SponSored by:
When you’re looking for that perfect word to convey your thought, or don’t want to repeat the same word over and over again, where do you go?
You’ve got Peter Mark Roget to thank for that wonderful book, and we celebrate his creation on National Thesaurus Day on January 18!
DON’T usehomecannedvegetables unless you can boil them for 10 minutesbeforeeating.Commercially canned foods can be safely eaten straight from the can.
See if you can figure out the original word from the 3 synonyms.
discreet unnoticeable inconspicuous wizardry enchantment sorcery youngster kiddo sprout comedy hilariousness funniness calm tranquil serene echo reiterate summarize investigate examine research act do perform pile heap mound bleak frigid bitter
By JoAnn Derson
The thesaurus, of course! It helps us tell a better story
Roget started the book in 1848 and finished in 1852 with 15,000 words
The book’s full original title was “Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases Classified and Arranged so as to Facilitate the Expression of Ideas and Assist in Literary Composition.”
* If you’re expecting your first child, heed this bit of advice: Assemble and otherwise try out complicated items right away, while you have the time to learn how to work them. New dad Dan had a heck of a time trying to load bags into his brand-new Diaper Genie in the middle of the night.
* Bloodstains on clothing can be really tough to treat. e best way to get a bloodstain out of clothing is by dousing the stain with hydrogen peroxide and washing immediately as usual.
* “I love to refinish and paint furniture pieces and woodcra s. I always check my local recycling center for small amounts of “recycled” paint. Usually, someone has gotten rid of good paint, and the people at the recycling center are happy to have it used.”
Are you hearing as clearly as you want? I have an advanced programming procedure that can maximize your ability to understand speech clearly with your current hearing aids. We honor all warranties no matter where purchased.
What would the Three Little Pigs have been without a thesaurus?
The nursery rhyme favorite turns to synonyms to create a rhythm and urgency. Instead of just simply saying he would take down the house with a big gust of air, he added some excitement: “I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your house down!” Different words make stories more stimulating and fun.
* Toothpaste works well as a silver polish. Wet your silver, plop a little non-gel toothpaste on it and rub gently with a damp, clean rag. Rinse well with a separate rag, and buff dry. en just step back and let it shine.
The Medina Memorial Skilled Nursing Home Open Admission Policy Statement:
It is policy that all persons seeking admission to Medina Memorial Skilled Nursing Home and all residents of the facility are entitled to high quality resident care services without regard to race, creed, color, national origin, sex, blindness, handicap, sponsor, marital status, sexual preference, religion, or sponsorship of payment source. ere is no distinction in eligibility for or in the manner of providing any resident service provided by or through the facility. Orleans Community Health is an equal opportunity employer. Magic Maze Answers
Each mumbered row contains two clues and two answers. e two answers differ from each other by only one letter, which has already been inserted. For example, if you exchange the A from MASTER for an I, you get MISTER. Do not change the order of the letters.
Orleans County Snowdrifters Annual
Sun., Feb. 2, 2025
Serving 9am until noon at the Carlton Rec. Hall • Rte. 98 • Carlton Adults $12 • Children 5-12 $6, under 5 FREE!
of State on 12/16/2024. Its office is located in Orleans County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the Company upon whom process against it may be served and a copy of any process shall be mailed to PO Box 444, Albion, NY 14411. The purpose of the Company is any lawful purpose.
“If minutes were kept of a family gathering, they would show that “Members not Present” and “Subjects Discussed” were one and the same.”
~Robert Brault, rbrault.blogspot.com
What do Bingo® and pizza have in common? It appears each originated in Italy and are enjoyed across the globe. Bingo is derived fromtheLoGiuocodelLottod’Italia, which is the Italian national lottery that has been played since 1530. It is still played every Saturday in Italy. The game was later introduced to France, where it was known as Le Lotto, and Germany, where it was a child’s game to help students learn key subjects. Bingo soon found itself on American soil, and originally was called “Beano.”
Players at country fairs would mark their numbered cards with beans after dealers selected numbered discs from cigar boxes. When players won the game, they’d yell out “beano.” An enterprising New York salesman named Edwin S. Lowe came across the game at a carnival in Georgia, and overheard someone accidentally yell “bingo” in stead of “beano” upon winning. Lowe renamed the game and hired a Columbia University math professor to come up with a higher number of combinations for playing cards so there would be fewer non-repeating groups. Lowe ultimately marketed the redeveloped game as “Bingo.”
Now also at Downtown Browsery 118 N. Main St. • Albion, NY 14411 • 585.283.5077 Presenting BOOKS New and “Newish” ($4 or 2 for $5) and Coming Soon… NY Times Bestsellers!
And featuring The Fragrance Corner with incense, cologne oils, perfume oils, essential oils, natural beauty products, unique gifts, Djembe Drums & more!
“To a Man, whose Attachments to his Family, are as strong as mine, Absence alone from such a Wife and such Children,would be a great sacrifice. But in Addition to this Seperation, what have I not done? What have I not suffered? What have I not hazarded? — These are Questions that I may ask you, but I will ask such Questions of none else. Let the Cymballs of Popularity tinckle still. Let the Butterflies of Fame glitter with their Wings. I shall envy neither their Musick nor their Colours.”
~John Adams to Abigail Adams,1777
AllrealestateadvertisedintheLake Country Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available onanequalopportunitybasis.
FairHousingEnforcementProject MonroeCounty LegalAssistanceCenter 1W.MainSt.,Rochester,NY14614 (585)325-2500•www.lawny.org
Serves 4
One 13.8-ounce container refrigerated pizza dough
1 cup ricotta cheese
3 tablespoons powdered ranch dip/dressing mix
2 cups shredded cooked chicken
1⁄4 cup hot sauce, such as Frank’s, or hot sauce of choice
1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
Chopped fresh chives for serving (optional)
Bottled ranch dressing for serving (optional)
1. Preheat the oven to 400 F. Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper or aluminum foil.
2. Unroll the pizza dough on the prepared pan, and shape as desired. I chose a 10-by-12-inch rectangle. Bake for 6 minutes.
3. Meanwhile, in a small bowl, combine the ricotta and powdered ranch, and mix well.
4. In another bowl, combine the chicken and hot sauce, and mix to cover the chicken with the sauce.
5. Spread the ricotta mixture all over the pre-baked crust, to within half an inch of the edge.
6. Arrange the chicken over the ricotta, and top with the mozzarella.
7. Bake for 6 to 10 minutes, until the edges of the crust are golden brown and the cheese melts.
8. Top with fresh chives (if using), and serve with ranch dressing on the side (if using).
Level: Beginner
Here’s How It Works: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!
There is no magic formula to ensure long-term health. However, if there were such an equation, sleep would be a critical component. Though adults may be able to function with less sleep than doctors recommend, the National Institutes of Health note that consistent lack of sufficient sleep can interfere with work, social functioning and driving ability.
The National Institute on Aging notes that adults of all ages generally need the same amount of sleep, typically between seven and nine hours of rest per night. That’s an important distinction, as busy adults in mid-life might feel as though they can operate on less sleep without adversely affecting their overall health. However, in addition to the problems noted by the NIH, the NIA reports that ongoing lack of sleep, or even consistently poor sleep quality, can increase risk for cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, depression, and obesity. Sleep is an important component of a healthy lifestyle.
Homeowners may want to consider Caramelized,an earthy terracotta brown that is Dunn-Edwards’ 2025 Color of the Year. Caramelized is versatile and elegant,and it complements both modern and vintage interiors.
Look for new ways to exercise. Plan vacations and day trips around an activity. Perhaps the family can learn how to surf or snorkel on a trip; otherwise,a trip to the zoo or a museum can involve a lot of walking.
Be Respectful of the Times You’re Sending Texts
Thank you to the lady who bought my meal on Sunday, January 12th around 7am. No one has ever done that for me and it made my day! I really appreciate your kindness. Have a wonderful day.
Why is it people think nothing of sending texts messages at all kinds of times?!
I’m tired of getting awakened by people sending me texts at unreasonable hours. How about some consideration?
Sincerest Thank You
I’ve been asked, why don’t I just turn my phone off at night?
I would like to say thank you so very much to the wonderful woman (found out she is a nurse) who helped me out in the Wegmans parking lot awhile back. I was having a medical issue and she assisted me with my bags and walked me all the way to my car. I did not catch her name but I have and will continue to pay it forward.
1. I have both a son and father who have life-threatening medical conditions that I’ve multiple times been called for assistance on and I don’t want to not be there to help them. If you’re OK with missing a call about a loved one, that’s your choice, but it’s not mine.
2. If I had a fire, medical emergency, or break-in, I sure don’t want to wait for my phone to boot up.
Before you send someone a text, how about you ask yourself:
1. Do I expect the person I’m texting wouldn’t be sleeping now?
2. Is this a time I would call someone, instead of texting?
If the answers to those questions aren’t YES, then can I suggest you write your text so you don’t forget, but send at a later time?
& Bedding
By Keith Roach, M.D.
Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu. © 2025 North America Synd., Inc.
DEAR DR. ROACH: I read your recent column on shingles.I am 66 and in fairly good health.I had both Shingrix shots about five years ago and take hydroxyurea for polycythemia vera (PV).
AroundAug.1,Inoticedsomespotsonmyforearm that appeared to be a spider bite. I went to my family doctor, and she immediately diagnosed me with shingles and put me on gabapentin, which didn’t help much. The next month was complete misery.
I never really had itching or an extensive rash, but intense pain and burning developed from the top of my neck down to my left thumb and forefinger. My wife read that hydroxyurea lowers your immune system, which is probably why I had such a bad case of shingles despite the Shingrix shots. My cousin is a retired anesthesiologist and recommended an epidural steroid injection (ESI) thatwouldhelpmeimmediately.Ihadtheinjection, and within 24 hours, I had an 80% improvement in my pain level. Over the next month, the pain decreased another 10% to 15%. I went from being almost incapacitated to being able to live again in 24 hours. The outcome was life-changing!
It seems that doctors need to be brought up to date on ESIs for shingles. I understand that the studies are inconclusive, but the on-the-ground results seem to show that it is effective. The pain from shingles has to be experienced to really understand how debilitating it can be. ESIs are fairly inexpensive, and even if they only helped slightly, they would be worth the cost. To have the improvement I found is priceless.
ANSWER: I often recommend the vaccine to prevent shingles, but as your case shows, the vaccine isn’t perfect. I agree that your PV and its treatmentwithhydroxyureamayhavepredisposed you to the complication of shingles you had,called postherpetic neuralgia (PHN). You are quite right that the pain can be extraordinarily severe.
I am glad you wrote because steroid injections are not a treatment that I have written about before. As you say, not all trials found a benefit, but the largest trial found that intrathecal injections (which are similar to epidural injections but are found to be more effective in a small trial) led to excellent or good pain relief in 90% of people with intractable PHN, compared to 4% in people who didn’t receive treatment.
DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a healthy 50-year-old man. When I was at the pharmacy recently, they said I could get a vaccine for pneumonia. Is this something I should do?
ANSWER: The pneumonia vaccine at age 50 is a new recommendation by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. The risk for developing severe pneumonia from the bacteria Streptococcus pneumoniae starts to increase at age 50 and becomes much higher after 65. The new vaccines (PCV20 and PCV21 under the brand name Prevnar) have long-lasting protection for many strains of this bacterial species. If you haven’t had this vaccine and are over 50, you should consider it during your next visit. (It’s OK to get the vaccine at the same time as the flu or COVID vaccines.)
Notice of Formation of Medina Bakery, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 12/06/2024. Office location: Orleans County. SSNY designated as agent of Limited Liability Company (LLC) upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY should mail process to The LLC: 11840 Harrison Rd Medina, NY 14103. Purpose: Any lawful purpose.
Orleans County Notice of Formation of a Limited Liability Company: Notice of Formation of 217-219 West Park, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with Secreatry of State of NY (SSNY) on 10/24/2024. Office location: Orleans County. SSNY designated as agent of Limited Liability Company (LLC) upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY should mail process to The LLC: 16078 Carr Rd, Kendall, NY 14476. Purpose: Any lawful purpose.
NOTICE OF FORMATION: Repairs With Care LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 10/5/2024. Office Location: Orleans Co. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process against LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 318 Eagle St. #3 Medina NY 14103 Purpose: Any Lawful Purpose.
Orleans County Notice of Formation of a Limited Liability Company: Notice of Formation of Wilcox Acres, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with Secreatry of State of NY (SSNY) on 10/24/2024. Office location: Orleans County. SSNY designated as agent of Limited Liability Company (LLC) upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY should mail process to The LLC: 5515 East Shelby Rd Medina, NY 14103. Purpose: Any lawful purpose.
Donald Douglas Mahnke
January 9, 2025
Middleport: Donald Douglas Mahnke, age 91, passed away January 9, 2025. He was born January 6, 1934, in Medina, NY to the late Harold and Eva (Schaff) Mahnke.
Don worked for over 51 years at E&M Enterprises as a machinist and before retiring, as a supervisor. In his spare time, he enjoyed fishing, bowling, BINGO, and loved to go for walks.
In addition to his parents, he was predeceased by his daughter, Connie Steen, and all of his siblings, Elizabeth Allen, Carl Mahnke and Arthur Mahnke.
Don is survived by his loving and devoted wife whom he married on February 16, 1974, and celebrated 50 years just last year, Brenda (Wittkopp) Mahnke; children, Douglas Mahnke, Randall Mahnke; stepchildren, Tammy Mahnke, Dana Mahnke, Jason Mahnke; 17 grandchildren, 20 great-grandchildren as well as many nieces, nephews and cousins. Services for Donald will be held privately.
Donald’s arrangements have been entrusted to the Bates, Wallace & Heath Funeral Home of Middleport, NY.
To share a special memory of Don, please visit www.mitchellfamilyfuneralhomes.com
Elizabeth (Gifaldi) Prieto, born April 21,
Elizabeth (Gifaldi) Prieto passed away December 3, 2024 at home surrounded by her family after a 2-year battle with melanoma. She is predeceased by her grandparents, William Buell, Frank and Marion Gifaldi. Lizzie is survived by her loving husband of 6 years, Kristopher Prieto and precious son, Luca. She is also survived by parents, Rich and Roxane Gifaldi; brothers, Rich (Maggie) Gifaldi and Francis (Crystal) Gifaldi; grandmother, Margaret Buell and several nieces,
Lizzie graduated from Holley Jr Sr High School in 2000. While in school, she participated in dance, pageants, cheerleading, and musicals, receiving many awards. She graduated in 2004 with a Communications degree from Wingate University, Wingate, NC. She moved to Monroe, NC and worked for Portrait Innovations followed by Elizabeth Missionary Church in Monroe, NC. She lived in various areas of Charlotte, NC working for Sunbelt in SC where she met her husband, Kris. After they were married, they moved to Huntersville and she received an opportunity to work in management for IManage. She worked there at the time of Lizzie loved cooking, crafts, reading, traveling and spending time with her family. She loved giving gifts and even made sure to order gifts for Christmas for her son and other family members before
Family and friends are invited to attend a Celebration of Life for Lizzie on February 1, 2025 at the Brockport Exempts, 248 West Ave., Brockport, NY 2-4:30pm. A brief service will be held at 2:30pm. Donations may be made to Kristopher Prieto mailed to
Allen H. Bilohlavek
January 10, 2025
Byron: Allen H. Bilohlavek, age 75, died January 10, 2025 in United Memorial Medical Center. He was born June 7, 1949 in Rochester to Henry and Doris ( elen) Bilohlavek and was a life-long resident of this area.
Allen was a United States Army Veteran of the Vietnam War and was a member of the Holley and Brockport VFW. He had worked for over 33 years at Owens Illinois in Brockport and belonged to the Brockport Elks Lodge. Allen was an avid hunter, enjoyed fishing, motorcycle trips, playing cards…especially Euchre, bowling and was a man who could build or fix anything. Allen was very family oriented, had a great sense of humor and had a nickname for everyone. He will forever be remembered as a “Wise-Ass” by his loving family. Mr. Bilohlavek was predeceased by his parents, his daughter, Tyanna Lutes, 4 sisters, 3 brothers and his beloved dog, “Connor.”
He is survived by his wife, Helen; his daugters, Robyn (Stephen) Schubmehl of Holley, Alana (Kyle) Piccirilli of Waterport; his brothers, Ted (Sharon) Bilohlavek of Hilton, Hank (Linda) Bilohlavek of Holley, and Tim (Denise) Bilohlavek of NC; his sisters, Carol Hoadley of FL, Kathy (Don) Batzel of North Chili; his sister-in-law, Janice Bilohlavek of Spencerport; his grandchildren, Keith (Kaitlyn), Alicia (Brendan), Stephen (Allyson), Bailey (Lyndsey), Deanna (John), Corbin, Alexander; 2 great-grandchildren, Karsen and Kennadi as well as many nieces, nephews and his “little Girl” Ruby.
e family received friends at the Christopher Mitchell Funeral Home, 16650 State Rt. #31, Holley on ursday, January 16 from 4-6PM where a time to share memories occurred at 6PM following visitation. Military Honors immediately followed the sharing time. Private interment will be held at the convenience of the family. In lieu of flowers memorials may be made to: St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital, 262 Danny omas Place, Memphis, TN, 38105.
To share a special memory of Allen, please visit: www.mitchellfamilyfuneralhomes.com
Peggy Luxon
January 8, 2025
Peggy Luxon, formerly of Medina, NY passed away at home on Wednesday, January 8, 2025 following a long illness.
Born May 28, 1943 in Akron, she was a daughter of the late Henry G. and Gladys L. (Klawer) Morgan. Peggy graduated from Medina High School Class of 1961. Soon after, she married the late Leslie E. “Edgar” Luxon. Peggy was employed at Harrison Radiator Division of GM in Lockport for over 30 years. She enjoyed shopping and conversing with people. Most of all, she enjoyed spending time with her family. In addition to her parents, she was predeceased by her husband, Edgar Luxon in 2002; son, Byron Luxon in 2022; and brothers, Harry Morgan and Archie Morgan.
Left to cherish her memory are her two sons, Darryl (Cathy) Luxon and Leslie T. Luxon (Colleen Pepper); grandchildren, Brittany, Rebecca, Scott, Adam, Jonathan, Angelina Luxon and Olivia Weller; four great-grandchildren; sister, Joan Fearby; and nephew, Michael (Lynn) Fearby.
Calling hours were held on Tuesday, January 14 from 11AM-1PM at Cooper Funeral Home, 215 W. Center St., Medina. Her funeral service was immediately followed at 1PM. Private burial will be in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Shelby. Share condolences at www.cooperfuneralhome.com.
Kathy Lynn Coots January 13, 2025
Kathy Lynn Coots, 60, of Barre, NY, passed away at the Buffalo Veterans Hospital on Monday, January 13, 2025. She was born on September 30, 1964, in Batavia, NY, the daughter of the late Gordon and Nancy Lee (Carey) Patnode. Kathy grew up in Batavia and graduated high school. On September 22, 1983, she enlisted in the U.S. Navy and returned home on May 12, 1986. She worked various jobs, including Crosby’s and Keeler Construction, and lastly, as an associate at the Albion Walmart. In Kathy’s spare time, she enjoyed going to the steam engine shows in Alexander and Canandaigua. Most of all, Kathy enjoyed spending time with her grandson.
Kathy is survived by her husband, William; sons, Kyle Bell, Ryan Evans, and Raymond Britt III; stepchildren, Tammy, Michael, and Robert; and grandson, Braxton Britt. Her brothers, Edward Ganshaw and Lonnie (Wendy) Patnode also survive, as well as several nieces and nephews.
In addition to her parents, Kathy is predeceased by her daughter, Judith Ann Britt, and a brother, Ricky Patnode. ere are no calling hours. A private service will be held at the convenience of the family and burial will be in the Pembroke National Cemetery with full military honors.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in her name to the Orleans County Joint Veterans Council, 13996 Rt. 31 W., Albion, NY 14411.
Arrangements were entrusted to the Bogan & Tuttle Funeral Home, 226 Pearl St., Medina, NY 14103.
Please light a candle or share a memory of Kathy at www.bogantuttlefunerals.com
Lloyd Jamie Stewart January 10, 2025
(Albion) Lloyd Jamie Stewart, (Linda Jean Usher) 78, of Albion, New York passed on January 10, 2025.
He is survived by daughter, Wendy Covert and her husband, Douglas Covert; Granddaughter, Kristy Covert. Preceded in death by wife, Sheryl Stewart and son, Christopher Niedbalski. Will be missed by close friend, Tammy Burton and family.
e family did receive friends at the Christopher Mitchell Funeral Homes, 21 W. Ave., Albion on ursday, January 16th, 11:00am1:00pm, where his Memorial Service did follow at 1:00pm.
To share a memory of Jamie, visit www.mitchellfamilyfuneralhomes.com.
David F. Kams
January 10, 2025
David F. Kams, 88, of Medina, NY, passed away peacefully on Friday, January 10, 2024 at the Medina Memorial Hospital- North Wing Skilled Nursing Facility.
Born January 4, 1937 in Medina, he was the only child of William and Marion (Rook) Kams. Mr. Kams grew up in Medina and graduated from Medina High School in 1956. He fondly recalled working for Rosenkran’s Pharmacy during his school years. Mr. Kams was involved with scouting for many years, earning the rank of Eagle Scout in 1955. He went on to enlist in the U.S. Navy and served from 1956-1960. He was a navy aircrew member of the Military Air Transport Service (MATS), serving in the Asian Pacific. Returning home, he was employed at Owens-Illinois in Brockport for many years. It was there that he would meet his wife, the late Peggy (Moore) Kams, whom he married April 26, 1969. Mr. Kams later worked as maintenance supervisor at the Villages of Orleans Nursing Home in Albion, where he eventually retired from. Mr. Kams was a member of the Moose Club and the Medina Jaycees. He also volunteered as Assistant Cubmaster for Pack 31 and Assistant Scoutmaster for Troop 39. Mr. Kams enjoyed photography and listening to music. He was also an avid Buffalo Bills fan. He will be lovingly remembered as a family-man who will be dearly missed by his family and friends.
In addition to his parents, he was predeceased by his wife, Peggy Kams in 2021; and two sons, omas Bailey and William Bailey both in 2017.
Survivors include his daughter, Christine (Gary) Scholes of Medina; stepson, Raymond Bailey; grandchildren, Emily Kams (Brenden), Aric Bailey, Randi Scholes (Ryan Tower) and Brandon (Stephanie) Scholes; great-grandchildren, Adalyn, Adella, Caylin, Jameson, Jack, Griffin and Evelyn.
Calling hours were held on Wednesday, Jan. 15 from 4-7PM at Cooper Funeral Home, 215 W. Center St., Medina. His funeral service was held at the funeral home the following morning, ursday, Jan. 16 at 10AM. Full military honors will be accorded at graveside at Mt. Albion Cemetery.
Share condolences at www.cooperfuneralhome.com
Nancy L. Kurdziel
January 10, 2025
(Medina) Nancy L. Kurdziel, age 76, passed away peacefully on January 10, 2025 surrounded by her loving daughters. She was born in Medina on May 30, 1948, a daughter of the late Frank and Jean (Grimes) Marek, and had lived in Lyndonville and Medina all of her life.
Nancy graduated from LA Webber High School in Lyndonville, and as an alumna, enjoyed helping to plan class reunions, as she always looked forward to seeing her high school classmates and catching up with them. After high school, she attended Erie County Technical Institute for medical lab and lab tech studies and became a licensed practical nurse. Nancy worked for 38 years as an LPN serving the community at Medina Memorial Hospital—primarily on the North Wing. She took great pride in her work, appreciated her co-workers, and truly loved taking care of others and making them feel seen and special.
Upon retirement, Nancy was able to shift her focus even more to family and to her hobbies/meaningful interests. She was very proud to come from such a large family, and prioritized keeping up with everyone’s special occasions, achievements, and helping to document them. She used every resource available to make beautiful photo albums that she would give as gifts so loved ones had physical memories to look back on and reflect. Her calendar was always marked with everyone’s birthdays, anniversaries, and special milestones so that she could promptly send cards in celebration. Nancy married the love of her life, Bob Kurdziel, on February 7, 1970, and they enjoyed 48 years of marriage together. Gardening, vacationing in the Adirondacks, and supporting the Buffalo Bills were central shared pleasures; Nancy found comfort in continuing those activities upon losing Bob six years ago. She found great joy in passing time sitting outside on her patio: observing nature,
feeling the sunshine, listening to her pond’s waterfall, and visiting with loved ones and neighbors. She also found pleasure in putting together jigsaw puzzles, doing crosswords, journaling, and collecting Peanuts memorabilia—especially anything featuring Snoopy. Most importantly, she cherished spending time with her family. She adored her grandchildren, and absolutely spoiled them with her love: showering them with affection, gifts, and plenty of good food and treats was her favorite thing to do. She deeply loved her siblings and entire extended family and cherished every opportunity to gather and spend time together—especially when the gatherings were at the family farm, which is where she has always felt most at home and at peace. She will be greatly missed by all who loved her and those whose lives she so generously touched.
In addition to her parents, Nancy was predeceased by her loving husband, Bob; sister, Beverly Sargent; and father-in-law and mother-in-law, Edmund and Helen (Biernacki) Kurdziel. She is survived by her daughters, Laurie (Dana Bentley) Kurdziel, Jill (Robb) Kurdziel Tillett, Susan Todd; grandchildren, Justin Kurdziel-Tai, Aaron Kurdziel-Tai, Billy Tillett, Oliver Tillett, Devin Galbreath, Ethan Galbreath; siblings, Larry (Norva) Marek, Sandy (Glenn) Marek, Scott (Tanya) Marek, Greg (Renee) Marek, Gary Marek, Brian (Tonna) Marek; brother-in-law, Frank Sargent; aunt, Joanne Grimes; as well as several nieces, nephews, and cousins. Calling hours were held on Friday, January 17th from 4:00-7:00pm at Cooper Funeral Home, 215 West Center St., Medina. Nancy’s Mass of Christian Burial was held on Saturday, January 18th at 11:00am at Holy Trinity Parish, St. Mary’s Church, Medina. Burial was in Sacred Heart Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, 262 Danny omas Place, Memphis, TN 38105.
To share a special memory of Nancy, visit: www.cooperfuneralhome.com.
Holley: Chet Hein, age 75, passed away January 13, 2025, at Strong Memorial Hospital after a brief illness. He was born January 3, 1950, in Huntington WV, a son of the late Chester and Louise (Robert) Hein Hunt and had lived in this area since 1963. Chet was a people person and enjoyed talking to everyone he met. He was a car enthusiast, a motor head and loved going to cruise ins or car shows with his Plymouth Street Rod. Most importantly, Chet loved
Chet is survived by his loving wife of 55 years, Trudy; his sons, Doug (Lisa) Hein, Brian Hein; grandchildren Mason, omas, Steven, Gina; mother-in-law, Constance Gaines; sister-in-law, Dorothy McElhenny as well as several nieces and nephews. ere are no prior calling hours or service. Memorials may be made to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, 262 Danny omas Place, Memphis, TN 38105. Arrangements have been entrusted to Christopher Mitchell Funeral Homes, Holley.
To share a memory of Chet, visit www.mitchellfamilyfuneralhomes.com
June C. Doud
January 12, 2025
Barre: June C. Doud, age 88, passed away peacefully on January 12, 2025 at her home. She was born November 7, 1936 in Rochester to the late Lawrence and Charline (Lazier) Hicks.
June was an avid lover of anything elephant related. She enjoyed watching the Hallmark Channel, Champions League soccer, especially Manchester City, butter pecan ice cream, the Buffalo Bills and the New York Yankees. On a nice day she enjoyed sitting on her deck watching the sky divers from Pine Hill Airport and when a family member left, she was sure to end it with “I love you more.”
In addition to her parents, she was predeceased by her husband, Frank “Russ” Doud in 2016; adopted son, Howie Doud; siblings, Richard (Shirley) Hicks, Sr., Eileen Stark, Virginia Sheard; nephews, Robert Hicks, and Fred Pettyjohn. June is survived by her nieces and nephews, Lisa Goetz, Lois Goetz, Nancy Pettyjohn, Donna (Jimmie) Tarte, Daniel (Debbie) Hicks, Richard (Shirley) Hicks, Jr., Wanda (late Richard) Sherry, Mark (Grace) Sheard, several great-nieces and nephews and greatgreat-nieces, nephews, cousins and her beloved God children.
June’s family will receive friends at the Christopher Mitchell Funeral Home, 21 West Ave., Albion, NY 14411 on Tuesday, January 21st from 4:00-7:00pm where her funeral service will be held at 7:00pm. Interment will be held the next day at Mt. Albion Cemetery at 11:00am.
Memorial contributions in June’s name may be made to Sheldrick Wildlife Trust USA, 25283 Cabot Road, Suite 101, Laguna Hills, CA 92653.
To share a special memory of June, please visit www.mitchellfamilyfuneralhomes.com
Rosa B. Nottingham January 11, 2025
Medina: Rosa B. Nottingham, age 92, passed away January 11, 2025. She was born September 29, 1932 in Fola, WV to the late Lundy and Lula Holcomb.
Rosa always kept very busy around the house since she was a mother of 12 children. However, when she had free time, she enjoyed tending to her gardens, picking berries, baking, cooking and doing anything outside around the house. She loved listening to country and gospel music, cracking jokes and, of course, her cats. Rosa was the epitome of a southern belle with her nurturing soul and as the southern saying goes, she was “hard to crowd.” Rosa will be remembered as a hard worker, fun loving mother, grandmother and great-grandmother who gave all her love to everyone.
In addition to her parents, she was predeceased by her husband, Samuel S. Nottingham Sr. in 2002; children, Anita Brown, Sharon Nottingham, Gary Nottingham, Clifford Nottingham; siblings, Faye Moore, Luther (Sue) Holcomb, Roger Holcomb, Margaret Holcomb, Carol (Sonny) Pruitt and Mildred Ghee.
Rosa is survived by her children, Burt Nottingham, Samuel Nottingham Jr., Brian Nottingham, Joyce (Marlon Sr.) Roe, Blaine (Jackie McGuire) Nottingham, Terry Nottingham, Curtis (Misty) Nottingham, David (Shelly Moyer) Nottingham; several grandchildren and great-grandchildren; siblings, Eva (late Ken) Taylor and Garnet Fitzwater, Brenda (late Ernest) Holcomb as well as many nieces, nephews and cousins.
Rosa’s family will receive friends at the Christopher Mitchell Funeral Home, 21 West Ave., Albion, NY 14411 on Monday, January 20th from 4:00-6:00pm, where her funeral service will be held the next day at 11:00am. Interment will follow in Mt. Albion Cemetery.
Memorial contributions in Rosa’s name may be made to the Niagara County SPCA, 2100 Lockport Road, Niagara Falls, NY 14304 or PAWS Animal Shelter, 3371 Gaines Basin Rd., Albion, NY 14411.
To share a special memory of Rosa, please visit www.mitchellfamilyfuneralhomes.com
Samuel J. Hutchinson
January 11, 2025
Albion: Samuel J. Hutchinson, age 70, died January 11, 2025 in his home following a short illness. He was born July 30, 1954 in Oakland, CA to Jimmie and Edna (Jones) Hutchinson and had lived in this area
Sam had many friends and enjoyed many things in his life, but fishing was his most favorite thing to do. Mr. Hutchinson was predeceased by his wife, Dorothea, and a brother, Jimmie Ray Hutchinson.
He is survived by his children, Kristen Hutchinson of CA, Darryl Montgomery of PA; his brothers: Leslie Scott Hutchinson of CA, Rodrick Franklin Hutchinson of CA; his sisters, Sheridan Ann Washington of AZ, Valerie Ann Hutchinson of CA, Arillia Ette Traylor of Albion, Katina Senovia Hutchinson of CA; 8 grandchildren as well as several nieces and nephews.
ere will be no calling hours and private services will be held at the convenience of the family. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to: St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital, 262 Danny omas Place, Memphis, TN 38105. Sam’s arrangements have been entrusted to the Christopher Mitchell Funeral Home of Albion.
To share a special memory of Sam, please visit: www.mitchellfamilyfuneralhomes.com
Richard H. Newbould
January 9, 2025
The death of a loved is difficult to confront. Emotions are elevated and grief is prominent. which can make it hard to make important decisions. Quite often several people need to come together to make decisions necessary for a family member’s funeral arrangements. There also is a financial component to consider.
According to Lincoln Heritage Life Insurance Company, the average funeral costs between $7,000 and $12,000, which may or may not include viewing, burial, transport, casket, and other fees. Surviving family members responsible for planning a funeral may be asked to contribute a portion of these expenses if other arrangements have not already been made, which can exacerbate stressful feelings during an already difficult time.
Funeral pre-planning is a good way for individuals to make a difficult time a little more manageable for their survivors. Funeral homes frequently work hand-in-hand with individuals and families to customize pre-planning packages and facilitate the process.
Albion: Richard H. Newbould, age 94, passed away on January 9, 2025. He was born on October 1, 1930, in the Town of Barre to the late Robert and Emma (Laraby) Newbould. His family had lived in the area since the 1900s and it was no different for Richard. Richard was a U.S. Army veteran, serving our country in the Korean War and was a member of the Sheret Post American Legion as well as being a lifetime member of the Albion Rod and Gun Club. He enjoyed fishing, collecting canning jars, and selling antiques at local flea markets. Richard enjoyed spending time with his family. You often found him working in his barn on his lawnmowers and tractors.
Richard was predeceased by his wife, Shirley Newbould; his son, Robert Newbould; and several siblings.
Richard is survived by his sons, Ricky, Randy (Annette), and Ron Newbould; grandchildren, Richard, Billy, Cody, Amanda, Stacey, Brandie, and Amber; great-granddaughter, Sadie; as well as several nieces and nephews.
A Celebration of Life was held on Saturday, January 18, 2025, at 4pm at the Albion Rod and Gun Club, 4535 Lime Kiln Rd, Albion, NY 14411.
In lieu of flowers, those wishing to make a memorial contribution in Richard’s memory may call the National Call Center for Homeless Veterans at 1-877-4AID-VET to be connected to VA services. Richard’s arrangements have been entrusted to Christopher Mitchell Funeral Home in Albion.
To share a special memory of Richard, please visit, www.mitchellfamilyfuneralhomes.com.
Anne Maycock Merlino December 21, 2024
Anne Maycock Merlino, of Powhatan, Virginia and Oak Orchard on the Lake in Waterport, New York, passed away peacefully on December 21, 2024 at the age of 90.
Anne was born in Buffalo, New York, and moved as a young girl to Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan, where she attended high school at Grosse Pointe South. She attended Southern Seminary in Virginia, and then worked as a receptionist in New York, where by all accounts, she had great fun living with her dear cousins. While working in New York, she met and fell in love with Joe Merlino, whom she later married. Anne and Joe moved to Connecticut and then Powhatan, Virginia, but their favorite place to be was at their beloved summer cottage in Oak Orchard, New York.
Anne had a wonderful sense of humor and a beautiful laugh. She held dear a small number of close friends, and was especially fond of her cousins and her brother. She was always impeccably dressed and was never without her lipstick and gold jewelry! Anne loved summers at the lake, late afternoon walks with her dog, and an evening cocktail.
In Anne’s later years, her brain began to decline due to Alzheimer’s disease, but even when her words no longer made sense, she was able to express gratitude to those taking care of her with a smile and a kiss on the hand.
Anne is survived by her nieces and nephew, and several loving cousins. She was predeceased by her husband, Joe Merlino; her parents, Annie Richmond Maycock and Joseph Farwell Maycock, and her brother, Joseph Farwell Maycock, Jr.
In lieu of flowers, the family asks that you consider a donation to the Alzheimer’s Association in Anne’s name: Alzheimer’s Association, P.O. Box 96011, Washington, DC 20090-6011.
Walter C. Steffen, Jr. December 28, 2024
Kendall: Walter C. Steffen, Jr., age 89, passed away December 28, 2024, at Elderwood of Lakeside at Brockport surrounded by his loving family. He was born January 17, 1935, in Albion, a son of the late Walter C. Sr. and Ella (Curtis) Steffen and had lived in this area all of his life.
Walt was a member of the Concordia Lutheran Church, the Kendall Fire Department and was on the Town of Kendall Planning Board for over 40 years. He was the 3rd generation to own and operate Steffen’s Farm in Kendall, which his grandfather started in 1908. He enjoyed his John Deer Tractor and going to the casino. He was known for his kindness and opened his home to anyone, especially children, that needed a place to stay. Walt truly was a family man who loved spending time with his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
In addition to his parents, he was predeceased by his children, Debbie Steffen, Barbara Adolph, David and Dennis Steffen; grandson, Jake Adolph; sisters, Alice Steffen Schepler, Mary Steffen Herring.
Walt is survived by his loving wife of 72 years, Miriam “Dolly”; his children, Dan Steffen, Doug (Rhonda) Steffen, Patti (Taras) Salamanca, Dale (Kathy) Steffen, Connie (Saul) Harrison, Susie (Ron) Kyle; 22 grandchildren; 27 great-grandchildren; many great-great-grandchildren; daughter-in-law, Halia as well as many in-laws, nieces, nephews and cousins.
e family received friends at the Christopher Mitchell Funeral Home, 16650 State Rte. 31, Holley, Friday, January 3rd 2:00-5:00pm. His Funeral Service was Saturday at the Concordia Lutheran Church in Kendall at 11:00am. Burial will be in Greenwood Cemetery at the convenience of the family. Memorials may be made to the Kendall Fire Department, 1879 Kendall Rd., Kendall, NY 14476, or to the Concordia Lutheran Church, 1769 Kendall Rd., Kendall, NY 14476.
Michael P. Szulis January 14, 2025
Michael P. Szulis, 72, of Medina, NY, entered into rest on Tuesday, January 14, 2025, at his home.
He was born on February 27, 1952, in Medina, NY, the son of the late Kasmier R. “Mike” and Beatrice E. (Whitney) Szulis.
Mike graduated from Medina High School in 1970 and attended Ohio Tech. He married the former Judy Cogovan on July 31, 1976, and they raised two children together. Mike was employed for 43 years as a Maintenance Electrician with FMC of Middleport, NY, retiring in 2016. He served as past President of e International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers Local 2741 and was a member of the Niagara-Orleans Labor Council. He also served on the Board for AYSO Soccer. Mike was a lifelong Communicant of St. Mary’s Church and was a member of the Knights of Columbus, Medina Council #651, and also served as a Fourth Degree member for St. Joan of Arch Assembly 0717. In his spare time, Mike enjoyed traveling, anything to do with classic cars, and spending time with his grand dogs.
Mike is survived by his wife of 48 years, Judy; children, Michelle (Cory) Lewis of Medina, NY, Raymond (Nic) Ruby Szulis of Columbus, Ohio; a sister, Dawn (Robin) Root of Albion, NY; also several nieces, nephews, and great-nieces and nephews and his partner in crime, Gracie Cogovan. Also, his brother and sisters-inlaw, Pam (Gerry) Gray of Lockport, NY, David (Tiffany) Cogovan of Industry, PA, Shawn (Michaelene) Prest and Kim Cogovan, all of Medina, NY, and an uncle, Don (Crystal) Luxon of Basom, NY. Relatives and friends may call on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, from 2 to 4 PM and 7 to 9 PM at the Bogan & Tuttle Funeral Home, 226 Pearl St., Medina, NY 14103. A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated on Wednesday, 11:00 AM, at Holy Trinity Parish/ St. Mary’s Church, Medina, NY. Burial will be in the St. Mary’s Cemetery.
Instead of flowers, memorials may be made in Mike’s name to the Alzheimer’s Association/Western NY Chapter. www.alz.org/wny Please light a candle or share a memory of Mike at www.bogantuttlefunerals.com
Shelby Transportation is currently seeking motivated and dedicated team members who are responsible for local grain hauling and home every night.
• $55k - $70k
• Excellent benefits – health and dental insurance, matching 401(k), life insurance, wellness benefits.
• Requirements: Minimum 3 years’ driving experience. Good MVR, No DUI/DWI.
• On farm/agricultural experience preferred.
• Apply in person: 4141 Bates Rd., Medina, NY, or email your resume to jobs@wnyenergy.com
Qualifications: Must be High School Graduate or hold GED, must exhibit tact, courtesy and good judgment when working with students and adults.
Non-competitive, civil service position. Fingerprinting is required at the expense of the applicant.
Work hours: Elementary School 7:30 am – 3:30 pm Interested candidates may pick up an application at the Albion Central School District Office 324 East Avenue, Albion, NY 14411 Contact Cindy Ishmael at (585) 589-2055 with any questions.
DeadlinetoApply:January24,2025. EOE
“Theotherday,whenwemoved,we went through our family medicine chest to see what we could throw away. It was like turning back the pages of history...
Familylifereallycentersaroundthe medicine chest, rather than around the hearth,as the poets would have it. Families really become families by virtue of the cuts, bruises, and sick spells they have together. It is no insult to home to say that home is where the laxative bottle is.”
~Don Herold,“The Family Medicine Chest,” bigger & better, 1925
HOLLEY CSD is seeking candidates for the following position: Transportation Supervisor –Competitive is position requires a CDL license with school bus/passenger endorsement and eligibility for 19-A certification.
Please visit: https://www.holleycsd.org/JobOpportunities1.aspx to learn more and apply!
Send letter of interest, resume, completed civil service application (found on Holley CSD website), a copy of driver’s license and any certifications to: cnenni@holleycsd.org or Connie Nenni, District Clerk Holley CSD 3800 North Main St. Holley, NY 14470
An 8 year old handsome hound looking for a home of his own. He loves being outside and enjoys watching the world go by. Give us a call!
Corner of 98 & 31A, Albion www.friendsoftheocas.org OCadoptions@aol.com
By Sam Marzotta
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My parents at Christmas said I’m finally old enough to have a kitten! We are going to the local Humane Society this weekend to adopt one. What suggestions do you have so that I train the kitten right? -William in Manassas, Virginia
DEARWILLIAM: Grab a book on cat care at the local bookstore or library and read it cover to cover. While cats are considered to be easier to care for than dogs, they still need to be properly house-trained and given a routine (which helps immensely with reducing anxiety-related behaviors, too).
I’m sure you’ve already stocked up on kitten food, though it’s a good idea not to buy too much to begin with. You’ll want to try a few different brands and types of food -- dry, wet or fresh -- to see what the kitten likes and how well he responds to each.
When you pick up your new kitten, talk to the shelter staff to learn about any particular behaviors the kitten has, any health issues that need monitoring, and any advice they have for getting him or her settled in. Cats being prepared for adoption are sometimes fostered out to make sure they can live easily with humans and to observe them for any health or behavioral issues that need to be ironed out before they’re ready to go to a forever family. The shelter will have that information for you so that there are no surprises (like territorial peeing).
Congratulations, and best of luck! Sounds like you will soon have a new friend in the household.
Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.
(c) 2025 King Features Synd., Inc.
call (585)682-4435 or email
DID YOU KNOW? The popularity of vegan diets is on the rise as people increasingly turn to plant-based eating. According to Soylent, a soy-based meal replacement beverage company, the number of vegans exceeded 9.7 million in the United States in 2019. Projections estimate that by 2040,only 40 percent of the global population will continue to eat meat. The online resources Made in Canada reports that, in 2020, 4.6 percent of Canadians were vegan. Between 2017 and 2021, the compound annual growth rate for plant-based ready meal sales in Canada was 441.8 percent advises the site.
1. GEOGRAPHY: What is the smallest continent by area?
2. MOVIES: What is Deadpool’s real name in the movie series?
3. MEASUREMENTS: How many ounces are in 1 gallon?
4. TELEVISION: What is the name of the character that Jason Bateman plays in “Ozark”?
5. FOOD & DRINK: What is the dimple at the bottom of a wine bottle called?
6. U.S. CITIES: Which city also is known as Motown?
7. LITERATURE: The movie “Bridget Jones Diary” is loosely based on which novel?
8. ANIMAL KINGDOM: Which is the only big cat that doesn’t roar?
9. MEDICAL: What is a common name for fasciculation?
10. LANGUAGE: What does the Latin term “magnum opus” mean?
10. “Great work.”
VEGETABLEPLANTS. Wholesalevegetableplant production.OpeningMarch1st. PrepareforSpring!Bringusyour seeds,12447RooseveltHwy, Lyndonville,NY.
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