CLIFTONSPRINGS:2580 Waddell Rd 6/30&7/1(8am-4pm)GARAGE SALEFurniture,housewares, glasswareclothes&more.
Place signs around your neighborhood. Be aware that there are ordinances that govern where signage can be located. Checkwithyourtown’smunicipal office to determine if you need any permits for your signs or the yard sale itself. Make sure signs are legible for drivers and pedestriansalike.
Portable speaker: A portable speaker can be moved anywhere you need it. A speaker with an auxiliary input enables you to hook it up to your video source so that the audiovideo synchronization is top notch. After all, wireless connections may lag. The speaker will be functional for movie nights as well as music and entertainment for any outdoor event going forward. If your yard is large, you may need more than one speaker.
Keeping vehicles looking pristine requires care and diligent cleaning. So many day-to-day activities and environmental materials have the potential to damage the finish on cars and trucks. While winter weather and chemicals used to keep roadways passable are often blamed for affecting the appearance of cars and trucks, winter is not the only time of year when substances can cause damage to vehicles.
Spring and summer are prime seasons for sap, birds and insects. These times of year tend to see an uptick in road work as well, and such projects can contribute to damage caused by loose asphalt, gravel and tar. Addressing problems resulting from tree sap, insect and bird droppings and tar may not be something to look forward to, but it is necessary to keep cars looking pristine.
Mon. - Fri., 8am - 5pm
315-789-2886 (AUTO)
315-548-2277 (CARS)
1389 State Rt. 14
Phelps, NY 14532
Distracted driving is a problem that results in injuries and claims the lives of thousands of people each year. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration defines distracted driving as any activity that diverts attention from driving. In 2015, 3,477 people were killed and 391,000 injured in the United States as a result of distracted driving. Allstate says distracted driving is now the No. 1 risk on Canadian roads, contributing to eight in 10 collisions.
It is relatively easy to avoid becoming a statistic by reducing distractions behind the wheel.
Put away tech devices: One of the easiest ways to reduce distractions is to keep phones and tablets out of reach while driving. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says sending or reading a text message takes a driver’s eyes off of the road for about five seconds, or long enough to cover a football field while driving at 55 mph. It removes a person’s attention from the road; takes his or her hands off of the wheel; and it mentally engages the brain when a driver’s focus should be on driving. Devices should be stowed away when driving. Drivers should pull over if they need to send a text or read a message.
Set the GPS ahead of a trip
Global positioning systems have revolutionized the way motorists get to and from locations. They can help signal upcoming traffic and find the best routes possible.
Just like other devices, GPS can be a distraction, especially if drivers are taking their eyes off the road and constantly pressing buttons on the map. Enter the destination address before departing and place the GPS in a position that it can be glanced at, which will not impede vision. Better yet, let a passenger navigate.
Limit or skip phone calls: Many people find that making phone calls while on the road is an efficient use of time. Yet the personal injury experts at Lehmbecker Law say even when drivers use hands-free devices their brains can remain distracted for 27 seconds after using voice commands to dial a number. Engaging in phone conversations will continue to take drivers’ minds off of their driving responsibilities.
Drowsy driving is dangerous: Being tired can be a distraction as well. Geico insurance reports a U.S. government study showed that 37 percent of drivers have nodded off or actually fallen asleep at least once while driving. Drowsiness increases the risk of a crash by roughly four times. Those who become drowsy behind the wheel should pull over.
Skip the infotainment package: New vehicle infotainment systems can take one’s attention off of the road for long periods of time. According to research from the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, drivers using invehicle technologies like voice-based and touch-screen features may find themselves unusually distracted.
In addition to these tips, drivers can reduce the number of passengers contributing to distractions, turn down the volume on the radio, and pull over when eating on the road. Reducing distractions can save lives.
• Buy the right bikes. Take time to research different brands of bicycles and what they offer. Some bikes are ideal for streets or paved trails, while others are better for rustic roads and trails. A qualified bike retailer can help shoppers find the right bike for themandtheirfamilies,ensuring everyone in the family is riding the right size bike and the one commensurate with their skill level.
• Limit the distance. Children won’t be able to put in as many miles as their parents or older
Going for a bike ride is one of the best ways for people to exercise in fresh air. Cycling is not only earth-conscious and convenient, but it also is a fun & popular activity that families can enjoy. siblings. Limit cycling excursions to a reasonable amount of time so youngsters’ health is not compromised.
• Focus on fun. Consider what kids will get out of the trip and gear the afternoon around that. Choose a path that circles a scenic lake or leads to an ice cream stand. Make your cycling excursion more of an afternoon out than a marathon biking session.
• Take frequent breaks. Little legs may not be able to keep up, and adults will need to
anticipate stopping along the way.
• Know the terrain. Stick to routes you have ridden before. Leave the more intense courses that include extreme climbs and dips for those times when kids are not in tow. Stick to lightly trafficked routes, or travel during off-peak hours. Consult with trail guidesandreadreviewsaswell.
Cycling as a family can be an enjoyable way to spend an afternoon & get some exercise.
2202 Austin Rd., Geneva
Open Mon.-Sat. • Closed Sunday
Look for a new job or fresh income streams. A rising cost of living is a concern for people from all walks of life, but it may be especially concerning for retirees or individuals with costs like childcare that can be hard to pare back. In such instances, individuals can look for new a job or fresh income streams. According to the Q3 2021 CNBC | Momentive Small Business Survey, 50 percent of small business owners say it’s gotten harder to find qualified people to hire compared to a year ago. And nearly one-third of survey respondents indicate they have open roles they have not been able to fill for at least three months. Individuals can explore local employment opportunities in an effort to find a new, more lucrative job that can help them combat a rising cost of living. Others who want to remain in their jobs can look for part-time work to supplement their existing income.
7 Clifton Plaza • Clifton Springs • 315-462-3600
Hours: Monday - Thursday 11am- 8:30pm Friday & Saturday 11am - 9pm, Closed Sunday
1471 Route 15 Avon, NY 14414
When I was walking my dogs, these kids had a loud speaker playing rude music on max volume.Then they started to shout disrespectful comments to me and my dogs. Where are these kids’ parents?!
Shame on man who cussed out preschool child
On Saturday afternoon, 6/17/23, shame on the man who abruptly stopped his blue 4 door sedan in [a parking lot] across from [fast food restaurant] to cuss out a child. The man exited his car, opened the driver side rear door to shout obscenities at what appeared to be a pre-schooler strapped into a car seat in the back. The man then grabbed the child’s drink and threw it on the ground. Then he called the child a disgusting name, slammed the door, and proceeded to take off in the car at about 50 mph in the mall lot. Shame on you as an adult to act like that to anyone, much less a child. Still shocked by this unacceptable behavior! :O
Who’s responsible for repairing rough railroad tracks… the railroad, the town, the county? This well traveled rural road has tracks in front of the railroad and you have to just about stop to TRY to save your vehicle from the wear and tear. Recently, other tracks around this area were repaired and they’re smooth sailing now. Somehow this set was skipped over, and in my opinion, these were worse than the others. Anybody know whose responsibility it is for the repair?
Spring and summer are synonymous with increased hours of sunlight, warm temperatures and, oftentimes, an increased reliance on water to feed recreational pursuits and lawn and garden needs.
The Water Information Program states that 3.9 trillion gallons of water are consumed in the United States each month and the average person uses 176 gallons of water per day. Water conservation may be essential when the risk for weather-related drought looms. Practicing year-round conservation efforts can help ensure smart usage of local watersheds, lakes and reservoirs and help maintain these water sources for years to come. It also helps the average person reduce his or her carbon footprint while saving people a little money along the way.
Planning an Outdoor Oasis (Family Features) - If it’s time to think about making some improvements or additions to your home, outside may be the best place to get started.
Define the Space.An outdoor room could be the entire yard, or just a small part of it. Think about it having walls, a ceiling and flooring, just like an indoor room.
• Walls are vertical elements that help define a space, such as hedges, trees, lattice screens, raised garden beds, railings, a gazebo or fence to frame your space.
• Ceilings provide shelter and shade. Think of awnings, umbrellas and pergolas. Or use what’s naturally there, like the branches of a shade tree.
• Flooring could be the existing lawn, a mulched pathway or a created floor such as a concrete or flagstone patio, or deck. Decide the Elements. Once you know where your oasis is, it’s time to figure out what needs to go in it.
• Decking - A low-maintenance composite deck adds versatility and beauty that you can customize to meet just about any need. When planning a deck, don’t make the mistake of building one that’s too small. Mark the area you want to use, then put your outdoor furniture in it to see if you have the space you need. Use an online planning tool to explore designs, materials, colors and accessories.
Be sure to check on local building codes and permits needed before starting any construction. Fire and Food. Use your outdoor room any time of day by planning a place to cook and eat.
• An outdoor kitchen can be as simple as a portable grill or as elaborate as your budget will allow. A DIY pizza oven can also be a fun way to enjoy cooking outside.
• Fireplaces, fire pits and chimineas bring coziness along with great function - and they help extend the outdoor enjoyment in cooler weather.
Accessories. Just like indoor room, outdoor rooms benefit from appropriate accessories. Make sure you plan for them in your budget as well as in your designs.
• Lighting - Landscape lighting, lanterns, candles or strings of white outdoor lights can all add beautiful ambience.
• Sound - Add pleasing audio with outdoor stereo sound systems, trickling water features or even just simple wind chimes.
• Color - Garden art, tablescapes, container plantings and fabric can put colorful finishing touches on your outdoor room.
Newark High School seniors achieved an important milestone onMay24thwhentheymadetheirDigitalMediapresentations for their NHS Capstone Project requirements to graduate.
“My favorite part of the day is seeing how proud the students are a er they are done. Public speaking is di cult; allowing yourself to be vulnerable is di cult. e pride they have a er they walk out of the room with their cap and gown makes me tear up. I just love watching them realize that they can do hard things,” said Capstone Coordinator Katie Ganter, who also teaches English, Marketing and Publications, and is Yearbook advisor.
“Capstone Day continues to be my favorite day of the school year,” said Capstone Co-Coordinator Danielle Ohlson, who teaches English and Multicultural Studies. “It encapsulates the essence of authentic teaching and learning. It’s all about growth, collaboration, self-re ection, process, curiosity, joy, community, and celebration. We center the students on this day and allow them to let their individuality and brilliance shine. Days like today remind me of why I became an educator.”
e Class of 2023 is the seventh class to be required to successfully completeallcomponentsoftheCapstoneProjecttograduate,including:
• Healthy choice journal entries or a three-page essay about their involvement in extracurricular activities as well as things they learned in health classes,
• A three-to-four-page research paper in 10th grade espousing both sides of an argument and a conclusion,
• A ve-to-six-page senior research paper,
• And presenting their Digital Media Presentation in front of a 4- or 5-person Newark High School or Middle School faculty panel.
e 8-12-minute presentations typically included pictures of the student, a favorite quote re ective of their personality, insights about their high school experience,anexplanation of and ndings of their 12th grade research paper, sharing something they are proud of and discussing their future plans.
A er the presentations
May 24th, members of the panel asked questions of students before privately evaluating their presentation, based on a rubric. Students received a score, Pass, Pass with distinction which means they have above and beyond the requirements and delivered an outstanding presentation, or Revisions required.
A er a few minutes, the presenting student was called back into the classroom and informed if they had passed. If so, they were also given the caps and gowns to wear at graduation June 23rd. Presentations were made by 129 NHS students during several 30-minute sessions in classrooms throughout the high school. A er their presentations, Newark Central School District Workforce Coordinator Debora Barry, who provides support for the Capstone program, provided students with pizza and cake.
is is the second year Ganter and Ohlson co-coordinated these projects. Ganter said, “As coordinators, we help students with nding community service opportunities and tracking their hours from 9th - 12th grade. We also review the Healthy Choices assignment and track that with the help of our Health teacher, Karen Cline. We oversee the requirements for the senior paper, and we plan and execute Capstone Presentation Day. e English Department at NHS is instrumental in ensuring that our students complete a senior paper and a Capstone Presentation.”
Two seniors, who were among 57 receiving glowing reviews from faculty panelists and passed their presentations with distinction, were Noah Garland and Jocelyn Hinks. Garland will attend SUNY Potsdam’s Crane School of Music in the fall and major in Music Education. Garland did his senior research paper on “Music erapy and Its Bene ts.” e artifacts he had with him were his Boy Scout merit badge and Order of the Arrow sashes and his French horn. He said, “I chose Music Education as my major because of all the fun I had with my music teachers at Newark high school. It made me want to pass that down to kids who share the same love for music. at is why I am so happy I went to Newark. ank you, Mr. Humphrey and Mrs. Flock.”
Hinks focused her senior research paper on “Saving the Arts.” e artifact she had with her was the elegant dress she made for the recent Junior-Senior Prom. Hinks will attend Ithaca College in the fall and will major in eater Production and Design. She said, “ e Newark Drama Club introduced me to the possibility of costume design as a career. rough the Club’s support I decided on Ithaca College to get my BFA in eater Production and Design with a concentration in Costume Design.”
Ganter explained, “ e Senior Artifact component gave students the chance to show o something they are proud of from the past four years of high school. O en it is participation in some kind of sport or other extracurricular activity. is year we really saw students push the envelope with their artifacts. For the rst time ever, we had a student bring a horse onto campus for her artifact. We also had students share self-made music videos, crochet work, a homemade prom dress, sectional trophies, culinary creations such as vanilla buttercream cupcakes and musical instruments.”
A er the event, NHS Principal Kelly A. Zielke said she was very pleased with the outcome. “I was thrilled to be able to sit in on some of the Capstone presentations. To see students who have worked so hard and grown so much proudly and con dently present in front of a panel of adults was just amazing. Students were vulnerable and honest about their high school experiences with lessons learned, thoughtful and passionate about their research paper and excited to share their future plans. I was so happy to see our seniors who have accomplished so much walk out of the rooms with their caps and gowns today. I am so proud to be a part of this community of students!”
Antique shops are one venue for antique signs and coordinating pieces. Some sellers specialize in vintage signage. Antique stores are popular in many tourist towns and major cities, where more artistic neighborhoods tend to include one or more antique shops.If a particular antique store does not have what you are looking for, they may be able to secure certain pieces you desire from othervendors.
Shoppers looking for antique signs also can purchase reproductions. There are many retailers that produce very good likenesses that may be considerably more affordable than the originals. You also can commission an artist to reproduce signage that fits with your design plans. Some research online or a query of artists in your community may yield prospects who can produce thesignyoucovet.
Gift auctions are a fun way to raise money for good causes. Organizing a gift auction requires a teamofdedicatedvolunteers.
* Establish the event date and venue. Before any gifts can be collected, set the date for the auction and secure a location. The location should be large enough to display all of the prizes. A school gymnasium or the party room of a firehouse or fraternal lodge may suffice. The date and time should be convenient for adult participants, as gift auctions are oftentoeventsthatcatertoadults.
* Enlist day-of-event volunteers. Volunteers willing to work during the event can carry the prizes to the winning bidders and answer any questions guests might have throughouttheauction.
* On June 27, 1985, after 59 years, the iconic Route 66 passes into history when officials decertify the road and vote to remove all its highway signs. Measuring 2,200 miles, the “Mother Road” stretched from Chicago to Santa Monica, California, passing through eight states.
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project
Monroe County Legal Assistance Center
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4 Railroad Avenue Clifton Springs, NY 14432 315-462-7371
Hrs.: Mon-Thur 10-7; Fri 10-5; Sat 10-2
Geneva Public Library
244 Main Street Geneva, NY 14456 315-789-5303
Hrs.: Mon-Fri 8:30-7; Sat 9-2
Newark Public Library
121 High Street Newark, NY 14513 315-331-0552
Hrs.: Mon-Thur
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8 Banta Street, Suite 200 Phelps, NY 14532 315-548-5314
Hrs.: Mon-Thur 9-8; Fri 9-5
Members of:
Foods at farmers’ markets tend to be limited to in-season offerings. Some nutritionists suggest eating seasonally available foods is better for your body, because humans ate seasonal produce for thousands of years before shipping and refrigeration changed how people received the majority of their foods. In addition, many people feel that fresh, seasonal foods taste better than the alternatives.
SavetheDate!AnnualPhelps Central SchoolAlumniReunionAugust3,2023atClub86Geneva, from11am-4pm.Additionaldetails tofollow-AlumniCommittee.
Participate in community events that may be sponsored by small business owners.
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows.
Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today!
www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
* On June 29, 1995, the American space shuttle Atlantis docks with the Russian space station Mir to form the largest manmade satellite ever to orbit the Earth. It marked the 100th human space mission in American history. (The History Channel)
Eat Fresh and Nutritious Foods
During summer, an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables is available. Incorporate these into your diet for their nutritional bene ts. Choose seasonal produce like watermelon, berries, tomatoes, and leafy greens. ese foods are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that promote good health. Experiment with light, refreshing recipes such as salads, smoothies, or grilled vegetables. Remember to maintain a balanced diet, including protein, whole grains, and healthy fats, to support overall well-being.
Much like adults can benefit from participating in hobbies, children can reap rewards from engaging in hobbies. According to the Child Development Institute, hobbies give children a chance to express themselves. The CDI also notes that hobbies can play an important role in children’s self-discovery and boost their self-esteem.
Some children may discover hobbies on their own, requiring little if any assistance on the part of their parents. For example, some kids may display an interest in music that parents, even those with no such musical inclination, can foster by purchasing certain instruments. But some children may need a little more prompting, and parents of such boys and girls can take certain steps to help their youngsters find rewarding hobbies.
Involve kids in your own hobbies. Kids look up to their parents and often want to emulate what their mothers and fathers do. If possible, involve children in your own hobbies. Gardeners can teach their youngsters how to grow and tend to a garden, while painters can host family painting nights where everyone is encouraged to create their own masterpiece. Parents whose hobbies are more adult-oriented, like woodworking, can still involve their children. For example, work with children to design a new item, then show them how the item goes from paper to finished product; just avoid allowing them to use any unsafe tools or machines.
Let kids choose an activity. While some children might take to hobbies their parents favor, others might need to be given some freedom to find their own activities. Afford youngsters this chance, recognizing that it might take some time before kids find an activity that genuinely sparks their passion.
Be a source of encouragement. Some hobbies may prove more difficult than kids first imagined, requiring some perseverance before they can be enjoyed fully. In such instances, observe youngsters while they engage in the activity. If they appear to be enjoying themselves but are periodically frustrated, encourage them to keep trying. If kids appear to be disinterested in overcoming any struggles, then they might benefit by pursuing another hobby.
Don’thesitatetofocusonfun.Hobbiescanteachkidsvaluablelessonsand provide a sense of fulfillment, but it’s important that parents not overlook the importance of fun in regard to their children’s hobbies. Hobbies can provide children with the same respite from busy schedules that they do adults, and that break should be as fun as possible.
HP Deskjet 1050 J410 series PRINTER, INSTRUCTIONS, and CORDS. Excellent condition. Pick up Canandaigua: 585-430-0579
Two BIKES - 1 women’s and 1 men’s. FLAT SCREEN SMART TV. Works: Glkpnichols@gmail.com
Indoor GOLDEN AUTOMATIC WHEELCHAIR. Hardly used. Needs new battery, otherwise perfect condition: 585-382-6457
More than 130 VHS TAPES in good condition. Livonia: 585-703-1322
Wall mount 22 in. white BATHROOM SINK with 2-HOLE CHROME FAUCET: 585-447-4209
COVERMATE ADIRONDACK BENCH COVER, Tan, 58Wx40Dx40H, Will also fit 2 chairs together. Clean, nice condition. Used in Winter. Will Mail! jclare01@rochester.rr.com
WOODEN PALLETS! Perfect for firewood or craft/DIY use! EMPTY CHEMICAL BARRELS, 30 gal and 55 gal.: 585-219-4431
HOLIDAY FREEZER. Needs repair: 585-346-2648
MAGAZINES: National Geographic: 1999-2022, History 2017-2021, Classic Car 2014-2022, Muscle Machines 2013-2021, Sports and Exotic Car 2009-2017: 585-298-1510
Several cases of men’s size large INCONTINENCE UNDERWEAR. LeRoy area: kholt9998@gmail.com
Large dark green FUTON MATTRESS. Great shape. 4’ x 6’. Heavy. Needs a good vacuuming. Manchester. 315-331-9391.
Assorted CLASSICAL PIANO MUSIC BOOKS - various composers: beeswamp@aol.com
PIANO MUSIC - wide assortment of books and sheet music - beginners to advanced. Must take all: Nwcrawford@verizon.net
TABLETOP GAS BBQ PRO GRILL. Good condition. Just needs cleaning: 585-671-2598
DOUBLE KNIT FABRICS and RIBBINGS, 12 pounds, including some reds, blues, kid prints: 585-584-3015
KIMBALL PUMP ORGAN works; needs TLC. Beautiful case and seat. It was a great family instrument! You pick up: 585-624-9169
Several EGG CARTONS. Geneseo area. You pick up: 585-243-2173
High quality Kate Farms NUTRITIONAL DRINK (like Ensure or Boost). Vanilla flavor. Approx. 200 11oz containers. Exp Nov 2023: 585-451-8868
CPAP MACHINE, approx. 10 years old. In working condition - includes case and related accessories: 315-871-8312
Box of MEDICAL NEWSLETTERS (Mayo Clinic, UCLA & Cleveland Clinic). NUTRITION ACTION MAGAZINES and an envelope of OLD RECIPES. Fairport: 585-388-0318
Daughter with Down Syndrome is looking for DVDs of any “WHO’S THE BOSS” EPISODES: 585-944-4855
Any kind of WAGON: 585-944-4855
WIGS – light colored, any style. Desperately needed: 315-462-2693
Built/Unbuilt MODELS or SLOT CARS. Automotive, Aviation, Military, Watercraft, Monsters, Sci-Fi, etc. Parts and pieces ok. Longtime collector needs projects: 585-314-6989
BACKRACK for full size pickup. Please text with pictures: 585-447-0201
COWPOTS needed for seed starting. Biodegradable pots must be clean, not used. Large size best. Any type: 585-752-1562
MUSIC ALBUMS and 45s from the ‘60s-’80s.. Call 585-402-8870
Pair of ROWBOAT OARS in good condition: 585-703-5221
OLDER COMPUTERS and COMPUTER COMPONENTS - Apple, Commodore, Tandy. Working or not: brianpheick@gmail.com
Looking for an ATV or DIRT BIKE that is running or not for father son project. Call/Text Matt: 315-576-1278
CPAP MACHINE, used or unwanted, for low-income senior with sleep apnea: 585-506-8125
GOLF PUSHCART: ndirisio@verizon.net
VINTAGE MOOG ANALOG SYNTHESIZERS & ACCESSORIES. Parts or whole, working or not. Mini, Micro, Sonic, Taurus, & Poly: 585-599-3142
Food grade 55-GALLON BARRELS WITH LIDS: rsmckernan@frontiernet.net
WEBER GRILL you are no longer using. Call or text Matt: 315-576-1278
CPAP. Gently used: 585-313-4315
VINTAGE ELECTRONICS - Tubes, tube testers, stereo equipment, Vintage radios, test equipment, speakers, turntables, Ham Radio, Advertising, Early TVs, records, communication, parts: greg3151@ymail.com
Elderly disabled mechanic looking for a good VEHICLE to go to doctor appts., grocery shopping, etc. Minor repairs okay: 585-883-7387
BOX TRAILER and working MINI FRIDGE: 585-323-1762 (leave message)
Old TABLETOP MANUAL MEAT GRINDER in useable condition (sometimes worded vintage): 585-201-6001
Two disabled veterans would like a CAMPER TO FIX UP: dobstarczyk@hotmail.com
COOPERSTOWN DREAMS PARK TRADING PINS and DISPLAY BOOK for granddaughter who will play in one tournament this summer: 585-334-6134
Looking for a decent GARAGE DOOR, 85”x9’: 585-298-0040
TRUCK for low-income Senior Citizen. Road-worthy, for transportation of elderly mother, and general handy work/yard work. Soon to be urgent need! 585-483-1054
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received.
Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com
under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
DEAR DR. ROACH: I’ve been experiencing pain in my chest, dizziness and shortness of breath on exertion. The chest pain lasts for a few hours. At one point, it was so bad that I couldn’t walk a hundred feet, had to use a cane and severely limit my physical activity. I’ve been to the doctor about this before. They take an EKG, which comes back normal, so they chalk it up to anxiety, then tell me I’m fat. (I am not unaware that I’m fat, but even when I was doing intense martial arts twice a week, I couldn’t lose the weight. And my physical therapist told me not to do yoga.)
If it makes a difference, I’m also a Type 2 diabetic and have fibromyalgia as well as PTSD. This is not the only issue that doctors have refused to treat because they decide to blame it all on my weight. My diabetes went unchecked for a while because my doctor only told me to lose weight, instead of ordering blood tests when I complained about the symptoms. When these symptoms happen, my friends tell me to go to the doctor, but they don’t do anything to change the situation. Why should I pay over $1,000 and waste a few hours for an urgent care visit and an EKG only to get told that I’m fat and anxious, when I can cover my chest with stickers, play on my phone and tell myself I’m fat at home for free? Who’s right, me or my friends? -- S.T.
ANSWER: I am very sorry to hear how poorly you are being treated. I have heard from many people that doctors do not take symptoms seriously in people who are overweight or obese. (There is strong evidence that this is true, and that women and people of color are also treated worse systemically. People with any mental health issue, such as anxiety or PTSD, are often disbelieved.)
While I understand that you are frustrated, your symptoms are very concerning. Particularly if you are over 50, they are highly suggestive of heart disease -- especially in a person with diabetes, which increases risk of heart disease. Given your poor experience, how much you are paying and your PTSD, I can absolutely understand why you are reluctant to go. However, you deserve to get good care, and I believe you will be able to find a doctor who can treat you well and not automatically write off any complaint due to your weight and anxiety. I’d recommend you be completely honest about your concerns.
When I have a patient with multiple ER or acute care visits for possible heart disease, I often recommend a more definitive test than an EKG and blood testing, which is the usual acute care evaluation when looking for damage to the heart muscle. This may be a coronary CT angiogram, which is highly sensitive and specific. (The weight limit for this test depends on the scanner, but is typically 450 pounds.)
If you have blockages in your heart causing your recurrent symptoms, it needs to be treated to prevent a heart attack. If blockages aren’t the cause, the EKGs usually aren’t helpful, and you’ll need a different type of evaluation to find out where these symptoms are coming from.
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu.
© 2023 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
Judith Ann Hurley • Professional Electrologist585-289-6001 • Shortsville, NY
Wear protective clothing that covers the arms and legs. Some outdoor gear is designed to offer sun protection. Tightly woven fabrics tend to helpthemost.
of overexposure to UV radiation. The EPA notes that research has indicated that exposure to UV radiation increases a person’s risk for developing certain types of cataracts, a medical condition in which the lens of the eye grows increasingly opaque. OverexposuretoUVradiationmay also contribute to degeneration of the macula, the region of the retina with the greatest visual acuity. UV-protective eyeglasses, contact lenses and sunglasses can protect people from the type of eye damage that arises from overexposure to UV radiation. The body’s immune system may also be adversely affected by overexposure to UV radiation, making a person more vulnerable toinfectionsandevencancer.
Vary workouts and exercise regularly. Varying workouts is a good idea because doing so can prevent repetitive-use injuries and prevent overuse of muscles. Repetitive-use injuries such as shin splints and tendinitis require extended rest to heal, and that can derail your routine and nullify your progress. Vary workouts so you are not always working the same muscles, and don’t mistake varying workouts for varying workout schedules. Working out five days one week and one day the next increases your risk of injury.
NO MORE waxing, shaving, bleaching or tweezing is o ce follows the most up-to-date methods of sterilization and sanitation.
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I want my dog to be healthy and to use natural treatments as much as possible. So I don’t like giving her conventional, mainstream ea and tick chewables or making her wear a chemical-laced collar. And if I have to deworm her, I don’t want to give her medications that carry a risk of side e ects. But I’m also seeing a lot of products that are touted as “natural” that contain ingredients that are pretty questionable -- like garlic tablets for dogs! (Garlic is toxic to dogs and cats, if you’re wondering.) Can you let your readers know that it’s very important to read the labels and make sure a natural supplement is actually safe? -- Rebecca in Winchester, Virginia
DEAR REBECCA: You told them, and I thank you. Many “natural” ea and tick preventatives exist today, but reading the label is imperative.
Howdy! My name is Daisy Mae I’m from Arkansas. I’m not supposed to be up here on the TV box but it’s so warm! Don’t tell mom! Bye…
Send us a photo and brief write-up of your pet and we’ll feature it. Email to: sales@gvpennysaver.com or mail to: P.O. Box 340, Avon, NY 14414. Pets will be published at discretion of GVPS.
Many dog owners, particularly those who have never before had a dog, may hesitate to employ crates to train their puppies. That’s understandable, as on the surface it can seem cruel or inhumane to confine a living animal to a cage. However, the AKC notes that dogs are den animals that naturally seek out canine caves for security. That’s true whether dog owners provide crates for their puppies or not. So while humans may see crates as cruel, dogs very likely view their crates as secure places where they can go if they get scared or feel skittish. In fact, according to the AKC, dogs’ perception of crates is one reason why dog owners typically find it relatively easy to get their dogs to adjust to crates and ultimately enjoy them.
Over-the-counter treatments and preventatives are not as tightly regulated as prescription medications given by veterinarians. ey may contain ingredients that are known to be harmful to dogs and cats -- like garlic, onion or tobacco. And they are generally less e ective at prevention, and o en completely ine ective for treating an active infestation.
ere’s a risk that over-the-counter and “natural” medications can make your pet as ill -- or even sicker -- than the vet’s recommended medication. Treating parasitic infestations in pets can be tough, and it’s important to balance the type of treatment with the health of the pet.
So folks, read the labels, consider all the risks and talk to your vet before jumping entirely onto the “natural” wagon. ask@pawscorner.com.
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Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.
What is heat stroke? Dogs suffer from heat stroke when their body temperatures exceed 104 F and the built-in mechanisms they rely on to cool themselves - including panting - cease to function properly. But any temperature 103 F or above is considered abnormal. According to PetMD, heat stroke is a form of non-fever hyperthermia that can lead to multiple organ dysfunction.
Accepting gently used seasonal clothing until JULY 21. Non-clothing items needed.
(no punch bowl sets, crystal or similar glass) Call 315-462-3293 to schedule appointment.
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An outreach ministry of St. John’s Episcopal Church
Leave the car at home. Americans and Canadians consume more gasoline per capita than any people in the world. According to data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration and the United Nations, Americans consume 4.39 liters of gasoline per capita each day, while Canadians consume 3.62 liters per capita each day. In lieu of driving everywhere this summer, men and women who want to be more mindful of the environment can leave their cars home more frequently. Rather than driving the family to a nearby ice cream stand, walk or bike there instead. Run as many errands on foot or on a bicycle as possible. Walking or cycling is a great way to get some time outdoors on warm summer days, and reducing fuel consumption is an equally great way to help the planet.
Take charge of your to-go order: Convenience became the name of the game when ordering food during the pandemic. Curbside pickup service was offered as a safety measure, and many restaurants that never previously offered delivery or takeout started to do so to generate revenue at a time when in-person dining was limited if not disallowed. Some restaurants began offering delivery through apps like Grubhub or Uber Eats, and though that may be convenient for diners, restaurants must pay a fee to utilize those apps. In lieu of ordering through a third party delivery service, consumers can take charge of their to-go orders and pick up the food themselves. That saves restaurants the delivery app surcharge, allowing them to increase net profits on the meals they sell.
Background in electronics, pneumatics, hydraulics, computers, electrical, mechanical, fabricating, spray painting, and welding is helpful. Must have experience with all types of hand and power tools. Constant observation of safety and re procedures at all times. is is a fast-paced environment with some strenuous work involved. Must be a team player and a self starter and be able to work independently and multi-task. Have the ability to problem solve, good communication skills, and represent professionalism at all times. Must be willing to sometimes work outside normal hours to complete projects. Excellent attendance is a must. Must have clean and valid NYS driver’s license.
Give us a call at 315-331-1212 ext. 226 and ask for Heather, or stop in at 121 West Shore Blvd, Newark, NY 14513
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Dirty grill: Make sure the grill is cleaned before and after each use. Grease can quickly build up on a grill, leading to flare-ups that can cause foods to char. Frequent cleaning also helps grillmasters avoidatiresomecleaningprocess at the start of the season.
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Protecting Honeybees
Provide clean sources of water. A small garden feature or a rainwater collection is enough to provide bees with a drink when needed.
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What to Do with Your Old Electronics (Family Features) Mobile phones, laptops, tablets, game consoles, cameras - electronic devices are a big part of American life. In fact, Americans own an average of 24 electronic products per household, according to the Consumer Electronics Association. With technology changing so rapidly and new “it” devices hitting the market every few months, a lot of those devices get discarded quickly. That adds up to a lot of potential e-waste. Fortunately, it’s easier than ever to keep old electronics out of the waste stream.
Donate. Donations give schools, nonprofits and lower-income families access to equipment they might not otherwise afford. Before donating, check with the organization to see what they need.
Trade Up. If you are ready to upgrade to something new, programs such as RadioShack’s Trade & Save let you swap retired technology for store credit toward your purchase.
Recycle. Electronics in nonworking condition should be recycled. Check www.Earth911.com or www.e-stewards.org to find a recycling center near you.
Don’t Forget the Batteries. Recycling your rechargeable batteries is another easy step you can take.
By Fifi Rodriguez1. MOVIES: Which movie features the line, “Where we’re going, we don’t need roads”?
2. HISTORY: Which serious disease was declared eradicated in 1980?
3. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What color is the “black box” that is used to record data on airplanes?
4. GAMES: How much does getting out of jail cost in the board game Monopoly?
5. LITERATURE: What kind of animal is the novel “Black Beauty” about?
6. U.S. PRESIDENTS: Who was the youngest president?
7. TELEVISION: Who played the Penguin in the original “Batman” TV series?
8. GEOGRAPHY: What is the northernmost point of the United States?
9. ASTRONOMY: Which is the only planet in our solar system that spins clockwise?
10. FOOD & DRINK: Which fast-food restaurant chain claims that “We have the meats”?
1. “Back to the Future.”
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