32 minute read
ank You
ank you to all the thoughtful people in our community for your care and concern in the passing of my husband Bill Ewert in February. Your kind thoughts, prayers, cards, owers, phone calls and food helped me get through a very di cult time.
A special thanks to Brandon and the crew at Physical erapy Professionals. Many thanks to the Noyes Hospital Emergency Department and Highland Hospital for their care and concern during his illness. anks also to the Kevin Dougherty Funeral Home and our "families" at the Canadice UMC and the Livonia UMC churches.
A celebration of life will be held in May. Come and share your stories.
Carol Ewert
Hospice is not only directed toward the person experiencing a life-limiting illness or injury, but is also designed to offer support and resources to family members to help them better cope with the end of a loved one’s life.
4 Reasons To Travel More
In addition to eating healthier, exercising more and getting more sleep, many people resolve to travel more at the dawn of a new year
Travel is much more than leaving one’s home. It’s about setting habits aside, escaping comfort zones and trying something different - and doing so in a different location.
In its latest World Tourism Barometer, the United Nations World Tourism Organization found that 1.184 billion tourists traveled outside their countries’ borders for at least one night in 2015. Europe, Asia, the Pacific, andtheAmericasallrecordedarounda5percentincreaseininternational arrivals that year. Europe was particularly popular, perhaps hedged by a weaker euro against the American dollar and other currencies. The U.S. Travel Association says that direct spending by resident and international travelers in America averaged $2.7 billion a day.
Millennials may be leading the travel-enamored pack. The United Nations estimates that 20 percent of all international tourists, or nearly 200 million travelers, are young people, and that the millennial demographic generates more than $180 billion in annual tourism revenue. The U.N. also reports that millennials are more interested than older generations in traveling abroad as much as possible.
Infrequenttravelersorthosewhohavenevertraveledmaynotunderstand why heading to parts unknown is so appealing to so many people. The following are just a handful of reasons why travel is so enticing.
1. Engage the mind. Staying mentally active over the course of a lifetime promotes long-term health. Navigating unfamiliar places or reading a foreign language while sitting in an international country can engage the brain and get synapses firing. The Mayo Clinic reports that higher cognitive activity endows the brain with a greater ability to fend off brain pathologies, such as disease and dementias.
2. Connect with new people. Travel opens a person up to not only new experiences, but also new people. English poet John Donne penned the famous line, “No man is an island,” which underscores the importance of having friends and making new acquaintances. Research conducted by the University of Michigan found the act of talking with people in a friendly way can improve a person’s memory, suppress external and internal distractions, and encourage people to see things from another person’s perspective. It doesn’t hurt to broaden one’s social network, either.
3. Build confidence. Leaving one’s comfort zone can be a great way to bolster one’s self-esteem. Navigating cultural boundaries and overcoming those boundaries may be initially intimidating, but doing so can make a person more confident and more adaptable to change.
4. Develop opinions. Until a person visits a place in person, he or she only has third-party information to form opinions. Visiting a city or country for the first time can offer a more complete perspective.
Travel gives people the chance to rest, explore, meet new friends, and make lasting memories.
Avon Free Library
143 Genesee Street • Avon (585) 226-8461 Fax: 226-6615 www.avonfreelibrary.org
Mon. & Thurs. 10-8; Tues & Wed 10-6; Fri. 10-5; Sat.10-3
Lima Public Library
1872 Genesee St., Lima (585) 582-1311
Mon. 10-noon & 1-8; Tues. & Thurs. 1-8; Wed. 10-noon & 1-5; Fri. 1-5; Sat. (Oct.-May) 9-noon
Livonia Public Library
2 Washington St., Livonia (585) 346-3450 • Fax: 346-5911 facebook.com/LivoniaPublicLibrary livonialibrary.org
Mon.-Thurs. 10-8; Fri. 10-6; Sat. 10-3
Wadsworth Library
24 Center St., Geneseo (585) 243-0440 • Fax: 243-0429 www.wadslib.com
Mon.-Thurs. 10-8; Fri. 1:30-6; Sat.10-3
WadsworthLibrary: One Book,OWWLKidsEventFriday,March172:00-3:00pm
JoinMissSarahforafunafternoon celebratingthisyear’sOneBook, OWWLKidsselection“FreetoBe ElephantMe”byAndreae.Bestfor childreninK-3rdgrade.Siblings welcome.Registrationisrequested. Clickheretosign-up.
AnoteforparentsandcaregiversAparent/caregiverisrequiredto attendlibraryeventswithchildren under10yearsold.However,only childrenattendingtheprogram needtoregisterbelow.Adultsare notcountedinthe“numberof peopleattending.”
TechTutorHelpSaturday,March 18from1-3pm
Areyouinneedofhelpwithyour smartphone,tablet,Kindle,orany otherelectronicdevice?OurtechnologyinstructorMorganisback andwillbeatthelibrarytoprovide one-on-one60minutesessionsto patronsatnocharge.Call(585) 568-7602oremail:lctechtutoring@ gmail.comtoschedulean appointment.
LivoniaLibrary: Please joinusforSmallFryFun,ages
2-5,Tuesdaysfrom10:30am11:00am.SensoryPlayWednesday, from10:30-11:15amforages1-3, withacaregiver.MiniMakerTime. Ages2-5yrs.Thursdaysfrom10:3011:00am.Alzheimer’sAssociationUnderstandingAlzheimer’sand DementiaWed.,Mar.15from12:00pm.
MELT“theartofselfcare”Follow-up Class.Fri.,Mar.17from10:3011:30am.Pleasevisitlivonialibrary. orgforsignupandmoreinformation.
TheAvonFoodPantry is opento clientshopping.Pleasebringyour ownreusablebags.Tuesdays11-2 PMandThursdays3-5PM.Located at:108ProspectStreet,Avon. Emergencydeliveriesarestill availablebycalling358-1671.
LivingstonCountyLegends Youth FootballOrganizationNEWSpringFootballLeague:Try OutsforLCMilitaryTeam11u. HeldSunday,March12,1-3pm. Arrive1hourearlyforregistration. $20tryoutfee.TotalSportsExperience,880ElmgroveRd.Rochester, NY14624.Opentoages9-11. Playersmustbeunderage12asof 7/31/23.Questions?Email: LCYTfootball@gmail.com
TasteofAvon- Join usforwine, craftbeer&foodfromlocalvendors.Saturday,March11,2023 from5PM-8PMatTheAvonInn,55 EastMainSt.,Avon.$20PRESALE. Ticketsavailable.Comingsoon. $25attheDoor.Chancetowin prizes!SilentAuction,GiftBaskets, 50/50,WinePull.AllProceeds BenefittheAvonClassof2023 SeniorBash.
AvonPreservation&Historical Society 2023Programs: Heldat theAvonParkTheater.Ourfirst programwillbeonSunday,March 19,2pm- HistoryoftheAvonFire Department withRichardNessas ourspeaker.Theprogramsareall freeandopentothepublic.Becomeamember!Donationsare welcome.
AvonSeniorNutritionProgramWeek ofMarch14-March17, 2023
Tuesday:MeatloafwithGravy, MashedPotatoes,MixedVegetables,WheatBreadSlice, Applesauce,GrapeJuice
Wednesday:TurkeyMeatSauce withWholeWheatPasta,Carrots, Broccoli,WheatBreadSlice,Diced Peaches,LemonBar
Thursday:CornedBeefwithCabbage,BabyCarrots,BoiledRed Potatoes,RyeBreadSlice,Grapes, CranberryJuice,LimeFruitedJell-O Friday:MacandCheese,Beets, GreenBeans,Clementine,Apple Juice (585)226-6353
BetterHealth&FriendshipCome joinusTuesdays2pmfor ”TAKEOFFPOUNDSSENSIBLY”. WemeetattheUnitedMethodist Church,130GeneseeSt.,Avon. Whatdoyouhavetolose?!?!
LentenLuncheons will beheld everyTuesdaysthroughApril4at theCentralPresbyterianChurchat 133GeneseeSt.,Avonat11:45. Eachweekadifferentpastorfrom thecommunitywillspeakabout thePsalms.Afreewilloffering luncheonwillbeserved.
QuiltGroupOpenHouse - The membersoftheEpiphanyQuilt GroupinviteyoutojoinusSaturday,March18,9:30-11:30amat EpiphanyLutheranChurch,6050 AvonLimaRoad,tomakesimple piecedandtiedquiltsforavariety ofmissionorganizations.Sewing skillsarehelpful,butnotnecessary. Wewouldwelcomeyourparticipationinallareasofquiltmaking, suchascutting,designing,assembling,sewing,andtying.Allmaterialsareprovided,butyouarewelcometobringyoursewing machineifyouhaveone.Let’sput ourheartsandhelpinghandstogethertomakeadifferencefor someoneinneed!Wehopetosee youonMarch18th!
LentenFishDinners- Two dates thisyear:March24&31.Held 4:30-7pm.EatInorTakeOut. BAKEDORBATTER-FRIEDHADDOCK-BakedPotato,Coleslaw, Applesauce,RollandScrumptious Desserts!OptionalHotDog availableforchildren.Adults$15, Children4-11$8,3andUnder FREE.AVONUNITEDMETHODIST CHURCH,130GeneseeSt.,Avon, 226-8600.
AvonCentralSchoolTheater Presents - ”The25thAnnual PutnamCountySpellingBee“presentedbyAvonHighSchool.March 17th&18that7pm,March19that 2pm.Ticketsare$12atthedoor. Presaleticketsalsoavailableat www.bit.ly/avoncsd-theatre
TheGreatBataviaTrainShowMarch 26,9:30am-3:30pm,RichardCCallArenaGCC,OneCollege Dr.,Batavia.Allformsofmodel railroadandtrain-relatedmerchandisewillbeavailable.Itemsoffered includeallscalesofmodeltrains, historicrailroaditems,books, DVD’sandtoys.Freeparking. Snackbar.$6adults,$3under18, freeforchildrenunder13.http:// gsme.org
MapleWeekend-Friendsof Letchworth PancakeBreakfast attheHumphreyNatureCenterin LetchworthStateParkfrom10am2pm.HeldSaturdayandSunday: March18&19.SaturdayandSunday:March25&26.Adults$8-4 andunderfree.UsetheCastileor Portagevilleentrance.
Soup&Sandwiches - SUNDAY, MARCH12THfromNoontil 2:30pm.Opentothepublic.ConlonMulvaneyAmericanLegion, 6317MarshallRoad,Conesus.
VietnamVeteran’sRecognition Day - Saturday,March25,1-4pm. OpenhouseforallVietnamVeteransandtheirspousesandfamilies. Comeandexchangestoriesand memories.Informalandafunget together.Lunchprovided.Daniel GohoPost87,34ElizabethSt., Dansville.
ConesusLakeRidersMotorcycle Club -AllYouCanEatBreakfast: HeldSunday,March26thatthe ConesusLakeRidersMotorcycle Club,6199LibertyPoleRd.in Dansvillefrom9am-12noon.We supportCampGoodDays,Teresa House,WoundedWarriors, Christmasmealsandmanymore. Breakfastswillbehelduntilfurther noticethe2ndand4thSundayof everymonth.Anyquestionscall JohnHynesat585-314-1244.
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows.
Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today!
Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
YAH(YoungatHeart)- We are hostingameetingonMarch16th at2:00P.M.attheUnitedMethodistChurchinGeneseo.Program“I’mneverpartingwiththis“. Everyonehastheirspecialthings thatmeanthemosttothem.Itnice toshareyourspecialmemories withothers.Pleasebringaspecial memento/itemthatyouwillnever letgoof.SponsoredbyYAH.
VeteranPlus1Photography Group - Veterans,doyouliketakingpictures?Wouldyouliketo learnhowtotakebetterpictures fromaprofessionalforfree?Come joinusandlearnthebasicsof photographyfromalocalprofessionalphotographer.Wewill meetonthesecondTuesdayofthe monthatLittleLakesCommunity Centerfrom6-8p.m.,bringacamera,phoneornotebook.RSVPon ourwebsiteatwww.livcovets.com orbyemailing,textorcallingwith yournameandnumber.rwolter@ vocwny.org,585-200-9742.You willreceiveaconfirmationreply withthestatusofyourRSVP. https://www.livcovets.com
VeteranPlus1Photography Group - March14.Comejoinus andlearnthebasicsofphotographyfromalocalprofessional photographer.Wewillmeetonthe secondTuesdayofthemonthat LittleLakesCommunityCenter 6-8pm,bringacamera,phoneor notebook.RSVPcanbedonein manyways;visitourwebsiteand clickontheeventlink,callortext 585-200-9742,oremailrwolter@ vocwny.org.Requestswillreceive anemailfromustoconfirmyour seat.Wehopetoseeyouthere.If youdonotseearesponsefromus, checkyourSPAM/Junkinboxor contactusviaphoneandletus know.
DayTrip-TourSt.Michael’s Mission, lunch atVillageTavern andshopatAlleyCatBoutique. MuchoftheMissionhasbeen refurbishedandonMarch29thwe willbetakingaguidedtour.Please arriveattheLittleLakesCommunityCenter,4705S.MainSt.Hemlock,by10:30AM.Cost: $15.00pp.LunchattheVillageTaverninGeneseoisnotincludedin theprice.Finishingupagreatday wewillstopattheAlleyCatBoutiquewhereConnie,theowner,is offeringa20%discounttoanyone onthetour.Registrationcutoff: 3-24-23.Register:LLCCmainoffice,giftshop,oronlinewww. littlelakesny.org.
SpringtimeSucculentMakeand Take Class- Springtimeisjust aroundthecorner.Comejoinusas KatieKlattbringsbackhersucculentplantsandcutecontainersto addtoyourjoyofSpring.These makewonderfulgiftsaswellas personalpleasurepieces.Theclass isbeingofferedMarch19thfrom 1:00-3:00atLittleLakesCommunityCenter,4705S.MainSt.Hemlock.Costis$25.00ppandincludesallmaterials.Registrationfor thiseventcanbedoneontheLLCC websitewww.littlelakesny.orgor bystoppingbytheLLCCoffice Tue.,Wed,Thurs10-2.Thecutoff dateisMarch17thby3PM.
TheMiller´sCornersCemetery Association will holditsAnnual MeetingonWednesday,March29 at7pmattheIoniaFireHouse, CountyRoad14,Ionia.People owningcemeterylotsareeligibleto attend.Alllawnmowingbidsmust bereceivedpriortothemeeting. MailyourbidtoLarryEvans,Superintendent,POBox58,Ionia,NY 14475.Formoreinformationcall 585-624-4993.
VeteranOnly-SpringBrunch: Another requestedeventbyVeteransishere.Aswetransitionto warmerweather,weinviteVeteranstocomeoutandjoinusfora SpringBrunchonMarch30th,111pmatLeisure’sRestaurant& EventCenter,6001BigTreeRoad inLakeville.RSVPisrequiredand canbesubmittedbyvisitingour websiteandclickingontheevent link.RSVPsalsoacceptedbycalling ortextingmeat585-200-9742or emailingrwolter@vocwny.org.This isaVeteranonlyevent.Spaceis limitedsowatchforouremailto confirmyourattendance.Welook forwardtoseeingyouthere.https:/ /www.livcovets.com
ConesusLakeWaterQuality Monitoring - Learnaboutthe year-roundmonitoringactivities thatareprovidingimportantinformationaboutConesusLakeand itshealth.TheCLAWaterQuality Committeewillsharewhatthey havelearnedfromthesetoolsand howhistoricaldatahelpstomanagelakeresources.Youwillalso learnwheretofindanduserealtimedata.FreeprogramWednesdayMarch22at6:30pm.Inperson (WatershedEducationCenter, VitalePark,BigTreeSt.,Lakeville) andZoomavailable.Tosignup, clickonthelinkpostedonthe ConesusLakeAssociationpage https://conesuslake.org/lakecommunity/wec/560-22-marchwalk-in-or-virtual-program-on-lakemonitoring-tools-you-can-use.
AnnualSpringChickenBBQThe KiwanisClubofYork-Leicester hasscheduledtheirAnnualSpring ChickenBBQforSaturday,MARCH 25,2023.DriveThroughOnly. Serving3pmuntilSoldOutatthe LeicesterFireHall,MainSt., Leicester.Cost:$15each.Tickets maybepurchasedinadvancefrom anyKiwanianormaybepurchased atthedoor.
TheSouthLivoniaUnited Church ofChrist -FREELuncheon Tuesday,March14.Menu:Chicken andBiscuitsDinner.HeldatThe SouthLivoniaUnitedChurchof Christandpreparedbyourfriends fromTheUnitedMethodistof Hemlock.Ourdearfriendswanted tojoinTheSouthLivoniaUCCto helpwiththisMissionandprovide amealtoallthatwouldlikeit. Everyonewelcome.Startsat 12Noontill2PM.Ifyouneedaride andcan’tafforditcontactClayTaft (585)734-6784andhewillhelp arraignaride.Youcanalsocontact theRTSofLivingstonCountyat (585)658-4690,Monday-Friday, 8am-5pmEST24Hoursinadvance.
TheUnitedMethodistChurchof Livonia ThriftShop islocatedat thecornerofSpringandChurch StreetsinLivonia,NY.Gentlyused, qualityclothingandhomegoods areavailable.TheThriftShopis openonThursdaysandFridays 9AM-3PMandSaturdays9AM2PM.
PulledPorkDinnerDrive-Thru Service: Join usonSaturday, March11th,3pm-6pmforourdeliciousPulledPorkDinnerdrive-thru service.Featuringslow-roasted pulledpork,freshly-bakedrolls,deliciousbakedbeans,butterysalt potatoes,creamycoleslaw,andincludesdessert!$14.Enterthe south-endparkinglotfromCenter St.justoffofRoute20AinLivonia Center.FirstPresbyterianChurchof Livonia,GPS:3837CenterSt. Livonia.
FingerLakesUFOMeetup - ExploreETs,UFOs&theParanormal. Shareyourexperienceswithlikemindedpeople.Saturday,March 18:6:00-8:00pmattheUnited MethodistChurchofLivonia (UMCL),21SummersStreet, Livonia.$5.00donationtoUMCL. RSVPappreciated,butnotrequired to:MaryGraceviatextorcall: 585-766-9318.www. giftsofgraceministry.org
Livonia Center
AmericanLegionPost#283 Breakfasts - TheAmericanLegion Harrison-LeePost283hastheir monthlyBreakfastsonthethird Sundayofeachmonth.The Breakfastsareopentothecommunityandcost$8.TheBreakfasts includechoicesofeggs,choiceof meat,home-friedpotatoes,pancakesorFrenchtoast,wheator whitetoast,coffee,tea,and orangejuice.TheBreakfastisheld atPost283onthecornerofRichmondMillsRoadandFederalRoad inLivoniaCenterfrom7:30amto 11am.
PotterVolunteerFireDept. Breakfast! The PotterVolunteer FireDepartmentwillbehavinga BreakfastatthePotterFireHouse, 1255PhelpsRoad,thethirdSunday ofthemonthforMarch19from 8AMtillNoon.Wewillbeserving Pancakes,sausages,homefries, breakfastsandwiches,eggs,toast, coffee,juiceandmore!
Mount Morris
VeteranEarlyRisersCoffeeClub - Veterans canjoinusatBrian’s USADinerinMt.Morrisat7:00 a.m.,forourfreemonthly breakfastheldonthethirdMonday untilMay15,2023.RSVPwith nameandnumberbyclickingthe RSVPlinkonourwebsiteforthe event.Oryoucanemail,textorcall meatrwolter@vocwny.org, 585-200-9742.Spaceislimited, butonceRSVPissent,youwill receivearesponseconfirmingyour attendancestatus.Wehopetosee youthere.https://www.livcovets. com
St.Luke’stheEvangelistParishSt. Patrick’sDayDinnerand Dance:HeldMarch17,5-10pm, GeneseeRiverRestaurantand ReceptionCenter,134N.MainSt., Mt.Morris.EnjoyadelicioustraditionalSt.Patrick’sDaydinner.Dinnerwillbeservedat6PM.KelliJ Sperino-PeasefromCJCountryRadioisourDJfortheevening! Alwaysagreattime!Cashbar. Ticketsmustbepurchasedinadvance.Cost:$25perperson.ContactCathyattheParishOfficeat 585-245-110forticketstoday!
GeneseeCountryVillage& Museum’s annualMapleSugar Festival -SaturdayandSunday, March18-19,andSaturdayand Sunday,March25-26.Explorea modern-daysugarhousewhere freshsyrupisboiling,thenjourney intoa19th-centurysugarcamp staffedbycostumedhistoricalinterpreterstolearnaboutthetechniquesandtoolsusedbyearly settlersusedtocollectsapand makemaplesugar.Headintothe HistoricVillagetoseemaplesugar usedinhistorickitchens,sausage making,timbersportswithrepresentativesfromSUNYESF, Hodinöhsö:ni’(Haudenosaunee) culturaltraditionsandstorytelling, andmore.Ticketsareavailablenow athttps://www.gcv.org/event/ maple-sugar-festival/.
Hadestown: COME SEEHOWTHE WORLDCOULDBE.Welcometo HADESTOWN,whereasongcan changeyourfate.Winnerofeight 2019TonyAwards includingBest Musicalandthe2020Grammy AwardforBestMusicalTheater Album,thisacclaimednewshow fromcelebratedsinger-songwriter AnaïsMitchellandinnovativedirectorRachelChavkin(Natasha,Pierre &TheGreatCometof1812)isa lovestoryfortoday...andalways. Ages10+.March14-19,RBTL’s AuditoriumTheatre,885EastMain St.,Rochester.https://rbtl.org/ events/hadestown/
RoyalComedy2023: Enjoy a nightoflaughswithArnezJ,Bruce Bruce,Sommore&Lavell Crawford!PresentedbyNorth AmericanEntertainmentGroupInc. March31,8pmtomidnight,RBTL’s AuditoriumTheatre,885EastMain St.,Rochester.https://rbtl.org/ events/royal-comedy-tour/
BluesisAlrightTour: You ain’t seennothinglikethem!Featuring performancesbyBlueslegendsCalvinRichardson,KingGeorge,Pokey Bear,NellieTigerTravis,LennyWilliamsandTheodisEaley.TheBlues IsAlrightTourispresentedby NorthAmericanEntertainment GroupInc.,oneoftheleading independentpromotersofentertainmenttoursandliveeventsin theUnitedStates.March25,7pm, RBTL’sAuditoriumTheatre,885 EastMainSt.,Rochester.https:// rbtl.org/events/blues-is-alright/
RochesterRotarySunshine Campus -PancakeBreakfast: JointheRochesterRotarySunshine CampusforadeliciousPancake BreakfastonSaturday,March18th, 8am-12pmattheSunshine Campus,809FivePointsRoadin Rush.EnjoydeliciouspancakescoveredwithourveryownSunshine CampMapleSyrup.Adults-$10, KidsUnder13-$5,KidsUnder3Free.Ticketsavailableat sunshinecamp.org.Information: 585-533-2080.
Hosts “TheRoaringTwenties”Popularauthorandspeaker,Don Shilling,willpresent“TheRoaring Twenties”theeveningofMarch16 from7to9pm.attheSageMarloweHouseinScottsville,69 MainSt.TheWHAishonoredtobe hostingMr.Shillingagainashis previousprogramwaswellreceived.TheSage-MarloweHouse museumwillbeopenandrefreshmentswillfollowtheprogram. Formoreinformationcontact whascottsville@gmail.com
FishFry - OnMarch31,TheLions ClubofScottsvillewillholdaFish FryatJack’sPlace@ChiliCountry Club,760ScottsvilleChiliRoad, Scottsville,from4-8pm.Costis $10forpresaletickets,$12dayof eventpurchase,or$13forTake Out.Patronswillhaveachoiceof Breaded,BeerBatteredorBroiled Fish,FrenchFriesorBakedPotato, SaladorColeslaw.Topurchase presaleticketscallLionPatty DelaMotte@609-335-4250or emailusatScottsvilleLions2023@ gmail.com.
20thAnnual“Boup”ChiliCookOff: Saturday, March11,2023. OpenToThePublic.Heldatthe KernRobinsonAmericanLegion Post905,7998SchoolStreet, Springwater,(585-669-2300).IN MEMORYOFHARRYREYNOLDS, JR.ToEnter:DAYOFCOOK-OFF. EntryFee$5.00.Doorsopenat 4PMtodropoffChili.Judging startsat5PM.DrawingForPICK TABLE&50/50RAFFLEPRIZES Starts@6PMandContinues ThroughoutTheEvening.Most Original-$30.Hottest-$20. CrowdFavorite-$10.ComeShare YourRecipe&SampletheFREE CHILIANDHOTDOGSVOTEfor YourFavorite!
St.Patrick’sDayDinner- Come and enjoyadeliciousCornedBeef DinneratKern-RobinsonPost905, 7998SchoolStreetinSpringwater onFriday,March17th,2023.Cost is$12.00.Servingfrom4:00pm untilgone.Eatinortakeout.
Hike/Snowshoe/SkiHarrietHollister SpencerParkinCanadiceHike,SnowshoeorCrossCountry SkiHarrietHollisterSpencerParkin CanadiceonSunday,March12 from2-4PMwithSpringwater Trails.Foradditionalinformation/ directions/updatesvisitthewebsite: springwatertrails.org
BreakfastBuffet - Sunday,March 12th,7:30-11:00AMattheLima LegionPost282,2475StateRoute 65,WestBloomfield.$10Adults, $6Ages8-12,7&underFree. Scrambledeggs,homefries,French toast,bacon,sausage,pastries, fruit,juice&coffee.Takeouts available.Everyonewelcome.
ComeJoinTheFun! Francis M. DaltonPost282,2475StateRoute 65,WestBloomfield.ST.PATRICK’S DAYCELEBRATION!Saturday, March18th,2023.Serving2pm5:30pm.Enjoycornedbeef,cabbage,potatoes,carrots,Italian bread,dessert.Sorry,notakeout. Donationsaccepted.
Walk-A-ThonNYS: A Programof: TheSonsofTheAmericanLegion& TheAmericanLegionAuxiliary. AmericanLegionPost282,Rt.65, WestBloomfield.”THEY MARCHEDFORUS...LET’SWALK FORTHEM”.ShowYourSupport: Wednesday,March29,5-7:30pm. SPAGHETTIDINNER-$10.00,Post 282,LimaLegion.SupportHomelessVeterans-50%ofeverydollar willgoto18VAlocationsfor HomelessVeteransandVeteranAssistedLivingHomesinNYS.SupportHonorFlight-50%ofevery dollarwillgotosupportingHonor FlightinNYS.
Sweet New Prom Dresses IN STOCK
NEW HOURS: Monday, ursday, Friday, Saturday 11am-5pm
Come Prowl Around
5604 Big Tree Road, Lakeville
Wed.-Sat. 11am-6pm
Save Time With Easy Meal Hacks
Look for recipes with as few ingredients as possible. Dishes that include longer ingredient lists typically require more legwork in the kitchen, which usually involves additional prep steps and sometimes longer cook times. Plus, you’re more likely to already have the necessities on-hand for recipes that call for 5-10 ingredients rather than lengthy lists.
Buy pre-cut vegetables to trim time spent on prep work. One of the processes that can surprisingly consume more time than you realize is cutting,chopping and dicing veggies prior to even really diving into a recipe’s instructions. If you’d still prefer prepping your own fresh produce,try completing your work the night before when it doesn’t interfere with quality time spent with family.
Stock your pantry with the basics to make cooking quicker and easier. From condiments and canned goods to seasonings and spices, keeping the essentials on-hand means less time scrambling for a quick run to the store and more moments spent at home. (Family Features)
DID YOU KNOW? According to the Environmental Protection Agency, air currents can carry pesticides that were applied to nearby properties. That means even people who do not apply pesticides in their lawns and gardens can still be at risk of exposure to these potentially harmful chemicals. People concerned by the prospect of being exposed to the pesticides being applied by their neighbors can stay indoors with their children and pets while the substances are being applied. Those who live near fields and parks where pesticides are routinely applied can plant hardy, thick-branched trees to reduce their risk of airborne exposure. The EPA notes that such plants and shrubs can serve as buffers against airborne pesticides, essentially acting as walls around a property that prevent gusty winds from blowing pesticides into yards and gardens.
General Contracting
• Cottages, Houses, Garages
Use ergonomic gardening tools. Ergonomic gardening tools are designed to prevent the types of aches, pains and injuries that can cut gardeners’ seasons short. Gardening injuries can affect any area of the body, but injuries or aches and pains affecting the back, wrists and hands are among the most common physical problems gardeners endure. Look for ergonomic tools that reduce the strain on these areas of the body. Even arthritis sufferers who love to garden may find that ergonomic tools make it possible for them to spend more time in their gardens without increasing their risk for injury.
Does Your Family Have a Fire Escape Plan? (Family Features) When a home fire occurs, you have very little time to get out. A working smoke alarm doubles your chances of survival, yet more than twenty percent of American homes are without them. Energizer and the International Association of Fire Chiefs teamed up to address this problem by providing vital fire safety information to families. Make a Plan Installing smoke alarms on every level of the home and developing a plan of escape can give your family precious minutes to get out and get to safety. Draw a floor plan of your home and sketch exit routes out of every room. Make sure you have a fire escape ladder long enough to reach the ground from upstairs rooms. Assign an outside meeting place, so you can quickly locate each other
Cold Weather Is Here!
We are now an Amana dealer, along with our Air-Temp and Goodman High Efficiency Furnaces.
We are now an Amana dealer along with our Goodman High Efficiency Furnaces and Air-Temp.
Don Fox
Celebrating 30 years in business!
33 years in business!
Homeowners are discovering that architectural accents can go a long way toward improving both the look and value of their homes. When renovating a space, the term “millwork” may be mentioned by designers and contractors. While it might be a mystery to some, millwork can give rooms unique looks.
Millwork refers to items traditionally made from raw lumber in a sawmill. Examples of millwork include crown molding, base trims, door frames, window casings, chair rails, and paneling. Cabinets may also classify as millwork.
Take advantage of placing wood orders before the fuel prices increase.
How To Make Existing Windows More
Caulk or add weatherstripping. Small cracks and gaps around windows, which are most often found around windows in older buildings, might not seem like a big deal, but such breaches can lead to considerable energy loss. The DOE recommends using caulk to seal cracks that are less than 1/4-inch wide on the parts of the window that do not move (i.e., frames and where the trim meets the wall). Caulk might be less effective at fixing leaks larger than 1/4 inch in width. Employ weatherstripping to address leaks on movable parts of the window. Properly applied weatherstripping should adequately seal windows when they are closed without making it difficult to open or close them later on. Weatherstripping is available in various materials.
How Everyday People Can Cut Energy Consumption
Curtailing energy consumption is a great way for people to protect the planet’s natural resources and save money at the same time.
Part of the difficulty with regard to reducing energy consumption is that energy plays such a big role in our lives. Smartphones and tablets have become must-have items, and these items, though not necessarily big consumers of energy, must be plugged in and charged. But individuals won’t have to unplug from their lives to reduce their energy consumption. In fact, there are several easy, non-invasive ways for everyday people to reduce their energy consumption.
Reducing energy consumption does not require substantial sacrifice, but it can produce substantial savings and benefit the planet in myriad ways.
Don't wait for the Spring Rush
Updating Your Home’s Electrical System
When it comes time to update the electrical system, it is always best to work with licensed and bonded electricians who have the expertise to work with electrical wiring without getting injured. This is not a do-it-yourself type of job since it requires specialized training.
Electricians likely will recommend upgrading the electrical panel to bring more power from the utility poles into the home. This can include replacing the existing meter and circuit breaker box to allow it to handle more power or replacing items that are obsolete or dangerous.
Many older homes are only capable of handling a minimum number of amps, utilizing just a few circuits. But nowadays, when homeowners have far more electronics in their homes than they once did, increased demand on electricity can overload a circuit. Tripping a circuit breaker is a safety measure to prevent the wire from becoming overheated and causing a fire. However, in some old systems, the circuit breaker will not trip, and this can be problematic.
Rewiring a home is another step. Wire insulation can deteriorate over time, and new wires may be needed. This can be messy and time-consuming, but it’s a small price to pay for safety. When rewiring an electrician also may suggest new outlets. Many home building codes now require outlets with ground fault interruptors, or GFIs, in kitchens, bathrooms and other rooms exposed to moisture. Some older homes may not even have three-pronged outlets, so this will necessitate an update as well.
TURN YOUR SUMMER VACATION INTO A STAYCATION by Samantha Clayton, certified personal trainer
(NAPSI) — For many people, social distancing brings concern about summer plans. In previous years, summertime was when families planned their vacations. The kids would be out of school, the weather could be fantastic, and the days are longer— allowing optimal time to venture to new places, catch some sun and spend more time with friends and families.
Since you may have already been spending a lot more time with your family then you ever imagined due to coronavirus outbreak, you may be looking for ways to keep your family entertained. Between possibly working from home, managing your kids’ schoolwork and maintaining a functioning household, this time probably hasn’t felt much like a vacation.
Social distancing guidelines are likely to remain in effect in many places during the summer. Activities and entertainment options, lodging, and dining will be affected. The good news is, you really don’t have to totally give up on enjoying the summer at home with your family. Here are some tips to make your staycation exciting for the whole family:
Fit Focused Days
Plan hiking trips or long walks or bike rides close to home. Enjoy nearby parks and take time to look over the architecture in your neighborhood. A quick Google search of interesting facts can help you to plan what you want to go to see. Being a tourist in your own community will help you have a greater appreciation for the place. Challenge your kids to identify certain plants, landmarks or wildlife when you’re out walking. It will make the walks more engaging. Having prizes helps with motivation, too. Additionally, backyard games can be a blast—sprinklers, hula hoops and jump rope are things kids love.
Embrace The Farmers Markets
A trip to a farmers market is not just a treat, it’s a great way to shop locally. Many of them have adopted social distancing guidelines, so they can be safe for family outings. These markets usually have beautiful fresh and seasonal options to explore, and perhaps find some fascinating new fruits and vegetables. Also, getting the kids involved in selecting ingredients for your meals may help spark their interest in healthier eating. Breaking your usual grocery shopping routine by browsing the stalls in beautiful weather can help spark a vacation vibe.
Create Your Own At-Home Retreats
With a little planning, you can make your own backyard or home feel like an enchanting vacation spot. For a spa weekend, buy or make your favorite products, and set up time to relax and treat yourself. Turn off all your tech distractions, set up a space outside or in a quiet room.You can even make spa water by cutting up some cucumber or fruit to flavor the water. Consider creating your own yoga retreat. Turn to your favorite online trainer, set up your mat in a designated space, light some candles or incense, and be sure to practice daily, with relaxing music. It’s all about being creative.
Travel With Your Cooking
With travel on the back burner, consider themed cooking nights to help transport your taste buds to any destination. It can be really fun to make drinks, shakes and meals with ingredients from places that are on your future travel list. Enjoy a nice Italian spritzer with your pasta one night, try cooking a beautiful curry meal or ordering take-out from a restaurant you’ve never tried before. Take it a step further and print out some fun-facts you can find online or rent a movie about the particular culture you’ll be indulging in that night; it’s a great opportunity for your family to learn about other cultures through food.
Finally, take time to plan out your staycation in the same way you would with a travel vacation. Having an itinerary of what you want to do helps to prevent the lazy, do-nothing blues from taking over. A vacation is about rest, relaxation, discovery and recreation—all of those things can be accomplished right where you are. Studies have shown a positive correlation between taking vacation time and an overall feeling of well-being, so no matter what’s on your itinerary, make sure to thoroughly enjoy yourself.
Ms. Clayton is the vice president, Sports Performance and Fitness, Herbalife Nutrition. She’s also the mother of four and lives in Los Angeles with her family. You can find further tips and facts at www.IAmHerbalifeNUtrition.com.
March is National Craft Month. Learning a craft offers many benefits. Expressing one’s creativity provides stress relief and can lower blood pressure much like meditation. There’s natural positive reinforcement from learning a new skill. What craft do you most enjoy?
• Knitting
• Woodworking
• Jewelry Making
• Scrapbooking
• Sewing
• Painting
Poll ends 3-14-2023
Poll ended 3-7-2023
President Joe Biden’s initiative, aimed at providing targeted debt relief to millions of student-loan borrowers, is now before the Supreme Court. Opponents to the program say it amounts to an unlawful attempt to erase an estimated $430 billion of federal student loan debt under the guise of the pandemic. What side do you fall on regarding student loan forgiveness?
12.5% The effects of the pandemic are still being felt by many Americans and I agree that loan forgiveness needs to happen.
75.0% Students borrowed this money expecting to pay it back and should.
12.5% Loan forgiveness is a noble idea but shouldn’t we fix the system first?
We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit www.gvpennysaver.com!
Care For
Homeowners often choose to save money and learn valuable skills by doing their own home improvement projects. These minor or major renovations are made much more successful by having the right tools for the job. Investing in good tools can be smart, but those tools are only effective if they are accessible and in good repair. Homeowners who emphasize taking care of their tools can make DIY projects that much easier and more rewarding.
Older TREADMILL, suitable for older adult who just wants to walk: lorali58isdone@gmail.com
Older SLEEP APNEA MACHINE works well. You pick up: lorali58isdone@gmail.com
ENTERTAINMENT CENTER, solid, light oak. Fits 32” TV or could be used for computer monitor. Excellent condition. You pick up: 585-359-1652
WILTON NOVELTY CAKE PAN shaped like running/athletic shoe. Holds one entire cake mix recipe. Four STONEWARE .5L BEER MUGS. Fairport: jvc45@aol.com
SONY CD/DVD PLAYER. Works. Fairport: jvc45@aol.com
Who collects CLOTHING FOR THE NEEDY: motelmaid37@aol.com
NORDIC TRACK EXERCISE MACHINE. Excellent condition. Pick up, Pittsford: 585-385-9938
STAMPED CROSS STITCH KIT, Serenity Prayer 16” x 20”. All floss and more. Pick up, LeRoy. Text or call: 716-352-1248
WOOD DINING ROOM CABINET w/GLASS DOORS. Good condition. You pick up: 585-213-4023
SUBARU VERTICAL SHAFT ENGINE, did run, needs pull start replaced: 585-737-0491
BOXES and PACKING MATERIALS: donna.lievense@gmail.com
WOMEN’S DIAPERS, size large. Still in bags: 585-236-0426
Clean QUEEN SIZE MATTRESS, 2” thick. Perfect for camper: 585-755-1948
FELLED 4-5’ SECTIONS ASH WOOD; take as much as you want. Easy access; wood on edges of lawn: 585-281-1717
CASTRO CONVERTIBLE COUCH and SLIPCOVER - cushions ripped, but mattress perfect: grleah1@juno.com
FIREWOOD. Large cotton wood tree; felled, trunk and large branches broken down. Easy access. You pick up, Ionia: 585-657-4894
You move: 585-323-1762 (leave message)
WURLITZER PIANO - great condition; only one sticky key. Located on the second floor. Text: 585-755-9697
YOUNG CHANG PIANO. You pick up, Honeoye Falls: 585-944-5825
RESMED S8 ELITE II CPAP - Case, Heater/Humidifier, 2 Tanks, Cord, Manual, Hose, but CPAP part probably no good. West Henrietta: cmonroj1@rochester.rr.com
AVANA COMFORT MATTRESS ELEVATOR (king size). Pick up, Webster: 585-872-6756
PATTERNS for an 18” doll: 585-624-5144
DELL 3.06 GHz UBUNTU LINUX, 500Gb HDD, DVD, 4Mb RAM, Ethernet 100, onboard graphics. NO monitor. NO KB: m0kpc6s3g@mozmail.com
20 HP MERCURY OUTBOARD MOTOR for parts. Will pick up. Text: 585-230-9380
SLEEPER SOFA, any size. Please, not if it smells like smoke or cat urine. Will pick up! Thanks! 585-443-9338
VINTAGE ELECTRONICS - Tubes, tube testers, vintage stereo equipment, radios, microphones, motors, speakers, meters, turntables, communication gear, Advertising, Ham, Test Equipment: 585-538-9341
ROSARIES (old and new) to add to my 300+ collection: 585-293-2199
COMICS AND SPORTS/COLLECTIBLE CARDS, any condition, will pick up. I enjoy everything. Thank You! God Bless. Text: 585-260-0437
KEYBOARD in working condition for a 90s Dell computer for a disabled person to work with: 585-346-7022
CLEAN STORAGE BOXES, like copier paper boxes, with lids for moving. Stored indoors. Will pick up: 585-497-2327
HP PRINTER INK CARTRIDGES #60 and #61, new or expired okay. Thank you: 585-519-3325
OLD ELECTRONICS, will refurbish and pass on to others in need, or recyclecomputers, stereos, printers, etc.: terrybeckley1@gmail.com
Senior Navy Veteran needs any running VEHICLE that has passed inspection for himself and animal rescue: 585-531-4004
Rock music - 8 TRACK TAPES, CASSETTE TAPES, and VINYL RECORDS for my own personal collection. Thanks in advance: gzintel@yahoo.com
BOX TRAILER: 585-323-1762 (leave message)
COOPERSTOWN DREAMS PARK TRADING PINS and carrying case for granddaughter who will be in this summer’s tournament: 585-334-6134
AIR COMPRESSOR - 10+ gallons: mhoskins@pvac.org
INVERSION TABLE, for senior with bad back: stujaxon@yahoo.com
TRAILER WHEEL & TIRE, ST175-80D13 13” wheel, 5 lugs: 585-993-1917
BUILT/UNBUILT MODELS OR KITS. Parts and pieces ok. Longtime collector seeks projects/restorations/customs. Auto, Truck, Plane, Military, etc. Call 585-314-6989, thanks
DIRT BIKES, ATVs, GO-KARTS wanted that are running or not running for father-son project. Thank you in advance! 315-576-1278
Looking for a WEBER GRILL you are no longer using. Thank you and feel free to call or text me: 315-576-1278
Looking for GARAGE SIGNS, OIL CANS, or other decorative automotive memorabilia from the 1970s and earlier. Thank you! 315-576-1278
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received.
Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
Now Hiring Experienced Auto Tech
Timebuyer Auto Sales • Batavia, NY
• Diagnose & Repair used autos
• Min. 3-5 Years Exper. Preferred
• Positive Attitude; Excellent Work Ethic
• Valid NYS Driver’s License
NYS Insp. License Is NOT Required
WE OFFER: Competitive hourly wage – NO FLAT RATE!
Full-Time, M-F • NO WEEKENDS!
Bonuses, Medical/Dental/Vision Ins., 401k Plan, Paid sick/vac/holidays –Uniforms & tools provided.
EMAIL YOUR RESUME TODAY mbuda@timebuyer.com
OR stop by 244-248 W. Main St.; Batavia, NY
Concrete Drivers
Applicants must have:
Valid Class “A” and/or “B” CDL, DMV abstract of driver’s license, At least 2 years of commercial driving experience, Work references, Pass pre-employment drug screen, Ability to work outdoors in all types of weather, Willing to work overtime and some Saturdays, Read, write and perform basic math, Professional interactions with customers & coworkers, Able to lift up to 60 lbs.
Spallina Materials Offers:
• Starting pay $24-$26 per hour DOE
• Health coverage
• 401k
• Paid vacation
Please apply in person to: 1 Conlon Ave., Mt. Morris, NY or e-mail: KMullen@Spallinamaterials.com
M-F between 7:30am & 4:00pm. No phone calls please.
Speak with a supervisor first. Make sure your boss or immediate supervisor learns of your plans to leave the job first. Do not gossip or suggest to coworkers that you’re ready to leave. It’s unprofessional if a supervisor hears of your impending departure from others.
Front Office/ Administrative
Could this be your opportunity? We are looking for an energetic, outgoing person to add to our sta of winners. General/Cosmetic dental practice seeking that “right t” person. If you are organized, self-motivated, high energy, have a can-do attitude that communicates with individuals easily, you could be that person. Computer and customer service skills are essential. Prefer candidate with knowledge of dental insurance, billing & collections but will train the right candidate. Please send your resume, brief description of why you would qualify for this position along with salary requirements.
Come join our winning team!
Dental Receptionist
P.O. Box 548 • Wayland, NY 14572 or Fax: 585-728-3153
Local HVAC company hiring PIPEFITTERS and SHEETMETAL WORKERS from apprentice (will train) to journeyman. Excellent wage opportunities mostly within Monroe and Livingston County.
CALL 585-346-3060 during business hours or leave message.
Immediate Openings
Ted Collins Now Hiring
Plant/Lawn Care Technician
Planting Laborers and Foreman
Maintenance Laborers and Foreman
Lawn Mowing Wages starting at $17 an hour
Ted Collins Tree & Landscape Attn: Personnel 8000 Victor-Mendon Road Victor, NY 14564 www.tedcollinst-l.com
Call to apply:
Livestreaming & IT Specialist
Geneseo United Methodist Church is in search of someone able to manage its online, audio and video ministries. is person will be responsible for the A/V tech for all Sunday morning worship services (online and in person) as well as special services.
Minimum quali cations include the ability to operate and maintain Microsoft Windows, livestreaming and recording/editing software, experience in operating video equipment, ability to troubleshoot A/V equipment issues as well as good organizational and communication skills.
e position would require up to 8-10 hours per week, with an average of 32-40 hours per month. e hourly wage would be commensurate with ability and experience.
Information and application can be obtained at the Church O ce 4520 Genesee St., Geneseo, NY, by calling 585-243-3160 or by emailing o ce@GeneseoMethodist.org
Entry Level Technicians/Detailer/Bus Prep Tech
Come for a job…. Stay for a career
Matthews Buses, Inc., New York’s largest omas Built Bus dealer has immediate full-time openings for entry level technicians, detailers, paint & body technician, and a Bus Prep Tech in our Avon facility. Successful candidate must possess:
• Experience with lettering and/or graphics installation is a plus.
• Pro ciency in the cleaning/detailing of automobiles, vans, and buses.
• Fabrication Skills.
• Must have own tools or at least the basics to perform the job.
• Work independently and with a “team.”
• Clean Driving Record.
• Will train the right individual.
Matthews Buses o ers excellent pay and a full bene ts package including health, dental, vision, 401K program with generous company match, paid holidays, and earned paid time o along with sick time.
Qualified candidates should apply to:
Michelle McKernon
AccordingtoGallup’s2021EconomyandPersonalFinancesurvey,theaverageindividual in the United States is retiring earlier than many people might expect. Gallup found that the average retirement age was 62, which is two years earlier than the working respondents indicated they planned to retire. Canadians are retiring a little bit later than their American counterparts, as Statistics Canada reports the average retirement age in Canada is just over 63 and a half.The average retirement age is worth noting, as studies routinely find that many working professionals greatest concern about retiring is that they won’t have enough money saved to meet their needs.By recognizing that they may end up retiring earlier than they initially planned, professionals can make a concerted effort to save more money in the years ahead.
Once Again Nut Butter
With your can-do, go-getter, team-player work ethic, we are positive you will t right in! To be successful in this role, you will have:
• Electrical Training or equivalent from a two-year college or technical school; or two years’ related experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience.
• Minimum of two years of relative work experience in production/manufacturing setting.
• Ability to use appropriate shop/hand tools and analytical devices in inspecting, testing circuits and wiring electrical equipment for safety and functionality.
• Ability to run a lathe and mill. Welding skills.
• Demonstrated commitment to safety and quality. Full-time employees are eligible for:
• Extraordinary Health Insurance & Bene ts package
• Career path options
• Paid time o
• 2nd shi premium pay
• Product Allowance
• Tuition Reimbursement
Apply at: https://onceagainnutbutter.com/our-company/careers/ OANB is a growing employee-owned nut-butter manufacturing company in Organic and Natural foods.
Full-Time Scale/Office
West Bloomfield, NY
• Computer skills and pro ciency in Microsoft O ce (Outlook, Word, Excel).
• Weigh trucks using scale software.
• Provides general upkeep of the scale house.
• Completes clerical tasks such as data entry, ling, and reporting.
• Works overtime as needed.
• Performs other duties as assigned.
• Must be able to read and write English.
• Monday-Friday possibility of some Saturdays.
• Competitive salary based on experience.
Local Avon, NY Manufacturer accepting applications for
Full-time O ceSecretary
Monday-Friday • 8:00am-4:40pm
Clerical, ling and general o ce support
Augmented o ce needs: customer service ll-in, assist other sta , clerical/ ling, and lling in for absent sta .
Minimum of Associate’s degree preferred. Minimum 5 years’ o ce experience required. Excel Sheet & Word Document pro cient. Starting wage $17-$18.50 per hour, negotiable based on experience & education.
PTO per company handbook, Paid Recognized Holidays. Elective Bene ts include: 401K, medical, dental, life insurance. Eligible for $250 sign-on bonus at 90 days employment. EAP, Long & Short term disability.
Apply by sending resume by email to: MKnickerbocker@SpallinaMaterials.com
Or Mail to: Spallina Materials Inc., 8222 Routes 5&20, PO Box 89, West Bloomfield, NY 14585
Service Technicians, Full-time
Requirements: Class B CDL with tanker endorsement is needed to perform this job.
Job description: Service Technicians travel our 25-mile service radius to pump and maintain septic tanks. Ideal candidates will have a team player mentality, strong customer service skills, be self-motivated, and be physically able to drag hoses, hand shovel up to 2 feet deep, and occasionally li up to 100 pounds. Septic experience is a plus, but we will happily train the right individuals.
Pay range for this position: $23-$30/hour
General Laborers, Full-time (seasonal ok)
Requirements: Clean NYS driver’s license
Job description: General Laborers will travel with and assist our maintenance and installation teams. Applicants should have a positive attitude, be self-motivated, and physically able to drag hoses, hand shovel up to 2 feet deep and occasionally li up to 100 pounds.
Pay range for this position: $15-$20/hour
We o er: A small, family owned and operated work environment. Full-time bene ts include medical & dental insurance, productivity bonuses, retirement plan, paid time o , and paid holidays.
Call, email, or text with interest/resume today and let’s see if we are a match!
2920 Telephone Rd., Caledonia, NY 14423 scott@barefootseptic.com
O ce: (585) 538-4886
Cell: (585) 303-7247
Apply in person at 495 Rochester St., Avon, NY or email H-R@graymetal.com
“Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.”
Vincent Peale
Local Avon, NY Manufacturer accepting applications for Full-Time HR
HR Generalist role to include:
• Payroll processing.
• Employee relations.
• Bene ts oversight & administration.
• Recruitment of employees, new employee orientation.
• Employee le maintenance, recordkeeping.
• All general HR functions.
Minimum bachelor’s degree.
Minimum 10 years’ experience in HR.
PTO per company handbook, Paid Recognized Holidays, Elective Bene ts include Medical, Dental, 401K, life insurance. EAP, long & short term disability.
Starting salary: $68,000 - $71,000 based on experience, certi cations, higher education. Plus bene ts.
Apply in person at 495 Rochester St., Avon, NY or email H-R@graymetal.com
• Requires good data entry skills
• Communicating with customers
• Filing
• Minimum associate’s degree preferred
• Minimum 5 years’ o ce experience
• Excel & Word document pro cient
Starting pay $16.50/hr, negotiable based on education & experience.
Hours: M-F 8:00am-4:30pm.
PTO per company handbook, Paid Recognized Holidays. Elective Bene ts include: 401K, Medical, Dental, Life Insurance. Eligible for $250 Sign-on Bonus at 90 days employment. EAP, Long and Short Term Disability.
Come learn how to launch into a rewarding career in real estate!
When: Sat.,March18,2023
Time: 10-11:30am
Registerat: bit.ly/NEWYEARCS2023318 orviaQRcode
Where: 11MeganDr.,Geneseo,NY
Full-time WITH health insurance rate range:
CNATs: $18.34
CNAs: $22.45 to $25.66
LPNs: $24.64 to $28.41
RN: $33.38 to $38.45
RN Charge: $35.83 to $41.22 e Livingston County Center for become a CNA.
Full-time WITHOUT health insurance rate range:
CNAs: $27.70 to $30.91
LPN: $30.89 to $34.66
RN: $40.63 to $45.70
Charge RN: $43.08 to $48.4
Part-Time Hairdresser
Part-Time Activities Aide CALL ABOUT RATES!
• Additional shift di erential pay
To apply, contact: mgmiller@co.livingston.ny.us or call or text (585) 322-2950 (EEO/AAE)
• Basic math skills: measuring and using various tools.
• Physical stamina in order to handle the long hours in hot or cold weather.
• Physical strength when performing heavy labor that is required from construction workers such as li ing materials.
• $18-$30/hr based on experience.
CONTACT: Adam 585.755.7500
Class A & Class B Drivers Wanted
Hainsworth Farms LLC is in search of a quali ed
Must be able to weld aluminum, stainless steel, and steel. Must be good with a MIG welder and plasma cutter. Experience that helps: heavy equipment mechanic, good with hydraulics, electrical wiring, and air lines. Competitive pay and bene ts (Medical/Dental Insurance, 401K, Paid Vacation). Overtime available over 40 Hours. Resumes can be emailed to HainsworthFarm@gmail.com or call Chuck at (585) 734-3264.
Conesus Lake
Hiring For The 2023 Summer Season
We are looking to sta our Dock & Yard Crews!
Boat Detailer/Cleaner – 1 full-time seasonal position available. Can be labor intensive. Responsibilities include cleaning boats as they come out of storage, detailing new boats, assisting at dock.
Position to start April 1
Boat Mover/Yard Crew – 2 full-time seasonal positions available. Responsibilities include picking up & taking boats to storage. Launching and hauling boats from lake. Assisting where needed. MUST have trailering experience! Boat operation not required but is a plus!
Position to start April 1
Dock Crew – 2-5 seasonal positions available. Responsibilities include pumping gas, assisting slip customers, cleaning boats, helping with boat rentals. Must be at least 16 years of age with reliable transportation. Position to start Mid April.
Call 585-346-2060 and ask for Lara or email your resume to conesusservice@smithboys.com
Local Avon, NY Manufacturer accepting applications for Full-Time B Shi
Monday – ursday 5:30PM-2AM and Fridays 3PM-11:30PM.
Bene ts include: $250 sign-on bonus, PTO, paid recognized holidays, 401K, medical, dental, life insurance, EAP, long and short term disability
Positions available:
Production Workers
Hourly Starting Compensation: $16.75-$17.25
Local Avon, NY Manufacturer accepting applications for Safety Coordinator
Monday-Friday, 40-50 hours per week.
Bene ts include: PTO, paid recognized holidays, 401K, medical, dental, life insurance, EAP, long and short term disability
Starting Salary: $1,100/wk, negotiable based on experience & certi cations.
Minimum 5 years’ experience in comprehensive safety management. NYS DOT experience a must. Bachelor’s degree required. Apply at:
Apply in person at 495 Rochester St., Avon, NY or email: H-R@graymetal.com
Apply in person at 495 Rochester St., Avon, NY or email: H-R@graymetal.com
Local Avon, NY Manufacturer accepting applications for Full-Time A Shi
Bene ts include: $250 sign-on bonus, PTO, paid recognized holidays, 401K, medical, dental, life insurance, EAP, long and short term disability.
Positions available:
Production Workers
Monday – ursday 7AM-5:30PM
Monday – Friday 7AM-3:30PM
Local Avon, NY Manufacturer accepting applications for Maintenance Technician
• M-F 8AM – 4:30PM. A shi , overtime available.
• General manufacturing machinery maintenance.
• Minimum 5 years’ experience in maintenance.
• Eligible for PTO per company handbook.
• Paid recognized holidays.
• Eligible for medical/dental.
• Life insurance & 401K
• Must have basic tools. Uniforms provided.
• Start hourly compensation $22.25 – $23.25 based on experience plus bene ts.
• Sign-on bonus $250 at 90 day review.
Apply in person at 495 Rochester St., Avon, NY or email: H-R@graymetal.com
Apply in person at 495 Rochester St., Avon, NY or email: H-R@graymetal.com
“When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.” –Alexander Graham Bell
Livingston County Highway Department
is recruiting for the vacant positions of SUMMER LABORERS - $16.25/hr
Must be 18 years old – heavy highway construction work, work-zone tra c control, mowing, cutting brush, shoveling, raking and other related labor work. Maximum 16-week position.
Honeoye Falls-Lima Central School District IS
• B shift Cleaners
• Bus Drivers
• Bus Monitors
Hours and pay vary by position. NYS Pension and bene t eligible positions available.
To apply, visit: www.work4h .org
Interested applicants must complete a Livingston County application for employment available at www.livingstoncounty.us and are to be submitted to: Livingston County Human Resources, Room 206, Livingston County Government Center, 6 Court Street, Geneseo, NY 14454
Questions may be directed to: Jason Wolfanger, Highway Superintendent, 585-243-6701.
Livingston County is an Equal Opportunity/A rmative Action Employer
Expanding Rochester, NY area Automobile Shredder Operation looking for experienced Heavy Equipment Operators and General Laborers. Experience in the Scrap Industry a plus, but not required. Position is full-time plus OT. Reliable transportation a must. Pre-hire background check and drug screening required.
Very competitive wages and benefits including vacation, paid holidays, 401 (k) and health insurance.
Learn more about us at unionscrap.com. Call for an application, apply in person or mail resume to:
Union Scrap Processing, Inc.
PO Box 486, 3484 S. Union St., N. Chili, NY 14514
E-mail resume to: dspaulding@unionscrap.com
Or fax resume/application to: (585) 594-0160
Direct inquires to Diane at: (585) 594-1600
Email resumes to: darralee.dick@hphood.com
We Are Hiring!
Cook - Full-time, Tuesday-Saturday
Alpine Manor, a small assisted living facility, is seeking a cook. Our cooks prepare home-style meals for our residents. One entree per meal, no special diets.
Medication Aide, 3-11pm Saturday and Sunday
Seeking a caring, reliable Medication Aide. Responsibilities include administering medications and assisting our residents with evening routines.
Please email resumes to info@alpinemanor.com or call (585) 346-5880 to schedule an interview today!
2714 Poplar Hill Road, Lima, NY 14485
Leaving A Job Gracefully
Speak with your manager first. It’s respectful for your immediate manager or supervisor to learn of your departure first. This gives him or her ample time to put a plan in place to fill your position. The more notice you can give, the more goodwill you’re building on your way out the door. Schedule a meeting for this purpose; do not make it an informal chat by the water cooler. Resist the urge to quit via email or text. Resigning requires face-toface communication. Present a concise letter of resignation as well. Don’t call out colleagues or air your grievances in the letter.
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NoticeofFormation of ElevateYour Positive,LLC.ArticlesofOrganization filedwithSecretaryofStateofNew York(SSNY)on2/18/2023.Office locationLivingstonCounty.SSNYis designatedasagentofLLCupon whomtoprocessagainstitmaybe servedto:6024MarrowbackRd, Conesus,NY14435.Purpose:any lawfulpurpose.
NOTICEOFFORMATION of L.ParkerRealty,LLC. L.ParkerRealty,LLCfiledArticlesof OrganizationwiththeNYSecretaryof StateonDecember7,2022.(1)Its principalofficeisinLivingston County,NewYork.(2)TheSecretary ofStatehasbeendesignatedasits agentuponwhomprocessagainstit maybeservedanditspostoffice addresstowhichtheSecretaryofState shallmailacopyofanyprocessagainst itserveduponhimorherisc/o4660 NYRte5&USRte20,Avon,New York14414,(3)Thecharacteror purposeofitsbusinessistoengagein anylawfulactivityforwhichlimited liabilitycompaniesmaybeorganized underSection203oftheLimited LiabilityCompanyAct.
NOTICEOFFORMATION of 5&20AUTOANDFAB,LLC. 5&20AutoandFab,LLCfiled ArticlesofOrganizationwiththeNY SecretaryofStateonDecember7, 2022.(1)Itsprincipalofficeisin LivingstonCounty,NewYork.(2)The SecretaryofStatehasbeendesignated asitsagentuponwhomprocess againstitmaybeservedanditspost officeaddresstowhichtheSecretary ofStateshallmailacopyofany processagainstitserveduponhimor herisc/o4660NYRte5&USRte 20,Avon,NewYork14414,(3)The characterorpurposeofitsbusinessis toengageinanylawfulactivityfor whichlimitedliabilitycompaniesmay beorganizedunderSection203ofthe LimitedLiabilityCompanyAct.
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NOTICE,ANNUALMEETING! MT. PLEASANTCEMETERYASSOCIATION.Wednesday,March22nd,7pmatYork FireHouse585-746-3002,per PresidentRogerMcCracken.
NOTICEOFFORMATION of BIGMIKE’SDOGZ,LLC. BigMike’sDogz,LLCfiledArticlesof OrganizationwiththeNYSecretaryof StateonFebruary28,2023.(1)Its principalofficeisinLivingston County,NewYork.(2)TheSecretary ofStatehasbeendesignatedasits agentuponwhomprocessagainstit maybeservedanditspostoffice addresstowhichtheSecretaryofState shallmailacopyofanyprocessagainst itserveduponhimorherisc/oBig Mike’sDogz,LLC,71ParkPlace, AvonNewYork14414,(3)Thecharacterorpurposeofitsbusinessisto engageinanylawfulactivityforwhich limitedliabilitycompaniesmaybe organizedunderSection203ofthe LimitedLiabilityCompanyAct.
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Noticeofformation:BenjaminWright LLC.ArticlesofOrganizationfiled withtheSecretaryofStateofNY (SSNY)on2023-01-31.Officelocation:LivingstonCounty.SSNYdesignatedasagentofLimitedLiability Company(LLC)uponwhomprocess againstitmaybeserved.SSNYshould mailprocesstoBenjaminRWright: 2923GardenStreetAvonNY14414. Purpose:anylawfulpurpose.
In printandonlinebypublishinganObituaryinourPassages section.Includescolorphoto. Call: 585-226-8111
NOTICEOFFORMATION of D’Agostino Electric&Construction, LLC.D’AgostinoElectric& Construction,LLC,filedArticlesof OrganizationwiththeSecretaryof StateofNewYork(SSNY),February6, 2023.It’sprincipleofficeisin LivinstonCounty,NYat2302TelephoneRoad,York,NY.SSNYisdesignatedasanagentofLLCupon whichprocessagainstitmaybe served.SSNYshallmailacopyofany processagainsttheLLCto2302TelephoneRoad,LeRoy,NY14482.The purposeofthecompanyistoengage inanyandalllawfulactivities.
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