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Hometown Events
Bloomfi eld Public Library
9 Church Street, Bloomfi eld 585-657-6264 Mon. 2-8, Tues. 10-8, Wed. 2-8, Thurs. 10-8, Fri. 2-7, Sat. 10-2 Mendon Library
22 N. Main St., Honeoye Falls (585) 624-6067 mendonlibrary.org M.-Th.: 10am-7:00pm Fri./Sat. 10am-3pm; Closed on Saturdays in the summer Victor Farmington Library
15 West Main St., Victor 585-924-2637 victorfarmingtonlibrary.org Hours: Mon.–Thurs. 9AM–8PM; Fri. 9AM–6PM Sat. 10AM–4PM; Sun. 12PM–4PM Red Jacket Com. Library
7 Lehigh Ave., Shortsville, NY Mon.-Thurs. 4pm-9pm., Fri. 4pm-7pm, Sat. 10am–2pm. Call 289-3559 or email us to order materials or schedule an appt. for services. Here’s what’s happening at your local library…
Mendon Public Library: Science Trivia with Grace & Nate, virtual event, for middle and high schoolers, Monday, July 12, 7PM; Tails & Tales Story Time at Harry Allen P a r k , f o r t o d d l e r s a n d p r e s choolers,Tuesday, July 13, 10AM; Zingers About Stingers: Stories About Pollinator Declines - and What YOU Can Do, virtual event, for ALL ages, Tuesday, July 13, 7:00PM; Beginning Birders from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, virtual event, for older kids, teens, and adults, Thursday, July 15, 7:00 PM; Victor Farmington Library On-site programs are back! Join us for our daytime programs! Ongoing Programs: Monday through Friday 10:30AM: Indoor Storytime Registration required. Mondays 2-4PM: Mah Jongg Jon us for these friendly games. (no beginners please). Tuesdays 12:30-2:30PM: ScrabbleCalling all wordsmiths! 2nd and 4th Wednesdays 9:00AM: Explore local trails, neighborhoods and parks by foot. Wear comfortable clothes and footwear, bring your own water. W e d n e s d a y s : 1 - 3 P M : E u c h r e Friendly, wager free games! Thursdays 11AM: ON-SITE and ONLINE Chair Yoga- Stretch, breathe and de-stress with Alison Gilbert, RYT. Join us in person (registration required) or join our Facebook group and tune in every Thursday. https:// w w w . f a c e b o o k . c o m / g r o u p s / VFLChairYoga/ Fridays 1:30PM -Let’s Play Bridge! Anyone who has some knowledge of bridge is welcome to join us for these friendly games!
Bloomfield Public Library: 2021 Summer Reading Challenge: Open to all ages! Contact the library for more information and registration! Register for in-person events, including the 7/16/21 Friday Night PJ Story Time and the 7/22/21 Wild Safari Hunt!, online at: https://owwl.libcal. c o m / c a l e n d a r / bloomfieldpubliclibrary; space is limited. Grab ‘n’ Go kits are available while supplies last, for Children, Teens, & Adults! All patrons are encouraged to wear masks while visiting the libraryfully vaccinated patrons need not wear masks. Use hand sanitizer in lobby before entering. Contact-less Lobby Pick Up Service is available; contact library for details. Friends of the Library next meet 7/12 at 7pm; all are welcome! Book Club meets 7/12 at 1pm at the library, reading Finlay Donovan is Killing it by Elle Cosimano. The Library’s Board of Trustees’ Annual Meeting will be Monday, 7/26 at 7pm, at the library. Check out our website: https:// bloomfieldpubliclibrary.org/ and follow us on Facebook!
Embrace Your Sisters (EYS) Tea At Two Fashion Show Fundraiser is being held this year with a new virtual twist! Enjoy an inspirational virtual event featuring fashion and fun starting on Sunday, July 11th at 2:00 pm. The event link will be accessible through July 16th at 5 : 0 0 p m . h t t p s : / / w w w . embraceyoursisters.org/ h t t p s : / / w w w . f a c e b o o k . c o m / embraceyoursisters/ h t t p s : / / w w w . i n s t a g r a m . c o m / embraceyoursisters/ https://twitter.com/EmbraceYourSis
REOPENING ON WEDNESDAYS FOR LUNCH Starting July 14th (Noon)&English pub s tyle dinner! Hands of Hope Kitchen
Serving at the St. Bridget’s Parish Hall in Bloom eld. Vaccinations required. www.handso opekitchen.org
LIVE Summer Programming Finger Lakes Opera - Join us for Summer Scenes on July 21, 2021 @ 7 PM at Lincoln Hill Farms. Tickets limited and available @ fingerlakesopera.org and Three Little Pigs on July 25, 2021 @ 4 PM at M a x i o n S t a g e ( d o w n t o w n Canandaigua). Tickets free, but l i m i t e d w i t h r e g i s t r a t i o n @ fingerlakesopera.org Nar-anon Family Group Meeting. Weekly support group for friends and family of addicts. Whether they have found recovery or still struggling with their addiction. Come join us on Wednesdays at Connections Rounded Recovery at 64 West Ave., Canandaigua. Meeting runs from 7-8 PM. Questions call Janet 585-394-5257.
EBHS Annual Chicken Barbecue and Pie Sale - The East Bloomfield Historical Society will be having its Annual Chicken Barbecue and Pie Sale on Sunday, July 11th on the lawn of the Society at 8 South Ave., East Bloomfield. It will start at 11am and last until sold out. Our Bloomfield bakers have been busy making HOMEMADE pies and will have a wide assortment of pies available for purchase. That is the same day as the Antique Car Show in Elton Park across the street. come and make a day of it!!!!!
By Lucie Winborne * The asteroids in “Star Wars” were actually painted potatoes. IONIA
Annual Raspberry Social, Thurs., July 15, 4:30 until 6:30 pm, DriveThru only at Ionia United Methodist Church, 2120 Elton Rd. Three dinner options: hamburger meal or Zweigles red or white hot dog meal (includes salt potatoes, mac salad, & baked beans) Also desserts: raspberries, ice cream & pie! LIMA
Lima High School Alumni 2021 Dinner Canceled, mark your calendars for July 9th, 2022. We’ll see you then. Stay safe and well.
United Church of Phelps Whale of a Sale 2021! It’s back!! The 2021 Whale of a Sale at the United Church of Phelps, 58 Main Street in beautiful Phelps, NY. Come join us and browse the many items we have that may “tickle your fancy”, cause a “fond memory”, or be “just what you need”. We have just about everything. Sale will be held August 26, 27, and 28 from 8AM to 5PM. We ask that you enter through the “Office” door and follow signs and staff directions for safety. We always see many smiling, happy faces so come and be one this year. RUSH
The New York Museum of Transportation, in Rush, will reopen with a new schedule of events and trolley rides. NOTE: In order to abide by COVID-19 regulations, attendance on trolley ride days and special event days is restricted and reservations are required. For the safety of our visitors and staff, masks are required in the museum and on the ride. The full museum COVID-19 Procedure Statement can be found on the museum website. The museum is open Sundays only 11-4pm. 6393 East River Road, West Henrietta. F o r i n f o . a n d c o s t : w w w . nymtmuseum.org, 585-533-1113.. VICTOR
American Red Cross Blood Drive: Thursday, July 8, 12 p.m. to 5 p.m., Victor Town Hall, 85 Main St., Victor. Participants must be ages 17 or older; 16 with parental consent and bring ID. For information: redcross.org. American Red Cross Blood Drive: Wednesday, July 21, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Eastview Mall Center Court, 7979 Pittsford-Victor Rd., Victor. Participants must be ages 17 or older; 16 with parental consent and bring ID. For information: redcross.org. Victor United Methodist Church Chicken Barbecue is being held on Saturday, July 17th from 3:30 until sold out. Drive-thru only. $12/ dinner. Victor United Methodist Church, 106 East Main Street, Victor.
American Red Cross Blood Drive: Monday, July 19, 2 p.m. to 7 p.m., Willowbrook Christian Church, 619 High St., Victor. Participants must be ages 17 or older; 16 with parental consent and bring ID. For information: redcross. org. W. BLOOMFIELD
West Bloomfield Historical Society Yard Sale Donation Days and Welcome Back hours: Saturday, July 10 (9 AM to Noon); Tuesday, July 13 ( 1 - 8 PM). Donate usable items and stop by for a visit at the Society, 8966 Rt. 5 & 20, W e s t B l o o m f i e l d . P l e a s e n o clothing, baby car seats, TVs, computers, or large fiberboard furniture. Or rent lawn space to sell your own items during our 29th sale, coming up Saturday, July 17 and Sunday, July 18. More informat i o n a t w b h s n y . o r g o r 585-657-7060.
In summer, the song sings itself. ~William Carlos Williams
West Bloomfield Historical Society Yard Sale - Saturday, July 17 (9 am - 4 pm) and Sunday, July 18 (9 am to 1 pm) at the Society, 8966 Rt. 5 & 20. Outdoors on the lawn you’ll find bargains galore to benefit the Society and other individual yard sales, along with a food tent for Saturday lunch. Exhibits and more sale items inside. Join us for this 29-year tradition. Information at wbhsny.org. WEST HENRIETTA
St. Mark Annual Rummage Sale - The Annual Rummage Sale hosted by St. Mark Lutheran Church of West Henrietta to benefit our NONProfit Christian Preschool and other charitable causes. Held Saturday, July 10th from 9 am to 3 pm, St. Mark Lutheran Church, 779 Erie Station Road West Henrietta Road. Proceeds of this sale will help to purchase new tricycles and riding toys to encourage large motor play (exercise) an important part of healthy development. https://www. f a c e b o o k . c o m / e v e n t s / 1000730130697860
Events should occur on a specifi c date at a specifi c time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items: • Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program • Organizations seeking crafters or vendor • Organizations seeking donations of items Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date R E G I S T E R A N D S U B M I T Y O U R E V E N T O N L I N E AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
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