Eating Out on Mother’s Day Book early... very early. To guarantee a reservation at any restaurant, namely your favorite restaurant, you will need to make a reservation well in advance of Mother’s Day.



Eating Out on Mother’s Day Book early... very early. To guarantee a reservation at any restaurant, namely your favorite restaurant, you will need to make a reservation well in advance of Mother’s Day.
Created just for your big day, we've put together sets of stunning wedding invitations to perfectly match your style.
I’ve read a lot of plant packages saying plants are deer-resistant and then the deer come through during winter and decimate them anyway. How do I know which aredefinitelydeer-resistant?
Although a plant may be marketed as deer-resistant, unfortunately, deer are curious and hungry creatures. Mothers and fawns, especially, are known for their voracity and their tendency to nibble many plants as they move along a landscape. The
result is that a planting of young pawpaws or currants, both marketed as “deer-resistant,” might have all the leaves chewed off overnight. After eating a “deer-resistant” plant, an individual deer may feel sick or realize (after a few big bites) that they don’t like the taste of the leaves. If the plant is small to begin with, it may be already dead after being munched. And there will likely be more, unfamiliar deer that also need to taste the plant to come to the same conclusion.
The only sure-fire solution is to use netting while the plants are small. Some have suggested planting allium crops around young plantings, as deer don’t like the smell. But, I think physically blocking the plants from deer will work best.If you are able to grow the “deer-resistant” plant out to a large
enough size — perennials usually reach this stage around 2 or 3 years –you can let deer graze on it and learn theirlessonwithoutworryingthatthe plant will die from its leaves getting eaten off.
Ken Estes,Master GardenerSTRANGE BUT TRUE
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Dance/Performing Arts:
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Josie is a rescue cat. She has been a part of our family for 1.5 years and provides great comfort and joy! She loves to watch the birds from the house windows. She also likes to play fetch with her pink stuffed mouse. We throw the mouse and she always returns it to us. She has a sparky personality and always wants to be the favorite cat in the house.
Dining out can be a treat. A meal at a favorite restaurant can be a welcome change from kitchen duty. Mother’s Day is a busy day for restaurants, many of which have limited menus to better handle the crowds. As a result, if dining out on Mother’s Day, Mom may not get the full menu she desires. To ensure mothers have full menus at their disposal, gift givers can cook a meal at home on Mother’s Day and then choose another day of the week to enjoy a meal in an upscale restaurant.
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The History Channel
* On May 17, 1965, after a two-year investigation, the FBI declares the supposedly pornographic lyrics of “Louie Louie” to be officially unintelligible.
* On May 18, 1980, Mount St. Helens, a volcanic peak in southwestern Washington, violently erupts. The massive blast killed 57 people and leveled nearly all vegetation as far as 12 miles away.
* On May 19, 1997, a 3-year-old boy dies of avian influenza in Hong Kong. Before the outbreak was controlled, six people were dead and 1.6 million domestic fowl were destroyed. The virus mutated and caused 62 more human deaths in Asia by 2005.
Unique gifts ideas for Mother’s Day
sale” items. It can be tempting to peruse the deep-discount rack at Mom’s favorite store when retailers cut prices on items in anticipation of a new season. However, these sales may come with restrictions on returns or exchanges. Unless you know Mom will like what you pick out, avoid the
sale” racks in favor of items that can be returned or exchanged.
Concert tickets: Many adults recall the days of their youth when Mom wouldrelaxwhilelisteningtosomeofherfavoritemusiconalazysummer afternoon. Why not take a stroll down Memory Lane and take Mom to see one of her favorite acts in concert? Even if you have outgrown Mom’s musical tastes, she will still appreciate the chance to spend an evening out on the town with her kids and some good music.
A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden, fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends who rejoice with us in our sunshine desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts.
Unique gifts ideas for Mother’s Day
Do some sleuthing. Play detective and take inventory of what Mom likes to do the most. If you ask your mother what she wants, she will likely brush off the question and tell you nothing. It is up to you to do the investigative work. Pay attention to conversations and see if there is anything she mentions wanting to try or something around the house that may need updating. Practical gifts are less likely to end up unopened in the basement or attic.
The tradition of Mother’s Day in the United States dates back more than a century to 1908, when West Virginia native Anna Jarvis held a memorial service to honor her mother, who had passed away three years earlier, and all mothers in Grafton, West Virginia. Mother’s Day would ultimately become a national holiday in the United States in 1914, thanks in large part to Jarvis’ campaigning. As Jarvis, who never married and never had children of her own, grew old, she criticized Mother’s Day as overly commercial, even trying to have it removed from the calendar. Those efforts failed, and Mother’s Day remains popular now, more than 100 years after the idea for it was conceived.
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Mothers who are avid crafters may enjoy a craft-themed Mother’s Day. A family crafting project can make for a fun afternoon and produce mementos that Mom will cherish for years to come. Dads and kids can plan the project in advance without Mom’s knowledge, arranging all of the materials ahead of time and setting up the crafting station the night before or while Mom is relaxing on Mother’s Day morning. Kids can even get a head start on the day by making their own craft for Mom and giving it to her as a Mother’s Day present. Dads can keep the craft theme going at dinner and get a laugh out of Mom by pouring her a craft beer when dinner is served.
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Unique gifts ideas for Mother’s Day
Theater tickets: If Mom is a fan of live theater then nothing will elicit a bigger smile than tickets to a Broadway show she has had her eyes on. If Broadway is a bit too far for you to travel, do your homework and find a traveling production of a former Broadway show. Such productions often feature many of the same actors who made the play famous on Broadway so you’re still bound to see an unforgettable show Mom will love.
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DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I have so many thoughts a er reading the letter from the woman with the shared driveway whose neighbor leaves her dog’s poop on her side.
Mother’s Day is right around the corner, and this special holiday serves to honor all those women who devote so much time and effort to their families. While gifts and other trinkets are certainly part of the celebration, a vast majority of children opt to treat Mom to a night out on the town come Mother’s Day. Not only does this give mom a night off from cooking, but also it presents an opportunity to get dressed up and spend time together as a family.
I’m of the opinion that life would be more enjoyable if people learned to meet others where they are. e dog owner clearly doesn’t want to pick up her dog’s poop, and I don’t think checking with an HOA or municipal ordinance will change that. Maybe she has mobility issues. e writer says she and her neighbor “get along ne,” and there’s a LOT to be said for that. If I were her, I would simply buy poop bags and clean up a er the dog. If the neighbor sees her and says something, I would say: “I’ve asked that you pick up a er your dog, but I don’t want that to become a big issue between us because we get along so well. Your friendship means more to me than my taking a few minutes to clean up the driveway.” -- Susan W., via email
another reader shares their advice:
I have had this issue several times in the past. I have successfully resolved this issue every time it has come up.
I used a new tool to solve it -- the power of social media. My solution was simple: When I observed an individual allowing their canine to defecate on my property, I announced loudly from my front door that if they did not clean it up, I would locate their property and defecate on theirs as well. I made the same announcement on the neighborhood’s Facebook page.
Aside from the occasional beer can thrown out of a vehicle full of teenagers, we have been at peace. -- Zack in Murieta North
Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.
(c) 2023 King Features Synd., Inc.
Cornerstone Baptist Church
4232 Reservoir Rd., Geneseo • 243-4514
Pastor John Zatkiewicz
Worship 11am • Sunday School 9:45am
Wednesday Prayer, 6:30pm
Pleasant Valley Baptist Church
4631 Lakeville Rd., Geneseo • 243-0130
Pastor Don Ray • E-mail: pvbc@frontier.com
pleasantvalleybaptist.com • Sunday School 10:00am
Worship Services Sunday, 11:00am • Bible Study Wed., 6:30pm
Children’s Church • Youth Activities
Pastor David eobald
9316 Main Street, Dansville, NY 14437 585-335-6190
Sunday School 9:15 AM; Worship Service 10:30 AM
Wednesday Prayer Meeting/Kids Block/Youth Group 7:00 PM www.gracebcdansville.org
Sat. 4:00 pm at St. Lucy, Retsof • Sun. 8:00 am at St. Mary, Geneseo
Sun. 8:15 am at Holy Angels, Nunda • Sun. 10 am at St. Patrick, Mt. Morris • Sun. 10:15 am at St. Mary, Geneseo
Daily Masses: Mon. 8:00 am at St. Mary, Tues. at St. Patrick, Wed. & Fri. at St. omas Aquinas
St. Mary’s, Honeoye • St. Matthew, Livonia
www.stsmaryandmatthew.com - Rev. William Laird
9am Daily Masses: Mon. & Wed. at St. Matthew • Tues. & urs. at St. Mary’s
Weekend Schedule: Sat. - 3:30pm Reconciliation, 4:30pm Mass at St. Matthew • Sun. - 8:30am Mass at St. Mary’s, 10:30am Mass at St. Matthew
O ce: 206 Fremont St., Wayland, NY 14572 • 728-2228
Hours: Mon- urs. 9:00am-4:00pm, Fri 9:00am-12:00noon
Mass Schedule: Sat. 4pm @ St. Mary’s, 40 Elizabeth St., Dansville
Sun. 7:30am @ St. Joseph’s, 206 Fremont St., Wayland
Sun. 9:15am @ Sacred Heart, 11119 Chapel St., Perkinsville
Sun. 11am @ St. Pius, 35 Maple Ave., Cohocton
saintagnespaulrose.org • 226-2100
Saturday: 4pm at St. Agnes in Avon
Sunday: 8am at St. Rose in Lima
Sunday: 9:45am at St. Paul of the Cross in Honeoye Falls
Sunday: 11:30am at St. Agnes in Avon
Christian Science Church
3350 Middle Cheshire Rd., Canandaigua, NY 14424
Sun. Service & Sunday School: 10:30AM
Wed. Testimonial Meeting: Noon at Church
Reading rm. @ Church Tues. 11AM - 2:30PM & before & a er services
christiansciencechurch@frontier.com • christianscience.com
Find us on Facebook at Christian Science Canandaigua • 585-393-9935 for info.
e Center Church
Meeting at the Lakeville Fire Training Grounds
5604 Stone Hill Rd., Lakeville, NY 14480
Service: Sunday at 10:00 a.m.
Bible Study: Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. on Zoom.
Phone: 585-376-0749
Livonia Community Church
A non-denominational Evangelical church
41 Spring St., 346-5290; Pastor Benjamin Nickels
Bible Study – all ages 9:45am; Worship Service 10:30am
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church
25 Clara Barton Street • Box 127
Dansville, NY 14437 • 585-335-5434
stpetesdansville.org • Handicap accessible
Sunday Service @ 10:30am
Zion Episcopal Church
10 Park Place (on the Circle), Avon • (585) 226-3722 zionepiscopalchurchavon.org
Sunday Worship and Holy Communion 10:00am
Online Facebook: facebook.com/Zionchurchavon
Sunday School (Pre-K-12) 9:00am
MOMENTS IN TIME The History Channel
* On May 15, 1942, Lt. Ronald Reagan, a cavalry officer, applies for reassignment to the Army Air Force. As a public relations officer, the actor and future president produced military training, morale and propaganda films.
St. Timothy Lutheran Church - ELCA
A Sanctuary and Reconciling in Christ Church
5015 Lakeville Rd, Geneseo, NY 14454 • 585-243-4490
Vicar Lisa Frauens • vicarlisaf@gmail.com • sttimothylutherangeneseo.org
Sunday worship 9:30AM, & Live Streamed: www.facebook.com/sttimothygeneseo
Intergenerational Sunday School, 10:30am 1st Sunday of the month Oct-May. Accessible building with hearing loop available.
Lutheran Church of the Epiphany LCMS
6050 East Avon-Lima Rd. (Rt. 5 & 20), E. Avon • 226-2200
Pastor Clayton Zuber
Facebook: epiphanyavon • Handicap Accessible
Sunday Worship and Sunday School 10:30am
Geneseo United Methodist Church
Rev. Beth Malone • Rt. 63 & Court Street, Geneseo • 243-3160
8:30am Non-Traditional, 10:30am Traditional, 9:30am co ee hour
Sunday School classes for all ages • Nursery care provided
Now “Looped” for the Hearing Impaired Worship services available via Zoom - more info at www.geneseomethodist.com
“Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors” • Handicapped accessible
United Methodist Church of Livonia
Pastor: Hoyt Brown • 21 Summers St., Livonia • (585) 346-3511
E-mail: UMCLivonia@gmail.com • Website: UMCL.us
Sunday School 9:45AM • Worship service Sundays at 9AM, in-person in the sanctuary or online. Online access is available via the church website: UMCL.us or on our Facebook page (Livonia United Methodist Church).
Nursery Care available for infant to preschool-aged children.
Springwater United Methodist Church
8001 South Main St., Springwater, NY 14560
O ce: 585-669-2131, Pastor Dawn Merritt
Sunday Service: 11am
Children’s Church/Sunday School
Handicap accessible.
Dansville United Methodist Church
5 Chestnut Ave., Dansville
Church phone: 585-335-5354
Sunday Worship: 11am
Pastor Michael Whitcomb-Tavey
Avon United Methodist Church
130 Genesee St., Avon • 226-8600 • www.avonnyumc.org
Rev. Keith Griswold
Worship: Sundays in church at 10am, Facebook Live 10:10am
Radio Ministry: 7:30am Sundays on 1040AM or 92.1FM
To join us for worship or anytime on our website.
Faith Fellowship Church
5630 Pebble Beach Rd., Lakeville • 703-1340 www. cny.org
Pastor Stephen Sweeting • Pastor Steven LaMar, Discipleship
Pastor Cli Baker, Youth
Sunday Worship Prayer 10am
Holy Ground Ministries Church
2637 Genesee St. (Rte. 63), Retsof, Across from York School bus garage. 585-245-3334 • Sunday at 10am. All are welcome.
Bible Study - Every Saturday at 9:30am
See what the Lord can do in your life. www.holygroundministries.org
Genesee Valley Church Of Christ
Calvin Watson, Minister • 7351 Rt. 256, Scottsburg • 281-4733 (Sparta Community Center)
Sunday Bible Study 9-9:45am • Sunday Worship 10:00-11:00am
Non-denominational New Testament Teachings.
Protection of the Mother of God Russian Orthodox Church
100 Stanford Dr., Rochester, NY 14610 • 585-224-0554
Archpriest Gregory Naumenko, Rector • A ROCOR Parish
Serving all English and Russian Speaking Orthodox Christians
Full schedule of services and live service streaming at www.pomog.org
First Presbyterian Church of Livonia Center
3836 Richmond Mills Road
Rt. 20A, Livonia Center 346-5075
Sunday Worship 9:30 am • Handicap Accessible
Leicester Evangelical Presbyterian Church
161 Main St., Leicester • 382-3311
Pastor David Missel
Adult Sunday School: 10am • Worship Service: 10:30am
Please Join Us!
York United Presbyterian Church
2662 Main St., York, NY • 243-1266
Sunday Worship Service in person at 10:00 am
Available on the YouTube channel: “York United Presbyterian Church”.
Pastor: Rev. Michelle Sumption • All are welcome!
Central Presbyterian Church of Geneseo
Corner 2nd & Center St. • 243-0669
Pastor Rev. Dr. Nancy E. Lowmaster
Sunday Worship at 10am @www.cpcgeneseo.org
Sunday School and Nursery provided.
East Avon First Presbyterian Church (USA)
Located at the Corner of Rts. 15 and 5&20
Rev. Michelle Allen: 585-226-6460; pastor@eastavonchurch.com
Sunday Worship: In person at 10:00 AM; Via Zoom at 10:00 AM (www.eastavonchurch.com)
Everyone is always welcome!!
Avon Central Presbyterian Church
Pastor Carin Farmer • 133 Genesee St., Avon • 226-2626
Sunday Worship 10:00am (July & August - 9:00am)
Children’s Sunday School during Worship (Sept.-May).
Nursery provided • All are welcome! • cpcavon@frontier.com
Sunday Radio Ministry: 8:30 am at 1040 AM or 92.1 FM and 95.5 FM
Lakeville United Church of Christ
5687 Big Tree Rd., Lakeville • 346-5235
Sunday Worship at 10:30am
All are welcome/Open and A rming Church.
(Check your choice or choices)
New King James Bible
Eight Lesson Bible Correspondence Course
DVD “Searching for Truth” with Workbook
Searching for Truth Workbook alone (has same info as DVD) Where do we go when we die? DVD
Mail this ad to: Genesee Valley Church of Christ
PO Box 324, Dansville, NY 14437 or email us at: churchofchrist2@stny.rr.com with your request. We will need your:
Phone Number: (if you wish someone to contact you)
No one will come to your home unless you request a Home Bible Study. If you would like to attend our services, we are located at 7351 Rt. 256, Scottsburg, NY. We meet in the Sparta Community Center. Bible Study at 9am, Worship Service following at 9:45am. We would love to see you! 10:00AM.
Unique gifts ideas for Mother’s Day
Spa treatment: If Mom is still as active as ever, then a day of pampering at a nearby spa is sure to please. Many luxury spas offer packages, especially around Mother’s Day, that make a full-on spa treatment a more affordable gift. Men and women can even accompany Mom on her trip and reap the rewards of being such a thoughtful son or daughter.
The Reader
A 2017 survey from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics found that women read more than men. Women read an average of 19.8 minutes per day, which can make a Mother’s Day focused on Mom’s love of books an ideal and unique way to spend the day. Kids can write Mom their own books, and Dad can help put them together. Dads can visit rare bookstores and look for original copies of Mom’s favorite books that she might not find elsewhere.
Avon Free Library
143 Genesee Street • Avon (585) 226-8461 Fax: 226-6615 www.avonfreelibrary.org
Mon. & Thurs. 10-8; Tues & Wed 10-6; Fri. 10-5; Sat.10-3
Lima Public Library
1872 Genesee St., Lima (585) 582-1311
Mon. 10-noon & 1-8; Tues. & Thurs. 1-8; Wed. 10-noon & 1-5; Fri. 1-5; Sat. (Oct.-May) 9-noon
Livonia Public Library
2 Washington St., Livonia (585) 346-3450 • Fax: 346-5911 facebook.com/LivoniaPublicLibrary livonialibrary.org
Mon.-Thurs. 10-8; Fri. 10-6; Sat. 10-3
Wadsworth Library
24 Center St., Geneseo (585) 243-0440 • Fax: 243-0429 www.wadslib.com
Mon.-Thurs. 10-8; Fri. 1:30-6; Sat.10-3
WadsworthLibrary: Super Sciencewithscientist& mathematicianDr.RyanVogt
Dr.Vogtwilldemonstratequantum levitation,alsoknownastheMeissnereffect.Audiencememberswill seeanobjectfloattwowaysand learnaboutthesciencethatmakes thisexperimentcometolife!Dr. VogtwasraisedinWayland,NY. Heiscurrentlyamathematicianat theNationalSecurityAgencyand DepartmentofDefense.Thisprogramisopentoallages!
Thursday,May18from3:30-5:00 pm
Bringyoursummerideastothe nextTABmeeting.Joinusafterthe meetingforbookselections&a returnofthebuttonmaker!Would youliketojoinTAB?Signupat wadslib.com.Opentoteensin Grades7andup.
WadsworthLibrarywillbeclosed onMonday,May29inobservance ofMemorialDay.
The AvonFreeLibrarywillbegina majorrenovationofitsfrontentrance onMonday,May15th!Goto avonfreelibrary.orgorcall 585-226-8461formoreinformation. Weappreciateyourflexibilityduring thistime.
AvonPreservation&Historical Society/CelebratingAvon’sMothers: Thursday5/18at6:00PM
Mahjong:Thursday5/18at6:00pm andFriday5/26at10:30AM
Elephant&PiggieStoryTime!Tuesday 5/23at5:00PM
Adult&TeenCraft:DIYRollerballs; Thursday5/25at6:00PM EarlyLiteracyStorytime:mostTuesdays&Fridaysat10:30AM(nostory time5/19)
*Formoreinformationortosign-up foranevent,gotoavonfreelibrary.org orcall585-226-8461.
TheSmallChristianGroup- A new programisstartingatSaint AgnesChurchwhichiscalledThe SmallChristianGroup.Wemeeton the1stand3rdWednesdayofeach monthinbackofthechurchat 7:30pm.Welookforwardtoseeing morepeopleatourmeetings. Questions,callDebat 585-226-2001andTonyat 585-538-9508.
TheAvonGardenClub will be plantingintheVillageGardenson Monday,May22.Wewouldbe delightedtohavehelpfromothers inthecommunity.Youdonotneed tobeaGardenClubmemberto joinusforthis.Meetusatthe Circle@9:30AMonMay22.It’s suchagreatprojecttoprepareour towntolookbeautifulforthe warmermonths.Anyquestionsor moreinformationpleasecallGail@ 226-2379orMarcie@226-2134.
AvonWalkAgainstHungerSaturday, May13,2023.Pickupa sponsorsheetatACSoryourlocal church.CollectdonationonMay 13th.RegisteratAvonvillageHall at8:30AM.Walkbeginsat 9:00AM.Proceedsofthewalkgo toACSBackpackProgram,Avon FoodPantryandtheSeniorNutritionProgram.
AvonMemorialDayParade: Monday, May29.Allveteransare invitedtomarch.Assembleatthe AvonSeniorHighSchoolparking lotat10amtomarchdownClinton SttoGeneseeSt.andtothecircle monumentfortheobservanceof MemorialDay.ContactKurtat 585-519-3907.
Tuesday,5/16:SalisburySteakw/ Gravy,MashedPotatoes,Mixed Vegetables,BrusselsSprouts, Clementine,AppleJuice
Wednesday,5/17:BBQPork, RoastedPotatoes,Zucchini,Carrots,Apple,StrawberryJell-O
Thursday,5/18:Chicken&Veggie StirFry,WhiteRice,SugarSnap Peas,Peach,OrangeJuice,Lemon Bar
Friday,5/19:PhillyCheesesteakw/ Peppers&Onions,SubRoll,Spinach,Corn,Pears
ScrapMetalDrive to benefitSt. AgnesSchool.HeldSaturday,May 13th9am-1pm,St.AgnesChurch ParkingLot,96ProspectSt.,Avon. Examplesofaccetpeditems:Appliances,ACunits(freondrained), bikes,carbatteries,Christmas lights,hotwaterheaters,exercise equipment,microwaves,lawn mowers(fluidsdrained),potsand pans,silverware,tools,etc.NO ELECTRONICS,KEGS,ORFLUIDS OFANYKIND.Seeour”Commonly Accepted”and”Unwanted”items listonourFacebookpage:www. facebook.com/stagnesavon.We willhavevolunteersavailableto helpunloaditems.Formoreinformation,visitStAgnesAvon.org orcall585-226-8500.
Check outouronlineauthortalks. Watchalivechatwithanational best-sellingauthorfromthecomfortofyourlivingroom.Registeror catchuponpasttalksatlibraryc. org/lima. CrossroadsCrafters’Circleonopen Saturdays9:30AM-12:00PM.Any craftandpersonwelcome. StoryTimewiththeFriends-Saturdaysat10:30AM,nowthrough May20.
Saturdayhoursareseasonal.Last dayis5/20.Returnon10/14. PaintaTerracottaPlanter-Th5/18 at6:30PM-Allmaterialsprovided. Everyparticipantgetsapacketof wildflowerseedstotakehome. Limitedto6participants.Register atthelibrary.
Ifyouwantthemostupdatedinformation,pleasefeelfreetovisit ourwebsitelima.owwl.orgorfind usonFacebook(LimaPublicLibrary -NY).Onourwebsite,youwillalso findalinktosubscribetoour monthlye-mailnewsletter.Never missanevent!
BetterHealth&FriendshipCome joinusTuesdays2pmfor ”TAKEOFFPOUNDSSENSIBLY”. WemeetattheUnitedMethodist Church,130GeneseeSt.,Avon. Whatdoyouhavetolose?!?!
SaveTheDate:August11,2023. 31st AvonAlumniBanquet HostedbytheClassof1973.The banquetisforallgraduatesofAvon CentralandtoclassmatesthatattendedSt.AgnesSchool(Avon). Thiswillalsobethe50threunion forclassof73.Classof63,thisis your60th,classof83,your40th andclassof93your30th.The reunionisallplanned,sogetyour classmatestogetherandcatchup witholdfriends.Togetacopyof theinvitationorformoreinformationpleaseemail:slane@rochester. rr.com.
AvonAmericanLegionFamily Chicken BBQ -1/2chicken,salt potatoes,bakedbeans,roll,dessert.HeldSaturday,May13th, 2023from12PM-3PMorSold Out.$14Donation.Drive-Thru/Pick Up.AvonTOPSMarketparkinglot, 270EastMainSt.,Avon.PreOrdersencouraged!585-739-1863 textorcall.Proceedstobenefit AvonAmericanLegionFamilyprograms.
AvonCommunityTheatreSummer Camp2023- AvonCommunityTheatreforKids/byKidsinvites interestedstudentsfromallarea communitieswhoareentering Grades4-Collegetoauditionfor SummerCamp2023.Weareexcitedtoannouncethattheshow willbeDisneysMOANA!Auditions willtakeplaceon5/16&5/18, 3:30pmattheAvonMiddleSchool, 191ClintonStreet,Avon.Contact avon.theatre.campbell@gmail.com forfurtherinformationandan appointmenttime.Thisprojectis fundedinpartbyagrantfromthe GeneseeValleyCouncilontheArts.
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows.
Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today!
www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
Here’s what’s happening at your local library…
FoodlinkMobilePantry, now called PUPPantry,distributionof fooditemswilltakeplaceatEast AvonFireDept.,1615W.Henrietta Rd.,onFriday,MAY26,2023from 10AM-12PM.DRIVETHRUONLY, STAYINYOURCAR.Sponsoredby AvonFoodPantry.
FridayNightFoodTruckRodeo Batavia! May26th! Thefirstofsix
FridayNightFoodTruckRodeois scheduledforFriday,May26that theGeneseeCountyFairgroundsin Batavia.FoodTrucksfromallover WesternNewYorkwillbereadyto serveyoufrom4PMuntil8PMor soldout.Thisisafreeadmission, freeparking,cashonlyevent.Stop insayHiandgrababitetoeat. FridayNightFoodTruckRodeois sponsoredbyGeneseeCountyAgriculturalSociety,Inc.
Sale - Th,June1(9am-2pm);Fr, June2,(9am-2pm);Sat,June3 (9am-noon),bagsaleandyouth bakesale.Somethingforeveryone! Wealwayshavemanygreattreasures!Allproceedswillbenefitthe ministryofourChurch.Bringing yourownbagsishelpful.East BloomfieldUnitedMethodist Church,2ParkPlace,Bloomfield. http://www.eastbloomfieldumc.org
Meat Raffle: TheCaledoniaFire Departmentwillbeholdingtheir annualMeatRaffleonMay13, 2023atJ.W.JonesHall.Doorswill openat5:30pmrafflebeginsat 6pm.FreeKegbeerandSnacks. CashBarwillbeavailableifyou prefersomethingelsetodrink. Therewillbe50/50rafflesanda grillpackagerafflealso.Comeout andsupportyourlocalfiredepartmentandhaveagoodtime.Possiblegohomewithsomemeatora grill.Lookingforwardtoseeingyou there.
Petals,Pots&Pages-Caledonia Library GeraniumSale &Garden /Household/BookSale!Joinusin DowntownCaledoniaonFriday, May19from9-5pmandSaturday, May20from9-3pm.
Mother’sDaySpecial: Tell your momhowmuchyouloveheras youstrollthenineformalgardens andwalkthroughthehistoricmansionandgreenhouses.Sunday, May14,9:30-4:30pm,Sonnenberg Gardens&MansionStateHistoric Park,250GibsonSt.,Canandaigua. AllMom’sgetinfor$5.https:// www.sonnenberg.org/events/
UndergroundRailroadExhibit: Pathways toFreedomReimaginingtheUnderground Railroad.Aneight-paneltraveling exhibit,availablefromNYSOffice ofParks,RecreationandHistoric Preservationinvitesviewersto reimaginetheUnderground Railroad.Takinganewlookatthe impactofthelandscape,people, myths,andlegalregulationson freedomseekerspassingthrough NewYork.HeldThursday-Monday, 9:30-4:30pmthroughOctober 30thatSonnenbergGardens& MansionStateHistoricPark,250 GibsonSt.,Canandaigua.Cost:IncludedinParkAdmission.https:// www.sonnenberg.org/events/
Father’sDayCarShow- Celebrate Dadwithclassiccars!Food, flowers&funforthewholefamily. Signuponlinetoshowoffyour wheels!June18,11-4:30pm,SonnenbergGardens&MansionState HistoricPark,250GibsonStreet, Canandaigua.https://www. sonnenberg.org/events/
2ndAnnualAlLorenzParkFamily Fest- Joinusforanexcitingday offamilyfuninAlLorenzPark! Somethingforeveryone,fromraces andfacepaintingtofishingand scavengerhunts,you’resureto makeamemoryduringthe2nd AnnualAlLorenzParkFamilyFest. May20,9am-3pm,AlLorenzPark, AlLorenzDrive,MountMorris. FREEADMISSION-RAINORSHINEALLAREWELCOME!Shuttleservice availableontheMurrayHill Campus.Shuttleswillrun approximatelyevery15minutes. Lookforsignageasyouenterthe campus.ContactLivingstonCounty CentralServices,6MurrayHill Drive,MountMorrisor 585-243-7500.https://www. livingstoncounty.us/FamilyFest
GarbagePlateNight - Heldevery otherFridaynightMay26thfrom4 tillgone.Opentothepublic.ConlonMulvaneyAmericanLegion, 6317MarshallRoad,Conesus.
DansvilleAreaHistoricalSociety presents QUINNGOLDEN,STORYTELLER ComingHometoDansville: HowIMovedtoDansvilleandRestoredaHouse onWednesday, May17,6:30pm,NorthDansville TownHall,14ClaraBartonSt., Dansville.JoinuswhenStoryteller QuinnGoldendeliversafun-filled programofphotosandstorytelling duringDogwoodFestivalWeek! AdmissionisFree.Donationsare gratefullyAccepted.North DansvilleTownHallisHandicapped Accessible.FollowDansvilleArea HistoricalSocietyonFacebook.
SaveTheDate-May21,2023 for the 7thAnnualFootin’ItForFamily 5kRun/Walk!TobenefitAnn& CarlMyersCancerCenterDansville, NY.Registrationformsfound onlineatwww.footinitforfamily. com
Veteran&FamilyDay- VOCWNY and LivingstonCountyOutdoorRX invitesVeteransandtheirFamilies toourfirstannualVeteransFamily DayChickenBBQ10June2023, 1-6pm,rainorshine,attheNationalWarplaneMuseum, Geneseo.Music,bouncehouses, cornhole,food,andfun!Preregistrationrequiredby31May 2023.Seatinglimited,feelfreeto bringachair,lawngames,anda smallpop-upcanopyforshade. Gatesopen1pmforsign-inof pre-registeredparticipantstoget theirmealtickets.RSVP’scanbe submittedbywebsiteandclicking ontheeventlinkorcallingor texting585-200-9742oremailing rwolter@vocwny.org
GeneseoGardenClubAnnual Plant Sale atGatewayParkon Saturday,May20that9:00AM. Theclubwillsellperennialsfrom members’gardensuntilallthe plantsaresold.TheParkisacross fromWegmansatthecornerof Route20AandVolunteerRd.in Geneseo.Proceedshelpfundour scholarships,contributions,and programs.Comejoinus!http:// GeneseoGardenClub.org
StMichael’sMusicale&Silent Auction - Aneveningofmusical entertainmentfromthecommunity andSUNYGeneseo’sacappella group,TheSouthsideBoys.Saturday,May13,2023,atTheInterfaithCenter,11FranklinSt. Geneseo.7:00PM.SilentAuction andrefreshments.$10/person, $20/family.Ticketsavailableat churchoffice,23MainStreet,NOT DOTShop,127MainStandatthe door.ProceedstobenefittheMission&MinistryofSt.Michael’s. Pleasejoinusforaneveningof musicalentertainment!
VeteranOnly-ConesusLake Fishing Charter:June3,5:30am12noon, ConesusLakeBoat Launch,5030EastLakeRoad, Livonia.Veteranscomejoinusand fishConesusLakewiththenew charterfishingguidesontheFinger Lakes,HarringtonOutfitters.We willfishConesusLakeforfour hoursandshareamealafterwards. ValidNewYorkStateFishingLicenseisrequired.Besuretoask abouttheVeterandiscountedfishinglicenseatyourlocallicensing facility.Spaceislimited,don’tmiss out,RSVPnowtogetaspot.We hopetoseeyouthere.https:// www.livcovets.com
VeteranOnly-RaftFishing: Veterans comejoinusasweraftwith AdventureCallsOutfitterguides andfishtheLetchworthStatePark Gorgeandhaveacookout.Held24 June,1-5pm,AdventureCallsOutfitters,7051LowerFallsRoad,Castile.Pre-Registerisrequiredonour website-www.livcovets.com, emailing-rwolter@vocwny.org,or bycalling/texting(585)200-9742 withthefollowinginformation: Name/BranchofService/E-Mail/ CountyofResidence/PhoneNumber.Wehopetoseeyouthere.
SportsCardandMemorabilia Show, June 3rdfrom9-3atLittle LakesCommunityCenter,4705S. MainSt.Hemlock.Greatselection ofbaseball,football,basketball, Pokemon,Yugiohcardsandmore. Sportsmemorabiliaavailableas well.Comeandseewhatyoucan addtoyourcollection.Admission $2.00.
PraiseintheParkbyLetThere Be LightMinistries- Saturday, May27thfrom12-4pmatJames StreetParkinHornell.Freetothe Public.Everyonewelcome. 585-685-4036
TheLakevilleMemorialDayParade will beonMay29that approximately11:30AM.The LakevilleVolunteerFireDepartment andtheAmericanLegionHarrisonLeePost#283invitethecommunity toparticipateinhonoringourveterans.TheLivoniaCentralSchool Bandwillparticipate.Parademoves fromtheLakevilleUnitedChurchof ChristeastwardonRoute20Aonto theLakevilleVolunteerFireHall Grounds.Receptionfollowsatthe FireHall.
HealthyGardenSoil,WhatYou Need ToKnow. You’rereadyto plantyourflowersandveggies,but isyoursoilready?Whatmakes goodgardensoil?Howcanyouget yoursoiltested?JoinKenEstes,Jr. fromCornellCooperativeExtension asheanswersyourquestionsand givessuggestionsforgettingthe mostoutofyourgarden.Friday May12,7:00pmatTheChipHolt NatureCenterinVitalePark, Lakeville.Noregistrationneeded. Bringa2cupsampleofyourgardensoilinacleanziplockbag.
Amphibians,WatershedEducation CenterProgram -You’reinvitedtohearProfessorJohn BatemanofFLCC’sDepartmentof EnvironmentalConservationshare hisknowledgeoflocalamphibianswithsomelivespecimenstoview. Followingthepresentation,there willbeanoptionalopportunityto meetupatthesouthendof ConesusLaketoidentifyfrogsand toadsbytheirvocalizations.Held May18,6:30-8pm,Watershed EducationCenter,5828BigTree Rd.,Lakeville.https://conesuslake. org
PianoRecitalbyDr.BillJohn Newbrough: A specialPianoRecital,“BenedictusinMusica”(Rare ClassicalPianoMasterpiecesFeaturingSacredThemesandInspirations)willbeperformedbyrenown pianist,Dr.BillJohnNewbroughon Thursday,May18,2023,7:00p.m. HostedbyLeicesterEvangelical PresbyterianChurch,161Main Street,Leicester,14481.Thisrecital isfreeandopentothepublic.
LimaChristianSchoolFundraiser ChickenBarbeque- LCS Classof2025ChickenBarbeque willbeheldatCrossroadsChurch duringtheLimaEngineshowon Saturday,May20th.Pre-orders helpushavetherightamountof food.Gotojot.bz/lcsbbqtopreorderyourmeals.Otherwisedinnersareavailablestartingat11:00 a.m.tosoldout.$15.00-1/2 ChickenDinnerswithsaltpotatoes, beansandaroll.$8.00-1/4 ChickenDinnerswithachoicea bagofchips.
TheUnitedMethodistChurchof Livonia ThriftShop islocatedat thecornerofSpringandChurch StreetsinLivonia,NY.Gentlyused, qualityclothingandhomegoods areavailable.TheThriftShopis openonThursdaysandFridays 9AM-3PMandSaturdays9AM2PM.
MemorialDayParade will beon May29thstartingat10:00AMin Livonia.TheAmericanLegion Harrison-LeePost#283invitesthe communitytoparticipateand honorourveterans.Paradeforms infrontoftheIntermediateSchool at9:45AM.At10AM,itmoves northontoCommercialStreet, thentotheLivoniaPublicLibrary forashortceremony.TheLivonia CentralSchoolBandwillparticipate.Groupsinterestedin marchingintheparade,shouldcall thePostat585-346-9663.
Hire a sitter for young kids. Although Mother’s Day is a chance for the entire family to spend time together, the main goal is to ensure Mom’s comfort and happiness. If very young children are in tow, she may not be able to relax and enjoy her meal. Infants will need to be fed, and toddlers may be easily distracted. Have a sitter watch little ones when adults are dining out, and then Mom can enjoy time with the kids when she returns home for more celebrating.
TheLakevilleCommunityPantry (formerly theLivoniaFoodPantry)is servingguestsonTuesdays(10AM12Noon)andWednesday(5:307:30PM)at5687BigTreeRoad Lakeville,inthegroundfloorofthe LakevilleUnitedChurchofChrist. Thereisadonationboxintheback ofthechurchfornon-perishable items,paperproducts,cleaning productsandhygieneproducts (please,noclothing,toysor furniture).Monetarydonationmay besenttotheLakevilleCommunity Pantry,POBox223,LakevilleNY 14480,orthroughVenmo @LakevilleUCC.Wearegratefulfor thecommunity’ssupportforour neighbors.
Luncheon: Held the2ndand4th Tuesdayofeachmonth12Noon2PM.Tuesday,May23-Menu:Hot DogswithsometypeofSalad(EitherMacSaladorPotatoSalad)and Drink.ContacttheChurch (585)346-0420orClayTaft (585)734-6784forinformation.If youneedarideandcan’taffordit contactClayTaftandhewillhelp arrangearideforyou.Youcanalso contacttheRTSofLivingston Countyat(585)658-4690, Monday-Friday,8am-5pm24Hours inadvance.$1eachwayifyoulive inLivonia.$2Eachwayifyoulive outsideLivonia.ASALWAYSFREE ANDEVERYONEISWELCOME!
AMemorialDayCeremony will be heldonMay29that11:00AM attheConesusLakeNursingHome inLivonia.TheNursingHome,the LivoniaandLakevilleVolunteerFire Departments,andtheAmericanLegionHarrison-LeePost#283invite thecommunitytoparticipate,to honorourveteranresidentsatthe nursinghomeandtomeetother residents.TheLivoniaCentral SchoolBandwillparticipate.
Friday, May19,9am-4pmandSaturday,May20,9am-2pmatthe SouthLivoniaUCC,5087South LivoniaRd.,Rt.15,Livonia.New clothes-differentsizesandslightly usedclothes,shoes,knickknacks andothergoodies.Comeandsee whatyoucanfind!
FingerLakesUFO&Paranormal Meetup - ExploreETs,UFOs&the Paranormal.Shareyourexperiences withlike-mindedpeople.Saturday, May20,2023:6:00-8:00pm.It’s BigfootNight!GuestSpeaker;inperson:MikeofTacticalBigfoot Research.UnitedMethodistChurch ofLivonia(UMCL),21Summers Street,Livonia.$5.00donationto UMCL.Anextradonationisappreciatedforourspeaker.RSVPsare welcome,butnotrequiredto:Mary Graceviatextorcall: 585-766-9318,www. giftsofgraceministry.org
LivoniaKiwanisSpringBunkoLivonia KiwanisSpringBunkoand ChickenBBQ-May20,2023,6:00 PMatAmericanLegion.Limited tickets(50),$25.Phone346-5515 forreservationsbyMay13th.
AmericanLegionPost#283 Breakfasts - TheAmericanLegion Harrison-LeePost283hastheir monthlyBreakfastsonthethird Sundayofeachmonth.The Breakfastsareopentothecommunityandcost$8.TheBreakfasts includechoicesofeggs,choiceof meat,home-friedpotatoes,pancakesorFrenchtoast,wheator whitetoast,coffee,tea,and orangejuice.TheBreakfastisheld atPost283onthecornerofRichmondMillsRoadandFederalRoad inLivoniaCenterfrom7:30amto 11am.
MiddlesexHoseCo.RoastBeef Dinner! The nextMiddlesexHose Co.RoastBeefDinnerwillbeon SaturdayMay27.Dinnersareheld onthelastSaturdayofeachmonth thruOctober28TH,atthe MiddlesexHoseCoFirehall,5537 WaterSt,Middlesexfrom4-7pm. Adults$15,Children$10(school ageto12),Preschoolfree(take outsexcluded).Dinnermenu: tossedsalad,rolls,relishdish,roast beef,gravy,potatoes,corn,pie, icedtea,milk,andcoffee.Dining RoomorTakeout.
VeteranEarlyRisersCoffeeClub - Veterans canjoinusatBrian’s USADinerinMt.Morrisat7:00 a.m.,forourfreemonthly breakfastheldonthethirdMonday untilMay15,2023.RSVPwith nameandnumberbyclickingthe RSVPlinkonourwebsiteforthe event.Oryoucanemail,textorcall meatrwolter@vocwny.org, 585-200-9742.Spaceislimited, butonceRSVPissent,youwill receivearesponseconfirmingyour attendancestatus.Wehopetosee youthere.https://www.livcovets. com
VeteranOnly-DamSiteGorge Side TrailWalk: Veteransarewelcomedtocomeoutandjoinusas wegetbackoutsideandenjoythe Springweather.May18,6pm8pm,Mt.MorrisDamSiteVisitor Centerandwalkthegorgeside trail.Itisaneasy,one(1)mileloop alongsidetheDamoverlook.Followingourwalk,wewillgatherat thevisitorcenterforasmallbiteto eat.RSVPisrequiredandcanbe submittedthroughourwebsite, www.livcovets.com,orbyemailing rwolter@vocwny.org,orbycalling/ texting(585)200-9742.Wewill confirmyourrequesttoattend about5dayspriortotheevent.
TourofMountMorrisDam: Walking Toursoffereddaily:(May1 -October25).Reserveticketsat www.Recreation.gov.MondayThursday:2pm.Friday-Saturday: 11amAND2pm.Limitedspace; walk-upticketsnotguaranteed. ValidphotoIDrequiredforparticipation.Reservewww.Recreation. govor877-444-6777.MountMorrisDamandRecreationAreaVisitor Centerisopen10am-4:30pm daily.Location:6103VisitorCenter Rd.,MountMorris,NY.Fordetails call:(585)658-4790.
MumfordFireDept.Spring Chicken &RibBBQ! SUNDAY, MAY21,12NOON.PRICE:$12. MumfordFireDepartment,Main Street,Mumford.
LeTourneauGolfScramble- Let’s build agymforthemanychildren andyouthwhocometo LeTourneau!Helpraisefundsfor thisprojectbyenjoying18holesof golf!Grabyourfriendsandget yourteamof4andjoinusonJune 9thatReservoirCreekGolfCourse inNaples,NYforourthirdannual 4-persongolfscramble!4-Person Scramble.$100/personor$300/ team.Friday,June9,2023;9am shotgunstart.Registrationisopen untilJune2,2023.Atthatpointit willclosesobothLeTourneauand ReservoirCreekhaveparticipanttotals.
MonteCarloNight! Saturday, May 20th,6-10pmatMaxfield HoseMemorialHall,Naples.Professionalgamingtablesanddealers providedbyUpstateVegasEvents. Ticketsare$40.00each.Included inthatpriceis$500.00ingaming chipsandHorsd’oeuvres.Acash barisprovidedbyBrewandBrats. Prizesdrawnaftergamingisclosed. All$tobenefitHospeaceHousein Naples.Contactus:Call 585-374-2090orOnlineat Hospeacehouse.org/mcn.Gather yourfriends;Treatyourworkersto afunnightout;Greatfor beginners;andmostly....itsfora greatcause.
RummageSale - NorthCohocton MethodistChurch,10University Ave.,NorthCohocton.Joinuson Thursday,May18thandFriday, May19thfrom9-2eachday.
TheGeneseeValleyCivilWar Roundtable will meetonMay17 at7pmatthePavilionUnitedMethodistChurchonthecornerof Routes19&63inPavilion.Our programwillbepresentedbyDean Juneon“WheretheRunawaysSettledinCanadaandThenWhat Happened?”Hopeeveryonewill joinus.Duesfor2023willbe collected.
PavilionClassof’73announcing 50th Reunion: HeldonSaturday, August5that5PMatBW’SRestaurant,PerryRd.,Pavilion.Pleasecall/ textBonnie(Olivani)Amend 585-857-3346orCathy(Morgan) Worthington716-308-7885for moreinformationorreservations. Helpusfindafewclassmatesas well-LookingforDavidMaskell, BrianLaPlante,JoanneGreene,BeatriceWilson,GeorgePowell,Faith Stoehr&LyndaBurger.RSVPdue byJuly7th.
St.Peter’sCemeteryCleaning Bee - JoinusSaturday,May20th, 2023at9amattheSt.Peter’s Church,Perkinsville.
WNYGardenTractorPull- WNY Garden TractorPullersTractorPull, MemorialDayWeekend,Saturday, May27,2023(RaindateMay28) at11:00am.WyomingCountyFairgrounds,Pike,NY.Foodanddrink availablebyPikeFireDepartment RescueSquad.Freeadmission!
SIX: From TudorQueenstoPop Icons,theSIXwivesofHenryVIII takethemicrophonetoremixfive hundredyearsofhistorical heartbreakintoaEuphoricCelebrationof21stcenturygirlpower!This neworiginalmusicalistheglobal sensationthateveryoneislosing theirheadover!Featuringanallwomancastandall-womanband!
TheSIX:LIVEONOPENINGNIGHT BroadwayalbumdebutedatNumber1ontheBillboardcastalbum chartsandsurpassed6Million streamsinitsfirstmonth.Ages 12+.May16-21,RBTL’sAuditoriumTheatre,885EastMainSt., Rochester.https://rbtl.org/events/ six/
VeteranOnly-FishingCharter: Veterans cansignuptocomefishingwithusonLakeOntariowith BullseyeSportfishingCharters.We willmeetatthecharterdocksMay 27,7amandbeginourfive-hour fishingadventure.Afterfishingwe willgrablunchandshareourfish stories.Allcatchwillbefilletedfor theparticipantsandgiventothem tobringhome.Spaceisvery limited;Veteransmustcontactus togetregistered.Torequestaspot; e-mailrwolter@vocwny.orgorcall/ text(585)200-9742.Participants mustgetawrittenorverbalresponsefromustoensurethey attendanceisverified.Wehopeto seeyouthere.
The real religion of the world comes from women much more than from men — from mothers most of all,who carry the key of our souls in their bosoms.
~Oliver Wendell HolmesWheatlandHistoricalAssoc.Annual Geranium&AtticSale: Saturday,May20.OutdoorsUnderthe Tents,69MainStreet,Scottsville, 9am-2pm.RainDateMay21. Featuring:4”pottedGeraniums, Wheatlandlocalhistorybooks,vintageitems,homedécor,furniture, collectibles,vintageitems,gardeningitems,gardenplants,free seeds.Wehappilyacceptcashor personalchecksforallpurchases.
CommunityDinnerTableSpaghetti Dinner: Webster’s CrossingUnitedMethodistChurch, Route15betweenSpringwater& Conesus.HeldThursday,May25, 2023from4:30pm-7pm.DineIn orTake-Outbydonation.Music Jam!
Mt. MorrisDam- Hike&Explore theGeneseeValleyGorgeandMt MorrisDamonSunday,May14 from2-4PMwithSpringwater Trails.Visitthewebsite: springwatertrails.orgforadditional information/directions/updates
BreakfastBuffet: Sunday,May 14th,7:30-11:00AMattheLima LegionPost282,2475StateRoute 65,WestBloomfield.$10Adults; $6Ages8-12;7&underFree. Scrambledeggs,homefries,French toast,bacon,sausage,pastries, fruit,juice&coffee.Takeouts available.Everyonewelcome.
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project
Monroe County Legal Assistance Center
1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org
Notice of Formation of Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Name: Log and Timber Structures LLC
Articles of Organization led by the Department of State of New York on: 01/29/2014
O ce location: County of Livingston
Purpose of the LLC is: Any and all lawful activities
Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to:
c/o United States Corporation Agents, Inc. 7014 13th Avenue, Suite 202, Brooklyn, NY 11228
Registered Agent of LLC: United States Corporation Agents, Inc. 7014 13th Avenue, Suite 202, Brooklyn, NY 11228
Biennial Statement led: 03/30/2023
changing address for process to:
c/o United States Corporation Agents, Inc. 2776 Pond Rd., Lima, NY 14485
Few mothers can resist roses, making them one of the more popular flowers come Mother’s Day. Roses are symbolic of love and make the perfect floral gift for mothers who like traditional flowers. If you want to spice things up, order a bouquet made up of roses of various colors.
Rodney has served as President of the Avon Board of Education since 2004. His leadership, his insight, historical background and his character have been crucial to the district. Avon students have performed very well academically, athletically, and socially during his tenure as a School Board member.
He has been a steward of Avon throughout his life and he has cared for, supported, and served the Avon community in many roles.
• He attended the Avon School District.
• Since 1999, Rodney George has served the Avon School Community as a member of the Board of Education.
• Prior to his service as a school board member, he served on a district budget committee.
• Additionally, he served the community
• on the Avon Village Planning Board
• as an Avon Village Trustee
• as the Avon Deputy Mayor
• For 15 years, as a member of the volunteer Avon Rotary-Lions Ambulance squad as an EMT
Because of his commitment to School Board service and improving educational opportunities for all, Rodney was elected to serve as Area II Director for the New York State School Boards Association, representing school districts in Livingston, Monroe, Ontario, Seneca, Wayne and Yates counties. NYSSBA provides advocacy, training and information to school boards in support of their mission to govern the state’s public schools. He has served on NYSSBA’s State Legislative Network and the National School Boards Association’s National Advocacy Institute. His role has afforded him the opportunity to have face-to-face conversations with State and National representatives focused on educational funding and issues.
Thanks to his leadership, the Avon Board of Education has served as a cohesive group, making decisions focused on what is best for all students while always balancing its fiscal responsibility for the community.
Rodney George to Avon Board of EducationLiveMusiconthePatio!
Friday, May 12th- JoshHawkins
Saturday, May 13th- DavidKnaudt
Sunday, May 14th- eSongbirds
Makeyour reservationstoday!
Weeklyto-gospecials visit www.redosier.com
Mon-Closed Tues-Thurs4pm-8pm Fri-Sat4pm-9pm Sun4pm-8pm
Route 5, Sta ord • 343-6972
New parents often need a respite from the near-constant demands of infants. Dining out can be one of those breaks. When a babysitter is unavailable or if you’re not yet comfortable leaving a little one with someone else, bringing baby along may be possible.
First, find a family-friendly restaurant or try an establishment that has outdoor seating where you can quickly distance yourself from other diners if need be. Time dining out around the baby’s feeding and sleeping schedule. Babies sated by a recent feeding and a relaxing car ride may be more inclined to sleep through your restaurant meal. Just in case, pack an extra bottle or prepare to breastfeed to keep your baby happy.
Ham and Turkey Roll-ups
Cook time: 10 minutes
Servings: 2
4 ounces Eckrich Deli Oven
Roasted Turkey Breast
4 ounces Eckrich Deli Black Forest
lettuce leaves
2 tablespoons chunky guacamole
1/4 cup chopped cucumbers
1 tablespoon shredded cheddar cheese
2 slices bacon, cooked and crumbled
Layer turkey and ham slices. Layer lettuce, guacamole, cucumber, cheese and bacon crumbles. Roll meat and secure with toothpick.
JoAnn Derson* My mom was dealing with a rough health patch recently, and my dad was in charge of all her doctor visits. There was a lot of follow-up to keep track of, and many different doctors. He used a wallet-size photo holder to corral all the different appointment cards to put them in order of appointment. He really did a great job, and Mom’s all better now. -- Y.R. in Ohio
* A fast, cheap and effective treatment for leg cramps is drinking a little bit of pickle juice. I’m not sure if it’s the vinegar or the combination of vinegar and salt, but it works -- and fast! My grandpa told me about this, and recently I have seen it in magazine articles and on television shows. Nothing fancy, just take a big slug of the juice at the very first sign of a cramp. -- E.E. in Maine
* Here’s a tip for brides: For the couple of weeks before your wedding, wear your wedding shoes around the house several times a week. This breaks them in, and you will be more comfortable with all the standing and dancing on your special day!
* I think cleaning wipes are so very handy, but they can be quite expensive. To make my own, I add cleaner to baby wipes, right in the container. I don’t have babies in the house, but I do mark the container well so that nobody would use it for his or her skin. They work well for me. -- via email
* To thread a needle, run the tip of your finger and thumb over a stick of lip balm, then roll the end of the thread between your fingers. It keeps the threads together and goes through the eye of the needle much easier.
This week’s puzzle answer is elsewhere in this paper. The Crossword Puzzle is provided by Tribune Media Services. Any questions or comments should be made to 1-800-346-8798.
18 GENESEE ST • LEROY, NY 14482 80–One Bedroom Subsidized Units
• Age 62 and older or disabled regardless of age
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For an application or more information please contact:
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For an application or information please write:
Office Bldg. 4 585-768-2169 TDD#711 leroy1@tmamgroup.com
Request for Proposal (RFP) for Town Hall
Lot Replacement. e Town of Canadice is soliciting proposals for the parking lot replacement at the Town Hall and Town Court facilities 5949 County Rd 37, Springwater, NY 14560. Visit the Town’s website to download RFP documents. All pertinent and required data is indicated on the website at: www.canadice.org
Bids are due no later than 4:00pm, June 7, 2023
CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTS. All white. Used. Fairport: 585-354-8339
BOOKS - Art Books, some instructional, some famous artists’ paintings, Encyclopedias, some children’s books. You pick up. Call for info: 585-728-5316
DIESEL BUS ENGINE, already taken out of bus. Pick up only: sbly5722@gmail.com
Four boxes of OLD CAR MAGAZINES, DIRT BIKE MAGAZINES and HUNTING MAGAZINES going back to at least 1981. You pick up: 585-329-5631
HP PRINTER - Laser Jet 1320 (no cartridge). May work but have no time to fool with it: 585-346-3829
BROTHER PRINTER, corporate quality with new laser cartridges - TN431, TN433, TN436. Touch screen needs adjustment. Very high-quality print and copy: aelaine636@gmail.com
SERESTO FLEA and TICK COLLAR - large dog. just in time for tick season: enaginny@gmail.com
HOLLISTER NEW IMAGE FLEXTEND SKIN BARRIER; 2-pc ostomy skin barrier, convex, tape. #14904 Green 1 3/4”/pre-sized 1”; 23 boxes, 5 ostomy barriers in each box: 585-226-8887
WEBER GRILL owner’s kit, very good condition, double doors, hardly used, tank storage, sturdy cover, battery ignition starter: 585-202-1639
ORGAN MUSIC BOOKS: Seven books of organ music. (Wedding, preludes and Postludes, Christmas Solos, Miscellaneous organ solos). Bob8lin13@yahoo.com
COMPUTER DESK, 5’x2’x30” with slide out drawers for printer, file cabinet and keyboard shelf. 42” PLASMA TV with glass stand shelf: 585-410-2808
Two NEW DIAMOND PAINTING KITS. You do them. Pick up, Batavia. Text only: 845-309-9373
COMPLETED DIAMOND PAINTINGS - Multicolored Marilyn Monroe and a kitten. Pick up, Batavia. Text only: 845-309-9373
Perry, take notice, found the HOSPITAL BED HEADBOARD: 585-658-3188
55” PANASONIC FLATSCREEN TV. Works great! whitelily1@twc.com
Beauty rest Elite QUEEN MATTRESS, fair condition. PATIO TABLE and CHAIR SET You pick up: 585-554-6793
TREADMILL in good shape. Only needs a switch to get it going. You move: 585-538-9508
Seeking DIRT BIKES, ATVs or GO-KARTS for father son project. Will pick up, call or text Matt: 315-576-1278
In need of a FOLDING GROCERY CART for a new refugee family: 716-430-2876
FLATSCREEN TV, any size. In good working condition: 585-867-3355
RASCAL SCOOTER in good working condition: 585-415-8513
Used/New SUV in good working condition for retired couple to transport the elderly to appointments and errands: 585-398-7626
TWIN SIZE BED in good condition. Needed for elderly couple. Call or text: 585-719-7866
COOPERSTOWN DREAMS PARK TRADING PINS and DISPLAY BOOK for granddaughter who will play in one tournament this summer: salvatore.d.timpani@gmail.com
9” or 10” straight edge, GLASS PIE DISH: salvatore.d.timpani@gmail.com
Large MOVING BOXES. Deliver in ER: stellaswirlery@yahoo.com
BB RIFLE. Must work. Fairport: 585-354-8339
BOX TRAILER: 585-323-1762 (leave message)
DIRECT VENT NATURAL GAS HEATER for a basement: 585-208-9784
Gently used WOMEN’S MOUNTAIN BIKE to have fun with my kids: 585-260-2610
TELESCOPE: stujaxon@yahoo.com
WEBER GRILL you are no longer using. Will pick up. Please call or text Matt: 315-576-1278. Thank you.
A collection of POP TABS for crafts, colored or silver of any type, shape, or size: junkbox232@gmail.com
Old SIDEWALK SLATE for garden path in Canandaigua. Will happily pick up! Please leave a text message: (585) 315-9160
RIDING LAWN MOWER in good condition and a pair of WOMEN’S WHITE SHOES, preferably size 9-1/2 to 10W: 585-346-9777
Any condition. Will pick up. Avid collector. Text: 585-260-0437
A TRAILER to haul my mower on. Can pick up. Thanks & God Bless! 585-260-0437
PORTABLE SEWING MACHINE. Plain sewing for quilts. Older is fine. WORKS! christinaplaton20@gmail.com
VINTAGE ELECTRONICS - Tubes, tube testers, vintage stereo equipment, radios, microphones, Test equipment, speakers, meters, turntables, Ham Radio, Advertising, TVs: greg3151@ymail.com
Large BIRD CAGE: 585-485-9663
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received.
Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com
under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
Je Klein, of Honeoye Falls, followed in the footsteps of his Navy veteran grandfather and uncle and spent over two decades in the US Navy and Navy Reserves. He continues to serve his community as a volunteer Residential Services Manager at Richards House, a veterans homeless shelter, sharing legacies and stories of the forgotten heroes of the Negro League Baseball, and serving in the Honeoye Falls Mendon Rotary and on the HF-L Board of Education.
Je is a role model to all who know him, so this Armed Forces Day, I wanted to share his stories. On active duty, Je was a Gunners Mate assigned to the USS Ponce LPD-15 stationed at Norfolk. He became a Master at Arms and attached to Pearl Harbor. He reenlisted several times because he truly enjoyed the job. “Traveling to foreign countries was enjoyable, but the operations and training were what kept [him] in.”
He tells of a few memorable stories: on his rst Mediterranean Cruise, his ship was anked by two surfacing Russian submarines. “ ey locked their radar on our ship, which sent our entire crew to our battle stations.” It turned out they were just exing their Cold War muscles and they submerged and moved on. Another time, in the 1998 Baltic Challenge, Je ’s unit thwarted every simulated attack (even one by a US Seal team) on a naval hospital ship exercise involving thousands of military personnel, 17 ships, and 22 aircra from the US and 11 European countries.
However, he says his most memorable and meaningful Naval experience was his service at Ground Zero a er 9/11. He says, “When we arrived at Ground Zero on October 19th, the World Trade Center was still on re. One of the most amazing architectural marvels in the world had been reduced to six stories of burning rubble…a surreal landscape of steel, cement, and debris. I realized the center of world trade became the center of American resolve.
“ ere were about a dozen of us standing on that platform [with] notes and prayers and remembrances written to loved ones all over the platform. One note caught my eye. A child wrote: ‘Mom, I’m sorry for the ght we got in that morning.’ I made a promise to myself that I would never leave my house or go to bed without a kiss and a hug and saying ‘I love you’ to my family.
“I looked at the rest of my fellow rst responders and noticed we were all crying. But there was something else. ere was also a look of erce determination in everyone’s eyes. Everyone on that platform knew what needed to be done. We all needed to come together for something bigger than the individual.
“Our orders were for 16 days, guarding tunnels, bridges, and train stations. e FBI had received information that there could be a follow up attack to disrupt tra c coming in and out of Manhattan. ey provided us with a list of about 75 suspected terrorists and our orders were simple: If anyone on that list tried to get into a tunnel, detain them and turn them over to the FBI. Our group detained seven.
“On about the 10th or 11th day, the e ects of fatigue and emotional stress began to take their toll. A car pulled up to [my checkpoint].
e driver was about my age and his passenger, his seven-year-old son, waved an American ag at me. e father explained that it was when the military established a presence in Manhattan that he and his fellow New Yorkers nally began to feel everything would be okay. He told me his son wanted to give me his ag, and as I reached to accept it, his son smiled at me. It was the rst real smile I had seen in almost two weeks. As they drove away, my fatigue was gone and the stress dissipated. I wore that ag inside my ID lanyard the rest of that duty and still have it today. It’s a reminder that whatever hardships we face, everything is going to be okay.”
Je says, “I served with and became close friends with people of every race, color, religion, and nationality. Every one of these people was willing to put their life on the line for others they would never meet. We all learned to get along for a common purpose and treated each other with fairness and respect. is is something we should all strive for.”
He adds, “ e military is not for everyone, but there are so many other opportunities for people to give back. Coaching, mentoring, scout leadership, volunteering in schools, joining a service club, to give back to the communities we love. One of my favorite quotes is from Muhammad Ali: “Services to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.” Je says, “I have been in public service for over 37 years now, and every service project or volunteer opportunity I participate in is as rewarding as the orphanage I helped renovate 35 years ago.”
Since retirement from the Navy, Je ’s biggest hobbies in life are spending time with his family, serving his community, and climbing the Adirondack High Peaks (he’s halfway through his second 46). ank you for your service, Je . May we all serve our communities as you do.
Find Je ’s passion project “ ey Stepped Up to the Plate” on Facebook.
Love to write? You could earn CASH when you share your original story, personal experience, community happening or school event with us! It may be featured on our popular website for all to see and even selected for print! Go to My Hometown at www.gvpennysaver.com or email hometown@gvpennysaver.com!
Quality Furniture, Tools, Garden Sculptures, Exercise Equipment and Home Décor
Everything Must Be Sold!
2865 McCorkindale Rd., Caledonia, NY 14423
Friday-Sunday, May 19-21, 9am-5pm Pictures available at www.estatesales.net
The Relaxation Specialist
Of course, some mothers may want to simply unwind with a relaxing morning at the spa on Mother’s Day. In fact, the 2018 U.S. Spa Industry Study found that the spa industry has enjoyed seven consecutive years of consistent growth, with more than 187 billion spa visits in 2017 alone. A relaxing morning at the spa can be the perfect way for moms to begin Mother’s Day before they enjoy a brunch of dinner out with their families.
Go Ahead adult tours has a 13-day tour scheduled for the end of September 2024. ere are limited spaces available. For details and pricing contact Beth Shea at 585-703-6227 or email eshea@rochester.rr.com
Topics include domestic violence and other related issues.
• Mondays: 1-2:30pm Mt. Morris
Please call 658-3940 for specific location and for more information.
Please visit our website at: chancesandchanges.org
4806 Lakeville Road • Geneseo, NY • 585-447-9108
We accept Excellus BC/BS PPO, Cigna PPO, CSEA Employee Bene t Fund, and many more. Please check our website, geneseodental.com for the full list.
Shop Smart for Mother’s Day
Check expiration dates. Gift certificates and cards for particular stores or services are popular come Mother’s Day. But it is essential to check expiration dates on the certificates or find gifts, as there is a good chance Mom will put off pampering herself and you would not want the gift to expire before she has a chance to use it.
DEAR DR. ROACH: I’m a 55-year-old perimenopausal woman who developed asthma a few years ago. My symptoms always start right before my menstrual cycle. My doctor ruled out allergies as the cause. I used to get colds and sinus infections premenstrually in my younger years. Most medical practitioners don’t see the correlation between hormones and respiratory symptoms. I sometimes take 10 mg of prednisone when I’m wheezing more than usual, and it seems to help. Is this dose putting me at risk for diabetes if taken regularly? -- B.S.
ANSWER: Perimenstrual asthma is a wellrecognized condition that is nevertheless not well-known by most nonexperts. It is less likely to be caused by allergies and more likely to be aspirin-sensitive -- meaning that aspirin, or other anti-inflammatory drugs (like ibuprofen) commonly taken by women during menstruation, can trigger an asthma attack. Maybe a quarter of women with asthma have perimenstrual asthma. As you say, it is thought to be the hormone changes around menstruation that trigger the asthma.
Oral contraceptives used continuously prevent large changes in progesterone and estradiol, and may be helpful in managing perimenstrual asthma. Although I didn’t find a lot about it in literature, I suspect that when your periods stop, your asthma symptoms will get better.
Increased medication at the time of menses is frequently needed. However, because prednisone, even at the fairly small dose of 10 mg, does increase risk of diabetes, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, glaucoma, cataracts and many other conditions, oral prednisone is not my first choice for medication in this situation.
Inhaled steroids would be one choice, but they take a while to begin working. One recommended treatment is the oral medicine montelukast (Singulair), which has been proven effective in a small study and starts working right away.
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu. © 2023 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
1. MOVIES: Which animated movie includes the line, “Fish are friends, not food”?
2. TELEVISION: What is the name of the “Sesame Street” Muppet who lives in a trashcan?
3. GEOGRAPHY: What is the largest country geographically in Africa?
4. ANATOMY: What is complete heterochromia?
5. U.S. STATES: Which two states don’t recognize Daylight Savings Time?
6. LITERATURE: Which best-selling novel (1989) is set in Clanton, Mississippi?
7. FOOD & DRINK: What is the national dish of Spain?
8. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is a group of leopards called?
9. HISTORY: Which two Greek citystates fought the Peloponnesian War?
10. AD SLOGANS: Which company once urged customers to “reach out and touch someone” by telephone?
Get together with siblings. If you are lucky enough to have siblings, you can share the day together. This way you can remember the happy times, comfort each other and laugh together. If you don’t have siblings, consider a visit with an aunt or uncle or another close relative who may be feeling the loss, too.
We are trying to contact all patients who missed their appointments during Covid. Please call our o ce if you do not have your cleaning recall schedule. ank you for your patience. Please remain safe and healthy.
All patients of Dr. Eleczko are now being seen at our o ce!
Mother’s Day is May 14th. What is your favorite way to celebrate Mother’s Day?
4384 Lakeville Rd., Geneseo 585.243.2320
MOMENTS IN TIME The History Channel
* On May 16, 1929, the first-ever Academy Awards ceremony is held, with some 270 people in attendance. Movies were just making the transition from silent films to “talkies,” but all the nominated films were without sound.
• Hosting or going out for brunch/ dinner
• Sending flowers or a thoughtful gift
• Spending quality time togethr with mom doing something she likes to do
• Writing a heartfelt card, letter, or poem to express your love and gratitude
• Helping her with chores she doesn’t like to do
• All or most of the above
Poll Ends 05-16-2023
Poll Ended 05-09-2023
According to research, laughter benefits humans in many ways. What inspires a good belly laugh in you?
42.9% Family / Friends
19.0% TV Shows / Movies
14.3% Live Performances / Comedy Shows
23.8% Video Clips / Memes / GIFs
We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit www.gvpennysaver.com!
The Nature Lover
Fishing and other outdoor activities might have a reputation as predominantly male hobbies, but studies show that’s not really the case. A 2016 report from the Outdoor Foundation found that 46 percent of people who participated in outdoor activities were women. If Mom is a nature enthusiast, families can plan a Mother’s Day enjoying the great outdoors, even giving Mom a new fishing pole, hiking gear or other items that align with her favorite nature activity.
• Tune-ups
• NYS Inspection
• Lube, Oil, Filter
• 4 Wheel Alignment
• Tires • Brakes
DAYS 243-1201
NIGHTS 455-0013
Banquet • Holiday Party • Wedding Reception Conference/Meeting • Retreat
30-200 PEOPLE
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Take your next step with con dence. Schedule a con dential pregnancy test appointment and get the answers to move forward. Call 607-288-3772 today!
For more information www.be-prcv.org
Catholic Charities of Livingston County
585-658-4466 Email: cclc@dor.org • www.aboutcclc.org
Council on Alcohol & Substance Abuse of Liv. Cty. 585-991-5012 • www.casa-livingston.org
Teresa House
21 Highland Drive, Geneseo, NY 14454 585-243-1978 • www.teresahouse.org
Geneseo-Groveland Food Pantry 585-991-8220
Chances and Changes Inc
585-658-3940 Hotline 1-888-252-9360
Literacy Volunteers of Livingston County, Inc. Phone: 585-658-7970 • lvalc@gvboces.org
Conveniently located at 4242 Lakeville Rd. (Just minutes from I-390) 585-243-0500
Geneseo Parish Outreach Center 585-243-3120 • geneseopoc@gmail.com
e largest geographic Arc in the state, covering 2,400 square miles. 18 Main Street, Mt. Morris, NY 14510 (585) 658-2828 • www.lwarc.org
facebook.com/ArcGLOWny (Arc GLOW)
Inter Faith Center
11 Franklin Street, Geneseo • 243-1460
Livingston County Historical Society and Museum
30 Center Street • Geneseo, NY 14454 • 585-243-9147
Livingston County Habitat for Humanity
(585) 335-5634 * livingstonh @gmail.com
To advertise on this page contact Berta @ 226-5868
What would make her happy? Take a heartfelt moment to really think about what made Mom tick and brought joy to her life.Was it pouring over recipes in the kitchen? Did mom like to trek to the top of a mountain in her hiking shoes? Pay homage to her by walking in her footsteps and you may just feel a deeper connection.
2. Don’t forget your helmets for summer biking fun!
3.The buds of spring
Rosemary was a woman at a receptionist desk in a waiting room adjacent to the surgical area at Rochester General Hospital. I had accompanied my wife to this surgical area about 1PM a week back. After she was checked in for surgery I went to the waiting room. About 1 1/2 hours went by and I got nervous since I did not know anything. I asked Rosemary as she was about to leave work if she could get me any information on my wife as it was now 2:30PM. She made a call and all she could find out was that my wife was taken in for surgery a little over 1 hour 15 minutes prior. She could tell that I was very nervous. She stated she would make another call to see if a message via phone could advise of how surgery was going and when it might be done. She then stated that she would not leave until a call came back. That call came back at 3:30PM. Rosemary found out that surgery was going well and would be done within 2 hours. As Rosemary left she gave me two free passes for valet parking.
The beautiful Historic business sections of our villages in [local county] are NOT ashtrays! For those who continue to smoke and crush you butts on the sidewalk and walk away, PLEASE STOP. This is littering plain and simple. Crush it out, pick it up and wait until you find a proper waste receptical.
It never ceases to amaze me how some sports coaches do not have a transparent process that is fair and based on prior performance (goals, batting average, runs, TD’s, tackles, etc). If a player is close friends with the coach, they are almost a “shoe in” to make the team. Also, why is it that the coach’s son (no matter their level of skill) always makes the team? As a parent who has multiple children that are all good athletes and starters in multiple sports in high school and college, I’m frustrated having observed numerous acts of favoritism, which leaves good character athletes on the bench or off a team. Especially disappointing is watching senior athletes in high school sit the bench as coaches play freshman or sophomore players. It’s unfair to constantly sit a senior who will soon graduate and never have the chance to play in high school again. It would be nice to see more transparent, communicative, and equitable player selection and give all players an opportunity to play.
If you are going to post an item for free and only use an email address, please have the courtesy to reply, even if the item has already been claimed. Some people may receive the Pennysaver sooner than others, so the item may already be gone when you see the ad. That is fine, but it only takes the same few minutes to respond as it took to put the ad in. I was very interested in an item and responded more than once, but never received an answer. Thank you.
April 26, 2023
Canandaigua/Lakeville: Survived by her parents, Candi (Holbert) and Craig Robinson of Canandaigua. Along with her parents and grandparents, Hanna will be deeply loved and celebrated by many aunts, uncles, and cousins for the joy she has brought to this family. Funeral services will be held privately. Memorial contributions may be made in Hanna’s memory, and to remember her great-grandfather, the late Sherwood Hanna, to the Lakeville Fire Department, PO Box 376, Lakeville, NY 14480.
To send a condolence or share a memory please visit: www.doughertyfuneralhomes.com
Enjoy your favorite childhood meal. Whether Mom was a master chef or couldn’t boil water, there’s bound to be a meal you associate with her. If that special meal is Chinese takeout or a slow-cooked roast, enjoy it on Mother’s Day in her honor.
Why does anyone ever lie? The confidence man and other unscrupulous people tell lies to dupe their victims. Others may lie because the truth could be an admission of guilt. Still others lie because they do not want to hurt someone else’s feelings. Where telling the truth could mean humiliation and punishment, it takes character to avoid resorting to a lie.
We hate the ones to whom we have to lie because they’re in a position to force us to do something for which we hate ourselves. Our goal should be to live in such a way as to eliminate any situation where a lie is ever necessary.
Thoughtful families select a funeral director as they do a doctor or attorney. We would welcome a “get-acquainted” visit by you, in our office or in your home. Call us to schedule an appointment.
“Men hate those to whom they have to lie…”
~ Victor Hugo
Position requirements: minimum Associate’s Accounting degree and 2 years’ experience in an accounting position working with payroll, accounts payable/receivable, budgets and other nancial transactions, accounting so ware, MS Word, MS Excel and the operation of a variety of o ce equipment.
Must possess good organizational skills, have the ability to work independently, manage multiple projects and meet deadlines. Accuracy and attention to detail are critical. Previous experience in a municipal setting, dealing with the public, working with an organizational board, and experience in fund accounting techniques are a plus. Majority of duties related to this position are primarily nancial/accounting in nature.
Resumes will be accepted until April 24, 2023. Send resumes to:
clerkracheloc@villageofwayland.org or Village of Wayland • 15 N. Main Street • Wayland, NY 14572
Village of Wayland is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Rate of Pay $22.33-$26.70
Health Insurance, Dental Insurance, Vision Insurance
Job description, minimum quali cations and Livingston County Application for Employment available at www.livingstoncounty.us and are to be submitted to:
Livingston County Human Resources, Room 206, Livingston County Government Center, 6 Court Street, Geneseo, NY 14454
Questions may be directed to: Jason Wolfanger, Highway Superintendent, 585-243-6701.
Livingston County is an Equal Opportunity/A rmative Action Employer.
* A New Jersey man bought a $5 bottle of orange juice, which his wife deemed too expensive and sent him back to return. He bought two Powerball lottery tickets with the refund and ended up winning the jackpot worth $315.3 million.
With your can-do, go-getter, team-player work ethic, we are positive you will t right in! To be successful in this role, you will have:
• Electrical Training or equivalent from a two-year college or technical school; or two years’ related experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience.
• Minimum of two years of relative work experience in production/manufacturing setting.
• Ability to use appropriate shop/hand tools and analytical devices in inspecting, testing circuits and wiring electrical equipment for safety and functionality.
• Ability to run a lathe and mill. Welding skills.
• Demonstrated commitment to safety and quality.
Full-time employees are eligible for:
• Extraordinary Health Insurance & Bene ts package
• Career path options
• Paid time o
• 2nd shi premium pay
• Product Allowance
• Tuition Reimbursement
Apply at: https://onceagainnutbutter.com/our-company/careers/ OANB is a growing employee-owned nut-butter manufacturing company in Organic and Natural foods.
Thursday, May 25th • 9am-1pm
Good Shepherd Building
3288 E. Henrietta Rd., Henrietta, NY 14467
(Enter Door #8)
• Food service helpers
• Day care aides
• Bus drivers
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• Continuing Education instructors • Teacher aides
• Substitute teachers • Teaching assistants
• Cafeteria monitors • Secretaries
• Cleaners 2nd shi • Security workers ...and more!
Apply today at rhnet.org
A MORE DIVERSE WORKFORCE. Candidates of diverse backgrounds and experience are strongly encouraged to apply.
Job description: is work involves the repair and maintenance of buildings, grounds, and equipment. e work performed is of a general mechanical nature and may include elds such as masonry, carpentry, painting, plumbing, heating and electrical maintenance and repair. e work also involves the operation of motor vehicles and other machinery and equipment.
*Please contact Geneseo Central School District for a more detailed job description*
Job Quali cations: Minimum 10 years of experience with building maintenance or related eld.
Salary: Maximum of $30 per hour
Application Deadline: May 26, 2023
Application Process: Please contact the Business O ce for an application or apply online at geneseocsd.org and ll out the School Related Personnel application. Quali ed candidates will be contacted for an interview.
Geneseo Central School District Business Office
585-243-3450 x2213
CDL a plus.
Prevailing wage rate. 401k, PTO, Health/Dental Insurance.
Pipeline, Inc.
Please email resume to: morschpipe@gmail.com
Part Time • Mornings Mid-June to mid-July.
Speak with your manager first. It’s respectful for your immediate manager or supervisor to learn of your departure first. This gives him or her ample time to put a plan in place to fill your position. The more notice you can give, the more goodwill you’re building on your way out the door. Schedule a meeting for this purpose; do not make it an informal chat by the water cooler. Resist the urge to quit via email or text. Resigning requires face-toface communication. Present a concise letter of resignation as well. Don’t call out colleagues or air your grievances in the letter.
Kuszlyk Milk Haulers
Call 585-343-4800
Full-Time CDL Class A Drivers
40-50 Hours/Week
Starting Pay @ approximately $31/hr
Please apply at:
Pavilion Drainage Supply Co., Inc.
6630 Ellicott Street Road
Pavilion, NY 14525
Disaster Restoration Technician
$20/Hr. to Start
Experience Helpful But Will Train Call 585-409-4717 or Email Resume to joannshriver@yahoo.com
Don’t wait for a job to splash you in the face, Come be a Waterfront Lifeguard at the Town of Richmond
Must be certi ed by the American Red Cross
Pay is above minimum wage. For application call or text 585-330-7066
Expert Mitigation Services LLC
Busy pediatric and family medicine o ce in Geneseo seeking RN or LPN Full or Part-time
Monday through Friday • 9am-2:30pm Duties:
• Help with immunizations
• Send prescriptions electronically
• Do prior authorization work
• Order durable medical equipment for patients Call 585-243-4000. Ask for the doctor
Professional Landscaper
SEEKING must have lawn mowing experience
full-time/seasonal work
Leisure’s Restaurant
Line Cook/ Prep Cook Kitchen Sta
Apply within or call 585-447-0144
Must be energetic, customer focused & able to work weekends.
Apply at store in Avon, NY or online at Tomwahls.com
Restaurant & Banquet Facility
6001 Big Tree Rd. Lakeville
NOW HERE’S A TIP In a pinch, you can use toothpaste to scrub your faucet in the bathroom.
• College Students Wanted
• Minimum of 18 years old to apply
• Hours of work: 6 am – 2:30 pm M-F; Overtime when necessary.
• $16.00 an Hour
We have building and grounds maintenance projects and need summer help. is is a great job for college students. e position runs May through August. Must be able to work independently.
To apply, stop in at: 700 Ellicott Ave. in Batavia to ll out an application OR call (585) 343-3140 ext. 3057 to set up an interview
Local and Transport. Dedicated runs available. Full or Part-time. Home Daily, Plus Benefits Also available-
Evening deliveries and milk pick up • 3-4 hours Call 585-591-1624
Full & Part-Time. Mid-June to mid-July. Gro Moore Farms Call 585-370-6138
Make a meal to remember. Mom deserves a night off from dinner detail, and while dining out is an option, a homemade meal may come across as more intimate and heartfelt. Pair the meal with her favorite wine and make sure you handle all the cleanup.
Occupational erapist
General Education Teacher K-6 (grade 6)
General Science Teacher 7-12
Special Education Teachers 7-12
Long Term Music (Vocal) Teacher
Cleaner (2nd Shi )
Food Service Monitor
School Bus Driver
Continual Recruitment - Substitutes: Teachers (Certi ed and Uncerti ed)
Aides/TAs • RNs/LPNs • Cleaners
Food Service Helpers • School Bus Drivers
All interviews begin upon receipt of application. Additional information & application available: www.yorkcsd.org
Twin Clover Equipment is looking for an experienced farm equipment service tech to join our team.
Responsibilities and duties include:
• On-road farm equipment service and repair work
• Identifying mechanical and electrical problems
• Preparing estimates for customers
• Installation of manure and feeding equipment
• Ensuring customer satisfaction
Qualified candidates should possess: Basic computer skills,strong communication skills, the physical ability to lift 50 lbs.+,self motivation.CDL a plus.
Contact: Daryl Hoover 315-545-2027 S
Hours and pay vary by position. NYS Pension and bene t eligible positions available. To apply, visit: www.work4h .org
NOTICEOFFORMATION of 4686 LindenStreet,LLC.4686Linden Street,LLCfiledArticlesofOrganizationwiththeNYSecretaryofState onApril11,2023.(1)Itsprincipal officeisinLivingstonCounty,New York.(2)TheSecretaryofStatehas beendesignatedasitsagentupon whomprocessagainstitmaybe servedanditspostofficeaddressto whichtheSecretaryofStateshallmail acopyofanyprocessagainstitserved uponhimorherisc/oCharlesSinclair,4637LittlevilleRoad,Avon, NewYork14414.(3)Thecharacteror purposeofitsbusinessistoengagein anylawfulactivityforwhichlimited liabilitycompaniesmaybeorganized underSection203oftheLimited LiabilityCompanyAct.
NoticeofFormation of Crandall InsuranceAgency,LLC.Crandall InsuranceAgency,LLC.filedArticles ofOrganizationwiththeNYSecretary ofStateonMarch14,2023.(1)Its principalofficeisinLivingston County,NewYork.(2)TheSecretary ofStatehasbeendesignatedasits agentuponwhomprocessagainstit maybeservedanditspostoffice addresstowhichtheSecretaryofState shallmailacopyofanyprocessagainst itserveduponhimorherisc/o2119 NorthLittlevilleRd.,Avon,NY 14414.(3)Thecharacterorpurpose ofitsbusinessistoengageinany lawfulactivityforwhichlimitedliabilitycompaniesmaybeorganizedunder Section203oftheLimitedLiability CompanyAct.
NOTICEOFFORMATION of HELP ITMAKECENTS,LLC.Articlesof organizationwerefiledwiththeNew YorkSecretaryofState(SSNY)on 2/18/2023.Officelocation:LivingstonCounty,NY.SSNYdesignatedas agentofLimitedLiabiltyCompany (LLC)uponwhomprocessagainstit maybeserved.SSNYshouldmail processtoMichaelHeisler,16 WadsworthAve.,AvonNY14414. Thepurposeofthecompanyisto engageinanyandalllawfulactivities.
GUNKNIFE&AMMOSHOW: Sunday onlyMay21st(9am-4pm) KingsCatering&PartyHouse,4031 Routes5&20Canandaigua.85tables toviewBuySell&Trade$5admission. NFGShows.com
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NOTICEOFFORMATION of LLC. CloverInsights,LLC(LLC)filedArticlesofOrganizationwiththeNY SecretaryofState(SS)on3/20/23. LLC’sofficeisinLivingstonCounty. SSisdesignatedasagentofLLCupon whomprocessagainstitmaybe served.SSwillmailacopyofany processto5316HentyRoad,Avon, NY14414.LLC’spurpose:Anylawful activity.
NOTICEOFFORMATION of ConcinnityYogaInstruction&Nutrition Counseling,LLC.ArticlesofOrganizationfiledwithSecretaryofStateof NewYork(SSNY)on4/25/2023. BusinesslocationLivingstonCounty. SSNYisdesignatedasagentofLLC uponwhomtoprocessagainstitmay beservedto:5299WheelockRoad, MountMorrisNY14510.Purpose: anylawfulpurpose.
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MT.MORRISAPARTMENT: Two bedroom, $750/month,plusutilities. Niceresidentialneighborhood.No pets,Nosmoking.Lease,references. Securityrequired.585-455-5967.
FORRENT: July- August.2 bedroommobilehome,on ConesusLake.Dock,swimmingarea.$600/weekly. 5715WestLakeRoad.For moreinformation, 585-831-6505.
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• Additional hourly rate if waiving health insurance
• Eligible to enroll in the NYS retirement system
• May be eligible for the NYS healthcare worker bonus • Health insurance options including a plan paid 100% by the County • Holiday volunteer stipend • Shift differential pay