire pits can be great places for friends and family to gather around and enjoy special occasions. They’re readily available from garden centers and home improvement retailers at a variety of price points. Permanent fire pits can be built by a homeowner or professionally built by masonry experts.
• Outdoor fireplaces add warmth, and improve the ambiance and value of an outdoor entertaining area. Set up outdoor furniture right next to an outdoor fireplace and you have a cozy alternative living room.
• Outdoor heating devices are far more effective than average fire pits or fireplaces. One or two heaters will be enough to keep a large entertaining area warm.
• Guests should dress warmly, but having a basket of throw blankets, scarves and parkas available for extra warmth while mingling is helpful. Use outdoor rugs to insulate from the cold from the ground up.
• Stews, chilis, soups, and other hot foods can help guests warm themselves up from the inside out. Warmed cider, hot chocolate and mulled wines also can be served to help people stay warm.
• Incorporate activities that encourage guests to move around and stay warm.
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org
Leah Ou’s musical journey began in Chengdu, China, where she was born and first picked up the pipa at the age of six. “Starting at such a young age laid the foundation for my lifelong passion for music,” she reflects. Her early training was rigorous, but it helped establish the technical skills that would become the cornerstone of her artistry. She participated in numerous bands and ensembles throughout the years, honing her ability to adapt to various musical settings and deepen her appreciation for collaboration.
Learning the pipa, however, was not without its challenges. Leah vividly recalls her family’s dedication to her cra : “My mom or grandma would take me to lessons by bicycle, with me sitting on the back holding my pipa tightly. I’d eat instant noodles before class because our schedules were too packed to cook.” Despite moments of physical strain – “I remember crying sometimes from the soreness in my fingers a er practicing too much before competitions” – Leah found joy in the music itself. “ e joy of feeling the music move through my body, discovering the stories behind each piece, and seeing people’s amazement at this unique instrument made the journey incredibly rewarding,” she shares.
Leah’s passion for the pipa began with a deliberate choice. “My mom took me to a music store, and I was immediately drawn to its beautiful pear-shaped design and intricate details,” she recalls. She almost chose the Chinese flute, but the pipa captured her heart. One of her earliest and most transformative experiences with the instrument came when she encountered the ancient composition “Ambush from Ten Sides.” “ is piece, which depicts an ancient battle, initially shocked me with how much dissonance and noise it included,” she says. “It broadened my sense of the pipa’s incredible versatility.” Over time, it has become one of her favorite pieces to perform.
A er moving to Rochester, Leah began an exciting new chapter in her musical journey. She released her debut album, O’s Pipa, which showcased classical and traditional pipa compositions. Her latest album, Nomad, is a testament to her ability to innovate while respecting tradition. “ is album represents a blend of classical Chinese techniques and my own compositions,” Leah explains. Nomad also highlights her collaborative spirit, featuring instruments like guitar, piano, synthesizer, flute, and drums alongside the pipa. For this project, she also recorded on her second Chinese instrument, the ruan. “ e ruan holds a special place in my musical journey,” she adds, noting that she learned it during an internship with the TianZi Chinese Orchestra, part of the Sichuan Symphony Orchestra.
Leah’s artistry has been shaped by the guidance of remarkable mentors. She credits her long-time teacher, Tang Wenting, a National First-Class Pipa Performer in China, for instilling a poetic understanding of the instrument. “She told me to ‘feel the music’ and strive to achieve the sound of ‘big and small pearls dropping on a jade plate,’” Leah recounts. e imagery, drawn from an ancient poem, “ e Ballad of the Pipa,” continues to inspire her approach to music.
Another pivotal figure is Wu Man. “At the Silkroad Global Musician Workshop, renowned pipa virtuoso, Wu Man taught me the importance of being relaxed in my music and my head,” Leah says. “She also inspired me to dive deeper into traditional Chinese pieces.”
Recently, Leah explores new territory with rock band, Mountain –River – Traveler, which creates a fusion of traditional Chinese elements and modern rock energy, with the pipa, ruan, electric guitar, bass, and drums. e band’s innovative sound, which they call “supercharged Chinese folk,” blends powerful grooves with intricate time signatures to push musical boundaries, with the goal of making music that feels “fresh yet familiar, traditional yet modern, and transcends musical boundaries.”
Leah’s proudest moments as a musician o en come from sharing her music with others. “I cherish moments of practicing alone, becoming immersed in the stories behind the music, and meticulously preparing for performances,” she says. From the adrenaline of preshow preparations to the quiet satisfaction of packing up a erward, these experiences ground her and affirm her connection to her art.
Leah’s upcoming performances reflect her diverse musical endeavors. On January 27th, she will present on the pipa and perform a concert for the Rochester Guitar Club (open to the public) at 1010 East Avenue, Rochester. On February 2nd, she will perform with Mountain – River – Traveler at the Lunar New Year Festival in Hamburg. On May 24th, she will appear at the Hillbrook House Concerts ROC series.
To follow Leah’s musical journey and discover her work, visit her websites linktr.ee/imospipa, ospipa.bandcamp.com, or find her on Facebook: imospipa.
rough her dedication to both tradition and innovation, Leah Ou continues to enchant audiences, proving that the pipa’s rich legacy has a vibrant place in the modern musical landscape.
Love to write? You could earn CASH when you share your original story, personal experience, community happening or school event with us! It may be featured on our popular website for all to see and even selected for print! Go to My Hometown at www.gvpennysaver.com or email hometown@gvpennysaver.com!
Thank you to whomever turned in my wallet at the Avon Tops. It was the week before Christmas too, no less. Thank you.
THANK YOU to our local town/village of Avon for keeping our roads cleared so far this winter. They are always out early, late, and inbetween, helping to make sure we get to our destinations safely. We appreciate you!
Please Drive Safely and Smartly!
Please be sure that your headlights are on whenever your wipers are. It is astounding how many vehicles do not follow this LAW. It is required of drivers to use their headlights when visibility is low, at dawn and dusk, and when it's raining, snowing, or sleeting. It's not just to help you see where you're going - it's to help others see YOU/your vehicle. Pleasedrive safely and smartly!
I felt bad for this elderly lady (80+). She was dropped off at the door. She could hardly walk or stand and had an oxygen tank. She had to wait, quite a while, until an electric handicap cart was brought in from outside by an employee. Everyone of the handicap carts were being used by other people. Most walked ok from their vehicles that were parked far out in the lot. Yes, some do require the use of a handicap cart but it amazes me that they feel more entitled than to someone who really does need one.
By Keith Roach, M.D.
DEAR DR. ROACH: You recently wrote that you do not recommend probiotics in healthy people. I am a 78-year-old male who, three years ago, underwent an esophagectomy to remove my esophagus and part of my stomach because of cancer. I was put on 30 mg of pantoprazole, which was later increased to 40 mg. I’ve read that prolonged use of this medicine isn’t recommended. My understanding is that this medicine is used to reduce the chance of acid reflux. I have read that it also kills bacteria (both bad and good) in the stomach. I asked my primary care physician about this and whether she was OK with me starting probiotics to help restore the good bacteria. -- E.M.
ANSWER: Proton-pump inhibitors like pantoprazole are often used in people after surgical treatment for esophageal cancer. They reduce acid reflux and consequently prevent a stricture where the remainder of the esophagus meets the remainder of your stomach. While it is true that proton-pump inhibitors do have the potential for side effects with long-term use, there are times when the benefits outweigh the risks. Many esophageal cancer experts feel that the benefits outweigh the risks in esophageal survivors like you.
Long-term acid suppression does lead to changes in the gut bacteria, called the microbiome. Using probiotics to improve the quality of the microbiome has been studied, and preliminary studies showed that taking probiotics daily can get more healthy bacteria in the gut. What isn’t clear is whether this translates to better outcomes for the patient or whether any of the long-term adverse effects of proton-pump-inhibitor therapy will be reduced. It makes sense that it might help, but it is unproven as yet.
There is the potential for harm in probiotic treatment, but it’s not common. A very few cases of infection have been shown to be transmitted by probiotics. The main harm is mostly financial, since some probiotics are expensive.
DEAR DR. ROACH: I am 81 years old and in pretty good health. I often have a hard time getting to sleep and staying asleep. A couple of months ago, I was dealing with a sore lower back from overdoing yard work, so I took two ibuprofen tablets before going to bed for several nights in a row. What I noticed is that I was able to get to sleep quicker.
I have continued to take ibuprofen as a sleep aid, and it continues to help me get to sleep. But I am wondering if there might be any medical issue that could arise from the continued daily use of ibuprofen. -- J.T.N.
ANSWER: Most people don’t find that ibuprofen helps or hurts their sleep, so I don’t recommend it as a sleep aid in general. In fact, some people find that ibuprofen can be disruptive to their sleep. Others, however, find that it makes them sleepy.
In any case, the risk of two ibuprofen tablets at night, or even every day, is small. A person with a history of ulcer disease or abnormal bleeding shouldn’t take ibuprofen daily without discussing it with their doctor.
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu © 2025 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
(Cleaning, X-rays, Comprehensive Exam) Valid for one month ONLY – Expires 1/31/25. Appointments will be limited and fill fast. is is a total savings of $258! *Cannot be combined with insurance, discounts, or any other savings.*
DEPEND men’s underwear, size XL. 14 left in package. Pick up, Henrietta. Call or text 585-435-3594
Full size SLATE BOTTOM POOL TABLE with all accessories, cues, etc. Avon. Text or call 585-576-6828
1960s PLAYER PIANO player with bench, rolls and sheet music. The player mechanism needs repair. Avon. Text or call 585-576-6828
Large bag of JEWELRY BOXES - a variety of sizes. Fairport. 585-388-0318
1990 SONY 5-disc player. Works great. Pick up near MCC. aimeen@juno.com
About 20 / 2 lb. bags of WHITE RICE. You pick up, Springwater. sunteelee@yahoo.com
Several boxes of WOMEN’S HEAVY ABSORBENCY UNDERWEAR (small/medium) and BOOSTER PADS. Also, several FLOWER VASES. Gates. 585-402-8870
COLOGNE: L’Homme Suave by Capucci, 100 mil. half full bottle. Dior Sauvage clone/copycat. Penfield. jeff21973@gmail.com
COLOGNE: Imperia by Rayhaan, 100 mil. bottle, 90% full. Creed Aventus clone/copycat. Penfield. jeff21973@gmail.com
HEATING OIL. Siphon or take tank. About 100 gallons. Livonia. 585-346-5898
20, one dozen CARDBOARD EGG CARTONS, 60+ TOILET PAPER ROLLS - great for crafts or seed starting, 20+ VHS MOVIES. Penfield. 585-736-2749
Approx. 25 bags and pails of CHESTNUT COAL. Wayland. 585-278-4119
Collection of CATHOLIC CHURCH HISTORY from 1869 taken off of microfilm from churches in Avon, Honeoye, Honeoye Falls, and Lima. 585-229-2186
Assura (2846) High Output Pouches, vol 600ml 50mm, Convatec 1-3/4” 45mm drainable pouch (420695). Churchville. 585-293-1439
Coloplast Wafers Click Ostomy Base Plate Convex Light Precut 1-1/8” Skin Barrier with Flange Standard Wear. Churchville. 585-293-1439
Many TASTE OF HOME MAGAZINES and annual hardcover editions from 2000-2010. Geneseo. sylvavalentino@yahoo.com
USED AXE HEADS. hansjoan2@gmail.com
ALUMINUM WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE RAMP, 20’ long or shorter. 585-329-2964
ART SUPPLIES in new/good condition: drawing, painting, photo, fabric/sewing, paper, storage containers, jewelry, wood crafts. em_kren@yahoo.com
METRONOME. 585-948-5079
ICE SKATES FOR YOUNG BOYS. Sizes 12 & 7. Text 585-313-9355
CHESTNUT COAL. 585-374-5768
AMPLIFIED TV ANTENNA and a small ELECTRIC SPACE HEATER. 585-323-1762 leave message
Working HOME EMBROIDERY MACHINE w/5x7 hoop or larger. 585-297-9273
COAT TREE, small IGLOO DOGHOUSE, medium sized DOG CRATE. 585-507-8788
Any new DRY WALL SHEETS and any new/lightly used FOAM INSULATION BOARDS. 585-297-5729
KOHLER MODEL M8 ENGINE: Working or not. Needed for parts to repair a BCS 715 rototiller. rholzschuh1@rochester.rr.com
JIGSAW PUZZLES, 300-350 pieces only. Celtictrain1960@gmail.com
OAK DINING ROOM TABLE in good condition. 585-381-6546
1990s COMPUTER MONITOR and an older TYPEWRITER, manual or electric, in good working condition. 585-200-0667 leave message
Set of DUMBBELLS - anywhere between 12lbs-15lbs. 585-455-4923
RELIABLE VEHICLE to get back and forth to work. 585-213-0181
Working JEWELRY MAKING KILN, kiln and jewelry making accessories. susan5257@yahoo.com
FLAT ROCK for edging. jzornow001@gmail.com
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received. Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
BYLINE: By JoAnn Derson
* Lunchbox tip: Assemble your sandwich the night before (without veggies). Wrap in waxed paper and freeze. Add veggies and a condiment packet in a separate bag. Your sandwich will thaw by lunchtime and will stay cold!
* “Plant banana skins in your garden, just below the surface. ey rot quickly and provide nutrients for growing plants.”
-- A.R. in Ohio
* “Always keep two needles threaded, one with black and one with white. When you have a rip, a button comes off or a hem comes out of your clothes, and you are in a hurry, you can use one of these for a quick repair.” -- J.R. in Virginia
The PathStone Weatherization Assistance Program is available for income-eligible households in Monroe County located outside of the city limits.
By Fifi Rodriguez
1. TELEVISION: Who created the retro TV series “Stranger Things”?
2. U.S. STATES: Which state is the home of Yellowstone National Park?
3. ASTRONOMY: Which is the only planet in our solar system to rotate on its side?
4. MOVIES: What is the given name of the large bird in the animated movie “Up”?
5. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which three zodiac signs are considered earth signs?
6. LITERATURE: What is the name of Hagrid’s half-brother in the “Harry Potter” book series?
7. GEOGRAPHY: What is the capital city of Australia?
8. FOOD & DRINK: What type of nut is used in the chocolate spread Nutella?
9. SPORTS: What kind of sports match is divided into 7-minute periods called chukkas?
10. ADVERTISEMENTS: What type of horses often are used in Budweiser beer ads?
Trees may require pruning for a variety reasons. Storms may have damaged branches, necessitating a pruning. In other instances, trees may have outgrown their yards, overpowering the landscape. Autumn and winter, when trees largely go dormant and fallen leaves make it easier to see the branches beneath, may be prime times to prune. Pruning during the dormant period also minimizes sap loss and stress to the tree, and can help cut down on the growth of fungi. In addition, insects are less likely to be problematic during the colder months of the year.
Honeoye Falls-Lima Central School District
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Determine how much space you truly need. Current business owners and prospective owners can save substantial amounts of money and avoid wasting energy by giving ample thought to how much office space they truly need. Large office spaces may not be necessary for businesses that recently downsized staff, while those starting out may want to start in small spaces before upgrading to larger spaces if and when their businesses expand. Small business owners leasing their office space can speak with their leasing agents to determine if they can include a clause in their lease that allows them to move into larger spaces if the need arises before their existing leases expire.
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Apr. 7-10
- Washington, D.C. Cherry Blossoms & Gettysburg $1,249
Apr. 14-15
- NOAH with the Steamboat Inn $439
May 6-7 - NOAH with lunch & the Steamboat Inn $449
May 7-14 - Nashville & Memphis (ALMOST FULL!) $2,399
May 21-22 - NOTL - Pillar & Post and Anything Goes at Shaw Festival $549
July 7-9 - NOAH with Kreider Dairy Farms Tour (3 days/2 nts) $699
July 13-18 - Charleston & Savannah $1,899
July 15-17 - Ohio Amish Country (with 2 shows!) $699
Aug. 5-7 - NOAH & Wizard of Oz at Dutch Apple (3days/2nts) $749
Aug. 11-13 - Atlantic City at Bally’s $469
Aug. 17-27 - National Parks Explorer $4,699
Aug. 26-28 - Historic Hudson Valley $879
Sept. 8-10 - Villa Roma Resort $649
Sept. 11-13 - Akwesasne Casino Getaway $TBD
Sept. 19-20 - ADK Balloon Festival in Lake George $399
Sept. 21-27 - Pigeon Forge, Dollywood’s Harvest Fest & Gatlinburg $1,999
Oct. 15-16
Mar. 25 - Sprague’s Maple Farm & WWII Museum $145
Mar. 27 - Sprague’s Maple Farm & Seneca Allegany Casino $109
Apr. 15 - WWII Museum, Beef ‘n Barrel Lunch $149
Apr. 23 - Buffalo - History & Art Exploration $179
Apr. 30 - History Mystery Trip $175
May 7 - Ithaca is ‘Gorges’ $179
May 13 - Southern Tier Quilt Tour $125
June 16 - Jesus Christ Superstar & Sherwood Inn Lunch $189
June 18 - Grand Lady Luncheon Cruise, Hawk Creek $189
June 24 - The Odd Couple & Sherwood Inn Lunch $175
June 25 - Captain Bill’s Seneca Lake Doo Wop Lunch Cruise $175
July 2 - Chocolate Tour & Hiawatha Paddlewheel (July 4th edition!) $165
July 22 - Barnum & Sherwood Inn Lunch $189
July 24 - Chocolate Tour & Hiawatha Paddlewheel $165
July 30 - Hidden Valley Animal Adventure $159
Aug. 12 - Captain Bill’s Seneca Lake Doo Wop Lunch Cruise $175
Aug. 14 - Fun in the Finger Lakes $169
Aug. 19 - Chautauqua Belle Lunch Cruise $189
Aug. 25 - Irving Berlin’s Top Hat & Springside Inn Lunch $189
Sept. 3 - ‘Let’s Make a Car’ - Toyota Plant Tour (CANADA) $175 Contact