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Summer tip for Seniors
Be Mindful of Outdoor Activities
Engaging in outdoor activities is a great way to enjoy summer, but it’s important for seniors to be mindful of their limitations. Avoid strenuous activities during peak heat hours to prevent exhaustion and heatstroke. Plan outdoor activities in the early morning or evening when temperatures are cooler. Take breaks in shaded areas and listen to your body. Stay active with low-impact exercises like walking or swimming, which provide a refreshing way to beat the heat. Remember to consult your doctor before starting any new exercise routine.
Atrial fibrillation is the most common type of arrhythmia, which is a problem with the rate or rhythm of the heartbeat during which the heart can beat too fast, too slow or with an irregular rhythm. Atrial fibrillation, or AF, occurs when rapid, disorganized electrical signals cause the atria, which consists of the heart’s two upper chambers, to contract very fast and irregularly. According to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, when a person is suffering from AF, blood begins to pool in his or her atria. While that blood pools in the atria, it is not being pumped completely into the heart’s two lower chambers, and this prevents the lower and upper chambers from working together effectively. Though AF does not always produce noticeable symptoms, some people with AF experience chest pain or heart failure, especially when the heart rhythm is rapid. AF can increase a person’s risk of stroke, and it may surface periodically or become an ongoing problem that lasts for years.
CALEDONIA326Country Club Dr.June9-11,16-19,23-25. AUTOMOTIVE,alltools,Standard,Metric,enginehoist,impact,wrenches,sockets,many more.
WOODWORKING,drillpress, Deltalargetablesaw,joiner,miter saw,sanders,muchmore.
Yard Sale Tips
Place signs around your neighborhood. Be aware that there are ordinances that govern where signage can be located. Check with your town’s municipal office to determine if you need any permits for your signs or the yard sale itself. Make sure signs are legible for drivers and pedestrians alike.
BATAVIA: Apple Grove,Pratt Rd,Lot60.June16-17(9-4pm). 2004JohnDeereridingmower, plasticfencing,electric wheelchair,children/teen clothing,newandusedhousehold items,collectibles,jewelry,2010 Fordtruck,andmore!
GENESEO:3696Lakeville Groveland Road.6/23&6/24(83pm).Somethingforeveryone!Antiquephones,tools,birdhouses,metal art,household,cokecrates,etc.
GENESEO:3221Elm Rd. June24th and25thGaragesale9am-5pmTools, antiques,furniture,clothes,petsupplies,household,books,kidstoys
Yard sales are popular ways to make money and clear homes of unwanted items.
EXIT9FLEAMARKET: Decorative Swords,knives, kitchenware,booths35,36,&37, Furniture,campingtools,booths 38,39,&40.Vintagefishing lures,cutglassandSteinsBooth 34.Muchmuchmore!Sundays (8am-3pm.)
AVON:204E Main St.Fri.6/23and Sat6/24(9amto4pm)Tonsofbaby andtoddlerclothingandshoes!All seasonsgreatprices!
Historic Guthrie Home Estate Sale
Quality Primitive Furniture, Artwork, Lawn Decor, & Countless Pre-Civil War Items
Everything Must Be Sold!
256 Guthrie Rd., Mumford, NY 14511 Friday-Sunday, June 23-25, 9am-5pm Pictures available at www.estatesales.net
Attic to Basement
Retail Outlet and Estate Sales