September 2, 2022 | LIVINGSTON | 866.812.8111 | GVPENNYSAVER.COM 5624 E. Avon-Lima Rd. (Rt. 5&20), East Avon • 226-3430 Cozy Weather is Coming! Mon.-Fri. 9am-5pm; Sat. 9am-1pm; Other hours available by appointment. Come see our Mendota Fireplaces Take advantage of up to 26% Off Purchase and Installation with a Federal Tax Credit.* Our schedule is booking fast! *Applies to certain models with EPA rating. Financing Available CHECK OUT OUR PELLET BBQ GRILLS! Wood Stoves Roosevelt 34 WE SELL:

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page2 LIVINGSTON EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 ActiveLiving50+ 35 Arts&Entertainment 6 Auctions&Antiques 12 Automotive 17 Body&Mind 8 Classifieds 66 Employment 51 GarageSales Give&Take HomeServices HometownEvents KidzKorner 20 Passages 24 PetPlace 18 PuzzleAnswers 40 RealEstate 50 Sip&Dine 14 Vibes&Rants 19 Happy 10th Birthday Kilian Mann Love, Mom, Dad, Ruairi, Gideon & Maria September 7, 2022 • Bridal Showers • Wedding Receptions • Banquets • Anniversaries • Auctions • Birthdays Fully Air Conditioned Contact Leslie Sharpe, Hall Manager at: 346-5733 • Bingo every Thursday. Doors open at 5. Bingo starts at 7pm Lakeville Volunteer Fire Dept. Training Grounds Make your reservations now in our party room. We can We can accommodate all size parties. Call and reserve your date today! Make your reservations in our PARTY ROOM! Seasoned Firewood Log loads available. Also buying standing timber 585-721-3770 We deliver • Can provide large quantities advantageTake of placing wood orders before the fuel increase.prices Top prices paid for coins, gold jewelry, paper money, magic cards, and more! 394-3650 80 South Main, Canandaigua SMITTY’S COINS & CURRENCY “WE ARE” “BUYING!” ChildrHillsideen’sCenter Livingston County Community Service Teaches youth accountability for their actions and prevents repeat offenses and out-of-home placement, providing exposure to positive role models, skill building, educational workshops, and meaningful community service opportunities.

Location: Honeoye Falls Mendon Volunteer Ambulance 210 East St, Honeoye Falls, NY 14472 Dates/times: 9/19/2022 4pm-6pm
WPV 59D Monroe Ave., Pittsford, NY 14534 585-568-8340
Location: Ridge Rd Fire Department 1299 Long Pond Rd, Rochester, NY 14626 Dates/times: 9/24/2022 10/27/202210/15/20229am-12pm9am-12pm9am-12pm
Location: Herrema’s Marketplace 125 Pattonwood Drive, Rochester, NY 14617 Dates/times: 9/24/2022 10/16/20229am-12pm9am-12pm
Location: Laurelton Fire Department 405 Empire Blvd, Rochester, NY 14609 Dates/times: 10/8/2022 9am-12pm
Location: Greece Town Hall 1 Vince Tofany Blvd, Rochester, NY 14612 Dates/times: 9/12/2022 12pm-5pm 9/16/2022 9am-1pm 9/19/2022 12pm-5pm 9/28/2022 9am-1pm 10/7/2022 10/25/202210/18/202210/12/20229am-1pm1pm-4pm9am-12pm9am-12pm
Location: Lake Shore Fire District 1 Long Pond Rd, Rochester, NY 14612
Location: Town of Canandaigua 5440 Route 5 & 20 Canandaigua, NY Dates/times: 10/5/2022 11am-1pm Location: Town of Gates 1605 Bufalo Rd Gates, NY Dates/times: 9/16/2022 11am-1pm Location: Webster Farmer’s Market 1028 Ridge Rd, Webster, NY 14580 Dates/times: 9/24/2022 9am-12pm &
Plan Your Visit To One Of Our Walk-In Clinics TODAY! For people 18 years
Dates/Times: 10/1/2022 9am-12pm
Location: Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES 3589 Big Ridge Rd Room 116, Spencerport, NY Dates/times: 9/12/2022 3pm-6pm 9/29/2022 12/1/202211/2/202210/27/202210/11/20223pm-6pm3pm-6pm3pm-6pm3pm-6pm3pm-6pm Location: Perinton Community Center 1350 Turk Hill Rd Room 200, Fairport, NY 14450 Dates/times: 9/9/2022 10/28/202210/19/202210/8/20229/26/20229/17/20229am-1pm9am-1pm9am-1pm9am-1pm9am-11am9am-11am
- Flu Prevention Partners
Location: Hegedorn’s Market 964 Ridge Rd, Webster, NY 14580 Dates/times: 9/17/2022 9am-12pm 9/25/2022 9am-12pm 10/9/2022 10/22/20229am-12pm9am-12pm


Please address bacterial wilt in tomatoes. My tomatoes were very robust but almost overnight began to wilt. Do we have ralstonia bacteria in this area? How can I test my garden soil to find out what is causing this? What can I do to make the soil healthy again?
6. Remove and destroy affected plants throughout the season and in the fall. Place in trash bags, NEVER in the compost.
SEND YOUR QUESTIONS TO OUR EXPERTS! Ask them today at: GVPENNYSAVER.COM/GARDEN Prepare for power outages today WITH A HOME STANDBY GENERATOR *To qualify, consumers must request a quote, purchase, install and activate the generator with a participating dealer. Call for a full list of terms and conditions. REQUEST A FREE QUOTE CALL NOW BEFORE THE NEXT POWER OUTAGE (866) 643-0438 $0 MONEY DOWN + LOW MONTHLY PAYMENT OPTIONS Contact a Generac dealer for full terms and conditions FREE 7-YearWarranty*Extended A $695 Value!
7. Wash your hands after handling infected 8.plants.Clean/disinfect tools, tomato cages and trellises, and other equipment that have come in contact with diseased plants.
GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page5 LIVINGSTON EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 Tree Trimming • Tree Removal • Hedges Apple and Ornamental Tree Pruning Free Estimates • Fully Insured Over 25 years experience • 5 star Google rating Call or text 503-3569 OwnedFamilyAndOperated 10% Senior Discount Sponsored by: from Cornell Cooperative Extension, Livingston County Q&A Master Gardeners with the e Master Gardener Program is a national program of trained volunteers who work in partnership with their county CCE o ce to extend information throughout their communities. Look for this weekly column! Your answerquestionsedbythelocalCornellexperts.
Linda Phillips, Master Gardener Volunteer, CCE Livingston County
3. Plant tomatoes in well-drained soil with a balanced pH (usually about 7 in our area). Add some compost to enrich the soil. I am partial to Bessie’s Best composted cow manure, which comes from a farm in Gainesville,NY,and can be found at J&A Farm Market in Avon.
Hurricane Mitch (1998): Mitch destroyed thousands of homes and predominantly affected Nicaragua and Honduras. It is the second deadliest hurricane on record.
1. Rotate crops. Bacterial wilt and fungal diseases may overwinter in the soil. Do not plant tomatoes in the same area again for about 3 years. If space is limited, consider planting a few in containers.
2. Choose resistant varieties. They are generally marked as to their resistance. Be aware, heirloom varieties are delicious but generally not disease resistant.
4. Space plants generously for good air 5.circulation.Waterduring the day when foliage is dry and will quickly dry afterwards; some pathogens are dispersed by splashing water and infect while the leaf surface is wet. Water consistently 1-2 inches per week.Water at the soil level avoiding the leaves. Drip irrigation is ideal.
9. Never give up! Home grown tomatoes are one of the joys of summer and well worth the effort.
Home vegetable gardeners love the taste of tomatoes grown in our own gardens, but growing tomatoes also causes us many headaches since they are subject to a variety of problems. Very common in our area are fungal diseases – early blight, late blight, Septoria leaf spot, Verticillium wilt, and Fusarium wilt, to name a few. The wilt described does sound like a bacterial wilt, but of course, that can only be determined by examining the plant, especially the interior of the stem. Bacterial wilt is a disease of tomato and other plants in the nightshade family (Solaneceous). The disease occurs predominately in the wet tropics and subtropics but also has been found in some parts of the northeast. It is caused by a soil-borne bacterium and inhabits the roots, entering at points of injury caused by tools and/or pests in the soil. It can survive for long periods in the soil. In the future,to prevent bacterial wilt,and other diseases as well, here are some good practices for growing tomatoes:

AT-HOME NUTRITION AND COOKING WITH KIDS LIVINGSTON COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY 2nd Annual HARVEST FAIR & VENDOR SHOW 310 LEICESTER STREET, CALEDONIA September 10th & 11th 10am-4pm DAILY VENDORS FOOD BY KICKING CONCESSIONS RAFFLE BASKETS & 50/50 DRAWING BOUNCE HOUSE & COYLE’S PUMPKIN RANCH AND FARM CAR CRUISE (Sept. 11th, 1-4pm) GATE ADMISSION IS FREE All fair entries are subject to entry fee (all junior entries are free) Enter flowers, plants, domestics, canning, woodworking, crafts, vegetables, etc. ALL ENTRIES NEED TO BE IN BY SEPTEMBER 9TH AT 7PM Visit MAINTAIN PRIVACY IN THE MOBILE PHONE AGE Avoid transferring sensitive data at public WiFi spots or over Bluetooth. To learn more about Paws With A Cause and to find out how you can help, just download this simple app and watch this story come to life: GET ZAPPAR ZAPTHE CODE TO DONATE Provided as a community service by this civic minded publication and the Association of Community Publishers
RECIPES FOR FUN: If you’re preparing a meal, it could be a good time to teach children of reading age how to review a recipe. Evaluating ingredients to learn how food transforms from raw to cooked or how a dish is created can help kids learn kitchen skills.
FOOD GROUPS FOCUS: Get kids involved in making dinner by setting a rule that each food group must be represented. Give them a warmup activity by asking which food groups are found in family favorites like chicken soup, lasagna or meatloaf. Asking kids to guess which ingredients are used in these dishes and identifying which food group each ingredient belongs to can help them understand dietary balance.

IVINGSTON Wishing all our local students and teachers a safe & successful school year! FESTIVAL Saturday, September 10, 2022 10am–6pm Livonia’s 18th Annual Arts & DefenderPrizesBounceCraftsHouseBikeRae&GiftsFestivalFoodIronManChallengeZoneRock&JoustInflatableAxeThrowing 11am–6pm Village Autumn in the
Look carefully at the water in the lake or pond before letting your dog near it. If you see a lot of peagreen growth and a slimy look to the water at the shoreline, don’t let your dog jump in.
Even if the water looks OK, check to see if any “no swimming” signs are posted nearby. You also can check your local county or city website or parks department for a water quality report. And even if the water is OK for people and dogs to swim in, be sure to rinse your dog’s coat in clean tap water as soon as possible a er swimSendming.your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.
Blue-green Algae Is a Potentially Deadly Risk for Pets DEAR PAW’S corner: A couple of weeks ago, my family took a trip to a nearby pond. Our dog Jessup splashed and played along with us. On the drive home, Jessup began to look ill and started drooling. When we reached home he got very ill and started having seizures. I rushed him to the emergency vet, where they treated him. e vet said that he may have ingested blue-green algae, and that it is very common in ponds and still water at this time of year. Please let your readers know about this risk! Jessup is recovering and will probably be OK, but the vet said this can be fatal.
By Sam Mazzotta
Dear Sherry: I’m so glad to hear that Jessup is doing well! Yes, blue-green algae, also known as cyanobacteria, is toxic and can make a dog very ill if it’s ingested. It exists in many bodies of freshwater and grows rapidly when the water temperature is over 75 degrees -- so it’s at its highest levels, and most dangerous, in the hot summer months.
King Features Synd., Inc.
-- Sherry in Dallas, Texas

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page8 LIVINGSTON EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 9 deliveredEditionsweekly to 85,000 Homes 140,000 Print Readers 75,000 Digital Readers Office: PO Box 340 1471 Route 15 Avon, NY 14414 Phone: 585-226-8111 Fax: 585-226-3390 President ...........................Steve Harrison Vice President ...................Kimberly Dougherty General Manager ...........................Manuel Karam Director of Advertising Sales ............................Colleen Mann Creative Director ..............................Cristie Leone Production Supervisor .................................Je Wasson Circulation Manager .............................Shari Rapone Members of: GoldPublicationStandard National Award Winning Paper Ways to Become More Active Every Day In addition to working toward at least 150 minutes of physical activity each week, it’s important to avoid being sedentary, when possible. You can do that by making choices that build activity in your day. Some examples include: • Taking the stairs • Printing to the printer farthest away from your desk at work • Getting off the bus or subway one stop early • Parking in the farthest space from the door • Walking around while you are on the phone or having walking meetings

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page9 LIVINGSTON EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 Genesee Valley Family Medicine welcome to become our patient. Prity Rawal, M.D., Scott Wilson, M.D. and Gabriella Giunta, PA-C are warmly accepting new Featuring:patients. ■ Personalized care for individuals of all ages ■ Timely appointments available ■ Electronic medical records and online patient portal so all of your health information is in one place ■ Referrals to the area’s top specialists at UR Medicine, if needed Dr. Rawal sees patients in our Geneseo o ce 4400 Lakeville Road | (585) 243-1400 Dr. Wilson sees patients in our Mt. Morris o ce 118 Main Street | (585) 658-2100 Gabriella Giunta sees patients in our Lakeville o ce 3509 omas Drive, Suite 4 | (585) 346-3660 Genesee Valley Family Medicine is part of Highland Hospital. For more information, visit Beautiful smiles enhance self-confidence & self-esteem. Salmon SpecialistOrthodonticswith 5A Batavia City Centre 116 North Center St. 16 Broadway Mall Batavia Perry (585)344-0775 (585)237-2410 (607)324-3784 processes the protein alpha-synuclein. Patience and various medications may be needed to help those with dementia live fuller lives. Cholinesterase inhibitors are mainstays in dementia treatment. These medications prevent the breakdown of acetylcholine, a chemical messenger important for learning and memory. Acetylcholine supports communication among nerve cells by keeping acetylcholine levels high. Physical therapy and cognitive therapy may be used in conjunction with medication to assist those with various dementias. EyeLivingstonCare Dr. Jennifer J. Dotterweich, Optometrist 243 East Main St., Avon, NY 14414 585-226-3400

YourRemember…ralhealthisimprtant Mostacceptedinsurances
Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under the trees on a summer’s day, listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float across the blue sky, is by no means waste of time. ~John Lubbock, “Recreation,” The Use of Life, 1894 Dr. Adela Guset
GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page10 Online POLL Like many areas around the nation, Rochester is experiencing a teacher shortage. The President of the Rochester Teachers Association states that the shortage is five times worse than it has been in recent years. What do you think the primary cause for this is? • Covid • Insufficient Pay • Lack of Respect • Virtual/Distance Learning • Other Poll Ends 09-06-22 Poll Results 08-30-22 For decades, people young and old have flocked to movie theaters for the latest film releases, but times are changing. Movies are increasingly and quickly available through streaming services in the comfort of one’s own home. Combined with what some have described as a “block buster desert,” this has led many movie goers to become movie “stayers.” How will you watch the next film that catches your interest? 18% In a movie theater 0% Online 36% Streaming through my TV 46% Nothing catches my interest. We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit! 4384 Lakeville Rd., Geneseo 585.243.2320 Dr. Dan DoagaDr. Lenny SantosDr. Karen Milla
We are trying to contact all patients who missed their appointments during Covid. Please call our o ce if you do not have your cleaning recall schedule. ank you for your patience. Please remain safe and healthy. patients of Dr. Eleczko are now being seen at our o ce!

Sue DeBruyne, Au.D. Doctor of Audiology
DEAR DR. ROACH: While reading one of your recent columns, I learned that all water, except for distilled, contains electrolytes. I wondered if there are differences in the amount of each electrolyte in drinking water in different places in Canada, and if so, whether that might explain why I experience cramping and diarrhea while visiting another place? Through experience, I have been able to avoid the problem by drinking only bottled mineral or distilled water when I am away from my home. In cases where I have been on lengthier holidays, after I lived through the initial distress, eventually, my gastric system calmed down and seemed to accommodate the new source of water. I felt that my malady might be some sort of domestic version of Montezuma’s Revenge, but the analogy is inapt because the water I have consumed away from my home was not contaminated. -- M.T. ANSWER: “Montezuma’s Revenge” is an (insulting) term for traveler’s diarrhea, specifically in reference to Mexico, where drinking water may be contaminated with bacteria. I don’t think the answer to your diarrhea while traveling is in the water. The quality of drinking water in nearly all of Canada and the United States is outstanding, and bacterial contamination is exceedingly rare, as you say. Similarly, electrolytes are kept at very low levels in most parts of North America, although some water softeners do put a fair bit of sodium into the water in exchange for other ions, such as magnesium and calcium. Still, none of these trace minerals are likely to cause diarrhea. Some people develop diarrhea with stress. Other people are more likely to drink alcohol while traveling, and excess alcohol can cause diarrhea. I can’t explain why drinking bottled or distilled water seems to prevent the problem. *** Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to All©,Inc.RightsReserved
• Mt.1-2:30pmMondays:Morris Please call 658-3940 for specific location and for more information. Please visit our website at:
Different Drinking Water is Not the Cause of Diarrhea While Traveling
By Keith Roach, M.D.
Dr. Randall Freeman 4806 Lakeville Road • Geneseo, NY • 585-447-9108
Use only broad-spectrum SPF sunscreen. Look for a sunblock product that boasts an SPF of at least 30. The FDA requires any sunscreen with an SPF below 15 to carry a warning that it only protects against sunburn, not skin cancer or skin aging. Find a sunscreen that works against UVA and UVB rays as well. UVA rays are mostly responsible for contributing to skin cancer and premature aging. Reapply frequently, especially when swimming or engaging in activities that cause sweating.
Genesee Valley Dental Group Discover the Human Touch in TechnologyHearing Serving Our Community for over 20 years. Lakeville
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Topics issues.otherviolencedomesticincludeandrelated
Always practice summer sun safety

HARRIS WILCOX INC. RealtorsAuctioneers,&Appraisers
JAMES J. PIEDIMONTE AND SONS LLC. VEG CROP ONLINE ONLY FARM MACHINERY AUCTION • HOLLEY, NY THURS., SEPT. 15, 2022 • 6PM W/ So Close See for list of equipment, pictures, terms and link to bid.
of Jim
Foote Featuring
On the other hand, I don’t understand the enthusiasm for everything in the antique shop that Grandma threw out. There, the sense of quality has declined; otherwise Grandma wouldn’t have thrown it out. ~Arne Jacobsen Phone (585) 494-1880 59 South Lake Avenue Bergen, New York www.harriswilcox.com14416
Lifelong Collection & Ruby a 2017 Lexus SUV, 1969 Triumph Bonneville and 1971 Norton Commando 750. Phenomenal machinist tools, items, tools of all types, Ferris Commercial Grade Lawn Mower and other power tools and equipment. carousel horses, jewelry, coins, antiques, decorative items, glassware, furniture, antique toys, coin operated games, slot machines, music boxes and organs. For a full catalog, visit PO Box 58 Stafford, NY 14143 585-343-5449
Tuesday, September 13, 2022. Bloom eld, NY. Real Estate, Machinery, Tool & Antique Auction. Selling gracious 1812 house with newer barns, stables, paddock and more on 20 acres. Plus Kubota tractor, RTV, horse trailer, antiques and more! September 14, 2022. WNY September Online Consignment Auction Selling machinery, tools & more! Valley AUCTIONS Call about consignments 5810 Goodale Rd., Canandaigua (585) 394-4722 • Open 8am-5pm Auctions now online! Visit

Equipment: 1990 JD 27ZTS mini excavator, auxiliary hydraulics, 3 buckets, cab, blade, single owner, 2,490hrs; Gehl 5635 SX skid steer, 6' material bucket, single owner, 1,428hrs; 48" pallet forks; 24" Lowe skid steer auger; Ammbusher 6' brush hog; Trucks/Trailer: 1995 Chevy Kodiak, lo pro, at deck, w/hoist, has title, 169,000m; 1950 IH Cargo Star, old line truck, non-working condition; 1988 GMC 6000 box truck, has title, 111,000m; 7'x14' Corn Pro trailer, pintle hitch, ramps, approx. 12k gvw, has broken axle, otherwise decent trailer; Power Tools: Grizzly 15" planer, model G1021; Makita elec. planer; Makita router; Honda 3.0 kVA generator; Cra sman 8" jointer; Cra sman shaper; Cra sman jointer-planer; Karcher steam power; Titan trash pump; Pacer trash pump; suction & discharge hoses; sump pumps; Titan air comp., wheelbarrow-type; small Makita air comp.; Porter Cable pancake air comp.; Bostich air comp.; Titan power washer; Makita 12" chop saw; (2) Dewalt metal chop saws; misc. elec. circular saws; Milwaukee sawzall; Simpson strong tie screw gun; (3) Bostich roo ng nailers; Bostich trim nailer; (4) Paslode framing nailers; Bostich strap shot nailer; Shop Vac; Titan air tools; Bosch elec. hammer drill; Senco batteries w/charger; drywall screw shooter; Dewalt 6" angle grinder; Malco power shear attachments; wet cut tile saw; Dewalt laser transit; 2-scope transit; air & elec. staplers; palm sanders; misc. drills; etc; Construction Materials: large asst. of fasteners; joist hangers; plumbing & elec. supplies; I-joists; dem. lumber; roo ng felt; shingles; new & used doors; windows; siding; so t; deck supplies; plywood; (2) rolls new carpet mat; drain tile; pvc pipe ttings; 6x6 I-beam; misc. rebar; (5) 3x5x16" alum. box beams; qty concrete blankets; Tools/Misc: Cra sman 2-pc tool chest; wheelbarrow; drywall tools, stilts, etc; bottle jacks; basement jacks; qty of roo ng jacks; drill bit sets; Porter Cable forstner bit set; 3/4" socket set; Tapco 10' metal brake w/slitter; sca olding; saw horses; shingle shovels; rakes; sledges; picks; crowbars; at shovels; spades; chain comalong; (2) Stihl weed eaters; propane ame weeder; roller stands; LED work lights; Heatstar 175,000btu ready heater; 6'/8'/10' - berglass step ladders; (2) berglass & (2) wood extension ladders; nice set interior sca olding; 28'/24'/16' - aluminum sca old planks; (8) sets Biljax sca olding; (4) sets aluminum pole jacks; (8) old pole jacks; air hoses; (2) aluminum truck ladder racks; (2) 275 gal tanks; Terms: ID for bidder number. No buyer’s premium for cash or check. Credit cards accepted with 3% fee.
~Judith Miller
Other Upcoming Auctions: Sat. 9/24, 9am - Benton Fire Dept. Annual Fundraising Consignment Auction at the Benton Volunteer Fire Department, 932 State Route 14A, Penn Yan. Call Menno Martin with early consignments at 315-536-3807.
Dann Auctioneers
Je Dann: 585-233-9570 Nelson Horning, Lead Auctioneer: 585-554-5335
2777 Guyanoga Road • Branchport, NY 14418
AUCTION for Norman 'Bucky' Bates
Friday, September 9, 2022 at 4:00pm
Need good quality mechanic tools? Don't miss this auction! Snap-On: 3-pc, 2-pc & (2) side tool chests; 2-drawer work cart; (2) Counselor II analyzers; Counselor digital oscilloscope; 6,000lb under body, scissor-style li w/elec. pump; tools including puller sets, air tool, various socket sets, misc. ratchets; lots of nice hand tools; Welding Equipment: Cornwell 2120 wire feed welder 120V; Lincoln 225 AC stick welder; small torch set w/ cart; helmets; Other/Misc.: Mac 2-pc tool chest; MB Century 2-pc tabletop tool chest; (1) Crane, (1) Sun distributor testers; Ajax air compressor 60gal, 6hp; asst. old diagnostic equipment; (3) hd oor jacks; 4 ton Ram power, porta power; engine stand; bushing driver sets; 1500lb cherry picker jack; valve spring compressor; Mac air tools; gear wrench sets; box wrenches; wobble socket sets; paint spray guns; chain hoist; numerous jack stands; (2) vices; small sand blaster; needle scaler; c-clamps; pipe bender; ready heater; Kwik-way brake shoe resurfacer; various cylinder hones; bench grinders; auto body tools; Rockwell oor drill press; serpentine belt wrench; axle bearing puller set; air nailer; Matco rethreader; air scraper; cooling system tester; lots of other hand tools and auto repair tools not listed; bee smoker; Poulan chainsaw; Alan Kulwicki clock, still in box; numerous radio controlled airplanes plus other models. Terms: ID for bidder number. No buyer’s premium for cash or check. Credit cards accepted with 3% fee. Go to dannauctioneers. com for photos!
AUCTION for Terry Noaker Saturday, September 10, 2022 at 10:00am 2462 State Route 21N • Canandaigua, NY 14424
You become an expert by working hard. We’ve got fantastic museums, collections and antique shows. You can go and just start looking. That’s the great thing about knowledge. If you collect Doulton figures, you know about the rare ones.
Simplify vacations and savor the fun Rent a car. Find out if a rental car can be included in the price of your vacation. Having a car at the ready means vacationers can come and go as they please without worrying about hailing taxis or waiting for public transportation. Rental cars also provide access to areas outside of resort confines. Research possible destinations in advance and map out where you want to go to remain safe and prepared.
4215 Belknap Hill Road, Branchport, NY 14418

FAMILY GOLF AT ITS BEST 1025 Rush Scottsville Rd., Rush, NY www.southernmeadows.com14543 585-533-2440 9 Hole Links Course • Full Length Driving Range • Practice Facility • PGA Instruction • Pub & Grille • Patio Great Food & Drinks at the Hospitality Pub & Grille! Eat in, take out, or Delivery Manic Monday & Twisted Tuesday Special! Golf 9 holes with cart: $16 Golf 18 holes with cart: $24 Must present coupon. Valid all day! Expires 9/20/22. *Excludes holidays. &SCRAMBLE,GOLFWOMEN’SCLINIC,BBQ Still room to join our 10 week fall league! OPEN TO MEN & WOMEN Wednesday evenings, flexible scheduling! $35 Includes: • Breakfast spread, check-in • Clinic: 100 Yards and …IN! • Play Golf: 9 hole scramble format • BBQ Cookout, Awards & Prizes OPEN TO EVERYONE! 2022 SEPTEMBER SATURDAY 17 By Fifi Rodriguez
Answers 1.“Baby
3.Maximus. 4.A
6.Bamboo. 7.Form
1. TELEVISION: What is the song played at the end of the final episode of “Breaking Bad”? PSYCHOLOGY: What fear is represented in the condition called is the name of the horse in the Disney animated movie What is a group of rattlesnakes called? GEOGRAPHY: What is the oldest, still active volcano on Earth? SCIENCE: What is the tallest type of grass? LANGUAGE: What does the Greek root word “morph” mean? FOOD & DRINK: What is a samovar used for? MUSIC: Which Rolling Stones’ hit featured the line: “Who could hang a name on you”? ANATOMY: Where are suture joints found in the human body? Blue.” ofwealth. rhumba. Etna,Italy. orshape. formakingtea. Tuesday.”
DID YOU KNOW? The demand for qualified, talented nurses figures to grow in the years to come.According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than half a million nurses are expected to retire by 2022. Couple that with an existing nursing shortage, and the BLS projects a need for 1.1 million registered nurses in the near future. A shortage also figures to affect Canada, where the Canadian Nurses Association recently estimated that the country would be forced to confront a nursing shortage of roughly 60,000 nurses by 2022. Various factors are contributing to the nursing shortage in both countries, including an increasingly large aging population that will require more and more nurses to meet its health care needs. In the United States, the Affordable Care Act, which was passed in 2010, increased access to health care for millions of people across the country, thereby creating a greater need for nurses and other health care professionals. In addition, a greater emphasis on preventive care in many countries across the globe to compel more people to visit their physicians even when they’re otherwise feeling healthy. As more people prioritize preventive care, the need for more nurses will likely increase.
10.Theskull. © 2022 King Features Synd., Inc.

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page15 LIVINGSTON EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 STRANGE BUT TRUE By Lucie Winborne * The maddening but addictive Rubik’s Cube was created by accident. Professor of architecture Erno Rubik built a twistable box with colorful rows of labels on each side in an attempt to design blocks that could move without collapsing the entire structure. After rotating a few rows and mixing up the colors, the real challenge began: realigning the hues! It took Rubik about a month to restore his cube to its original condition. 7272 West Henrietta Road Exit 11 • I-390 533-3525www.colbysicecream.comRush Grape Pies! Fall Hours: Tues-Thurs.SundaysFri-Sat.11am-7pm9am-7pm9am-3pm Coming Soon! • Haunted House • Pumpkin Fest GRAB-N-GO Meals! $5.99 each Lg. Selection to choose from. Try our Chicken & Biscuits! Hand Made Donuts!Homestyle Many varieties Co ee & Fry Cake $2.99 Limited Time Cider Float!Donut Limited Time Meal Lg. Sele Try our New For Fall at Colby's

Mon. Closed; Tues.-Thurs. 4-8pm; Fri.-Sat. 4-9pm; Sun. 4-8pm No affiliation with Red Osier Rochester, RPM Enterprise or Total Sandwich Catering. Route 5, Stafford • 343-6972
The food truck season is coming to an end. Make sure you come and visit us at any of our listed events!
fresh garden salad, choice of potato (unless pasta is
homemade roll and specialty bread, and chef choice of dessert. • Smothered Ribeye with Mushrooms, Onions and Provolone $26 • Chicken Almondine $22 • Shrimp Parmesan over Pasta $24 • 8 Ounce Prime Rib $28 Important DatesEveryone deserves a vacation!
Fri., 9/2- Grisswoode Live on the Patio Sat., 9/3- Max Doud Live on the Patio Fri., 9/16- Josh Hawkins Live on the Patio Fri., 9/23- Begging Angel Live on the Patio Fri., 9/30- Josh Hawkins Live on the Patio We are very excited to close the concert series on the patio out with two favorite local bands! Sat., 10/1 • 6pm-til Savage Cabbage Sun., 10/2 6pm-til Red Creek What a great way to end the patio concert season by welcoming these two distinguished local bands to our patio! We will not take reservations for the patio for these two events. It will be a first come, first serve basis.
Live Entertainment in September!
at the Red
Please no substitutions. Dinners include chef soup
9/2- Genesee Country Farmers Market, Batavia 9/4- Pull For a Cure Tractor Pull, Dansville 9/15- Pavilion High School Food Truck Event 9/16- Genesee Country Farmers Market, Batavia 9/17- Oliver’s Candies Anniversary Celebration, Batavia and Land Of Legends Raceway, Canandaigua 9/20- Live Nation, Darien Lake 9/23- Genesee Country Farmers Market, Batavia 9/24- NY Grand Design R.V. Rally, Dansville and Sportsman Club Eden Tractor Pull 9/27- Live Nation, Darien Lake and Ginegaw Farm Market 9/30- Genesee Country Farmers Market, Batavia Tuesday through Friday and Sunday 4pm to 5pm. of night, specified), The restaurant will be closed Monday, September 5th to Monday, September 12th. We will reopen at 4pm Tuesday, September 13th. Saturday, September 17th the restaurant will be closed for a full restaurant private function. Good news! October 10th through the 18th WE WILL BE OPEN We typically close for Columbus week but our staff asked us to remain Thursday,open!November 24th we will be closed for the Thanksgiving holiday.
Coming Osier
TheRestaurantLandmarkRed“Original”Osier FOODSCHEDULETRUCK New Sept. Complete Early Bird Specials! Served

AUTOMOTIVE ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page17 LIVINGSTON EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 A UTO S ECTION • We Work With All Insurance Companies • Owners Repair Your Vehicle Personally • Free Estimates By Appt. Or Walk-in • Frame Straightening • Collision • Paint Refinishing • Paintless Dent Repairs By Appointment • Rental Accommodations • I-Car Certified • Lifetime Warranty “The highest standard in collision repair” Jason Schaab and Todd Wesley Owners & Operators 4820 COUNTY RD. 37 • LIVONIA, NY 14487 (585) 229-APEX (2739) We will go out of your way to get the parts to get back on the road! Remember, insurance only pays for a 30 day rental if you have coverage. Are the chain shops putting you on the back burner? Complimentaryloanerwithscheduling! $200 off deductible when you mention this ad! Mon. thru Fri. 7am-5pm; Sat. by appt. • Sunday Closed Our tire techs will assist you! TIRE DEALS going on now! Get ready for back to school! Drive Safely! LABORHAPPY DAY! Sept. 5th We will be closed Mon., 9/5 for Labor Day CRANE’S AUTOMOTIVE 2021 Chevy Silverado 1500, V8, auto, single cab, 20,702 mi. $32,495 2020 Chrysler Pacifica, leather int., 7,000 mi $38,895 2020 Ford EcoSport SES, AWD, 2.0 eng, sharp, 4,600 mi. $28,200 2020 Nissan Altima, 2.5 eng, 21,000 mi. $26,895 2019 Lincoln MKZ Reserve, AWD, 2.0 eng, loaded, 15,000 mi. $38,595 2018 Ford Escape 4x4, 20,000 miles $24,495 2018 Subaru Forester Lmtd, AWD, 2.5 eng, panoramic roof $28,395 2010 Ford F150 4x4 beater truck, as traded $3,995 332 W. Main St., Honeoye Falls 585-624-1216 View our vehicles at FREE WI-FI! Complete Car Care Specialists Makes & ForeignModels,&Domestic Discount Tire Center HOURS: Mon., Wed., Fri. 8am-5:30pm; Tues. & Thurs. 8am-6:30pm WE NOW DO NEW YORK STATE MOTORCYCLE INSPECTIONS CALLNOWTOBOOKYOURAPPOINTMENT AVOID HOT WEATHER AUTOMOTIVE BREAKDOWNS Hot weather can put extra demand on all fluids and engine components. Check transmission fluid, power steering fluid, brake fluid, and engine oil levels. Top off or change when necessary. Guaranteed Used Auto & Truck Parts Fugle’s, Inc. Since 1958 We buy junk & salvage vehicles 5278 Route 15, S. Livonia • 346-3658 NYS Dismantlers #5260053 Open Mon.-Fri. 8-6 • Sat. 8-12

Send us a photo and brief write-up of your pet and we’ll feature it. Email to: or mail to: P.O. Box 340, Avon, NY 14414. Pets will be published at discretion of GVPS.
St.Agnes School
Hi! My name is Willow. I have a sister, Fiona, whom I love very much. We love to run, play, sometimesand I see what kind of mischief I can get into. I also try to help Mom harvest the garden. Aren’t I such a good girl?
Cat pet parents must be especially diligent in their quest to squelch reproduction to help control cat populations. According to The Spruce: Pets, female cats that are not spayed will come into estrus (heat) as early as age four months. The animal health resource BondVet says a cat can go into heat as often as every two to three weeks. Generally, though, cats are seasonal breeders, indicates the United Kingdom-based RSPCA, which means heat cycles slow down in autumn. Another thing to note is that cats do not enter menopause like people and other animals. That means a female cat can continue to reproduce well into her senior years. Salon 43 Genesee Street, Avon (585) 993-4560 Melissa Orellana (Owner) September 9th, 2022 9:30 am Circle New
As we approach the anniversary of 9/11, it is tting that we, as a faith community, remember the many people who died and their families, as well as the many people who bravely gave of themselves to help others. It is a chance to honor our rst responders and to share our experiences and our hopes for the future with a younger generation. The C munity is welc e to j n us. 60 Park Place |Avon,NY14414 | 585.226.8500
Park Avon,
Celebratingour33 rd Year! Can’t decide which one to order? Mexican$4.25Sundae
Penny Saver
Pets Perfect Dog & Cat Grooming 9/11CeremonyRemembrance Friday,

Thanks, Maxine! Maxine, you are the best! Thank you for the healthy snack. - Jill Here’s to a new school year! Thanks in advance to all those who put our children first when we entrust them to your care this school year. Teachers, administrators, nurses, counselors, coaches, aides, cafeteria monitors, bus drivers, buildings & grounds personal, crossing guards (and anyone we missed.) To all those driver’s out there, please watch for stopped buses and walkers as the new school year begins. Thank you! Thanks to my mother-in-law for coming through in the clutch and watching our oldest son this week. Couldn’t do it without you! 53 Genesee Street, Avon • 226-2526
Business Support • System Administration • IT Consulting • Website Hosting & Security • Data Backup Call Us for Customized I.T. Support for your Business • Remote/On-Site Service • Managed Services • Microsoft Office 365 Management • And Much More...
GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page19 LIVINGSTON EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 RAVES RANTSGo to WWW.GVPENNYSAVER.COM and submit your own Rants and Raves under the tab - SHARE WITH US Companion Animal Protection To "No Support,” and any renter who needs a companion animal for their mental health: Help is available, and you don't need certification for a support dog. All you need is a written statement from a medical care provider, therapist, or social worker stating that the animal is an emotional support animal needed for the tenant's ability to safely and fully enjoy the premises. If the landlord or property manager still refuses to allow the animal, they are in violation of both state and federal law. Further information and assistance are available through the Center for Disability Rights, the New York State Division of Human Rights, and the Humane Society.
Dogs at Concerts in the Park
My family and I love going to the summer concerts in the park. For safety reasons, most of the villages do not allow dogs, but when we go to [certain] evening concerts, there are always people who have to bring their dogs. Last week, there were a couple of dogs that were barking and snarling at each other. This frightened my children enough that they wanted to go home. Then, every time a dog would walk by, other dogs would set them off all over again. This is very annoying. Please, people, leave your pets at home so others can enjoy the concerts. In America To the rant titled "Private Property: indeed." It is nice that in Scotland, there is mutual respect of property. However, we live in America where there is not mutual respect of property. I support the original rant. The family should've asked for permission. How hard is it to ask a simple question? If anyone in the family had been injured while on that person's property, they would not have hesitated to sue the landowner. In America, we don't respect each other, our laws, or our government. "Personal boundaries" have not become ridiculous in this country. What is ridiculous is your lack of respect. If you like the way they do things in Scotland, please consider relocating there.

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page20 LIVINGSTON EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 D National September 3, 2022 D D A Y L E O O doodles have long-term neurological and physical e ects. and help break a creative block. It can calm us, help us process information faster, According to research, What can you lines?3withcreatetheserandom What is a doodle? A doodle is a drawing made by someone whose mind is otherwise occupied at the time. etc.notes,meetingtextbooks,schoolofmarginstheindrawingsincludeExamples Pride & Joy Child Care NOW ENROLLING! Reader’s oice WINNER! Best Child Care Provider in Livingston County! Thank you! Avon, 585-226-6110NY Geneseo, 585-519-4451NY Henrietta, 585-321-1151NY Livonia, 585-507-8126NY Come and see why we were voted Best Child Care Provider in Livingston County! Schedule a tour, or pop in today!

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page21 LIVINGSTON EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 HEAD START A great educational preschool program for Livingston County children, located at KidStart in Mt. Morris. Accepting applications for 3 & 4 yr olds for the 2022-2023 school year For more information or to apply in Livingston County please call 585-658-4023 • Head Start is a no cost, federally funded preschool program for income eligible families. The program runs September-August. • Head Start is a comprehensive child development program with supports for children with disabilities and for families with severe hardships. • Head Start utilizes the High Scope curriculum which is research-based and child-centered, focusing on child strengths for positive child outcomes and school readiness. Many opportunities for family involvement. Feature your birthday girl or boy in our BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS SECTION! Submit online at under e With Us - Birthday Celebrations; stop by one of our offices; or mail to: Birthday Celebrations, PO Box 340, Avon, NY 14414 Costis$10for1stedition,$5foreachadditionaledition. Submissions must be received at least 1 week prior to publication date. Your child must be 15 years or younger. Photo may be submitted by a parent/guardian/grandparent. Happy 4th EmiliaBirthday Love, Mommy, Daddy, Olivia, Annabelle, and Brayden

Visit us at one of our three locations! 31 Main St., Livonia, NY 14487 • (585) 346-2222 2 Milton St., Dansville, NY 14437 • (585) 335-SOLD (7653) 9 Honeoye Commons, Honeoye, NY 14471 • (585) 229-1054 The Largest Family Owned Real Estate Brokerage serving The Greater Rochester Nine-County Area as our agents are vested in their communities! Search WWW.EMPIREREALTYFINGERLAKES.COM to nd: • All MLS Listed Properties • Contact information for all our Empire Realty Group Team • Valuable Market Information for both Sellers and Buyers Spacious 1 & 2 bedroom includes hot water + 24 hour emergency service, storage & laundry in each bldg. Cat friendly. Cable TV ready, A/C & gas heat. LAKE GLEN APARTMENTS 585-360-7742 • For Rent IN LIVONIA Convenient Location! Walk to stores, library, etc.
The Problem The assessed value of adding 20 new energy-efficient windows in California, for example, may range from $10,220 to $18,580 based on a 2019 building assessors manual listing $511 to $929 for each window. Annual energy savings for the replacement of existing windows in a home are from $27 to $111 for dual-pane windows and $126 to $465 for single-pane windows, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. This means it may take decades to financially justify window replacements based on energy savings alone.
SAVE ENERGY AND MONEY (NAPSI)—Don’t let window replacement become a “pane” in your wallet. There’s a disconnect between saving money on energy with window replacements, according to government agencies. In fact, they found, it may take decades to recoup the cash spent on the installation of new, energy-efficient windows.
An Answer Fortunately, there’s an alternative. Window films offer advanced energy savings and other benefits and can be quickly installed at a energy,statsLearnWindowofwindows,”percentthebymaysingleinstalled“Windowinvestmentwindows,fractionofthecostofreplacementoftenwithareturnoninunderthreeyears.filmsprofessionallyonstructurallysound-ordouble-panewindowsreduceenergyconsumptionasmuchas30percent,

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page23 LIVINGSTON EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 on a complete Bath Fitter system UP TO SAVE 450*$ ®Registered trademark of Bath Fitter Franchising Inc *Save 10% up to $450. Special o er good on the purchase of a bathtub or shower, wall and faucet kit. One o er per customer. May not be combined with any other o er. O er must be presented at the time of estimate. Discount applies to same day purchases only. Previous orders and estimates excluded. O er valid only at the above location. †Subject to certain limitations. O er expires 2022-3-31. standardsFITS YOUR Easy to MaintenanceVirtuallyClean,Free AcrylicHigh-GlossMaintainsItsShine OUR BENEFITS SeamlessWall With quality you can trust and a lifetime guarantee, Bath Fitter doesn’t just fit your bath, it fits your high standards. Why have over two million people brought Bath Fitter into their homes? It Just Fits. Take advantage of our SPECIAL OFFER 844-672-8936 LIVONIAVILLAGE:100West Ave, Livonia,NY.Sept2-3 (8:00-5:00)FamilySale-Custom Buffetcountrywhitewithchunky legsbyVillageWoodworks, Matchingdinningroomtable,4 chairs5ftx4ft,ChevalMirrorby EthanAllen28x64inches,walnut buffet21x54inches-willmakea greatrepurposepiece, ANTIQUES-Horsedrawnsleigh runners,dishes,BuckleyMoss prints,art,lamps,antiquesmalls, newlogchains,tools,electric chainsaw,manynewitems. MUCHMORE.call585-469-0059 details. YARD SALE TIPS Map out your sales. Look at advertisements and plot which sales you plan to visit. If you have specific items in mind to buy, you may have to visit several sales before you find what you need. BRISTOL: 4975StateRoute64. BARNand ESTATESALE.Thursday 9/1-Saturday9/3(9-5pm)Followthe signs! DANSVILLE:2SUNNYSIDE Dr Sept 2,3,4,and5.Porchyardsale,too manyitemstolist.ButImayjusthave whatyou’relookingfor. IFSERVICEANDINTEGRITY MATTER TOYOU:CallHart’sInsuranceAgencyinPerryforyourCar, Home,BusinessorFarminsurance needsat237-2126or 1-800-722-1877.TheStandardofExcellenceSince1877 YARD SALE TIPS Advertise the sale. The more shoppers the better, so advertising yoursalecanbeadvantageous. RUSH/HENRIETTA: 1285 Middle Rd.Multi-FamilySale, ONEDAYONLY!Saturday 9/3(8am-2pm)Tools, furniture,homedecor, collectibles,toys,craftsupplies, Handmadecraftdecor,etc. WESTBRIGHTON: 55 Riverside Drive.September9th&10th(9amtill).Books(westerns),puzzles,PrincessHouse,newcookware,andmany manyitems. GENESEO:19Rorbach Lane, September 3rd,(9-3pm)House Clearing!Furniture,rugs,pictures,books,homedecor.ONE DAY!ALLMUSTGO LIMITED TIME OFFER 60% off TAKE AN ADDITIONAL 10% off YOUR INSTALLATION Install for Military, Health Workers and First Responders + Warranty- Limited Lifetime. Transferable to 1 subsequent owner from original purchaser. Terms and conditions apply. Hail up to 2.5”, Appearance of the surface coating beyond normal wear and tear. Limited time offer. Expires 12.31.22 STRONG AS STEEL WITH THE ATTRACTIVE LOOK OF VARIOUS ROOF STYLES Upgrade Your Home witha NEW METAL ROOF Guaranteed to Last a Lifetime! From Dimensional Shingles to classic styles reminiscent of Cedar Shake and Spanish Tile, an architectural roo ng system by Erie Metal Roofs can enhance the beauty of your home while protecting your family and property for a lifetime. Made in the USA Call today to schedule your FREE ESTIMATE 1-877-350-3053 New orders only. Does not include material costs. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Minimum purchase required. Other restrictions may apply. This is an advertisement placed on behalf of Erie Construction Mid-West, Inc (“Erie”). Offer terms and conditions may apply and the offer may not be available in your area. Offer expires December 31, 2022. If you call the number provided, you consent to being contacted by telephone, SMS text message, email, pre-recorded messages by Erie or its affiliates and service providers using automated technologies notwithstanding if you are on a DO NOT CALL list or register. Please review our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use on All rights reserved. Good, Clean Donations Accepted During Shop Hours No TVs, Electronics, Large Magazines,Microwaves,BookSets Questions? Call Margaret 346-3223 United Methodist Church Thrift Shoppe Old Methodist Church • 6 Spring St., Livonia Hours: Thurs. & Fri. 9-4, Sat. 9-2. We accept food donations for the food pantry. WE’RE IN NEED OF GOOD, FURNITURE.CLEAN Bag Sale Thursday thru Saturday. Starting at $8 and up to $10 depending on bag size CALEDONIA: 416 MiddleRd. 9/9-9/11(9-5pm) MOVING SALE.Powerandhandtools, furniture,kitchenitems,crafts, clothing,art,Pricedtosell! MEGHAN:NUTSATTHEMARKET (IDON’TMEANTHEVENDORS!);Fruitstandsthatshowcase theirsucculentsplendors;Writing theseclassifiedsintheevenings;These areafewofmyfavoritethings.about PerryFarmers’Market,Saturdays8:30 -12:30.LOVE,RICK.

• I can not imagine what you are going through. Please know I am here for you when you are ready to talk.
• It has been a very tough year for you. I hope you know that life has not ended for you just changed.
When choosing coverage, you will no doubt be asked if you prefer term insurance or permanent insurance. Term insurance is the least expensive life insurance, and such policies only last for a predetermined number of years. Men and women may purchase life insurance policies if they only want life insurance until they retire or until their children reach adulthood. Permanent insurance is more expensive and will last from the moment you purchase the policy until your death. Many people choose permanent life insurance policies so the money their beneficiaries receive upon their death can be used to pay estate taxes. In addition, there is an investment component to permanent insurance policies, as a portion of the premiums on such policies is invested (policies will spell out how the money is invested) and allowed to grow tax-free so long as the policy is open. Term insurance only provides protection with no investments.
• I am sorry for your loss.
• When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure.
• I know we never lose the people we love. They live the rest of our lives with us in our heart.
Kathleen Jane Shaw In loving memory of
• Words fall short of expressing my sorrow.
Words of Condolence
Kathleen Jane (Mom) Shaw (79) of Baldwinsville, formerly Avon, NY, passed away peacefully on August 25, 2022 after a 4 week battle with complications resultant from a surgery to repair an aortic Kathleenaneurysm.was a graduate of St. Agnes High School and studied at SUNY Oswego. e two words best used to describe her,other than “Mom,” would be Faith and Love. Aside from her family, her faith in God and the church were most central to her life, being a strong voice and advocate of her Catholic Parish for more than 50 years. She had a smile that could light any darkness and her hugs were the stu of legend. As a wife and mother/grandmother, she was the personi cation of love and devotion. Love was not something she merely professed with words or gifts; it was something that radiated from every ber of her being like the bright warm sun after a cold spring rain. She will be remembered forever as her love now shines down on us from Heaven. She is survived by her loving husband of 56 years, omas Shaw; her children, Mary Rose (Tim) Davis, Daniel (Laura) Shaw, Benjamin (Bridget) Shaw, Charles (Kate) Shaw, David (Lindsay) Shaw, Margaret (Brian) Benkoski; her 17 grandchildren and her sister Margaret Webb.

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page25 LIVINGSTON EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 Jerry Dougherty - Jeff Deragon - Jim Murray Stephenson-Dougherty Funeral Home AVON • 226-2340 O’Connell-Dougherty Funeral Home LIMA •␣582-1655
Marian M. Wenthe August 28, 2022
SUBMIT PHOTOS & CAPTIONS AT GVPENNYSAVER.COM SPORTS • CELEBRATIONSEVENTSVACATIONS HOMETOWN 1. Clowning around! Artist Kit Corti at her Sunflower Circus - Naples, NY 2. Fun at the County Fair! 3. Enjoying the beautiful summer weather! 4. Buffalo vs Denver football game! Buffalo won 42 to 15!
Charles Dickens had a keen insight into human nature and here he tells us what every mother learns from her own children. Youngsters may not enjoy being told “No” or disciplined, but they’ll accept such treatment as long as they feel it is fair.
Marian M. Wenthe, age 100 of Honeoye, died unday,August 28,2022.She was born in Chicago, IL on June 1, 1922 to the late William and Ruth Walliser Meusel. Marian was predeceased by her husband,Stephen J.Wenthe.She was a member of St. Mary’s Church in Honeoye. She is survived by her children, John Wenthe, Katherine Wenthe, Mary Lou Wenthe and Stephen J. (Laurie) Wenthe, Jr.; grandson, Ian (Lori) Wenthe; great-grandchildren,Spencer and Riley; many devoted nieces and nephews.
Charles Dickens
Friends may call ursday, September 8, 2022 from 4-7 pm at the Merton H. Kays Funeral Home, Inc, 59 Monroe Street, Honeoye Falls. Her Funeral Mass will be held on Saturday, September 10, 2022 at 10:30 am at St.Mary’s Church, Honeoye. Burial at St.Mary’s Cemetery. Memorials may be made to the School of the Holy Childhood, St. Mary’s Comfort Quilts or St. Mary’sToGardens.leavea condolence, please www.mertonkaysfuneralhome.comvisit
If they’re actually guilty and “the punishment fits the crime,” they’ll go along with their parents’ decisions. When treatment of children shows bias or prejudice or when punishment is not even-handed, children quickly recognize and deeply resent suchWheninjustice.adeath occurs, make your first phone call to us. We can explain what must be done and relieve you of many of the details.

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page26 LIVINGSTON EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 Celebrating Years e Paul F. Tilly Agency, LLC • INSURANCE Since 1979 AUTO • HOME • LIFE • BUSINESS Paul F. Tilly • Rene Tilly-Lyness • Julie A. Harcleroad • Amy Spencer 1895 Rochester St., PO Box 37A, Lima, NY www.TILLYAGENCY.com582-166014485 49 Park Place, Avon, NY 14414 www.TILLYAGENCY.com226-2021 Dr. Charlie Shaw 1241 East River Rd., Avon • 585.226.8040 Accepting New Patients Thank you for our nomination! Vote for us Reader’s oice AVON BAKERY AVON CAFE AVON GIFTS HEY AVON… Coming Soon: Pumpkin Spice Pancakes! MONDAY Meatball Mozzarella Hoagie with Fries TUESDAY Shaved Steak Hoagie with Fries WEDNESDAY Honey Mustard Chicken Sandwich with Fries THURSDAY Black & Blue Burger with Fries FRIDAY Fish Fry Dinner & other Seafood options FALL SPECIALS Village Restaurant 13 Genesee St., Avon • 226-6333 Reader’s oice Registration is Open! Financial Aid, Busing and After School Care. Preschool • Kindergarten • 1st-6th Grade


GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page28 LIVINGSTON EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 • Trusts • Special Needs Trusts • Medicaid Planning • Wills and Probate • Health Care Directives and Powers of Attorney • VA - Aid & Attendance. PITFALLS TO AVOID FALLING INTO DEBT Retail credit cards: Many retailers offer their own credit cards. Consumers may be enticed to sign up for such cards by the opportunity for instant, and often significant, savings. For example, a home improvement store may offer an immediate 25 percent discount to customers who sign up for a store credit card and use the card to make a purchase. As enticing as such savings can be, consumers should recognize that a recent study by found that the average retail credit card APR is 25.9 percent. That’s more than 6 percent higher than a general purpose credit card. Consumers who cannot pay balances in full each month could end up paying much more in interest if they use retail credit cards instead of general purpose cards. Look No Further For Reliable Appliance Service! 10 Main Street, Bloomfield 585-394-1880 • 585-657-4470 Sales/Service/Parts Servicing most brands for 43 years. Call Joe Appliance Sales & Service Large, secure location for , Boat, Car, Trailers, etc. (585)226-2378 Avon Area StorageIndoorSpace Available Large, secure location for Campers, Boat, Car, Trailers, etc. 30 North Union St., Rochester, NY 14607 Thursday, September 15 • 11:30am-1:00pm FREE Cataract Lunch & Learn Are you considering advanced technology for your cataract surgery? We’re here to help you on your journey to clearly better vision. To RSVP call Kim at 585-232-7807 by September 14, 2022. FAST FACTS ABOUT THE SUN UVB rays damage the outermost layers of the skin and contribute to the most skin cancers. Overexposure to UVB rays causes delayed sunburns. All members please attend. Annual Corporation Meeting 786-0150Cindy Pond, LCSW-R, PLLC www.cpond.com106 Main St., Geneseo Teletherapy The ultimate in privacy and confidentiality; talk to a NYS licensed therapist by video or phone. “Therapy that fits your schedule.” Counseling, Psychotherapy and now,

COMIC BOOKS & SPORTS/COLLECTIBLE CARDS. All conditions. I can pick up. Thank you & God Bless: Call or text 585-260-0437
27’ ROUND ESTER WILLIAMS POOL, Extruded aluminum, Hayward pump, Filter, Patio deck. You disassemble, Remove: Box of MAGAZINES (hunting, boating, religious, women’s interest): 585-346-9777
FIREWOOD. You must pick up yourself:
Guidelines: Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received. Submit at under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
VHS TAPES – all Disney movies. You pick up, Canandaigua: 585-364-8666
Mahogany Lester Philadelphia SPINET PIANO, good condition, some keys need repair.
Old SADDLE and BRIDLE to be used for a display. Any condition: Old DRESS FORM, MANNEQUIN or HEAD MANNEQUIN to be used for a display: WHEELCHAIR for a church in East Bloomfield in good working condition: 585-472-5392
YARN - Needed for kids’ art club/camp, Webster/Penfield area: 8-CUP FOOD PROCESSOR and a 21” SLEEVE IRONING BOARD: 585-409-6477
HP PRINTER, NUTRITION ACTION MAGAZINES and other health magazines, GREETING CARDS for crafts and a box of HANGERS. Fairport: 585-388-0318
ELECTRIC KITCHEN RANGE, black, 30” General Electric. Excellent condition. You pick up: 585-321-0194
Working REFRIGERATOR WITH FREEZER. Preferably one from at least the year 2000 for an after-school program. No leaks please:
INDOOR TREES or LARGE PLANTS. Moved and gave mine away: Used 30” PROPANE GAS KITCHEN STOVE in good working condition: 585-374-5768
CHANGING TABLE - Good condition:
Wolff System SunQuest Pro 16SE TANNING BED, in good condition. You move and take away. Pavilion Area: 585-738-0887, leave message
About 30 RED BRICKS for a church garden in Churchville: 585-293-1874
SIT ON TOP KAYAK: 585-754-4140
PIPING FOR WOOD STOVE or DUCT WORK, 6”: 585-323-1762
BROOKSTONE® AEROBIC TWISTING STEPPER, for cardio fitness. In excellent condition. Resistance cords tone upper body while swiveling stepper platforms tightens:
2 QUEEN-SIZED SOFA BEDS - one oatmeal colored, other yellow/green floral. Both in very good condition. You haul away, Hamlin: 6 - 70 lb. TUBE-SAND BAGS. You pick up in Brockport:
Several JIGSAW PUZZLES with missing pieces. Does someone want them for craft projects?
KONG Ultra Strong 2 Door CRATE w/divider panel with pad. 49.1”L x 30.8”W x 32.5”H. Like new:
ADULT INCONTINENCE UNDERWEAR (pull-up style), size XL, UNDER PADS (any size) and NUTRITIONAL DRINKS (any brand). 585-346-9777
TONING TABLE. Elite Maximizer excellent condition, good for indoor exercising. VERY heavy, you pick up. Wayland area: 585-728-3801
FROZEN DEER HEART and FROZEN DEER LIVER from last year’s season for training my new puppy: 585-208-9784
QUILTED CRYSTAL JELLY GLASSES, one dozen, size 1 cup, Ball brand. Churchville/ Chili area: 585-889-4763
Lots of STYROFOAM EGG CARTONS. Needed for kids’ art club/camp. Webster/Penfield area: Outdoor/Patio Umbrella STORAGE BAG in good shape:
Cracker Barrel style WOODEN ROCKER, white: 321-377-3295
WEIGHT TRAINING EQUIPMENT – Benches, bars and weights for local student athlete and families. Send picture if you can. Text Jim: 585-465-0111
CROQUET SET ROOM DIVIDER for a studio apartment and #178 SKIS: 585-507-8788
HOSPITAL BED, electric w/remote, NEW MATTRESS, SIDE RAILS, raises and lowers, wheels, and locks. Very good condition. Pick up in Gates:
Used 36” CORNER SHOWER with all parts and installation instructions: 585-300-9682
25 CDs (non-music) - could be used for craft projects. Pick-up in Penfield/Webster.
MATERIALS TO BUILD A SHED (plywood, 4x4 posts, 2x4, 2x6 etc.) for a disabled vet: 585-438-4122
7’ STEP LADDER. Any condition. To be used in garden: 585-944-2386
SHED, wooden, very sturdy. Approx. 4’ wide x 5’ wide, est. 6-7’ tall. Take down for wood or take away as is:
FIREWOOD. You haul. Bring truck. Caledonia/Avon area:
In need of two, but will take one, clean and in working condition MINI REFRIGERATOR(S) for a school building: 585-301-1247
CLEAN - LIKE NEW Ameda DOUBLE closed system BREAST PUMP and carrier bag. Comes w/NEW storage containers & bags: 225-205-4255
Large quantity of SCRAP METAL. Iron and aluminum. You must pick it up. E. Pembroke area:
Cloth material NEMO and TOY STORY items for autistic child: 716-515-8756

Food DonationsNeeded
for the Avon Food Pantry Drop o foodnon-perishableyouritemsatthe
Avon Free Library 143 Genesee Street • Avon (585) 226-8461 Fax: Fri.TuesMon.www.avonfreelibrary.org226-6615&Thurs.10-8;&Wed10-6;10-5;Sat.10-3
Livonia Public Library 2 Washington St., Livonia (585) 346-3450 • Fax:;Fri.10-6;10-3
CarShow&MusicFestival: September 18th,11am-4pm.Car Show&MusicFestival-Enjoywalkingthegroundsandlisteningto musicwhilemarvelingatantique carsondisplay.Ticketsavailable online&atadmissionshttps:// Admission$20.00|$10.00(3-15 yearsold)|Free(Under3yearsold). Pre-saleOnline(onlinesales throughSeptember15th,afterthis dateyoucanpurchaseticketsat theAdmissionsBooth).
VolunteersForAnimals ’Furaiser’ Basket&SideRaffle: Sunday,September18,2022,from 1to5pmattheWillowBendInn3489W.MainStreetRd.,Batavia. Basketswillcoverawidevarietyof items.Livemusicbytheband FOMR.VolunteersForAnimals worksinpartnershipwiththe GeneseeCountyAnimalShelter.All proceedssupportanimalcare.Do notneedtobepresenttowin.
Wadsworth Library 24 Center St., Geneseo (585) 243-0440 • Fax: 243-0429 Mon.-Thurs.www.wadslib.com10-8; Fri. 1:30-6; Sat.10-3
AvonFreeLibrary: We willbeCLOSEDonMonday, September5thforLaborDay. Registrationrequiredforevents, andFacebookfordetails. Chess:Wednesdaysat11AM, Mahjong:Thursday9/8at6PM& Friday9/16at10:30AM, KnittingNeedles:Friday9/9at11AM &Thursday9/15at6PM, BookDiscussionof“TheWinemaker’s Wife”byKristinHarmelonWednesday9/28at2PM, Adult&TeenCraftofwinecork pumpkinonThursday9/29at6:30 PM, StoryTimes*most*Tuesdays&Fridaysat10:30AM, “OceansofPossibilities”Teen&Adult SummerReadingBINGOChallenge continuesthroughtheSummer,Prize Drawingon9/6! CelebrateSeptemberasNationalLibraryCardSign-upMonthwithspecial newKids’OWWLLibraryCardsand stickers! FollowusonFacebook,Instagram, andvisitourwebsiteavonfreelibrary. orgforupdatesandevents. WadsworthLibrary: Paint AutumnontheFarmMonday,September26from6-8pm. ArtistKimBinaghiLeewillfocus thisacrylicartclassonawetonwet paintingtechniqueusingbrushes andmixingpaintdirectlyforlush vibrantcolorstocompleteascene ofGeneseofarmland.Registerat Thisprojectismadepossiblewith fundsfromtheStatewideCommunityRegrantsProgram,aregrant programoftheNYSCouncilonthe ArtswiththesupportoftheOffice oftheGovernorandtheNYSLegislatureandadministeredbyGVCA. FamilyLiteracyWorkshop Thursday,September29from6-7 pm TheOWWLLibrariesFamilyLiteracy Teamwillpresentaworkshopat thelibraryforparentsand caregivers.Learnsimple,funactivitiesyoucandoathomeoronthe gotohelpyourpreschoolchildbe readytoread.Eachfamilywillreceiveabooktotakehome.Register at
BATAVIA AvonGirlScouts open toallgirls enteringkindergartenthruhigh school.Drop-ininformationsession onWednesday,September14th 6-7pmattheAvonVillageHall. Adulthelpalwaysneeded.Ifunable toattendyoumaycontactJeanne at226-6434(leavemessage)or
NightforUkraineBenefitThursday, September15th,5pm8pmatTheCentralonMain,111 SouthMainStreet,Canandaigua. CalledtoCare,Canandaiguais hostingabenefitatCanandaigua’s livelyoutdoordiningandmusic venue.Featuringlivemusicfrom TheDixielandBand5:00pm, Ukrainiansingersthroughoutthe evening,andDosLocosperforming around7:00pm.Guestscanorder foodfromparticipatingdowntown restaurants.Somerestaurantswill delivertooutdoortables;others willrequestdinerstopickupfood. Raffles,itemstopurchase,anda freewillofferingopportunity.All monieswillgotowardshousing, transportationandotherexpenses thefamilywillhaveduringtheir firstfewmonths.Information: LindaWerts,315-447-0276 MansionMysteries: October 14th-16th &21st-22nd.Seewebsitefortimes.MansionMysteriesLivewhodunnitdramaintheSonnenbergMansion.Ticketsmustbe pre-purchasedonlinehttps://www. $25/Members|$30/Non-members. Pre-saleOnlineTicketSalesONLY (onlinesalesthroughtheWednesdaybeforetheeventweekend).
Genesee Valley Penny Saver 1471 Rt. 15, Avon during o ce hours Monday- urs: 8:30am-5pm; Friday 8:30am-3pm
Lima Public Library 1872 Genesee St., Lima (585) 582-1311 Mon. 10-noon & 1-8; Tues. & Thurs. 1-8; Wed. 10-noon & 1-5; Fri. 1-5; Sat. (Oct.-May) 9-noon
CANANDAIGUA CaledoniaLibraryFallFestival and Old-timeCountryAuction September17,9am-4pm.Tennent Park,(Behindthefirehall).Auction willincludeHandmadequilts,old andnew,tablerunners,needlework,woodwork,pies,cakes,and muchmore.GuestAuctioneer CraigWilcoxwillbejoiningus.Lots ofvendors,farmersmarket,pumpkins,mums,variousbaskets,50/50 drawing,duckderby,funforkids, food,booksale,repurposeditems, andmore.Comeseewhatournew expansionwilllooklike!Proceeds benefitthelibrarybuildingproject andoperatingexpenses.Vendor applicationsavailable.Donations fortheauctiongreatlyappreciated. Formoreinformation,callGailat 585-313-7975.
“TOPS”-TakeOffPoundsSensibly: New Location-UnitedMethodistChurch,130GeneseeSt., Avon.Tuesdays,2pm-3:30pm.Still only$2perweek.FirstweekFREE! Everyonewelcomed!Comeinfront door.
WednesdayFreeVeteransSoup and Sandwich- AvonAmerican LegionAuxiliarywillreopenour doorsandbeginservingourFree VeteransSoupandSandwich beginningWednesday,September 7at11:30am-1pmandeach Wednesdaythereafter.Veteran Supportersarewelcometoenjoy themealalsoforasuggesteddonationof$5.Themealwillinclude coffeeandwater,sodawillbe availablefor$1.Welookforward toseeingallofourfriendsreturn andmeetingnewones.Questions, call585-746-2608.
AVON LimaPublicLibrary: We willbeclosingat3:00PMon Friday9/2forscheduledbuilding maintenance. WewillbeclosedonMonday9/5 forLaborDay.Haveasafeand happyholidayweekend! TheFriendsoftheLimaPublicLibrarywillbehostingGameNight onMonday9/12from6:30-8:30 PM.Joinotheradultsforagameof Scattergories.Makesuretoregister sowehaveenoughrefreshments foreveryone! FoodPreservation101:Introto CanningonTuesday9/27 6:30-8:30PM.Can’tmakeit? SamepresentationWednesday 9/2810:30-12:30PM.Hostedby BarbBrenner,madepossiblebythe Friends. Wehaveauthortalkswithnational best-sellingauthors!Hoponover to Eventscalendartoseetheexciting line-upandregister. Checkoutourwebsiteatlima. owwl.orgorfindusonFacebook (LimaPublicLibrary-NY).Wantto knowwhatthelatestwithour FriendsGroup?Visithttps:// friendsoflimalibrary.wordpress. com.
Here’s what’s happening at your local library…

Post-LaborDayCanandBottle Drive: The GeneseoRotarywill holditsPost-LaborDayCanand BottleDriveonSeptember10th from9AMto3PMatthe4East SouthStreet(OldBusBarn)parking lot.Wewillalsodopickupsin GeneseoVillage(betweenNorth andSouthStreets)andalongWest LakeRoadonConesusLake startingat9AM. AnnualFallFestival- Our annual FallFestivalisonSaturday,September3rdfrom1-4pm,PleasantValleyBaptistChurch,4631Lakeville Rd.,Geneseo.Comeandenjoy games,facepainting,artsand crafts,pettingzoo,ponyrides, clothesgiveaway,andfood!All FREE!GodLovesEveryone!Wethe churchwelcomeeveryonefromeveryculturalbackground! CallingAllGardeners! Would you liketoshareyourextraproduce? TheGeneseoParishOutreachCenterFoodPantrywelcomesyour donations.Call585/243-3120 Mon-Thurs9-12.
PullforTheCure- 5th annual truck,tractorandsemipullfeaturingtheOutlawPullingSerieson onetrack,onanothertrackthe PatriotPullingSeriesfeaturinggardentractorsthroughV-8minirods. September4,1pm,Acrossfrom 10244ShayRd.,Dansville.AllproceedswillbedonatedtoWilmot CancerInstituteforcancerresearch.Inthelast4yearswehave raisedover$47,000dollarsto donate.Costis$10.00andchildren 12andyoungerarefree.Therewill befoodvendorsonsite.Great familyfunandhelpingwithfinding acure.FindusonFacebookunder PullfortheCure. DANSVILLE SpaghettiDinner- September 14th, 4:30-7:30pm.Cost$8.00.
RummageandBakeSale- Held Saturday, September10th, 8:30AM-1:30PM,St.TimothyLutheranChurch,5015LakevilleRoad, Geneseo.ProceedstoSupport MedicalCostsforaMemberwitha SpinalInjury.$2BagSalefrom 1:00-1:30PM.Seeyouthere!
Hamilton Park, Caledonia • Tues., Sept. 13 Avon Village Hall • Wed., Sept. 14 Come between 6 & 7pm. Information Night For girls ages kindergarten through high school. Adults needed at all age levels. If unable to attend contact Jeanne at or 226-6434
HarrietTubmanandBeyond: September 25th,2pm-4pm.Harriet TubmanandBeyond-Talkonthe influenceoftheunderground railroadtothedevelopmentofthe “GatewaytotheWest”fromOntarioCountyandWesternNY.Ticketsavailableonline&atadmissions events/.Admission$10.Pre-sale Online(onlinesalesthrough September22nd,afterthisdate youcanpurchaseticketsatthe AdmissionsBooth).
All are welcome to join us at our Hall Sunday, September 11th at 8:30am as we acknowledge the 21st Anniversary.
We are back to NORMAL HOURS Hours are: Tuesdays 10am-3pm and Saturdays 1pm-5pm
ON SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 496 Fire, Police, Military and EMS personnel died in the collapse of the two World Trade Center towers. We have pledged to “Never Forget” those rst responders who died that day. 4213 S. Livonia Road, Livonia
LovetoSing! Kiddoes aresoon backtoschool.Timetodosomethingforyourself!Comesingwith us!EveryTuesdayevening, 6:30-8:30pm,attheGoodShepherdChurch,320So.PearlSt., Canandaigua.Aneveningoffun, friendshipandsong!http://www. Women’sVoicesthatimpacted Frederick Douglass: October9th, 2pm-4pm.Women’sVoicesthat impactedFrederickDouglass.Ticketsavailableonline&atadmissions events/.Admission$10.Pre-sale Online(onlinesalesthroughOctober6th,afterthisdateyoucan purchaseticketsattheAdmissions Booth).
GeneseoGrovelandEmergency Food Pantry- Themissionofthe GeneseoGrovelandEmergency FoodPantryistoofferfoodassistancetothoseinneedinthe GeneseoGrovelandschooldistrict andsurroundingareas.Weare openTuesdayandThursday10-2 andWednesday4-6:30.Weare locatedinthebasementofthe CentralPresbyterianChurchatat 31CenterSt,Geneseo.Stopbyor call585-991-8220formoreinformation.Allarewelcome.http:// Panic/AnxietySupportGroup for thosedealingwithPanic/ Anxietyissuesmeetsatthe GeneseoUnitedMethodistChurch, 4520GeneseeStreet(Route63), Geneseo.Meetingsheldthefirst Fridayofeachmonth1-2:30PMin theYouthSundaySchoolroom.All ageswelcome.Thefocusofthe supportandencouragementinthe groupwillbecopingskillsbasedon cognitivebehavioraltherapy.IncorporatedwillbetheteachingsofDr. ClaireWeekes.Thegroupstudies Dr.Weekes’bookHopeandHelp foryourNervesandappliesthe techniquessheoutlines.Wearenot doctors,wearejustfolksthatcome togethertosharecopingskills basedonlifeexperiences. GENESEO
DineinorTakeout.ConlonMulvaneyPost,6317MarshallRd., Conesus. CONESUS
Experience Two Centuries of Communication Technology 6925 State Route 5, Bloomfield, New York 14469 585-257-5119 •

HEMLOCK YAH- Young atHeartwillmeet Thursday,September15,2:00p.m. attheUnitedMethodistChurch, WesleyRoom.Program:Favorite Book(s).Pleasebringafavorite book(s)tosharewithothers.JOIN USFORANINTERESTINGAFTERNOON! St.Luke’sAnnual TRASH TO TREASURESALEisFriday,October 7andSaturday,October8,atSt. Mary’sParishCenter,13NorthSt., inGeneseo.Thetimesforthesale areFriday,8amto2pm,and Saturday,9amtonoon(bagsale). YoungatHeart- Sunday, September 11DessertMeeting(refreshmentswillbeprovided). Held1:30p.m.attheUnitedMethodistChurch.Program:Warsaw Barbershoppers 9-12) Teens/Seniors ( 13-18) (19+)
FriendsoftheLivoniaPublicLibrary FallBookSale- Saturday, September10,10-3pmduringthe AutumnintheVillageFestival. $5/bag;bagswillbeprovided.Sale willbeheldinthePatterson CommunityRoom,LivoniaPublic Library,2WashingtonSt.During thesaleonSeptember10thbags willbeprovided.Bagsalecontinues thefollowingweek.$2/bag(any sizebag)onMondayandTuesday andfromWednesdaytillSaturday the17th,allremainingbookswill beFREE.
YouAreInvitedToOurCommunity Picnic! OnSaturday,September17thfrom!2:00-3:00pmwe arehavingacommunitypicnicat GraceandTruthChristianFellowship.TherewillbeFreeFoodand Drink!FreeGames&Prizes!A “BOUNCYHOUSE”forthekids andFunforAll!TheLocationis: GraceandTruthChristianFellowship:3462EastGrovelandRd.,Mt. Morris.FormoreinformationPlease call:585-658-9880.WeHopeto seeyouthereandhaveaWonderfulDay!
Genesee Valley Health Partnership
Come dance with us 3509 Thomas Drive Lakeville O ce Park Register at Celebrating our 10th Season! FALL DANCE starting Saturday, September 10th&WeddingWaltzTapSwingSalsaModernJazzHipContemporBalletAcrobaticsaryHopChoreographysomuchmore! Creative Movement (ages 3-5) Children’s Dance (ages 6-8) Juniors/Tweens (ages
TheBasicsofNatureJournaling Connect withnature.Improve yourobservationskills.Enjoyenhancedpeaceofmind.Learnthe basicsofNatureJournaling.This programisgreatforkidsandadults alike.Therewillbesomeinstruction andthentimetowanderinVitale Parktostartyourjournalingjourney!Saturday,September24th, 10am-noonatTheChipHoltNatureCenterinVitalePark,BigTree St.,Lakeville.chipholtnaturecenter. org. LAKEVILLE Protecting Honeybees If you come across a hive, leave it alone. It’s best not to disturb a hive and honeybee colony. If bees are located where they can become a nuisance, contact a local bee expert to see if the hive can be moved.
HENRIETTA WoodFlowerArrangement Class - WoodFlowerArrangement Class-9/13,6:00-7:30pmatLittle LakesCommunityCenter,4705S. MainSt.Hemlock.Createabeautifuleverlastingwoodflower arrangementinarusticwatering cancontainerorchoosefroman assortmentofmugs.Costsformaterialsandclassforthewatering canarrangement$35.00,amugis $25.00.Venmo@Brittany-Gilbert13orPayPal@bgilbert23toreserve aspot.IfyoucannotdoPayPalor VenmocallLLCC585-367-1046 andBonnieSykeswillreturnyour call.Thesearrangementsarebeautiful,greatgiftsforfamilyand friends. TourArtisanWorksinRochester. Take aguidedtourofArtisan WorkslocatedinRochester.Thisis a40,000sq.ft.renovatedfactory thathasnearly500,000piecesof artwork,memorabilia,antiques, andautomobiles.WewillleaveLittleLakesCommunityCenteron September23rdat11am.Thecost oftheeventis$20.00/$15.00for seniors60orolder.Lunchonyour ownatPhillipsEuropeanRestaurantinHenrietta.Weshouldbe backatLLCCby5:30.Registration deadlineisSeptember19thby 3:00PM.RegisteratLLCC,4705 MainSt.,Hemlock,585-347-1046, oronthewebsitewww.
24thAnnualIoniaFallFestival, Saturday, September17th,allday long,ontheIoniaUnitedMethodist Churchgrounds,2120EltonRd., justoffRt64&northofRts5&20. TractorParadebegins1PM,butyou canlookatthetractor&implement displaysbehindthechurchallday long.Food:Coffee&Donuts7:309:30AM;ChickenBBQ11:30AMtil soldout;ChowHutserveshot dogs,burgersandmore10AM4:30PMAlldaylong:Cake&DessertWheel;CoinToss;DoorPrizes, HayridestotheWolkObservatory; Games;Historical&otherDisplays &Demonstrations;Scoutdemonstrations;&more!Information: Vendorbooth:MarnaEvans 585-624-4993.
NationalSewingMonthCelebrated attheHenriettaLibrary: TheAmericanSewingGuildwillbe hostinga“sew-in”attheHenrietta PublicLibraryonSaturday,September10,from10am-1:45pm.Memberswillbesewingbabyitemsthat willbedonatedtoMothersinNeed ofOthers(MINO).Visitorsarewelcometostopbyandlearnmore aboutjoiningtheAmericanSewing Guild.
LIVONIA FallFestivalatOurLadyof Mercy September10thfrom 10am-5pmandSeptember11th fromnoon-6pm.Featuringawide varietyofvendorsandcraftbooths, bothoutsideandinside,food trucks,andmore!Alongwiththe greatshoppingandfood,onSundaytheCummingsfamily&friends bandwillbewithusSundayplaying musicfromthe50sand60sand ourCASHRAFFLEprizewillbe drawn!Formoreinformationcall 768-6543,email:parishsecretary@
Anti-violence and bullying training and education in many Livingston County schools and communities is supported by UWLC.
IONIA Drive-ThruCommunitySpaghetti Dinner: September22nd,5 pmto6:30pm.Pleasejoinusfora SpaghettiDinnerwithourhandmademeatballsinsauce,green beans,andabrownie.Thereisno chargebutdonationsareaccepted. LocatedalongRoute20Aatthe FirstPresbyterianChurchofLivonia, 3837CenterSt.inthehamletof LivoniaCenter.Pleaseenterthe parkinglotonCenterStreetatthe southend.Welookforwardto servingyou.Facebook: @LivoniaNyPresbyterianChurch FreeSummerClothing! Thrift Shoppe, SpringSt.,Livonia.Held Friday-Saturday,September8,9& 10. Take-outSpaghettiDinner at the UnitedMethodistChurchof Livonia,21SummerSt,Livoniaon Wednesday,September14,4:306:00PM(oruntilsoldout).Spaghetti,sauce,meatballs,undressed salad,andgarlicbread.Donations accepted.Pleasefollowsignsin churchparkinglotfordrivethroughinstructions.

Old-fashioned Country Auction
Lecture:TheHistoryofBristol Hills Soil- Howthesoilinour glaciallycarvedBristolHillswas composed,andhowitscompositionhasshapedhumanhistory here.ThistalkbyDr.BruceGilman, aleadingexpertonourlakewaters, geology,andflora,ishostedbythe BristolHillsHistoricalSociety.Held September14,7pm-9pmatthe BristolSpringsGrangeHall,6457 StateRoute64,Naples.https:// NAPLES HopHarvestFestival- What betterwaytospendLaborDaythan withallthingshops?Followthe journeyofhops,oneofNewYork State’soriginalcashcrops,from fieldtobrewerytopintglass.Tour ofoneoftheonlyworking19thcenturybreweriesintheUnited States.Hearourcostumedinterpreterstalkaboutharvestingand processingfreshhops.Stopbyour historickitchenstotaste19thcenturyfoodwithrecipesthatincludealeandlearnhowfamilies mighthaveusedhopsmedicinally. September10,10-4pm,Genesee CountryVillageMuseum,1410 FlintHillRoad,Mumford.https://
STATISTICS SHOW JUST HOW BIG SMALL BUSINESS IS Small businesses and happiness might be linked. A 2019 survey from Guidant Financial and the online lending marketplace LendingClub found that 78 percent of small business owners rated their level of happiness as an average of eight on a scale of one to 10 (10 being the happiest).
HosmersInnDinners- Fall dinnersinthehistoricHosmer’sInn (builtin1818)willtakeplaceon Friday,September23,Saturday, September24,Friday,October7, Saturday,October8,Friday,October14,andSaturday,October15. Enjoyanelegantfour-coursemeal inspiredbythemeticulousgarden andfarmdiariesThomasJefferson kept,aswellascorrespondence fromhouseholdguestsandthose whoservedthem.Alldinnersbegin promptlyat6:00p.m.,allguests mustbe16+,andwineandbeer areavailableattimeofregistration foranadditionalcost,andmustbe purchasedinadvance.Genesee CountryVillageMuseum,1410 FlintHillRoad,Mumford.https:// MUMFORD SpiritsofthePast- As youdepart fromtheTollHousewithyour guide,theoncefamiliarand welcomingHistoricVillagebecomesstrangeandominous.The houryouspendtravelingpathsless troddenandseeingthingsyou neverwillinthedaylightmayseem togoonforever.Groupsofabout 25bravesoulswilldepartfromthe TollHouseeverytenminutes(get yourtokenatadmissionwhenyou arrive).SpiritsofthePast:AWalkin theDarkrunsfortwoweekendsin 2022:Friday,October21,Saturday, October22,andSunday,October 23.Friday,October28,Saturday, October29,andSunday,October 30.GeneseeCountryVillageMuseum,1410FlintHillRoad,Mumford. spirits-a-walk-in-the-dark/ AgriculturalFair! Celebrate the bountifulWesternNYharvestas theMuseumshinesinitsfinestfall colors!Enjoylivestockandcooking demonstrations,entertainmentfor thewholefamily,andbrowsingfor uniquefindsatthemarketinthe traditionofthecountryfairsofdays goneby.SaturdayandSunday, October1&2from10am-4pmat theGeneseeCountryVillage&Museum,1410FlintHillRoad,Mumford. ag-fair/
ROCHESTER FallFestforHospeaceHouse: Two fun-filleddaysofchildren’s activitiestobenefitHospeace House!September17&18from 10-4pm,FlitandSteelFarm,250 BassetRd.,Naples.Joinusonthe farmforthefirstFallFestForHospeace.Therewillbesilentauctions, bakedgoodsandsnacks,sunflower bunchesandcornstalks,andgreat familyfun.Admissiontothefestival includes:Farmanimalstopet, Bouncehouse,Pumpkinpainting, Cornpitfortoddlers,Flower crowns,Facepainting,Scarecrow making,Tractorpulledrides,Photo Opareas.TolearnmoreaboutFlint AndSteelFarmyoumayvisittheir
AUCTION CONDUCTED BY CRAIG WILCOX OF HARRIS WILCOX, INC. September 17, 2022 • 9am to 4pm Handmade Items Cakes, Pies and so much more! 30+ Vendors Food, Baked Goods, Farmer’s Market, Basket Ra es, Book Sale, Country Wares, Pumpkins, Mums, 50/50 Drawing, Children’s Events Join us for all the family fun! Vendor applications available • Auction items gratefully accepted Contact Gail at 313-7975 or Festival activities bene t library operating expenses. Auction Bene ts Caledonia Library building fund. Fa Festival and
AUCTION Handmade Quilts •
TheChiliArtGroupEvent: The Chili ArtGroupwillholdameeting andpresentationonThursday, September8at6:30p.m.inRoom 212attheChiliCommunityCenter,3237ChiliAvenue(locatedon theroadbehindtheWegmans/ TargetPlaza).Ourguestspeakeris StuChait,whowillsharehisideas andartwiththegroup.Newmembersarealwayswelcome.

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page34 LIVINGSTON EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 D 5529580 4 X 5.40 i 5000 Hometown Events StrollinFULL 005962Strollin2022 2022 URMC - Strolling for the Colon 0000011375
Protecting Honeybees Stagger your planting throughout the growing season. Rather than planting everything at once, stagger planting for flowers and other plants that have blooms. This gives bees plenty of pollen sources throughout early summer and into fall.
BreakfastBuffet- Sunday, September 11th.7:30-11:00AMat theLimaLegionPost282,2475 StateRoute65,WestBloomfield. $10Adults;$6Ages8-12;7& underFree.Scrambledeggs,home fries,Frenchtoast,bacon,sausage, pastries,fruit,juice,coffee.Take outsavailable.Everyonewelcome. W. BLOOMFIELD TrolleyRides-Sunday,September 4. TheNewYorkMuseumof Transportation,inRush,willonce againoperateitspopularelectric trolleyridesthroughscenicGeneseeValleycountryside.The2-mile roundtripsdepartthemuseumat 11:30,12:30,1:30,2:30and3:30, andnoreservationsarerequired. Themuseum’shistorictrolleyrideis includedwithadmissionof$10 adults,$9seniors(65+)and$6 youths(age3-12).Featuredexhibits includeasteamlocomotive,agiant modelrailroad,andtheMidtown PlazaMonorail.Museumhours: 11am-4pmandvisitorsareurged toarriveby3pmfortimetosee everything.Located:6393East RiverRoadinRush. www.nymtmuseum.orginfo@,(585)533-1113.
TheYorkCentralSchoolRetired Teachers Retireesareinvitedto attendtheirannualluncheonat Brian’sDinerinMt.Morrison Wednesday,September7atnoon inthebackroom.Ifattending,and formoredetails,callBettyat 243-0184toconfirmbytheendof August.Oremailheratfragra31@ YORK FallFestival&5K/10Krun/walkRegistration opens8:00AMwith theracestartingpromptly9:00 AM.FallFestivalactivitiesstart 10:00AMandgountil2:00PM. Therewillbeapettingzoo,face painting,avarietyofgamesforkids toplay,acostumecontest,candy andprizes.PulledPorkBBQwillbe readybetween10:00AMand1:00 PMandmaybepickedupatyour appointedtime,appointmentswill beassignedaslunchregistrations comein.EarlyBirdRegistrationThroughSeptember:$35.Regular Registration-ThroughOctober 14th:$40.LateRegistration-After October14th:$45.PulledPork BBQOnly:$15.KidsBBQMeal Only:$8. fall-5k-10k/ RUSHVILLE Wed.-Sat. 11am-6pm Welcome Back Cool Cats! is week open urs., 9/1 Fri., 9/2 & Sat., 9/3 (Across from Minnehan’s) Come Prowl Around 5604 Big Tree LakevilleRoad, CampStellaMarisCar,Motorcycle, &TruckShow- September 17,10-3pm,PinnacleAthletic Campus,7600PinnacleRoad,Victor.VehicleshowingwithBestin show,car,bike,andtrucktrophies. Top30,camper’spick,veteran owned,andfemaleownedawards. Preregisteronlineathttps://www. $15acar.Atshow-$25percar. CentrallylocatedrightoffofNYS Thruway90.Fullypavedparking lot.Raffle,SilentAuction,50/50, andFood.Proceedsbenefitthe campershipfund.Sendakidto camp!https://www. VICTOR
ComedianKathleenMadigan’s 32-year comedycareerisshowing nosignsofslowingdown.Madigan hasbeentouring250nightsayear ontheroadandhasrisenfrom performingincomedyclubsto performinginmarqueetheaters withsoldoutshows.She’s squeezedinover40appearances onlatenighttalkshowsandmultiplecomedyspecialsairingon Netflix,ComedyCentralandHBO. ShealsorecentlyjoinedJerry SeinfeldonhisNetflixshow “ComediansinCarsGettingCoffee”andmadethemostofthe pandemicbylaunchingapodcast, “Madigan’sPubcast,”onall streamingoutlets.October6,8pm, RBTL’sAuditoriumTheatre,885 EastMainSt.,Rochester.Cost: $33+. kathleen-madigan/

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page35 LIVINGSTON EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 REQUEST A FREE QUOTE! $0 OPTIONS!**FINANCINGDOWN Prepare for Power Outages & Save Money ACT NOW TO RECEIVE A $300 OFFER!*SPECIAL (877) 223-1218 *O er value when purchased at retail. **Financing available through authorized Generac partners. Solar panels sold separately. UOTE! PWRcell, Generac’s fully-integrated solar + battery storage system, stores solar energy that can power your whole home during utility power outages and save you money on your electric bill.

If you can’t download the book, call the CDC at 800-232-4636, and it can be mailed to you. Start using the book (either reading it online or having it sent to you) by completing the test to see if you need to run the program by your doctor, especially if you’ve had any surgeries for your knee or hip. Your second step should be to read the section on getting motivated, because yes, some of us need coaxing to start exercising.
It’s hard to know what information to trust these days, but one source I’ve always trusted is Consumer Reports. When not testing the items they review, they go straight to good, solid sources for information. Search for “Strength Training Tips to Live Longer and Better.” And while you’re looking around the Consumer Reports website, consider signing up for their weekly email newsletters. ey’re free, and you can chose between cars, health, home, smart buying, money, food and more.
For additional information on senior exercise from the CDC, take a look at
GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page37 LIVINGSTON EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 This week’s puzzle answer is elsewhere in this paper. The Crossword Puzzle is provided by Tribune Media Services. Any questions or comments should be made to 1-800-346-8798. SENIOR NEWS By Matilda Charles
(c) 2022 King Features Synd., Inc.
Build Muscles With Strength Training
For an additional source of help, consider investing in two sessions with an exercise coach who specializes in seniors. ings they’ll be able to teach you include how to do each exercise and how to use hand weights without straining joints. At the second session you’ll be able to ask any question that came up and verify that you’re still doing the movements correctly.
Strength training is one of the best things we can do for ourselves to maintain strong bones, increase muscle strength and improve mobility, balance and coordination. ose things in turn reduce our risk of falling and help maintain our independence. Many of us, however, don’t know where and how to start. e Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in conjunction with Tu s University, has a free 126-page book titled “Growing Stronger: Strength Training for Older Adults” (
GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM1-866-812-8111 Page38 LIVINGSTON EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 2022 TOWN OF LIVONIA Vitale Park Concert Series Man ank T Ou Supporters Diamond: Wegmans • Conesus Lake Association Double Platinum: Les Cole • Dougherty Funeral Homes – Livonia & Honeoye Empire Realty Group Sapphire: aLandscape & Design • In Memory of Robert Barrett Commercial Automotive • Community Bank • Hurricane Technologies Long Agency, Inc. • Tee & Gee Bar & Grill • Village Woodworks Gold: Bulldog Chiropractic • Chanler Agency Insurance • Fugle’s, Inc. • Town of Groveland JDM Ventures, LLC/McDonalds of Lakeville • Julie’s Floral, Conesus Lisa Marie’s Hair Salon • Margaret Graf Linsner, Attorney • Livonia-Lakeville Pharmacy Andy & Dawn Mattle and Sta at Physical erapy Professionals • Pizza Paul’s Rising Storm Brewing Company • Simply Positive • West’s Shur ne STRANGE BUT TRUE By Lucie Winborne * The first webcam was created to check a coffeepot! In 1993, researchers in the University of Cambridge’s computer science department really didn’t like getting up from their chairs to check the coffeepot just to find it empty, so they wired a system that would stream three images per minute from the Trojan Room, where the pot was kept, to the internal computer network. By the end of that year, the stream made it onto the new World Wide Web, endowing the Trojan Room coffeepot with international, if brief, fame. 338 Route 14A, Penn Yan 315-536-3012 E-BIKES Wide variety of bike racks and other accessories also available. IncludingInventoryofHundredsBikesin HOURS: MON.-FRI. 9-6, SAT. 9-4, CLOSED SUNDAY

*All have 2 yr. warranty. CALL JOE SalesAppliance&Service Call us at (585) 394-1880 or stop in at 10 Main St., Bloomfield, NY 14469 Mon.-Fri. 9am-6pm; Sat. 9am-5pm 5, 7, 9 & 14 cubic foot Chest Freezers in stock starting @ $229.00 15 cu. ft. Top Mount Refrigerators $599.00 white only 18 cu. ft. Top Mount Refrigerators $629.00 black and white Your local source for refrigerators and freezers Washer #ENW1084TXBW $579 Electric Dryer #ENTD1064EXBW $579 Gas Dryer #ENTD1064GXBW $654 NOW HIRING Delivery Driver Call 585-394-1880 Ask for Ray TIPS FOR A SUCCESSFUL DRIVING VACATION: Map the destination. Figure out the duration of the trip ahead of time, jotting down approximate times of travel. This will help you break up the ride so you can include stops for food, bathroom breaks and fill-ups. Saturday & Sunday, Sept. 10th & 11th Sponsored By Adults - $4.00, Sr. Cit. (60+) - $3.00 Ages 6-14 - $1.00, 5 & under - FREE FOOD & BEVERAGES AVAILABLE MACEDON CENTER’sField Rt. 31F at 2481 Canandaigua Rd.
Magic Maze
National Education Association
A child’s school-aged years are filled with many different lessons and experiences. While in school, kids have the opportunity to broaden their horizons and meet new people. Many students will attend various schools before moving on to college, and therefore they must learn how to adjust to new schools. While many students attend elementary school together for years, students may not know their classmates once they make it to middle school, which tends to boast larger student bodies than elementary schools. That’s because many middle schools’ student bodies are a combination of several elementary schools. Making the transition from elementary school to middle school or junior high can spark anxiety in students, but that does not have to be.
The says a common element of a successful middle school experience is a smooth and positive transition from elementary school. 585-259-5117
Tree Tamers Trimming • Take Down Brush StumpCablingChipperGrinding Reasonable Rates Free Estimates • Insured Office - 538-2745 Cell - 585-259-5117 Tree Tamers Trimming • Take Down Brush StumpCablingChipperGrinding Reasonable Rates Free Estimates • Insured Office - 538-2745 Cell -

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page40 LIVINGSTON EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 Puzzle Answers This Week NYMS The BATMAN Expert Bat Proofing & Removal Residential/CommercialServingWesternNewYork 585-335-7902 TEX-MEX LAYERED BEAN SALAD Prep time: 20 minutes Servings: 8-10 1 large red or yellow bell pepper, seeded and chopped 1/3 cup chopped red onion 1 bag (16 ounces) iceberg lettuce, carrot and cabbage salad mix 1 cup shredded Mexican cheese blend 2 cans (15 ounces each) READ 3 or 4 Bean Salad, drained 1/2 cup low-fat mayonnaise 1/2 cup low-fat sour cream 2 tablespoons finely chopped chipotle peppers in adobo sauce 1/2 cup crumbled tortilla chips small(optional)avocado, sliced (optional) desired.withJusttoofchipotleMixlettuce,dish,In31/2-quartsaladbowlorsoufflelayerbellpepper,onion,cheeseandbeansalad.mayonnaise,sourcreamandpeppers.Spreadovertopsalad.Coverandrefrigerateup8hours.beforeserving,sprinkletopchipsandslicedavocado,ifTosstoserve.
Call today and receive a FREE SHOWER PACKAGE PLUS $1600 OFF
Volunteering: Local environmental groups often sponsor cleanups at parks and waterfront attractions like beaches and lakes. Volunteering with such organizations is a great way to get outside and give back, and working with like-minded individuals can be a great way for seniors to meet new people. In addition, a national study sponsored by the Corporation for National and Community Service in 2019 found that 88 percent of Senior Corps volunteers who initially reported a lack of companionship reported a decrease in feelings of isolation after volunteering.
With purchase of a new Safe Step Walk-InTub. Not applicable with any previous walk-in tub purchase. Offer available while supplies last. No cash value. Must present offer at time of purchase. CSLB 1082165
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Prepare for unexpected power outages with a Generac home standby generator FREE 7-Year Extended Warranty* A $695 Value! REQUEST A FREE QUOTE! 855-972-3529 Limited Time O er - Call for Details Special Financing Available Subject to Credit Approval *To qualify, consumers must request a quote, purchase, install and activate the generator with a participating dealer. Call for a full list of terms and conditions. MillerPlumbingInc. 334-2993 533-1404 waterWesell&installtheONLYheatermadeintheUSA. BuyAmerican •AlltypesofPlumbingInstallation&Repairs•Sewer&DrainlineCleaning•InstallBackupSumpPumpsFaucets~Fixtures~Toilets~Pumps RESOLVE TO REDUCE SCREEN TIME Go screen-free. Resolve to leave home without a phone for a few hours to enjoy unencumbered screen-free time. TRAVIS WESTER Excavating and Trucking Driveways • Water & Electrical Lines • Septic Systems • Sewer Lines Basements • Ponds • Drainage Tile • Land Clearing • Rock Hounding Post Hole Drilling • Stone • Gravel • Sand • Topsoil • Bushhogging Sitework: Residential and Commercial Paving: Driveways Concrete Work: Sidewalks, floors, slabs, patios Firewood • Snowplowing Cell: 507-7591 Fully Insured PO Box 15, Conesus, NY 14435
“The best solution is to find healthy, prepared products that can be purchased in bulk at the supermarket, online and delivered to your doorstep,” advises consumer trends expert Merilee Kern. One of Kern’s personal favorites is Veggies Made Great, which offers easy, familyfriendly and delicious veggie-rich meals and snacks such as muffins, frittatas and veggie cakes. They can fill freezers and keep families healthy—even during stressful Vegetablestimes. including carrots, zucchini and kale are the first and primary ingredients in any Veggies Made Great item, and all are free of gluten, soy, peanuts and dairy. Available in the freezer section, each is individually wrapped and can be quickly and easily heated in the oven or microwave. It’s an easy and tasty way to have veggiedriven nutrition on the menu every day. You can find them at and locate retailers at
— During these challenging times, people are avoiding the supermarket and, instead, stocking up on shelf-stable and frozen foods. Unfortunately, these can often be loaded with preservatives and lack nutrition. Many families also resort to take-out foods that can be high in sodium, hydrogenated fats and refined sugars.
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500

Brockport Young Eagles Program Takes
Enjoy this article? Check out this week’s other great stories online at
• St. Mary’s 50th Annual Summer Festival in Canandaigua Rounds Out Final Weekend!
• Building my Home with Habitat for Humanity: One Year Later
Kids to the Clouds!
For more information or to donate, visit A Young Eagle receives certi cate from Pilot/Owner/ Builder Dave Hurd in front of his Glassair! Lake Ontario from the cockpit - Tres D.“How was your ight?”Tres D. climbs aboard his rst ight with the Young Eagles!
Love to write? You could earn CASH when you share your original story, personal experience, community happening or school event with us! It may be featured on our popular website for all to see and even selected for print! Go to My Hometown at or email our Hometown Editor Amanda Dudek at!
Across our great nation, kids are blessed to have many career possibilities available to them. One of the most exciting of these elds is aviation. e EAA’s Young Eagles Program is inspiring children around the world to dream of ight. e Experimental Aircra Association (EAA) Chapter 44 is an “organization of aviation enthusiasts” which operates out of the Sport parentstypicallytheclosearebriefedintroducedandParentsaYoungchildrenrideAtoYoungsummer,exploringbuildingItsAviationCenter(SAC)locatedattheLedgedaleAirport(7G0)inBrockport.missionistoeducateothersabout“aviation,aviationsafety,aircraandmaintenanceskills,”while“introducingyouthstoaviation,Rochester’saviationheritageandmuchmore.”EachspringandtheEAApilotsvolunteertheirtimeandairplaneswiththeEAA’sEaglesProgram,personallycoveringalloperation-relatedexpensesintroduceyoungpeopletotheskiesone-of-a-kindnonprot,theYoungEaglesProgramoersafreeairplanetoyoungpeopleages8-17insmallaircrasuchasCessnaandPiper.eprogramhasonlyonemission:“toeducate,inspireandintroducetotheworldofaviation.”Launchedin1992,theEAA’snationwideEaglesProgramhasnowgivenovertwomillionyouthsafreeight,certicate,alogbook,andfreegroundschool.mustpre-registertheirchildorchildrenbeforetheiright,andeachchildmayyagaineachyear.Severalightdatesareplannedthroughoutthespringandsummer.Flightsmaybecancelledduetounfavorableweatherconditions;however,soitisbesttopre-registerasearlyaspossible.SafetyisatoppriorityfortheYoungEaglesProgram.Aerparentschildarriveandregister,theyaregivenasafetybriengbeforebeingtothepilotandhisorheraircra.Youngpeoplearefullyonwhattoexpectandareencouragedtoaskquestionssothattheyascomfortableaspossiblebeforetakeo.eightisagloriousexperience.PilotsoenyoverareavillagesandenoughtoseetheshoresandsereneblueexpanseofLakeOntario.Ifyoungpersonwouldliketotrytheirhandatyingtheplane,pilotsletthembrieytakethecontrols—atruepilotingexperience.Aswaitfortheirchild’sturnandfortheirchild’sighttoreturn,they
can enjoy lunch from the EAA’s cookout—its only fundraiser. Finally, the aircra returns, touching down with a young person who now knows what it’s like to soar among the clouds.

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM1-866-812-8111 Page44 LIVINGSTON EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 PROBLEMS THAT CAN LEAD TO LAWN DAMAGE Wildlife: Animals and insects can destroy turf roots. Animals or insects may feed on the grass from underneath its surface, compromising the lawn’s ability to procure nutrients and water. Animals like moles or raccoons may feed on grubs in the lawn, and treating for grubs can alleviate torn-up turf. YardSpringClean Up & CleaningsGutter • All Carpentry Work • Drywall Repair • Gutter Repairs • Basement Repairs • Soffit & Fascia Repairs ... and more! HANDYMEN/WOMEN MCMANUS CONSTRUCTION MASONRY SPECIALIST 585.519.7385 APPLY NOWFOR BREAKWALLS! *We do the permits.DEC We Take On The Hard Jobs! Call for a free quote. •••EXCAVATIONWaterLinesSewerLinesCreativeParking Areas • Land Clearing • Tree Stump ••JACKING/LEVELINGRemovalHouses/CottagesGarages&Sheds •••••CARPENTRYGaragesPoleBarnsAdditionsDecksSheds ••MASONRYRepairBreakwallsReplacementBreakwalls & Seawalls • Retaining Walls • Block & Brick Work • New Foundations & Basements • Repair Cracked & Bowed Foundation Walls • Chimneys & Chimney Repair • Sidewalks • Concrete Patios • Concrete Driveways GENERAL CONTRACTING Caledonia • 585-538-2490 We are now an Amana dealer along with our Goodman High Efficiency Furnaces and Air-Temp. Heating & Cooling, LLC Don Fox Cold Weather Is Here! Make sure to get your furnace cleaned & checked Celebrating 30 years in business!Celebrating 32 years in business! We are now an Amana dealer, along with our Air-Temp and Goodman High Efficiency Furnaces. Cold Weather is Coming! HOME HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING ROOMS CAN SERVE DOUBLE DUTY Many homes do not have space for guest rooms, kids’ play areas and home theater lounges that are possible in homes with substantial square footage. But they may not be missing out at all. While large homes remain popular, many people are embracing the benefits of smaller residences. Small homes help owners save money, require less maintenance, have smaller environmental impact, and reduce the temptation to accumulate “stuff.” Owners of small homes or apartments can still enjoy the benefits of larger spaces, they just need to equip rooms to perform double duty.

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page45 LIVINGSTON EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 Consider the many special delights a lawn affords: creeping baby; worm hatchery for a robin; croquet or badminton court; baseball diamond; restful green perspectives leading the eye to a background of flower beds, shrubs, or hedge; green shadows - “This lawn, a carpet all alive/With shadows flung from leaves’ - as changing and as spellbinding as the waves of the sea, whether flecked with sunlight under trees of light foliage, like elm and locust, or deep, dark, solid shade, moving slowly as the tide, under maple and oak. This carpet! - Katharine S. White, Onward and Upward in the Garden, 1979 Proudly served our country, now proud to serve you. KONZEL’S HOME IMPROVEMENTS No job too small. Honey do lists. Roofing, Siding, Drywall, Painting, Electrical SHAWN Owner konzelshomeimprovement.com585-736-7704 HOME IMPROVEMENT • Fall cleanup • Lawn maintenance care • Gutter cleaning • Winterizing plants • Power washing 585-991-2946 • Spring cleanup • Mulching • Hardscape • Stump grinding • Gardening B&R Lawncare and Maintenance We take pride in all we do! Residential/Commercial 585.202.6794 ALL MAJOR EXCAVATION&GRADING LAKEVIEWCONSTRUCTION.NET Take advantage of placing wood orders before the fuel prices increase. • Additions • Decks • Windows • Garages • Siding • Pole Barns • Septic System Installation & Repair • Land Clearing • Site Development SEASONED FIREWOOD • Log Loads Available • We Buy Standing Timber 585.721.3770 WeDeliver&LargeQuantitiesAvailable LAWN & LANDSCAPING Butler HOME IMPROVEMENTS, LLC Remodeling & Repair Service Over 25 years’ experience Painting • Bathroom Upgrades • Floors Porch Rebuilds • Kitchen Upgrades Mini Excavation services including site work and drainage tile 585-245-2323 "Quality Service at Reasonable Rates" AllCompactBackhoeServicestypesofInteriorUpgrades Jesus Stonerepaireddrivewaysandinstalled HOME IMPROVEMENT

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page46 LIVINGSTON EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 PEST CONTROL PROTECT NATURAL BEE HABITATS Not all bees build the wax or paper structures associated with traditional beehives. Those hives may not be readily visible even for bees that do build them. Wood-nesting bees can nest in twigs or dead trees. Bees may nest underground or use the burrows abandoned by small rodents. Before excavating or disturbing more remote areas of the yard, check to see if it is a habitat for bees. Leave some natural areas of the landscape untouched and do not remove twigs, mounds of dirt and native flowers to attract more bees. RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL HEAVY HIGHWAY - EXCAVATING - TRUCKING FREE Estimates • 585-749-1804 (585) 967-7919 Mike Owner/OperatorBenson, BEST RATES Call Now & Save! 10% OFFOf Driveways& Parking Lots Commercial • Residential PAVING & SEALING • All water heaters including tankless • High efficiency furnaces, AC & boilers • Water wellsystemsconditioning&Gouldspumps • All general household plumbing • Drain cleaning Need A Plumber? PLUMBING 585-346-9825 Robert G. Webb D.E.C. Certified • Insured • NYS Registered Business • Residential • Commercial Cluster Flies • Bees • Ants • Termites • Beetles • Ladybugs Rats • Mice • Cockroaches • Box Elder Bugs Spiders • Wasps • Rodents Real Estate Termite Inspections Complete solutions to your nuisance wildlife problems. 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE - Fully Licensed and Insured (585) 208-4547 • Phil West, Owner & Operator Food Plots • Wildlife Habitat Consulting BATS • SQUIRRELS • BIRDS SKUNKS • RACCOONS Professional Repairs • Prevention Removal of

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page47 JIM McMANUS New Roofs • Re-roofs • Tear-Offs Flat Roofs • Metal Roofs Barn Roofs • Repairs Residential & Commercial • Agriculture 585-317-5281Fully Insured ROOFING & SIDING Flooring • Remodeling Design • Installation Onyx Sink & Shower Solutions Solid Surface Countertops | 585.346.7094 5885 Big Tree Rd., Lakeville (behind Lakeville Liquor) Locally owned & operated: Alen Pease & James O’Keefe Showroom Hours: Mon. Closed, Tues. Noon-7, Wed. 10-5, urs. Noon-7, Fri. 10-5, Sat. 9-1, Sun: Closed. By appt, any time REMODELING NEW WAY EQUIPMENT HOME & POOL CENTER 2027 Avon-Geneseo Road, Avon Service Since 1953 226-3950 • 226-2212 FALL HOURS: M-F: 8am-6pm; Sat.: 8am-4pm; Sun.: 10am-2pm Pool Closing Time… The most important water test of the year is just prior to areWinterclosing.Productsnowinstock. LABOROPENDAY9/5from9am-2pm. POOLS & SPAS Locally owned & operated. 10 di erent colors to choose from. So ts & Fascia Aman Roofing Tear-Offs • Re-Roofs • New Roofs Residential & Commercial (585) 346-7150 • Free Estimates • Fully Insured Gutters LeafGuard Gutter Cleaning - 5 and 6” gutters. Leaf Guards Gutter Cleaning Now Accepting Credit Cards (585) 245-1946 • GAF Certified Roofing Contractor System Warranty on Material and Labor Commercial Flat Roof Specialist • EPDM • Rubber • Shingles Insured ~ Warrantied ~ Certified ~ FREE Estimates ~ 30 Years In Business Office: 585-346-4596 • Kevin Lopez Commercal & Residential ROOFING ROOFING & SIDING

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page48 LIVINGSTON EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 • Trimming • Take Downs • Stump Grinding • Lawn Installation & Repair I will beat any reasonable price - guaranteed! 30+ years’ experience Free Estimates • Fully Insured • Best Prices! 585-739-1707 Climbing and BucketEquippedTruck TREE SERVICES I used to visit and revisit it a dozen times a day, and stand in deep contemplation over my vegetable progeny with a love that nobody could share or conceive of who had never taken part in the process of creation. It was one of the most bewitching sights in the world to observe a hill of beans thrusting aside the soil, or a rose of early peas just peeping forth sufficiently to trace a line of delicate green. ~Nathaniel Hawthorne, Mosses from and Old Manse Free Estimates C - (585) 329-1614 ShaneOWNERScott Our clean up meets customer satisfaction 20 Years Experience Prompt Professional Service Owner on-site. Certified “Why are there trees I never walk under but large and melodious thoughts descend upon me?” - Walt Whitman, Song of the Open Road Not valid with any other offers or discounts. Exp. 9/30/22. Get your hands out of the gutter for good.Trusted Professional Local ROOFING & SIDING (585)243-3661 Logging • Lumber • Forestry • Millwork Wanted Standing Timber “Forest Land” 4 decades in business. Countless references. Call: Jim 585-519-3579 or Josh 585-245-1972 • FinancingAvailable•Allmajorcreditcardsaccepted. GUTTERPROTECTIONSYSTEM • heavy gauge aluminum • fits over existing gutters • no roof penetrations required • eliminates cleaning SEAMLESS GUTTERS • leak proof system • aluminum seamless gutters • color options available LOCKOUT leaves and debris from clogging your gutters! Call today for your roofing & gutter needs

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page49 LIVINGSTON EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 10, 15, 20, 30 and 40 yard Containers Available When and Where You Need Them! We’ve Got Dumpsters! Great Service! Call Dave, 585-292-9871 • Cell 585-703-1936 10131 Poags Hole Rd. • Dansville, NY 14437 • The Duke Company Locations in Rochester, Ithaca, Auburn and Dansville ROLL-OFF Family owned for over 60 years 10, 12, 20 and 30 Yard Dumpsters Call now for pricing 585-967-7919 Benson Roll-off OTHER FAST-GROWING VEGETABLES Turnips: Both the roots and the leaves of turnips can be eaten, and this oldfashioned vegetable makes a great addition to soups and stews. Because the plants tend to be tolerant across many gardening zones, they’re handy and easy-to-grow even as the weather cools. New Low Price Like us on OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK PRODUCE • Local Honey & Maple Syrup • Local Cheese • Leo’s Pies Time for MUMS SWEETHOMEGROWNCORN

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page50 LIVINGSTON EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 BRIGGS FARM SERVICE, INC. DBA/BRIGGS TIRE 21 Main Street Livonia, NY 14487 Phone: 585-346-3041 You’re more than a customer to us - we really care! INSURANCE Auto • Home • Health • Life James S. Sullivan Agency, Inc. 27 Main Street • 346-3410 Kevin W. FuneralDoughertyHome 21 Big Tree Street 346-5401 Kevinwww.doughertyfuneralhomes.comW.DoughertyMichaelP.Dougherty Great Weekly Specials Plus DOUBLE MFG. COUPONS UP TO 99¢ West’s FOOD MART OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 7AM TO 9PM 1 Main St. • 346-3023 - LIVONIA,NYSTRANGE BUT TRUE By Lucie Winborne * In March 2019, the Roosevelt Hotel in New Orleans celebrated its 125th anniversary by offering a free seven-night stay in the presidential suite, along with complimentary private dinners and spa treatments worth $15,000. But this wasn’t your everyday giveaway -- the prize was only available to the person who returned the “most outrageous” item ever stolen from the hotel! Avon Chamber of Commerce Now Accepting Nominations... Annual Citizen of the Year Award to be presented Saturday, November 5, 2022 Who can be nominated? Someone who has generously given of their time and talent for the benefit of the Avon Community. Perhaps a person who has quietly contributed to your organization that you feel is deserving. Who can nominate? Any Avon resident or organization (civic groups, churches, private citizens). Simply write a letter explaining how your nominee has devoted his or her time and energy for Avon community service. Send your nomination to: Citizen of the Year Avon Chamber of Commerce • 74 Genesee Street • Avon, NY 14414 Nomination Deadline: Friday, September 30th

Please email resumes
or Call (585) 346-5880 to schedule an interview today! 2714 Poplar Hill Road, Lima, NY 14485
EMPLOYMENT ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM1-866-812-8111 Page51 LIVINGSTON EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 HOW TO MAKE YOUR OFFICE MORE ECO-FRIENDLY Recycle old equipment. Advancements in technology now occur at a breakneck pace, localoutdated,isbusinessatoldsupplyretailers,notdamagematerialsleadelectronicsanbeequipmentequipment.recycletotomorrow.todaysotheequipmentbusinessesusemayverywellbeobsoleteBusinessesthatwantbemoreeco-friendlyshouldratherthandiscardoldSimplythrowingawaymightevenillegaldependingonwhereofficeislocated.Somecontainmercury,orarsenic,hazardousthatcandosignificanttotheenvironmentwhenproperlydisposedof.SomeincludingtheofficechainStaples,acceptequipmentforrecyclingtheirstoresatnochargetoowners.Ifequipmentstillfunctionalbutsomewhatlookintodonatingittoorganizationsinneed. Part-Time, Experienced Truck Driver For Harvest $20.00/hourseason 585-750-4487 Exciting PositionTradeOpen Learn: • Furniture Repair ••RefinishingAndMore! Flexible Hours Apply in person: THE FURNITURE DOCTOR 7007 Rts. 5 & 20 • Bloomfield
Medication Aide: 6:30am-3pm Saturday and Sunday - Administering medications and assisting our residents with daily personal care needs. No prior certi cation required, on-site training available. Medication Aide: 11pm-7am - Assisting our residents with evening needs as needed, light housekeeping, providing overnight supervision and assisting with early morning routines. Care Aide: 6am-2pm - Assisting our residents with personal care needs, housekeeping and assisting with an afternoon activity. to

EMPLOYMENT ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page52 LIVINGSTON EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 HP HOOD VIRTUAL JOB FAIR Join HP Hood for our VIRTUALINTERVIEWPHONE SEPTEMBER 23RD Time Slots between: 3:00-7:00pm RSVP BY WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21ST AT NOON HIRING FOR SPOTS ARE LIMITED To register for this event, e-mail with the time and an updated resume *Resume is required to interview RSVP BY WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21ST AT NOON You may also apply online at • Production • Processing • Entry • Lab • Blow Mold • Warehouse • Mechanics Busy pediatric and family medicine o ce in Geneseo seeking RN or LPN Full or Part-time Monday through Friday • 9am-4pm Duties: • Help with immunizations • Send prescriptions electronically • Do prior authorization work • Order durable medical equipment for patients Call 585-243-4000. Ask for the doctor Help Wanted Automotive Technician Full-time. Must have own tools. Good work ethic and good people skills. Pay based on experience. T Gray Automotive 585-346-0250 Baker and Baker Trucking is looking for FULL-TIME MILK HAULERS Local routes, home every night Paid health insurance Paid sick days Paid vacation from the day you start Company retirement plan with match Flexible schedule *Must have CDL class A with tanker endorsement Call Ben at 585-245-4198 Part-time O ce Manager in a small medical facility Skills in communications, social platforms, o ce so ware systems, medical billing appreciated. Hours are exible. Reply to: Geneseo Acupuncture & Integrative Health PO Box 353 • Geneseo, New York 14454

PRESSMAN Full-time Position: “YOU’RE HIRED”Get that l ok. BY GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER JOBSGVPS .com FIND NEW, LOCAL OPPORTUNITIESEMPLOYMENTAT In today’s competitive job market, individuals need to channel all possible assets to get ahead. Working more efficiently and improving productivity can be an advantage to anyone. NOTICE OF VACANCY Alternative Education Teachers Quali cations: NYS Certi cation in Math, Social Studies, ELA, or a Science in Grades 7-12 Location: Dansville Salary: Based on experience Start Date: ASAP Visit our website at Reply by September 23, 2022 with reference to Vacancy 23-35, letter of interest, resume, and proof of certi cation to or mail to: Human Resources Genesee Valley BOCES 80 Munson Street LeRoy, NY 14482
Email resume to: f Wasson, Production Supervisor, PO Box 340, Avon, NY 14414.
1471 Route 15 and fill out application.
e ne art of printing....putting ink on paper. If you’ve ever ondered how it’s done and more importantly wanted to learn the cra of print production, give us a call. Our print operation is growing and we are training for the future. We print a variety of publications on our commercial web presses and we’re looking for either entry level (will train) or an experienced pressman. If you have mechanical abilities, a good attitude and want to work with a very dedicated crew, we’ve got the job for you.
other kinds of printing at our Avon facility. Our crew is welltrained and fun to work with. Our customer list is extensive and varied as we produce everything from booklets/ magazines to business cards. Cold-set web and digital printing are our specialties. In our bindery we “ nish” the print jobs on our Muller-Martini saddle stitchers & inserters and cutting machine.

Our Marketing Representative will ensure awareness of the independent senior community through speci c marketing activities, as well as interview prospects to ascertain how Quail Summit could meet their needs while presenting a pleasant, professional positive image. e Marketing Representative will interact with all leads provided and transition those to residents using professional selling skills. Bachelor’s degree with three to ve years of related experience. Quail Summit o ers excellent bene ts, competitive wages and a great work environment! Please send resume to: Liz Slater, Assistant Executive Director OR - 5102 Parrish Street Ext. • Canandaigua, NY
EMPLOYMENT ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page54 LIVINGSTON EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 Please send your resume to our Director of Nursing at Avon Nursing Home, Beth bleven@avonnursinghome.comLeven 585-226-2225 We are seeking Certi ed Nursing Assistants (CNAs) ALL Shi s. $1,000 SIGN-ON BONUS! Great Bene ts • Friendly Team Members Alco o ers excellent bene ts and career stability. Interested candidates should email:
Quail Summit Current opportunity Marketing & Sales Representative

NEW YORK STATE DOT IS HIRING Highway Maintenance Workers Contact your county office to fill out application: Genesee/Orleans 585-343-0502 Livingston 585-346-3036 Monroe Eastside 585-586-4514 Monroe Westside 585-352-3471 Wayne/Ontario 315-332-4000 Wyoming 585-786-3310 Additional information is available at: or NYS is an Equal Opportunity Employer/ Affirmative Action Employer.
Bureauthroughgrowthhasatendsuccessconsidering.theResearchthejobmarket.LookintoindustriesforthefieldyouareIsittherighttimeforinthisfield?Industriestoebbandflow.Donotleavejobonlytofindthenextcareerfew,ifany,openings.JobprojectionsareavailableresourcesliketheU.S.ofLaborStatistics. must be 18 years of age or older, have a valid CDL A or B, a clean driving record, pass a pre-employment physical and drug test and be willing to work nights and weekends. $18.88/hr + benefits
* Trying to lose weight? Many of us eat portions that are waaaaay too much. Try using a smaller size plate, or one with a border around it. Studies show that people who do so serve themselves less food and still feel satisfied.
-- L.A. in Georgia
-- M.M. in West Virginia
* “Old suitcases (hard-sided ones) are really fun holders for craft supplies. You can use hook and loop tape to secure smaller containers to the inside lining. This has worked well for my scrapbooking supplies. They are easy to carry from room to room.”
* This week we offer a hodgepodge of tips. Here’s one of my favorites: Use kitchen tongs to retrieve an item that is stuck behind a heavy piece of furniture. It is much easier than trying to move the couch. -- Jo Ann
* “We attached an over-the-door plastic shoe organizer to the back of our pantry door. The slots that are reachable by the kids hold healthy, single-serving snacks for the morning, to include in lunches or for after-school snacking. It’s easy and the kids have choices!”
* “To save money on going out to eat, we purchase gift cards at the local warehouse club we belong to. It’s usually 10% or 15% below face value, but that helps with the tip and tax.”
NOW HERE’S A TIP By JoAnn Derson
-- E.S. in Missouri
* If you have too many suds in the sink (or the tub), try pouring salt on the suds. They die down and can be washed away without creating more suds.

By Lucie Winborne “The Hound of Heaven” poet Francis Thompson is listed as a Jack the Ripper suspect. Although there is no physical evidence to back up this bizarre claim, independent researchers say the imagery in Thompson’s poetry, plus his background as a medical student, are valid grounds for suspicion!

CDL-A Full or Part-Time. Local or over-the-road drivers Paid by load or by mile. Owner-operator considered. equipment maintained above DOT requirements. Email resume to: or fax to: (585) 344-4868
TRUCK DRIVERS NEEDED at Baskin Livestock
EMPLOYMENT ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page57 LIVINGSTON EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 is HIRING! • Bus Drivers Minimum $18.50 per hour to start • Bus Monitors • Cleaners (2nd shi ) • Teacher Aides • School Aides • Part-time Food Service Helpers • Part-time Cafeteria Monitors • Part-time Day Care Aides Minimum $15.00 per hour to start All full-time positions include great medical bene ts and paid time o ! For more information and to apply, Visit: and click “JOBS” Experience the RH Advantage! SchoolsHenriettaRushNOTICE OF VACANCY Assistant Treasurer Civil Service Title: Financial Manager Quali cations: Bachelor’s degree in accounting, business administration, economics or related eld and two years of accounting experience OR Associate’s degree in accounting and four years of accounting experience Location: LeRoy Services Center Salary range: $44,000 - $48,000 Starting date: ASAP Visit our website at Reply by September 9, 2022 with reference to Vacancy 23-34, letter of interest and resume to or mail to: Human Resources Genesee Valley BOCES 80 Munson Street LeRoy, NY 14482
Make time for exercise. A sluggish body can make for a sluggish mind. Successful people need to be sharp, and exercise can help them maintain their mental focus. According to John J. Ratey, Ph.D., a clinical associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, muscles send hormones rushing to the brain where they mix with a substance called brain-derived neurotrophic factor, or BDNF. BDNF plays a role in brain cell growth and learning. Without it, brains can’t absorb new information or grow and learn. Exercise also helps relieve stress, which can make resolutions easier to see and make tasks less overwhelming.

EMPLOYMENT ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page58 LIVINGSTON EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 As a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) Salary range: $41,653 to $50,662 As a Direct Support Professional Salary range: $42,419 to $46,013
Pavilion, NY 14525 Attn:
for People
is seeking
Monroe, Livingston, Steuben, Wyoming, Yates and Wayne Counties
Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) Office of Human Resources Finger Lakes DDSO, 620 Westfall Rd., Rochester, NY 14620 An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer Class A & Class B Drivers Wanted Local and Transport. Dedicated runs available. Full or Part-time. Home Daily, Plus Benefits Also availableEvening deliveries and milk pick up • 3-4 hours Call 585-591-1624 George and Swede Sales & Service, located in Pavilion, NY is seeking an experienced A/P A/R AssistantClerk/Administrativetojoinourteam is position receives, veri es, and enters incoming invoices; directs incoming telephone calls; performs administrative/clerical duties for management; maintains and invoices rental contracts; maintains customer and machine ling systems; purchase order handling; and provides clerical assistance to co-workers as needed. Quali ed candidates will possess • 3 years’ A/P and A/R or bookkeeping experience; must have entry level bookkeeping/accounting knowledge • Superior organizational skills and the ability to prioritize responsibilities • Attention to detail • Superior customer service skills • Able to regularly li 25 pounds • Pro cient with Outlook, Word, and Excel • Ability to learn new computer programs • Valid driver’s license • Notary Public a plus We o er competitive salary, health insurance, life insurance, AD&D, 401k, and paid vacation and holidays. Interested
quali ed applicants should email resumes to To submit resumes by mail or in person: George
Minimum have a current and registration to practice in New York State, a limited permit to practice in NYS, or application on for a limited permit to practice in includes $2,000 geographical differential. Seneca, Livingston, school diploma or GED have a to in State at the time of DDSO Office With and and Swede Big Tree Road, Wendy George Swede
The Lakes DDSO LPNs.
NYS. *Salary
equivalent; you must
operate a motor vehicle
Sales and Service, Inc. 7155
Village of Avon Park’s Commission is looking for a new member. If interested, please
Schuyler, Monroe,
New York
appointment and continuously thereafter Join the New York State Workforce For more information: Finger Lakes
Qualifications: Must
Steuben, Wyoming, Yates, Ontario and Wayne Counties Minimum Qualifications: High
is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer.
The contact Clerk Heather Randall hrandall@village.avon-ny.orgforanapplication.
valid license
Human Resources Office: (585) 461-8785 E-mail: NYS

Looking to hire people to grow with us!
EMPLOYMENT ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM1-866-812-8111 Page59 LIVINGSTON EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 Job Opportunities Cleaners Second and ird shi (3 PM -11 PM, 10 PM - 6 AM) Food Service Workers Cafeteria Monitors Bus TeacherMonitorsAides Salary: Second Shi – $15.00/hour + shi di erential ($.34) per hour ird Shi – $15.00/hour + shi di erential ($.46) per hour Food Service Worker – $15.00/hour Cafeteria Monitor – $15.00/hour Bus Monitor/Teacher Aide – Minimum wage Position Start Date: As soon as possible. Application Process: Applicants may apply online at Please direct all inquiries regarding this position to: GCSD Human Resources Department (585) 342-3450 ext. 2213 Selected candidates will be contacted for interviews.
Full Time, Seasonal Some experience necessary. Must be able to: Construct walls and paver patios; work outdoors in varying weather conditions; lift and move 50+ lbs; operate large equipment to load truck for delivery to job sites. Landscape planting. Clean license and record required. Seasonal work runs until hard frost. Overtime may be required. Apply in person: 3195 Rochester Rd. Lakeville, NY
We have been in business for 30 years. Full-time openings for: Pesticide Reps • Mowers • Landscapers Snow Plowers, Salters and Shovelers Landscape Designer/Estimator Will train for a great career. Need good attitude and be willing to work outside in all types of weather. Can be a year-round job. Pay and benefits will be discussed at interview. Stop in at 81 Lake St., LeRoy, NY 14482 to fill out an application or apply online at or send resume to Seeking a reliable team-oriented individual whose du es include: Receiving shipments, stocking, preparing orders, assis ng walk-in customers, answering phones, faxes and e-mails, performing inventory counts and maintaining general diness. Successful applicant will have excellent math and communica on skills, basic computer skills, be detailoriented, self-mo vated, have a clean driver’s license and be able to work independently. Must be able to li up to 50lbs. Dairy/warehouse experienced preferred, but not required. FT posi on. M-F with some Saturdays. Benefits available. Please send your resume and cover le er to: No phone calls please.
Hardscape Laborer
BusinessOur Growing!!is
The ability to communicate, interact and work collectively with others is both a professional and personal asset. But in certain ways, the reliance on technology has made working as a team more complicated. People have grown accustomed to spending large quantities of time alone working at computers or on phones and tablets, potentially compromising their ability to work directly with others when the need arises. According to, when it comes to choosing a candidate for a new job or promotion, employers consistently say they want a team player. That means it’s advantageous for professionals looking to further their careers to brush up on their team-building and social skills.

Ext. •
Full-time Quail Summit Current opportunities Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) Day or Evening
About Us: A family owned business, Penny Lane Printing produces the Genesee Valley Penny Saver along with many other kinds of printing at our Avon facility. Our crew is well-trained and fun to work with. We have two web presses, two saddle stitchers and two inserting machines. Our customer list is extensive and varied as we produce everything from booklets/magazines to business cards. Cold-set web and digital printing are our specialties. In our bindery we “ nish” the print jobs on our Muller-Martini saddle stitchers & inserters and cutting machine. The Position: Full-time, Monday-Friday. Pressroom or bindery experience helpful, but we’ll train the right person. Ideal candidate will be detail-oriented, motivated and want to be recognized for a job well done. Wage dependent upon experience. Email resume to: Or mail to: Jeff Wasson, Production Supervisor, Penny Lane Printing, PO Box 340, Avon, NY 14414. OR stop in at 1471 Route 15 and fill out application. (full-time) send resume to: Liz Slater, Assistant Executive Director - 5102 Parrish Street Canandaigua, NY
(Eligible for $1,000 sign-on bonus) Evening (part-time) Quail Summit o ers excellent bene ts! Please
Production Help Wanted

EMPLOYMENT ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page61 LIVINGSTON EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 • Processing Operators Responsible for the operation of the processing lines and semolina unloading. Operations include automated mixing, die selection/ installation, extrusion, cutting or pressing, and drying processes. PassionforFood,PassionforPeople,PassionforResults MORE THAN JUST A JOB! WE OFFER AN OPPORTUNITY TO GROW! Apply at: or contact our recruiter at for more information. 100 HORSESHOE BLVD., AVON, NY As a team member at Barilla, you’ll enjoy: • Healthcare, dental, and vision - 1st of the month after hire • Life Insurance • Wellness Subsidy • 401k match up to 6% • Pay for Skills Program • Flexible work schedule • Tuition Reimbursement • Disability Insurance • Adoption Assistance Our Mission • Since 1877, Barilla is the Italian Family Company that believes food is a joyful convivial experience, is taste, is a form of sharing and caring • Barilla offers delightful and safe products at a great value • Barilla believes in an Italian nutritional model that puts together superior quality ingredients and simple recipes creating unique five-senses experiences • Sense of belonging, courage, and intellectual curiosity inspire our behaviors and characterize our people • Barilla has always linked its development to people’s wellbeing and to the communities in which it operates

EMPLOYMENT ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page62 LIVINGSTON EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 View complete employment listings at GVPENNYSAVER.COM Hiring Fair September 13th 11:00 am – 6:00 pm Two locations 200 Lucius Gordon Drive, W. Henrietta Rochester Technology Park, 234 Wallace Way, Building 9-East, Numbers above entrance doors #202-250 No Registration Excellent benefits and competitive wages. e Geneseo Groveland Emergency Food Pantry is looking for a Pantry Coordinator is part-time position is perfect for a retiree or parent of school age children. With hours on Tuesday and ursday from 10-2, and Wednesday from 4 - 6:30, the position requires approximately 15 hours a week. e rate of pay is $17.50/hour. Preferred Quali cations: Excellent communication and organizational skills Ability to lift at least 30 pounds Basic computer skills • Desire to help others Prior food pantry experience a plus. For more information, please stop by the pantry at 31 Center St. in Geneseo (in the basement of the Central Presbyterian Church), email or call 585-991-8220. COME FOR A JOB... STAY FOR A CAREER! Body & Paint Technicians $2,000 Sign-on Bonus after 90-Day Probationary Period Matthews Buses, Inc. has an opening for a Body & Paint Technician at our Avon Facility. We are seeking a motivated individual who can work independently and possesses the following experience: • 3 Years’ Experience • Fabrication Skills • Must have own tools • Clean Driving Record Matthews Buses offers excellent pay and a full benefits package including health, dental, 401k program with generous company match, holidays, and paid time off. Qualified candidates should apply to: Michelle McKernon

Retirement can seem like it will never come for young professionals. But time can be a sieve, and retirement age can arrive in the blink of an eye. Young adults who have not planned accordingly for retirement can find themselves in financial straits at a point in their lives when they want to kick back and enjoy themselves. Financial experts from Money, CNN and The Motley Fool advise that financially solvent people should begin saving aggressively for their retirements early on. Ideally people should start saving in their 20s when they first leave school and begin their careers. The sooner one saves, the more time money has to grow. Vanguard says that the person who saves $4,500 per year over a career spanning 45 years can reach a goal of having more than $1 million in savings by the time he or she retires. Compounding interest and investment matches from employers can further secure professionals’ financial futures.
CHALLENGES OF GOING REMOTE WITH YOUR BUSINESS COMMUNICATION: Communication issues between remote workers can be an easy fix. Even businesses that are facing sudden and forced transitions to remote workerplaces can utilize instant messaging apps like Slack to facilitate immediate communication between employees. This can drive greater efficiency and promote the sense of community among staff that many companies are proud to have fostered.
EMPLOYMENT ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page63 LIVINGSTON EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 Burn SomePayCalories,SomeBills CARRIER NEEDED Current openings in Avon & LeRoyVillage • Must be 18 years or older • Choice of Friday or Saturday morning delivery • No collecting required Apply at our Avon office: 1471 W. Henrietta Rd., Avon Monday-Thursday 8:30am-5pm, Friday 8:30am-3pm Call or email Shari Rapone to learn more: 585.226.8111

EMPLOYMENT ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page64 LIVINGSTON EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 DID YOU KNOW? effortendtheyroutinelyCanadatheirrespondentsthatinAccordingtoGallup’s2021EconomyandPersonalFinancesurvey,theaverageindividualtheUnitedStatesisretiringearlierthanmanypeoplemightexpect.Gallupfoundtheaverageretirementagewas62,whichistwoyearsearlierthantheworkingindicatedtheyplannedtoretire.CanadiansareretiringalittlebitlaterthanAmericancounterparts,asStatisticsCanadareportstheaverageretirementageinisjustover63andahalf.Theaverageretirementageisworthnoting,asstudiesfindthatmanyworkingprofessionalsgreatestconcernaboutretiringisthatwon’thaveenoughmoneysavedtomeettheirneeds.Byrecognizingthattheymayupretiringearlierthantheyinitiallyplanned,professionalscanmakeaconcertedtosavemoremoneyintheyearsahead. NOW HIRING AUTO TECHNICIAN Timebuyer Auto Sales • Batavia, NY • 1-2 years’ garage experience • Excellent work ethic • Valid NYS Driver’s License NYS Insp. License NOT Required WE OFFER: Full-time (40 hrs. M-F) Great Work Env. Hourly Wage – (no at rate). Insurance, paid vacation, sick, holidays, 401K, bonuses, uniforms, tools supplied. EMAIL RESUME TO: OR Stop by the dealership for an application 244-248 W. Main St., Batavia, NY 14020 WORKING PARENTS CAN CREATE BETTER WORK-LIFE BALANCE
e Village of Geneseo is accepting applications for MOTOR EQUIPMENT OPERATOR Applications and information may be obtained via the website or at the Geneseo Village Clerk’s O ce 119 Main Street, Geneseo, NY 14454 e deadline for applications is September 16, 2022. e Village of Geneseo is an equal opportunity employer.
Look for ways to be more efficient. Interactions with coworkers can make work more enjoyable, but working parents should not spend too much time shooting the breeze with their fellow employees. Doing so wastes time and only contributes to work-related stress. Commuters who don’t drive themselves to work can be more efficient by using their commutes to read emails, meetings or catch up on projects. Doing so allows for more time to get work done while in the office, which can make it easier to go home on time.

EMPLOYMENT ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM1-866-812-8111 Page65 LIVINGSTON EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 HEALTHCARE HEROES Joi ou tea toda! To apply, contact: or call or text (585) 322-2950 (EEO/AAE) ACTIVITIES AIDE • PT position available • Provide a diversified activities program geared to the specific interests and needs of residents in a residential health care facility • Offer opportunities for participation in activities with emphasis on providing residents physical, intellectual, social, emotional and sensory stimulation • $6 SHIFT INCENTIVE • REFERRAL INCENTIVE PROGRAM • SUPPORTIVE WORK ENVIRONMENT • DAY, EVENING AND NIGHT SHIFTS AVAILABLE POSITIONS INCLUDE: PERSONAL CARE ASSISTANTS (PCAS) • LAUNDRY WORKER ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF NURSING • Provides administrative support to the Director of Nursing Services • Supervision of nursing staff • Applicants must possess a New York State license to practice as a Registered Professional Nurse LIVINGSTON COUNTY CENTER FOR NURSING AND REHABILITATION MT. MORRIS, N.Y. DIRECTOR OF LONG TERM CARE At Livingston County, we are passionate about the care of the residents we serve and are searching for a Director of Long Term Care/Administrator to lead our Livingston County Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation (LCCNR) to continued success! We're looking for an innovative, creative, and inclusive leader to drive vision and strategy with a focus on financial and operational sustainability. Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) Registered Nurses (RNs) Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs)

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page66 LIVINGSTON EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 To place aclassifiedad… VISIT or 1-866-812-8111call info at gvpennysaveClassified ads with the Ads providingvideosPluslogohavemorepictures,orinfoonline-youwith more details before making yourdecisiontopurchase! Goto www.GVPennySaver. com and view the ad online to see the additional details. Scan the QR code below to learn more! CASHFORCARS, trucks, vans, SUVs.WE’RELOCAL!Fastcash! Freetowing.$500-$5000.No keys,notitle,noproblem! 585-482-2140 DONATEYOURCARTOCHARITY. Receive maximumvalueofwrite offforyourtaxes.Runningornot!All conditionsaccepted.Freepickup.Call fordetails.1-855-587-1166. DONATEYOURCAR to Veterans Today!HelpandSupportourVeterans.Fast-FREEpickup.100%tax deductible.Call1-800-245-0398. JUNKCARS,TRUCKS, andVans Wanted!Highercashpaidformost. Alwaysfreepickup.Wearethe ONLYlocalcompanythatpaysthe most!HonestandFairestforover 30years.585-305-5865. AUTOMOTIVE EXPERIENCEDPIANOTEACHER: Accepting newstudentsandadultsfor thisfall,inAvon/Limaarea,willcome toyourhome.CallJackie, 585-307-5490 BUZZOMUSIC 106 MainStreet, Geneseo.20milesfromRush.25 milesfromHenrietta.Wearecloser thanyouthink.Lowestpriceonguitars &string,etc.1000’sofLps,cassettes, 8tracks.Call585-243-2480.Open7 daysaweek. ART & MUSIC BUSINESSOPPORTUNITY: I have anewlypatentedUSAproductthat aidesinbending,kneeling,andrising. Itisreadyformarketing/sales,completewith1000units.Ialsohavethe moldandallcontactsfor manufacturing.Theproductappealsto tradesman,truckingindustry,gardeners,mechanics,golfers,sportsman. Thisproductappealstoanyonewho hasaproblembendingdownand rising.Itissimpleandworkswitha widemarketappeal.Iamlookingto sellthepatent,andlicensingrights witheverythingneededtoproduce. Price$150k-$300kdependingon smallroyaltyagreement.Seriousinquiresonly.585-545-8702 DIDYOUKNOW... Placing anObituaryinthe GeneseeValleyPennySaver PassagesSectionisfarlessexpensivethanothermedia? Call: 585-226-8111 formoreinformation! TRAVELING?LaminatedLuggage Tags with handlefastener.Just$1 eachforsomuchpeaceofmind! GeneseeValleyPennySaver,1471 Route15,Avon.OpenM-Th8:30am5pm&F8:30am-3pm. ANNOUNCEMENTS MALTESEPUPPIES for sale:$3000. 315-414-8385. PETS FORSALE:COUCH: VGcondition, $50.LOVESEAT:$40.INTERIOR PAINT:$5gallon.585-732-5643 GAZEBO: 10 X10withsides.$100 orB/O TREADMILL: NordicTrack$50or B/O.585-738-7548 LSATPREPBOOKS: 2018-2020 Editions $50for9books 585-768-8075. 1998HARLEYDAVIDSON: Dyna Wide Glide,Excellentcondition, $5800.585-447-7377. ITEMS FOR SALE FALLMUMS,SQUASHES, PUMPKINS, ETC. AtMillers Greenhouse7724ReedsCorners Rd.,Dansville.Handquilted quilts.ClosedSundays. AttentionViagrausers: Generic100 mgbluepillsorgeneric20mgyellow pills.Get45plus5free$99+S/H. CallToday1-866-589-1706 DENTALINSURANCE from PhysiciansMutualInsuranceCompany. Coveragefor350plusprocedures. Realdentalinsurance-NOTjusta discountplan.Donotwait!Callnow! 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