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Hometown Events
Bloomfi eld Public Library
9 Church Street, Bloomfi eld 585-657-6264 Mon. 2-8, Tues. 10-8, Wed. 2-8, Thurs. 10-8, Fri. 2-7, Sat. 10-2 Mendon Library
22 N. Main St., Honeoye Falls (585) 624-6067 mendonlibrary.org M.-Th.: 10am-7:00pm Fri./Sat. 10am-3pm; Closed on Saturdays in the summer Victor Farmington Library
15 West Main St., Victor 585-924-2637 victorfarmingtonlibrary.org Hours: Mon.–Thurs. 9AM–8PM; Fri. 9AM–6PM Sat. 10AM–4PM; Sun. 12PM–4PM Red Jacket Com. Library
7 Lehigh Ave., Shortsville, NY Mon.-Thurs. 4pm-9pm., Fri. 4pm-7pm, Sat. 10am–2pm. Call 289-3559 or email us to order materials or schedule an appt. for services. Here’s what’s happening at your local library…
Bloomfield Public Library: The Library will be closed 7/5 in observation of Independence Day. The 2021 Summer Reading Challenge is open to all ages! Contact the library for more information and registration! Register for in-person events, including the 7/8/21 Pet Tales Parade! (bring a stuffed animal), online at: https://owwl.libcal.com/calendar/ bloomfieldpubliclibrary; space is limited. Grab ‘n’ Go kits are available while supplies last, for Children, Teens, & Adults! All patrons are encouraged to wear masks while visiting the libraryfully vaccinated patrons do not need to wear a mask. Use hand sanitizer in the lobby before entering. Contact-less Lobby Pick Up Service is available; contact library for details. Get involvedsupport your Library: The Friends of the Library next meet 7/12 at 7pm; all are welcome! Calling local artists: Interested in displaying your collection in the library lobby? Contact Margo Prak at the library for details! Check out our website: https:// bloomfieldpubliclibrary.org/ and follow us on Facebook!
Embrace Your Sisters (EYS) Tea At Two Fashion Show Fundraiser is being held this year with a new virtual twist! Enjoy an inspirational virtual event featuring fashion and fun starting on Sunday, July 11th at 2:00 pm. The event link will be accessible through July 16th at 5 : 0 0 p m . h t t p s : / / w w w . embraceyoursisters.org/ h t t p s : / / w w w . f a c e b o o k . c o m / embraceyoursisters/ h t t p s : / / w w w . i n s t a g r a m . c o m / embraceyoursisters/ https://twitter.com/EmbraceYourSis
LIVE Summer Programming Finger Lakes Opera - Join us for Summer Scenes on July 21, 2021 @ 7 PM at Lincoln Hill Farms. Tickets limited and available @ fingerlakesopera.org and Three Little Pigs on July 25, 2021 @ 4 PM at M a x i o n S t a g e ( d o w n t o w n Canandaigua). Tickets free, but l i m i t e d w i t h r e g i s t r a t i o n @ fingerlakesopera.org
Experience Two Centuries of Communication Technology
We are back to NORMAL HOURS starting JULY 10th! Hours will be Tuesdays 10am-3pm and Saturdays 1pm-5pm
6925 State Route 5, Bloomfield, New York 14469 585-257-5119 • www.antiquewireless.org
BBQ Chicken - Saturday, July 3, 11am till gone. Cost: $10. Chapin Methodist Church, 2339 State Rt. 21 (3 miles north of Canandaigua). Includes 1/2 chicken, salt potatoes, baked beans and a roll. Take outs only. FARMINGTON
American Red Cross Blood Drive: Wednesday, July 7, 2 p.m. to 7 p.m., Farmington United Methodist Church, 5925 County Rd. 41, Farmington. Participants must be ages 17 or older; 16 with parental consent and bring ID. For information: redcross.org. HONEOYE
Honeoye UCC Monthly Spaghetti Supper - Wednesday, July 7th 5-7pm. Cost: $8. Take-outs available. Honeoye United Church of Christ, 8758 Main Street, Honeoye. http://honeoyeucc.org HONEOYE FALLS
Blood Drive - Held at the Honeoye F a l l s - M e n d o n V o l u n t e e r A m bulance, 210 East Street, Honeoye Falls on Wednesday, July 7, 2021 from 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm. For Appointment Call: 1-800-RED CROSS. Visit: RedCrossBlood.org. W a l k - i n D o n o r s W e l c o m e . American Red Cross.
Being a child at home alone in the summer is a high-risk occupation. If you call your mother at work thirteen times an hour, she can hurt you. ~Erma Bombeck
Annual Raspberry Social, Thurs., July 15, 4:30 until 6:30 pm, DriveThru only at Ionia United Methodist Church, 2120 Elton Rd. Three dinner options: hamburger meal or Zweigles red or white hot dog meal (includes salt potatoes, mac salad, & baked beans) Also desserts: raspberries, ice cream & pie! LIMA
Lima High School Alumni 2021 Dinner Canceled, mark your calendars for July 9th, 2022. We’ll see you then. Stay safe and well.
Saint’s Place Annual Super Sale 2021! New - First Chance Sale, Wednesday, July 7th, 1-8PM Admission $10 per person. Free Entry Starting - Thursday, July 8, 10AM-7PM; Friday, July 9th, 9AM6PM - 50% off and Saturday, July 10th, 9AM-12Noon - BAG SALE. 1 bag $10, 2 bags $15, additional bag $5. Credit cards accepted on purchased over $35. We will follow all current CDC guidelines. Location: 64 South Main St., Pittsford, 585-385-6860.
American Red Cross Blood Drive: Thursday, July 8, 12 p.m. to 5 p.m., Victor Town Hall, 85 Main St., Victor. Participants must be ages 17 or older; 16 with parental consent and bring ID. For information: redcross.org.
For the deals, behind-the-scenes, sneak peaks, hometown stories and more! G V P E N N Y S A V E R
West Bloomfield Historical Society Yard Sale Donation Days and Welcome Back hours: Tuesday, July 6 (1 to 8 PM); Saturday, July 10 (9 AM to Noon); Tuesday, July 13 ( 1 - 8 PM). Donate usable items and stop by for a visit at the Society, 8966 Rt. 5 & 20, West Bloomfield. Please no clothing, baby car seats, TVs, computers, or large fiberboard furniture. Or rent lawn space to sell your own items during our 29th sale, coming up Saturday, July 17 and Sunday, July 18. More informat i o n a t w b h s n y . o r g o r 585-657-7060. St. Mark Annual Rummage Sale - The Annual Rummage Sale hosted by St. Mark Lutheran Church of West Henrietta to benefit our NONProfit Christian Preschool and other charitable causes. Held Saturday, July 10th from 9 am to 3 pm, St. Mark Lutheran Church, 779 Erie Station Road West Henrietta Road. Proceeds of this sale will help to purchase new tricycles and riding toys to encourage large motor play (exercise) an important part of healthy development. https://www. f a c e b o o k . c o m / e v e n t s / 1000730130697860
STRANGE BUT TRUE By Lucie Winborne * That little white paper strip coming out of the top of Hershey’s Kisses is called a plume and was originally introduced by the company to distinguish the product from phony knock-off candies.
Events should occur on a specifi c date at a specifi c time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items: • Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program • Organizations seeking crafters or vendor • Organizations seeking donations of items Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date R E G I S T E R A N D S U B M I T Y O U R E V E N T O N L I N E AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
MOMENTS IN TIME The History Channel * On July 2, 1776, the Second Continental Congress, assembled in Philadelphia, formally adopts Richard Henry Lee’s resolution for independence from Great Britain. The vote was unanimous, with only New York abstaining.
By Sam Mazzotta Cats Shouldn’t Get a Free Pass
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: Could you explain why cats can poop in my garden and the owners are not responsible for them? Cats kill birds and chipmunks, and they dig in my garden. Children’s sandboxes get fouled by cats. Cat poop is really unpleasant and can spread diseases. It seems unfair that cat owners should get all the enjoyment out of them, but not have to be responsible for their messes. Why do cat owners get a free pass? What can be done to keep the cats from killing birds and leaving messes in my yard? -- Pat in Spokane
DEAR PAT: You’re absolutely right. Cats can wreak havoc on the local environment as they don’t limit their hunting to mice: A 2013 study estimated that cats kill billions of songbirds per year in the U.S. alone (www.smithsonianmag.com and search for “The Moral Cost of Cats”). Yet owners who allow their cats outdoors often don’t think that their sweet, adorable Fluffy could be a neighborhood menace. That’s one reason I constantly ask owners to keep their cats indoors. It’s also for the cats’ personal safety; they’re at risk of being attacked by bigger wildlife or other cats. Right now, there are two things you can do. First, deter cats from coming onto your property. Scatter a mixture of used coffee grounds, lemon peels and vinegar around the perimeter of the yard (pans of vinegar also work). Cover exposed ground in garden beds with river rock to discourage digging. Second, raise awareness in the community. Spread the word about the damage cats do, and what owners can do to prevent it. Do this by talking with your neighbors and speaking at town or HOA meetings. Get the word out so the entire community can address the problem.
Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.