FARMINGTON:5755DALTON DRIVE Saturday10/12&Sunday 10/13Estate-RummageSale(8AM3PM)RainorShine.Noreasonable offerrefused!
PRATTSBURGH: 11421 County Route78.October12&13 (9-5pm).ROCKHOUNDTENT SALE.Minerals,jewelry,books, sluice.Rainorshine.
appointments/ house calls available. 585-289-7326
40 W. Main St., Shortsville, NY
Hours: Wed.-Fri. 9am-5pm, Sat. 9am-Noon, Appointments available Mon. & Tues.
Decreased commercial farming interest: Fewer people are working in farming. Land prices for expansion, new government mandates and regulations, and the impact of immigration and trade policies have made farming less attractive than it once was. Fewer commercial operations result in a diminished food commodity output.
Bysshe Shelley
165,000 Print Readers
80,000 Digital Readers
Office: PO Box 340 1471 Route 15 Avon, NY 14414
Phone: 585-226-8111 Fax: 585-226-3390 www.gvpennysaver.com
President ...........................Steve Harrison
General Manager ...........................Manuel Karam
Creative Director ..............................Cristie Leone
Production Supervisor
Sales Department ............................Colleen Mann
Circulation Manager ...............................Paul Schojan
The PathStone Weatherization Assistance Program is available for income-eligible households in Monroe County located outside of the city limits.
Reduce energy costs and improve the safety of your home through energy efficiency measures inowned or rented property.
Contact Us Today!
442.2030 ext.752
HEAP Recipients
Automatically Eligible
Income guidelines are:
Family of 1: $36,420
Funded by: NYS Homes and Community Renewal
Family of 2: $47,640
Family of 3: $58,848
Family of 4: $70,056
MOMENTS IN TIME The History Channel
* On Oct. 14, 1892, “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes,” by Arthur Conan Doyle, is published. The book was the first collection of Holmes stories, which Conan Doyle had been publishing in magazines since 1887.
DID YOU KNOW? The American Heartworm Society advises dog owners to have their furry companions tested for heartworm annually.Such tests can typically be conducted during routine preventive care visits to the veterinarian.The AHS notes that such tests are necessary even for dogs that are taking year-round heartworm prevention medications. Tests can confirm that such programs are working or indicate if they are not effective. The American Veterinary Medical Association notes that antigen tests are the most commonly performed tests. These tests detect the presence of adult female heartworms and they are typically highly accurate. If a test is positive, veterinarians may recommend further testing, including radiographs, a blood profile and an echocardiogram. Such tests can determine a number of things about the infection, including its severity. The AVMA also notes that the additional testing can help determine the best course of treatment. Cat owners should know that it’s more difficult to detect heartworm in cats than in dogs. The AHS indicates that cats are much less likely than dogs to have adult heartworms, making the disease harder to detect in felines.Veterinarians may recommend cats receive both the antigen test and an antibody test,which detects exposure to heartworm larvae. The AVMA notes that more testing may increase the likelihood of detecting the disease in cats.
Maximizing natural light in a home is a smart and sometimes low-cost renovation. Homes that are dark and drab can drain energy levels and reduce productivity. In addition, dark rooms may not be inviting places to gather as a family or when entertaining.
It is tempting to want to cut back perennials and other greenery so a property looks neat. But as flowers and plants dry and drop to the ground, they help insulate the roots from the cold. They also provide a natural habitat and serve as a winter food source for birds and small animals.
The entryway to a home is the first thing guests experience when coming inside. It also can be the first place residents drop their belongings after long days at school or work. As a result, entryways can quickly be consumed by clutter. Taming such messes takes a mixture of ingenuity and planning. Homeowners hoping to clear their entryways of clutter must first decide what they want to get out of the space. Will it simply be a decorative spot with photos and other home decor on display? Or is functionality the primary goal? Once that decision has been made, take inventory of which items, such as shoes, keys, umbrellas or coats, need to be in the area, which don’t (i.e., old mail). To make things more organized, rearrange the former while removing the latter.
Next it is time to assess storage needs and what’s already available. User-friendly storage items may need to be purchased to make the room as functional as possible.
(NAPSI)—The next time you’re firing up theoutdoorgrill(orindoorgrillpan,for that matter),throw on a sweet potato or two. An easy, healthy side dish with a hugewowfactor,grilledsweetpotatoes are nutrient rich, high in fiber and absolutely delicious.And they go great with burgers, steaks, chops, chicken or pretty much anything off the grill. Start with this basic recipe, and if you’re feeling creative, try different shapes—sweet potato coins or steak fries,for example.Or add your favorite herbs and spices—such as chopped fresh rosemary, thyme, cinnamon or smoked paprika.
Serves 3 or 4
1 lb orange- or yellow/white-fleshed sweet potatoes,cut lengthwise into ¾-inch wedges
1 ½Tbsp olive oil
1 tsp salt,plus more for sprinkling Heat a grill or grill pan to mediumhigh. Meanwhile, in a large bowl, combine sweet potatoes, oil and salt. Arrange sweet potatoes on the grill or grill pan and cook until lightly charred and tender, 6 to 8 minutes, turning halfway through. Sprinkle with more salt and serve.
For more recipes, nutritional information and tips for cooking with California sweetpotatoes, go to www.casweetpotatoes.com.
2016 Ford Focus SE 2.01L eng, 66k mi .....................
2021 Ram 1500 Big Horn 4x4, 3.6L ........................
2021 Buick Encore GX 21k mi. ..................................
2021 Chevrolet Equinox AWD, 28k mi.....................
2021 Honda CRV Spec. Edit. 1.5L eng, 32k mi.....
2022 Ford EcoSport 2.0L eng, 10k mi........................
2023 Nissan Sentra SV 2.01L eng, 17k mi..............
2023 Nissan Rogue SV 1.5L eng, 31k mi ................
2023 Ford Explorer XLT nice equip. .........................
2024 Ford Edge AWD, 2.0L eng, 21k mi.................... $36,495
2024 Nissan Altima SR turbo, 1,500 mi................... $34,895 MOTORCYCLE INSPECTIONS DONE HERE
HOURS: Mon., Wed., Fri.
8am-5:30pm; Tues. & Thurs. 8am-6:30pm; Sat. by appt.
332 W. Main St., Honeoye Falls 585-624-1216 View our vehicles at cranesautomotive.com
Shopping local shops, farms and fairs is a great way to enjoy the fresh autumn air while supporting local businesses.
Brought to you by the Genesee Valley Penny Saver’s printing division
Send your loved ones holiday greetings and share your favorite memories with our custom designed holiday cards! Go online now to check out our designs and order yours today.
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Extended stay/efficiency suites: Extended stay properties offer competitive rates for travelers who will need to remain at the hotel for a longer period of time than the average trip or desire more room. Extended stay rooms and efficiency suites are large and have features like small apartments, including kitchenettes and living areas.
Servicing most brands for 43 years.
Has antibacterial and antifungal properties: According to the Honey Research Unit at the University of Waikato in New Zealand, honey is antibacterial. Honey will not foster growth of these microorganisms because it contains small amounts of hydrogen peroxide. Because of these properties, some people say that honey can help disorders such as ulcers and bacterial gastroenteritis, or other conditions where fungi and bacteria grow unchecked.
To: All interested parties
From: Lima Town Board
Date: October 2, 2024
e Town of Lima, Livingston County, New York is requesting formal written bids from parties interested in providing periodic lawn mowing, trimming and general lawn maintenance services during the 2025 calendar year for the cemeteries maintained by the Town of Lima, as set forth below:
e old Baptist Cemetery on NYS Rt. 15A
e cemetery behind the Presbyterian Church on the corner of NYS Rt. 15A and NYS Rts. 5 & 20
Methodist Society Cemeteries on the College Street and the corner of College St. and Harrison Ave.
e cemetery on the north side of Egan Road, 1/8 of a mile east of Health Markham Rd.
e responsible bid will provide a lump-sum price for lawn mowing, trimming and general maintenance (eg. brush, limb and leaf removal) at the following frequency:
Within three (3) days before the Friday that commences Memorial Day Weekend
Within three (3) days before the 4th of July/Independence Day
Within three (3) days before the Friday that commences the weekend on which the Lima Crossroads Festival is held (early August)
Within three (3) days before the Friday that commences Labor Day Weekend
Within three (3) days before the Friday that commences the Columbus Day weekend
e lump-sum price shall be billed and payable in four (4) equal installments, one for each month of May, June, July and August 2025.
For questions regarding the bid specifications, please contact the following:
Michael J. Falk, Town Supervisor
7329 East Main Street, Lima, New York 14485 (585) 624-7911 office, (585) 509-1433 cell, (585) 624-6129 fax supervisor@townoflima.org
Bidding rules:
1. All bids shall be in writing and shall state the bid price in United States Dollars;
2. All written bids shall be returnable to the Town of Lima, Attention: Town Clerk at 7329 East Main Street, Lima, New York 14485 and shall be post marked or delivered no later than October 30, 2024, at Noon.
3. All bidders must provide proof of insurance with bid for general liability coverage of not less than $1,000,000 each occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate and $1,000,000 excess liability each occurrence;
4. All bidders must provide proof of insurance with bid for statutory worker’s compensation and disability insurance;
5. All proposals shall be fully compliant with all federal, state and local codes, rules and regulations;
6. Bids will be opened on October 30, 2024 at Noon.
7. e Town of Lima reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
October 2, 2024
Jennifer Heim, CMC/RMC
Lima Town Clerk
Servicing most brands for over 46 years! Open Monday-Friday, 9am-6pm. Saturday, 9am-3pm. We
Candy corn was originally produced in the 1880s as a candy called Chicken Feed, with its ‘cousin’ the mallocreme pumpkins coming along around 1950. According to the National Confectioners Association, more than 35 million pounds of candy corn are produced each year. Which do you prefer?
- Candy Corn
- Mellowcreme Pumpkins
- Neither
Poll ends 10-15-2024
Poll ended 10-08-2024
With collective bargaining conflicts rising again, this time with talk of strikes and walkouts of dockworkers at dozens of US ports potentially on the horizon, do you think we will face supply chain issues again this year?
72.2% Yes
27.8% No
ACommunityBreakfast is held on4thSaturdaysfrom9-11am.All arewelcomeforfoodandfellowship.Afreewillofferingis accepted.EastBloomfieldUnited MethodistChurchat2ParkPlacein Bloomfield.
Bloomfield Public Library
9 Church Street, Bloomfield 585-657-6264
Mon.-Thus. 10am-8pm Fri. 10am-6pm; Sat. 10am-2pm Mendon Library
22 N. Main St., Honeoye Falls 585-624-6067 mendonlibrary.org
Mon.-Thurs. 9am-8pm; Fri. 9am-5pm; Sat. 9am-3pm; Closed Sunday
Victor Farmington Library
15 West Main St., Victor 585-924-2637 victorfarmingtonlibrary.org
Mon.-Thurs. 9am-8pm; Fri. 9am-6pm; Sat. 10am-4pm; Sun. 12-4pm
Here’s what’s happening at your local library…
TheRestorationoftheMaxfield Inn inNaples
WayneBucharofBloomfieldwillbe thespeakerandwilltalkaboutthe processofrestoringtheMaxfield InninNaples,NY.Itwasanadventurethattookthemmorethan6 yearstocomplete.Hewilltalk aboutthehistoryoftheInnand sharesomehighlightsoftherestorationandplansforit’sfuture! Programstartsat7pmonOctober 17atEBHS,8SouthAve.in Bloomfield.Lightrefreshmentswill beserved.
Trolleys,Trains,andTrailsWalking Tours- Allaboard!JoinOntarioCountyHistoricalSocietythis fallforawalkingtourhighlighting Canandaigua’stransportation,past andpresent.ToursbeginatOCHS (55N.MainSt.,Canandaigua)and last~60minutes.Thetourincludes walkingandstanding.Tourisfree, butdonationstosupportOCHSare appreciated.Noregistrationrequired.HeldOct.11&25,Nov.8& 22from2-3pmandOct.19,121pm.http://www.ochs.org
AutumnPancakeBreakfast!! St Benedict ConferenceofSocietyof StVincentdePaulinvitesalltoa fundraisingPancakeBreakfaston Saturday,October26,2024from8 amto10:30amatCharlieReidel’s Restaurant,3140Co.Rd.10, Canandaigua.Ticketsare$6each. Ages2andunderfree.Maximum householdfamily$25.Tickets availableatthedoorondayof event.Advanceticketswillbesold byStVincentdePaulmembers, andafterMassesatSt.Mary’s CanandaiguaandSt.Bridget’s BloomfieldstartingOctober12.
FamilyFunFallFoliageTrain: Join UsforaFamilyFunFallFoliage TrainRide!Sunday,October13, withascenic90minutetrainride throughthecountrysidefrom Canandaigua,NY!Sponsoredby FriendsoftheRailroad.Highlights: Stunningviewsofvibrantfallfoliage.Experienceatrainridewith thewholefamily.Refreshments availableonboard(cashonly). Boarding:9:30AM.Departure: Promptlyat10AM.Location: Canandaigua.Tickets:Available onlineonly.Noon-siteticketsales. Don’tmissoutonthisenchanting falladventure!Ticketsarelimited, sosecureyourspottoday!Getyour ticketsnow:www. friendsoftherailroad.org.Wecan’t waittoseeyouonboard!
You won’t need to dispose of all the leaves you collect.Shred some to use as mulch, which can prevent soil erosion during the winter. Some leaves can be added to compost piles or used as a soil ammendment in planting beds.
TheROCDiggersPresentPieces of thePast Tuesday,October15,20247:00pm attheFairportMuseum.Joinusas Fairport’sownROCDiggersreturn totheFairportMuseumtoshare theirtreasuresandthestoriesbehindthem.TheROCDiggersarea groupofsixfriendswhousetheir skillwithmetaldetectorstofind bitsandpiecesofthepast,long concealedfromthelightofday. Withyearsofexperiencebehind them,theROCDiggershavea passionfordiscoveringartifacts fromthepast.Meetthisengaging groupoflocalexplorers,whohave developedapassionforfinding stufflongburiedbeneathourfeet. Thiseventisfreeandisopentothe public.18PerrinSt,Fairport.
OctoberFestatCobblestone Arts Center- FREEeventperfect forthewholefamily,wherewe’ll becelebratingthebestofthe spookyseason.Comeincostume andbepartofourexcitingCostumeContest,wherekidsand adultsalikecanshowofftheir creativityandwinfunprizes!Bring thelittleonesforsomehands-on funwithaseasonalcraftactivity, designedtosparkcreativityand capturethespiritoffall.After crafting,settleinforacozyevening aswehostaspecialmovie screeninginourtheaterperfectfor gettingintotheHalloweenspirit! Location:1622Route332,Farmington.Cost:FREE!
Eco-friendly lawn care can save energy, money and natural resources. TheAddisonofWillowPond presents ANAFTERNOONOF SONG,DANCE&COMEDYfeaturingtheaward-winningTRAVELING CABARETBroadway,movie&pop musicalrevue.Sunday,October27, 3:00PMat40WillowPondWayoffRte.441.FREE*HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE.INFORMATION: 585-388-7663.
Shop at small businesses regularly.
WorshipwithUsatHoneoye United ChurchofChrist: Worship withuseverySundayat10AM, 8758MainStreet,Honeoye.No matterwhoyouare,orwhereyou areonlife’sjourney-youare welcomehere.http://ucchoneoye. org/
HoneoyeFalls-MendonSr. Citizens BusinessMeeting: October15-12:00PMatthe CommunityCenter.RickMilne, Mayor,HoneoyeFallsVillage/MonroeCountyLegislatorwillspeakto usandanswerquestions.Bring yourlunch.HolidayDinners:11/12 Thanksgiving(only)-bringa$10 checkormailtoMikeO’Connell, 2978Rush-MendonRd.,HF, NY14472,12/10Christmas-more informationandinstructionstofollowinOctobernewsletter.Tuesday,October22-monthlysocial meeting.BookClub11:00October book:LessonsinChemistryby BonnieGarmus-12:00Social Meeting-includesBYOlunch, Bingo,cards,games,etc.
FallFestivaland5KRun/Walk Fundraiser event! October26, 9-1pm,LeTourneauChristianCenter,4950CountyRoad11, Rushville.FallFestivalisafreeevent forkidsofallages.Kid-friendly games,PulledPorkBBQlunch,inflatables,facepainting,archery, pumpkinpainting,andour5KRun/ Walk.Registrationopens9AMwith theracestartingpromptlyat 10AM.FallFestivalactivities11AM1PM.Games,candy,andfun!BBQ 11AMandcanbepickedupatthe timeappointedonyourregistration andticket.EntryOptions:$25-race only(in-personorvirtual).$35-race andt-shirt.$45-race,bbq,andtshirt.Fundraisertobuildawareness andsupportfortheDavisSports Facility!
RoundTableonNursingHome Problems andSolutions -Elder JusticeCommitteeofMetroJustice invitesnursinghomeresidents, families,carestaff,advocates,and electedofficialstodiscussconcerns thataffecthealth,safety,physical andemotionalwell-beingofthose receivingcareinnursinghomes andwhatcan/shouldbedoneto resolveproblems.Yourexperience andperspectivewillbewelcomed andappreciated.October17, 2:00-3:30PM,PittsfordLibrary,24 StateStreet14534ejcevent@ elderjusticecommittee.org (585)397-3537
ShortsvilleRailroadStationMuseum OpenHouse: TheLehigh ValleyRailroadHistoricalSociety StationMuseumat8EastHigh StreetinShortsvillewillbeopento thepubliconSunday,October20. Hourswillbe1:00p.m.to3:00 p.m.RetiredtrainmasterKevin Bucklandwillgiveapresentation aboutthehistoryoftheFinger LakesRailwayat2:00p.m.Alarge collectionofhistoricalartifactsfrom theLehighValleyRailroadison displayatthemuseum.Thegift shopwillbeopen.Admissionis free;donationsarewelcome.For moreinformation,visitwww.lvrrhs. orgorcall585-289-9149.
TheOntarioCountyChapterof S.C.O.P.E. will meetTuesdayOctober15th,7:00p.m.atthe ShortsvilleRodandGunClub,2022 FreshourRd.,Shortsville.Guests welcome.
Scott Joplin (c. 1868-1917): Born into a musical family that included his mother, a singer and banjo player, and his father, a violist, Scott Joplin grew up in Texarkana, learning to play the guitar and later the piano at a very young age. By the time Joplin was a teenager, he was working as a traveling musician and eventually became the foremost composer of ragtime jazz. Biography.com notes that Joplin was a true student of music, studying at the George R. Smith College for Negroes in Missouri during the 1890s. Though one of history’s most celebrated jazz musicians, Joplin also composed ballets and operas.
Think of small business sponsorships when putting together school- or clubbased fundraisers.
AmericanRedCrossBlood Drive: Tuesday, October22,9am to2pmatCoopervision,209High PointDr.(lookforthebus),Victor. Participantsmustbeages17or older;16withparentalconsentand bringID.Forinformation:redcross. org.Appointmentsmaybemadeat redcrossblood.org.
Women’sClubofWebsterFall Luncheon Card/GameParty fundraiser,Tues.,Nov.5th,at Glendoveers,2328OldBrowncroft Rd.,Rochester,14625,10:00am3:30pm.Donation:$40.00/perperson.10:00amcoffee/beverages andpastries.12:30pm:luncheon buffet.Door-prizes/Raffles/Games! Netproceedstobenefitlocal charitiesincludingWebsterComfortCare.Guestsencouragedto bringgames.Reservations:check payableto“WCW”byWed.,Oct. 30.Mailto:DianeMiller,428SenecaParkAve.,Rochester,NY 14617.Statename,phonenumber,emailaddressandnamesof otherplayers,ifany.Information? DianeMiller,585-230-6042.
BreakfastBuffet- Sunday October13th,7:30-11:00AM,Lima LegionPost282,2475StateRoute 65,WestBloomfield.$10Adults; $6Ages8-12;7&underFREE. Sausagegravy&biscuits,scrambled eggs,homefries,Frenchtoast,bacon,sausage,pastries,fruit,juice& coffee.Takeoutsavailable.Everyonewelcome.
The world is tired, the year is old, The faded leaves are glad to die... ~Sara Teasdale, “November”
GeneseeValleyHenrietta Moose Lodge2290andChapter 1998 -HOLIDAYARTS&CRAFTS SHOW:Saturday,November23, 10am-4pmattheGeneseeValley HenriettaMooseLodge,5375West HenriettaRd.,WestHenrietta. HandmadeCrafts,Towels,Jewelry, Candles,Candy,Blankets,Bibs, WoodItems,QuiltedItems,Baked GoodsandMuchMore!Something foreveryoneplusaBasketRaffle! SoupandSandwichlunchavailable. CallSueforinformation 585-259-3020,onbeingavendor.
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
Millions of people comprise the demographic. The U.S. Census Bureau says that more than 60 million people identified as Hispanic or Latino in 2020. That figure represents a 25 percent increase since 2010. Hispanics and Latinos now comprise about 18 percent of the U.S. population.
Each mumbered row contains two clues and two answers. e two answers differ from each other by only one letter, which has already been inserted. For example, if you exchange the A from MASTER for an I, you get MISTER. Do not change the order of the letters.
BYLINE: By JoAnn Derson
* Remove mildew from plastic shower curtains by spraying them with a mix of bleach and water, or just toss them in the washing machine with your next load of towels.
* “Need your nails to dry in a hurry? You can use the cool setting on your hair dryer. It works really fast.” -L.E. in Georgia
* To get a couple more days out of your cat litter, clean the box out and mix in a cup of baking soda.
The Red Cross put out a request for blood donations to help hurricane victims. I made an appointment with the John St. Donation Center in Henrietta. I can’t say enough about the wonderful Staff at this location. I was treated like I was the #1 blood donor but I noticed that ALL OF US WERE TREATED like we were #1. Thank you to all the staff for their care, compassion and help.
It’s laughable seeing people already hoarding toilet paper and other items because of the dockworkers’ strike. Didn’t we learn anything from Covid? Buy more throughout the year. Stock up. With costs rising, most items cost less 6 months or a year ago. Now they run into stores and buy in bulk before anyone else does. Planning ahead helps everyone.
The volunteers of the Friends of the Batavia Peace Garden would like to take this opportunity to thank all the volunteers, patrons, donors and friends for their unwavering support. The Peace Garden looks amazing, thanks to the dedicated volunteers who weeded and watered throughout the summer.
Our famous Friday hot dog stand had an outstanding season. Our hot dog stand volunteers worked diligently to serve our new and repeat customers. We thoroughly enjoyed everyone who stopped by for lunch and to visit.
We are grateful for the community support afforded to us. You all had a hand in keeping the flags flying and the flowers blooming.
A heartfelt thanks to all and we look forward to seeing you next year.
To the person who drives the blue [vehicle] all over town: your loud, obnoxious, obtrusive driving is a distraction and nuisance to numerous people. I recently saw a fleet of [vehicles] and they were quiet, so the noise level is something within your control. I think it would behoove you to find another, more productive way to spend your time; it’s curious how you are able to drive around aimlessly all night and all weekend.
is a happy little beagle. He loves toys, chasing chipmunks, cuddles and puppy play dates with cousins Archie and Aubrey.
Send us a photo and a write-up to be featured. Submit online at gvpennysaver.com - Share With Us. Or, mail to: PO Box 340, Avon, NY 14414. Published at discretion of GVPS.
Parvovirus:Manydogscomeincontactwithparvobytouchingoringesting the feces of an infected dog in close quarters. Symptoms include vomiting, weight loss and lethargy. Parvo is highly preventable with a vaccine.
Send us a photo! and a brief write-up of your pet and we’ll feature it!
Submit at: gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us or mail to: P.O. Box 340, Avon, NY 14414. Pets will be published at discretion of GVPS.
By Sam Marzotta
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My German Shepherd, “Dante,” is smart but stubborn, and constant training is essential. But I wanted to share a method I use to make sure I keep up with his basic obedience training and work on advanced skills year-round.
Every three to four months, I sit down with a new notebook and make a training journal for Dante. It helps me organize my thoughts around how to best train him in the late fall and winter, when going outside every day isn’t always possible, or the weather is so unpleasant that Dante won’t listen to my commands.
I write down the training goals I want to accomplish during this period. I note any behavioral or training issues that Dante has had up to now. Shepherds, like many big dogs and herders, have a lot of energy and need at least an hour per day of exercise, so I figure out the best times to do that. ere are also a lot of holidays during this period, and the journal gives me a place to figure out in advance how I will handle travel, training, parties and other schedule challenges.
I hope my method will help other readers who are trying to maintain their dog’s obedience skills while having a busy life. -- Cheryl K. in Eau Claire, Wisconsin
DEAR Cheryl: at’s fantastic advice! ank you for sharing your journaling method. It sounds like it provides a space to write down much more information than jotting notes on a wall calendar.
Creating a training schedule and journal also is a big help in monitoring how well your dog is progressing with their training, and noting areas where improvements can be made.
Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.
1940s ROPER GAS STOVE. Heavy; you must move. Please leave message 585-323-1762
SONY TAPE RECORDER, Reel-to-Reel. Model TC-200. 585-344-0689
WURLITZER SPINET PIANO and BENCH. Good condition. You move. Canandaigua. Text 585-690-9916
Ethan Allen harvest style DROP LEAF TABLE with four matching CHAIRS. 585-538-2224
PICTURE FRAMES, assorted sizes. Approx. three dozen. Wood, plastic, and metal. Must take all. You pick up, Victor. 585-742-3687
WEATHERTECH FLOOR MATS for 2017 Buick Envision, also used in 2020 Chevy Equinox. Text only. 585-415-3825
ELECTRIC HOSPITAL BED w/LIFT. Macedon. 585-236-7091
Two older WEIGHT BENCHES, 2 bars, dumbbell bars, tricep bar, and over 300 pounds of weights. 585-243-5412
7.5 ft artificial CHRISTMAS TREE with stand. Good condition. You pick up. Livonia. 585-346-2215
17 USED washable INCONTINENCE BED PADS 31”x34”. nadlhoc1@gmail.com
50+ CINDER BLOCKS. Whole - some used. You haul. Clarkson. Jim 585-352-9395 jeschneima@aol.com
GRASS BAG for Honda mower. 585-645-9835 texts preferred ProForm 740CS folding TREADMILL. Wayland. 585-728-5738
Collection of 78 RPM RECORDS from early 1950s, all in original jackets. Some top artists & famous hits. You take all. Very good condition. Victor. 585-742-3687
Garden Gate gardening & design MAGAZINES, volumes 35-121 (Oct 2000 - 2015). 585-289-4357
Four 5’ x 7’ BARN RUGS. Avon. 585-503-7083
3 SCREEN DOORS, 32’ X 80’, one vinyl, two wood. With handles, hinges, and spring closer. Text only please. 585-278-5100
5TH WHEEL TRAILER. Good for hunting cabin. Must pick up. Corfu. 585-604-0006
Large PLASTIC DOG KENNEL and RED BRICKS. You haul / pick up. 585-764-3525
COMPUTER PARTS, lots of memory sticks, motherboard, (2) 10” tablets for parts. Must take all. 585-748-1179
HEAVY DUTY TRIPOD. 607-936-3137
WALL INSULATION in good condition. michelle@thechildrensagenda.org
OLD DIRT BIKES. Call or text 315-576-1278
PEDAL EXERCISER. 585-698-5937
LADDER FOR BUNK BEDS. Text 585-750-2834
DOG FOOD, CAT LITTER & TIMOTHY HAY. holdfort@rochester.rr.com
Queen size BED FRAME (RAILS). Not looking for head/foot boards. Salubrious48@yahoo.com
Old, colorful PYREX GLASS-BOWLS, butter-dishes, casserole-dishes and more from the 1940s, 1950s, 1960s & 1970s. Call or text 315576-1278
Wood floor BUFFER, CROQUET SET, COAT TREE, aluminum LADDER. 585-507-8788
CAR or TRUCK, RIDING LAWNMOWER, SNOWBLOWER in good working condition. 585-471-4424 or 585-531-4004 COBALT BLUE WINE BOTTLES for garden bottle tree. sunny14586.jw@gmail.com
3-5 CONCRETE PAVERS for under raised garden. 2 ft. by 3 or 4 ft. We will remove. Please text. 585-416-3530
RECLINER in good, clean condition. No pets. For senior. marge_behl@yahoo.com
RELIABLE CAR for medical apts and job. Graciously needed. Brockport to city several times a week. 585-287-0624
DOG FOOD, CAT FOOD, CAT LITTER, and TIMOTHY HAY. holdfort@rochester.rr.com
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St. Agnes, St. Rose, St. Paul of the Cross saintagnespaulrose.org • 226-2100
Saturday: 4pm at St. Agnes in Avon
Sunday: 8am at St. Rose in Lima
Sunday: 9:45am at St. Paul of the Cross in Honeoye Falls
Sunday: 11:30am at St. Agnes in Avon
3350 Middle Cheshire Rd., Canandaigua, NY 14424
Sun. Service & Sunday School: 10:30AM
Wed. Testimonial Meeting: Noon at Church
Reading rm. @ Church Tues. 11AM - 2:30PM & before & a er services christiansciencechurch@frontier.com • christianscience.com
Find us on Facebook at Christian Science Canandaigua • 585-393-9935 for info.
First Congregational Church of Canandaigua
Rev. Dawn Garrett-Larsen, Pastor
All Are Welcome!
IN PERSON WORSHIP: 58 N. Main St., Canandaigua LIVE STREAM: www.canandaiguachurch.org • 585-394-2184
St. John's Episcopal Church
183 N. Main Street • Canandaigua, NY 14424
Sunday: Holy Eucharist, Rite II, 10AM Website: https://www.stjohnscanandaigua.org e Reverend David Hefling, Rector
St. John's Episcopal Church
183 N. Main Street • Canandaigua, NY 14424 585-394-4818
Sunday: Holy Eucharist, Rite II, 9AM Website: https://www.stjohnscanandaigua.org
On Sept 8th our only service will be at 10:30 a.m. at Onanda Park.
List your place of Worship on our monthly Worship Pages. Call 226-8111 today.
“Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.” —Albert Einstein, The World as I See It
Sunday 9am Services in person and streamed on Facebook Live (facebook.com/stmarkmendon)
Lutheran Church of the Epiphany LCMS 6050 East Avon-Lima Rd. (Rt. 5 & 20), E. Avon • 226-2200
Pastor Clayton Zuber Facebook: epiphanyavon • Handicap Accessible Sunday Worship and Sunday School 10:30am
Vine Valley Methodist Church
6370 Vine Valley Road, Middlesex 585-554-0402
Pastor J. Lanni
Sunday Worship – 9:15am
Honeoye Falls United Methodist Church 31 East Street, Honeoye Falls • 585-624-3387 honeoyefallsumc.org • office.hfumc@gmail.com
Pastor Natalie Bowerman • PastorNatalie4@gmail.com
Sunday Service is held in person at 10:30am and available on Facebook Live at https://www.facebook.com/HoneoyeFallsUMC. All are welcome to join us!
Pastor John Karle
Sunday School 9:30am • Service 10:30am Wednesday Evening Prayer 6pm
Finger Lakes Bible Church
Barry Slater, Pastor “Building Lives on God’s Word” FLCC, Canandaigua Campus, Room 2302
Worship: Sunday 9:45am • Bible Study: Wednesday 6:45pm (online only) 585-622-7161 • flbcnys@gmail.com • FingerLakesBibleChurch.org
New Horizon Church
2219 Bronson Hill Rd, Avon
Sunday Service 10:30AM
Pastors Mike and Genevieve Pedaci www.newhorizonny.org • communications@newhorizonny.org
Archpriest Gregory Naumenko, Rector • A ROCOR Parish
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By Keith Roach, M.D.
DEAR DR. ROACH: I just retired from working the graveyard shift for 40 years. I am hoping you can share some information on how to safely learn to sleep at night once again. -- E.H.
ANSWER: Changing your body’s circadian rhythm isn’t always easy, and after such a long time, it will take longer for you. But it shouldn’t be as difficult as you might fear. When people fly to the other part of the world, they need to get accustomed to a new sleep schedule, and it usually doesn’t take more than a week or two for them to get accustomed. For you, it will be difficult learning to be up during the day, which is more of a behavioral issue than a circadianrhythm issue.
The first advice I give is to push your internal time clock forward, not backward. Try to stay up two hours or so later each day until you get to a bedtime that works with your family (if appropriate) and goals. Your body has an easier time moving forward than backward.
Bright light can be your friend or your enemy. You want bright light when you wake up, not right before bed. Computers, phones and tablets all put out light that signals your brain to wake up, so don’t use these before bed. Making sure that your bedroom is dark when you want to sleep is something you probably have already done, but it’s still worth mentioning.
Caffeine is very helpful to a lot of people, so if you partake, do so when you awaken, not before bedtime. Some people metabolize caffeine slowly, so if you do, don’t have any caffeine for at least 8 hours before planning to go to sleep.
Level: Intermediate
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu. © 2024 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
By Fifi Rodriguez
1. MOVIES: Where was “The Lord of the Rings” filmed?
2. TELEVISION: What is the setting for the animated series “South Park”?
3. SCIENCE: What is the most abundant element in the Earth’s crust?
4. U.S. PRESIDENTS: Which president proclaimed June 14 to be Flag Day?
5. MATH: Which letter is contained in every odd number when it is spelled out?
6. GEOGRAPHY: Both the Equator and the Tropic of Capricorn pass through which country?
7. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is a group of porcupines called?
8. MUSIC: Which British singer/ songwriter helped create many songs on “The Lion King” soundtrack?
9. FAMOUS QUOTES: Who wrote the line about fall, “I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers”?
10. LITERATURE: Which children’s book features a fictional world where it is always winter but never Christmas?
Though most breast cancer survivors don’t get cancer again, the American Cancer Society notes that they are at higher risk for getting some types of cancer. According to the ACS, the most common second cancer in breast cancer survivors is another breast cancer. That only underscores the importance of continuing to get screened even after successful treatment. In addition to a second breast cancer, breast cancer survivors have a greater risk of developing salivary gland cancer, cancer of the esophagus, stomach cancer, colon cancer, uterine cancer, and ovarian cancer. The risk for thyroid cancer, sarcoma, melanoma of the skin, and acute myeloid leukemia also is greater after successful treatment for cancer.
Maintain a positive attitude. It’s never easy knowing someone you love is sick.They are going through their own emotional roller coaster, and support systems can lift their spirits by maintaining positive attitudes. Avoid wearing rose-colored glasses, but try to remain as upbeat as possible.
Hormone therapy is a cancer treatment that removes hormones or blocks their action and stops cancer cells from growing. Hormones are substances made by glands in the body and circulated in the bloodstream. Some hormones can cause certain cancers to grow. If tests show that the cancer cells have places where hormones can attach (receptors), drugs, surgery, or radiation therapy is used to reduce the production of hormones or block them from working. The hormone estrogen, which makes some breast cancers grow, is made mainly by the ovaries. Treatment to stop the ovaries from making estrogen is called ovarian ablation.
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Hormone therapy with tamoxifen is often given to patients with early localized breast cancer that can be removed by surgery and those with metastatic breast cancer (cancer that has spread to other parts of the body). Hormone therapy with tamoxifen or estrogens can act on cells all over the body and may increase the chance of developing endometrial cancer. Women taking tamoxifen should have a pelvic exam every year to look for any signs of cancer. Any vaginal bleeding, other than menstrual bleeding, should be reported to a doctor as soon as possible.
Hormone therapy with a luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) agonist is given to some premenopausal women who have just been diagnosed with hormone receptor positive breast cancer. LHRH agonists decrease the body’s estrogen and progesterone.
***Stop by Grape Lakes Family Dental for a spooktacular treat. We will be passing out goodie bags filled with fun
Hormone therapy with an aromatase inhibitor is given to some postmenopausal women who have hormone receptor positive breast cancer. Aromatase inhibitors decrease the body’s estrogen by blocking an enzyme called aromatase from turning androgen into estrogen. Anastrozole, letrozole, and exemestane are types of aromatase inhibitors. For the treatment of early localized breast cancer that can be removed by surgery, certain aromatase inhibitors may be used as adjuvant therapy insteadoftamoxifenorafter2to3yearsoftamoxifenuse.Forthetreatment of metastatic breast cancer, aromatase inhibitors are being tested in clinical trials to compare them to hormone therapy with tamoxifen. Other types of hormone therapy include megestrol acetate or antiestrogen therapy such as fulvestrant.
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org
Dogs are wildly popular pets. The American Pet Products Association says there are 63.4 million households in the United States that have a dog, and with the exception of 2002 and 2015, that number has steadily risen since 2000. Certain breeds remain especially popular among dog owners. In August 2021, the pet insurance provider Trupanion released the most popular dog breeds of 2020, and the top five breeds were:
1. Labrador retriever
2. Golden retriever
3. Goldendoodle
4. German shepherd
5. Labradoodle
Andrea Tait, a Lyons native, initially pursued a career in sports medicine and physical therapy at Scotland’s Robert Gordon University. Today, her focus is on mental health and wellness across Monroe, Ontario, and Wayne counties. rough her roles at Newark Central Schools, BOCES, and now Victor Central Schools—where she works with children with special needs and serves as Wellness Coordinator for staff—Andrea has coached countless parents, professionals, and groups in wellness practices. Her mission is clear: to make the world a better place, one “bucket” at a time.
Life has thrown Andrea her share of challenges. In 2020, at age 48, she suffered a heart attack. A er visiting countless doctors and specialists, she discovered that the root cause of her heart attack was emotional stress. is realization came amid an overwhelming period in her life—grieving her father’s passing, recovering from rotator cuff surgery, and managing a tumultuous divorce. Her body had given her a clear signal: it was time to heal, emotionally and physically.
“I’ve been through so much—I wanted to help other people,” Andrea says. Motivated by her experiences, she penned Love Yourself Back to Life, a book offering strategies and suggestions to build resilience, develop emotional stability, and maintain a positive mindset during life’s hardest moments.
Andrea has built a reputation as a speaker, leading professional development workshops on topics such as emotional currency, mindfulness, and interpersonal relationships. Over the years, her presentations have expanded organically through word of mouth, reaching a wider audience. In addition to her book and speaking engagements, she shares insights through her monthly wellness column in the Finger Lakes Times and in contributions to Community Health Magazine.
As Wellness Coordinator for Victor Central School District, Andrea continues to help staff prevent burnout and address emotional wellness through regular presentations. She also led self-esteem workshops for grade school girls when her daughter, now 20 and away at college, was younger. rough workshops, consultations, and curricula developed for schools and organizations, Andrea has influenced countless lives. One of her notable projects is a 21-day mental health challenge, which was picked up by the Finger Lakes Area School Health (FLASH) program’s magazine.
Reflecting on her journey, Andrea says, “Writing the book was cathartic for me, revisiting the divorce, my father’s passing, and the heart attack.” She emphasizes the importance of seeking support and shares her belief that healing is a continuous process. “Healing and grieving are constant—they’re not one-and-done, solved experiences,” she says, explaining, “Even small ways to li ourselves up” are vital.
Andrea’s personal journey has also informed her views on parenting. Raising her daughter, she says, was challenging, especially through the teenage years, but she worked really hard to develop a positive motherdaughter relationship, saying “I worked hard to consciously parent, checking my emotions and projections.”
She reflects that “so o en, mothers feel they must be strong for their kids, keeping all the balls in the air, but they can only hold things up for so long. ey need to heal themselves and be themselves, and that will make them better mothers for their children.”
Ground yourself first, she advises, lovingly and knowingly saying she so o en receives requests for speaking engagements and workshops on parenting teens, so she foresees her next book being Raising a Teen, Starting at Two Years Old. Her current book, however, is applicable to so much broader of an audience than parents, though, and she hopes it will help some people along their journeys. Above all, she says, she wants people to know they are not alone in their struggles, being human is hard and fraught with challenges, and she is so thrilled to share her suggestions and strategies with the world.
Andrea is passionate about continuing her work and expanding her reach. She encourages others to connect with her on social media, saying, “God has given us the tools. If I can help other people, I’ve filled my purpose.”
ough I connected with Andrea by phone a er a social media post piqued my sensibilities for this column, I must note that to chat with Andrea is to chat with a close friend. I can only imagine how captivating and motivating her workshops and seminars must be.
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October 5, 2024
Lakeville: At age 59, Roxanne passed on October 5, 2024 at Highland Hospital in Rochester, NY. She was born on August 18, 1965 in Utica, NY. Survived by her husband, Arthur S. Draper; mother, Margaret Stade of Geneseo; daughter, Amber Sanders (William Pritchard) of Lakeville and son, John Mitchell III of Wayland; grandchildren, Collin Sanders, Brooklyn Sanders, and Hunter Mitchell; siblings, Edward Stade, Renee Minges, and Anita Schnautigel; also survived by close friend and second mother, Claire Swi , and many nieces, nephews, and friends.
Roxanne enjoyed the simple things in life such as cookouts, family gatherings, sitting outdoors enjoying the cool weather, and completing crossword books. She endeavored to know the day-to-day gossip and shared the wealth of knowledge with all who answered the phone. Roxanne loved with all her heart and soul and would do anything she could for her family and friends. She will be missed by all who had the chance to love her.
Family and friends called on Wednesday, October 9th, from 4-7pm at the Kevin W. Dougherty Funeral Home Inc., 21 Big Tree Street, Rte 15 & 20A, Livonia, NY where Roxanne’s Funeral Service was held at 11am on ursday, October 10th. Interment will be held privately. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the American Diabetes Association Upstate NY Chapter, 160 Allens Creek Road, Rochester, NY 14618.
To send a condolence or share a memory please visit: www.doughertyfuneralhomes.com
Accept your feelings.The APA notes that it’s normal for grieving individuals to experience a range of emotions, including sadness, anger and exhaustion. Individuals who feel overwhelmed by their emotions are urged to speak with a licensed mental health professional.Such professionals can recommend various strategies to cope with emotions that can sometimes feel overwhelming.
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