4 minute read
Adopting a “War Dog”
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I just watched an older movie about a military dog, called “Max.” How can I adopt a dog like that? -- T.T. via email
DEAR T.T.: While “Max” is a compelling movie, adopting a former military working dog takes a fair amount of research on your part, and the ability to care for dogs that have high energy and need plenty of attention and continuing training. All military dog adoptions are handled through the Department of Defense Military Working Dog Adoption Program at Lackland AFB in Texas.
Dogs eligible for adoption were retired due to age, injury or sickness. Not all dogs saw combat. Some worked in national security, while others were trained as working dogs but did not meet the standards for military service.
Be prepared for a long wait a er submitting the application -- up to a year or more. First priority for adoption goes to law-enforcement agencies, if the dog is still t for duty. If not, the dog’s handler can adopt it. Only a er that do dogs become available for adoption to civilians. Some dogs, sadly, are not adoptable due to temperament or severe injuries.
In addition to patience, be aware that you don’t have control over what type of dog is made available; although you can state your preference on the application. Be prepared for some pre-adoption expenses as well: If selected to adopt a MWD, you’ll need to travel to where the dog is being kept (most likely, Lackland) at least twice -- once to be interviewed and meet the dog, and again to pick it up if your application is approved.
Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.
EPSON 4800 STYLUS PRO PRINTER. Good condition. Some ink. philip.hilden@gmail.com
Possibly a pig or other animal farm could use 200+ CANS OF EXPIRED FOOD 585-356-4315
UPRIGHT BALDWIN PIANO. Pick up in Rush. ermaperkins@me.com
Set of HEARING AIDS. Will need adjustment. 585-721-8963
MEDICAL SUPPLIES – bandages, saline solution, wound cleaner, body soap and lotions. 585-362-6906
RUG HOOKING WOOL YARN, large C. Murray asst. 585-657-5451
MAPLE FIREWOOD in chunks on ground. Need chainsaw to cut to transport. Leave message. 585-237-5803
#1 CRUSHED WASHED STONE, 3-4 cu. yds. Bloomfield. You load & pick up. Please text 678-939-4378
ESQUIRE MAGAZINES 2008-2010. Good condition. 585-671-2598
1950s EZ SPIN WASHER. Poor condition. Good for collectors or scrap metal. You must remove from basement. Picture available. 585-671-2598
20-inch 2003 ENVISION TV. Good for gaming systems. Comes with plastic gaming center. 585-671-2598
WORLD BOOK ENCYCLOPEDIA, Complete 22 Volume Set. 585-690-3161
4 qty rounded LANDSCAPING EDGING, brick. 2’ long by 3’ high pieces. Penfield: 585-820-9245
Two PLAYER PIANOS and a LOWREY HOME THEATRE. 585-323-1762 or 585-671-1996 (leave message)
POOL TABLE w/ balls, but no cue sticks. Particle Board. Warped, but good for kids to learn on. You remove from basement. msmalter2@gmail.com
45” LG FLAT SCREEN TV, older model but great picture, not a smart TV. You pick up in Canandaigua. bhaizlip@rochester.rr.com
OneTouch Blood GLUCOSE METER. sscott01@rochester.rr.com
CUSHIONS for the glider rocker picked up on Taylor Road in Mendon. 585-624-4647
Metal OFFICE DESK. Heavy duty measures 29” tall, 30” deep and 60” wide. Fairport. Donna, 585 943 -8487
BENCH SEAT PROTECTOR, 53” wide, black, had in my pick-up. 585-334-8636
WOOD for crafts. 585-698-0111
PRODUCE / VEGGIES for compost. 585-300-3301
OPERA RECORDS (Caruso, Pavarotti, more), HISTORICAL RECORDS (JFK & landing on the moon), MUSIC CDS/CASSETTES, BLANK CDS. 585-388-0318
BANANA BOXES. All in good shape: 315-548-3872
Failing eyesight, need LARGE SCREEN TV for computer monitor. Also, will recycle your old computers. Terry: 336-247-3245
TRADING CARDS, Vintage or new. Sports, Buffalo Bills for my collection. Batavia/Elba area. Text 716-560-8840
FULL SIZE KAYAK. GOLD COLORED PICTURE FRAMES – all sizes. BIRD HOUSES –for outside decoration. Batavia/Elba area. Text 716-560-8840
Handicapped man needs a SAXOPHONE for his day music program. Text 585-305-0271
WOODEN BED SLATS, full size or queen size. Thanks in advance. doucette7@aol.com
FOLDABLE RAMP for a vehicle. 315-548-3872
Sturdy desk-type CHAIR on wheels. Will pick up within 10 miles of Geneseo. Call 585-382-3705
Looking for a BOX TRAILER. 585-323-1762 or 585-671-1996 (leave message)
MUSIC ALBUMS and 45s from the ‘60s, ‘70s, and ‘80s. Call Bill 585-402-8870
NUTRIBULLET processor for veggies. stellaswirlery@yahoo.com
Lawn & garden TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT. 585-883-7387
POOL TABLE for senior citizen community center. 585-409-5384
6’ or larger KAYAK for veteran. 585-770-8162
Sturdy SHELVING, FILE CABINETS, and TARPS. Call: 585-424-0732
Seeking a WEBER GRILL you are no longer using. Call or Text 315-576-1278
92-year-old Vet needs a 12’ CANOE BOAT TRAILER: 585-494-6025
Gently used GAS GRILL for Hospeace House. Needed for residents’ family use and for fundraising events. Call or text: 585-797-7643
TRADING CARDS, vintage or new. Sports or non-sports. Will be appreciated and displayed! 585-729-1259
BOX TRAILER and working MINI FRIDGE: 585-323-1762 (leave message)
Many 2-liter EMPTY SODA BOTTLES (not crushed). Need a lot for a project. 585-698-0758
Seeking an ATV OR DIRT BIKE for father/son projects. Please call or text Matt at 315-576-1278
POOL TABLE: 585-409-5384
Disabled person needs working RIDING MOWER. Old one finally quit: piamiamine@yahoo.com
Would like to dig up some WHITE BIRCH TREES in the Canandaigua area: scoutmasterdavid@yahoo.com
COOKBOOKS and CORNINGWARE. Old or new. Will be used and treasured! 585-729-1259
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received.
Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
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