Monroe East- Genesee Valley Penny Saver- 11-7-24

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General Manager ...........................Manuel Karam

Creative Director ..............................Cristie Leone

Production Supervisor .................................Jeff Wasson

HONEOYE FALLS: 4011Clover St.November9(9-1pm).Cashor Venmo.LindaFergusondecoys, bearrug,MadRiverCanoe,muck boots,LeicaSpottingScope,Snow shoes,outdoorfurniture,cocoon bagforsleeping,Browninggun case,Leicabinoculars,FerrisZero TurnMower,microwave,shopvac, Craftsmandrill,goosedown sleepingbags,andmuchmore. Bekind.


Shopwithaplan.Ifyouarelooking for something specific, you have the best chance of finding it by shopping early. For the best bargains, shopping toward the end of the sales may garner some deep discounts.

Avoid yard sales on major holiday weekends. Many people are away, and you may not get the traffic you’re hoping for.

BRIGHTON: 2175 EastAvenue. November14th(9-3pm)&15th (9-Noon).ESTATESALE. Wonderfulhighendimmaculate sale.AllcurrentStickley,La-ZBoy,WestElm,etc.Collectionof signedblackartandmemorabilia. Diningtablewith6upholstered chairs.Kingbedwithmatching nighttables,desk,andjewelry cabinet.2twinbeds,sidetables, dressers,clothes,glass.Oriental rugsandrunners.Fabulouslamps, mirrors,sidetables,occasional chairs.Tools,CDs,electronics, etc.Early1800sdrop-frontwalnut desk/bookcase,perfectcondition (includingfelt).Mustsee.STUFF.

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Whether it’s your first day, your best day, or your worst day, we’re here to listen to where you are. To treat you as a whole person—with the respect and dignity you deserve. Whatever you need, whatever it is, we’re here for it.

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Are you a Mayflower Descendent?

Come join us for our Annual Dinner on November 23rd

Registration @11:30am • Dinner at Noon

Location: Veterans Park • 6910 Route 5 & 20 • East Bloomfield, NY

ere will be a speaker, a full turkey dinner, and dessert. Cost is $20.

Please join us to celebrate your heritage!

Email Don Collins for more information: or call my cell (585) 704-9415.


Get creative with serving dishes. Muffin tins can be put to use in different ways as handy serving dishes. Use them to keep several filled beverages upright and manageable when serving guests. Or try a tin for condiments at a barbecue. Place pickles, relish, ketchup, mustard, and onions in each section for easy burger fixings.

Magic Maze


Honey is a natural wonder that can be equally useful in the kitchen and in the medicine cabinet.


Ask an electrician to inspect your exterior outlets and circuits. Ground fault circuit interruptor (GFCI) outlets are designed to prevent electric shocks and reduce the risk of electrical fires. Most areas now require new homes be built exclusively with GFCIs, which are recognizable because they feature two buttons between the outlets. But older homes may not be equipped with GFCIs, particularly with exterior outlets. GFCI installation is not an especially expensive job, so homeowners should ask an electrician to inspect their interior and exterior outlets and replace non-GFCIs with GFCIs.


Create an eco-friendly party theme. Many holiday parties have themes. For example, “ugly sweater parties” have become so popular that many clothing manufacturers now intentionally produce colorful sweaters that might otherwise draw the ire of fashionistas. Hosts planning to throw an ugly sweater party can easily transform such festivities into something more eco-friendly by encouraging guests to purchase their sweaters from thrift stores. A Christmas tree planting party is another eco-friendly party theme that can benefit the planet and revitalize local forests at a time of year when they might be depleted due to the demand for natural Christmas trees.

Filled with all sorts of goodies.

ree floors full of gi s, gourmet foods, and Buffalo merch. Taylor Swi and Betty White goodies. Jewelry, socks, clothes, beauty... ere is no store like Lala’s. Lisa and staff say thank you for 6 wonderful years! Refreshments served throughout day.

*Some Restrictions apply.

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Send Holiday Happiness

Send your loved ones season’s greetings and share your favorite memories with our custom designed holiday card collection! Go online now to check out our designs and order yours today!

ENJOY 15% OFF* Use code GVPS15


DO tie the Christmas tree to the car securely after purchasing it to avoid lift-off while taking it home from the lot. At home, secure the tree to the ceiling or a wall with a piece of invisible fishing line for extra security against tip overs.

Online POLL

According to Food Institute, industry experts suggest the pumpkin spice “flavor profile is so popular because it evokes and capitalizes upon positive feelings associated with the fall season.” How do you feel about pumpkin spice flavored products?

- Love them – I try everything pumpkin spice!

- Like them – I enjoy a few items each season

- Indifferent – I don’t mind them, but I don’t seek them out

- Dislike them – I avoid pumpkin spice

- Strongly dislike – No pumpkin spice for me, ever!

Poll ends 11-12-2024

Poll ended 11-05-2024

According to the National Confectioners Association poll, more than half of all parents say they steal from their children’s Halloween candy. What do or did you do with your child/ren’s collection?

43.8% I openly take candy as the Parent Tax

31.3% I sneak a few pieces of candy from my child/ren’s candy

6.3% I don’t touch any of their candy

18.8% My child/ren don’t collect candy on Halloween

We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit!

Penny Saver


DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My next-door neighbor puts out food for all of the outdoor cats in the area. at includes a lot of strays who are now mingling with the cats who have homes. She even buys specialty cat food if she thinks they don’t like what she’s offering. I think this is a dangerous situation, because the cats may be exposed to diseases from the strays. What should I say to her to stop this? -- Concerned Next Door

DEAR NEXT DOOR: If you’re on polite terms with the neighbor, go over and talk to her about the issue, calmly. Explain your concerns and let her know that some of those cats have homes and owners who may not be happy about their cats being fed somewhere else. However, if you’re not comfortable speaking directly with her -- or if the conversation accomplishes nothing -- you will need to consider other routes.

If you have a neighborhood HOA, bring up the issue in a community meeting. e cats’ owners may not be aware of what’s going on. If you don’t have an HOA, try discussing the issue with the other owners directly. Explain that their cats are at risk of contracting diseases common among strays, like FIV (feline immunodeficiency virus) or could be injured in a territorial fight. e least painful solution is for cat owners to keep their outdoor cats inside and away from the neighbor. en contact your local animal control. Now, animal control doesn’t always intervene in these situations, but if they feel that the strays are a danger to other pets, they may come out and try to trap and remove them to a shelter, or at least have a talk with your neighbor about putting food out.

active senior living

Here’s A Tip

* For every degree you lower your thermostat during the heating season, you generally reduce your energy costs by 3% daily. Also, turn down the temperature setting on your hot water heater.

* Here’s a no-fail strategy for raking up leaves: Rake leaves into a single long line, preferably onto a sidewalk. en turn a large garbage can on its side and sweep the leaf pile into the can, breaking to empty leaves into bags as needed. e raking goes much quicker when done in “stripes.” And bagging is faster as well.

* If you have an ink stain on fabric, try blotting it with hairspray. Saturate the ink spot with hairspray and blot using a clean white cloth or non-decorated paper towel. Repeat until all the ink is gone. Make sure you test on an inconspicuous area first.

Hocus Focus


East Rochester Public Library

317 Main St., E. Rochester, NY (585) 586-8302

Mon. 9am-7pm;

Tues.-Thurs. 9am-6pm; Fri. 9am-5pm; Sat 10am-2pm; Sun. Closed. (ERPL Book Nook: open Mon., Wed. & Sat. 10am-1pm

Fairport Public Library

1 Fairport Village Landing, Fairport (585) 223-9091

Mon.-Thurs. 9am-9pm; Fri. 9am-6pm; Sat. 9am-5pm; Sun. 12pm-3pm (Oct.-April)

Penfield Public Library

1985 Baird Rd., Penfield (585) 340-8720

Mon.-Thurs. 9:30am-8:30pm; Fri. 9:30am-6pm; Sat.10am-5pm; Sun. 1pm-5pm

Pittsford Community Library

24 State St., Pittsford (585) 248-6275

Mon.- Thurs. 9am-9pm; Fri. 9am-6pm; Sat. 10am-5pm; Sun. 1-5pm Webster Public Library

980 Ridge Rd., Webster (585) 872-7075

Mon.-Thur. 9am-8pm; Fri. & Sat. 10am-5pm; Sun. Closed

Here’s what’s happening at your local library…

Caring foryourPhotographswith ErinFisher Rochester,NYboastsavibranthistoryinthefieldofphotography, yet,manyofusareuncertainabout howtoproperlycareforourcherishedphotocollections.Joinusfor anenlighteningclassdedicatedto preservingyourphotographic memoriesforgenerationstocome. Whetheryou’reaphotography enthusiastorsimplylookingtoprotectyourfamily’svisualheritage, thisclasswillequipyouwiththe knowledgeandskillstokeepyour photographsinpristinecondition. ThiseventwillbeheldintheWebsterPublicLibrary’sCommunity RoomonThursday,November21 from6:30-7:30pm.Pleaseregister onlineatwebsterlibrary.orgorcall (585)872-7075.


Nutcracker StoryTime:Saturday, November9|11AM|forkids| registrationrequired InterviewingTechniques:Tuesday, November12|1PM|foradults| registrationrequired GalaxyCoasterDiamondPainting: Tuesday,November12|4PM|for teens|registrationrequired 90-SecondNewberyClub: Wednesdays,Nov.13,20,etc.| 4:15PM|forkids|registration required

BookTalkwithJenniferSanfilippo: Wednesday,November13|6:30 PM|foradults|registrationrequired

BureauofLibraryTeens:Thursday, November14|4PM|forteens| registrationrequired

TheEmpoweredCaregiver: Thursday,November14|6:30PM| foradults|registrationrequired AdvancedFootCare:Saturday, November16|10:30AM|for adults|registrationrequired


Let’sputtheThanksbackin Thanksgiving - Allareinvitedto joinusatour10:00AM ThanksgivingDayserviceatFirst ChurchofChrist,Scientist,1104 MainSt.,EastRochester.TheservicewillincludeBibleReadingsand Musicappropriatefortheoccasion alongwithpersonalexpressionsof gratitude.EnrichyourThanksgiving Daywithmorethanfoodandfootballwithawonderfulopportunity tofocusontheblessingsyouhave received.Comeandrejoice!


Charge your phone. If a night out involves hanging out in an unfamiliar location or meeting new people, then be sure that your mobile phone is fully charged and you check in with trusted emergency contacts throughout the night.


Barks&BrewsatFairport Brewing Co.- November16,103pm,FairportBrewingCompany, 1044UniversityAve,Bldg#2, Rochester.Vendors&crafters,Beer &meadandafullbar;alltobenefit RochesterEmergencyVeterinary Services.https://www.facebook. com/share/JbuJ96icFoukfWv1/ BenefitForUkraineWarVictims - St. Luke’sEpiscopalChurchis hostingafamily-friendlyeventto benefitUkraineWarVictimsSaturday,November9,3-5PMat77 CountryCornerLane,Fairport. Ukrainianculturewillbecelebrated throughashortreflectionat3PM, music,foodsamplesandcrafts. Specialpresentationbyour UkrainianparishionerKhrystyna Vozniak,justbackfromUkraine, abouthowthewarhasimpacted Ukraineanditspeople.$10per persondonationrequested.Children12andunderfree.Raffleby areamerchants.Allfundsraised donatedtoSuperhumans(https://,aprostheticsand rehabilitationcenterinUkrainefor adultsandchildrensufferingfrom traumaticinjuries.

3rdAnnualFallCraftFair to Benefit theC.U.R.E.Childhood CancerAssn.-November17,103pm,ItalianAmericanCommunity, 150FrankDiminoWay,Rochester. Approximately30vendorswillall yourfallandholidayshopping needs.Abagrafflewillalsobe held.TobenefittheC.U.R.E. ChildhoodCancerAssn.https:// 3itKgTvHEhvyztk6/

HolidayMarket to Benefitthe SenecaParkZooAmericanAssociationofZookeepersChapter-Finishyourholidayshoppingwith30 uniquevendors.Takeachanceon ourbagraffle.Eventwillbenefit theSenecaParkZooAssociationof ZookeepersChapter.Held December8,10-4pmattheDeland HouseonMain,1E.ChurchStreet, Fairport.https://www.facebook. com/share/UvWBGttN4Y9yyEYr/

LearningWhatOurKids& Grandkids Learn -Presentedby PerintonTownHistorianBillPoray. Tuesday,November19,7:00pm, FairportMuseum.Eachyear, fourth-gradestudentsofthe FairportCentralSchoolDistrictreceiveauniquelessoninlocalhistory,eitherattheFairportHistorical Museum,orinassembliesatthe district’sthreeelementaryschools. TownHistorianBillPoraywillprovideaselectionofthehistorystorieshehassharedwithmanythousandsofstudentsovertheyears. Thekidsalwaysseemtoenjoythe show.Wehopeyoudotoo!All ageswelcome.Freeandopento thepublic.Noregistrationrequired. 18PerrinStreet,Fairport.

On the whole I take it that middle ageisahappierperiodthanyouth. In the entire circle of the year there are no days so delightful as those of a fine October, when the trees are bare to the mild heavens, and the red leaves bestrew the road, and you can feel the breath of winter morning and evening—no days so calm, so tenderly solemn, and with such a reverent meekness in the air.

~Alexander Smith (1829–1867), “An Essay on an Old Subject”


Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:

• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program

• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor

• Organizations seeking donations of items

Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date

REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414


WayneCountyMasterGardener’s -Holiday GreensWorkshopRegistrationforourHolidayGreens WorkshopopensTuesday,October 1st.Spotsfillquickly!Workshop fee$45.WorkshopheldSaturday, December7th,9am-noonatthe TownofOntarioRecreationLodge, CaseyPark,KnickerbockerRoad, Ontario.Apaidregistrationisrequiredtoholdyourspot.Toregister,mailyour$45paymentto: CornellCooperativeExtensionof WayneCounty,1581Rte.88 North,Newark,NY14513,orstop byouroffice8:30-4:30p.m., Monday-Friday.*Pleaseinclude yourphonenumberandE-mailaddressifyouhaveone.Ifyouhave anyquestions,pleasecontactusat (315)331-8415.


Happy50thAnniversaryGenesee ValleyWoodcarvers! Come CarveWithUs-Thecluboffers carvingopportunities,classes, guestspeakers,anannualshow andcompetition,andsocial connections.Allcarversarewelcome-beginnersthruaccomplished.MemberscomefromMonroe,Ontario,Livingston,and Steubencounties.Theclubmeets at6:30pmonthesecondMonday ofthemonthatthe40&8Club, 933UniversityAve,Rochester. Moreinformation:www. guest;comebackasamember!



Benefit thePirateToyFundNEWLOCATIONTHISYEAR!SHOP SMALL!Comeshopwithour40 vendorsonthisSmallBusinessSaturdaytostartyourholidayshoppingright!Bringanew,unwrappedtoytodonatetothePirate ToyFundandreceiveafreeraffle tickettoourbagraffle.Supportour localsmallbusinesseswhile supportingagreatcause.Aportion ofproceedswillbenefitthePirate ToyFund!HeldNovember30,103pm,BarnardExemptsRestaurant &PartyHouse,360MaidenLn., Rochester.https://www.facebook. com/share/v68p97ZUPQC2HkAv/


WebsterThomas/Schroeder Class of1975-50thReunionJULY26,2025from4-11pm.We areintheprocessofplanningour 50thHighSchoolReunion.WEARE TRYINGTOFINDYOU!Weneed yourcurrentemailaddress! FacebookPage-WebsterThomas/ SchroederClassof’75-50thClass Reunion.Email:CherylManetta DiFrancescoatrdrufus15@gmail. com.Email:BertLiebermanat

Vendor&CraftFair- November 24, 10-3pm,WebsterFireman’s Building,172SanfordSt.,Webster. Twentyvendorsandcrafterswill havemanyitemsforyourshopping experience.Therewillalsobeabag rafflewithitemsfrommanydifferentvendors!https://www. XGBwpcrpNB6zbpRd/

Women’sClubOfWebster Meeting: November21 -Schutt’s AppleMillandCountryStore’s EvanSchuttwillshareits generationalstorywiththeWomen’sClubofWebsterattheir November21stmeetingatthePenfieldCountryClub,1784Jackson Rd.,Penfield.Social:11:15,meeting:12:00noon,lunch:12:30followedbyMr.Schutt’spresentation. Entreechoices:TurkeyMelt; CornedBeefReuben;orApple Salad.AllchoicesincludeFresh Fruit.Price:$22.Sendcheckmade outtoWCWbyNovember14th (FIRM)toCarolynRittenhouse,405 CountyLineRoad,Ontario,14519. Questions(?)orifcheckmlghtbe late,phoneCarolynat 585-265-1303.


Pay for a veteran’s night out on the town. Like many people, veterans appreciate an escape from the daily grind. Men and women who want to show their appreciation to veterans can treat a veteran to a night out on the town. Have extra tickets to a ballgame or play? Donate them to a local VFW. Or if you see a veteran out on the town, offer to pay for his meal.

Although raking leaves may not be the average homeowner’s favorite activity, it is a healthy one. Various muscles are worked when raking, which also is a good form of cardiovascular exercise. In fact, a person who weighs 180 pounds can expect to burn more than 350 calories raking leaves for an hour.

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Across America:

Remember • Honor • Teach

As we appreciate Autumn in our beautiful region this season, let’s not forget the history that lies beneath the rolling hills and pretty lakes. Many of the little cemeteries tucked away in fields and off the beaten paths are the resting places of those who le farms, businesses and families to secure us peace and freedom. e stones and markers of those who fought in the Revolutionary War to our presentday conflicts are there and hopefully not forgotten.

ese stones have much to tell us about the individuals’ lives. Beyond birth and death dates, they o en provide relationships. In addition, epitaphs, together with public records, can provide a record of war, the economy, and the movement of people. Most older burial grounds were originally bequeathed to family and neighbors by private landowners. When cemeteries closed, they were passed on to town ownership, as were the cemeteries in the Town of Canandaigua.

Wreaths Across America (WAA) started as a simple gesture of thanksthathasgrownintoanational,year-longmovementofdedicated volunteers and communities coming together to remember the nation’s fallen and honor their service and to teach the next generation about the value of freedom. is year, there will be more than 4,500 participating locations, placing more than three million handmade veterans’ wreaths on National Wreaths Across America Day – Saturday, December 14, 2024 – with more than three million volunteers coming together. Participating locations are in all 50 US states, Puerto Rico, and on foreign soil. ese wreaths are delivered through the generosity of hundreds of volunteer truck drivers and their companies.

e mission of Wreaths Across America is to Remember the fallen, Honor those who serve, and Teach the next generation the value of freedom.

Academy Cemetery in 2023.

For the second year, two historic cemeteries in the Town of Canandaigua – Hunn Cemetery and Academy Cemetery – will host ceremonies on Saturday, December 14 at 12 Noon in conjunction with others across the nation, including Arlington National Cemetery. Hunn Cemetery, located at 5821 County Rd 32, contains the graves of 14 Revolutionary War veterans and one veteran from the War of 1812. Academy Cemetery, at 5200-5298 Old West Lake Road, is the resting place of 48 veterans and honors seven Civil War veterans on a monument dedicated on October 8, 1923.

A er the ceremony, guests present may place a wreath on a veteran’s grave, say their name aloud, and thank them for their service. Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) and Civil War re-enactors, as well as guest speakers, will salute those who simply did their duty when called upon.

e goal for Hunn Cemetery (NYHUNN) is to raise enough funds to place 15 sponsored veterans’ wreaths. e goal for Academy Cemetery (NYACAD) is to place 49 sponsored veterans’ wreaths at


the monument and the headstones. It’s important to remember all local heroes laid to rest in our cemeteries, to ensure that the individuals who served to protect the freedoms of our country never be forgotten and to bring the community together in patriotic commemoration.

Other cemeteries in Ontario County also take part in National Wreaths Across America Day. Among them are Farmington’s South Farmington Friends Cemetery (NYSFCF); and Middlesex’s Overacker Cemetery (NYOVCK).

A er a ceremony at the historic Bristol Center Church, the Bristol Hills Historical Society (NY0417P) and volunteers will place wreaths at their area cemeteries: the Bristol Center Cemetery and the Vincent Hill Cemetery (NYBRCT); the Coye Cemetery and the Wilder Cemetery (NYCOYE); and the Evergreen Cemetery of Bristol (NYEVGN).

In Victor, the Town Hall (NYVTHV) will host a ceremony, while three locations place wreaths immediately following their ceremonies: Boughton Hill Cemetery (NYBHLL), St. Patrick’s Catholic Cemetery (NYSPKC), and Village of Victor Cemetery (NYVGVC).

Today, many of us go about our busy lives without thinking much about the heritage war veterans secured for us. A ceremony, such as those on National Wreaths Across America Day, makes us step aside from our routine and focus on something else. As we place wreaths on veterans’ graves and say the names of these men and women, followed with a word of thanks for their service, we pay honor to those who have . . . and still do . . . heed a higher call.

e outstanding success of WAA is a testament to the fact that many Americans value the importance of this outward sign of inner gratitude. Priorities change with age, and honoring our heroes seems to come more naturally as we grow older. WAA’s year-round events enable us to TEACH the younger generation by example.

All National Wreaths Across America Day events are non-political, non-religiousevents,andopentoeveryone.Ifyouwouldliketosponsor a wreath, or sign up to volunteer, visit www.WreathsAcrossAmerica. org. We look forward to having you join us on December 14, 2024 at noon to celebrate our region’s rich patriotic history to Remember, Honor and Teach.

Love to write? You could earn CASH when you share your original story, personal experience, community happening or school event with us! It may be featured on our popular website for all to see and even selected for print! Go to My Hometown at or email!

Hometown MY

WAA Wreaths at

Fair Housing Statement

All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.

Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY



How Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Affects Older Women

DEAR DR. ROACH: I had all the symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) when I was younger. I could go six months without having my period. I had all the other symptoms, too, like oily skin and facial hair. It’s a terrible thing for a young teenage girl. I also had trouble getting pregnant; though, fortunately, Clomid worked well for me during both of my pregnancies.

My question is, how does PCOS affect older women? My doctor doesn’t know. Is this why my hair is thinning so badly? What else can I expect now that I’m older? (I’m 66 now, and I had menopause at 51.) What can I do about it? I still have hot flashes and thinning hair. -- L.L.P.

ANSWER: I’m sorry that you aren’t getting good advice. PCOS doesn’t go away after menopause, but it’s harder to diagnose. There aren’t good data to help guide treatment, so understanding what’s happening at a biochemical level is important. Although cysts in the ovaries are usually seen with PCOS, the most important parts of the diagnosis have more to do with androgen excess (male hormones) and abnormal ovulation. Insulin resistance is also an important part of PCOS, with or without obesity.

The androgen excess is responsible for oily skin and facial hair, and it’s partially responsible for insulin resistance. As women age, most androgen levels tend to return to normal, but women still may have some residual symptoms. Although any woman can get female-pattern hair loss (overall thinning of the hair, often worst in the center part), women with PCOS are at a higher risk for developing this type.

However, women with PCOS may also occasionally develop male-pattern hair loss (a receding hairline and thinning on the crown) when the ovaries produce excess male hormones and fewer female hormones. Treatment with the antiandrogen medication finasteride seems particularly promising, and topical (or low-dose oral) minoxidil can be helpful. A dermatologist who specializes in hair loss should be the expert in the management of PCOS-associated female-pattern hair loss.

In addition, the excess male hormones may play a role in increasing a postmenopausal woman’s risk for heart disease. HDL cholesterol levels tend to be lower in postmenopausal women with PCOS. The standard calculators to help a clinician decide when to start medication (such as a statin) to reduce the risk of heart disease are likely to underestimate the risk. Thus, diet and exercise are very important for women with PCOS. Hot flashes do not seem to be worsened by PCOS. Although hormone replacement can be used in women with hot flashes and PCOS, it is especially risky in a woman of 66 due to the increased risk of heart disease. Nonhormonal treatment, such as venlafaxine or fezolinetant, is my recommendation.

Finally, insulin resistance is present in over half of all women with PCOS, so regular evaluations of blood sugar levels and A1C levels are important to diagnose prediabetes or overt diabetes as quickly as possible. Again, diet, exercise and sometimes medication are even more important for women with PCOS, to help reduce the risk for developing diabetes. © 2024 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved

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Dementia presents itself through various symptoms, and memory loss alone is not enough to lead to a dementia diagnosis. Dementia can affect thinking and social abilities, but the Mayo Clinic notes that some dementias may be reversible. The following are some common symptoms of dementia:

• Trouble communicating or finding words.

• Difficulty completing complex tasks.

• Challenges with planning and organization.

• Episodes of confusion and disorientation.

• Memory loss, which is often noticed by a third party.

• Personality changes that can include agitation, anxiety, inappropriate behavior and even hallucinations.

Apart from Alzheimer’s disease, which is a progressive disorder most common in people age 65 and older, there are other types of dementia. The second most common is called “vascular dementia.” This results from damage to vessels that supply blood to the brain. This damage can be the result of stroke, smoking and other blood vessel conditions. Brain imaging can often detect blood vessel problems implicated in vascular dementia. Dementia with Lewy bodies, or DLB, is another dementia that laymen may mistakeforAlzheimer’sdisease.TheAlzheimer’sAssociationnotesthatpeople with DLB often have not only memory loss and cognitive problems common in Alzheimer’s, but they also display initial or early symptoms such as sleep disturbances, well-formed visual hallucinations, slowness, gait imbalance or other Parkinsonian movement features, which can lead to misdiagnosis. Discover the Human Touch in Hearing Technology


Thank You!

Massive Disrespect!

Thank you to the kind and generous lady who paid for my groceries at Tops.

Thank You!

Thank you to the gentleman at the local full service gas station. You helped fill my tire with air and brightened my Monday morning! I always appreciate the employees willing to stand in all weather to fill my gas tank.

To the people who think our local cemetery is a public park. From people who walk dogs there, to the people who take coins from the headstones, SHAME ON YOU! A cemetery is a place to remember and honor your past loved ones. Not a place for your dog to do its business, or for you to pick up change!

Money spent on political campaigns

It is unbelievable the amount of money spent in and on political campaigns. Millions are spent with the conventions and all the campaign mailings, along with the traveling and campaigning. All of that money could be spent in so many needed areas.

Dark wood DOUBLE BED, two DRESSERS and MIRROR. Two NIGHTSTANDS (do not match). Hemlock. 585-704-2786


LOWREY ORGAN, Deluxe Model. Works. Batavia. 585-356-0839

SMITHSONIAN MAGAZINES - Lifetime collection. North Rose. 315-587-9811


20 EGG CARTONS. Elba. 585-757-2218

VICTORIAN LOVE SEAT that needs reupholstering and a burgundy WING CHAIR with no rips. 585-362-6906

QUEEN SIZE ADJUSTABLE BED: Mattress, frame and remote. Very clean and in great shape. LeRoy. 585-768-2165

PERM RODS – all sizes. Webster. 585-872-6688

HOYER LIFT. Like new. Holley. Text or call, leave msg. 585-880-8073

FOLDING CARD TABLE with four chairs. Batavia. 585-356-2311

TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES including VINTAGE: IBM electric character ball, can of ink eraser, typewriter cleaner, brushes, ribbons, paper, carbon paper. Penfield.


Two sets of old DOWNHILL SKIS with poles. One pair of BOOTS. Use as is or repurpose. Bloomfield. 585-451-9678

Non-working ZENITH FLAT SCREEN TV. Pick up. Text only to Janice 585-752-5809

TWIN BED w/mattress & box spring, railing & headboard. Pick up, Batavia. 585-300-7776

Large pile of RED BRICKS. Pick up, Riga. 585-293-1439

1940s ROPER GAS STOVE. Heavy; you must move. Leave message 585-323-1762

TRACHEOSTOMY SUPPLIES: cannulas, sterile water, suction catheters, and more.

ENTERTAINMENT UNIT, great condition. Light wood approx. 15’3” long x 22” deep x 5’1” tall. Call or text 585-750-0688

FIREWOOD. Pick up, Ontario. 585-265-0374 leave message Twelve-piece PUNCH SET GLASSES. Brockport. 585-704-1030

RECLINER, brown. With footrest and reclines. Pick up, Brockport. 585-615-9177

STATIONARY BIKE, in good shape. Needs battery. Pittsford. 585-385-3699



HP PRINTER INK CARTRIDGES #60 and #61 new or expired okay. 585-519-3325

CLEAN-”ISH” FILL wanted. 585-813-8389

BABY CRIB in good condition. 585-394-0099

HUBCAP for a 2003 Buick LeSabre. 585-671-3822

TOY BOX. 585-410-4672

Any CAT FOOD (wet or dry) or canned TUNA FISH. Text 585-298-8581

VINTAGE CHRISTMAS LIGHTS. Will also use vintage bulbs. The large colorful ones from back in the ‘50s. 315-559-1406

CANON AE1 PROGRAM 35MM CAMERA with zoom lens or similar. 585-733-4085


DOLL HOUSE with or without furniture, PET/BABY GATE and a CRATE. 585-507-8788


Cooperstown Dream Field TRADING PINS.

ATVs or DIRT BIKES wanted. Gas powered, running or not. Call or text Matt 315-576-1278

Seeking WEBER GRILLS. Call or text 315-576-1278


HYGIENE SUPPLIES, toilet paper, paper towels, cleaning supplies, etc. Drop off at Liberty Square, Batavia. 585-483-3456


CRIB MATTRESS. 585-697-4489

Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received. Submit at under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111



Marianne Cope Roman Catholic Parish (p) 585-334-3518;;

Church and Office: 2061 E. Henrietta Rd., Rochester, NY 14623

Mass times: Weekend Mass: Sat. at 4:30pm (confessions begin at 3pm); Sun. at 8:00am & 10:30am. Weekday Mass: Mon. & Wed. at 12:10pm; Tues. & urs. at 8:00am.


169 E. Main St., Webster • 585-265-9720 •

Rick LaDue, Lead Pastor

Sunday Worship 9:30am - Combined service Online Services; Childcare & Classes - both services “Love God, Love Others, Serve Jesus”


Archpriest Gregory Naumenko, Rector • A ROCOR Parish

Serving all English and Russian Speaking Orthodox Christians

Full schedule of services and live service streaming at


* In the early 1800s, a railroad marketer set up a head-on collision between two trains as a publicity stunt. Some 40,000 people came to watch, and the resulting boiler explosion killed three spectators. But ticket sales soared, and railways everywhere staged train crashes right up until the Great Depression.

* One of the weirdest scandals in sports history occurred in 1973 when New York Yankees players Fritz Peterson and Mike Kekich decided to trade families -- wives, children, even dogs! After the couples became close friends, Peterson fell in love with Kekich’s wife and vice versa. “It’s a love story. It wasn’t anything dirty,” Peterson told a reporter in 2013. Peterson is still married to the former Mrs. Kekich, but Kekich and the former Mrs. Peterson later split up.

* Pepper spray and tear gas are technically classified as chemical weapons and thus are forbidden in warfare.

* The human body gives off enough heat in 30 minutes to bring a gallon of water to a boil.

HOW TO ROAD TRIP IN AN ELECTRIC CAR Drive in moderate weather.The software experts at Geotab note that cold weather affects EV range. Though battery thermal management systems have been designed to keep batteries within an optimal temperature range to minimize loss in battery performance, battery range is adversely affected when driving in extreme cold. Geotab notes that 70 F is the trip efficiency sweet spot.

Puzzle Answers This Week


Windows add curb appeal. Beyond functionality, replacement windows immediately update the look of the home and can improve curb appeal since they are one of the most prominent features on the exterior of a home. If a house needs an update, replacing windows and can be a quick and affordable update.




The PathStone Weatherization Assistance Program is available for income-eligible households in Monroe County located outside of the city limits.

1. MOVIES: What was the name of the tournament in “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire”?

2. GEOGRAPHY: What was the name of the train service that started in 1883 between Paris and Constantinople (Istanbul)?

3. LITERATURE: Who did the pigs represent in the allegorical novel “Animal Farm”?

4. ART: Which European city houses the Reina Sofia museum?

5. TELEVISION: What is the product that Don Draper makes an ad for in the final episode of “Mad Men”?

6. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is a group of unicorns called?

7. U.S. PRESIDENTS: Which presidential retreat is officially named the “Naval Support Facility Thurmont”?

8. MUSIC: Which composer is featured in the film “Immortal Beloved”?

9. HISTORY: The Great Wall of China was mostly built by which dynasty?

10. FOOD & DRINK: What kind of fruit is also known as the Chinese gooseberry?

The Triwizard Tournament.
The Orient Express.
The ruling class.
Madrid, Spain.
A blessing. 7. Camp David, Maryland. 8. Ludwig van Beethoven.
9. Ming Dynasty.
10. Kiwi.

Plan a day to shop local fairs, shops & stands

Autumn is tailor-made for getting out of the house to enjoy the great outdoors. With crisp temperatures perfect for strolls or sightseeing and breathtaking scenery awash in bright autumnal hues, autumn landscapes make for the ideal backdrop for weekend plans, including shopping excursions.

Fall is a great season to enjoy festivals, farmer’s markets and craft fairs, as merchants look to liquidate inventory before they prepare for the rush of the upcoming holiday season. Cities, towns, hamlets, and everything in between will host their share of open markets and more with great deals to be had, and fall is an ideal




• Paid Bus Monitor to Driver training available

• Must be at least 21 years of age

• NYS Employee Retirement System pension

• Health and dental benefits Visit or call


Define career expectations. Defining career expectations early on can be beneficial in various ways. Such expectations can guide career choices and provide a road map that women can utilize to stay the professional course. This can help women make decisions about their careers when they come to forks in the road. For example, if a path to promotion seems blocked, women can examine their established career expectations to help them decide if it’s time to seek new employment. Defining career expectations also can help women effectively communicate with mentors about their goals, and mentors can then use that information when offering guidance. Expectations need not be concrete, and it’s likely they will change over time. But they can serve as an important foundation for anyone from young female professionals to experienced executives looking to make changes or determine the next step in their careers.


• Teaching Assistants • Student Aides

• Clerical Staff

• Food Service Staff

• Health Office Aides

• Cleaners

To see all openings and apply, visit:

F/T Maintenance Assistant needed for townhouse complex in Perinton, NY. Some duties include work orders, vacant unit prep, snow removal, landscaping, and occasional on-call.

Qualifications include painting experience and basic mechanical aptitude. Must be able to li 50 lbs. and have a clean driving record.

Excellent benefits, including healthcare. Hourly pay commensurate with skills ($22-$26/hr).

Reply with resume and contact information to:


TRAVELING?LaminatedLuggage Tags with handlefastener.Just$1 eachforsomuchpeaceofmind! GeneseeValleyPennySaver,1471 Route15,Avon.OpenM-Th8:30am5pm&F8:30am-3pm.


Placing anObituaryinthe GeneseeValleyPennySaver PassagesSectionisfarlessexpensivethanothermedia? Call: 585-226-8111 formoreinformation!

VOLUME#2OF the funniestbook Quora,”JoeBlanda”.

WHISTLESTOPANTIQUECENTER: 6363 KnickerbockerRoad,Ontario.OpenTuesday-Sunday10AM5PM.Fridayopentil8PM. Wayne CountyShoppingFling:November 8th-10th.ThanksgivingSale November15th-24th,upto30% off. 315-524-3965


EXPERTPIANOTUNING & REPAIR.Since1980.MusicianExtraordinaire,CharlesM.Freida, 585-426-2334.


RESIDENTIALCLEANING: Will sparklecleanyourhouse. Manyyearsexperience. Referencesavailable.CallDarlene 585-739-6528


FIREWOOD: Cut, splitandseasoned. Deliveryorpickup. Facecords,1/2facecords andcarpacks. 40yearsofservice. ThomasGardenCenter 775RidgeRoad,Webster 585-671-8476

PREMIUMSEASONEDFIREWOOD (2 YEARSOLD)FORSALE. $85perfacecord,delivered(within 10miles).585-924-3377


DENTALINSURANCE from PhysiciansMutualInsuranceCompany. Coveragefor400+procedures.Real dentalinsurance-notjustadiscount plan.GetyourfreeInformationKit withdetails!1-855-526-1060www.


HOLIDAYESTATESALE Nov 8-11, 9am-4pmAvonTownPlaza275E MainSt.Detailsandphotoscanbe seenonFacebookatHolidayPop-up

TIRERIMS: 17x7-1/2Black Steel,5lug.Used,GoodCondition.Greatforwintertires! $45each.Call585-697-4618.

FORSALE: Extra wideLawn Sweeper.OhioSteelIndustry.$150. Call585-739-4397

NewFoamPad for double bed,53”x74”x4”Asking$70.Call 585-671-3822


GOODLOOKINGCLEAN male, looking forpolyamorousfemalefriend forhikingandotheradventures.I’m newtothislifestyle.Pleasesend photo,letter,andwaytocontact. Haveaniceday.wj128419@gmail. com



L.W.EMPORIUMCO-OP: Gifts, collectibles, antiques,andhomedecor.6355KnickerbockerRd.,Ontario. (315)524-8841.OpenTuesday-Sunday,10am-5pm.Fridayopen´til 8PM.WayneCountyShopping FlingNovember8th-10th.Small BusinessSaturday,November 30th.GiftBasketRaffle. Stopbythe FeatherNestforthatspecialgift!


JUNKCARS,TRUCKS, andVans Wanted!Highercashpaidformost. Alwaysfreepickup.Wearethe ONLYsmalllocalcompanythat paysHonestandFairestforover30 years.585-305-5865.

GOTANUNWANTEDCAR??? Your cardonationtoPatrioticHearts helpsveteransfindworkorstarttheir ownbusiness.Fastfreepick.Running ornot!Call24/7:1-888-251-3135

CASHFORCARS, trucks, vans, SUVs.WE’RELOCAL!Fastcash! Freetowing.$200-$5000.No keys,notitle,noproblem! 585-482-2140

ATTENTIONOXYGENTHERAPY USERS! Discover oxygentherapythat moveswithyouwithInogenPortable OxygenConcentrators.Freeinformationkit.1-866-477-9045

FreedomCare. Let yourlovedones careforyouandgetpaid!Paidby Medicaid.Choosefamilyorfriendsas yourpaidcaregiver.Checkyoureligibilitytoday!CallFreedomCarenow! 1-855-385-7556

ATTENTIONOXYGENTHERAPY USERS! Discover OxygenTherapy ThatMoveswithYouwithInogen PortableOxygenConcentrators.FREE informationkit.Call1-855-399-2719

DENTALINSURANCE from PhysiciansMutualInsuranceCompany. Coveragefor350plusprocedures. Realdentalinsurance-NOTjusta discountplan.Donotwait!Callnow! GetyourFREEDentalInformationKit withallthedetails!1-855-434-9221

Attention:VIAGRAandCIALIS USERS! A cheaperalternativetohigh drugstoreprices!50PillSpecial-Only $99!100%guaranteed.CALLNOW! 1-855-399-2582


Nine in 10 American’s say they celebrate Christmas.

DANSVILLE: Price reducedto $115,000orB/O.OPENHOUSE Sunday,November10thandNovember17th(1pm-4pm).3Bedroom,1 bathroom,2cargarage,newerroof, furnace.115FranklinSt,Dansville. 585-919-9771.


MARALELECTRICLLC: Commercial/ Residential. Licensed/Insured.25yrsexperience.FORALLYOURELECTRICALNEEDS!AllMajorCredit CardsAccepted. 585-490-3607.

GetDISHSatelliteTV+Internet! Free Install,FreeHD-DVRUpgrade, 80,000On-DemandMovies,Plus LimitedTimeUpTo$600InGift Cards.CallToday!1-866-782-4069

SEWINGMACHINEREPAIR, all makes. 50plusyearsexperience.Call Chuck24/7:585-813-6854.Rapid turnaround,allworkdoneinstoreby Bailey’sSewingCenter.134Main Street,Leicester.StoreHours:11-2.

PAINTING: Ask aboutFREEroom withanycompleteinteriororexterior orcellarwaterproofing.25years experience.References.FrankAnge, 585-467-5827.

STEVE´SMASONRY AND FIREPLACE SERVICES: Brick, block,concrete,stamped concrete,chimneyrepairs, foundations,brickandstone veneers. 585-309-4295.

TRICODOORCOMPANY for garagedoorsandopeners.Parts,Service, Salesandinstallations.Commercial, Residential,Automatic.FREEESTIMATES.585-924-3210.Insured.


*No jobtoobig/small. *Freeestimate. *Interior/Exterior *HoneyDoList *BasementWaterproofing *Roofs,*Windows,*Doors $75GutterCleaning 585-755-NATE(6283)

AGINGROOF?NEWHOMEOWNER? Got StormDamage?You needalocalexpertproviderthat proudlystandsbehindtheirwork. Fast,freeestimate.Financing available.Call1-888-878-9091.

WATERDAMAGECLEANUP: A small amountofwatercancause majordamagetoyourhome.Our trustedprofessionalsdryoutwetareas &repairtoprotectyourfamily&your homevalue!Call24/7: 1-888-872-2809.Havezipcode!



Small andOddJobsWelcome. GutterCleaningandHousepressurewashing.Paintingand DrywallRepair.Curtain&Blind installation.Makeyour”honey do”list.FullyInsured&Reasonable.585-545-1754

ARBORSCAPERTREE& LANDSCAPE Fall Special 20%Off **65’BucketService** StormDamageCleanup TreeTrimming&Removal StumpGrinding Multi-TreeDeals Professional/Insured AFFORDABLE FreeEstimates SeniorDiscounts 585-613-2068

CHIMNEYCLEANING: Help Prevent ChimneyFires.Have yourchimneycleaned.Call SmokeyTheChimneySweep, 315-524-5172.


*Interior/ Exterior

*WallpaperRemoval *Over35YearsExperience *FREEReasonableEstimates Tim,585-259-6758


Residential JunkRemoval Cleanout... Estates,Hoarders,MoveOuts Attics,Basements,Garages,Barns Demo...Garages,Pools, Sheds,Barns BBBMember Mike,585-975-9019, 585-482-8366.

DIVORCE$389- Uncontested divorcepapersprepared.Onlyonesignaturerequired.PoorpersonApplicationincludedifapplicable.Separation agreements.Custodyandsupport petitions.518-274-0380


ConsumerCellular- the samereliable,nationwidecoverageasthe largestcarriers.Nolong-termcontract, nohiddenfeesandactivationisfree. Allplansfeatureunlimitedtalkand text,startingatjust$20/month.For moreinformation,call 1-844-919-1682

JUNKCLEANOUTSERVICES: Rates startingat$49. CleanoutofAttics,Cellars, Houses,Barns,etc! Removalgarages,fences,etc. Also,Tree/BrushRemoval FastResponseTime SAMEDAYSERVICE! MasterCardorVisaaccepted. FALLCOUPONSPECIAL JDJunk&CleanoutService, 585-719-8004

INTEGRITYPAINTING Call NOWtoFreshenUpfor Spring -Interior&ExteriorPainting -PressureWashing -CabinetRefinishing -Drywallrepair LicensedandInsured JamesPerry 585-524-9927

SAVAGEMASONRYCHIMNEY REPAIRS: Rebuilds,ChimneyCaps,Cleanings,Crowns, Relining.Basementwalls,small roofleaks.Insured!RobertSavage 585-703-2526

AFFORDABLETV&INTERNET. If you areoverpayingforyourservice, callnowforafreequoteandseehow muchyoucansave!1-855-399-2803


ANTIQUESWANTED: Coins. Furniture, Toys,Crocks,OilPaintings, Oil/FarmSigns,PedalTractors.Howard,FOXFARMANTIQUES, 585-226-6160,585-747-0193.


DONATEYOURCAR to Veterans Today!HelpandSupportourVeterans.Fast-FREEpickup.100%tax deductible.Call1-800-245-0398.

CHAPPELLSJUNKYARD: Free towingofyourjunkcars, trucks,vans. WE’RELOCAL! Upto$500cash.Upto$5000for newermodels. 585-394-9450

WANTED COINS - CURRENCY US Coins,Currency,Collections HIGHESTPRICESPAID PrivateCollector Honeoye-Pittsford 585-322-5909


DON’TLETTHESTAIRSLIMIT your mobility!Discovertheidealsolutionforanyonewhostrugglesonthe stairs,isconcernedaboutafallor wantstoregainaccesstotheirentire home.CallAmeriGlidetoday! 1-833-399-3595

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WEBUYHOUSESFORCASHAS IS! No repairs.Nofuss.Anycondition. Easythreestepprocess:Call,getcash offer&getpaid.Getyourfaircash offertodaybycallingLizBuysHouses: 1-844-877-5833

HonorYourLovedOne In printandonlinebypublishinganObituaryinourPassages section.Includescolorphoto. Call: 585-226-8111


PROFESSIONALLAWNSERVICE: Fertilization, weedcontrol,seeding, aeration&mosquitocontrol.Callnow forafreequote.Askaboutourfirst applicationspecial!1-833-606-6777

PREPAREFORPOWEROUTAGES TODAY with aGeneracHome StandbyGenerator.ActnowtoreceiveaFREE5-Yearwarrantywith qualifyingpurchase*Call 1-855-948-6176todaytoschedulea freequote.It’snotjustagenerator. It’sapowermove.

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Leisure activities may be widely viewed as fun ways to fill up free time, but the benefits of leisure activities extend beyond beating boredom. A 2011 analysis published in the journal BBA Molecular Basis of Disease found that leisure activities have a positive impact on cognitive function and dementia. The analysis, conducted by researchers with the Aging Research Center in Stockholm who examined various studies regarding the relationship between certain activities and cognitive function, defined leisure activity as the voluntary use of free time for activities outside the home. After retirement, leisure time constitutes a large part of many retirees’ lives, and finding ways to fill that time is more beneficial than merely avoiding boredom. The researchers behind the study concluded that the existing research is insufficient to draw any firm conclusions regarding the effects of certain types of leisure activities on the risk for dementia and cognitive decline, though they did note that multi-domain cognitive training has the potential to improve cognitive function in healthy older adults and slow decline in affected individuals. A multi-domain approach to cognitive training involves memory, reasoning, problem-solving, and map reading, among other activities. Aging adults who embrace activities that require the use of such skills may find that they’re not only finding stimulating ways to fill their free time, but increasing their chances of long-term cognitive health as well.

Each mumbered row contains two clues and two answers. e two answers differ from each other by only one letter, which has already been inserted. For example, if you exchange the A from MASTER for an I, you get MISTER. Do not change the order of the letters.

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