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Hometown Events
East Rochester Public Library
317 Main St., E. Rochester, NY (585) 586-8302 www.eastrochester.org Mon. 9am-7pm; Tues.-Thurs. 9am-6pm; Fri. 9am-5pm; Sat 10am-2pm; Sun. Closed. (ERPL Book Nook: open Mon., Wed. & Sat. 10am-1pm Fairport Public Library
1 Fairport Village Landing, Fairport (585) 223-9091 www.fairportlibrary.org Mon.-Thurs. 9am-9pm; Fri. 9am-6pm; Sat. 9am-5pm; Sun. 12pm-3pm (Oct.-April) Penfi eld Public Library
1985 Baird Rd., Penfi eld (585) 340-8720 www.penfi eldlibrary.org Mon.-Thurs. 10am-9pm; Fri. 10am-6pm; Sat. 10am-5pm; Sun. 1-5pm Pittsford Community Library
24 State St., Pittsford (585) 248-6275 Mon.- Thurs. 9am-9pm; Fri. 9am-6pm; Sat. 10am-5pm; Sun. 1-5pm Webster Public Library
980 Ridge Rd., Webster (585) 872-7075 www.websterlibrary.org Mon.-Thur. 9am-8pm; Fri. & Sat. 10am-5pm; Sun. Closed
Here’s what’s happening at your local library…
Penfield Public Library P r e s c h o o l C r a f t s : W e d n e s d a y s , January 18-April 12 | 11:30 AM | for kids | registration required Science Saturday: Saturday, January 21 | 1 PM | for kids | registration required Jazz Generation Concert: Saturday, January 21 | 2 PM | for adults | registration required Indoor Winter Fun: Monday, January 23 | 2 PM | for kids | registration required K-4 Crafty Fun Day: Wednesday, January 25 | 4:15 PM | for kids | registration required Chocolate Mindfulness: Thursday, January 26 | 7 PM | for adults | registration required PITTSFORD
Beginning Beekeeping Class 2023 - Rochester Beekeepers / NY Bee Wellness: Hansen Nature Center, Tinker Park, 1525 Calkins Road, Rochester. 3 classes plus a field session working bees in the apiary; LIMIT 25 participants. FEE: 100. For students, 50.00; name of school and grade level required. Payable through EventBrite, or PayPal to donate@nybeewellness.org, or by money order to NY Bee Wellness, POB 25291, Rochester NY 14625. Meets Saturdays 9:00am to 1pm. February 4- Introduction to bees. March 4- Working with bees, and Diseases/Pests/Predators. April 1Your Growing Colonies, and Honey Harvesting. Field day TBD, dependent on weather (required to receive an optional certificate). Cont a c t : P a t B o n o , w o r k s h o p @ n y b e e w e l l n e s s . o r g ; 585-820-6619.
Hearing Loss Association of America Rochester chapter: Hear Together--Speech-language pathologist Kristin Bergholtz conducts a virtual support group for parents and caregivers of Deaf/hard of hearing children. It connects and a d v i s e s a d v o c a t e s o f t h e s e youngsters. VIRTUAL register at kristinbslp@gmail.com. Repeats every month on the 4th Tuesday, 8pm-9pm. Website: http://www. hearinglossrochester.org RTOS February Theatre Organ Concert: The Rochester Theater Organ Society presents “From Coast to Coast” on Sunday, February 5th, 2:30PM at the Auditorium Theatre, 885 E. Main St., Rochester. From Fullerton, California; David Marsh makes his first appearance on the RTOS-Grierson Wurlitzer 4/23 theatre pipe organ! Admission for NON-members $15 per person. Children 12 and under, and students with school ID are always FREE. Doors open 1:30PM. Seating is General Admission, not Reserved. Proof of vaccination NOT required. Masks are OPTIONAL, although highly encouraged. Visit the RTOS website rtosonline.org or stop by the Membership Table in the lobby for more information. Hearing Loss Association of America Rochester chapter: Hear Together - Speech-language pathologist Kristin Bergholtz conducts a virtual support group for parents and caregivers of Dear/hard of hearing children. It connects and a d v i s e s a d v o c a t e s o f t h o s e youngsters. Held the 4th Tuesday of every month, 8pm-9pm until June 22, 2023. VIRTUAL - register at kristinbslp@gmail.com
Rochester Model Railroad Club Open House - February 5, 1-5pm and March 4, 10-5pm at the First Universalist Church, 150 South Ave., Rochester. Large (40 x 60 foot HO train layout depicting the Lehigh Valley railroad of the 1950’s from Buffalo thru Pennsylvania to Jersey City. One of the highlights of the layout is the Lehigh Valley Gorge. There will be a continuous parade of trains. Thomas the Tank engines and cars will make a special appearance. The event is not handicapped accessible as the layout is in the basement of the First Universalist Church. Masks are optional. $5 Kids under 12 free. http:/ /www.rocMRRC.com
Valentine’s Soul Jam: Featuring The Whispers, Heat Wave, and Howard Hewett. February 10th, 8pm to midnight at the RBTL’s Auditorium Theatre, 885 East Main St., Rochester. https://rbtl.org/ events/valentines-soul-jam/
The Evening of Great Tastes: This is Farmington-Victor Kiwanis’s major fundraiser of the year. Held Saturday, February 4th, 6:309 : 3 0 P M , R A V E N W O O D G O L F CLUB. Tastings From Over 15 Fine Finger Lakes Wineries, Breweries & Cuisine. Basket Auctions & Raffles All Night Long. $35 person, $60 per couple. SO MUCH FUN!!! Sponsored by: Jarmusz Cotton, CNB, JD Financial, Finger Lakes Gaming and Racetrack, Vision Automotive Group, LNB. Tickets Available: Canandaigua National B a n k ( F a r m i n g t o n & V i c t o r branches only), Lyons National Bank (Farmington branch only). For questions and tickets: https://www. kiwaniscluboffarmingtonvictorny. org/store. Kiwanis. Presented by Kiwanis Club of Farmington-Victor. All Proceeds to Benefit Kiwanis Scholarships and Outreach Programs.
He who marvels at the beauty of the world in summer will fi nd equal cause for wonder and admiration in winter.... In winter the stars seem to have rekindled their fi res, the moon achieves a fuller triumph, and the heavens wear a look of a more exalted simplicity. ~ John Burroughs, “The Snow-Walkers,” 1866
Events should occur on a specifi c date at a specifi c time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items: • Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program • Organizations seeking crafters or vendor • Organizations seeking donations of items Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date R E G I S T E R A N D S U B M I T Y O U R E V E N T O N L I N E AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414