2017 Jeep Cherokee Sport 4x4, 2.4L eng, 99k mi $11,995
2021 Ram 1500 Big Horn 4x4, 3.6L eng ................ $36,895
2021 Buick Encore GX 21k mi. .................................. $20,395
2021 Honda CRV Spec. Edit. 1.5L eng, 32k mi... $27,495
2022 Ford EcoSport 2.0L eng, 10k mi........................ $17,995 2023 Prius LE 2.0L eng, 24k mi ...................................... $30,295
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2024 Jeep Compass LTD 4x4, 2.0L eng, 21k mi... $28,795
HOURS: Mon., Wed., Fri. 8am-5:30pm; Tues. & Thurs. 8am-6:30pm; Sat. by appt.
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The spirit that inspires travelers to take to the open road still exists, but nowadays drivers can make their road trips even more fun by taking along the appropriate tech.
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BRIGHTON: 2175EastAvenue. November14th(9-3pm)&15th (9-Noon).ESTATESALE. Wonderfulhighendimmaculate sale.AllcurrentStickley,La-ZBoy,WestElm,etc.Collectionof signedblackartandmemorabilia. Diningtablewith6upholstered chairs.Kingbedwithmatching nighttables,desk,andjewelry cabinet.2twinbeds,sidetables, dressers,clothes,glass.Oriental rugsandrunners.Fabulouslamps, mirrors,sidetables,occasional chairs.Tools,CDs,electronics, etc.Early1800sdrop-frontwalnut desk/bookcase,perfectcondition (includingfelt).Mustsee.STUFF.
W. Main St., Shortsville, NY
Hours: Wed.-Fri. 9am-5pm, Sat. 9am-Noon, Appointments available Mon. & Tues.
November 22, 23 & 24
FRI. & SAT. 9AM-9PM; SUN. 10AM-5PM
Featuring locally handmade holiday gifts and decorations from numerous artisans & crafters
2273 Pond Road • Bloomfield, NY
Create an eco-friendly party theme. Many holiday parties have themes. For example, “ugly sweater parties” have become so popular that many clothing manufacturers now intentionally produce colorful sweaters that might otherwise draw the ire of fashionistas. Hosts planning to throw an ugly sweater party can easily transform such festivities into something more eco-friendly by encouraging guests to purchase their sweaters from thrift stores. A Christmas tree planting party is another eco-friendly party theme that can benefit the planet and revitalize local forests at a time of year when they might be depleted due to the demand for natural Christmas trees.
As we appreciate Autumn in our beautiful region this season, let’s not forget the history that lies beneath the rolling hills and pretty lakes. Many of the little cemeteries tucked away in fields and off the beaten paths are the resting places of those who le farms, businesses and families to secure us peace and freedom. e stones and markers of those who fought in the Revolutionary War to our presentday conflicts are there and hopefully not forgotten.
ese stones have much to tell us about the individuals’ lives. Beyond birth and death dates, they o en provide relationships. In addition, epitaphs, together with public records, can provide a record of war, the economy, and the movement of people. Most older burial grounds were originally bequeathed to family and neighbors by private landowners. When cemeteries closed, they were passed on to town ownership, as were the cemeteries in the Town of Canandaigua.
Wreaths Across America (WAA) started as a simple gesture of thanksthathasgrownintoanational,year-longmovementofdedicated volunteers and communities coming together to remember the nation’s fallen and honor their service and to teach the next generation about the value of freedom. is year, there will be more than 4,500 participating locations, placing more than three million handmade veterans’ wreaths on National Wreaths Across America Day – Saturday, December 14, 2024 – with more than three million volunteers coming together. Participating locations are in all 50 US states, Puerto Rico, and on foreign soil. ese wreaths are delivered through the generosity of hundreds of volunteer truck drivers and their companies.
e mission of Wreaths Across America is to Remember the fallen, Honor those who serve, and Teach the next generation the value of freedom.
For the second year, two historic cemeteries in the Town of Canandaigua – Hunn Cemetery and Academy Cemetery – will host ceremonies on Saturday, December 14 at 12 Noon in conjunction with others across the nation, including Arlington National Cemetery. Hunn Cemetery, located at 5821 County Rd 32, contains the graves of 14 Revolutionary War veterans and one veteran from the War of 1812. Academy Cemetery, at 5200-5298 Old West Lake Road, is the resting place of 48 veterans and honors seven Civil War veterans on a monument dedicated on October 8, 1923.
A er the ceremony, guests present may place a wreath on a veteran’s grave, say their name aloud, and thank them for their service. Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) and Civil War re-enactors, as well as guest speakers, will salute those who simply did their duty when called upon.
e goal for Hunn Cemetery (NYHUNN) is to raise enough funds to place 15 sponsored veterans’ wreaths. e goal for Academy Cemetery (NYACAD) is to place 49 sponsored veterans’ wreaths at
the monument and the headstones. It’s important to remember all local heroes laid to rest in our cemeteries, to ensure that the individuals who served to protect the freedoms of our country never be forgotten and to bring the community together in patriotic commemoration.
Other cemeteries in Ontario County also take part in National Wreaths Across America Day. Among them are Farmington’s South Farmington Friends Cemetery (NYSFCF); and Middlesex’s Overacker Cemetery (NYOVCK).
A er a ceremony at the historic Bristol Center Church, the Bristol Hills Historical Society (NY0417P) and volunteers will place wreaths at their area cemeteries: the Bristol Center Cemetery and the Vincent Hill Cemetery (NYBRCT); the Coye Cemetery and the Wilder Cemetery (NYCOYE); and the Evergreen Cemetery of Bristol (NYEVGN).
In Victor, the Town Hall (NYVTHV) will host a ceremony, while three locations place wreaths immediately following their ceremonies: Boughton Hill Cemetery (NYBHLL), St. Patrick’s Catholic Cemetery (NYSPKC), and Village of Victor Cemetery (NYVGVC).
Today, many of us go about our busy lives without thinking much about the heritage war veterans secured for us. A ceremony, such as those on National Wreaths Across America Day, makes us step aside from our routine and focus on something else. As we place wreaths on veterans’ graves and say the names of these men and women, followed with a word of thanks for their service, we pay honor to those who have . . . and still do . . . heed a higher call.
e outstanding success of WAA is a testament to the fact that many Americans value the importance of this outward sign of inner gratitude. Priorities change with age, and honoring our heroes seems to come more naturally as we grow older. WAA’s year-round events enable us to TEACH the younger generation by example.
All National Wreaths Across America Day events are non-political, non-religiousevents,andopentoeveryone.Ifyouwouldliketosponsor a wreath, or sign up to volunteer, visit www.WreathsAcrossAmerica. org. We look forward to having you join us on December 14, 2024 at noon to celebrate our region’s rich patriotic history to Remember, Honor and Teach.
Love to write? You could earn CASH when you share your original story, personal experience, community happening or school event with us! It may be featured on our popular website for all to see and even selected for print! Go to My Hometown at www.gvpennysaver.com or email hometown@gvpennysaver.com!
By Keith Roach, M.D.
DEAR DR. ROACH: I had all the symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) when I was younger. I could go six months without having my period. I had all the other symptoms, too, like oily skin and facial hair. It’s a terrible thing for a young teenage girl. I also had trouble getting pregnant; though, fortunately, Clomid worked well for me during both of my pregnancies.
My question is, how does PCOS affect older women? My doctor doesn’t know. Is this why my hair is thinning so badly? What else can I expect now that I’m older? (I’m 66 now, and I had menopause at 51.) What can I do about it? I still have hot flashes and thinning hair. -- L.L.P.
ANSWER: I’m sorry that you aren’t getting good advice. PCOS doesn’t go away after menopause, but it’s harder to diagnose. There aren’t good data to help guide treatment, so understanding what’s happening at a biochemical level is important. Although cysts in the ovaries are usually seen with PCOS, the most important parts of the diagnosis have more to do with androgen excess (male hormones) and abnormal ovulation. Insulin resistance is also an important part of PCOS, with or without obesity.
The androgen excess is responsible for oily skin and facial hair, and it’s partially responsible for insulin resistance. As women age, most androgen levels tend to return to normal, but women still may have some residual symptoms. Although any woman can get female-pattern hair loss (overall thinning of the hair, often worst in the center part), women with PCOS are at a higher risk for developing this type.
However, women with PCOS may also occasionally develop male-pattern hair loss (a receding hairline and thinning on the crown) when the ovaries produce excess male hormones and fewer female hormones. Treatment with the antiandrogen medication finasteride seems particularly promising, and topical (or low-dose oral) minoxidil can be helpful. A dermatologist who specializes in hair loss should be the expert in the management of PCOS-associated female-pattern hair loss.
In addition, the excess male hormones may play a role in increasing a postmenopausal woman’s risk for heart disease. HDL cholesterol levels tend to be lower in postmenopausal women with PCOS. The standard calculators to help a clinician decide when to start medication (such as a statin) to reduce the risk of heart disease are likely to underestimate the risk. Thus, diet and exercise are very important for women with PCOS. Hot flashes do not seem to be worsened by PCOS. Although hormone replacement can be used in women with hot flashes and PCOS, it is especially risky in a woman of 66 due to the increased risk of heart disease. Nonhormonal treatment, such as venlafaxine or fezolinetant, is my recommendation.
Finally, insulin resistance is present in over half of all women with PCOS, so regular evaluations of blood sugar levels and A1C levels are important to diagnose prediabetes or overt diabetes as quickly as possible. Again, diet, exercise and sometimes medication are even more important for women with PCOS, to help reduce the risk for developing diabetes. © 2024 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
Ontario County Office for the Aging presents: Caregiver
November 13th • 6-7:30pm
e Seneca Room at Hobart & William Smith Colleges Celebrating life and honoring personhood through our final stages; with discussions about hospice, comfort care, funeral planning, grief, community resources and related topics.
Registration is required: Call 585-396-4040
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25% off outstanding treatment for our established patients. (Rules & exclusions do apply.)
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Please give our office a call to see if you qualify for either offer.
The U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs estimates that around eight million adults in the United States experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in a given year. Women experience PTSD at a much greater rate than men. Estimates from the USDVA indicate that 10 percent of women and 4 percent of men are affected by PTSD. Instances of PTSD are similarly prevalent in Canada, where the Canadian Psychological Association estimates that around 8 percent of Canadians who experience a traumatic event develop PTSD.Though no one is immune to PTSD,rates of thedisorderamongcombatveteransaresignificantlyhigherthantheratesamong the general population. USDVA reports that one study of 1,938 veterans found that the prevalence rate among Gulf War veterans was around 14 percent,while an older study from the American Psychological Association found that about 30 percent of Vietnam War veterans had PTSD in their lifetime.
The human soul is slow to discover the real excellence of things given to us by a bountiful Creator, and not until the shadows of death begin to gather around the object that we love, do we see its worth and beauty. Autumn is the dim shadow that clusters about the sweet, precious things that God has created in the realm of nature. While it robs them of life, it tears away the veil and reveals the golden gem of beauty and sweetness. Beauty lurks in all the dim old aisles of nature, and we discover it at last.
~Northern Advocate
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org
Barb Cavalieri
Cookie Recipe: 4 Cups Rice Krispies Cereal; 1 cup light corn syrup; 1 cup granulated sugar; 1 1/4 cups creamy peanut butter; 5 reg.sized Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups; 1/2 cup chocolate chips. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside and place your Rice Krispies in a large mixing bowl. 2. In a large microwave safe bowl, combine your corn syrup, sugar, and peanut butter and cook on high for 2-3 inutes, stirring every 30 seonds until your mixture is evenly combined. 3. Pour your peanut butter mixture over your Rice Krispies and mix. 4. Mix in your chocolate chips. 5. A er a couple minutes, mix in your crushed Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, to avoid them fully melting. 6. Spoon your treats out with an ice cream scoop and onto your lined baking pan, let cool, then using a fork, slightly flatten them (so they look more like a thick cookie instead of a ball). 7. ENJOY!
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St. Agnes, St. Rose, St. Paul of the Cross saintagnespaulrose.org • 226-2100
Saturday: 4pm at St. Agnes in Avon
Sunday: 8am at St. Rose in Lima
Sunday: 9:45am at St. Paul of the Cross in Honeoye Falls
Sunday: 11:30am at St. Agnes in Avon
3350 Middle Cheshire Rd., Canandaigua, NY 14424
Sun. Service & Sunday School: 10:30AM
Wed. Testimonial Meeting: Noon at Church
Reading rm. @ Church Tues. 11AM - 2:30PM & before & a er services christiansciencechurch@frontier.com • christianscience.com
Find us on Facebook at Christian Science Canandaigua • 585-393-9935 for info.
First Congregational Church of Canandaigua
Rev. Dawn Garrett-Larsen, Pastor
All Are Welcome!
IN PERSON WORSHIP: 58 N. Main St., Canandaigua LIVE STREAM: www.canandaiguachurch.org • 585-394-2184
St. John's Episcopal Church
183 N. Main Street • Canandaigua, NY 14424
Sunday: Holy Eucharist, Rite II, 10AM Website: https://www.stjohnscanandaigua.org e Reverend David Hefling, Rector
St. John's Episcopal Church
183 N. Main Street • Canandaigua, NY 14424 585-394-4818
Sunday: Holy Eucharist, Rite II, 9AM Website: https://www.stjohnscanandaigua.org
On Sept 8th our only service will be at 10:30 a.m. at Onanda Park.
List your place of Worship on our monthly Worship Pages. Call 226-8111 today.
What we are is God’s gift to us. What we become is our gift to God. ~Eleanor Powell
Sunday 9am Services in person and streamed on Facebook Live (facebook.com/stmarkmendon)
Lutheran Church of the Epiphany LCMS 6050 East Avon-Lima Rd. (Rt. 5 & 20), E. Avon • 226-2200
Pastor Clayton Zuber
Facebook: epiphanyavon • Handicap Accessible Sunday Worship and Sunday School 10:30am
Vine Valley Methodist Church 6370 Vine Valley Road, Middlesex 585-554-0402
Pastor J. Lanni Sunday Worship – 9:15am
Honeoye Falls United Methodist Church 31 East Street, Honeoye Falls • 585-624-3387 honeoyefallsumc.org • office.hfumc@gmail.com
Pastor Natalie Bowerman • PastorNatalie4@gmail.com
Sunday Service is held in person at 10:30am and available on Facebook Live at https://www.facebook.com/HoneoyeFallsUMC. All are welcome to join us!
Pastor John Karle
Sunday School 9:30am • Service 10:30am Wednesday Evening Prayer 6pm
Finger Lakes Bible Church
Barry Slater, Pastor “Building Lives on God’s Word” FLCC, Canandaigua Campus, Room 2302
Worship: Sunday 9:45am • Bible Study: Wednesday 6:45pm (online only) 585-622-7161 • flbcnys@gmail.com • FingerLakesBibleChurch.org
New Horizon Church
2219 Bronson Hill Rd, Avon
Sunday Service 10:30AM
Pastors Mike and Genevieve Pedaci www.newhorizonny.org • communications@newhorizonny.org
Archpriest Gregory Naumenko, Rector • A ROCOR Parish
Serving all English and Russian Speaking Orthodox Christians
Full schedule of services and live service streaming at www.pomog.org
Join us every Sunday at 9:30AM! hubchurchroc.com | connect@hubchurchroc.com | 585-577-9881
Hub Kids: Nursery - 5th Grade
MOMENTS IN TIME The History Channel
Worship Services Sun. 10am. Select Sunday services are on our website at www.jcpconthehill.org. Live services are available via Zoom most Sundays. We are a small church with a big heart. We hope you will come and join us.
Programmed Worship Sept.-June 11am; July & Aug. 10am 315.986.5559 • www.farmingtonfriendsquakermeeting.com
Find us on Facebook @FarmingtonFriendsMeeting
By reading the scriptures I am so renewed that all nature seems renewed around me and with me. The sky seems to be a pure, a cooler blue, the trees a deeper green. The whole world is charged with the glory of God and I feel fire and music under my feet.
~Thomas Merton
* On Nov. 14, 1914, in Constantinople,capital of the Ottoman Empire,the religious leader Sheikh-ul-Islam declares an Islamic holy war on behalf of the Ottoman government,urging his Muslim followers to take up arms against Britain,France,Russia,Serbia and Montenegro.
Each mumbered row contains two clues and two answers. e two answers differ from each other by only one letter, which has already been inserted. For example, if you exchange the A from MASTER for an I, you get MISTER. Do not change the order of the letters.
Dark wood DOUBLE BED, two DRESSERS and MIRROR. Two NIGHTSTANDS (do not match). Hemlock. 585-704-2786
LOWREY ORGAN, Deluxe Model. Works. Batavia. 585-356-0839
SMITHSONIAN MAGAZINES - Lifetime collection. North Rose. 315-587-9811
20 EGG CARTONS. Elba. 585-757-2218
VICTORIAN LOVE SEAT that needs reupholstering and a burgundy WING CHAIR with no rips. 585-362-6906
QUEEN SIZE ADJUSTABLE BED: Mattress, frame and remote. Very clean and in great shape. LeRoy. 585-768-2165
PERM RODS – all sizes. Webster. 585-872-6688
HOYER LIFT. Like new. Holley. Text or call, leave msg. 585-880-8073
FOLDING CARD TABLE with four chairs. Batavia. 585-356-2311
TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES including VINTAGE: IBM electric character ball, can of ink eraser, typewriter cleaner, brushes, ribbons, paper, carbon paper. Penfield. penfieldmurphys@yahoo.com
Two sets of old DOWNHILL SKIS with poles. One pair of BOOTS. Use as is or repurpose. Bloomfield. 585-451-9678
Non-working ZENITH FLAT SCREEN TV. Pick up. Text only to Janice 585-752-5809
TWIN BED w/mattress & box spring, railing & headboard. Pick up, Batavia. 585-300-7776
Large pile of RED BRICKS. Pick up, Riga. 585-293-1439
1940s ROPER GAS STOVE. Heavy; you must move. Leave message 585-323-1762
TRACHEOSTOMY SUPPLIES: cannulas, sterile water, suction catheters, and more. ejohn2908@frontiernet.net
ENTERTAINMENT UNIT, great condition. Light wood approx. 15’3” long x 22” deep x 5’1” tall. Call or text 585-750-0688
FIREWOOD. Pick up, Ontario. 585-265-0374 leave message
Twelve-piece PUNCH SET GLASSES. Brockport. 585-704-1030
RECLINER, brown. With footrest and reclines. Pick up, Brockport. 585-615-9177
STATIONARY BIKE, in good shape. Needs battery. Pittsford. 585-385-3699
HP PRINTER INK CARTRIDGES #60 and #61 new or expired okay. 585-519-3325
CLEAN-”ISH” FILL wanted. 585-813-8389
BABY CRIB in good condition. 585-394-0099
HUBCAP for a 2003 Buick LeSabre. 585-671-3822
TOY BOX. 585-410-4672
Any CAT FOOD (wet or dry) or canned TUNA FISH. Text 585-298-8581
VINTAGE CHRISTMAS LIGHTS. Will also use vintage bulbs. The large colorful ones from back in the ‘50s. 315-559-1406
CANON AE1 PROGRAM 35MM CAMERA with zoom lens or similar. 585-733-4085
DOLL HOUSE with or without furniture, PET/BABY GATE and a CRATE. 585-507-8788
DOG FOOD, CAT FOOD, CAT LITTER, TIMOTHY HAY. holdfort@rochester.rr.com
Cooperstown Dream Field TRADING PINS. salvatore.d.timpani@gmail.com
ATVs or DIRT BIKES wanted. Gas powered, running or not. Call or text Matt 315-576-1278
Seeking WEBER GRILLS. Call or text 315-576-1278
HYGIENE SUPPLIES, toilet paper, paper towels, cleaning supplies, etc. Drop off at Liberty Square, Batavia. 585-483-3456
4 DRAWER METAL FILE CABINETS. mumfordruralcemetery1324@gmail.com
CRIB MATTRESS. 585-697-4489
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received. Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
Thank You!
Thank you to the kind and generous lady who paid for my groceries at Tops.
Thank You!
Thank you to the gentleman at the local full service gas station. You helped fill my tire with air and brightened my Monday morning! I always appreciate the employees willing to stand in all weather to fill my gas tank.
To the people who think our local cemetery is a public park. From people who walk dogs there, to the people who take coins from the headstones, SHAME ON YOU! A cemetery is a place to remember and honor your past loved ones. Not a place for your dog to do its business, or for you to pick up change!
Money spent on political campaigns
It is unbelievable the amount of money spent in and on political campaigns. Millions are spent with the conventions and all the campaign mailings, along with the traveling and campaigning. All of that money could be spent in so many needed areas.
By Sam Marzotta
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My next-door neighbor puts out food for all of the outdoor cats in the area. at includes a lot of strays who are now mingling with the cats who have homes. She even buys specialty cat food if she thinks they don’t like what she’s offering. I think this is a dangerous situation, because the cats may be exposed to diseases from the strays. What should I say to her to stop this? -- Concerned Next Door
DEAR NEXT DOOR: If you’re on polite terms with the neighbor, go over and talk to her about the issue, calmly. Explain your concerns and let her know that some of those cats have homes and owners who may not be happy about their cats being fed somewhere else. However, if you’re not comfortable speaking directly with her -- or if the conversation accomplishes nothing -- you will need to consider other routes.
If you have a neighborhood HOA, bring up the issue in a community meeting. e cats’ owners may not be aware of what’s going on. If you don’t have an HOA, try discussing the issue with the other owners directly. Explain that their cats are at risk of contracting diseases common among strays, like FIV (feline immunodeficiency virus) or could be injured in a territorial fight. e least painful solution is for cat owners to keep their outdoor cats inside and away from the neighbor. en contact your local animal control. Now, animal control doesn’t always intervene in these situations, but if they feel that the strays are a danger to other pets, they may come out and try to trap and remove them to a shelter, or at least have a talk with your neighbor about putting food out.
Parts 1and2ofourAARPDefensiveDriverCourseison11/9and 11/16at10:30AM-1:30PM. RegistrationisthroughAARP,call thenumberlistedontheeventflyer toregister!$25formembers,$30 fornon-members.
Bloomfield Public Library
9 Church Street, Bloomfield
Mon.-Thus. 10am-8pm Fri. 10am-6pm; Sat. 10am-2pm Mendon Library
22 N. Main St., Honeoye Falls 585-624-6067 mendonlibrary.org
Mon.-Thurs. 9am-8pm; Fri. 9am-5pm; Sat. 9am-3pm; Closed Sunday
Victor Farmington Library
15 West Main St., Victor 585-924-2637 victorfarmingtonlibrary.org
Mon.-Thurs. 9am-8pm; Fri. 9am-6pm; Sat. 10am-4pm; Sun. 12-4pm
Here’s what’s happening at your local library…
On the whole I take it that middle ageisahappierperiodthanyouth. In the entire circle of the year there are no days so delightful as those of a fine October, when the trees are bare to the mild heavens, and the red leaves bestrew the road, and you can feel the breath of winter morning and evening—no days so calm, so tenderly solemn, and with such a reverent meekness in the air.
~Alexander Smith (1829–1867), “An Essay on an Old Subject”
InternationalSnackersClubis 11/12at3PM.Comedownandtry snacksfromalldifferentcountries allovertheworld!Thismonths countryis:Italy!
FeltedAcornGarlandsis11/13at6 PM.Registrationisrequired Drop-InHelpforJobSeekersis 11/15at11AM.
Mondays1p.m.Homeschooling Meetup
Tuesdays10:30AMStorytime, 11:45AMTaiChi(mustregisterfor TaiChi)
Wednesdays11AMToddlerPlaytime,3:30-5PMDrop-InTechHelp, 4-5:30PMCrafternoon
Thursdays11AMAdultCoffee Meetup(starting9/12) Fridays1:30PMDrop-InKnitting
Ongoing AdultPrograms:
Mondays2:00PM:MahJonggJoin otherMahJonggenthusiasts!
Mondays12:30PM&Thursdays 11:00AM:On-SiteChairYoga* Suggesteddonation$3/class
Mondays5:30PM:HandandFoot Game
Tuesdays1:30PM:Mexican Dominoes
Wednesdays9:15AM:Library Walkers
Wednesdays10:30AM-12:30PM BasicComputerSkillsforAdults*
Wednesdays2:00-4:00PM:Euchre &HandandFootGames Fridays12:30PMLet’sPlayBridge! Saturday11/9or11/162:000PM Medicare2025Changes:AreYou Ready?*presentedbyOntario CountyOfficefortheAging Monday11/11LIBRARYCLOSED FORSTAFFTRAINING
Tuesday11/1211:00AMBookBuzz DiscussionofFindingtheMother TreebySuzanneSimard. Tuesday11/126:00PMCommunity Conversations:IsraelandPalestine*
Wednesday11/1312:30PMEffectiveCommunicationStrategies*be theAlzheimer’sAssociation. Wednesday11/136:00PMThe ConceptionoftheErieCanal* Thursday11/146:00PMHoliday GlitterHousesCraft*
Saturday11/1611:00AMRethinkingThanksgiving:ANative AmericanPerspectiveonan AmericanHoliday* *www.victorfarmingtonlibrary. libcal.comforinformationandregistration.
Tuesday StoryTime-10:0010:30am.EveryTuesdayforpreschoolersandtheircaregivers. SaturdayStoryTime-11/23,12/7, 12/21,10:00-10:30am.Forpreschoolersandtheircaregivers. FreeTechnologyHelpwithDanny. Wednesdaysat3:00,4:00,& 5:00pm.Registeronourwebsite foryourpersonaltimeslot. NeighborsMeet&Greet-Thursdays at11:15-11:45am.Stopbytochat andhaveacupoftea!Nothingis requiredexcepttheenjoymentof peopleandcommunity. TraditionalHaudenosauneeCraft: MakeaCornhuskDollwithPerry Ground-Saturday11/9,1:002:00pm.ForKids,Teens,and Adults.JoinusforaspecialNative AmericanHeritageMonthActivity. FolktalesofKindnessand Gratitude:WithStorytellerCris Riedel-School-agechildren,teens, andadultsarewelcometojoinus. MotionalIntelligenceforSeniors11/121:00-2:00pm.AtPinehurst SeniorLivingCommunity. Formoreinformationcheckoutour website:https://mendonlibrary.org/ programs/
BloomfieldGardenClub - 0ur meetingwillbeNovember21stat VeteransParkat11:30.Sandy Ebbertswillbeinstructingushow tomakeahurricanecandleforthe holidayseason.Pleasejoinus,refreshmentwillbeserved.
54thAnnualHolidayFairCraft Show: Sat., Nov.16th,9AM3PM; atBloomfieldHighSchoolGym, OakmountAve,Bloomfield.120 crafterspaces,sellingawidevariety ofcrafts,gifts,&homemade goodies.Lunchmade&profitedby HandsofHopeKitchen.Sponsored bytheIoniaUnitedMethodist Church.Freeadmission&parking. Crafterapplicationforboothsare onourwebsitewww.ioniaumc.org. Bringyourholidayshoppinglist!
BloomfieldLionsClubSpaghetti Dinner at VeteransPark.Dineinor Takeout.Wednesday,November 13th,4:30-6:30pmorSOLDOUT. 6910Routes5&20Bloomfield. Adults$12.00(13andUP)Children $6(12andunder).Dinnerincludes Spaghetti,Meatballs,salad,bread andicecream.Troop55BoyScouts assistinginDiningRoom.
AnnualDinnerforEast Bloomfield HistoricalSocietyTheEastBloomfieldHistoricalSocietywillbeholdingit’sAnnualDinneronWednesday,November20th atCheapCharliesRestauranton ElmSt.inBloomfield.5:30pmfor cocktailswithBuffetDinnerat 6:15pm.Thecostis$35.00per person,whichispayableatthe door,cashorcheckonly.Please makereservationsbyNovember 12thbyemailing,dawnhwayne@ yahoo.comorcalling 585-208-4662.Therewillbea shortupdateofthegoingsonat theSociety.Wewillalsobehaving thedrawingfortheBarnQuilt Raffle,ticketsforthatwillbe availableforsalebeforethedinner.
FamilyFunSantaTrainDecember 14: JoinUsforaFamily FunHolidayTrainRide!Experience themagicoftheholidayseasonon Saturday,December14,witha warm,festive90minutetrainride featuringSantaandMrsClausfrom Canandaigua,NY!Eachchildwill havetheopportunitytovisitwith Santawhileonboardthetrain. Deliciousconcessionswillbe availableonboard(cashonly). SponsoredbyFriendsofthe Railroad,Inc.,thiseventisperfect forfamilieslookingtocreateunforgettablememoriestogether.Be suretocheckourwebsitefordetailsatwww.friendsoftherailroad. org.Don’tmissoutonthisjoyful experience!
54th Annual Holiday Fair Craft Show
Saturday, November 16th, 9am-3pm
Bloomfield High School 21 Oakmount Ave., Bloomfield
Crafters Fill 120 Spaces
Sponsored by the Ionia United Methodist Church
CanandaiguaElksCPBreakfast -19 NiagaraStreet,thesecondSundayofeachmonththroughMarch 2025,beginningSunday,November10thfrom8:00am-11:00am. Allproceedswillbedonatedto CerebralPalsy(NYSElksAssociation’sMajorProjects).
PursapaloozareturnstoWood Library November23- Nowinits 9thyear,WoodLibrary’spopular pursepartyfundraiserreturnson November23,2024,atthe Canandaigualibraryat134NMain Street.Grabsomefriendsanddiscoveramazingdealsonanassortmentofnewandgently-used pursesandjewelryalldonatedby communitymembers.Theshowroomswillbefullofbeautifulitems foreverytasteandbudget.
Choosefromamongclassicand chicdesignerbags,stylishleather bagsandtotes,vintagepiecesfor specialoccasions,andaspecial collectionoftravelbags.Thereisa tonofjewelrytoo,curatedand displayedforanenjoyableshoppingexperience.
Pursapaloozaticketsarelimitedand sellingfast!Theycanbepurchased onlineathttps://wood-libraryassociation.square.site/
ChampagneTicket$30($35at door)4-5:30PM.Exclusiveaccessto ourpurseandjewelrysale.Asan addedbonus,sipchampagneand enjoycharcuteriewhileyoushop. Age21+.PhotoIDrequiredto drinkalcohol.GeneralAdmission Ticket$15($20atdoor)5:307:00PM.Shopforgreatdealsonan assortmentofpursesandjewelry. Justintimeforholidaygift-giving! Age21+.PhotoIDrequiredto drinkalcohol.SixFabulousRaffle Purses$5(onlineonly).Newdesignerpursespairedwithanassortmentofgiftcertificatesanditems fromlocalbusinesses.Thewinners willbedrawnonNovember23but youdonotneedtobepresentto win!
Pursapaloozaispresentedby CanandaiguaAirCenterandsupportedbyadditionalgenerous sponsors.
Formoreinformation,gotohttps:// woodlibrary.org/orcall 585-394-1381.
QuailSummitHolidayBazaarThe communityisinvitedtojoinus atQuailSummitforaHolidayBazaartobenefitGleaner’sCommunityKitchen.Therewillbehandmadecraftitems,bakedgoods, rafflebasketsandmore!Pleasejoin usandgetaheadstartonyour Christmasshopping!Welookforwardtoseeingyouthere!Held November16,12-4pm,QuailSummitEstatesLounge,5102Parrish StreetExt.,Canandaigua.
BenefitForUkraineWarVictims - St. Luke’sEpiscopalChurchis hostingafamily-friendlyeventto benefitUkraineWarVictimsSaturday,November9,3-5PMat77 CountryCornerLane,Fairport. Ukrainianculturewillbecelebrated throughashortreflectionat3PM, music,foodsamplesandcrafts. Specialpresentationbyour UkrainianparishionerKhrystyna Vozniak,justbackfromUkraine, abouthowthewarhasimpacted Ukraineanditspeople.$10per persondonationrequested.Children12andunderfree.Raffleby areamerchants.Allfundsraised donatedtoSuperhumans(https:// superhumans-usa.org/)anonprofit501(c)(3)thatfundsSuperhumansCenter,aprostheticsand rehabilitationcenterinUkrainefor adultsandchildrensufferingfrom traumaticinjuries.
Barks&BrewsatFairport Brewing Co.- November16,103pm,FairportBrewingCompany, 1044UniversityAve,Bldg#2, Rochester.Vendors&crafters,Beer &meadandafullbar;alltobenefit RochesterEmergencyVeterinary Services.https://www.facebook. com/share/JbuJ96icFoukfWv1/
3rdAnnualFallCraftFair to Benefit theC.U.R.E.Childhood CancerAssn.-November17,103pm,ItalianAmericanCommunity, 150FrankDiminoWay,Rochester. Approximately30vendorswillall yourfallandholidayshopping needs.Abagrafflewillalsobe held.TobenefittheC.U.R.E. ChildhoodCancerAssn.https:// www.facebook.com/share/ 3itKgTvHEhvyztk6/
Female entrepreneurs are on the rise. A 2017 report from American Express found that female entrepreneurship grew by 114 percent between 1997 and 2017.
There are thousands of different apple varieties.
FarmingtonHistoricPreservation FallSpeakerSeries:November14th-TheEasternRapidRailway-ATrolleyLinethrough HathawayCorners.Presentedby PrestonPierce(OntarioCo.Historian).Freeandopentothepublic. Startsat7:00PM.Heldatthe FarmingtonTownHall,1000 CountyRoad8inFarmington.
Disney’sTheLittleMermaidThe CobblestoneCommunityPlayersPresent:Disney’sTheLittleMermaid!Joinusforanenchanting journeyundertheseawiththree magicalperformancesofDisney’s TheLittleMermaid!Datesand Times:Friday,November22ndat 6PM.Saturday,November23rdat 2PM.Sunday,November24that2 PM.Bringthewholefamilyand diveintothisbelovedclassicfilled withunforgettablemusic,vibrant characters,andaheartwarming tale.Don’tmissoutonthefun!Get yourticketsnowandbepartofthis unforgettableadventure! CobblestoneArtsCenter,1622 Route332,Farmington.
AmericanRedCrossBlood Drive: Monday, November11, 1:30pmto6:30pmattheFarmingtonTownHall,1000County Rd8,Farmington.Participantsmust beages17orolder;16withparentalconsentandbringID.Forinformation:redcross.org. Appointmentsmaybemadeat redcrossblood.org.
Hike/BikeSandyBottomPark/ Honeoye ValleyinHoneoyeHikeSandyBottomParkorBikea portionoftheHoneoyeValleySundayNovember10from2-4PMwith SpringwaterTrails,followedbya socialget-togetherattheBirdhouse Brewery.Foradditionalinfo/ directions/updatesvisitthewebsite: springwatertrails.org
WorshipwithUsatHoneoye United ChurchofChrist: Worship withuseverySundayat10AM, 8758MainStreet,Honeoye.No matterwhoyouare,orwhereyou areonlife’sjourney-youare welcomehere.http://ucchoneoye. org/
By Lucie Winborne
* A full 12% of sighted people dream exclusively in black and white.
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
TheOntarioCountyChapterof S.C.O.P.E. will meetTuesday November19th,7:00p.m.atthe ShortsvilleRodandGunClub,2022 FreshourRd,Shortsville.Guests welcome. SHORTSVILLE
Women’sClubOfWebster Meeting: November21 -Schutt’s AppleMillandCountryStore’s EvanSchuttwillshareits generationalstorywiththeWomen’sClubofWebsterattheir November21stmeetingatthePenfieldCountryClub,1784Jackson Rd.,Penfield.Social:11:15,meeting:12:00noon,lunch:12:30followedbyMr.Schutt’spresentation. Entreechoices:TurkeyMelt; CornedBeefReuben;orApple Salad.AllchoicesincludeFresh Fruit.Price:$22.Sendcheckmade outtoWCWbyNovember14th (FIRM)toCarolynRittenhouse,405 CountyLineRoad,Ontario,14519. Questions(?)orifcheckmlghtbe late,phoneCarolynat 585-265-1303.
BreakfastBuffet - Sunday, November10th,7:30-11:00amat theLimaLegionPost282,2475 StateRoute65,WestBloomfield. $10Adults,$6Ages8-12,7& underFree.Scrambledeggs,home fries,Frenchtoast,bacon,sausage, pastries,fruit,juice,coffee.Take outsavailable.Everyonewelcome.
GeneseeValleyHenrietta Moose Lodge2290andChapter 1998 -HOLIDAYARTS&CRAFTS SHOW:Saturday,November23, 10am-4pmattheGeneseeValley HenriettaMooseLodge,5375West HenriettaRd.,WestHenrietta. HandmadeCrafts,Towels,Jewelry, Candles,Candy,Blankets,Bibs, WoodItems,QuiltedItems,Baked GoodsandMuchMore!Something foreveryoneplusaBasketRaffle! SoupandSandwichlunchavailable. CallSueforinformation 585-259-3020,onbeingavendor.
Many apple harvests are still picked by hand.
Tell your friends and family, and remember Christmas is coming! Start your holiday shopping!
Receiving a diploma, is something to take seriously, even for those students who are somewhat older than their fellow graduates. In 2003, Gustava Bennett Burrus graduated from Richmond High School outside of San Fransisco, Calif., at the age of 97. Ruth Hayes Green graduated from the Adult High School of the Perth Amboy, New Jersey Adult Education Center in 2010 at age 98.
BYLINE: By JoAnn Derson
* For every degree you lower your thermostat during the heating season, you generally reduce your energy costs by 3% daily. Also, turn down the temperature setting on your hot water heater.
* Here’s a no-fail strategy for raking up leaves: Rake leaves into a single long line, preferably onto a sidewalk. en turn a large garbage can on its side and sweep the leaf pile into the can, breaking to empty leaves into bags as needed. e raking goes much quicker when done in “stripes.” And bagging is faster as well.
* If you have an ink stain on fabric, try blotting it with hairspray.
Saturate the ink spot with hairspray and blot using a clean white cloth or non-decorated paper towel. Repeat until all the ink is gone. Make sure you test on an inconspicuous area first.
By Fifi Rodriguez
1. MOVIES: What was the name of the tournament in “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire”?
2. GEOGRAPHY: What was the name of the train service that started in 1883 between Paris and Constantinople (Istanbul)?
3. LITERATURE: Who did the pigs represent in the allegorical novel “Animal Farm”?
4. ART: Which European city houses the Reina Sofia museum?
5. TELEVISION: What is the product that Don Draper makes an ad for in the final episode of “Mad Men”?
6. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is a group of unicorns called?
7. U.S. PRESIDENTS: Which presidential retreat is officially named the “Naval Support Facility Thurmont”?
8. MUSIC: Which composer is featured in the film “Immortal Beloved”?
9. HISTORY: The Great Wall of China was mostly built by which dynasty?
10. FOOD & DRINK: What kind of fruit is also known as the Chinese gooseberry?
The end of the year is often a popular time to volunteer, as the spirit of giving that’s synonymous with the holiday season compels millions of people to make an effort to support local charities and nonprofit organizations.Inyearspast,thatmight have made it difficult for prospective volunteers to find organizations in need of volunteers. However, as the world continues to confront the COVID-19 pandemic, charitable organizations and nonprofits may have a host of opportunities for prospective volunteers. A 2020 report from Fidelity Charitable found that volunteer activity shifted considerably during the pandemic. Prior to the onset of the pandemic in 2019, 81 percent of volunteers lent a hand in person. That number dropped to just 35 percent during the pandemic. That left many charities and nonprofits in need of in person volunteers. The rollout of three successful vaccines will no doubt compel more people to volunteer in person as 2021 draws to a close, and there should be plenty of opportunities to help charitable organizations in need. In addition, the pandemic might have led some nonprofits to expand their remote volunteeringoperations,anexpansion that does not need to end even as the world gradually transitions to life after COVID-19. That should mean there’s still plenty of chances to embrace remote or virtual volunteering.
Aeratetheturf.Aeratingreducessoilcompacting,facilitatingthedelivery of fertilizer and water to a lawn’s roots. While many homeowners, and particularly those who take pride in tending to their own lawns, can successfully aerate their own turf, it’s best to first have soil tested so you know which amendments to add after the ground has been aerated. Gardening centers and home improvement stores sell soil testing kits that measure the pH of soil, but homeowners who want to test for nutrients or heavy metals in their soil may need to send their samples to a lab for further testing.
• Trimming
• Fall cleanup
One of the easiest and most effective defenses against heat loss is proper insulation. Prevent cold drafts from entering and the loss of heated air through basement headers, which, when left exposed, can make your furnace work harder. Look for a moisture-resistant product offering high thermal performance, such as Roxul Comfortbatt insulation. This type of mineral wool insulation makes installation simple. All that’s needed is a serrated blade or bread knife. Cut the batt to fit the cavity and press into place. The insulation will help improve energy efficiency as soon as it’s in place and provide
over the
Comfortbatt can
Wednesdays, 10am-2pm in the Human Resources Office 440 Professional Park, Cli on Springs, NY 14432
We have immediate openings for:
• Registered Nurses
• Licensed Practical Nurses
• LMSW, OT and other licensed staff
• Counselors • Peer Advocates
• Behavioral Health Technicians
• Cleaners and more!
Learn more about our agency and how you can help us to save lives. Competitive Pay Career Development Educational Opportunities
For additional information applicants may contact FLACRA Human Resources at 315-462-9116 or email resume@flacra.org
Conservation methods can help save energy and preserve natural resources, but business owners may also be intrigued by the potential cost-savings of conservation.
Utility costs vary depending on the size of a business, but the U.S. Small Business Administration notes that prospective business owners must estimate and include such costs when seeking loans to start their businesses. Estimated utility costs can be intimidating, especially for those owners who have never before owned their own businesses. Traditional conservation methods like recycling and reusing are great ways to conserve and save around the office, but business owners also can embrace some other ways to lower their office energy costs while benefitting the planet at the same time.
Avon CSD has an immediate vacancy for a: CLERK/TYPIST (12-month position)
Full benefit package competitive with other schools in the region.
To apply, complete the Civil Service application on the AvonCSD.org Employment Opportunities webpage. Application materials are requested ASAP. Completed applications can be dropped off or sent to:
Avon Central School District Office, 191 Clinton St., Avon, NY 14414
Eligible candidates should also contact Livingston County to sign up for the Clerk/Typist Civil Service exam or request to be added to the list if you are currently working as a clerk typist. e next exam will be given on Dec. 18, 2024 (application deadline is Dec. 4, 2024).
For more information, please email Jen VanRy at jvanry@avoncsd.org.
Change your hours. When possible, explore flex time with your employer. Getting to work before everyone, or coming in later and staying after traditional hours can lead to greater productivity. There will be fewer distractions and less rush-hour traffic, and you can reap a greater sense of accomplishment. Consider working a weekend day and taking off during the week. Then you’ll have the added benefit of getting personal tasks done while others are at work.
TRAVELING?LaminatedLuggage Tags with handlefastener.Just$1 eachforsomuchpeaceofmind! GeneseeValleyPennySaver,1471 Route15,Avon.OpenM-Th8:30am5pm&F8:30am-3pm.
DIDYOUKNOW... Placing anObituaryinthe GeneseeValleyPennySaver PassagesSectionisfarlessexpensivethanothermedia? Call: 585-226-8111 formoreinformation!
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DANSVILLE: Price reducedto $115,000orB/O.OPENHOUSE Sunday,November10thandNovember17th(1pm-4pm).3Bedroom,1 bathroom,2cargarage,newerroof, furnace.115FranklinSt,Dansville. 585-919-9771.
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According to Food Institute, industry experts suggest the pumpkin spice “flavor profile is so popular because it evokes and capitalizes upon positive feelings associated with the fall season.” How do you feel about pumpkin spice flavored products?
- Love them – I try everything pumpkin spice!
- Like them – I enjoy a few items each season
- Indifferent – I don’t mind them, but I don’t seek them out
- Dislike them – I avoid pumpkin spice
- Strongly dislike – No pumpkin spice for me, ever!
Poll ends 11-12-2024
Poll ended 11-05-2024
According to the National Confectioners Association poll, more than half of all parents say they steal from their children’s Halloween candy. What do or did you do with your child/ren’s collection?
43.8% I openly take candy as the Parent Tax
31.3% I sneak a few pieces of candy from my child/ren’s candy
6.3% I don’t touch any of their candy
18.8% My child/ren don’t collect candy on Halloween
We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit www.gvpennysaver.com!