10 minute read
Magic Maze – CENTER
Presidents’ Day is, first a foremost, a chance to reflect and honor past presidents. But it also is a day for shoppers to find great deals on a host of items.
By Fifi Rodriguez
1. TELEVISION: What was the name of the saloon in the 1960s series “Gunsmoke”?
2. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: To date, how many people have walked on the moon?
Online POLL
New Jersey restaurant is implementing a no kids under 10 policy because of loud, unruly, messy children. What do you think of this policy?
• I agree with it. Not all restaurants are a good fit for children
• I welcome a restaurant which won’t have the distraction of small children
• They should have a section dedicated to families with young kids
• Kids should be welcome no matter what
• My kids are well behaved, would they make an exception?
Poll ends 2-21-23
Poll ended 2-14-23
AMC movie theaters announced ticket prices will vary depending on where you choose to sit. What seat will you choose for your next movie?
0% I’m willing to pay more to sit in the middle 100% I’ll take the side or back at regular price 0% Give me the front row for the cheapest price
We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit www.gvpennysaver.com!
Strange But True
By Lucie Winborne
* Allodoxaphobia is the fear of opinions.
3. GEOGRAPHY: What is the capital of the Canadian province Nova Scotia?
4. MOVIES: How many “Police Academy” movies have been produced?
5. U.S. STATES: Why is Indiana known as “The Hoosier State”?
6. FOOD & DRINK: What percentage of a cucumber is water?
7. HISTORY: Which company published its first mail-order catalog in 1872?
8. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What does the armadillo’s name mean in English?
9. LITERATURE: What is author Mark Twain’s real name?
10. CELEBRITIES: What is one of singer/actor Frank Sinatra’s famous nicknames, based on a physical attribute?
4. Seven, including the original movie and six sequels.
© 2023 King Features Synd., Inc.
Allens Hill Free Library
3818 County Road 40, Bloomfield 585-229-5636
Tues. 6-8pm; Wed. 3-6:30pm; Fri. 2:30-8pm; Sat. 1-4pm
Bloomfield Public Library
9 Church Street, Bloomfield 585-657-6264
Mon. 2-7pm; Tues. 10am-7pm; Wed. 2-7pm; Thurs. 10am-7pm; Fri. 2-7pm; Sat. 10am-2pm
Mendon Library
22 N. Main St., Honeoye Falls (585) 624-6067 mendonlibrary.org
Mon.-Thurs.: 9am-8pm; Fri./Sat.: 9am-3pm; Closed Sunday
Victor Farmington Library
15 West Main St., Victor 585-924-2637 victorfarmingtonlibrary.org
Mon.-Thurs. 9am-8pm; Fri. 9am-6pm; Sat. 10am-4pm; Sun. 12-4pm
MendonPublicLibrary: MPL’sFirstTrashionShowfor Tweens&Teens,Tuesday,February 21,1:00-3:00PM.Createyourown fashiondesignsfromthingsinour recyclingbinandstrutyourstuffon ourcarpet.Registrationisrequired. StorybookTouringTheatreCo. Presents“TheRainbowFish”, Wednesday,February22, 1:30-2:00PM,Foryoungchildren andtheirfamilies.Pleaseregister. WednesdayTravelTalk:Womenin theWilderness,WednesdayFebruary22,6:30-7:30PM.Pleaseregister.
ImagineDay:Createyourown RubeGoldbergMachine,Thursday, February23,11:00am-12:00pm. Forkids8-14.Registrationrequired. StoryTime,Tuesdaysat10:00AM. TechTraining,Wednesdaysat3:00, 4:00,and5:00PM.Signupfora timeslot.
PawsToRelax,2ndand4thTuesdayofthemonth,6:30-7:30PM. Allageswelcome!
Formoreinformationandtoregister,logonto:https:// mendonlibrary.org/programs/-OR callusat624-6067.
Sources of Success
This after-school program enrolls struggling students at Caledonia Mumford Middle School who are at risk academically and socially.
VictorFarmingtonLibrary: OngoingPrograms:
Mondays2-4PM:MahJonggJoin otherMahJonggenthusiastsfor thesefriendlygames!
Mondays12:15PM&Thursdays 11:00AM:On-SiteChairYoga* Stretch,breatheandde-stress.Suggesteddonation:$3/class
Mondays6:00PM:PlayHandand FootGameHavesomefun,meet newfriends!
Wednesdays9:15AM:Library WalkersExplorelocaltrails, neighborhoodsandparksbyfoot.
Wednesdays10AM-1PM:Basic ComputerSkillsforAdults*Oneon-onehelpwithyourtechnology questions.
Wednesdays2:00-4:00PM:Euchre &HandandFootGames
Fridays1:00PM:Mindfulness& MeditationClass*Suggesteddonation:$3/class
Saturday2/189:00AM-4:00PM: AARPDriverSafetyClass*Saveon yourautoinsurance!
Thursday2/231:00PM:TEDTalk DiscussionGroup*TEDTalksare videosthatpresentagreatideain 18minutesorless.Watchashort TEDTalkwithusanddiscussit afterward.
Wednesdays3/1,3/8,3/15,2/22: FlyTyingSchoolinFiveLessons* *Visitwww. victorfarmingtonlibrary.orgfor moreinfoandtoregister.
PenfieldPublicLibrary ScienceSaturday:Saturday,February 18|1PM|forfamilies|registration required K-4CraftyFunDay:Monday,February20|4:15PM|forkids| registrationrequired MardiGrasParade:Tuesday,February 21|2PM|forfamilies|registration required StuffedAnimalPetShow:Wednesday, February22|11AM|forkids| registrationrequired CookieWars:Thursday,February23| 3:30PM|fortweens|registration required ToddlerPreschoolDanceParty:Friday,February24|10:30AM|forkids |registrationrequired LEGOLab:Friday,February24|1PM |forkids|registrationrequired PracticeSATwithChariotLearning: Saturday,February25|10AM|for teens|registrationrequired
CommunityBreakfast- A CommunityBreakfastisheldon 4thSaturdaysfrom8:30-10am.All arewelcomeforfoodandfellowship.Afreewillofferingis accepted.EastBloomfieldUnited MethodistChurchat2ParkPlacein Bloomfield.http://www. eastbloomfieldumc.org
FreeDinner- TheFirstCongregationalChurchofEastBloomfieldis offeringafreedinneronFriday, February24from5-6:30p.m.at thechurch,10SouthAve., Bloomfield.Themenuissloppy joes,saltpotatoes,coleslawand icecreamsundaes.Tunafishsandwicheswillbeprovidedforthose whopreferafishoption.Comejoin yourneighborsforatimeoffood andfellowship.
AARPMeeting: Comejoinusas wemeetthe3rdTuesdayofevery monthattheSalvationArmyin Canandaiguaon110SaltonstallSt. upstairs(elevator).OurnextmeetingisonTuesday,February21,at1 PM.Ouragendaiskeptshortso thatwekeepconnectingwitheach otherinourwonderfulgroup.New membersarealwayswelcome.For moreinfo,callKarenat 585-229-2116.
SaltCouncil:HeartHealth- 60+ age,February23rdat12:30pmat QuailSummit,5102ParrishSt.Ext., Canandaigua.WithChristyRichards,RN,MPH.
FingerLakesUFOMeetup -ExploreETs,UFOs&theParanormal. Shareyourexperienceswithlikemindedpeople.Saturday,February 18:6:00-8:00pm,UnitedMethodistChurchofLivonia(UMCL),21 SummersStreet,Livonia.$5.00 donationtoUMCL.RSVPappreciated,butnotrequiredto:Mary Graceviatextorcall: 585-766-9318.www. giftsofgraceministry.org
Take-outSpaghettiDinner atthe UnitedMethodistChurchof Livonia,21SummerSt,Livoniaon Wednesday,March8,4:30-6:00PM (oruntilsoldout).Spaghetti,sauce, meatballs,undressedsalad,and garlicbread.Donationsaccepted.
AttentionAllSingers!! The CanaltownChoralewillbeginrehearsalsTuesday,March7,6:40PM withregistrationforthenewseason.RehearsalsheldTuesday evenings7-9PMintheUnited ChurchofMarion,3848N.Main St.,Marion(rightsidedoorentrance).Auditionsnotrequiredbut somechoralexperienceishelpful. Allarewelcome!Anyoneinterested injoiningthisSATBchoraleisinvitedtoattendtheMarchrehearsals.Registrationfeeof$10is requiredperconcertseasonasis proofofCOVIDvaccines.AllCDC guidelineswillbefollowed.Information:BarbVanDelinder 315-597-9558,GeneralManager orDottieGraudons,membership chair,315-331-5961orgotothe CanaltownChoralepageon Facebook.
HearingLossAssociationof AmericaRochesterchapter: Hear Together-Speech-languagepathologistKristinBergholtzconducts avirtualsupportgroupforparents andcaregiversofDear/hardof hearingchildren.Itconnectsand advisesadvocatesofthose youngsters.Heldthe4thTuesday ofeverymonth,8pm-9pmuntil June22,2023.VIRTUAL-register atkristinbslp@gmail.com
HearingLossAssociationof AmericaRochesterchapter: Hear Together--Speech-languagepathologistKristinBergholtzconducts avirtualsupportgroupforparents andcaregiversofDeaf/hardof hearingchildren.Itconnectsand advisesadvocatesofthese youngsters.VIRTUALregisterat kristinbslp@gmail.com.Repeatseverymonthonthe4thTuesday, 8pm-9pm.Website:http://www. hearinglossrochester.org
RochesterModelRailroadClub OpenHouse- Large(40x60’HO trainlayoutdepictingtheLehigh Valleyrailroadofthe1950’sfrom BuffalothruPennsylvaniatoJersey City.Membershaveusedphotos, actualplansandon-sitevisitsand picturestorecreatemanyofthe actualscenes,buildingsandbridges alongtherailroadwhichtheclub callstheSenecaValleyLines.Held March4,10-5pmandMarch5, 1-5pm.Theeventisnot handicappedaccessibleasthelayoutisinthebasementoftheFirst UniversalistChurch,150South Ave.,Rochester.Masksareoptional.$5,Kidsunder12free. http://www.rocMRRC.com
HearingLossAssociationof AmericaRochesterchapter: HEARTOGETHER-SpeechlanguagepathologistKristinBergholtz CCC/SLPconductsavirtualsupport groupforparentsandcaregiversof Deaf/hardofhearingchildren.Registeratkristinbslp@gmail.com.VIRTUAL-HeldTuesday,February28, 8pm-9pm.http://www. hearinglossrochester.org
RochesterRhapsody,NowAuditioning! RochesterRhapsodywelcomessingersofallages,backgroundsandculturestoaspecial openrehearsalnighttolearnmore aboutauditioningforthechorus.If youareasingerenthusiasticabout performinginthegreaterRochestercommunity,improving yourvocalskills,andhavingFUN, comeseewhatwedo!Rochester Rhapsodyisopentoindividuals whoidentifyasfemale,aswellas peopleassignedfemaleatbirth whonowidentifyasnonbinaryand arecomfortablebelonginginour communityofwomen.February 27,7pm-9pm,TempleBethEl,139 WintonRdS,Rochester.RSVP appreciated-https://forms.gle/ fb7PsKKQj7kQcApY8 Questions?Sue(585)259-3094or emailinfo@rochesterrhapsody.com
HikeCummingNatureCenterin SouthBristol- Hike&Explorethe trailsofCummingNatureCenterin SouthBristolonSunday,February 19from2-4PMwithSpringwater Trails,followedbyadish-to-pass socialget-togetherinthemuseum’sfireplaceroom.Foradditional info/directions/updatesvisitthe website:springwatertrails.org
KiwanisClubofFarmingtonVictorSt.Patrick’sDayFreeDinner forVictor&FarmingtonSenior Citizens-March18,2023.RSVP REQUIRED.Joinusforourannual FREEcornedbeefandcabbagedinner!Thisyearwewillbeoffering drivethrumealstogo,freetolocal seniors.WHEN:March18,2023, 1-4pmattheVictorSeniorHigh SchoolBusLoop,953HighSt, Victor.RSVPbyMarch11th.Callus at585-433-5926,andleaveamessagewithyourname,phonenumberandnumber(#)ofmeals needed.**Thisisadrivethrough, nocontactevent.Pleasestayin yourcar.Wewillbringyourmealto you.
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows.
Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today!
Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
By JoAnn Derson
* “It can be tricky to add new keys to a key ring, especially if you don’t have much of a fingernail. I have found a foolproof way to get the key started. Just use a staple remover. It works wonders!” -- T.R. in Indiana
* If you find that you have small scratches in your wood furniture, try this old trick: Rub a walnut over dings to cover them up. Or find a matching brown crayon, rub it lightly into the scratch, and finish with a hair dryer held 10 inches away for about 10-15 seconds. It melts the wax of the crayon, and then you can buff it with a soft rag. Any excess is swept away and the color remains.
* Got small kids? If your little one keeps rolling out of his bed, here’s a tip: Use a pool noodle tucked under the fitted sheet, lengthwise along the edge of the bed. It’s just enough of a bumper to send a sleeping child back to the center of the mattress.
* “If you have many mismatched frames that you would like to use, you can try spray painting them all the same color. I had several that were different colors and a little bit beat up, but I wanted to use them in one big group. I painted them all glossy black, and they look great!”
-- W.F. in Arkansas
* Hanging shoe racks are a wonderful organizational tool, especially the ones made of plastic that have see-through pockets. You can use them on the back of your bathroom door for small towels and toiletries, or how about on the back of baby’s door as a diaper organizer? My favorite use is on the back of my garage door to hold all the cleaning bottles and solutions with other supplies. They are nice and high, and out of reach of little hands.
By Sam Mazzotta
Should I Buy a Pet on an Online Marketplace?
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I was scrolling through my social media account and an ad popped up showing a really cute puppy for sale. What are people’s experiences buying pets online? -- Curtis, via email
DEAR CURTIS: e short answer is, don’t. It’s unlikely that what you saw was an approved ad, because most social media companies do not allow pet sales or advertising for the sale of pets. Probably, someone created a post and made it public.
Avoid responding to the post, even if you think you know the person who posted it or think you know the location. Chances are it’s either a scam to part you from your hardearned money, or you will receive a puppy that is not the one advertised or is very ill and needs a lot of medical care. I’ve heard too many stories from owners who got scammed from such online transactions.
If you just want a cute animal companion, adopt a pet through your local shelter. You’ll be able to see and interact with a potential pet, and the shelter will help you evaluate whether you’re ready for a dog at this point. ere is a cost involved with adoption, but those fees are upfront. And I guarantee it is substantially less than what you will pay a shady pet dealer (or pay out in medical bills later on).
If you absolutely want a speci c breed of dog, do the homework required. Find nearby breeders who specialize in the breed you’re interested in. Read up on the breed. Find out the nancial requirements to match with, purchase, train and care for that dog.
No matter which path you pick, know that pets are an investment of money and time. e dividend is a healthy, happy pet that adores you. Don’t take a shortcut.
Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.
(c) 2023 King Features Synd., Inc.
Fair Housing Statement
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center
1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org
Dogs are wildly popular pets. The American Pet Products Association saysthereare63.4millionhouseholds in the United States that have a dog, and with the exception of 2002 and 2015, that number has steadily risen since 2000. Certain breeds remain especially popular among dog owners. In August 2021, the pet insurance providerTrupanion released the most popular dog breeds of 2020, and the top five breeds were:
1. Labrador retriever
2. Golden retriever
3. Goldendoodle
4. German shepherd
5. Labradoodle
Call Joe
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*All have 2 yr. warranty.
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Puzzle Answers This Week
AMPCO PLAYER PIANO and a LOWREY CITATION HOME THEATER ORGAN. You move: 585-323-1762 (leave message)
SINGER SEWING MACHINE, model 8280, with directions. Excellent condition. Fairport: 585-223-9014
WURLITZER PIANO - great condition; only one sticky key. Located on the second floor. Text: 585-755-9697
YOUNG CHANG PIANO. You pick up, Honeoye Falls: 585-944-5825
RESMED S8 ELITE II CPAP - Case, Heater/Humidifier, 2 Tanks, Cord, Manual, Hose, but CPAP part probably no good. West Henrietta: cmonroj1@rochester.rr.com
VHS BLANK TAPES. I have several and never been opened. Corfu area: sbly5722@gmail.com
MELODY GRAND PIANO W/BENCH. Low profile, maple wood finish. Like new. You move, Fairport: 585-388-2854
Brand new LOVESEAT still in carton. Gray. Pick up, Avon: 585-438-4098
250 GALLON OIL TANK. ½ full. Needs to be removed professionally. Webster: 585-872-6757
A bag of CRAFTS, YARN, NETTING: amy8595@mail.com
Marcy em1, em2, em3 FREESTANDING WEIGHT SYSTEM, disassembled. You transport. Some original instructions: 585-377-0260
Quantity of WIRE HANGERS for crafts, etc.: Nancydechau@gmail.com
Six balls STRING TYPE CROCHET COTTON, box of FABRIC PAINT, box of CORKS: 585-889-4320
AVANA COMFORT MATTRESS ELEVATOR (king size). Pick up, Webster: 585-872-6756
MEN’S CLOTHING - Coats size large. Pants size 30 / 32 and bigger shirts size medium / large. Sweaters size medium / large: 585-721-8963
PATTERNS for an 18” doll: 585-624-5144
PREVAIL OVERNIGHT UNDERWEAR, small, bladder control and a box of ALCOHOL PREP PADS. Pick up Batavia: 716-474-0292 leave message
OLD WOODEN HIGHCHAIR, blonde wood. Good condition. Pittsford/Mendon area: 585-414-0845
Loose advertisement pages from 1920s LADIES HOME JOURNAL magazines, 11”x14”. Many still with vibrant colors. Perfect for crafts/framing. Fairport: jvc45@aol.com
FINISHED DIAMOND PAINTING, Nightmare Before Christmas. You frame. Batavia: 845-309-9373 text only
Senior Navy Veteran needs any running VEHICLE that has passed inspection for himself and animal rescue: 585-531-4004
Rock music - 8 TRACK TAPES, CASSETTE TAPES, and VINYL RECORDS for my own personal collection. Thanks in advance: gzintel@yahoo.com
BOX TRAILER: 585-323-1762 (leave message)
COOPERSTOWN DREAMS PARK TRADING PINS and carrying case for granddaughter who will be in this summer’s tournament: 585-334-6134
AIR COMPRESSOR - 10+ gallons: mhoskins@pvac.org
INVERSION TABLE, for senior with bad back: stujaxon@yahoo.com
TRAILER WHEEL & TIRE, ST175-80D-13” wheel, 5 lugs: 585-993-1917
BUILT/UNBUILT MODELS OR KITS. Parts and pieces ok. Longtime collector seeks projects/restorations/customs. Auto, Truck, Plane, Military, etc. Call 585-314-6989, thanks
DIRT BIKES, ATVs, GO-KARTS wanted that are running or not running for fatherson project. Thank you in advance! 315-576-1278
Looking for a WEBER GRILL you are no longer using. Thank you and feel free to call or text me: 315-576-1278
Looking for GARAGE SIGNS, OIL CANS, or other decorative automotive memorabilia from the 1970s and earlier. Thank you! 315-576-1278
Very LARGE FREEZER for a charitable organization in good working condition: 585-654-9640
LIONEL and other O-SCALE TRAINS, TRACK (O-27 scale) and accessories. Thank you! Call: 315-694-6197
Wii GAMES for 4-year-old girl: 585-303-4008
KETTLE BELLS and a MINI TRAMPOLINE: bhaag1@frontiernet.net
MONITOR needed for older Dell computer (80s-90s) for disabled person to work with: 585-346-7022
Small STANDARD SHIFT TRUCK or CAR. Running and passes inspection: christinaplaton20@gmail.com
BUNK BED in good condition. Can only pick up in Batavia. Text me: 585- 536-6269 VINTAGE LEGO SETS or PIECES! Can be newer Legos! Greatest Appreciation and God Bless! 585-590-7995
BABY MONITOR for kitty cabin and a CAT TOWER in good condition (prefer a large one): 585-637-0933
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received.
Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111