2022 Chevy Silverado 2WD, 8’ box, 18k mi...................... $32,695
2019 Nissan Rogue SV AWD, 60k mi................................ $22,595
2019 Ford Escape SE AWD, 51k mi .................................... $21,225
2019 Ford EcoSport AWD, low mi....................................... $21,225
2019 Nissan Sentra SV, 1.8L, 60k mi.................................. $12,995
2017 Ford Escape SE 1.5 eng., 53k mi............................... $19,695
2014 Jeep Compass Latitude 4x4, 33k mi.................. $16,795
HOURS: Mon., Wed., Fri. 8am-5:30pm; Tues. & Thurs. 8am-6:30pm
332 W. Main St., Honeoye Falls 585-624-1216
Complete Car Care Specialists in Makes & Models, Foreign & Domestic
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Prevent summer sun and heat damage to your car Wax more often. Try to wax your car after every wash. A good layer of wax can protect a vehicle’s paint from dirt, debris and the sun’s rays. Remember, premium waxes do not necessarily work any better than less expensive waxes, but the type of formulation (liquid, paste andspray)mayaffectapplication and how long each application lasts. Consumer Reports found that paste waxes are easier to use than liquid waxes, though liquid waxes cleaned the best. Spray waxes were the easiest to use and left the fewest stains on plastic parts, but they didn’t last as long as other waxes.
Buy the bulbs that match your driving habits. Some drivers spend a significant amount of time behind the wheel while others use their cars or trucks only to run errands or make short trips. When replacing bulbs that have dimmed, be sure to choose a bulb that fits your driving habits. Manufacturers make a headlight bulb for every type of driver, be it the daily commuter, the soccer mom or those drivers who only rarely take to the highway. Manufacturers even make a special headlamp for motorcycles that creates a unique orange reflection that helps distinguish the motorcycle from other vehicles on the road.
FARMINGTON: 5943 KingHill Drive.July7th(8:30-4pm)&July 8th(8:30-Noon).Rainbow vacuumcleaner,Diningroomtableand5chairs,queensizebed mattress&boxspring,designer BarbieDolls,porcelaindolls, BeanieBabies,metalpencil sharpeners,CatMeowHouses, PokemonCardspurses,stereoradiotapeplayer,musicboxes,real plantsandplanters,reducedprice stampsets,freestuff,bringabag.
CANANDAIGUA: Good Shepherd Church,320SouthPearlStreet.Huge RummageandBakeSale,Inside,July 14,(9-4PM)&July15,(9-2PM).1/2 pricealldaySaturday.
VILLASOFVICTOR: 1018 Pebbleview DriveEast(offPlastermillRoad).June29-July2 (9-3pm).MOVINGSALE. Matchingsofa/chairs,2complete diningsets(antiquecherry), varietiesofhouseholditems. Everythingmustgo!
WESTBLOOMFIELDHISTORICAL SOCIETY: 31thAnnualYard Sale.8966Rts.5&20.Saturday,July8 (9-4);Sunday,July9(9-1).Additional vendors,Saturdaylunch,exhibits.Information:wbhsny.org
Yard sales are popular ways to make money and clear homes of unwanted items.
With our crazy spring weather, with several frosts, a drought followed by massive rainfall, should I worry about my garden?
Does anyone remember a “normal” weather year? Not in recent history, it seems, but this year is a doozy! Looking back at the temperature swings we’ve had this year, January through April each had close to or more than half the month with highs at least 10 degrees above the average range. May went the other way, with half thenightsreachingtemperatures at least 10 degrees below average and, in W. Bloomfield where I live, three solid frosts that month. June’s temperatures seem to hover close to
average,which is a bit of a relief. Looking at precipitation, again it has been all over the map. Generally speaking, though, we had very little snoworrainJanuarythroughthefirst week of June. Between Friday, 6/9 and Wednesday 6/14, we received over two inches of rain! Crazy, right?
As I told our Farm Manager, Mike Kincaid, we can always count on a gully-washer right as the peonies start to flower, but this has been an exceptional amount of rain in just a few days.
So,howdoesallof thesetemperature and precipitation swings affect our plants? For established plants you
Squash: Don’t mistake the squash in the garden for cucumber. Both look similar but green squash, or zucchini, can be much more versatile. Zucchini can be grilled, baked, sautéed, stuffed, fried, and even turned into noodles.
should not need to worry. They have reserves of food to help them through stressful times. If we go back to very dry conditions, which we most likely will over the next couple of months, you may want to supplement watering plants with higher water needs, such as hydrangeas. With newly planted material, of course, you will want to be sure to add water as needed. We like to see the plants get about
an inch of water per week – a small investment in a rain gauge is money well spent to help you know how much water your plants have gotten. And remember, when we do get a gully-washer, most of that rain runs off before it can percolate into the soil. Sometimes the best measure of moisture is to stick your finger in the soil and judge by feel.
What to Do with Your Old Electronics (Family Features) Mobile phones, laptops, tablets, game consoles, cameras - electronic devices are a big part of American life. In fact, Americans own an average of 24 electronic products per household, according to the Consumer Electronics Association. With technology changing so rapidly and new “it” devices hitting the market every few months, a lot of those devices get discarded quickly. That adds up to a lot of potential e-waste.
Fortunately, it’s easier than ever to keep old electronics out of the waste stream.
Donate. Donations give schools, nonprofits and lower-income families access to equipment they might not otherwise afford. Before donating, check with the organization to see what they need.
Trade Up. If you are ready to upgrade to something new, programs such as RadioShack’s Trade & Save let you swap retired technology for store credit toward your purchase.
Recycle. Electronics in nonworking condition should be recycled. Check www.Earth911.com or www.e-stewards.org to find a recycling center near you.
Don’t Forget the Batteries. Recycling your rechargeable batteries is another easy step you can take.
Many people may be tempted to discard rusty tools that have gone unused and sat in a garage or shed for a significant period of time. But tools encrusted with rust do not need to be relegated to the trash bin, nor do gardeners have to toil for hours scraping and sanding off the rust. There’s a much easier way to restore rusty tools that relies on a common household ingredient: vinegar. Pour vinegar into a deep enough vessel to submerge the metal part of the tool. Soak the tool overnight. The next day, use a scouring pad to rub off the rust. If the tool is too big to fit into a can or bucket, simply wrap it with a vinegarsoaked rag and cover the whole tool with a tightly secured plastic bag. Follow the same procedure the next day. After all the rust is gone, rinse the tool in cool water and dry thoroughly. Then return it to regular usage.
major holiday. Therefore, consult
calendar to find an off time for a renovation and book it then to save.
Email: sales@gvpennysaver.com
President ...........................Steve Harrison
General Manager
Director of Advertising Sales ............................Colleen Mann
Distribution ...........................Chris Harrison
Creative Director
Production Supervisor
Circulation Manager
1. GEOGRAPHY: What is the tallest building in the world?
2. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What does HTTP stand for in a website address?
3. LITERATURE: Which kind of animals are featured in the novel “Watership Down”?
4. HISTORY: When was the first iPhone released?
5. MOVIES: What kind of fish is Nemo in “Finding Nemo”?
6. GAMES: What is the final course on Mario Kart video games?
7. ASTRONOMY: How many planets in our solar system have moons?
8. U.S. PRESIDENTS: Which president was licensed as a bartender?
9. MEDICAL: What is a more common term for somniloquy?
10. TELEVISION: How many castaways are on “Gilligan’s Island”?
“Oak trees come out of acorns, no matter how unlikely that seems. An acorn is just a tree’s way back into the ground. For another try. Another trip through. One life for another.”
Shirley Ann Grau
Spring and summer are synonymous with increased hours of sunlight, warm temperatures and, oftentimes, an increased reliance on water to feed recreational pursuits and lawn and garden needs.
The Water Information Program states that 3.9 trillion gallons of water are consumed in the United States each month and the average person uses 176 gallons of water per day. Water conservation may be essential when the risk for weather-related drought looms. Practicing year-round conservation efforts can help ensure smart usage of local watersheds, lakes and reservoirs and help maintain these water sources for years to come. It also helps the average person reduce his or her carbon footprint while saving people a little money along the way.
Determine an indoor temperature that works best for the household. Keep the thermostat set as high as possible to maintain that comfort level. If you will be out most of the day, set the programmable thermostat at a higher temperature, and then lower the temperature about an hour before you plan to return home. This reduces the number of hours the air conditioner is running.
No bar is complete without alcohol and mixers. Homeowners can buy the types of spirits they love and complete their bars with the basics for mixing. When stocking a bar, keep in mind that everything does not have to be top-shelf. Vodka, gin, tequila, rum, and whiskey are some of the more popular spirits. Simple syrup, fresh fruit, club soda, cola, and bitters are examples of versatile mixers.
Entertaining guru Martha Stewart says to have enough supplies on hand for guests. Expect each person to have three drinks (requiring three glasses), use a pound of ice, and three cocktail napkins per two-hour party. Don’t forget to also have nonalcoholic items on hand for those who don’t imbibe.
On the other hand, I don’t understand the enthusiasm for everything in the antique shop that Grandma threw out. There, the sense of quality has declined; otherwise Grandma wouldn’t have thrown it out.
ursday, July 13, 2023 at 2:30pm
SHOW DATES: ursday, 7/13 through Saturday, 7/15, from 9am to 9pm
Admission Donations: Adults $7.00 or $14.00 for a 3-day pass, Children under 12 $3.00 or $6.00 for a 3-day pass
NY Steam Engine Association Grounds • 3349 Gehan Rd., Canandaigua, NY 14424
Call now with your consignments - It’s not too late to advertise! Accepting anything John Deere, including equipment, toys and memorabilia!
Call Je Dann at 585-233-9570 or email dannauctioneers@gmail.com to advertise early consignments! Consignments will be accepted on-site Tues., 7/11 & Wed., 7/12 from 8am to 6pm and urs., 7/13 from 8am to noon.
Early Consignments (Subject to Consignor Delivery): Tractors: JD 50, Serial #5032602; JD 60 WFE, good tires, new radiator, fan clutch, rim, 3-pt attachments; JD 320U, restored, mint condition; 1970 JD 2520, gas, canopy, restored; JD MT, wfe, restored; JD MT, nfe, restored; Equipment: JD 290 planter; JD hay conditioner No. 1, new condition; JD tilt bed trailer; JD 2-row planter; JD 8-ton running gear; JD 4110 cultivator, o of 430S but will t some others, complete, purchased new and been in barn since 1965; JD Snowmobiles Spit Fire, Liqui re, Snow Fire, Sprint Fire, 440; JD golf cart; Collectibles: (2) JD vintage bicycles; JD bicycle originally purchased new from Hall Equipment; Toys: Collection of JD diecast toys; JD pedal tractors; Misc: JD parts; parts for JD 3020, inc. (2) front weights & builder blocks, fender mount AM radio, chrome stack, (2) 7.50L15 tires on rims, set of front hubs w/bearings; manuals; pair of JD original dealer window decals 14”x21”.
Terms: ID for bidder number. No buyer’s premium for cash or honorable check. Credit cards accepted with 3% fee. View updated listing and photos at DannAuctioneers.com!
Wednesday, 8/9, 2:00pm: Pageant of Steam Consignment Auction, 3349 Gehan Rd, Canandaigua, NY. Call or email now to list and advertise your consignments! Accepting any make/model, including antique and modern farm and construction equip., steam & gas engines, signs, toys, literature, tools, lawn & garden and memorabilia!
Wednesday, 8/23, 9:00am: Auction for the Estate of Rodney Mikkelsen, Ferguson Corners Road, Geneva, NY. Farm Equipment, Vehicles, Motorcycles, Shop Tools, Limited Household.
4215 Belknap Hill Road, Branchport, NY 14418
Je Dann: 585-233-9570
Nelson Horning: 585-554-5335
Nelson Zimmerman: 607-243-8932
house with any kind of age will have dozens of stories to tell. I suppose if a novelist could live long enough, one could base an entire oeuvre on the lives that weave in and out of an antique house.
~Arne Jacobsen
~Anita Shreve
HoneoyeFalls-MendonJuly11 Sr. CitizenPicnic- TheJuly11 HF-MSeniorCitizenMeetingisthe ANNUALPICNIC,heldatnoonat theCommunityCenter.Attendees needtobringtheirdishintothe centerforfurtherdistribution.Hot dogswillbecookedonpremises.
Friends&FamiliesMuscularDisorders Foundation -ARTS, CRAFTERS&MORE!JoinusonThe Lake,6001BigTreeStreet(Rt20A) &ThomasDr.FieldBetweenReMax andLeisure’sRestaurant,Conesus Lake,Lakeville.Saturday,July8, 2023from10am-4pm.Formore informationcallortextMarkat 585-519-1917. FriendsandFamiliesMuscularDisordersFoundation 501(c)3not-for-profitorganization dedicatedtoimprovingthequality oflifeandindependenceofchildrenandadultsdiagnosedwith neuromusculardisorders/diseases andover100otherdiseases.
HLRCGolfTournament- On July 31,2023,theHoneoyeLakeRotary Clubwillhostits38thAnnualGolf TournamentatOldHickoryin Livonia.Thefunbeginswithregistrationstartingat9,shotgun startat10anddinneraround4. Golfcart,lunchanddinnerare includedwithyourroundofgolf foronly$95.Silentauctionand rafflewillalsoaddtothefun. ComejoinusforourannualfundraisertosupportCamp ONSEYAWA,communityservice projectsatHoneoyeCentralSchool, andotherprojectsaroundour town,nationandworldwide.For moreinformationcontactJeanne Hamele585-729-9118orbyemail jnnhamele@aol.com.
JuniorBulldog’sRogerSemmel Memorial GolfTournamentDonationsgoingtoLivoniaJunior Bulldogs.18Hole4-person scramble.SaturdayJuly29th,Old HickoryGolfCourse,6653BigTree Rd.,Livonia.Check-In11:30am. Teeoffat1:00pm.OSBoncourse withtastings.$75includes18 holes/cart/lunchoncourse/chicken dinner/giftbag/OSBtasting.There willbeGamesandActivities!50/50 Drawings,BasketRaffles,Putting Challenge,BasketRaffle.Hole sponsorshipsstartingat$100.Call orTextDanBarr716-801-0623or BryanWheaton(585)360-7126. MailRegistrationsorSponsorships toPOBox237,Livonia,NY14487. ChecksPayabletoLivoniaJunior Bulldogs.https://livonia-juniorbulldogs-roger-semmel-memorialgolf-tour-4016.perfectgolfevent. com/
Take-outSpaghettiDinner at the UnitedMethodistChurchof Livonia,21SummerSt,Livoniaon Wednesday,July12,4:30-6:00PM (oruntilsoldout).Spaghetti,sauce, meatballs,undressedsalad,and garlicbread.Donationsaccepted.
PancakeBreakfast,OpenTrap Shoot, Sportsman’s Extravaganza!Sunday,July9th, 8am-11amattheMiddlesexConservationClub,6087SouthHill Road,Middlesex.Hunting/Fishing Sale!Youthactivitiesincludefree archery&indoorpelletrange! http://www. middlesexconservationclub.org/
Central SchoolAlumniReunionAugust3,2023atClub86Geneva, from11am-4pm.Additionaldetails tofollow-AlumniCommittee.
Saint’sPlaceAnnualSuperSale! 25th Anniversary!Saint’sPlace 1998-2023.Comejoinusforthe fun!!Wednesday,July5th,1-8PMFirstChanceSale-$10Admission. FreeAdmission:Thursday,July6th, OpeningDay-10AM-7PM.Friday, July7th,HalfPriceDay-9AM-6PM. Saturday,July8th,BAGSALE9AMuntilit’sallgone-($10first bag,$5eachadditionalbag.Limit 5bags).Saint’sPlaceSuperSaleat St.LouisSchool,64SouthMainSt., Pittsford.Formoreinformationvisit ourwebsitewww.saintsplace.org. Celebrating25YearsofWelcoming theStranger.
TheGatesHistoricalSociety’s July program willbethehistoryof theGates-ChiliFireDepartment from1927tothepresent.Jim Werth,GatesFireCommissioner willdothepresentation.ThisprogramwillbeheldattheGates TownHallAnnex,1605Buffalo RoadonMonday,July17at7:00 pm.Thisprogramisfreeandopen tothepublic.Thefacilityis handicappedaccessible.
ShortsvilleRailroadStationMuseum OpenHouse: TheLehigh ValleyRailroadHistoricalSociety StationMuseumat8EastHigh StreetinShortsvillewillbeopento thepubliconSunday,July16. Hourswillbe1:00p.m.to3:00 p.m.RailroadhistorianPaulShinal willgiveapresentationontheNew YorkCentralRailroad“Auburn Road”beginningat2:00p.m.A largecollectionofhistoricalartifactsfromtheLehighValley Railroadisondisplayatthemuseum.Thegiftshopwillbeopen. Admissionisfree;donationsare welcome.Formoreinformation, visitwww.lvrrhs.orgorcall 585-289-9149.
HikeMaplewoodRoseGardens & LowerFallsParkinRochesterHike&ExploretheMaplewood RoseGardensandLowerFallsPark inRochesteronSundayJuly2from 4-6PMwithSpringwaterTrails,followedbyasocialget-togetherat theGeneseeBrewingCompanyin HighFalls.Foradditionalinfo/ directions/updatesvisitthewebsite: springwatertrails.org
Wednesday,July5-American Red CrossBloodDrive:10a.m.to 3p.m.,EastviewMallEntrance4 nearLush,7979Pittsford-Victor Rd.,Victor.Participantsmustbe ages17orolder;16withparental consentandbringID.Forinformation:redcross.org
Thursday,July13-American Red CrossBloodDrive:12p.m. to5p.m.,VictorTownHall,85East MainSt.,Victor.Participantsmust beages17orolder;16withparentalconsentandbringID.Forinformation:redcross.org.
Joinusforthe“JunkinThe Trunk” CommunityYardSale eventatWestBloomfieldCongregationalChurchonAugust5th from9am-4pm.We’llhavelivemusic,foodavailableforpurchase, andotherfunthingstomakethis eventfunforeveryone!Information:SarahWilliamsatwbccoffice@ rochester.rr.com.-
HealthyBrain,HealthyBack Workshop - BasedontheFeldenkraismethod,whichusesgentle movementanddirectedattention tohelppeoplelearnnewandmore effectivewaysoflivingthelifethey want.feldenkrais.com.Attendone ofthreetimes:InPerson:1p.m.-3 p.m.,Saturday,July15,choirroom, WestBloomfieldCongregational ChurchUCC,9035NY-5,West Bloomfield.Online:7p.m.-9p.m., Thursday,July13.Online:7p.m.9p.m.,Tuesday,July18.Presenter: LisaHochgraf,Feldenkraispractitionerintraining.Free!Optional donationof$5-$40toWest BloomfieldCongregationalChurch, wbccucc.org/online-giving. Questions/RSVP/getthelink:email lisa@topnotchtext.comortext 585-200-2198.
Think of small business sponsorships when putting together school- or clubbased fundraisers.
WestBloomfieldHistoricalSociety 31stCommunityYardSale Saturday,July8(9amto4pm), andSunday,July9(9amto1pm) attheSociety,8966Rt.5&20. Hundredsofbargainsoutfrontand moreinside,includingspecial items,jewelry,books,andantiques. Additionalvendorsonthelawn, historicalexhibits,breakfastand lunchavailable.Forfulldetailsvisit websitewbhsny.orgorFacebook WestBloomfieldHistoricalSociety, NewYork.
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today!
www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
Leave the car at home. Americans and Canadians consume more gasoline per capita than any people in the world. According to data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration and the United Nations, Americans consume 4.39 liters of gasoline per capita each day, while Canadians consume 3.62 liters per capita each day. In lieu of driving everywhere this summer, men and women who want to be more mindful of the environment can leave their cars home more frequently. Rather than driving the family to a nearby ice cream stand, walk or bike there instead. Run as many errands on foot or on a bicycle as possible. Walking or cycling is a great way to get some time outdoors on warm summer days, and reducing fuel consumption is an equally great way to help the planet.
Allens Hill Free Library
3818 County Road 40, Bloomfield 585-229-5636
Tues. 6-8pm; Wed. 3-6:30pm; Fri. 2:30-8pm; Sat. 1-4pm
Bloomfield Public Library
9 Church Street, Bloomfield 585-657-6264
Mon.-Thu. 10am-8pm Fri. 10am-6pm; Sat. 10am-2pm
Mendon Library
22 N. Main St., Honeoye Falls (585) 624-6067 mendonlibrary.org
Mon.-Thurs.: 9am-8pm; Fri./Sat.: 9am-3pm; Closed Sunday
Victor Farmington Library
15 West Main St., Victor 585-924-2637
Mon.-Thurs. 9am-8pm; Fri. 9am-6pm; Sat. 10am-4pm; Sun. 12-4pm
All TogetherforFamilyStoryTime: Mondays,June26-July31|10:30AM |forfamilies|noregistrationrequired
AllTogetherforCraftyFun:Mondays, June26-July31|3:30PM|forkids| registrationrequired
AllTogetherforPreschoolStoryTime: Tuesdays,June27-August1|10:30 AM|forpreschoolers|noregistration required
AllTogetherforPreschoolCrafts: Thursdays,June29-August3|11:30 AM|forages2-5|registrationrequired
TweenMakers:Fridays,July6&20| 1PM|forgrades4-8|registration required
HackaPainting:Friday,July7|2PM |forgrades6-12|registrationrequired
Ongoing Programs:
Mondays2-4PM:MahJonggJoin otherMahJonggenthusiasts!
Mondays12:15PM&Thursdays 11:00AM:On-SiteChairYoga* Suggesteddonation$3/class
Mondays6:00PM:PlayHandand FootGameHavesomefun,meet newfriends!
Wednesdays9:15AM:Library WalkersExplorelocaltrails, neighborhoodsandparks.
Wednesdays10AM-1PM:Basic ComputerSkillsforAdults*Oneon-onehelpwithtechnologyquestions.
Wednesdays2:00-4:00PM:Euchre &HandandFootGames
Thursday7/61:00PMBeginning eBaySeries*Thisfourpartseriesis forpeoplewhowouldliketolearn howtosellitemsoneBay.
Friday7/7OntarioCountyChamber ofCommerceOfficeHours9:00AM SpeakwithOntarioCountyChamberofCommercestaff.
Tuesday7/1111:00AMAlzheimer’s SupportGroup
Tuesday7/116:00PMIntroduction toGeocaching*
Wednesday7/1212:30PMDementiaConversations*Driving,Doctor Visits,LegalandFinancialPlanning *Visitwww. victorfarmingtonlibrary.orgfor moreinfoandtoregister.
Ongoing Fridays1:30PM:DropIn Knitting
Mon.7/10,6:00PM:Friendsof BloomfieldPublicLibrarymeeting
Tues.7/11,3:00PM:Crafts& Games
Wed.7/12,10:30AM:Summer FamilyStorytime
Wed.7/12,3:00PM:Herbalism WorkshopatShimmeringLight Farm
Mon.7/17,7:00PM:Boardof Trusteesmeeting
HugeRummageandBakeSaleGood ShepherdLutheran Church,320SouthPearlSt, Canandaigua.Friday,July14,9AM -4PM;Saturday,July15,9AM-2 PM.Theroomsarepackedwith householdandgardenitems, books,toys,furniture,fabric& crafting,plantsanda25cent clothingroom.Saturdayis1/2price allday!Proceedsfromthebake salewillfillChristmasfoodbaskets. Formoreinformationcall 585-394-2760.
UndergroundRailroadHistoric Discussion Panel: PresenterDr. JudithWellman.Comeandfindout whytheUndergroundRailroadwas sosignificantinNewYorkState, whywearenowdiscoveringso muchaboutit,andhowhistoric sitesintheUndergroundRailroad ConsortiumofNewYorkStateare tellingitsremarkablestory.Share theexperienceofordinarypeopleblackandwhite,menandwomen, oldandyoung,richandpoor-who createdtheextraordinaryUndergroundRailroadnetworkthrough NewYorkState.July9th,2-4pm, SonnenbergGardens&Mansion StateHistoricPark,250GibsonSt., Canandaigua.https://www. sonnenberg.org/events/
Reader’sTheater ~ Reader’sTheaterisastyleoftheaterinwhich theactorspresentdramaticreadingsofnarrativematerialwithout costumes,props,sceneryorspecial lighting.Actorsuseonlyscriptsand vocalexpressiontohelptheaudienceunderstandthestory.Three freeperformancesfeaturingoldradioshowcomedies.Friday,July 14th,7pm,WoodlawnChapel,130 NorthPear,Canandaigua.*Thereis limitedseating(75seats)forthis venuesopleasecall585-394-0840 toreserveaseat.Saturday,July 15th,2pm,AntiqueWirelessMuseum,6925StateRoute5, Bloomfield.Sunday,July16th, 2pm,FerrisHills,1FerrisHills,Peg RayburnDrive,Canandaigua. https://www.ocarts.org
VeteranOnly-CharterFishing: July 21at5:45AM.Thismonth we’lljoinHarringtonOutfitterson CanandaiguaLakeforanother charterfishingadventurefollowed bylunch.Limitedseatsavailable, RSVPisrequired,don’twaitseats fillupfast.Pleasecontactmeby phone,text,emailorvisitourwebsitetoreserveaseat.Wewill launchfromthesouthendof CanandaiguaLakeat7201State Route21,Naples,NY14512.(585) 200-9742/rwolter@vocwny.org/ www.livcovets.com.Welookforwardtoenjoyingamorningonthe waterwithyou.
TheArcOntario’s31stAnnual Cruisin’ foraCause willreturnto SonnenbergGardensonAugust 17th,2023!Newthisyear,guests willenjoyatastingtrailthroughthe beautifulSonnenbergGardens, wheretheycantrylocalcraftlibationsfrombreweries,distilleries, andwineriesthroughouttheRochesterandFingerLakesregion. Additionally,guestswillenjoycomplimentarybeverages,thepicturesquegroundsofSonnenberg,the tastesofsummer,featuredliveauctionitems,alivelydanceparty,and manyotherwaystosupportThe ArcOntario’sgrowingmenuof innovativeprogramsandservices forindividualswithintellectualand developmentaldisabilitiesorother challenges.Tickets:www. ontarioarcevents.org/cruisin.Email Events@thearcontario.orgtolearn more!
UndergroundRailroadExhibit: Pathways toFreedomReimaginingtheUnderground Railroad.Aneight-paneltraveling exhibit,availablefromNYSOffice ofParks,RecreationandHistoric Preservationinvitesviewersto reimaginetheUnderground Railroad.Takinganewlookatthe impactofthelandscape,people, myths,andlegalregulationson freedomseekerspassingthrough NewYork.HeldThursday-Monday, 9:30-4:30pmthroughOctober 30thatSonnenbergGardens& MansionStateHistoricPark,250 GibsonSt.,Canandaigua.Cost:IncludedinParkAdmission.https:// www.sonnenberg.org/events/
ArtsattheGarden - Shopforfine artandcraftitemshand-madeby skilledartisans.Includesmusic& accesstogardensandmansion. Food&drinkavailableforpurchase.July22&23,10-5pm,SonnenbergGardens&MansionState HistoricPark,250GibsonSt., Canandaigua.https://www. sonnenberg.org/events/
RocOnforFallenOfficer Anthony Mazurkiewicz -RocOn Harley-DavidsonandPowersports willbesponsoringarideinhonor ofOfficerAnthonyMazurkiewicz. EOWJuly21,2022.Allproceeds donatedtothefallenofficer’sfamily.RidebeginsatRocOnHarleyDavidson(withacontinental breakfast)andendattheVeterans ofForeignWars,300Macedon CenterRoad,Fairport.Music,food andofcoursesupportforourBLUE. Fora$10donation,afterparty wristbandsavailableforthosewho wereunabletoparticipateinthe ride.Cashbarandfoodavailable forpurchase.Pleasedonate-gift baskets,giftcertificates,etc.tobe raffledoff.Pickupavailable.Email bsardone@roconharleydavidson. com
“GolfingForACause”Golf Tournament - Saturday,July22, 2023attheFarviewGolfCourse, Rt.39,Geneseo-AvonRd.,Avon. Registration/Lunchstartsatnoon. Shotgunstart1pm.HoleInOne plusothereventsoncourse.Dinner tofollowwithrafflesandprizes. $125perplayer,$500foursome. CallortextMarkat585-519-1917 formoreinformation. Friendsand FamiliesMuscularDisorders Foundation501(c)3not-for-profit organizationdedicatedtoimprovingthequalityoflifeandindependenceofchildrenandadultsdiagnosedwithneuromuscular disorders/diseasesandover100 otherdiseases.
In a pinch, you can use toothpaste to scrub your faucet in the bathroom.
DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a 68-year-old female who was diagnosed with high blood pressure at 32. I am 5 feet, 5 inches tall and weigh 130 pounds. I’ve been taking 240 mg of verapamil for all of these years. A few years back, my medication started coming in 120-mg dosages, so I started taking one in the morning and one at night. My blood pressure both at home and at the doctor’s office is often higher than I think it should be, averaging 138/88. Recently, I used a 24-hour blood pressure monitor, which showed that more than 50% of my daytime readings were above 140/90, while my nighttime readings averaged 118/82. I am still waiting to hear back from my doctor regarding the results of this test, but I wanted to get your thoughts. Should I be on some other type of medication? Should I alter the timing to get better daytime readings? -- E.T.
ANSWER: In my opinion, these readings are not ideal. Twenty-four-hour, ambulatory blood pressure readings are usually 5 to 10 points lower than office blood pressure readings, so your average daytime readings are correspondingly higher. There is strong evidence that in people at high risk for heart attack (such as those who are already known to have blockages), controlling blood pressure to an average of less than 120 systolic (the first or top number) and less than 70 diastolic (the second or bottom number) reduces risk. It’s not as clear for people who are at a lower risk, such as people who have high blood pressure without any additional risks. In my own practice, however, I will usually try to get my patients close to those optimal numbers, as long as the medication does not cause side effects. In a situation like yours, I would consider additional daytime medicine. More verapamil might be reasonable, but many doctors might use a different medication, such as a diuretic, in the morning to try to get the optimal blood pressure with less risk of side effects. Very often, the choice of blood pressure medication depends on any other medical issues a person may have. Only your doctor knows enough about your medical condition to make a personalized recommendation.
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu.
© 2023 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
(NAPSI) — No matter your stage of life, it’s always a good idea to have a long-range care plan in place.A good way to begin is to talk candidly with your family and friends. By starting the conversation, you can express your views on treatment, relay your care preferences and communicate who will make decisions on your behalf. This process of advance-care planning can help ensure your wishes are carried out and bring peace of mind to those you love.
Build your advance care plan
• Durable financial power of attorney: This document authorizes a person to make legal or financial decisions on your behalf if you are incapacitated.
• Durable healthcare power of attorney: This document authorizes a person to make healthcare decisions on your behalf if you are unable to do so.
• Advance-care directive: This document specifies how you receive care in the event you are unable to make those decisions on your own.
• Long-term care insurance: This is an insurance product that pays for long-term care services in a variety of settings.
Documents and requirements may differ by state. Please consult a legal or financial advisor to ensure use of the correct forms.
Make the Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program (FLTCIP) part of your plan
As you make plans for the future, consider the potential need for long-term care and the effect it could have on you and your family.
Long-term care is the ongoing aid you need if you can no longer perform everyday tasks by yourself due to chronic illness, injury, disability, or the aging process. This type of care is expensive but there’s a way to get help paying for it.
Applying for long-term care insurance coverage under the FLTCIP may be a smart choice for you. The FLTCIP is designed to reimburse for qualified long-term care services and can help lessen or eliminate your reliance on a loved one to provide hands-on care.
The FLTCIP offers you a choice of caregivers. Informal care provided by friends and family members is covered, as long as the caregiver isn’t your spouse or domestic partner and doesn’t live in your home at the time you become eligible for benefits. (Benefits for care provided by family members is limited to 500 days.)
Care provided in an assisted-living facility, an adult daycare, or a nursing home is also covered. If home care is your preference, the stay-at-home benefit includes a range of services that support care in your home, helping you maintain your quality of life in familiar surroundings.
The FLTCIP is sponsored by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, insured by John Hancock Life & Health Insurance Company, and administered by Long Term Care Partners, LLC. To learn more about the comprehensive benefits and features, call 1-800-LTC-FEDS (1-800-582-3337) TTY 1-800-843-3557 or visit LTCFEDS.com.
(NAPSI) — During these challenging times, people are avoiding the supermarket and, instead, stocking up on shelf-stable and frozen foods. Unfortunately, these can often be loaded with preservatives and lack nutrition. Many families also resort to take-out foods that can be high in sodium, hydrogenated fats and refined sugars.
“The best solution is to find healthy, prepared products that can be purchased in bulk at the supermarket, online and delivered to your doorstep,” advises consumer trends expert Merilee Kern.
One of Kern’s personal favorites is Veggies Made Great, which offers easy, familyfriendly and delicious veggie-rich meals and snacks such as muffins, frittatas and veggie cakes. They can fill freezers and keep families healthy—even during stressful times.
Vegetables including carrots, zucchini and kale are the first and primary ingredients in any Veggies Made Great item, and all are free of gluten, soy, peanuts and dairy. Available in the freezer section, each is individually wrapped and can be quickly and easily heated in the oven or microwave. It’s an easy and tasty way to have veggiedriven nutrition on the menu every day.
You can find them at www.TheHealthfoodStore.com and locate retailers at www.VeggiesMadeGreat.com.
Animals verbalize in many different ways to communicate. One thing cat owners may notice is that cats have a tendency to meow as a form of speaking with humans. However, according to the North Shore Animal League America, cats almost never meow at other cats, as meowing is a sound generally reserved for interacting with humans. Cat owners should talk back to their cats often, as cats enjoy hearing their own names and their owners’ voices.
Cocoa is the sweetest girl who just had a litter of 6 beautiful puppies.
Send us a photo and brief write-up of your pet and we’ll feature it. Email to: sales@gvpennysaver.com or mail to: P.O. Box 340, Avon, NY 14414. Pets will be published at discretion of GVPS.
One of the easiest ways to prevent pet overpopulation is to spay and neuter animals. Cats can reproduce at very fast rates. According to the Cat Rescue, Adoption & Foster Team of Central Oregon, two uncontrolled breeding cats can create the following situation if they have two litters a year at a survival rate of 2.8 kittens per litter: 12 cats in the first year, 66 cats in the second year, and 2,201 cats in the third year. Cats reach puberty between 4 and 12 months of age. Female cats reproduce between January and September, and might come back into “heat” every 14 to 21 days until they have bred or daylight decreases considerably. Cats can give birth 60 days after they have bred.
from extreme heat
Change pet’s exercise regimen. Pet owners who make sure their pets get daily exercise should change such routines when temperatures are on the rise. Midday walks or jogs should be switched to evenings or early mornings, when temperatures tend to be at their most moderate. In addition, cut back on the time spent exercising, as pets may have trouble breathing on hot days. When taking your dog for a jog or a run in the summertime, do so on the grass, avoiding asphalt, as hot asphalt can do significant damage to your pet’s paws.
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: Yesterday, we had a pretty big thunderstorm roll through. My 8-year-old cat, Sphinx, is normally never afraid of anything. But for the rst time, he hid underneath the sofa, and even a er the storm passed he stayed underneath the co ee table and wouldn’t come out. Why would he suddenly be afraid when he wasn’t before? --
Claire A., Utica, New YorkDEAR CLAIRE: A sudden change in behavior may warrant a trip to the veterinarian. is can rule out any physical causes for the change in behavior, such as a silent infection or a chronic condition.
Cats may seem aloof and resilient to us, but they are actually creatures of habit -- much more so than dogs, who thrive on applied structure, like walks at the same time each day. Cats develop their own daily routine: when they eat and drink, when they “patrol” the house, where they sleep at di erent times of the day.
Any change in that routine can be very upsetting to them, but most still won’t let you know it. (Some will -- they might turn their back on you, meow incessantly, or even, when deeply aggrieved, leave a special present right where you can nd it.)
Observe Sphinx as much as you can, and think about any changes to the home. Did you recently rearrange furniture or install new ooring? Did a family member leave or did a new person move in?
To reduce his anxiety, spend more time playing with Sphinx. When a storm rolls in, place one of your favorite old shirts next to him wherever he is hiding. Speak to him calmly during the storm. If his anxiety doesn’t improve, or begins to get worse, talk to his veterinarian about temporarily giving him anti-anxiety medication.
Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.
(c) 2023 King Features Synd., Inc.
Inspect property for hidden pockets of water. While bird baths, pet bowls and kiddie pools are easy to find, homeowners may be unknowingly hosting mosquito breeding grounds elsewhere on their properties. For example,tarpsusedtocoverpools,automobilesorgrillsthatarenottightly secured can fold up, creating pockets where rain water can collect and give mosquitoes somewhere to breed. Mosquitoes also may use gutters to breed, so homeowners should routinely inspect and clean their gutters during spring and summer.
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· 1-star: This is a bare essentials hotel that offers just the basics with no extra bells and whistles.
· 2-star: A two-star hotel is usually reasonably priced and has minimal services and amenities and a neutral decor.
· 3-star: This hotel is meant to offer an above-average stay as far as options and amenities. Modern conveniences can be expected at three-star properties.
· 4-and 5-star: These hotels offer deluxe service and guests can expect luxury amenities and a wide range of offerings at these properties. However, they also can expect to pay more for accommodations.
• Community Reading Partnership: Community Reading Partnership (CRP) promotes family literacy in the greater Canandaigua area by donating new and gently-used books. Volunteers are needed to process books stored at the Canandaigua Primary School for Little Red Bookshelves and to assist with outreach programs. Volunteers contact by email: communityreadingpart.org
• Patrick Place - A Comfort Care Home: Resident Care, Fundraising, Community Outreach. Email cchpatrickplace@gmail.com
• Webster Comfort Care Home: Our volunteers o er compassionate care to our 2 residents who are approaching the end of their lives, we o er run the clock care. Volunteers are responsible for all aspects of resident care. Email volunteercoord@webstercomfortcare.org
• Advent House: We are a 2 bed comfort care home for the dying. Seeking volunteers to provide hands on care. Contact us for more information. 585-223-6112 or email volunteer@theadventhouse.org
• UR Medicine Home Care: Meals On Wheels needs volunteers to deliver meals in Monroe County. We deliver Monday- Friday between the hours of 10:20 am and 1:30 pm depending on where you deliver. Call 585-274-4385 for more information or visit our website at www. homecare.urmc.edu
• Honeoye Falls - Town of Mendon Historical Society: e Honeoye Falls - Town of Mendon Historical Society is in need of docents to volunteer at our Museum for its standard Sunday a ernoon hours (2-4pm). Email president@hfmhistorical.org or call 585-281-0014
• Herschell Carrousel Factory Museum: Available roles for volunteers include ride operator, special events, maintenance, and docent. Email info@carrouselmuseum.org
• Webster Community Chest, LLC: Serving 14580 area residents in need of help. Volunteers needed for monthly food distribution other fundraisers and food drives. Seeking new Board members also. See our website for details. Email webcommchest@gmail.com
• Hospeace House Inc: Looking for something meaningful in your life? We are a 2-bed comfort care home for those facing end-of-life. In addition to resident care volunteers, we are seeking volunteers to assist with social media, newsletters, events and fundraising. Visit us- www. HospeaceHouse.org Email volunteercoordinator@hospeacehouse.org or call 585-374-2090
• House of John: e House of John is a 2-bedroom Comfort Care Home located in Cli on Springs. We provide end-of-life care to those unable to be cared for at home at no cost to the resident. We are looking for caring, reliable people willing to share 4-8 hrs. a month to assist with resident care. No caregiving experience required. All training is provided free of charge. If interested, please call or email the House at 315-462-5646 or house@houseo ohn.org
• Perinton Ambulance: Seeking volunteers for general o ce/administrative work as well as building & grounds. Hours and tasks vary based on ability and availability. Email volunteer@pvac.org
• Catholic Charities of Bu alo: e Home Visitation Program needs Friendly Home Visitors, age 21+ to volunteer one hour each week through in person visits or calls to a 60+ older adult in Genesee County who is living independently and has expressed feelings of loneliness. Call Lisa Wittmeyer at 716-341-6751 to learn more about volunteering with us.
• Light Hill, of Canandaigua Comfort Care Home Inc.: A two-bed end of life care home. We are always seeking volunteers for hands-on care, home & garden maintenance, light housekeeping and/or fundraising support! Contact us today or ll out an application on our website at lighthillhome. org. We would be so honored to add YOU to our extended family! Email us at mk@lighthillhome.org or call 585-393-1311.
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org
Which of the following leisure activities do you enjoy the most
(Choose one)
• Reading books or novels
• Watching movies or TV shows
• Playing video games
• Engaging in outdoor activities such as hiking or gardening
Poll ends 07-03-2023
Poll ended 06-27-2023
What’s the best pizza topping?
46.2% Pepperoni
26.9% Sausage
7.7% Ham and pineapple
11.5% Mushrooms
3.8% Olives
3.8% Onions
We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit www.gvpennysaver.com!
KING-SIZED BED FRAME, metal, on wheels. Good condition. Also good for scrap. Call/text 585-447-1713
Two PLAYER PIANOS and a LOWREY HOME THEATER ORGAN: 585-323-1762 or 585-671-1996 (leave message)
WOOL for a braided rug: 585-424-5993
AIR CONDITIONER - 6,000 BTU with a remote. Works well: 585-831-7986
MAPLE BEDROOM, double, head and foot board, two dressers. Excellent condition. Pick up - Gates. Call or text: 585-354-2398
ORIENTAL CARPET, 8’ x 10’. High quality. Excellent condition. Pick up - Canandaigua. 585-394-9274
MAGAZINES - National Geographic 1955-2023. National Wildlife 1975-2023. Birders World/Birding 1990-2023. History (WWII) books: gagekm@twc.com
18 issues of NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINES: steelsanta@aol.com
ZUMSTEEL. Volume pedal-needs new pot: steelsanta@aol.com
TREADMILL. In good working condition. You are responsible for transport: 585-424-6695
KOHLER & CAMPBELL UPRIGHT PIANO. Excellent condition, send email to receive photo and video: harrytreis@gmail.com
STRAW, small bales, 7-8 pc. Good condition. Used as bow / arrow backstop. Text only, South Lima, Livingston Co.: 585-738-6232
New & in-box CABLE MODEM, Motorola 16x4 with AC1900 WIFI router: petert100@gmail.com
DAYLILIES, many colors, you dig. Rush-HF area: 585-533-9203
RAINBOW VACUUM CLEANER PARTS - two powerheads with hoses and carpet shampooer. ELLIPTICAL and STATIONARY BIKE: 585-671-0703 leave message
Two used ANDERSEN CASEMENT WINDOWS. Rough opening about 4’ x 6” by 4’ x 2”. Good for outbuilding or cabin: dafreeland@live.com
HP Deskjet 1050 J410 series PRINTER, INSTRUCTIONS, and CORDS. Excellent condition. Pick up Canandaigua: 585-430-0579
Two BIKES - 1 women’s and 1 men’s. FLAT SCREEN SMART TV. Works: Glkpnichols@gmail.com
More than 130 VHS TAPES in good condition. Livonia: 585-703-1322
Wall mount 22 in. white BATHROOM SINK with 2-HOLE CHROME FAUCET: 585-447-4209
WOODEN PALLETS! Perfect for firewood or craft/DIY use! EMPTY CHEMICAL BARRELS, 30 gal and 55 gal.: 585-219-4431
DOG STAIRS or RAMP for a small pregnant dog: 585-671-0703 leave message
CHILD SIZE SET OF LEFT-HANDED GOLF CLUBS, not a toy set, real clubs: 585-624-5951
COOKBOOKS and CORNINGWARE. Old or new. Will be used and treasured! 585-729-1259
SCRAPS OF COTTON for a quilt: 585-424-5993
WATER TABLE for children to play in: 585-288-2661
ROCK 8 TRACK TAPES, CASSETTES, and RECORDS from ‘70s/’80s/’90s for own personal collection: gzintel@yahoo.com
8-OUNCE JELLY JARS: llibby@rochester.rr.com
Looking for 5-10 LB. WEIGHTS stan1k1@yahoo.com
VINTAGE ARCHERY RECURVE BOWS/ARROWS/ACCESSORIES for Scout Archery Merit Badge. 501C compliant. Text 585-794-0448 or email mintshape@netacc.net
KAYAK. 6 ft or longer. If you no longer want or use your kayak please email: mmshining42@gmail.com
GARDEN BROADFORK, for preparing soil: 585-208-4475
REFRIGERATOR in good running condition for a disabled senior citizen: 585-773-0391
Used oak finished KITCHEN TABLE w/LEAF and four CHAIRS. Text only: 585-813-4270
BANANA BOXES. All in good shape: 315-548-3872
Daughter with Down Syndrome is looking for DVDs of any “WHO’S THE BOSS” EPISODES: 585-944-4855
Any kind of WAGON: 585-944-4855
WIGS – light colored, any style. Desperately needed: 315-462-2693
Built/Unbuilt MODELS or SLOT CARS. Automotive, Aviation, Military, Watercraft, Monsters, Sci-Fi, etc. Parts and pieces ok. Longtime collector needs projects: 585-314-6989
BACKRACK for full size pickup. Please text with pictures: 585-447-0201
COWPOTS needed for seed starting. Biodegradable pots must be clean, not used. Large size best. Any type: 585-752-1562
MUSIC ALBUMS and 45s from the ‘60s-’80s. Call 585-402-8870
Pair of ROWBOAT OARS in good condition: 585-703-5221
OLDER COMPUTERS and COMPUTER COMPONENTS - Apple, Commodore, Tandy. Working or not: brianpheick@gmail.com
Looking for an ATV or DIRT BIKE that is running or not for father son project. Call/Text Matt: 315-576-1278
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received.
Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com
under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
If you have travel plans for the summer, ensure your safety and comfort. Consult with your doctor before embarking on any trips to address any health concerns or necessary medications. Plan your itinerary carefully, considering your mobility and accessibility requirements. Pack essential items such as medications, a rst aid kit, and copies of important documents. If ying, request any necessary accommodations from the airline. Take breaks during long drives to stretch and stay hydrated. By taking precautions and preparing ahead, you can make the most of your summer travels.
Stretch. Bodies that have been inactive for lengthy periods of time are inflexible, and lack of flexibility increases your risk for injury. The AAOS recommends that seniors warm up their bodies before stretching with five to 10 minutes of low-intensity activity such as walking. Then stretch gently, remembering to relax and breathe during each stretch.
AUTUMN GROVE would like to Welcome you Home
~ We are an income based, 62+ years old, pet friendly facility. ~ Amenities of our pet friendly studio apartments include: service coordinator, in house community room, delivery services, and much more.
Immediate Openings Available.
Contact Kelly at 585-924-8740 to schedule a tour.
The flower most commonly associated with funeral services in the popular mind is the lily. Lilies are often interpreted as a symbol of the innocence that has been restored to the soul of the departed. A white stargazer lily symbolizes sympathy and any type of white lily expresses majesty and purity.
Full range of cemetery memorials & services. Many granite stones, colors, shapes & engraving options on display. Friendly, caring & here to help!
Proprietors: David & Kathy Cooper (585) 261-0012 5650 County Rd. #41, Farmington, NY 14425 Tues.-Sat. 10-5 or by appointment.
There is nothing more certain than death and nothing more uncertain than the time of one’s death. Yet, man goes on in life without making any preparation for death, and without making any preparation NOW! The Bible says in Amos 4:12, “ ... prepare to meet thy God.” Have you made the necessary preparations? You say, ‘What are the necessary preparations?” They are found in Acts 20:21 where the Word of God says we must have “repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.” Have you repented of your sin and believed on the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour? My friend, “What are you waiting for?” The Bible says, “ ... behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” (II Corinthians 6:2) Proverbs 27:1 says, “Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.” Matters for eternity are settled in time! While you have the time, settle your eternal destiny before it is eternally too late. Acts 16:31 saved.” says, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.”
130 Hook Rd., Farmington 315-986-2293
Opposite Pumpkin Hook Fire Hall Ray Drake - Pastor kjvray@rochester.rr.com • www.countrybiblebaptist.com
Sunday School 10:00am • Morning Service 11:00am Evening Service and Prayer 6:00pm
Thank You!
A big Thank you to Jeff From Twisters of Livonia for donating Ice Cream tokens to the 2023 Livingston County Baseball/Softball Camp. The kids loved it!
Whose decision was it to close a downtown major bank’s ATM? This has been an ideal location for all bank customers, downtown shoppers, travelers, and especially for walkers - not everyone drives a car. Really, how much time and how much employee expense is there to maintain this convenient service? This bank also made a big mistake by closing their drive thru. It would have been an asset to provide a drive-thru service during the Covid outbreak. I will sincerely consider another bank’s services located downtown.
A Roller’s Rant To All The Walkers Out There
I had an accident a couple years back and I’m now paralyzed from the waist down. I have a modified truck and it requires me to park in a van accessible parking spot or a handicap spot with cross-hatched stripes. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to wait for someone to come out and move their vehicle. Why should I wait when it’s illegal to park there? You can walk, I can’t. Use your legs! Also [local business] repaved their parking lot, and the only van accessible parking spot is for the employee of the month! What’s up with that? So I made my own parking spot right in front where all the cross-hatched lines are. I’ve spoken with the head of security as well as the Vice President and they assured me they’d take care of it. That was over 4 months ago!
For this column, I seek out stories of everyday people doing incredible things to help out their fellow humans. Goodness knows, life can be tough sometimes, so it’s one of my treasured privileges to be able to share these stories. I kept seeing posts on the Victor and Farmington Neighbors page by Canandaigua resident, Paula Hicks – Sowersby, who coordinates a Pay It Forward pantry outside her home, helps out other blessings boxes around the area,andhelpspeople ndassistance or information on anything from food and rent assistance to repairing a vehicle for reliable transportation. I simply had to reach out to nd out more, and thankfully, Paula agreed to share her story:
“About 10 years ago, a medical condition I have that causes joints to dislocate and internal organs to dissect caused me to have a rare heart attack called a spontaneous coronary artery dissection. About 18 months later, I had a second. Doctors said most do not survive one of these dissections, let alone two.
I had always lived a pay it forward lifestyle, but I found myself looking for ways to make an impact in people’s lives in any good way while I still had time le . Maybe it was an attempt to heal my own heart.
I started on a Facebook group called Canandaigua Selling/Buying doing little Pay-It-Forwards (PIFs), giving away $20 a few times a month. is slowly grew into huge things like $200 grocery giveaways because I had donors who wanted to help.
When I heard of Noah’s Blessings Box, which the Marinelli’s started in Canandaigua a er the tragic loss of their son in a car accident, that inspired me to start my own blessing box, the Pay It Forward pantry. It’s just a large blessing box in front of my home.
I also started a small bank account, in which I put 1/3 of my monthly social security in to help people with emergencies when possible. is grew bigger and bigger, and more and more people ask for help, so when emergency requests come but my PIF account is empty, I reach out to the community for help.” (Hence my nding her FB posts).
We have raised thousands of dollars to help people in need of a hand up in a world where people struggle to eat and pay bills. I’ve paid for lifesaving medications for cancer patients, we’ve lled people’s propane tanks, kept lights on, xed cars; you name it, we’ve probably done it. Everyone knows when I say Mornin’ PIF’ers... Paula is about to ask for help. I make the calls and the community answers them every single time. I’m on my phone from 6 am to 11 pm and I o en get messaged during the night. But most people just need to be pointed in the right
direction; that’s why I made the pinned post on my page. And many just need an ear, and I’m always willing to be that ear. Any time, day or night.
In my ten years doing this, we’ve helped hundreds of families. is past Christmas, my program found sponsors for 96 families needing help. I don’t get a lot of tra c at my box, so I mostly support other blessing boxes in the area. True blessing boxes run on donations from the community. Mine’s a bit di erent in that it’s 90% self-funded. But I always love and appreciate donations when they come. Without the community’s support, we would never accomplish half of what we’ve done. I have a pinned post on my Facebook page with lots of info for people needing a variety of information to nd help. It also includes the pantry’s Amazon wishlist and cashtags for anyone wanting to help. If you are able, help out Paula’s pantry or another blessing box in your area, or maybe nd your own way to pay forward the blessings in your life. We all need a little help sometimes. Why not help when we
Paula also shares one of MANY stories that have impacted her life:
About a year ago, a woman named Jill Nunes Madden messaged me to say she had received the all clear from breast cancer but felt awful and asked if I could nd someone to come clean for her but keep it private so people didn’t know how hard she had it. I found her help and I checked in from time to time. She felt worse and kept passing out, and her family and I encouraged her to see the doctor, where she was diagnosed with brain cancer. A few weeks later she moved into Hospeace House. I came to keep her company, and we laughed, we cried, and I knew immediately I had a friend I never knew I was missing. I stayed with her about once a week. She was there several months, a lot longer than doctors expected. Jill lost her battle in March. She was an absolute human angel. I miss her but I’m just so blessed to have been in her life even that short amount of time. I talk about how this PIF mission has helped others. [Meeting such incredible people as Jill] is one way [the PIF mission] has helped me.
Vacations don’t have to be taxing. Cut down on some of the stressful aspects of traveling by simplifying and delegating tasks.
Quali cations:
• Two years of experience in nursing education required
• Valid NYS driver’s license required
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• Must have Bachelor’s degree or in process of completing
• Master’s degree preferred
• Batavia and Rochester
• Based on experience
Starting date:
ese positions will be open until lled. Applications will be reviewed when received. To apply, submit a letter of interest referencing Vacancy 23-167 along with a resume and proof of certi cation to hr@gvboces.org or mail to:
Human Resources, Genesee Valley BOCES 80 Munson Street, LeRoy, NY 14482
Experience a plus. Valid driver’s license a must. 401K, health care package. Competitive pay based on experience.
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Special Education & Student Support Vacancies
High School Special Class 12:1:1 Teacher 1.0 FTE
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For more information and to apply, visit the online application site available through the employment tab at erschools.org
East Rochester Schools is an equal opportunity employer.
Hours and pay vary by position. NYS Pension and bene t eligible positions available. To apply, visit: www.work4h .org
Many retirees still work even after calling it a career, and opportunities abound for men and women looking to fill their time and make a little extra money along the way.
Our long-time Circulation Manager is retiring at the end of the year. We’re looking to fill this in-house position now to facilitate a positive, on the job, training period. Primary responsibilities include managing the print and digital distribution of our award-winning GVPS and other publications across Western New York.
Prior experience is not required but helpful skillsets include: knowledge of the United States Post Office, experience with direct mail, managing a small fleet of carriers, and digital media. Must be organized and dedicated to the long-term success of the company. The candidate should also have a customer service mindset when dealing with readers and advertisers.
Full-time • Generous benefits package
Email cover letter and resume to Manuel Karam, General Manager: manuelk@featuredmedia.com
The Genesee Valley Penny Saver is ranked the number one publication in New York by the Circulation Verification Council. With one of the largest footprints in the state, we bring businesses and readers together in Genesee, Livingston, Monroe and Ontario counties. At the heart of our organization are people who care about their customers and foster relationships that last a lifetime. Our mission is to create innovative marketing solutions to enhance and support businesses through advertising, design, digital, printing and promotional products.
Squeeze in a midday workout. Numerous studies have shown the many benefits to daily exercise, but professionals may not know that exercise can help improve their productivity at the office. A 2005 study from researchers at the then-named Leeds Metropolitan University in England asked 200 workers to answer questions regarding their productivity on days when they exercised at lunchtime and days when they did not exercise. Sixty percent said their job performance, including their ability to meet deadlines and manage their time, improved by a considerable amount on the days when they exercised.
Custom build and renovate existing manufacturing equipment and machinery as well as general factory maintenance.
Background in electronics, electrical, pneumatics, hydraulics and machinery. Must have mechanical background experience in reading schematics, blueprints, measuring equipment and tools, understanding uid controls, systems setup, design and analysis. Fabricating, welding and HVAC important. Must have experience with all types of hand and power tools. Constant observation of safety and re procedures at all times while working. Some strenuous work involved. Must be a team player and a self starter and be able to work independently and multi-task. Have the ability to problem solve, good communication skills and present professionalism at all times. Must be willing to work outside normal hours when needed to complete assignments and have a minimum of 5 years of machinery design building and maintenance experience. Excellent attendance is a must. Must have a clean and valid NYS driver’s license. Excellent bene ts a er 90 days.
We o er excellent starting wage at $33/hr. and bene ts. Give us a call at 315-331-1212 ext. 226 and ask for Heather, or stop in at 121 West Shore Blvd, Newark, NY 14513
Providing energy saving improvements to lower energy bills & improve a home’s comfort in Monroe County
Knowledge of the home performance industry or experience in home energy eld preferred. Entry level opportunities also available. To apply go to: https://bit.ly/450Hq0B
Also accepting applications for: Crew Leader and/or Crew Positions
General labor skills with carpentry, insulation and minor home repair experience preferred.
Send Resume to: cbrandau@pathstone.org
No Phone Calls Please
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