Condition of the property: Product shortages were another trend to emerge during the pandemic, and disruptions to the supply chain will not necessarily go away anytime soon. In addition, the cost of various products associated with home improvements, including lumber, skyrocketed during the pandemic. The National Association of Home Builders noted that while lumber prices declined in 2021, the price of lumber packages quoted to builders remained high.That means real estate investors who invest in properties that will need work could be forced to pay a lot to fix these properties. And ongoing supply chain issues could extend the time it takes to renovate a property. Investors must be able to bear these costs and lag times to make the most off their real estate investments.
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Speak with business owners about your experience as a customer, sharing insight about both good and bad experiences.
106 Village Landing •
STORE HOURS: Tues. - Sat. 10am to 4pm
Donations are only accepted on Mondays from 10am to 2pm cornerbookstore106@gmail.com www.facebook.com/fairportcornerbookstore
Operated by the Friends of the Fairport Library
DID YOU KNOW? Women spend considerably more time each day than men engaging in various household activities. According to the 2019 “American Time Use Survey” from the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, women spend an average of 2.16 hours each day on household activities, while men spend an average of 1.39 hours on such pursuits. The survey identifies household activities as housework such as interior cleaning and laundry, but also other activities such as managing the household’s finances and preparing food. Women also spend roughly twice as much time as men caring for and helping household members. Such figures may reflect gender roles that date back several decades if not longer, even though family situations have long since changed as more and more women have entered and remained in the workforce. For instance, the BLS survey found that, in 2019, men spent an average of 7.96 hours per day working, while women spent 7.15 hours per day working. Such figures support the notion that many households can share household activities more equitably between spouses.
Silver, Coins, Watches, Scrap
Pocket Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Sterling Flatware & COSTUME JEWELRY.
also buy - All Antiques, “Old Toys” (Star Wars, G.I. Joes, Transformers, Hot Wheels, Matchbox, Slot Cars, tin toys and all 1980s toys)
We also sell jewelry, coins, bullion, antiques and collectibles!
With the end of 2024, many research institutions across the US and the world have made predictions about the state of artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics in the new year. Whether or not it happens this year, as some predict, overall, do you think AI will become smarter than humans?
- Yes
- No
- Unsure
Poll ends 01-14-2025
Poll ended 01-07-2024
According to the Siena College Research Institute in 2024, 49% of New Yorkers will make a resolution for the New Year, with 83% of those believing they will keep that resolution. Where do you stand – Do you plan to make (or have you made) a New Year’s resolution this year?
30.8% Yes and I believe I’ll keep it/them
69.2% No I don’t plan to make any resolutions
We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit www.gvpennysaver.com!
Set a reasonable time frame. Be realistic when determining how long it will take to achieve your goal. Achieving a difficult goal can take time, so don’t expect overnight success.
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National Award Winning Paper
Genesee Valley Penny Saver, PE 25390, Copyright © 2022, is published weekly by Genesee Valley Publications, Inc, 106 W. Main St., Honeoye Falls, NY. Periodical Postage paid at Pittsford Post Office and at additional mailing offices.
Send address changes to: Genesee Valley Penny Saver PO BOX 340 Avon, NY 14414-0340 Office: PO Box 340 • 1471 Route 15 Avon, NY 14414
All Carpentry Work
Drywall Repair • Gutter Repairs • Basement Repairs • Soffit & Fascia Repairs
Fill it with spirits
No bar is complete without alcohol and mixers. Homeowners can buy the types of spirits they love and complete their bars with the basics for mixing. When stocking a bar, keep in mind that everything does not have to be top-shelf. Vodka, gin, tequila, rum, and whiskey are some of the more popular spirits. Simple syrup, fresh fruit, club soda, cola, and bitters are examples of versatile mixers.
Entertaining guru Martha Stewart says to have enough supplies on hand for guests. Expect each person to have three drinks (requiring three glasses), use a pound of ice, and three cocktail napkins per two-hour party. Don’t forget to also have nonalcoholic items on hand for those who don’t imbibe.
Thedawnofanewyearrepresents a chance to start anew and set goals for the months ahead. New Year’s resolutions are often made to provide the motivation people need to improve their lives and make a new year as productive and happy as possible. While people who make New Year’s resolutions fully intend to realize those goals, few actually stick to the game plan. According to researchers at the University of Scranton, just 8 percent of people who make their New Year’s resolutions actually achieve those resolutions. While that might make it seem like the odds are against men and women who have resolved to improve their lives in the year ahead, adults can realize their goals for the new year and beyond.
• Basement Remodeling
• Professional Tiling
• General Repairs - Plumbing, Electrical,Carpentry
• Deck Repairs
• Deck Sanding,Washing,and Staining
• Vinyl Plank Flooring Installation
What are some examples of PA technology? Sensors are a prime example of PA technology that helps make farms more efficient and productive. Sensors serve various functions by helping farmers gather data on the availability of water in soil, the level of compaction in soil,leaf temperature,insect and disease infestation,and other areas. Weather modeling is another component of PA that can help farms be more costeffective and efficient. Whereas in years past many farms would need to manually assess certain variables to determine when to harvest, weather modeling technology has enabled some farmers to generate remote readings,saving time and money.
Many people may practice the “love thy neighbor” creed, but when it comes to four-legged wildlife such as raccoons, squirrels, and opossum that often seek refuge in yards and homes when outdoor temperatures dip and food sources become scarce, they are best kept at an arm’s length. As community development has thinned natural habitats and forced these critters into residential areas and lessened their fears of people, the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) has found that many areas of the country continue to report increased encounters with nuisance wildlife.
“While it can be a unique experience to spot wildlife in neighborhoods, these animals should be discouraged from taking up residence,” advises Missy Henriksen, vice president of public affairs for the NPMA. “Not only can they damage property, many are vectors of disease, most notably rabies.”
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 40,000 people are exposed to rabies each year, a viral infection passed through the bite and saliva of an infected mammal. Raccoons, foxes, skunks, coyotes and bats are the most commonly reported animals infected with rabies. Because of the risks associated with these pests, homeowners should take extra precautions to protect against them.
By Fifi Rodriguez
1. TELEVISION: Which popular spinoff series originated with the drama “Breaking Bad”?
2. HOLIDAYS: What is another name for Three Kings Day, celebrated on Jan. 6?
3. LANGUAGE: What does the Latin phrase “bona fide” mean?
4. MOVIES: In the movie “Babe,” what kind of animal is the title character?
5. MEASUREMENTS: How many grams are in a kilogram?
6. GEOGRAPHY: Which strait separates Saudi Arabia from Africa?
7. SCIENCE: What are the three layers that make up the Earth?
8. FOOD & DRINK: Which breakfast food is associated with the retro series “Stranger Things”?
9. MEDICAL: What is the common name for muscae volitantes?
10. LITERATURE: Which poet wrote a six-volume biography of President Abraham Lincoln?
$75 per face cord (2 years seasoned, cut, split & delivered)
Coble’s Cut & Carry Tree Service 739-1707
By Lucie Winborne
* “Mbuki-mvuki” is a Bantu word for the irresistible urge to strip off your clothes while dancing.
* The Saturday falling closest to April 1 is International Tom Hanks Day.
* There are more English speakers in China than in the United States.
* In 1994, a man was arrested for dressing as the Grim Reaper and standing and staring into the windows of a home for the elderly. A+ FIREWOOD (Clean, hand loaded) Mixed hardwoods
AAlexis Russell, a Washington, DC native, entrepreneur, and writer, who now calls Rochester home with her husband and their two daughters, has dedicated her life to fostering creativity, mindfulness, and personal growth. With a Women’s Entrepreneurship Certificate from Cornell University following study in sociology, psychology, and anthropology at RIT, Alexis founded Inspiring Experiences, LLC and co-founded EXP Studio, LLC to build spaces for innovation and community connection.
A lifelong journaler, Alexis shares her experiences and insights into how mindful journaling can transform lives—a practice she discovered more profoundly during her journey through postpartum depression and motherhood.
For Alexis, journaling has been a constant since childhood, inspired by her grandmother’s advice to write everything down. Over the years, her practice evolved from spontaneous notes and reflections to a lifeline during challenging times, especially a er the birth of her first daughter. Alexis struggled with postpartum depression, and she felt disconnected, numb, and overwhelmed by grief for her former identity and the unexpected challenges of motherhood. “I struggled to connect with my daughter,” she recalls. “My body was there, but my mind felt lightyears away.”
rough journaling, Alexis asked herself questions, reflected on her emotions, and gradually reconnected with herself and her daughter. is journey inspired her StoryCards™, rooted in the questions and insights that emerged during this pivotal period.
Journaling, Alexis believes, is more than a practice; it’s a sanctuary and a tool, “a space for release—a way to step back and process your experiences, thoughts, and emotions without the weight of judgment or expectation.” She emphasizes that there is no “right” way to journal. Instead, it’s about showing up authentically and using it as a mirror and a map for personal growth.
Driven by a desire to help others, Alexis shares her experiences to remind struggling moms they’re not alone. By offering tools and techniques that helped her find clarity and peace, she hopes to inspire others to do the same. “Helping others with love and compassion is at the heart of everything I do,” she says. “Together, we can find a way forward.”
Starting a mindful journaling practice is about keeping it simple and letting go of perfection—just decide to start and experiment with techniques until you find what resonates, she says. Consistency, perhaps journaling at a set time each day, perhaps responding to guided prompts, perhaps joining a supportive community of likeminded journalers, helps make it a meaningful habit, but it’s important to be patient with yourself. Mindful journaling is a personal space to reflect, grow, and embrace your life’s journey.
Mindful journaling extends beyond the page, also fostering connections to other mindful habits, such as eating. Alexis notes, “Journaling helped me reflect on my emotions and habits, which directly impact how I approach food.” Identifying emotional eating triggers and differentiating between physical and emotional hunger has transformed her relationship with food. Together, mindful practices
promote self-compassion and deeper connections with one’s body and habits.
Alexis’ advice to anyone curious about mindful journaling is simple: “Give it a try. If you’re searching for something to help you through tough times or a way to cherish life’s beautiful moments more meaningfully, mindful journaling might be exactly what you need.” e practice, she believes, is a space for reflection, growth, and selfdiscovery, a journey that unfolds uniquely for each person. Slowing down, being present, and cultivating awareness can transform not only how we interact with the world but also how we connect with ourselves.
By Alexis Russell
ere’s trauma in the molecules that weave through your body.
ere’s volatility where your smile erupts and pain in the soothe of your voice.
ere’s truth in your lies. You rise — but never shine.
You bow at the hint of light and subside to the dark matter of your last mumbled breath.
ng, stirring
e tremors in the sound quake but only you can feel the catastrophe brewing, shi ing, stirring beneath your veins.
Mother yourself.
Sit in the fire and allow yourself to burn. Sit, in the fire.
elf burn.
Return to the womb and build and rest and let go and allow yourself to be born again. Release. Let go. And start anew. ere’s aches in the tears you cry.
Hold space for the pain.
Rest. Rise. Be free. mile voice.
d erupts oys again. cry.
Be the volcano that’s volatile and erupts and calms and kills and rests and bubbles under and destroys just to create new beginnings.
Love to write? You could earn CASH when you share your original story, personal experience, community happening or school event with us! It may be featured on our popular website for all to see and even selected for print! Go to My Hometown at www.gvpennysaver.com or email hometown@gvpennysaver.com!
Archpriest Gregory Naumenko, Rector • A ROCOR Parish
Serving all English and Russian Speaking Orthodox Christians
Full schedule of services and live service streaming at www.pomog.org
Services at 11am.
Every second and fourth Sunday.
Level: Advanced
(One Year Warranty)
There is a privacy about it which no other season gives you.... In spring, summer and fall people sort of have an open season on each other; only in the winter, in the country, can you have longer, quiet stretches when you can savor belonging to yourself.
~ Ruth Stout
While it’s tempting to huddle up indoors when winter hits full swing, families who embrace the great outdoors when the temperatures dip can avoid cabin fever and enjoy one another’s company along the way.
Each mumbered row contains two clues and two answers. e two answers differ from each other by only one letter, which has already been inserted. For example, if you exchange the A from MASTER for an I, you get MISTER. Do not change the order of the letters.
January 12–18, 2025
Letters have existed throughout history, from ancient India, Egypt, and Sumer, to Rome, China, and Greece up till today. Letters were utilized to self-educate in the 1600s and 1700s. Letters were primarily used to provide information, news, and pleasantries.
It’s perhaps no surprise that le er writing and handwriting are soon becoming lost talents in our increasingly high-tech society. Text, instant messages, and email are fantastic for their ease, convenience, and speed. But nothing beats the thrill of receiving a le er or a handwri en greeting card in the mail. In
with a
was wri en in the United Kingdom. e first postage stamp was released in the United States in 1847. Before the advent of the stamp, a person had to rely on his or her memory. Title | e dot placed above the le er “i” is known as a title. e M.V.P. | e most used word in the English language is “the.”
LA-Z-BOY RECLINER. Manual. Tan. Pick up Batavia. 585-343-6994
4 TIRE RIMS, 17” x 7-1/2”, Black Steel, 5 lug. Used, Good Condition. Pick Up - Ontario. Call 585-697-4618
NAZARETH ACADEMY YEARBOOKS 1963 & 1964. Webster. 585-671-2118
Many TASTE OF HOME MAGAZINES and annual hardcover editions from 2000-2010. Geneseo. sylvavalentino@yahoo.com
ADULT DIAPERS: pull-up or tabbed, various sizes. BED PADS and PAD INSERTS. LIQUID THICKENER, several packages. Canandaigua. 585-393-1311
Assorted BOARD GAMES. All in excellent condition: Checkers, Parcheesi, etc. Two LAWNMOWER LIFTS. Excellent condition. Phelps. dianejoset@aol.com
HEARING AID BATTERIES #312 brand new. 585-315-6916
STEREO SYSTEM with cabinet. Tuner, turntable, tape deck, etc. Canandaigua. 585-396-7265
WOOD KITCHEN TABLE, 36” diameter. Very heavy. Legs detach for transport. Palmyra. Salubrious48@yahoo.com
All kinds of COLORING BOOKS. Pick up, Henrietta. 585-236-0426
CANDLE MAKING SUPPLIES. Top notch. Molds, wax, dyes, etc. Will meet in Avon. laurmec9@aol.com
GAMING CHAIR. Has some wear but still works. Large DOG CRATE. Geneseo. Text 585-752-9544
ELASTICATED TUBULAR BANDAGE. New in box, size F (4” W x app. 10 yd). Pick up, Henrietta. 585-435-3594
Queen size Jamestown BOX SPRING. Almost new. In two sections for easy handling. Henrietta. 585-334-3267
Three 2-drawer STEEL FILE CABINETS. Pick up, Penfield. 585-264-1068
LITTLE TYKES SCHOOL DESK. Pick up, Bergen. 716-474-2884
16# BOWLING BALL, multi-colored. Pick up, Henrietta. 585-298-6419
Two complete TWIN BEDS with frames, mattresses, box springs, mattress pads, blankets. Hemlock. elsiecostanzo@gmail.com
Working JEWELRY MAKING KILN, kiln and jewelry making accessories. susan5257@yahoo.com
FLAT ROCK for edging. jzornow001@gmail.com
DIRT BIKE or ATV, gas powered. Running or not. Call or Text Matt 315-576-1278
MODELS - Built/Unbuilt Aviation, Autos & Trucks, Military, Ships, Etc. Plastic, Wood, Metal. Parts and Pieces are okay. 585-314-6989
WEBER GRILLS - Propane or Charcoal. Call or Text Matt 315-576-1278
HOME CB Radio or HANDHELD that will work inside the home. rainbowroseroom@gmaiL.com
Cooperstown Dreams Field TRADING PINS. salvatore.d.timpani@gmail.com
OLD COMPUTER, STEREO EQUIPMENT and CAMERAS. ‘80s and ‘90s Apple and other brands amp speakers. 585-883-5334
SHED in good condition. Will pick up! 585-301-1247
METAL OFFICE CHAIR, TWIN SHEET SETS and a pair of MEN’S WINTER BOOTS, size 8/9. 585-415-8513
SMALL HARD-SHELL CAMPER needed by local Boy Scout Troop. Text/Call 585-455-4363
MOVIE FILM or VIDEO of 2 local rock bands from 1966-1972 named Us & Company and Redhorse. 2musicbands@gmail.com
A COMPUTER CHAIR in Batavia. 585-536-6269
7’ MEDIUM/HEAVY FISHING ROD with 30# fishing line and any extra fishing tackle. 585-645-2618 (no texting)
WOOL BLANKETS for insulation from the ground. 585-500-8839
COMIC BOOKS, any & all, any condition. Will pick up.
Text/Call 585-260-0437
ADULT NUTRITIONAL DRINKS, any brand. Text/Call 585-649-8706
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received. Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
Wanttoreply? Goonlinetosee all&comment! 2
Express means fast
A huge thank you to the fella that stopped on Five Mile Line Rd. by Klem to pick up our Santa blowup the morning of 12/30. It drifted to the middle of the road from the wind and he brought it right up to our door. Hope you have an awesome 2025!
Thank you to the florist at the West Wayne Plaza (Macedon) shop ... You sent a beautiful rose in a beautiful vase directly to our door to celebrate our 71st anniversary. What a totally unexpected, fine gesture. The florist is a small businesswoman and she didn’t have to do that, but it was such a fine gesture, we want to thank you!
I needed one more thing from the grocery store on Christmas Eve so off to [local store] I went. I ran in and grabbed the one thing I needed and headed to the checkout. Glancing over the express lines I got in the one where the people ahead of me only had a few items. It was a seven items or less line. The woman in front of me had seven items. Just as the man in front of her was finishing up, the woman's husband came over and handed her seven gift cards to buy. I pointed out that the line was for seven items or less and got "thank you for telling me" and then she started to get rung up. After a few cards were put through she hit some sort of limit and a manager had to come over to override the rest of the gift cards. This was taking quite a long time. All the while the line was getting longer and longer. Activating seven gift cards is NOT an express lane transaction! Please be respectful of other people.
Integrity is lacking in so many TV commercials!
It is impossible to read the small print on so many TV commercials. The print is too small or similar color to the background or way too long to read in the time flashed OR all of the above. If this information is required or necessary, then it should be readable so it could be understood. And as another note, products advertised on TV should require the country of origin to help consumers make their decisions.
Creating a2025Resumethat StandsOut
East Rochester Public Library
317 Main St., E. Rochester, NY (585) 586-8302
Mon. 9am-7pm; Tues.-Thurs. 9am-6pm; Fri. 9am-5pm; Sat 10am-2pm; Sun. Closed. (ERPL Book Nook: open Mon., Wed. & Sat. 10am-1pm Fairport Public Library
1 Fairport Village Landing, Fairport (585) 223-9091
Mon.-Thurs. 9am-9pm; Fri. 9am-6pm; Sat. 9am-5pm; Sun. 12pm-3pm (Oct.-April) Penfield Public Library
1985 Baird Rd., Penfield (585) 340-8720 www.penfieldlibrary.org
Mon.-Thurs. 9:30am-8:30pm; Fri. 9:30am-6pm; Sat.10am-5pm; Sun. 1pm-5pm Pittsford Community Library
24 State St., Pittsford (585) 248-6275
Mon.- Thurs. 9am-8pm; Fri. 9am-6pm; Sat. 10am-5pm; Sun. Noon-5pm Webster Public Library 980 Ridge Rd., Webster (585) 872-7075 www.websterlibrary.org
Mon.-Thur. 9am-8pm; Fri. & Sat. 10am-5pm; Sun. Closed
Here’s what’s happening at your local library…
Enteringtheworkforce?Reenteringtheworkforce?Switching careersorlookingforapromotion? Allofthesereasonsandmorerequireagreatresume,butthere havebeenalotofchangestothe industryinthepastfiveyears.In thisone-hoursession,folksfrom RevisionResumewillteachparticipantswhattoinclude(andwhatto omit)ontheirresume,common mythsandmisperceptionsabout thejobapplicationprocess,and whatanApplicantTrackingSystem isandwhyitmattersforyour resume.Thiseventwillbeheldin WebsterPublicLibrary’sCommunityRoomonThursday,January23 from6:30-7:30pm.Pleaseregisteronlineatwebsterlibrary.orgor call585-872-7075.
Valentine’s2025WineTasting Fundraiser: The PenfieldPublicLibraryFoundationisholdingits9th WineTastingfundraiserThursday, February13,6:30pmattheDeland HouseonMain,1EastChurchSt., Fairport.Enjoysamplingsofavarietyofqualitywines,joinedwith sophisticatedfoodpairings.Weare nowofferinganon-alcoholic ‘mocktail’option.Bidonsilentauctionitemsofwine,restaurantgift cards,andmore!Proceedswillhelp supportthelong-termsustainability ofthePenfieldLibrary.Tickets:$55 perperson.Donationshappily acceptedaswell.Generoussponsorshipopportunitiesavailable.Information,emailDawnOrfordat Board3@penfieldlibraryfoundation. org.
GolfinJanuaryatthePolarBear Golf Open! PleasejoinusSaturday,January25atVictorHillsGolf ClubforourAnnualPolarBearGolf OpentobenefitSerenityHouseof Victor,ourlocalcomfortcare home.Your$80.registrationfee includes9holegolfandgreensfee, aPolarBearGolfOpentowel, chancetowinprizes,pizzaand beveragesaftergolf.Snow,sleet, rain,orsun...weplaynomatter what!Check-inbeginsatnoon, shotgunstartat1pm.Learnmore andregistertoplayatwww. serenityhousefund.org.Register now-limitedtothefirst72players!SponsoredbyDoodleBugs, CNB,andVictorHillsGolfClub.
WebsterThomas/Schroeder Class of1975-50thReunionJULY26,2025from4-11pm.We areintheprocessofplanningour 50thHighSchoolReunion.WEARE TRYINGTOFINDYOU!Weneed yourcurrentemailaddress!
FacebookPage-WebsterThomas/ SchroederClassof’75-50thClass Reunion.Email:CherylManetta DiFrancescoatrdrufus15@gmail. com.Email:BertLiebermanat bertl@nicholsteam.com
Hundreds of thousands of new businesses are started each month, with Yahoo! reporting that about 543,000 entrepreneurs open a business in a typical month.
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
Understanding food labels is a great first step toward eating healthy.
Lucie Winborne
* Japanese trains, reputedly the most punctual in the world, issue passengers with a “delay certificate” if a train is running more than five minutes behind schedule. The documents can be shown to bosses or teachers to explain a passenger’s lateness.
Layla is one of the sweetest cats I’ve ever had the pleasure of sharing life with. Whenever I’m feeling down or think I’ve had enough, I hear her squeaker meow. I reach down with a smile on my face as I pet her, and all is well. But don’t let that fool you. 24/7 she asks for treats with all kinds of antics!!!
The presence of “flea dirt”: Black deposits within the fur near the skin are often flea droppings. If you’re unsure, drop a little into water and see if they turn it reddish-brown. If so, this is indicative of fleas.
Send us a photo! and a brief write-up of your pet and we’ll feature it! Submit at: gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us or mail to: P.O. Box 340, Avon, NY 14414. Pets will be published at discretion of GVPS.
By Sam Marzotta
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I am a brand-new pet sitter with four clients. I’m able to take one pet at a time into my home to care for them when their owners are traveling for long stretches, and I do home visits for the others. Well, the toy poodle I have in my care for the next three weeks brought an unpleasant surprise: fleas! Normally I would ask the client to clear up the flea problem before pet-sitting services can continue, but I’m already caring for the dog, so I’m stuck. What should I do? -- Jane H. in Wellesley, Massachusetts
DEAR JANE: Immediately contact the client to inform them. en ask for their permission to treat the dog. If they only want you to use a specific treatment, follow their instructions. Save your receipts for any flea treatments purchased.
A flea infestation can spread to the other pets you care for, so follow these steps to reduce infestation:
• Isolate the dog from most areas of your home until he has completed treatment and you are brushing away only dead fleas.
• Mop and vacuum your entire home daily, especially the corners. (Hint: Put a brand-new flea collar inside the vacuum cleaner bag to
Purchase furniture that doubles as storage. Storage ottomans and benches can help clear common areas and bedrooms of clutter such as blankets and bed linens that can make rooms feel more claustrophobic. Storage furniture might not get excess items out of the house, but such furnishings can create a more comfortable, welcoming environment.
BYLINE: By JoAnn Derson
* Many people have written in the tip to use two similarly sized bowls, one larger than the other, to serve cold salads at picnics. You add a few cups of crushed ice to the larger bowl, then nestle the smaller bowl into it, making it “chilled.” In any case, remember: Don’t leave food out longer than two hours.
* If you are doing food platters for your barbecue, consider making several smaller platters instead of one large dish. e large ones are harder to store when you prep beforehand, but a better reason is that the items will not go stale/too warm/too cold quite as fast, and it’s easy to switch out plates throughout the party.
By Keith Roach, M.D.
DEAR DR. ROACH: A recent fall split the skin below my left eye. I went to the emergency room to see if it required stitches. Since I complained of a headache in the back of my head on the left side, they ordered an MRI, which showed “atherosclerotic vascular disease with mild small vessel ischemic disease.” They also saw plaque within my internal carotid arteries. The ER doctors said I should see a vascular specialist soon. Of course, I am scared. I am a 76-year-old woman on Bystolic, rosuvastatin, benazepril and thyroid replacement. I also take sulfasalazine for my inflammatory arthritis. I am thin, take many vitamins and supplements, and exercise four times a week. Does the MRI mean I have dementia or Alzheimer’s? What does it mean? -- R.M.
ANSWER: No, the MRI cannot make a diagnosis of dementia. Dementia is diagnosed presumptively by a clinical exam that notes impairments in cognitive functioning such as memory, language and attention. (A definitive diagnosis of Alzheimer’s is made by a pathological evaluation of brain tissue, which is almost never obtained while a person is alive.)
What the MRI shows is a disease of the blood vessels of the brain caused by cholesterol plaque. High blood pressure, smoking, high blood cholesterol, a previous family history, and other factors put people at risk for this condition. Some, but not all, people with the kinds of blood vessel disease you have will develop dementia, which is caused by cumulative damage to the brain tissue from multiple small strokes. In your case, both the large vessels (carotids) and small vessels are affected, suggesting that your cholesterol and blood pressure haven’t been ideal.
Your doctor has already taken some steps to slow or prevent the worsening of this condition. Careful control of your blood pressure (with Bystolic and benazepril) is essential. A statin drug (rosuvastatin) has been shown to reduce stroke risk and your overall dementia risk. I don’t know whether these are the best medicines for you or whether they are at the right doses, since only your doctor knows you well enough, but it is clear that your doctor is taking steps to protect your heart and brain.
Inflammatory arthritis (especially rheumatoid arthritis and lupus) increases the risk of blood vessel damage in the brain and heart, so early treatment is more important with people who have these conditions. Unfortunately, not all primary care doctors know how important inflammatory arthritis is when it comes to heart attack and stroke risk.
I do not believe there are any supplements or vitamins that are both safe and effective at preventing stroke, but there are a handful of people who may benefit from them. For example, people with high homocysteine in their blood may benefit from vitamin B12, folic acid, or their methylated counterparts.
A careful review of your overall health condition and diet is critical. You may be referred to a specialist for cognitive testing if there is any evidence of change in your thinking ability. A few blood tests will help further stratify your risk and may show a need for additional treatment.
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu. © 2025 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
Testicular cancer: The National Cancer Institute reports that testicular cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men between the ages of 15 and 34. The USNLM advises against testicular self-exams, so young men should discuss testicular cancer screenings with their physicians, especially if they notice any changes in the size or shape of their testicles.
When leaving a job, it is important that professionals exhibit a certain measure of grace and etiquette. Leaving a job with dignity and mutual respect can benefit professionals in the short- and long-term.
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