BF Goodrich
• Wash hands.First and foremost,it is crucial to wash your hands before andafterusingthecar.
• Use rubbing alcohol. Solutions that contain 70 percent alcohol are effective against many viruses and bacteria. Nearly every interior surface of a vehicle can be cleaned withisopropylalcohol.
• Avoid bleach or hydrogen peroxide. They are likely to damage a car’supholstery.
• Use soap and water: Experts say that vigorous washing with a soapand-water solution can be effective againstmanycontaminants.Friction also can help to break down germ cellsduringcleaning.
• Addressfrequentlytouchedsurfaces. Pay attention to the steering wheel, door handles, buttons, touchscreen displays, shift lever, and more whensanitizing.
By Sam Marzotta
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My dog “Austin” was recently diagnosed with Lyme disease. He’s responding very well to treatment with antibiotics. Still, I’m wracking my brain as to how he was exposed. I check him for ticks every time we go out hiking, and I’ve never found one. I avoid trails in the deep woods during the summer months, when there’s a lot of brush and ticks are out. What can I do to protect him from another tick bite? -- Zack in Asheville, North Carolina
DEAR ZACK: I’m glad to hear Austin is on the mend! Lyme disease in dogs can be very debilitating.
e most important tool in the tick-fighting arsenal is prevention. Use a flea and tick preventive treatment -- like a topical ointment or a chewable medication -- to arm your dog in advance of going outside. Oral treatments o en have the added advantage of heartworm medication to prevent this dangerous transmitted disease in dogs from fleas and mosquitoes.
Avoiding the deep woods in summer is one way to reduce the chance of acquiring a tick (or three, or four), but ticks can lurk right in your yard and around the neighborhood. Keep the lawn mowed and brush trimmed back, and remove any debris piles around your property. Vacuum carpets weekly and sweep and mop the floors regularly.
Check Austin every day for ticks, even on days that you don’t go out hiking. It’s not unheard of to miss a tick in a dog’s fur, before it’s latched on to the skin -- and you have a 48-hour window to locate and remove an attached tick before Lyme exposure occurs.
Finally, talk to the vet about whether a Lyme vaccine would be a good choice for your dog.
Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.
FREE to all October 19th • 2-4PM
Community Welcome Trick or treat bags provided.
Parking provided
Kra -Heinz Employee parking lot off Sackett Rd.
Brought to you by the Genesee Valley Penny Saver’s printing division
Send your loved ones holiday greetings and share your favorite memories with our custom designed holiday cards! Go online now to check out our designs and order yours today.
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The American Association of Poison Control Centers says that fatal and nonfatal poisonings overwhelmingly occur among adults. This is largely attributed to the opioid epidemic in the United States and overdoses linked to prescription medications. The National Safety Council says more than 90 percent of nonfatal poisonings and 99 percent of fatalities attributed to poisonings occur in adults older than 19.The NSC says that,in 2019,the most recent year for data, there were 65,773 preventable poisoning deaths in the United States.
1817 | Harper Bros. was founded in NYC
Palmer Putnam and John Wiley established one of America's first major publishing houses in what would later become the center of the publishing industry: New York City.
1439 | Printing press sparks a revolution Johannes Gutenberg began work on his printing press — the first with mechanical movable type. The ability to print anything quickly sparked the Printing Revolution, where knowledge and ideas spread around the world.
1. Start a new book One of the best ways to celebrate National Book Month is by opening a book you've never read before.
How to observe National Book Month: Find the book
2. Share an old book Take one of your favorites and share it with someone.
3. Post on social media #NationalBookMonth
10 Editions delivered weekly to 105,000 Homes
165,000 Print Readers
80,000 Digital Readers
Office: PO Box 340 1471 Route 15 Avon, NY 14414
Phone: 585-226-8111 Fax: 585-226-3390 www.gvpennysaver.com
President ...........................Steve Harrison
General Manager ...........................Manuel Karam
Creative Director ..............................Cristie Leone
Production Supervisor
Wasson Sales Department ............................Colleen Mann
Circulation Manager ...............................Paul Schojan
Dogs are wildly popular pets. The American Pet Products Association saysthereare63.4millionhouseholds in the United States that have a dog, and with the exception of 2002 and 2015, that number has steadily risen since 2000. Certain breeds remain especially popular among dog owners. In August 2021, the pet insuranceproviderTrupanionreleased the most popular dog breeds of 2020, and the top five breeds were:
1.Labrador retriever
2.Golden retriever
4.German shepherd
Dr. Jennifer J. Dotterweich, Optometrist
Dr. Oksana Zubrzycka Optometrist 243 East Main St., Avon, NY 14414 585-226-3400 visionsource-livingstoneyecare.com
Reduce heat to warm or low to serve.
By Keith Roach, M.D.
DEAR DR. ROACH: Can someone have diffuse multiple myeloma with serious symptoms (like bone pain, pale skin, amber-colored urine, constipation, fatigue, insomnia, excessive sweating, and dizziness) and still be alive after four years? -- J.O.
ANSWER: Multiple myeloma is a type of cancer of the bone marrow. The cells in the bone marrow (called plasma cells) stop responding as they should and make large amounts of antibodies. Unfortunately, these antibodies don’t help you fight off infections; they consist of a single clone that usually doesn’t have any discernible activity. What myeloma does do is crowd out the rest of the cells in the bone marrow so that the person can’t make adequate red blood cells (causing pale skin and dizziness), blood-clotting cells (predisposing people to bleeding), and other immune system cells. This puts a person at a high risk for infection. The myeloma cells can get into the bone and cause bone pain. The high metabolic activity can also cause dizziness and sweating, and many cancers cause more nonspecific symptoms like fatigue, insomnia and constipation. Myeloma can also damage the kidney.
Although myeloma is generally considered incurable, new treatments have greatly improved the prognosis. In people with the standard type of myeloma, survival is eight years with the usual treatment. With a stem-cell transplant, survival with average-risk myeloma is over 12 years. Some highly aggressive forms of myeloma have a much worse survival rate.
I don’t have enough information to tell whether you have standard or high-risk myeloma. Your symptoms suggest that your disease isn’t under good control. But the majority of people treated with the best available treatments do live longer than four years.
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu. © 2024 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
that fits your
Counseling, Psychotherapy and now,
Please join the Village of Avon Board of Trustees
On Monday October 7th, 2024 @ 6pm to celebrate
The ultimate in privacy and confidentiality; talk to a NYS licensed therapist by video or phone.
Cindy Pond, LCSW-R, PLLC
106 Main St., Geneseo
• Trusts
• Special Needs Trusts
In his retirement a er 37 years of dedicated service in the Village of Avon! Light refreshments will follow our scheduled Board Meeting
Congratulations on your Retirement, Mike!
• Medicaid Planning
• Wills and Probate
• Health Care Directives and Powers of Attorney
• VA - Aid & Attendance. 786-0150
Each mumbered row contains two clues and two answers. e two answers differ from each other by only one letter, which has already been inserted. For example, if you exchange the A from MASTER for an I, you get MISTER. Do not change the order of the letters.
Swap your spread. Switch out mayonnaise or mustard on sandwiches for yogurt or ricotta cheese. Add herbs or lemon juice to dairy to amp up flavor.
Ask someone you trust. The ABA® notes that seeking recommendations from friends, relatives or business associates can be a great way to find a reliable lawyer. Individuals you know who live nearby may offer advice on who to hire or even lawyers to avoid based on their own experiences, so don’t hesitate to ask around. However, the ABA® points out that no two legal cases are the same, so a lawyer who was right for a loved one’s case may not necessarily be perfect for you.
• REGISTRATION deadline is October 26, 2024. Apply in person or postmark no later than October 26, 2024.
• ADDRESS CHANGES must be received by the Board of Elections by October 21, 2024.
• Deadline to request an ABSENTEE BALLOT by mail is October 26, 2024. You may apply in person until November 4, 2024.
Please refer to https://www.livingstoncounty.us/123/ Board-of-Elections for more information or call the Livingston County Board of Elections at 243-7090 if you have any questions.
Heavy Equipment/Trailers
Lawn Equipment/Vehicles
Real Estate
Tools & More!!
On the whole I take it that middle age is a happier period than youth. In the entire circle of the year there are no days so delightful as those of a fine October, when the trees are bare to the mild heavens, and the red leaves bestrew the road, and you can feel the breath of winter morning and evening—no days so calm, so tenderly solemn, and with such a reverent meekness in the air.
~Alexander Smith (1829–1867), “An Essay on an Old Subject”
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY
The completion of the Erie Canal in 1825 was a transformative event for New York State, connecting the Atlantic Ocean to the Great Lakes and revolutionizing commerce in our region. For towns like Henrietta, the canal was not just a feat of engineering but a vital connection to larger markets, particularly during the autumn harvest season. e impact of the Erie Canal on Henrietta’s agricultural practices and economy is a story of growth, opportunity, and the profound influence of a waterway that opened new horizons for local farmers.
Before the canal’s construction, Henrietta’s farmers faced significant challenges in reaching markets beyond their immediate area. Transportation was slow and costly, limiting the ability of local farmers to sell their produce elsewhere. e Erie Canal changed this dynamic, providing a direct, efficient route to major urban centers such as New York City. During autumn harvest season, farmers could transport their goods quickly and at a lower cost by canal, ensuring products arrived at markets in peak condition.
e canal’s accessibility encouraged Henrietta’s farmers to diversify their crops and increase production. Grains like wheat, barley, and oats, which were well-suited for bulk transport, became more prominent. e ability to reach distant markets also motivated farmers to improve produce quality, knowing they could command higher prices for superior goods. Apples, a key crop in the Henrietta area, benefited particularly from canal transportation. During the fall, vast quantities of apples were harvested, carefully packed in barrels, and shipped via canal boats to new markets, enhancing the profitability of local apple growers.
e process of preparing goods for canal transport became an integral part of the autumn season in Henrietta. Harvesting was only the beginning; farmers also had to process and package their crops to ensure they were market-ready. Grains needed to be threshed, winnowed, and bagged, while apples required careful packing to prevent bruising during transport. is preparation was o en a communal effort, with local farmers working together to maximize the efficiency and quality of their shipments.
e canal’s influence extended beyond the fields, stimulating the development of processing industries in Henrietta. Gristmills that ground grain into flour and cider mills that pressed apples into juice became more common, particularly near the canal where access to
both raw materials and shipping routes was easiest. e rise of these industries boosted the local economy, creating jobs and adding value to the crops grown in the area.
Autumn in Henrietta became a season of bustling activity, with the Erie Canal at the heart of the town’s agricultural commerce. Canal boats in Rochester were loaded with produce from Henrietta, ready to embark on the journey to distant markets. is seasonal surge in trade benefited more than just farmers; so did local businesses that supplied goods and services to those involved in the canal trade. Merchants, blacksmiths, and general stores experienced increased business during the fall as farmers prepared for the harvest and subsequent transport of their goods. Additionally, the canal brought an influx of seasonal workers to Henrietta, many of whom stayed temporarily to assist with the harvest and shipment, creating a vibrant, if short-lived, economic boost each autumn.
Although the rise of railroads eventually diminished the Erie Canal’s dominance as a transportation route, its impact on Henrietta’s agricultural history remains significant. e canal not only opened new markets to Henrietta’s farmers but also fostered a sense of connectedness with the broader economy of New York State and beyond. Today, the legacy of the Erie Canal in Henrietta is still felt, particularly in the town’s agricultural traditions. Fall farmers’ markets, apple festivals, and other seasonal events continue to celebrate the harvest’s bounty, much as they did when the canal first brought new opportunities to the region. While the Erie Canal may no longer serve as the vital commercial artery it once was, its role in shaping the history and economy of Henrietta endures.
Sources: e Erie Canal: Exploring New York’s Great Canals by omas X. Grasso; Henrietta: e First 200 Years by Jean West; History of Monroe County, New York by W.H. McIntosh; e Erie Canal and the Growth of New York State Agriculture by Peter L. Bernstein
Love to write? You could earn CASH when you share your original story, personal experience, community happening or school event with us! It may be featured on our popular website for all to see and even selected for print! Go to My Hometown at www.gvpennysaver.com or email hometown@gvpennysaver.com!
Surf and Turf Special
Our Famous Rib and Pot Dinner $35
10 ounce Prime Rib with a 4 ounce Lobster Pot Dinner includes choice of potato, fresh garden salad, homemade rolls, and specialty bread.
*Make it a "Double Surf" by adding on a 4 ounce Lobster Tail for only $10.
Served Tuesday through Friday and Sundays 4-6pm Your choice- $18
8 ounce Prime Rib Dinner • Shrimp Scampi over Pasta Lobster Haddock
Dinners include choice of potato unless pasta is indicated, fresh garden salad, homemade rolls, and specialty bread.
Fridays at our front bar - 1/2 priced drinks!
Excludes bottles of wine and champagne.
Fridays in October - Friday Fish Fry To Go
Only $14. Your choice of broiled, breaded, Cajun, lemon pepper, or beer battered. Dinner comes with French Fries and Homemade Slaw.
Sunday Special - 1 Pound Prime Rib Dinner $35
Includes choice of potato, fresh garden salad, homemade rolls, and specialty bread.
*Please no substitutions to any of our specials. All specials must be told to your wait staff upon ordering. You will not get special pricing unless stated. We advertise in many different outlets and we monitor what specials are received by each outlet.
No affiliation with Red Osier Rochester, RPM Enterprise, Total Sandwich Catering or Sammies-n-Sweets.
More money kept in the community. Shopping locally means that more money will stay in the community. According to recent research from Civic Economics, local eateries return nearly 79 percent of revenue to the community,compared to just over 30 percent for chain restaurants. Overall, for every $100 spent at a local business, around $73 remains in the community, verus roughly $43 when shopping at a non-locally owned business.
Livonia Hook and Ladder and Hose Company No. 1
4213 S. Livonia Rd. • PO Box 151 Livonia, NY 14487
Eat In - Take Out Available
Sunday, October 13th • 12:30-4pm HomemadeDesserts No Pre-Sale Tickets!
Webster Crossing United Methodist Church
7242 Webster Crossing Rd. • Springwater, NY $14
ey are not participating in this life saving drill because parents are not helping them with it! Seems like their parents don’t want to be bothered with something which might save their child’s life as well as their own!
DON’T LET THIS BE YOU! Practice with your children!!!
Every October the Livonia Fire Department sponsors a HOME FIRE DRILL. is year's drill will be on October 9th, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. We are once again asking all residents of the Livonia Central School District and all local Fire Districts to please participate in this LIFE SAVING DRILL. All area fire sirens will blow at 6:00 p.m. on this date to signal the start of the drill. Livonia's Past Chief Dave Peck states "Every year we hear about families who are seriously injured or killed in a fire because they didn't have an escape plan which they practiced. Don't let this be you! ere are still too many residents who think it can't happen to them. WELL, IT CAN!!!”
You should be prepared by practicing how to get your family out of your home if a fire should occur. If you care about your family you will:
1. Have at least one working smoke detector on each level of your home. Use it as your signal to begin your drill.
2. Test emergency exits. Make sure you and your children can open windows and remove screens and storm windows from inside.
3. Have folding ladders available for second floor escape.
4. Practice using emergency exits in the dark. Keep a flashlight next to every bed.
5. Teach each family member to roll out of bed, crawl to the bedroom door, feel the door to see if it is hot, and stay low in smoke to avoid toxic gases. Crawl quickly to your safest exit.
6. Don't forget to designate a meeting place for your whole family once outside the residence. Make sure everyone knows to get out quickly and go to the meeting place.
7. Never go back inside a smoke filled building for any reason!
Once you are out, STAY OUT.
8. In a real emergency, go to your neighbor's house and call 911. Please assist your children with Operation E.D.I.T.H "IT MAY SAVE THEIR LIFE"
Rush United Methodist Church 80th Annual
Saturday, October 19, 2024 4:30pm-gone • Dine-in or Take-out BAKE SALE 4-7pm
Please bring a canned good or financial donation to benefit RHAFT 6200 Rush Lima Rd. • Rush, NY
Thank you for paying it forward!
Balloons Blow
A big THANK YOU to the woman behind my husband and I in line last Saturday for the big craft event. We traveled quite far to attend and were told there was no admission fee and had not brought cash with us. Turns out there was a cash only admission fee and we were told we could enter the grounds to access an ATM and come back and pay. But before we could do so the woman behind us quietly and generously paid for both my husband and my admission as well as for her friend! We thanked her there but it really meant a lot to be given this kindness and wanted to thank her again. Hope she reads this!
I cringe watching another balloon release in memory of a family’s loved one on the news almost every week. Yes, losing a loved one is tragic but balloons don’t just disappear in the heavens, out of sight and out of mind. They come back down to earth, polluting land and water, killing wildlife and causing power outages. Don’t be ignorant; please use other environmentally safe alternatives: blow bubbles, release flowers or petals in water, plant a tree or native flowers, use pinwheels or other stationary decorations. City or Town laws should be put in place to prevent balloon releases.
On 9/27, I went to a local pizza place with my grand-nephew. Upon entering, the busy staff exclaimed welcoming greetings. Due to time constraints, I had to exit without placing an order! Upon exiting, the team again exclaimed kind farewells. I actually was astounded and wanted to go back in again just to tell them how heartwarming their hospitality impressed me. It restored my faith that “customer care” is still thriving at this local shop. Love the pizza and the offers!!
I can’t understand why people can be proud of being a billionaire or why people admire them. It only proves how selfish they are. If you are a person who really cares about others, you can always find a charity that does good for the deserving, such as charities that help save the lives of children or organizations that find water so people can grow their own food and bathe. There are so many charities that do really good work and help make this planet a better place for all of us to live. You don’t usually accumulate even several million dollars if you truly do your best to share. I grew up in a family that didn’t have much money because my siblings were not the healthiest, but my parents always gave to others who were in need. The world would be a better place if people cared about others and less about accumulating a lot of things they really don’t need.
Four 5’ x 7’ BARN RUGS. Avon. 585-503-7083
3 SCREEN DOORS, 32’ X 80’, one vinyl, two wood. With handles, hinges, and spring closer. Text only please. 585-278-5100
5TH WHEEL TRAILER. Good for hunting cabin. Must pick up. Corfu. 585-604-0006
Large PLASTIC DOG KENNEL and RED BRICKS. You haul / pick up. 585-764-3525
21” Toro CORDLESS ELECTRIC MOWER, charger, extra blade, adapter plug and collection bag. You pick up. 585-705-6354
COMPUTER PARTS, lots of memory sticks, motherboard, (2) 10” tablets for parts. Must take all. 585-748-1179
MASON / BALL CANNING JARS - (11) quart jars, (9) two cup jars, no rings, or lids. Must take all. 585-748-1179
Black VariDesk Pro Plus 36” STANDING DESKTOP CONVERTER with dual monitor arms. Heavy. East Bloomfield. Texts only, please. 315-753-2193
FLOOR CLOCK, 6’ tall. Needs repair. Text only. 585- 730-0869
WOLMAN TRANSPARENT OIL DECK, FENCE, SIDING PRESERVATIVE. Two one-gallon cans of natural color. Unopened. Rush area. mrssiberfile@aol.com
Heavy duty OUTDOOR ELECTRIC WHEELCHAIR for a handicapped person. Needs batteries. You pick up. 585-223-2612 or 315-9869405
CAR BIKE RACK - holds two bikes. Needs trailer hitch. Good condition. 585-455-6116
Perfectly preserved ROBIN’S NEST with two eggs for science class or nature study. Text 585-813-2671
Large bag of PINECONES for crafting. Please text. 585-314-1548
BOOKS IN GERMAN (mostly novels I think). 585-233-5625
FULL SIZE COUCH (99”) and LOVE SEAT (55”), good condition, no rips/tears. Beige/tan. W/pillows. You pick up in Rush. 585-533-1223 20 Green CHOIR ROBES with yellow stoles. 585-356-9941
UPRIGHT PIANO. Old heavy beast. Would be cool to gut and repurpose as desk, etc. lyndaleebee@gmail.com
SWING SET in very good condition. Picture available upon request. You disassemble. 585-317-4821
OUTBACK BIKE RACK - Mounts in standard trailer 2” receiver. Holds two bikes. Good condition. Text please 585-746-1798
Two small PET STEPS for ailing pets to get up on bed/couch. TEXT PLEASE. 585-315-0563
COBALT BLUE WINE BOTTLES for garden bottle tree. sunny14586. jw@gmail.com
3-5 CONCRETE PAVERS for under raised garden. 2 ft. by 3 or 4 ft. We will remove. Please text. 585-416-3530
RECLINER in good, clean condition. No pets. For senior. marge_ behl@yahoo.com
Two older WEIGHT BENCHES, 2 bars, dumbbell bars, tricep bar, and over 300 pounds of weights. 585-243-5412
RELIABLE CAR for medical apts and job. Graciously needed. Brockport to city several times a week. 585-287-0624
DOG FOOD, CAT FOOD, CAT LITTER, and TIMOTHY HAY. holdfort@ rochester.rr.com
Cooperstown Dream Field TRADING PINS and POKÉMON CARDS. salvatore.d.timpani@gmail.com
Any SPORTS COLLECTIBLES, good pair of size 8/9 MEN’S WINTER BOOTS, Buffalo Bills WINTER HAT AND GLOVES, lightweight and foldable RASCAL SCOOTERS, COSTUME JEWELRY. Call 585-415-8513.
COMIC BOOKS. Will pick up, any & all, any amount & condition. Call or text 585-260-0437
Any beater CAR for travel to and from work. Only one vehicle in the household. Needed security for wife and children. 585-729-1259
ADULT NUTRITION/MEAL REPLACEMENT DRINKS. Brand unimportant. Lakeville. Call or text 585-649-8706
ELECTRIC LEAF BLOWER in good condition, CAR RAMPS and CROCHET SET. 585-507-8788
Looking for ‘70s/’80s/’90s Rock and Roll 8 TRACK TAPES, CASSETTES, and VINYL RECORDS. gzintel1967@gmail.com
XL DOG CRATE & DOG CARRIER. 585-507-8788
Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received.
Prepare your home for a power outage (Family Features) Understanding the distinction between these options will help any family determine which is the better choice for their home.
• A portable generator is an immediate,but temporary,solution. A portable gas generator is less expensive than a standby unit and doesn’t require installation time.Its benefits have limits,as it can only power a few home appliances for a few hours before needing refueling.
• A standby generator with an automatic transfer switch provides a seamless and permanent backup power solution.It is professionally installed outside the home and can power more of your home’s appliances for long periods of time. Powered by natural gas or liquid propane,recent power management technology has allowed homes to still receive whole-house backup electricity, but with a smaller,more affordable generator than in years past.
With an emergency kit on hand and the right backup power source available,the frustration of weathering a storm can be greatly lessened.
Think about the purpose. Hardscaping can look good but also serve key purposes. Pebbles or gravel can mitigate trouble areas that don’t grow grass or plant life well. Retaining walls hold back soil in yards with sharply inclined hills. Mulch can set perimeters around trees and shrubs, as well as planting beds. Fencing, another form of hardscaping, is essential for establishing property boundaries and adding privacy.
Collect and harvest
Be sure to gather any useable garden vegetables and fruits and prepare them for storage if they cannot be consumed in the next few days. Canning is a time-honored preservation method. Herbs and seeds can be dried and saved for use later on. Vacuum seal fresh basil and parsley.
Install windows films. Plastic window films are another option for homeowners looking to improve the energy efficiency of their windows. Heat shrink film can be cut to fit each individual leaky window in a home and then attached to windows using double-sided tape. A hair dryer can then be used to shrink the film and remove any wrinkles. Low-emissivity, or Low-E, coatings are a more expensive alternative to heat shrink film, and they can be equally effective at improving energy efficiency. Installation of Low-E coatings can be more difficult, as they do not provide as much leeway for mistakes during application as heat shrink film.
Trimming • Take Down Brush Chipper Cabling Stump Grinding
Reasonable Rates
Free Estimates • Insured
Office - 538-2745
Cell - 585-259-5117
Pick your destination
Anywhere with deciduous trees provides the opportunity to witness blazing autumn color. During leaf-peeping season, travelers can go coast to coast and see awesome vistas. Some regions are particularly known for their leaf displays. New York’s Catskill and Adirondack regions are prime spots for visitors in the autumn. Those who live further north will find that leaves in Vermont are such an attraction that routes are published indicating where to enjoy the best views. Further south, Central and Eastern Virginia peak in late October. And don’t forget the shores of the Great Lakes, which are awash in reds, oranges and yellows by mid-September. The travel resource Frommer’s offers more leaf-peeping locales to visit.
HUGEGARAGESALE: everySaturdaymonthofOctoberat3657GallowayrdBataviafrom9-5. EVERYTHINGHALFPRICE.Small kitchenappliances,artwork, collectibles,brandnewdesigner purses,somefurniture.Andmuch muchmore.
MT.MORRIS: 3142 EastGroveland Road.October11th(2-6pm),12th& 13th(10-2pm).THEALMOST EVERYTHINGIS$1SALE. Housewares,furniture,antiques, collectibles,tools,tonsoftoysandkids clothes,Barbie,Disney,PBSKids.
To: All interested parties
From: Lima Town Board
Date: October 2, 2024
e Town of Lima, Livingston County, New York is requesting formal written bids from parties interested in providing periodic lawn mowing, trimming and general lawn maintenance services during the 2025 calendar year for the cemeteries maintained by the Town of Lima, as set forth below:
e old Baptist Cemetery on NYS Rt. 15A
e cemetery behind the Presbyterian Church on the corner of NYS Rt. 15A and NYS Rts. 5 & 20 Methodist Society Cemeteries on the College Street and the corner of College St. and Harrison Ave.
e cemetery on the north side of Egan Road, 1/8 of a mile east of Health Markham Rd.
e responsible bid will provide a lump-sum price for lawn mowing, trimming and general maintenance (eg. brush, limb and leaf removal) at the following frequency:
Within three (3) days before the Friday that commences Memorial Day Weekend
Within three (3) days before the 4th of July/Independence Day
Within three (3) days before the Friday that commences the weekend on which the Lima Crossroads Festival is held (early August)
Within three (3) days before the Friday that commences Labor Day Weekend
Within three (3) days before the Friday that commences the Columbus Day weekend
e lump-sum price shall be billed and payable in four (4) equal installments, one for each month of May, June, July and August 2025.
For questions regarding the bid specifications, please contact the following:
Michael J. Falk, Town Supervisor
7329 East Main Street, Lima, New York 14485 (585) 624-7911 office, (585) 509-1433 cell, (585) 624-6129 fax supervisor@townoflima.org
Bidding rules:
1. All bids shall be in writing and shall state the bid price in United States Dollars;
2. All written bids shall be returnable to the Town of Lima, Attention: Town Clerk at 7329 East Main Street, Lima, New York 14485 and shall be post marked or delivered no later than October 30, 2024, at Noon.
3. All bidders must provide proof of insurance with bid for general liability coverage of not less than $1,000,000 each occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate and $1,000,000 excess liability each occurrence;
4. All bidders must provide proof of insurance with bid for statutory worker’s compensation and disability insurance;
5. All proposals shall be fully compliant with all federal, state and local codes, rules and regulations;
6. Bids will be opened on October 30, 2024 at Noon.
7. e Town of Lima reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
October 2, 2024
Jennifer Heim, CMC/RMC Lima Town Clerk
Before saying “so long” to yard work at the end of autumn, homeowners should remove thatch from their lawns. Thatch is dead grass that’s often identifiable by its yellowish tint, and this dead grass, if left to loom in the lawn over the winter, can block air and moisture from making its way into the soil. That can make it difficult for a lawn to recover come the spring and may even cost homeowners a substantial amount of money to address when winter finally skips town. When removing thatch, resist the temptation to rake with lots of physical force, as raking too hard can harm the lawn. Instead, commit to three or four easy passes with the rake, as this will collect the thatch without damaging the lawn. Many people rent a dethatcher from a nearby lawn and garden supply store, and such a device can make the process of removing thatch much easier.
However, be sure to clean the machine before using it on your lawn, as there is no way of telling what condition the previous renter’s lawn was in when heor she used the device. Failing to clean the dethatcher can spread disease from a previous renter’s lawn onto your own, and that can prove another costly mistake come the spring when your lawn is looking to rebound. If seeding the lawn in early fall, which can be a great time to reseed, remove the thatch before laying down any new seed. If you wait to remove thatch until after you have laid down new seed, then the lawn likely won’t benefit from the seed and you will likely just rake the new seed away when it comes time to remove thatch.
Tales forTotsisBack!
Avon Free Library
143 Genesee Street • Avon (585) 226-8461 Fax: 226-6615 www.avonfreelibrary.org
Mon. & Thurs. 10-8; Tues & Wed 10-6; Fri. 10-5; Sat.10-3
Lima Public Library
1872 Genesee St., Lima (585) 582-1311
Mon. 10-noon & 1-8;
Tues. & Thurs. 1-8;
Wed. 10-noon & 1-5; Fri. 1-5; Sat. 9-noon
Livonia Public Library
2 Washington St., Livonia (585) 346-3450 • Fax: 346-5911 facebook.com/LivoniaPublicLibrary livonialibrary.org
Mon.-Thurs. 10am-7pm; Fri. 11am-5pm; Sat. 11am-3pm Sun.Closed
Wadsworth Library
24 Center St., Geneseo (585) 243-0440 • Fax: 243-0429 www.wadslib.com
Mon.-Thurs. 10-8; Fri. 1:30-6; Sat.10-3
Here’s what’s happening at your local library…
Mondays10:30am-11:15am Designedfor2-3yearolds.Registrationrequired.
PreschoolStorytime Thursdays10:30am-11:15am Activitiesgearedforkids3-5.Registrationrequired.
WednesdayWonderLab: Wednesdays3:45-4:30pm Bestforelementary-agedchildren. Registrationrequired.
RGHMobileMammographyCenter -DrivingBreastHealth Noinsurance,Noappointment,No problem!Allarewelcome.
Saturday,October19that11am SpookyGoddesseswithspeaker JackKowiak
Kowiakenjoysresearchingand presentingmaterialthathefinds interesting.Jack’sgoalistopresent programsthatbotheducateand entertain.
NOTICEOFMEETINGInpursuantto therequirementsofopenmeetings law(EducationLaw260-a;and PublicOfficersLaw,Article7),the LivoniaPublicLibraryBoardof Trusteesmeetingwillbeheldon thesecondTuesdayofeachmonth at7:00PMinthePattersonRoom. TheLivoniaPublicLibraryisADA compliant,andthepubliciswelcome.
FYI: Thelibrarywillbeclosedon Monday10/14/2024fortheIndigenousPeopleDay.
*NEWAmericanVersionofMahjong:Mondays,10/7at10:30am PeacefulPainting:Tuesday,10/08 at2:00pm
BirthStories:Thursday,10/10at 6:00pm Mahjong:Thursdays,10/10&10/24 at6:00pm&Friday,10/18at 10:30am SitN’Knit:Fridays,10/11&10/25 at11:00am&Thursday,10/17at 6:00pm
Self-PublishingSeminarw/Robert Harrison:Saturday,10/19at 11:00am
Spanish withMissRocio Thursdays
3:15-4:00pm. October10,17&24November7, 14,&21
Thissix-weekSpanishclasswillintroduceschoolagechildren(K-2nd Grade)toSpanishasasecond languagethroughstories,songs, andavarietyofplayfulactivities. Registrationrequired. HauntedHalloweenSnacks Friday,October11 2:00-3:00pm Joinusaswemakesometasty Halloweentreats!Fortweensand teensingrades6-12.Registration required. Dungeons&Dragons EverySecond&FourthSaturdayof theMonth 12:30-2:30pm JoinfellowadventurersinaDungeons&Dragonscampaign.Solve riddles,overcomeenchantedobstacles,andunravelthefateofa long-losttome.Opentoages13 andup.Registrationrequired. Not-So-ScaryHalloweenStories Thursday,October17 6:30-7:30pm CallingalllittlemonstersforNotSo-ScaryHalloweenStories!An eveningstorytimebestforchildren pre-kthrough2ndgrade.Registrationnotrequired. Registerforalllibraryprogramsat wadslib.com/calendar.
RepairCafe - Wesew,mend, rewire,re-glue,sharpen,repair bikes&muchmore!RepairCafeZionEpiscopalChurch10Park Place,Avon.3rdSaturdayofeach month9am-noon.Rainorshine. Cost?Avoluntarycontribution. Emailrjg1751@gmail.comwith questions.
TheAvonFoodPantry is opento clientshopping.Pleasebringyour reusablebags.Tuesdays11-2PM andThursdays3-5PM.Locatedat: 108ProspectStreet,Avon.Emergencydeliveriesarestillavailableby calling358-1671.
AreYouHavingTrouble Controlling theWayYouEat? AreyouOverweight?Underweight?Obsessedwithfood weightordieting?Youarenot alone.Today,thereisasolution.FA FoodAddictsinRecovery Anonymous.Comehearaboutit! It’sfree!Meetings:EveryMonday at3pm,AvonUnitedMethodist Church,130GeneseeSt.,Avon. Contact:Randy278-7733.
AvonAmericanLegionFamily Post 294 -WEDNESDAYSOUP& SANDWICHLUNCH.Proceedsto benefitVeteransinNeed.Serving 11:30am-1pm.FreeforVeterans. $5forSupporters.AvonAmerican Legion,5480Avon-EastAvonRd., Avon.
VeteransOnly-Campingat Letchworth StatePark: Veterans joinus25-27Oct24,foraweekendatParker’sHideawayCabin andenjoyLetchworthStatePark. Wewillusethecabinashomebase formeals,camping,andconversation.Duringtheday,feelfreeto hike,bike,leafwatch,orsiteseeall thattheparkhastooffer.Limited spaceavailableinthecabin,also roomfortentsifdesired.Come sharearelaxingweekendbythe campfirewithus.RSVPonour websiteatwww.livcovets.com
AvonVeteransHall-Sunday, October 6th- Breakfast:8am11am.CraftShow:10am-3pm. FoodTruck:11am-3pm.Heldatthe AvonVeteransHall,5480AvonEastAvonRd.,Avon..
Clara BartonLivingston Chapter of the American Red Cross
Provides disaster services, supports military families, preparedness services and youth services.
WellnessClass;ChiropracticCare w/Dr.AdamCassel:Monday, 10/21at6:00pm PeacefulPainting:Tuesday,10/22 at2:00pm GhostsofAvon;ParanormalHistory:10/24at6:00pm EarlyLiteracyStorytime:MostTuesdays&Fridaysat10:30am PositiveExpressions:Tuesdaysat 11:00am
Chess:Wednesdaysat11:00am Backgammon:Wednesdaysat 4:00pm Formoreinformationortosign-up foranevent,gotoavonfreelibrary. orgorcall 585-226-8461.
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
SoupCook-OffandBakeSale! Join usOctober19,from11amto 1pmatFirstPresbyterianChurchof EastAvon,forourfabulousfall SoupCook-OffandBakeSale! Bringapotofyourbestsoupand competefortheGrandPrize--a$50 giftcardtoSixSprouts!Noentry feeforsoups.Wanttotaste?For only$5,tasteoursoupentriesand VOTEforyourfavorite!!!!Andif you’restillpeckishafterallthat soup,grabacookieorthreefrom ourfree-willofferingbakesale.
BloomfieldLionsClubSpaghetti Dinner at VeteransPark.Dineinor Takeout.Wednesday,October9th, 4:30-6:30pmorSOLDOUT.6910 Routes5&20Bloomfield.Adults $12.00(13andUP)Children$6(12 andunder).DinnerincludesSpaghetti,Meatballs,salad,breadand icecream.
9am-4pm at the Interfaith Center
11 Franklin Street, Geneseo
AvonSeniorNutritionProgram Week ofOctober7-October11 SiteClosedMonday.
Tuesday,10/8:LemonBakedFish, RicePilaf,BrusselsSprouts,Whole WheatBreadSlice,OatmealRaisin Cookie.
Wednesday,10/9:OvenFried Chicken,Asparagus,YellowBeans, WholeWheatBreadSlice,Orange Juice,AppleCrisp.
Thursday,10/10:PepperSteakw/ Gravy,MashedPotatoes,Peas, WholeWheatBreadSlice,Tropical Fruit.
Friday,10/11:BakedZiti, Cauliflower,GreenBeans,Dinner Roll,GrapeJuice,Snickerdoodle Cookie.
MealandMatinee: The Geriactors formedin2000andhavebeen touringwesternNewYorkever since.JoinusattheLivingston CountyOfficefortheAgingAvon SeniorSitetoenjoyahotmealand matineewiththeGeriactorsentertainingyouwithseverallocallywrittenshortplays.Thisisopento allLivingstonCountyResidentsage 60+atnocharge.VoluntaryContributionsaregreatlyappreciated. HeldOctober18,12-2pm,Avon SeniorNutritionSite,74Genesee St.YoumustRSVPto226-6353by 10/9tobeguaranteedthedaily mealandtoreserveaseatforthe performance.Mealat12p. Performancetofollow.
TakingPoundsOffSensiblyAvon Chapter#0878ofTAKING POUNDSOFFSENSIBLYmeets weeklyonTuesdaysattheFellowshipHalloftheAvonMethodist Church,130GeneseeStreetin Avon.WeighInbeginsat2:00PM. Themeetingbeginsat2:30PM. Comejointhisfun,friendly,and supportivegroup!
VeteranOnly-CharterFishingCanandaigua Lake: Veterans comejoinus11Oct24at6a.m.to fishCanandaiguaLakewith HarringtonOutfitters.Wewillfish CanandaiguaLakeforfourhours andshareamealafterwards.Valid NewYorkStateFishingLicenseis required.Besuretoaskaboutthe Veterandiscountedfishinglicense atyourlocallicensingfacility.Space islimited,don’tmissout,RSVPby visitingourwebsitewww.livcovets. com.Wehopetoseeyouthere.
Chicken&BiscuitDinner- Join us foradeliciousChicken&Biscuit DinneronSaturday,October5, 4:30-6:30pmattheGarwood UnitedMethodistChurch,10524 CountyRoute15B,Canaseraga. Donation.
Soup&Sandwich- ConlonMulvaney AmericanLegionAuxiliary,6317MarshallRd.$5AllYou CanEat.BakeSale!JoinusSunday, OCTOBER13from12-2pm CONESUS
GumboToGo is aBi-AnnualEvent supportingthehumanitarianeffortsofLivingstonCountyCARES, Inc.GumboDinnerincludesfreshmadegumbo(includeschicken, sausageandshrimp)cornbreadand pralines.BuyticketsatAuntCookiesandKeyBankinGeneseo,atthe doororonlineat LivingstonCountyCares.org.Our missionistohelpcommunitiesand individualslocally,regionally, statewide,nationwideandglobally inhumanitarianprojectsincluding disasterreliefandrecoveryefforts. Weprovidearesourceandinformationrepositoryforindividuals andorganizationswishingto contributetohumanitarianprojects anddisasterrecoveryefforts.
GeneseoYoungatHeart Sunday, October6that1:30pm. Dessertmeeting(refreshmentsprovided);1:30p.m.attheGeneseo UnitedMethodistChurch.Program:LivingstonCountySheriff’s OfficeSargeantRobertHoltwill provideinformationonthe“Yellow DotProgram”,aprogramtohelp firstrespondersinemergency situations.Hewillalsotalkabout thenew911form.
GeneseoCommunityPlayers Presents a SingularEveningof SondheimSongs-Geneseo CommunityPlayersbringsa SondheimTributeRevuetothehistoricGeneseoRivieraTheatreon Saturday,October5,7:30pm9:30pm,4CenterStreet,Geneseo. GeneseoCommunityPlayers(GCP) willhighlightSondheim’samazing musicandcleverlyricsintheironeof-a-kindrevueperformedin Geneseo’shistoricRivieraTheatre. Patronscanbuyticketsforthis one-night-onlyeveningofentertainmentbyvisitingwww. geneseocommunityplayers.orgor attheRivieraboxofficeonthe eveningoftheperformance.The ticketpricesare$15foradultsand $10forstudentsandseniorcitizens.
GeneseoYoungatHeartThursday, October17.Meeting; 2:00p.m.attheGeneseoUnited MethodistChurch.Program:FavoriteBooks.Pleasebringyourfavorite book(s)tosharewithothers.
CreateBeadedGhostSuncatchers - GetintotheHalloween spiritbyjoiningourartsandcrafts classtocreatebeadedghostsuncatchers!Allmaterialswillbeprovidedforjust$20perperson.Join usonSunday,October13th,from 2-4PMatLittleLakesCommunity Center,4705S.MainSt.,Hemlock. Don’tmissoutonthefun!
DriveThruChickenBBQ to benefitScoutsBSATroop410.Saturday, October5th,11-3pmatHarryAllen Park,HoneoyeFalls.Featuring Chiavetta’sBarbeque!$15eachincludes 1⁄2 chicken,2sidesandroll. Reserveyourticketstoensureyour mealbyemailing Troop410HFtreasurer@gmail.com orcalling585-497-1295.Thank youforyoursupport!
TheLakevilleCommunityPantry, located at5687BigTreeRoad, Lakevilleonthegroundfloorofthe LakevilleUnitedChurchofChrist, nowservesthoseinneedonTuesdays10AM-12NandWednesdays 5:30-7PM.Donationsmaybe droppedoffduringopenPantry hours,oryoumayleaveitemsin thedonationboxbythebackdoor. Contactnumberis585-204-0631 (Callortext).Email: lakevillecommunitypantry7@gmail. com.Wearegratefulforthesupportthecommunitygivesusto helpourneighbors.
WildlifeRockstars will beatThe ChipHoltNatureCenteronFriday October11at6:30pm.Thisvery popularpresentationofanimaladaptationshighlightsdifferentanimalsandhowtheircolor,claws, smells,andmorehelpprotectthem andaidintheirsurvival.Liveanimalsandtheirknowledgeablecaretakerswillmakeforaveryenjoyableeveningforallages.Thereis noregistration,butseatingis limitedtothefirst50people.The ChipHoltNatureCenterinVitale Park,Lakeville.
GriefSupportGroups- Grief SupportGroupmeetsmonthlyatthe LakevilleUnitedChurchofChrist onthesecondThursdayofthe monthfrom7pm-8:15pm.Lossaffectseveryonedifferently.Thisisa peersupportgroupwhichhopesto providesupporttoourneighbors. Pleaseusethebackentranceand followthesigns.
LimaFarmersMarket hosted by theLimaPresbyterianChurch.Produce,apples,plants,spices&rubs, meat,eggs,homemadesoapand beeswax,bakedgoods.HeldTuesdays,September10-October22 from3-6pmattheLimaPresbyterianChurch,15Aand5&20,Lima.
“Maggie’sBrood” - Readings fromNewBookbyAuthor ElizabethOsta.AlongwithIrish SingingbyKittyForbush.Thisisan engagingpersonalhistoryofLima’s DoneganfamilyandtheirIrishimmigrantmother/grandmother, MaggieBuckleyDoneganwhoarrivedherein1888andraisedher largefamilyonRochesterStreetin Lima.Itistoldwithhumor,respect, andlovebyhergranddaughter, ElizabethOsta,authorofmultiple books,includingJeremiah’sHunger abouttheIrishfamine(Borealis Press2011).Comeandenjoythis heartfeltandentertainingprogram. JoinusOctober15,7-8:30pm, LimaTownHall,7329EastMain St.,Lima.https://limahistorical.org
TheUnitedMethodistChurchof Livonia ThriftShop islocatedat thecornerofSpringandChurch StreetsinLivonia,NY.Theaddress fortheThriftShopis6SpringSt. Livonia(incaseyouareusingGPS tofindus).Gentlyused,quality clothingandhomegoodsare available.TheThriftShopisopen onThursdaysandFridays9AM3PMandSaturdays9AM-2PM.
Take-outSpaghettiDinner at the UnitedMethodistChurchof Livonia,21SummerSt,Livoniaon Wednesday,October9,4:306:00PM(oruntilsoldout).Spaghetti,sauce,meatballs,undressed salad,andgarlicbread.Donations accepted.
Saturday,October19-Penny Social - Doorsopenpromptlyat 2:00pmforticketpurchaseand prizelotselection.Prizedrawing beginsat3:00pm.Funprize choices.Premiumlotredtablesand 50/50.Jointhefun!FirstPresbyterianChurchofLivonia.GPS:3837 CenterSt.Livoniainthehamletof LivoniaCenteralong20A.Website: Livonianypres.organdlinktoour Facebookpage.
SLUCCTurkeyDinnerFundraiser - Back byPopularDemandThe SouthLivoniaUnitedChurchof Christisonceagaindoingtheir FamousTurkeyDinner.Thiswillbe aEatInwithTakeOutsAvailable. ThiswillhappenonSaturday November2,2024startingat3pm andrunto6pm.DinnerIncludes: Turkey,MashedPotatoes,Dressing, CutGreenBeans,Gravy,Cranberry SauceandHomemadePies.Cost willbe$15.00PerPerson.Thisisto helpusraisemoneytocontinuethe updatesthatourChurchneeds. Pleasecomeoutandsupportus. MoreInformationtoCome.5087 SouthLivoniaRoad,Livonia.
SLUCCCommunityFree Luncheon - TheSouthLivonia UnitedChurchofChristishosting anotherSLUCCCommunityFree Luncheon.Thiswillhappenevery 2ndand4thTuesdayofeach Month.Startsat12Noonandruns to2PM.OurChurchislocatedat 5087SouthLivoniaRoad,Livonia. OurnextLuncheonishappeningon TuesdayOctober8,2024.The MenuthisweekwillbeGoulash, Roll,Dessert,andDrink.Weare lookingforwardtoservingyoufor our2ndyearofdoingthis.Menu’s Changeeachtimesokeep checkingforthemenu.Youmay contacttheChurchat (585)346-0420formoreInformation!
CovingtonUnitedMethodist Church AnnualHamDinner, Bazaar,&BakeSale Saturday,October12that4pm. Thechurchislocatedat1557 SimmonsRoad(betweenPerryand Pavilion).Themenuwillinclude ham,macandcheese,potatoes, squash,applesauce,roll,and homemadepie.Donationis$15.00 foradultsand$7.50forchildren 5-12.Take-outoreat-in.Thankyou foryoursupport.
FallFestivaland5KRun/Walk Fundraiser event! October26, 9-1pm,LeTourneauChristianCenter,4950CountyRoad11, Rushville.FallFestivalisafreeevent forkidsofallages.Kid-friendly games,PulledPorkBBQlunch,inflatables,facepainting,archery, pumpkinpainting,andour5KRun/ Walk.Registrationopens9AMwith theracestartingpromptlyat 10AM.FallFestivalactivities11AM1PM.Games,candy,andfun!BBQ 11AMandcanbepickedupatthe timeappointedonyourregistration andticket.EntryOptions:$25-race only(in-personorvirtual).$35-race andt-shirt.$45-race,bbq,andtshirt.Fundraisertobuildawareness andsupportfortheDavisSports Facility!
TrackingFallFoliagebyTrolley Car - Agreatwayforfamiliesto enjoythecolorsofanupstateautumnisfromthewindowsofa vintageelectrictrolleycaratthe NewYorkMuseumof TransportationinRush.RidesoperateSundaysonly,October6,13, and27andareincludedfreewith admissiontothemuseum.The20minuteridesdepartat11:30, 12:30,1:30,2:30and3:30.The museumisopen11am-4pm.No reservationsneeded.TheNYMTis locatedat6393EastRiverRoad, Rush.Familyfriendlyadmissionfor theentireexperienceisjust$10 adults,$9seniorsover65,and$6 youthsage3through12. (585)533-1113www. nymtmuseum.org
HalloweenTrolleyExpress! The New YorkMuseumof Transportationonceagainwilldelightfamilieswiththeirunique “HalloweenTrolleyExpress”,SundayOctober20.Ridesscheduledat 11:15,12:05,12:55,1:45,2:35 and3:25.Reservationsarerequired:www.nymtmuseum.org/ halloween/.$17adults,$13ages 2-14.Thetrolleytravelstothe PumpkinPatchwherechildren decorateababypumpkintotake home,andeveryonewillenjoydeliciousapplecideranddonuts.Back atthemuseum,toteswillbeprovidedfortrick-or-treatinginthefull sizetrolleycarsandthesteamlocomotive.Gamesandlivemusical entertainmenttoo!6393EastRiver Road.(585)533-1113
HikeOntarioCountyParkin South Bristol- HikeOntario CountyPark,enjoyingtheFallwildflowersandchangingleavesalong theway,SundayOctober6from 2-4PMwithSpringwaterTrails,followedbyasocialget-togetherdishto-passpicnicinthepark.Foradditionalinfo/directions/updatesvisit thewebsite:springwatertrails.org
BreakfastBuffet- Sunday October13th,7:30-11:00AM,Lima LegionPost282,2475StateRoute 65,WestBloomfield.$10Adults; $6Ages8-12;7&underFREE. Sausagegravy&biscuits,scrambled eggs,homefries,Frenchtoast,bacon,sausage,pastries,fruit,juice& coffee.Takeoutsavailable.Everyonewelcome.
CubScoutCan&BottleDriveIt’s timefortheannualfallcan& bottledriveforCubScoutpack76. Scoutswillbegoingdoor-to-door inthetownofYork,collecting returnablecans&bottlesonSaturday,October12,startingaround 8:30amuntil1pm.Youcanalso dropthemoffattheYorkFireHall, startingat8am.Ifyou’dlike,you canputthemoutlabelled“Scouts” andtheywilljustpickthemup.If youhavealargenumber,orare outsidethetownofYork,andneed toscheduleapickup,contactScott at(585)339-8659,textorcall. Thankyouforyoursupport!
Come autumn, many foods seem to take on a unique flavor exclusive to the season. That’s thanks to the ubiquitous “pumpkin spice,” which each fall is a specially featured ingredient in everything from cream cheese to marshmallows. Naturally, pumpkin spice is also a key ingredient when preparing pumpkin pie. But just what does pumpkin spice contain? Pumpkin spice is a combination of several different ground spices. It typically includes cinnamon, cloves, ginger, and nutmeg. It also may include allspice. Pumpkin spice is the name given to the blend in the United States. In the United Kingdom, pumpkin spice is known as “mixed spice,” which is a similar but not exact blend as that used to create pumpkin spice. Both feature cinnamon as the dominant flavor.
Though most breast cancer survivors don’t get cancer again, the American Cancer Society notes that they are at higher risk for getting some types of cancer. According to the ACS, the most common second cancer in breast cancer survivors is another breast cancer. That only underscores the importance of continuing to get screened even after successful treatment. In addition to a second breast cancer, breast cancer survivors have a greater risk of developing salivary gland cancer, cancer of the esophagus, stomach cancer, colon cancer, uterine cancer, and ovarian cancer. The risk for thyroid cancer, sarcoma, melanoma of the skin, and acutemyeloidleukemiaalsoisgreater after successful treatment for cancer.
Explain the itinerary. Foryoungchildrenwhoareabletounderstand,spelloutwhat willbehappeningalongthejourneysotheyknowwhattoexpect.Thiscanhelpcalm nervesandpreventtantrums.
PRC of the Valleys
Take your next step with confidence. Schedule a confidential pregnancy test appointment and get the answers to move forward. Call 607-288-3772 today! For more information www.be-prcv.org
Catholic Charities of Livingston County 585-658-4466 Email: cclc@dor.org • www.aboutcclc.org
Council on Alcohol & Substance Abuse of Liv. Cty. 585-991-5012 • www.casa-livingston.org
Teresa House
21 Highland Drive, Geneseo, NY 14454 585-243-1978 • www.teresahouse.org
Geneseo-Groveland Food Pantry 585-991-8220
Chances and Changes, Inc. 585-658-3940 Hotline 1-888-252-9360 www.chancesandchanges.org
Geneseo Parish Outreach Center 585-243-3120 • geneseopoc@gmail.com
e largest geographic Arc in the state, covering 2,400 square miles. 18 Main Street, Mt. Morris, NY 14510 (585) 658-2828 • www.lwarc.org facebook.com/ArcGLOWny (Arc GLOW)
Inter Faith Center 11 Franklin Street, Geneseo • 243-1460 ifc@geneseo.edu
Livingston County Historical Society and Museum 30 Center Street • Geneseo, NY 14454 • 585-243-9147
Livingston County Habitat for Humanity (585) 335-5634 • livingstonh @gmail.com http://www.livingstoncountyhabitat.org
Little Lakes Community Center 4705 S. Main St., Hemlock, NY 14466 • 585-367-1046 contact@littlelakesny.org
Livingston County Cares Humanitarian work and disaster relief and recovery with donations and volunteer service trips
585-515-7770 • livingstoncountycares@gmail.com https://livingstoncountycares.org
Berta @ 226-5868
• Medicare Annual Enrollment period begins 10/15
• Plans can have significant changes due to the Inflation Reduction Act
• Medicare beneficiaries should meet with an agent or broker to review their plan
• Legacy on Main offers complementary reviews
• Seminars are being offered
• Plans from multiple carriers will be presented
Diana Wagner
Call or text 585-469-1563 or email Legacy.WagnerD@gmail.com to RSVP or go here https://www.legacymedicareinsurance.com/rsvp
10/15, 9am-12pm at Hilton Garden Inn 800 Pittsford Victor Rd., Pittsford, NY 14534
10/15, 1-4pm at Legacy on Main 212 E. Main St. Suite 1, Batavia, NY 14020
10/16, 1-4pm at Geneseo Community Center at the IFC, 11 Franklin St., Geneseo, NY 14454
10/16, 9am-12pm at Legacy on Main 212 E. Main St. Suite 1, Batavia, NY 14020
10/17, 1-4pm at Legacy on Main
212 E. Main St. Suite 1, Batavia, NY 14020
10/17, 9am-12pm at Legacy on Main 212 E. Main St. Suite 1, Batavia, NY 14020
10/18 9am-12pm at Chili Recreation 3237 Chili Ave., Rochester, NY 14624
Cognitive decline is a condition that is often associated with aging, but even middle-aged people can experience memory loss or cognition issues.
The Alzheimer’s Association says that more than five million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. By 2050, that number could rise to as high as 16 million people. More than 747,000 Canadians are living with Alzheimer’s or another dementia, says the Canadian Alzheimer’s Association.
Although there is no definitive way to prevent dementia, living a long, vibrant life may be possible by encouraging some healthy habits for the brain. It is never too late or too early to begin health and lifestyle changes.
Exercise: Becoming more active can improve brain volume, reduce risk for dementia and improve thinking and memory skills. The journal Neurology found that older people who vigorously exercise performed better on cognitive tests than others of the same age, placing them at the equivalent of 10 years younger. Increased blood flow that occurs with physical activity may help generate new neurons in the hippocampus, an area of the brain involved with learning and memory.
The Harvard Medical School says aerobic exercise may help improve brain tissue by improving blood flow and reducing the chances of injury to the brain from cholesterol buildup in blood vessels.
Quit smoking: The Alzheimer’s Association indicates that evidence shows smoking increases the risk of cognitive decline. Smoking can impair blood flow to the brain and cause small strokes that may damage blood vessels.
Eat healthy foods: Foods that are good for the heart and blood vessels also are good for the brain. These include fresh fruits and vegetables,
whole grains, fish-based proteins, unsaturated fats, and foods containing omega-3 fatty acids. Neurologists state that, while research on diet and cognitive function is limited, diets, such as Mediterranean and Mediterranean-DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension), may contribute to a lower risk of cognitive issues.
Consume caffeine: Caffeine may help boost memory performance and brain health. A Journal of Nutrition study found people ages 70 and older who consumed more caffeine scored better on tests of mental function than those who consumed less caffeine. Caffeine may help improve attention span, cognitive function and feelings of well-being. Information from Psychology Today also indicates caffeine may help in the storage of dopamine, which can reduce feelings of depression and anxiety. In addition, compounds in cocoa and coffee beans may improve vascular health and help repair cellular damage due to high antioxidant levels.
Work the brain: Engaging in mentally stimulating activities can create new brain connections and more backup circuits, states Dr. Joel Salinas, a neurologist at Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital. Working the brain through puzzles, reading and participating in social situations can stimulate the release of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a molecule essential for repairing brain cells and creating connections between them.
A good way to combine these lifestyle factors is to take an exercise class with friends, mixing the social, stimulation and exercise recommendations together.
Cognitive decline can come with aging, but through healthy habits, people can reduce their risk of memory loss and dementia.
BYLINE: By JoAnn Derson
* Use a turkey baster to "squirt" pancake batter into your frying pan. Mix the batter as normal and unscrew the top of the baster to load. You can use it to make letters for fun kids' breakfasts. No drips!
* If you have trouble opening the lid on glass jars, try using a pair of standard dishwashing gloves. ey work to grip both the lid and the jar. ey work especially well if your hands are the least bit moist.
- D.Y. in Pennsylvania
Leaf pickup will begin Monday, October 21st and run through Friday, December 6th
How To Place Leaves for Pickup
Leaves should be placed close to the edge of the road. ey should not extend onto the road. Leaves should not be placed in ditches or covering storm sewer drains. Doing this will obstruct the storm drains which will increase the risk of flooding. Leaves should be in a long row no farther off the road than 8 feet. Do not mix branches of foreign objects with the leaves. is can cause damage to the machine that picks up the leaves. Refer to brush pickup for branches.
The village has leaves from collections from previous years available. They are excellent for gardens or landscape areas!
Hurricane Katrina (2005): A huge Category 5 Atlantic hurricane, Katrina caused billions of dollars in damage in and around New Orleans.Katrina caused significant loss of life and at the time was the costliest tropical cyclone on record (losses associated with Hurricane Harvey in 2017 equaled those of Katrina).
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In addition to eating healthier, exercising more and getting more sleep, many people resolve to travel more at the dawn of a new year
Travel is much more than leaving one’s home. It’s about setting habits aside, escaping comfort zones and trying something different - and doing so in a different location.
In its latest World Tourism Barometer, the United Nations World Tourism Organization found that 1.184 billion tourists traveled outside their countries’ borders for at least one night in 2015. Europe, Asia, the Pacific, and the Americas all recorded around a 5 percent increase in international arrivals that year. Europe was particularly popular, perhaps hedged by a weaker euro against the American dollar and other currencies. The U.S. Travel Association says that direct spending by resident and international travelers in America averaged $2.7 billion a day.
Millennials may be leading the travel-enamored pack. The United Nations estimates that 20 percent of all international tourists, or nearly 200 million travelers, are young people, and that the millennial demographic generates more than $180 billion in annual tourism revenue. The U.N. also reports that millennials are more interested than older generations in traveling abroad as much as possible.
Infrequent travelers or those who have never traveled may not understand why heading to parts unknown is so appealing to so many people. The following are just a handful of reasons why travel is so enticing.
1. Engage the mind. Staying mentally active over the course of a lifetime promotes long-term health. Navigating unfamiliar places or reading a foreign language while sitting in an international country can engage the brain and get synapses firing. The Mayo Clinic reports that higher cognitive activity endows the brain with a greater ability to fend off brain pathologies, such as disease and dementias.
2. Connect with new people. Travel opens a person up to not only new experiences, but also new people. English poet John Donne penned the famous line, “No man is an island,” which underscores the importance of having friends and making new acquaintances. Research conducted by the University of Michigan found the act of talking with people in a friendly way can improve a person’s memory, suppress external and internal distractions, and encourage people to see things from another person’s perspective. It doesn’t hurt to broaden one’s social network, either.
3. Build confidence. Leaving one’s comfort zone can be a great way to bolster one’s self-esteem. Navigating cultural boundaries and overcoming those boundaries may be initially intimidating, but doing so can make a person more confident and more adaptable to change.
4. Develop opinions. Until a person visits a place in person, he or she only has third-party information to form opinions. Visiting a city or country for the first time can offer a more complete perspective.
Travel gives people the chance to rest, explore, meet new friends, and make lasting memories.
111 Main St., Geneseo, NY 14437
Scott Hicks 585-243-0995
William Merrick
September 26, 2024
William Merrick, age 87, of Geneseo, passed away on September 26, 2024, at home with family at his side. Bill did not fight his cancer, he showed it who was boss, surpassing his diagnosis by more than double the years expected. He was born to James W. and Anna Zuris Merrick on February 19,1937,in Ohio.Bill was sorrowfully predeceased in 2007 by his beloved wife of 49 years, Dona Colburn Merrick. Dona and Bill married on November 26, 1960 in Nunda, NY and were such sweethearts that we take comfort that they are finally reunited. ey settled in the Groveland Hill area of Geneseo, New York where they raised their family. Bill was a United States Air Force Veteran and retired from Kodak, where he was a high voltage electrician known affectionately as ‘Uncle Bill’ by those who had the privilege of being an apprentice under him.
Bill was a true family man. He worked hard to take care of his family and ensured that his kids had a simple, loving, and wonderful childhood. His life’s high point was the ability to hunt and fish with his brother and friends freely for decades and sharing that passion with his son, nephew, and grandsons over the years. Post hunting stories at the pavilion on the Merrick property was a favorite pastime for the men of the family, and a reason to retreat to the house for a cocktail for the ladies.
Bill is predeceased by his wife, Dona; brother, James and his wife Lois; son-in-law, Robert Loomis and grandson, Branden Merrick and his wife Carrie, and a hell of a lot of deer, fish, and small game. Surviving Bill are his children, Roxanne (Bret Oliphant) Loomis, Todd (Camille) Merrick, and Glynda (Chuck Wolcott) Valentine; grandsons, Bowen (Rachel) Loomis, Bret (Chantel Ellis) Loomis, Kevin Merrick, Cory (Michayla Salatel) Valentine and Jason Valentine; great-grandchildren, Hadley Merrick-Coyne, Aiden and Blakely Loomis and Lincoln Merrick. Survivors also include a sister-in-law,Sharon Colburn,son-in-law Brad Valentine,nieces and nephews, friends and neighbors throughout the community. AtBill’srequest,therewillbenopriorvisitation.Privateserviceforthe family will be held at Lakeview Cemetery in Groveland. Memorials in Bill’s memory are gratefully encouraged to Livingston County Hospice, 2 Murray Hill Dr. in Mt. Morris, NY, whose staff has once again provided our family with incredible care and compassion.
SEPTEMBER 28, 1936 - JANUARY 10, 2021
My Sweet Spirited Sister.... I thank you for sharing your Life with me.
I still can hear your wonderful Laugh, and see your beautiful Smile.
When you sang “Happy Birthday” to me, it le a most cherished Memory on my Soul. I miss you every single day;
I love your visits you sometimes make in my Dreams.
I look forward to dancing with you under the Heavenly Moon and Stars.
I’ll see you on the Other Side, Marcia
Create a memorial garden. Speak with an area park ranger to determine if you can donate an engraved sitting bench or construct a tranquil garden space in a loved one’s name.
To share a memory with the family or leave a condolence please visit Rector-HicksFuneralHome.com Celebrate the memory of your loved one by publishing a memoriam in our passages section. Submit right online at www.gvpennysaver.com/passages
// passages@gvpennysaver.com
potentially on the horizon, do you think we will face supply chain issues again this year?
- Yes
- No
Poll ends 10-08-2024
Poll ended 10-01-2024
The autumnal equinox marks the first day of fall in the Northern Hemisphere. What is your take on fall?
50.0% It’s my favorite season. Bring on all things fall.
38.9% It’s too short, sandwiched between summer’s heat and winter’s bitter cold
11.1% I’m indifferent.
We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit www.gvpennysaver.com!
Avon CSD is hiring:
Part-Time Food Service Helper (10-month)
Pay: $15.20/hr. Benefits: Paid sick/personal days and holidays. Also eligible to join the NYS employees’ retirement plan. 3 hours per day.
To apply, complete the Support Staff application on the AvonCSD.org Employment Opportunities webpage. Completed applications can be dropped off or sent to: Avon Central School District Office, 191 Clinton St., Avon, NY 14414
Dansville Public Library seeks a reliable individual to provide general building maintenance services. 8-10 hours per week • Starting rate $17.50-$19.50
Position description, minimum qualifications & employment application are available at the library and online: dansvillelibrary.org.
TO APPLY: Email cover letter, resume and application to dansvillelibrarydirector@owwl.org or deliver to 200 Main St., Dansville, NY 14437 DANSVILLE PUBLIC
us help! We
The Town of Avon is in search of a candidate for an opening in the Building/Code Department for Code Enforcement Officer/Fire Marshal. Applications will be accepted until November 1, 2024.
Please send applications to: Kim McDowell, Code Clerk by email: kmcdowell@avon-ny.org
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Play by the rules. Your employer may have a plan in place for how the company prefers resignations to be handled. The standard two- to threeweek’s notice is a guideline. Visit with human resources if you need more information, such as whether or not a resignation letter or other documentation is required.
• High school graduate or equivalent
• Physical ability to perform assigned duties
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• Operations Supervisor (Evening & Overnight): $64,000 - $87,000/year
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• General Production: $19/hour
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• Dependable and safety-oriented
• Ability to li 50lbs
• Valid NYS driver’s license
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• $16.95/hr. Start Date
• ASAP through December 2024
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EOE Minorities/Females/Protected Veterans/Disabled
• Five years of experience in general building maintenance including electrical control, HVAC, plumbing, carpentry, and/or masonry, two years of which shall have been in a supervisory capacity
• NYS driver’s license maintained throughout employment
Desired knowledge, skills & abilities:
• High school graduate or GED
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• Experience with security systems and fire protection systems
• Physical ability to perform assigned duties- capable of li ing a minimum of 50lbs.
• Available to respond to emergencies 24/7
• Mt. Morris Campus- 6:30am-3:00pm
• $45,000-$60,000 with excellent benefit package, including a NYS pension
Starting Date:
• November 1, 2024
Visit our website at www.gvboces.org
Reply by October 15, 2024 with reference to Vacancy 25-43, along with letter of interest & resume to hr@gvboces.org or mail to:
Human Resources
Genesee Valley BOCES
80 Munson Street, LeRoy, NY 14482
Hours and pay vary by position. NYS Pension and benefit eligible positions available.
is is an appointed position working directly with the Village Justice
• Process of traffic, civil, and criminal court documents.
• Responsible for court paperwork prior to and during court. Process Orders of Protection, Probation Orders and Conditions, DWI/IID paperwork, Violations of Probation, Civil Judgement, etc.
• Balance accounts and deposits and bank book.
• Enter and update court case information in Courtroom Program.
• Answer e-mails and greet visitors. Maintain filing system for the court.
• e ideal candidate will have a working knowledge of Courtroom Program, TSLED, Ejustice and Web-DVS or have the willingness and capacity to learn them. is position requires the ability to pass a background check and maintain confidentiality and proficiency in office, computer and organizational skills. Availability to work the first Tuesday of the month for court time is mandatory.
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Deadline: October 25, 2024
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Embrace relaxation methods. The APA recommends professionals coping with workplace stress embrace techniques that can effectively alleviate stress. Such techniquesincludemeditationand deep-breathing exercises and can help workers develop their ability to focus purposefully on a single activity. That improved focus may help workers better navigate hectic working environments without succumbing to the stress such environments can produce.
By Fifi Rodriguez
1. MOVIES: Which animated film was the first to be nominated for an Academy Award for Best Picture?
2. SCIENCE: What is a common name for the Aurora Borealis?
3. U.S. PRESIDENTS: Who was the third U.S. president?
4. GEOGRAPHY: Where are the Maldives (islands) located?
5. MUSIC: Who was the first woman inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame?
6. TELEVISION: What is Dorothy’s job on “The Golden Girls”?
7. MATH: Which number doesn’t have a Roman numeral equivalent?
8. LITERATURE: In the Harry Potter series of novels, what was Lord Voldemort’s name before he changed it?
9. ANIMAL KINGDOM: Which dog breed doesn’t “bark”?
10. FAMOUS QUOTES: Who wrote the poetic line about fall, “Nature’s first green is gold”?
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