VICTOR,NY: 6286 MurphyDrive, Victor,NY.December6th(12pm4pm),7th(9am-4pm),&8th(10am4pm).ESTATESALE.Antiques, collectibles,furniture,housewaresand more.Manyuniqueitems.
After the Nov 17th Buffalo game, the Associated Press reports, “Josh Allen came out of his cage… He’s gone out there and silenced critics and detractors with one impressive effort after another this season.” Allen and McDermott downplayed it as just Week 11, “This is not the finish line.” With seven weeks left, what do you think about Buffalo now?
6.3% It’s not all about Allen, but they’re now heading toward the Big Game.
6.3% I never lost confidence in their projection.
87.5% I don’t follow football
Avoid overloading circuits. Overloaded circuits pose a significant fire hazard. When plugging in lights, choose outlets that aren’t already occupied by devices and other electronics. If need be, unplug appliances like televisions and devices while lights are on and plugged in.
2024 Jeep Compass LTD AWD, 21k mi.
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2023 Ford Explorer XLT AWD, 33k mi., company executive car
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2021 Chevy Equinox, AWD, 28k mi.
2021 Honda CRV AWD, 32k mi.
Purchase any white sale vehicle before December 31, 2024 and receive $500 Bonus Bucks! We have several non-white cars in stock. Call, stop or check online.
HOURS: Mon., Wed., Fri.
8am-5:30pm; Tues. & Thurs. 8am-6:30pm; Sat. by appt.
Servicing most brands for 43 years.
(NAPSI)—The next time you’re firing up theoutdoorgrill(orindoorgrillpan,for that matter),throw on a sweet potato or two. An easy, healthy side dish with a hugewowfactor,grilledsweetpotatoes are nutrient rich, high in fiber and absolutely delicious.And they go great with burgers, steaks, chops, chicken or pretty much anything off the grill. Start with this basic recipe, and if you’re feeling creative, try different shapes—sweet potato coins or steak fries,for example.Or add your favorite herbs and spices—such as chopped fresh rosemary, thyme, cinnamon or smoked paprika.
Serves 3 or 4
1 lb orange- or yellow/white-fleshed sweet potatoes,cut lengthwise into ¾-inch wedges
1 ½Tbsp olive oil
1 tsp salt,plus more for sprinkling Heat a grill or grill pan to mediumhigh. Meanwhile, in a large bowl, combine sweet potatoes, oil and salt. Arrange sweet potatoes on the grill or grill pan and cook until lightly charred and tender, 6 to 8 minutes, turning halfway through. Sprinkle with more salt and serve.
For more recipes, nutritional information and tips for cooking with California sweetpotatoes, go to www.casweetpotatoes.com.
Saturday, December 7th • 9am-2pm
First United Methodist Church • 100 N. Main St., Canandaigua Shop for a large variety of hand-cra ed gi s and special foods:
Jewelry • Holiday Ornaments & Decorations • Blankets, Pillows & Knit Items
Baked Goods, Candy, Jams & Local Honey • Items Made in Zululand
Attic Treasures • Knife & Scissors Sharpening
Lunch 10:30am-2:00pm: Homemade chili, corn chowder, pulled pork & other sandwiches, desserts
by Ellen Horsdal Fjermedal
Fri., Sat., Sun., Dec. 6, 7 & 8 11am-5pm
11 Highland Green • Victor, NY
On Route 96 across from Eastview Mall • Take High St., then left onto Gillis Rd. Turn left at Cobblestone CC entrance and follow Highland Green up to the top of the hill. Due to fragile items, PLEASE no children.
Turkey Casserole
Cook Time: 40 minutes
4 cups leftover prepared stuffing, divided
4 cups coarsely chopped leftover cooked turkey
3/4 cup Real Mayonnaise, divided 1/4 cup whole berry cranberry sauce
2 cups leftover mashed potatoes
1 1/2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese (about 6 ounces)
Preheat oven to 375∞F.
Spray 8-inch baking dish with no-stick cooking spray. Spoon in 2 cups stuffing, then top with turkey. Combine 1/4 cup mayonnaise with cranberry sauce; evenly spread over turkey. Combine remaining 1/2 cup mayonnaise, potatoes and cheese in large bowl. Evenly spread on turkey, then top with remaining 2 cups stuffing. Bake 40 minutes or until heated through. Let stand 10 minutes before serving. If desired, garnish with dried cranberries.
to all areas of Monroe, Ontario, Wayne, Livingston and Yates Counties.
Annual collection of personal care items for Veterans in hospitals and nursing care.
CollectionDecember 7th • 10am-2pm at the Lima Town Hall
Suggested items are: razors, shaving gel, toothbrushes and toothpaste, combs, nail clippers and files, cotton swabs, makeup, dental floss, shampoo, body wash, socks, underwear, sweat pants, sweat shirts, T-shirts, books, etc. Anything to make a long-term care stay comfortable.
Drive is sponsored by Kenneth B. Keating VFW Post 26, Lima
Sunday, Dec. 8
Items must be new in the original packaging.
Sponsored by the NY oroughbred Breeding and Development Fund. Vendors set up indoors with Christmas gifts to purchase, silent auction, photo booth, door prizes and photos with Earl.
$5 at the door. Kids receive a “goodie bag.”
$15 a space for vendors Email ladyalina14@yahoo.com to sign up for a vendor space. Must pay ahead to reserve your space.
All proceeds benefit Finger Lakes Thoroughbred Adoption Program, a 501(c)3 not for profit. To receive information on this or any other charitable organization go to the New York State Office of the Attorney General website (www.charitiesnys.com) or call (212-416-8401)
Purchase at our office at 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY OR mail your order form to:
Genesee Valley Penny Saver, PO Box 340, Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
If you really want to delve into the origin of cookie cutters, you’d have to go a long way back to 2000 B.C. The tradition of molding sweet cakes into shapes began in Ancient Egypt and was later adopted by the inhabitants of Greece, Rome, and Western Europe. In the 1500s, the Germans started baking molds with intricate designs, out of which emerged oodles of gingerbread people, houses, trees, mountains, and whatnot. And by the 1800s, American tinsmiths had built cookie cutters and introduced them into the market for sale.
The Cookie Cutter Collectors’ Club. Yes, you read that right! There’s a club for people who share an interest in cookie cutters and any cookie-related topics.
cookies for the Invite your friends or amily over and have your parents help you bake cookies. Host a cookie baking day and decorate holidays! or family
There’s a National Cookie Cutter Historical Museum in Joplin, Missouri, established for the public. All the varied cutters designed by the club members are featured there. Decorate Your Cookies!
HoneoyeFallsisoneofmanytownsintheRochesterareaboasting incredible gateways to the past: one-room schoolhouses and historical museums. I first encountered ours nearly a decade ago, when I chaperoned my daughters’ elementary school field trips to the museum and schoolhouse, a favorite and incredibly memorable field trip for all families I spoke with. ough I am a transplant to town, I soaked up the local lore and HF’s history fascinated me.
A few years ago, I had the privilege of volunteering alongside my friend Stephanie and the dedicated docents of the Honeoye Falls Mendon Historical Society to run a week-long day camp at the one-room schoolhouse in Harry Allen Park. ere, we shared a bit about 19th century history, schoolwork, and handicra s with campers. We learned to make candles, write on slates, practice redwork, and bake bread. We had visiting experts on topics such as local ties to the Underground Railroad, we learned about multipurpose herbs and flora, and we learned how people made flax into linen. Steph and I also served as school matrons and museum tour guides for HF-L and Pittsford elementary school groups. It was an incredible experience, and our local museum and historical society hold a special place in my heart.
I recently sat down with HF-M Historical Society President, Drew Saur, to discuss the society’s reimagination and renovation of the museum throughout 2024. He explained the work of passion over the year, with volunteers and experts thoughtfully scouring the museum’s collection for what exhibits and artifacts are most beneficial and locally appropriate for curation.
With an amalgam of artifacts from yesteryear previously filling the museum to the gills, exhibits had become stale, unchanging in 30 years, Saur said, and they didn’t fully represent the Honeoye Falls community, as it housed artifacts from all over the region in some cases. e goal of the museum’s reimagination has been to make all exhibits “self-explanatory,” providing visitors with ample information to learn about the story behind each artifact and exhibit. Each piece and each exhibit is now purposeful. is philosophy drove what Saur calls the museum’s “stunning redesign,” removing generic artifacts and refocusing on telling the story of hyper-local pieces. Saur says the team reimagined each room of the museum with the goal of making it a more interactive experience where visitors can immerse themselves in the history of this community.
With an official New York State Regents educational charter since 1961 (under the name Town of Mendon Historical Society, changed to Honeoye Falls-Town of Mendon Historical Society and charter re-granted in 1986), the historical society is working hard to refocus its attention on educational opportunities for visitors of all ages, but especially younger students. Reimagining each room in the museum and carefully curating the exhibits to be more interactive and informative, the historical society hopes to better engage students and other visitors so we can all learn from our town’s past.
e museum hosted an Open House over Fall Weekend to welcome alumni and the community at large to revisit the museum. Currently open during Sunday public hours (2-4pm weekly), the museum will close to the public for January and February’s final refresh. Saur says a grand reopening is anticipated in March 2025 to showcase all the changes and renovations completed.
e historical society is always looking for volunteers. To get involved, please visit hfmhistorical.org. Check out their annual Christmas Holiday Social on Dec. 5th, where visitors enjoy a cozy evening of caroling, instrumental music, and hot wassail and tasty cookies. e community gathers to celebrate the holidays in the heart of yesteryear.
e front room now highlights artifacts and information about local businesses of yesteryear. e farthest room that previously housed colonial kitchen and household artifacts (that were not from HFM) now houses school and educational artifacts from years past. Yearbooks from HF-L schools will be available to browse. e middle room will retain HFM Civil War and social units’ artifacts, such as pieces depicting the local fire departments’ and Grange history.
With a mind toward conscientious curation, experts advised that the wardrobe artifacts should be hung for mere months at a time instead of the 24 years they stood watch over the middle room of the museum. Volunteers are now busy inventorying and packing away artifacts cleared from the front and back rooms before they focus on the middle room in January and February. With this reimagination, the historical society aims to be a more responsible local museum and is excited to share its wealth of knowledge with the community.
BYLINE: By JoAnn Derson
* At a loss of what to do with Christmas cards from years past? Why not try making a wreath? Cut out a large ring from a cardboard box or other sturdy material. Arrange cards at different angles around the circle. Add holiday picks and ribbon or a bow for depth.
* Having a holiday party? Put foods and drinks in separate areas, as these are places that guests tend to linger. With different stops for each, guests will not bunch up in one place trying to do both, and it actually encourages mingling!
* Looking for a great cause for gi ing this year? Go to www.charitynavigator.org to find out more about how your prospective charities rank in areas like CEO pay, money spent on fundraising, etc.
• Meals
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• Emergency response system
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• Assistance with showering
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• Case management
… to mention just a few services!
is a pug who loves attention, playing tug of war, her big brother bandit, and chasing guinea fowl.
Send us a photo and a write-up to be featured. Submit online at gvpennysaver.com - Share With Us. Or, mail to: PO Box 340, Avon, NY 14414. Published at discretion of GVPS.
Many dog owners, particularly those who have never before had a dog, may hesitate to employ crates to train their puppies. That’s understandable, as on the surface it can seem cruel or inhumane to confine a living animal to a cage. However, the AKC notes that dogs are den animals that naturally seek out canine caves for security. That’s true whether dog owners provide crates for their puppies or not. So while humans may see crates as cruel, dogs very likely view their crates as secure places where they can go if they get scared or feel skittish. In fact, according to the AKC, dogs’ perception of crates is one reason why dog owners typically find it relatively easy to get their dogs to adjust to crates and ultimately enjoy them.
By Sam Marzotta
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: We had a cold snap a couple of weeks ago, and the morning temperature dipped below freezing. A er taking my Labradoodle, “Pierre,” for a walk around the block, I noticed he was shivering, and he walked with a tiny limp the rest of the day. He’s OK now, but it didn’t seem so cold when we went out. From now on, I’ll make sure he has a doggie sweater and booties on for walks, even if there is no snow on the ground. -- Sara in Bennington, Vermont
DEAR SARA: at’s a good plan. I’m glad Pierre is doing fine now, but I’m sure that was a scary lesson. Small dogs can be quickly affected by cold temperatures. Even when the weather is above freezing, their little bodies can get chilled very quickly.
Even large dogs can suffer from the cold. And ice-cold pavement can be dangerous for paws, no matter how big or small your dog is. e pads on their paws can get frostbitten. Dry, cold temperatures can cause the skin of the pads to chap and crack, resulting in a lot of discomfort.
Put a protective jumper or coat on your pet before going out when temperatures dip into the 40s (or single-digit Celsius). Booties will protect their paws from frozen sidewalks and from ice or other debris that might injure their pads. At the end of each walk, check their paws for cuts. If the pads appear dry, apply a balm for pet paws like Musher’s Secret, Bag Balm or Burt’s Bees.
Some dogs don’t like wearing booties or coats. Work with them between walks to make them more comfortable: Put their coat on in the house for a minute, then five, then 10. Same with the booties. Give them lots of praise and treats during the process; they’ll eventually tolerate it.
Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.
What’s so bad about belly fat? Seeing belly fat as a merely cosmetic concern overlooks the effects it has on overall health.According to the Mayo Clinic,belly fat is not limited to the extra layer of padding just below the skin known as subcutaneous fat. Belly fat also includes visceral fat,which means it extends to deep inside the abdomen and surrounds internal organs. Johns Hopkins Medicine notes that visceral fat in the belly is very close to the liver, which can turn it into cholesterol. From there, the fat goes through the bloodstream and may collect along the walls of the arteries, potentially contributing to a hardening and narrowing of the arteries known as atherosclerosis. The complications of atherosclerosis depends on which arteries are affected, but they can include an assortment of diseases that affect the arteries and a greater risk for aneurysms and chronic kidney disease.
Johns Hopkins Medicine notes that visceral fat is just as harmful for the heart as high blood pressure and smoking. So while efforts to reduce belly fat may initially be embraced to improve appearance, individuals should know that reducing fat in their midsections also can reduce their risk for a host of conditions,some of which are deadly.
Have a good emotional connection. A desire to have a great body may not be enough to motivate you to workout and push harder. If not, think of a better reason to exercise, and it may be the mind over matter you need. Many people find inspiration from family health history risk factors or through the goal of reversing negative health reports from doctors’ offices. These motivating factors will help you press on and push harder.
ompson Health hosts a grief support group at 12:30 p.m. on the second Friday of each month.
Open to anyone who is grieving a loss, it meets in the ground-floor conference room in the hospital’s Constellation Center for Health and Healing.
For information, email Janice_Lum@URMC.Rochester.edu or call 585-396-6486.
Dehydration is a dangerous condition that can cause a host of complications and even prove fatal in severe cases. But as dangerous as dehydration can be, many cases are entirely preventable.
The best way to prevent dehydration is to drink enough water. When the body does not take in as much water as it puts out, it can become dehydrated. People who live in warm climates or in elevated altitudes may lose more water than those who do not. In addition, water loss is accelerated during strenuous exercise, highlighting the emphasis men and women must place on drinking enough water during their workouts.
Water helps the body in myriad ways, many of which might surprise people unaware of just how valuable water can be to the body.
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** Must present ID to qualify & limited spots for both** Please give our office a call to see if you qualify for either offer.
Disabilities affect people from all walks of life. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that around 55 million Americans have a disability of some kind. Of these people, 33 million have a disability that makes it difficult for them to carry out some daily activities. Statistics Canada states that, as of 2012, 13.7 percent of the population age 15 years or older reported having a disability that could impact daily life.
People with disabilities may need assistive devices to reclaim some measure of their independence. For example, millions of people rely on wheelchairs or walking aids to get around. These are called assistive technology and rehabilitative devices, which include tools, equipment or products that can help people with disabilities get around more easily. These devices may be as small as magnifying glasses for reading to as large as wheelchairs.
The National Institutes of Health state that 2.2 million people in the U.S depend on wheelchairs for day-to-day tasks and mobility. More than six million use canes, walkers or crutches to assist with mobility. Assistive devices can be highly effective, but only when they are used properly and safely. Assistive devices should be measured for each user. Many walkers are height-adjustable. The width of a device also is important. A walker or another device that is too wide can affect mobility or require modifications to be made around the home. Weight is another consideration. The device should be lightweight so it can be maneuvered, but also weigh enough to provide enough stability to keep users upright. Users should proceed slowly and favor their stronger sides when relying on canes or walkers. Devices should not be used to climb atop other items like step stools. Children should not be allowed to play with or ride on assistive devices. If there are safety belts or locks on any assistive technology,theyshouldbeputinplacebeforeusetopreventfurtherinjury.
A report published in the Lancet in 2012 suggests that a lack of exercise now causes as many deaths across the globe as smoking. A team of 33 researchers representing centers around the world contributed to the study. It was determined that about onethird of all adults are not getting enough physical activity to keep them healthy and to prevent the nearly 5.3 million deaths per year that can be linked to sedentary lifestyles. The United States Department of Health and Human Services recommends that adults get 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week, or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity. It’s also beneficial to do a combination of activities for exercise variety.
By Keith Roach, M.D. Rheumatoid
DEAR DR. ROACH: I’m a 67-year-old healthy male, but I do take Humira for rheumatoid arthritis (RA). It does a wonderful job for me with no side effects. It does such a good job that I can periodically extend the time between injections, such as one every three weeks instead of the recommended dose every two weeks. I can even go as long as six months between injections without noticing much of the RA symptoms.
My rheumatologist is aware of this and encourages me to use the lesser amount if I still get relief. My quandary is that I was recently talking to my gastroenterologist about Humira, and he said that they use a very similar drug for gastrointestinal issues. But apparently, you aren’t supposed to stop taking it consecutively because the body will become immune to the drug, and the drug can lose its effectiveness. Naturally, I don’t want to lose the great relief I am lucky to be getting, but I also know it’s a strong drug. It seems that the less I take of it, the better. -- J.C.
ANSWER: I share your gastroenterologist’s concern. He may be thinking of a similar medication, vedolizumab (Entyvio). When this drug is stopped in someone with Crohn’s disease, it will cause a flare-up in about half of the cases within six months. In a third of them, the medication will no longer be effective. The situation is similar with adalimumab (Humira), as there is the possibility of a relapse if you stop it entirely. Taking it every three weeks led to a flare-up in 36% of people who had their disease well-controlled for years. The researchers were unable to identify any way to predict who would flare up. Restarting Humira regained control for over half of the study participants -- but not everybody.
I do understand that these are powerful medicines with side effects. Even if you aren’t noticing any, many people will, and there can be very serious side effects to many organs. Fortunately, these are uncommon, and in most cases, it is far better to stay on the medicine, as long as you are being monitored.
As a medical student, I remember seeing what RA looked like before we had effective medications such as methotrexate and TNF inhibitors like Humira. Years of inflammation caused terrible hand deformities, mostly in the women I saw. Since you aren’t having any side effects, and it is working well, I don’t recommend the three-week dosing -- and certainly not six months between doses.
DR. ROACH WRITES: A recent column on hair loss and thyroid disease prompted many readers to write me with their experiences. One reader noted that increasing protein in their diet seemed to slow down hair loss and even cause some regrowth. Another reader recommended biotin. I often recommend this as a trial, despite a lack of good evidence that it works. Biotin is a B-type vitamin that is very safe, although it can interfere with a lab assay when it comes to thyroid levels and other hormone levels. Note that both hair loss and thyroid disease are very common, and it is not always the case that thyroid disease causes hair loss.
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu. © 2024 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
• - Rush Recreation and Park Association: Help us plant and care for 50 acres of Native Trees, Bushes, Perennials on formerly farmed land as a demonstration of the beauty and utility of native plants in providing food and habitat for reduced numbers of birds and pollinators. Email: jchaize@rochester.rr.com
• - Patrick Place-A Comfort Care Home: Patrick Place-A Comfort Care Home in Scottsville is looking for additional volunteers, Resident Care and other opportunities. No experience necessary, all training provided. Go to https://patrickplace.org/volunteer for info and application.
• - Webster Association of Senior Program Supporters: Volunteer drivers will drive Webster School District Residents, seniors and disabled, to their medical, dental, physical therapy, health related appointments anywhere in Monroe County. A great Webster service for those who are no longer able to drive themselves. Email websterwasp@gmail.com.
• - Serenity House of Victor: We are a two-bed comfort care home needing caregiver, grounds, or fundraising volunteers. Free 2 hour weekly training Mondays, Wednesdays OR ursdays beginning 11/4. Share your most valuable gi - yourself! Come join our team. Email serenityhousevictor@gmail.com or call 585-729-7617.
• - Teresa House: Could you spare 4 hours twice a month? Teresa House, Livingston County’s only comfort care home, invites you to join our compassionate end-of-life care team. No experience necessary—hands-on training provided. Email nurse@teresahouse. org or visit teresahouse.org/volunteer to apply today!
• - Friends of the Red Jacket Community Center: RJCC is looking for volunteers to help plan, advertise and staff community events. Social media, grant searching/writing, and volunteers for our October Punkin Chunkin event especially desired. Make a difference today! Email: FriendsOfRJCC@gmail.com
• - Light Hill: A caring heart is all you need! Join our family in caring for those at a profound and beautiful time in life. Flexible shi s. Training & support provided. Email: marie@lighthillhome.org
• - Livonia Volunteer Fire Department: Come join us in helping our community and its citizens in what may be the worst day of their life during a fire, accident or many other emergencies. Contact Dave Peck at 585-519-2360 for more info.
• - Hospeace House, Inc.: Do you have 4 hours a month to volunteer? Our Comfort Care Home is located in Naples, NY. We are looking for folks that enjoy helping others. Volunteer hours are 4 hour shi s. Reach out to visit us at our home. Email: kathymincer@ hospeacehouse.org
• - Crossroads House: Genesee County’s only comfort care home. Please consider lending your time and talents to care for our two residents at end-of-life. Will train! Email: ashleymanuel@ crossroadshouse.com
• - Literacy Volunteers of Wayne County: Share your love of learning! Become a Tutor to help an adult with reading, English Language, or math. Join us for our next Volunteer Orientation. Contact Heidi at heidi.barnes@lvwayne.org to sign up.
Charitable Organizations and Nonprofits can submit requests at gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us.’ Published online and in print of the last week of the month as space permits. See more volunteer opportunities at gvpennysaver.com.
December 1stat2:30PMisBook Club,ourmonthlyBookClubis reading“TheMostlyTrueStoryof Tanner&Louise”
ThursdayDecember5that5:30PM isaHolidaySideDishCookingClass -registrationisrequired
Bloomfield Public Library
9 Church Street, Bloomfield 585-657-6264
Mon.-Thus. 10am-8pm Fri. 10am-6pm; Sat. 10am-2pm Mendon Library
22 N. Main St., Honeoye Falls 585-624-6067 mendonlibrary.org
Mon.-Thurs. 9am-8pm; Fri. 9am-5pm; Sat. 9am-3pm; Closed Sunday
Victor Farmington Library
15 West Main St., Victor 585-924-2637 victorfarmingtonlibrary.org
Mon.-Thurs. 9am-8pm; Fri. 9am-6pm; Sat. 10am-4pm; Sun. 12-4pm
Here’s what’s happening at your local library…
How to pack a suitcase: Roll pants and tops, adding to suitcase first, toward the handle side. Then add heavy items (shoes, boots) toward the wheel end. Make sure you choose the right size case for the trip; too much room will cause items to shift around.
WednesdayDecember11that5 PMisGiftsinaJar,createasmall giftinajar!-registrationisrequired
December12that6PMisVictorian Yuletide.Thiseventispresentedby GeneseeCountryVillage&Museum.Thiswillbeatthelibrary* December14that11AMisPopcorn&Pajamas-HolidayFamily Movie.
December18that5:30PM,Santa comestovisitthelibrary!
Mondays1PMHomeschooling Meetup
Tuesdays10:30AMStorytime, 11:45AMTaiChi(mustregisterfor TaiChi)
Wednesdays11AMToddlerPlaytime,3:30-5PMDrop-InTechHelp, 4-5:30PMCrafternoon Thursdays11AMAdultCoffee Meetup
Ongoing AdultPrograms:
Mondays2:00PM:MahJonggJoin otherMahJonggenthusiasts!
Mondays12:30PM&Thursdays 11:00AM:On-SiteChairYoga* Suggesteddonation$3/class
Mondays5:30PM:HandandFoot Game
Tuesdays1:30PM:Mexican Dominoes
Wednesdays9:15AM:Library Walkers
Wednesdays10:30AM-12:30PM BasicComputerSkillsforAdults* Wednesdays2:00-4:00PM:Euchre &HandandFootGames
ThursdayandFriday11/28&11/29 HAPPYTHANKSGIVING!Library closed.
Tuesday12/311:00AMAlzheimer’s SupportGroup
Thursday12/56:00PMMedicare 101Areyouconsideringretiring? LearnthebasicsofMedicare,from theOntarioCountyOfficeforthe Aging.
Saturday12/710:30AMSweetand SavoryTreatsfortheHolidaysLearn tomaketheseadorableholiday treats!
Saturday12/72:00PMAChristmas Carol(AOneManShowbyKim Tenreiro)tobenefittheVFL. *www.victorfarmingtonlibrary. libcal.comforinformationandregistration.
Tuesday StoryTime:12/3,12/10, 12/17;10-10:30AM.Preschool storytime. SaturdayStoryTime:12/7,12/21; 10-10:30AM.Preschoolstorytime. TeenTuesdayVolunteers:12/10; Afterschoolopportunitiesfor communityserviceandvolunteer activitiesforMiddleandHigh Schoolers.
KnitNook:Thursday12/12; 10-11:30AM.Comeknit,crochet, chatandenjoyyourmorningatthe library.
PawstoRelax:Tuesday12/10; 6:30-7:30PM.Stopintosayhello toGoldenRetrieverFinley,atrained therapydogwholovestoberead to.Allageswelcome.
SewFunwithMissJane:Tuesdays Dec3,10,17&Jan.4;4-5:30PM. Sewingbasicsforfourthgraders throughhighschoolstudents.Registrationisrequired. TeenMagicGameNight:12/9, 6:00-7:45PM.Joinustoplay Magic:TheGathering!Registration isrequired. Forinformationontheseandother programslogonto:https:// mendonlibrary.org/programs/
BloomfieldRotary’s“Miracleon 34th Street”- TheBloomfieldRotaryClubpresentsthebelovedholidayclassic,“Miracleon34th Street”,alivestageradioshow withholidaymusicfeaturingthe BloomfieldRotaryPlayers.Three performances!Friday,December6 at7:30PM.Saturday,December7 at7:30PM.Sunday,December8at 1:30PM.AtVeteransPark,6910 Route5and20inBloomfield.Refreshmentsavailable.Ticketsare $15,availableatthedoor,ormay bepurchasedonlineathttps:// bloomfieldrotary.seatyourself.biz/
Ninety-six percent of American families gather each Thanksgiving.
AnnualChristmasPartyandLive Auction: The EastBloomfield HistoricalSocietywillbeholding theirannualChristmasPartyand LiveAuctiononSat.,Dec.7that theSocietyBuildingat8SouthAve inBloomfield.CocktailsandAppetizersstartat6pmwiththeauctionbeginningat7pm.Todonate itemstotheauction,call657-7244 toarrangedrop-off.Wealready havemanyexcitingitems.Ifyou wishyoucanbringyourfavorite appetizerforeveryonetosample. Thisisareallyfunevening!All proceedsoftheauctiongotowards addingheatandairconditioningto the2ndfloor.Admissionis$10.
Troop32TreeSale- Scouts BSA Troop32(formerlyBoyScouts)of Canandaiguawillbeconducting ourannualChristmasTreeSale fundraiserfrom11/29-12/21atthe FarmingtonVFDStation2onHook Road,oppositetheFLRacetrack. Salehoursare11/29-12/110am5pm;12/5-12/21Thurs&Fri 4-8pm,Sat&Sun10am-5pm.All treesarefreshlycutandwillbe trimmed,wrappedandloadedon yourvehicle.Pricesvarybysize.All proceedsareusedforsummer campfees&equipment.
TheFrightBeforeChristmas with JeffBelanger- Getreadyfor aspine-chillingeveningwithbestsellingauthor,podcaster,andrenownedstorytellerJeffBelangeras hetakesthestageatCobblestone ArtsCenterforhisone-person show,TheFrightBeforeChristmas! JoinJeffasheblendswitand wondertoexploretheeeriesideof theholidayseason.FromKrampus toBelsnickel,GrylatotheYule Lads,getreadyforajourney throughthesupernaturalhistoryof Christmas,withplentyofghosts, monsters,andholidaymischief! HeldDecember12,6:30-8pm, CobblestoneArtsCenter,1622 StateRoute332,Farmington. https://www. cobblestoneartscenter.com/events
TheHoneoyeFalls-Mendon Historical Society: Ourannual traditionalSocial,asvibrantas ever!Pleasejoinusontheevening ofThursday,December5thformusicandrefreshmentsinourOneRoomSchoolhouseinHarryAllen Park,beginning6:30pm.The evening’seventswillalsoinclude, asalways:ChristmasCarolingby ChurchChoir.InstrumentalMusic andVocals.FreeHotWassailand ChristmasCookies.TheScoutswill alsobeassistingthistremendous communityeventaswellasselling reallylovelyChristmastrees!There isnobetterwaytothankthemfor theirassistancethansupporting thembybuyingatree.Note:Our SchoolhouseisNOThandicapped accessible.
51st“Teazaar”-ChristmasBazaar andHolidaySale- Crafts, decorations,ornaments,wreaths, bakedgoods,cookies,fudge,candies,“festivefoods”,take-out soups,children-onlyshoppingarea (supervised),largeselectionofpreenjoyedChristmasdecorationsand jewelry.Teaareaavailable.Saturday,December7thfrom9am3pmattheFirstPresbyterian Church,27N.MainStreet(bythe gazebo)inHoneoyeFalls.Enterat theMainStreetRedFrontDoors! www.firstpresbyterianhoneoyefalls. org,www.facebook.com/fpchf
In autumn, don’t go to jewelers to see gold; go to the parks!
~Mehmet Murat ildan
AmericanRedCrossBlood Drive: Monday, December2,1:30 pmto6:30pmatFirstUnited MethodistChurch,106EastMain St.,Victor.Participantsmustbe ages17orolder;16withparental consentandbringID.Forinformation:redcross.org.Appointments maybemadeatredcrossblood.org.
W.BloomfieldCongregational Church AnnualCookieSale! The famousWestBloomfieldCongregationalChurchCookieSaleis hereagain!Wearethrilledtobring youthisfun,festiveevent.Letusbe yourholidaybaker!100sofcookies soldfor$9/lb.featuringcut-outs andotherChristmasfavorites.Even someallergenfreeoptions!Also sweetbreadsandhomemade candy.Andwehavevendorsselling homemadecards,essentialoils, crafts,bird“burgers”,andmore!. Letusbeyourholidaybaker!9035 Rts5&20.Accessibleentrance. Sat.December14th,9am-12pm.
TheH.O.P.E.FoodPantry at West BloomfieldCongregationalChurch isholdingaCHRISTMASGIVEAWAY.Thiswillbebyregistration only.Pleasecall585-624-1313or emailwbccoffice@rochester.rr.com toregister.Wewillneedyourname andfamilysize(pleaseindicatehow manyadultsandchildreninthe household)address,email,and phonenumber.Thedrivethrustyle giveawaywillbeSaturday December21stfrom9am-12pmat WestBloomfieldCongregational Church,9035Rts5&20.Wealso havealimitednumberofnew wintercoatsforsmallchildren. Pleaseletusknowifyourchild mightneedacoat.
BreakfastBuffet - Sunday December8th,7:30-11:00AMat theLimaLegionPost282,2475 StateRoute65,WestBloomfield. $10Adults;$6Ages8-12,7& underFree.Scrambledeggs,home fries,Frenchtoast,bacon,sausage, pastries,fruit,juice,coffee.Take outsavailable.Everyonewelcome.
A much-maligned holiday staple
Certain foods are synonymous with the holiday season. Thanksgiving turkey. Holiday cookies. Fruitcake. While those first two make mouths water. fruitcake rarely inspires stomachs to rumble in anticipation. But fruitcake is more than just somethingtogoignoredonholiday serving tables. Fruitcake can be chewy, crunchy and wholesomely rich, making it something holiday hosts will be proud to serve to their holiday guests, who might just come away with a whole new appreciation for fruitcake.
Second-hand items, especially electronics, building supplies, appliances and helmets, may carry certain risks if damaged or used. If you are planning on reselling consumer items, check the Consumer Product Safety Commission’s Web site for a guide on things that can and cannot be sold, and for product recalls. CSA Group, a leading certification and testing organization, offers these safety tips for yard sale shoppers.
Counterfeit or illegal goods: Check the “look and feel” of goods. Fake products often seem light and flimsy.
Rock Bottom Prices • Now Through December 1st
Open: Fri., Sat. & Sun. 10am-5pm • Monday & Thursday by chance
Estate Sale at Wadsworth Event Center coming first week in December. Watch for details next week.
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today!
www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
Homemade Soup & Sandwich Luncheon Massive
Fri., Dec. 6th • 9am-4pm Sat., Dec. 7th • 9am-2pm
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church 320 S. Pearl St., Canandaigua Crafts, Holiday Decorations, Candy, Jams, Baked Goods, White Elephant Sale
Christmas Holiday Sale 51st Annual “Teazaar”
Saturday, December 7th – 9am-3pm
Crafts, decorations, ornaments, wreaths, baked goods, cookies, fudge, candies, “festive foods,” take-out soups. Children-only shopping area (supervised), large selection of pre-enjoyed Christmas decorations and jewelry.
27 N. Main St., Honeoye Falls (next to the Gazebo) ENTER AT MAIN ST. RED FRONT DOORS www.firstpresbyterianhoneoyefalls.org • www.facebook.com/FPCHF
Wanttoreply? Goonlinetosee all&comment! 2
We got take out from a local restaurant this past weekend and were lucky enough to have one of the owners helping us check out. When I mentioned we were celebrating our anniversary, he was so nice to run back and give us two slices of their peanut butter pies to celebrate. Thank you for making our anniversary even sweeter!
On Tuesday, November 19th I foolishly left my purse in the shopping cart in front of the big box store and drove off. Shortly after, I realized I left it and hurriedly drove back. There in the parking lot I saw a young man heading into the store with my purse. I called out to him and retrieved my purse. My God, what a feeling of relief. Never got his name but he was a caring and honest man. Thank you for being who you are. Your parents raised a special young man.
Recently I was talking to a young person who attends a local junior high school. She told me that students are now allowed to wear pajama pants to school. What's next? Bringing their pillows and blankets? Whatever happened to schools being a place where education and discipline in life were taught? What role are our tax funded Administrators/ Principals playing in all of this? I was also told that swearing has become common among the students and is being tolerated. The saddest thing was when I asked this young person why they thought all of this was allowed and she said it was because the principal and teachers don't care. Is this what our school system in NY has become? Why don't we just allow all students to stay at home and get their education online? Why are our tax paying dollars going into keeping up with these expensive buildings just to become a free for all for the students?
On Saturday while driving in our village, I saw four separate instances of people walking in the road with the sidewalk right there. You know, that cement thing that you bought with your taxes specifically for pedestrians to walk on so they’d be safe. You somehow think it’s cool and fun to walk in the road for no reason whatsoever. Your recklessness is not appreciated.
The PathStone Weatherization Assistance Program is available for income-eligible households in Monroe County located outside of the city limits.
energy costs and improve the safety of your home through energy efficiency measures inowned or rented
Funded by: NYS Homes and Community Renewal
HEAP Recipients
Automatically Eligible
Income guidelines are:
Family of 1: $36,420
Family of 2: $47,640
Family of 3: $58,848
Family of 4: $70,056
DID YOU KNOW? Leisure activities may be widely viewed as fun ways to fill up free time, but the benefits of leisure activities extend beyond beating boredom. A 2011 analysis published in the journal BBA Molecular Basis of Disease found that leisure activities have a positive impact on cognitive function and dementia. The analysis, conducted by researchers with the Aging Research Center in Stockholm who examined various studies regarding the relationship between certain activities and cognitive function, defined leisure activity as the voluntary use of free time for activities outside the home. After retirement, leisure time constitutes a large part of many retirees’ lives, and finding ways to fill that time is more beneficial than merely avoiding boredom. The researchers behind the study concluded that the existing research is insufficient to draw any firm conclusions regarding the effects of certain types of leisure activities on the risk for dementia and cognitive decline, though they did note that multi-domain cognitive training has the potential to improve cognitive function in healthy older adults and slow decline in affected individuals. A multi-domain approach to cognitive training involves memory, reasoning, problem-solving, and map reading, among other activities. Aging adults who embrace activities that require the use of such skills may find that they’re not only finding stimulating ways to fill their free time, but increasing their chances of long-term cognitive health as well.
Lucie Winborne
* There are eight times as many atoms in a teaspoonful of water as there are teaspoonfuls of water in the Atlantic Ocean.
By Fifi Rodriguez
1. GEOGRAPHY: In which country would you find the Angkor Wat temple?
2. SCIENCE: Which vitamin aids in blood clotting?
3. MUSIC: Which pop music icon has a Pantone color named after him?
4. TELEVISION: Which 1990s TV comedy series features the theme song “Cleveland Rocks”?
5. U.S. STATES: Which state is last alphabetically?
6. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is an adult female turkey called?
7. MOVIES: Which popular 1994 movie features a character named Red?
8. AD SLOGANS: Which company’s advertising slogan is “Like a Good Neighbor”?
9. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: How long is the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade route?
10. ANATOMY: What are beta cells?
Level: Advanced
Add mulch and compost to the garden. Replenish spent soil with mulch and compost so garden beds will be revitalized for spring planting.
Come autumn, many foods seem to take on a unique flavor exclusive to the season. That’s thanks to the ubiquitous “pumpkin spice,” which each fall is a specially featured ingredient in everything from cream cheese to marshmallows. Naturally, pumpkin spiceisalsoakeyingredientwhen preparing pumpkin pie. But just what does pumpkin spice contain? Pumpkin spice is a combination of several different ground spices. It typically includes cinnamon, cloves, ginger, and nutmeg. It also may include allspice. Pumpkin spice is the name given to the blend in the United States. In the United Kingdom, pumpkin spice is known as “mixed spice,” which is a similar but not exact blend as that used to create pumpkin spice. Both feature cinnamon as the dominant flavor.
Improving traction around the house also can minimize falls. Throw rugs and runners can be made more secure with nonslip rubber backings. Bath rugs can reduceslippingonwetsurfacesin the bathroom. Also, nonslip mats can be used inside of showers and bathtubs.
Use shoe trays to reduce puddling frommeltingsnoworrainrunoffin entryways. Mop up spills quickly, and consider the use of matteor textured-finished flooring to improve stability underfoot. Promptly remove snow and ice from driveways and walkways. For those who live in cold climates, heated concrete can help melt precipitation before it accumulates.
Testing can determine if radon is present in a home. Homeowners can rely on professional companies or purchase self-testing kits at home improvement retailers. If a test comes back positive for high levels, conduct a follow-up test before taking any measures to fix the problem. Unusual weather can increase radon levels. If repeat testing yields the same results, efforts to reduce radon levels are necessary.
Homeowners must keep in mind that no two situations are the same and various techniques may be necessary to reduce radon levels in a home. Simply opening the windows in a home may not be enough, and many radon remedies require the skilled services of professional contractors who are experienced in radon reduction procedures. Homes can be fixed, but some instances may be best left to the professionals.
1.5 (8oz) packages Cream Cheese - so ened
1/3 Cup Crunchy or Creamy Peanut Butter
1/2 Cup Confectioners Sugar 1 Tblspn Milk
1 - 9" prepared Chocolate or Graham Cracker crust (I prefer the Graham Cracker for this recipe myself)
1/2 Cup Strawberry Preserves 2 Cups Whipped Topping (Cool Whip Style it works better for this recipe than real Whipped Cream)
In a large bowl (A Kitchen Aide works best or a hand mixer if you have instead) combine the cream cheese,and peanut butter. Mix well until blended. Add the sugar and milk and mix well until smooth.
Spoon mixture into pie crust, spread out and chill 4 hours or so, or overnight if you can wait that long.
Spread the top with the strawberry preserves and top with the whipped topping. Garnish with chopped peanuts (Regular or dry roasted) if you like.
is is very rich!! Start with a thinner slice and have 2 if you can handle it!
Adam M. Goldsmith
Many people are familiar with the term “ozone layer.” But some may not know that the Earth’s atmosphere consists of several layers. The lowest layer of the Earth’s atmosphere is the troposphere, which the U.S Environmental Protection Agency notes extends from the Earth’s surface to roughly six miles in altitude.Thetroposphereiswhere nearly all human activities occur. Even climbers who make it to the peak of Mt. Everest are still in the troposphere, as Everest is less than six miles high. But anyone who has ever boarded a commercial flight has likely left the troposphere and entered the stratosphere, where the majority of commercial airplanes fly. The stratosphere begins at six miles above the Earth’s surface and extends to about 31 miles above the surface of the planet. The EPA notes that most atmospheric ozone is concentrated in a layer in the stratosphere that’s roughly nine to 18 miles above the Earth’s surface. The ozone layer in the Earth’sstratosphereabsorbssome of the sun’s radiation, including theUVandUVBradiationthathas been linked to cancer. The third layer of the Earth’s atmosphere is the mesosphere, which extends from 31 miles above the Earth’s surface to roughly 53 miles above the surface of the planet. The height of the next highest layer, the thermosphere, varies due to changes in solar activity. The exosphere, which contains many of the satellites that orbit the Earth,istheoutermostlayerofthe Earth’satmosphere.
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Schedule fewer meetings if possible. Meetings can sometimes be a waste of time. Before reserving the conference room, see if a resolution can be made via group text, email or other correspondence.
TRAVELING?LaminatedLuggage Tags with handlefastener.Just$1 eachforsomuchpeaceofmind! GeneseeValleyPennySaver,1471 Route15,Avon.OpenM-Th8:30am5pm&F8:30am-3pm.
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All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org
first 25 customers will receive 20% off their entire purchase at FLX Outdoor Sports & FLX Armory
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* Buy a 1 month Archery Range Membership get 1 month for free
* 10 % off all firearms (consignment firearms are excluded)
* 15 % off any all accessories and optics in the Armory
* 15 % off all ammunition in the Armory
* Don’t miss in-store sales throughout the day