4 minute read
Office Assistant Wanted for Insurance Agency
Part-time/Clerical • $15/hr.
Basic Responsibilities:
• Greeting customers in a friendly, helpful manner
• Receiving and processing payments
• Answering phone/taking messages
• Providing excellent customer service
• Knowledge of general o ce terminology, procedures, equipment, and clerical techniques.
• Must have strong communication skills.
Resumes may be dropped o , mailed, or e-mailed to Scott Davis at: J.A. Edwards & Co., Inc.
24 E. Main St. Clifton Springs, NY 14432 (315) 462-6234 edwardsinsurance@aol.com www.edwardsinsurance.org
The Right Way To Update A R Sum
Trim the fat. Less is often more regarding résumés. List all of the pertinent information, then go over the résumé again and again and cut out any irrelevant information to remove clutter. Only include information that is relevant to your career goals.
Leaving A Job Gracefully
Train your replacement and prepare final assignments. Volunteer to train or assist with getting your replacement set up. If you have any outstanding projects or documents, be sure to tie up any loose ends before leaving. Leave behind instructions or a guidebook if you think it will help your replacement perform their duties more effectively.
TipsTo Survive Job Loss
• Examine current finances. Calculate monthly expensesto geta handle on whatyou are spending.Compare those expendituresagainstyour savingsto see ifthe lattercan keep you afloatshould you lose yourjob. Look forareaswhere you may be overspending,even cutting outsome luxuriesifyou suspecta job lossislooming orjustwantto build your savings.
• Begin budgeting for lossof health insurance. Health insurance coverage typically endswhen a person islaid off.Lossofcoverage might notbe immediate,butitmay occurwithin monthsofa layoff.Health insurance isa considerable cost,and you willneed to budgetforthe expense so thatyou willhave accessto the health servicesyou need.
• Research optionsin government benefits. Few people like the prospect ofvisiting the unemploymentoffice afterbeing laid off,butdelaying the processcould negatively affectyourfinances.Itcan take some time for unemploymentclaimsto be processed,so apply assoon aspossible after losing yourjob.
• Find waysto supplement your income. Look forwaysto make some cash while you search fora new job in yourfield.Thismay include working from home,freelancing orselling itemsonline.Considerparttime work while you look fora job.You may preferto find temporary or part-time work in yourfield,butyourhobbiesand otherinterestsmay presentincome possibilitiesaswell.
• Practice living with less. Cutoutunnecessary expensesand attemptto live with less.You may find thatthiscomeseasily and continue to do so even though you remain employed.Such a trialrun can bolsteryour savingsin the eventoflayoffwhile also acclimating you to living with less should a layoffeveroccur.
• Don’t burn bridges. While it’sunderstandable to harborsome resentmenttoward an employerforletting you go,thatsame employer may be able to help you in the long run.Supervisorscan help you find a new job orwrite glowing recommendations.
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Placing anObituaryinthe
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Moments In Time
The History Channel
* On May 24, 1935, the Cincinnati Reds beat the Philadelphia Phillies 2-1 in Major League Baseball’s first-ever night game, played under recently installed lights at Crosley Field in Cincinnati.The game drew 25,000 fans as President Franklin D. Roosevelt symbolically switched on the lights from Washington, D.C.
CASHFORCARS, trucks, vans, SUVs.WE’RELOCAL!Fastcash! Freetowing.$200-$5000.No keys,notitle,noproblem! 585-482-2140
Elder Care
NEEDHELPFOR ELDERLY WOMAN: Athomelightpersonaland homecare1-315-462-6248Clifton Springs
Timefora custom deckinstallation? CallPLUMCUSTOMDECKSAND REMODELING.Over30yearslocal experience.585-794-7125
WANTED: Cash paidforantiques, householditems,castironcookware, oldtoysandtrains,musicalinstruments,huntingequipment(decoys, animaltraps,etc.) ALSO: Almostanythingfoundinoldbarns,from workbenchestooilcans.I’llbuy1 piece,orentirehouseorbarncontents,andpayCASH!Idohouse, basement,&barncleanouts. 585-721-1005
FEELING READY FOR WORK? THIS COULD BE YOUR YEAR (NAPSI)—Whether you’re looking for a job for the first time or trying to return to the workforce, you don’t have to do it alone.
Thanks to Social Security’s Ticket to Work (Ticket) program, people ages 18 through 64 who receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) can receive free services and supports through service providers like Employment Networks (EN) and State VocationalRehabilitation(VR)agencies. For 20 years, the Ticket program has provided the support people need on their paths to employment and empowerment.
Angel is one of those people.
The Ticket program helped Angel after injuries to his neck and back derailed his career in the U.S. Air Force. Once he had taken the time to heal,Angel knew he wanted to work but wasn’t sure how his disabilities would affect his options.
“I was a young man with a family to support,” Angel says. “… and I was not ready to give up on the workforce.”
When Angel learned about a job opportunity with a federal contractor, he thought that his disability would prevent him from being a viable job candidate. But then, Angel learned about programs, resources and guidelines that could help him. First, he learned about Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Under Section 503, companies that do business with the federal government take affirmative action to recruit, hire, retain and promote individuals with disabilities. Angel also connected with a Ticket program EN that offered the services and support he needed for a fresh start. His EN helped him find the confidence he needed to pursue the job. Working with a Benefits Counselor at the EN, Angel learned about Social Security Work Incentives that applied tohimand,onceAngelstartedworking, his EN helped him request reasonable accommodations to help him in his new job working on a federal contract for the U.S. Department of Defense. Angel is happy to be working again with military peers, earning income to support his family.
“In the Air Force, your wingman is by your side as you face uncertainty,” he reflects. “…[like a wingman] the Ticket program is by my side, and I’m grateful for that as I look ahead.”
Ticket to Work helped Angel find his path to a better future. Find yours! To learn more, call the Ticket to Work Help Line at (866) 968-7842 or (866) 833-2967 (TTY). Or visit https://choosework.ssa.gov/.
By Fifi Rodriguez
1. ANATOMY: What is a common name for lateral epicondylitis?
2. GEOGRAPHY: What was the country of Portugal known as in Roman times?
3. MOVIES: What are the final words spoken in the movie “The Shawshank Redemption”?
4. LITERATURE: Which novel series includes a fictional place called Godric’s Hollow, England?
5. SCIENCE: What is cytology?
6. TELEVISION: What is the name of the ranch in the 1960s western show “Bonanza”?
7. U.S. STATES: Which state has the longest cave system?
8. FOOD & DRINK: In which country were bagels invented?
9. HISTORY: What kind of beetle was revered by the ancient Egyptians?
10. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is the largest lizard on Earth?