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Puzzle Answers This Week
LIMA:7901College St., Cross RoadsFestivalw/eFriday8/4 (10am-6pm),Saturday8/5(9am5pm),Sunday8/6(10am-3pm). Downsizingsale,40+yearsinthe making.Antiqueandregular furniture,lamps,ovalpatiotable +6chairs,toys(someCrayola/ Playschoolitems),golfclubs, housewares,manyXmasitems, Ariens8hpelectricstartsnowblower,shelving,books,rugs, muchmore.Cashonly.
PALMYRA: 581 Stafford Road.August5-6(8:303:30pm).Widmer’sgrape boxes,PAdynamiteboxes, tools,sausagemaker(1850s), oldfloorregisters,bottles,etc.
HONEOYEFALLS: 157 OntarioSt. Friday,8/4&Saturday,8/5(8am4pm)BARNSALE,Cottagefurniture, shabbychic,uniqueclothing,gardeningitems,gunsafe/tools,vintage finds.
HONEOYEFALLS:9Hurlingham Dr. July28-29Movingsale. Everythingmustgo.Bedroom furniture,6-personsaltwaterhot tub,chinacabinet,metalartwork, kitchenitems,weddingdress,too muchtolist.Fri./Sat.July28-29 from9am-3pm.9Hurlingham Drive,HoneoyeFalls.
VICTOR: 6365 RobertsDr.(Gypsum millsEstates)August3rd&4th(8am4pm) ESTATESALE. Furnishings, householdgoodsandcollectibles.
EXIT9FLEAMARKET off 390in Avon,OpeneverySundayrainor shine,8am-3pmthruOct.Vendor spaceavailablecontactClaude 585-734-3789
AVON:9Ashmoor Drive (Twin CedarsofAvon).August4&5 (8-5pm).*OURANNUALMULTIFAMILYYARDSALE*Rainor Shine,underthebigtents!Don’t knowwhatwe’llhave...butthere willbeLOTSofit!!
South America. When seeking warmer climates and sandy beaches, many travelers immediately think of the Caribbean islands. But for the budget-conscious, countries like El Salvador, Nicaragua, Guatemala, and Costa Rica may be more affordable. These countries are home to rich jungles and ancient ruins as well.
• Lunch Monitors
Hours and pay vary by position. NYS Pension and bene t eligible positions available. To apply, visit: www.work4h .org
What It Takes To Be A Team Player
The ability to communicate, interact and work collectively with others is bothaprofessionalandpersonalasset.Butincertainways,therelianceon technology has made working as a team more complicated. People have grown accustomed to spending large quantities of time alone working at computers or on phones and tablets, potentially compromising their ability to work directly with others when the need arises.
According to Monster.com, when it comes to choosing a candidate for a new job or promotion, employers consistently say they want a team player. That means it’s advantageous for professionals looking to further their careers to brush up on their team-building and social skills.
Quail Summit
is currently accepting applications for Resident Care Assistants
Come join our Wellness team providing physical and social care to our independent residents. We currently have day and evening opportunities available. Quail Summit o ers excellent bene ts, competitive wages, and excellent work environment! Please send resume to:
Liz Slater, Assistant Executive Director lslater@quailsummit.com or apply in person at 5102 Parrish St. Ext.,