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Online POLL
AMC Movie Theaters announced ticket prices will soon vary depending on where you choose to sit. What seat will you choose for your next movie?
• I'm willing to pay more to sit in the middle
• I'll take the side or back at regular price
• Give me the front row for the cheapest price
Poll ends 2-14-23
Poll ended 2-7-23
It's that time of year where millions of people tune in to watch the big game. With that many viewers, there’s more to this event than just football! In your opinion, what's the best thing about this annual tradition.
15.8% Great competitive football
26.3% The food and drinks
31.6% The commercials
10.5% Halftime entertainment
15.8% Getting together with friends
We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit www.gvpennysaver.com!
Cats and Colds
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: is winter, a lot of my family has had colds and u. Can my cat catch a cold from us? -- Darlene, via email
DEAR DARLENE: Cats don’t catch colds directly from humans, but they can su er from upper respiratory infections that are just as uncomfortable.
A number of viral and bacterial infections can make your cat sick. Some of these, such as FVR (feline rhinotracheitis) and FVC (feline calicivirus) can be prevented by making sure your cat gets an annual checkup and vaccinations. An underlying health condition also can make your cat more susceptible to upper respiratory infections. Again, regular checkups and shots can keep it healthy.
What symptoms does a cat with a URI have? It may be sni ing and sneezing, along with a clear or cloudy discharge from the eyes or nose. Your cat also may have little to no appetite and might be lethargic.
Contact the veterinarian right away if your cat has any of these symptoms. e vet will want to examine your cat to con rm what kind of URI it has. Use a cat carrier so other cats in the waiting room won’t be exposed, and to keep your cat safe.
Follow the vet’s instructions on caring for your sick cat. You may be given a prescription, and you will be asked to keep the cat comfortable and warm, and to try to get it to drink water and eat some food. Dry food may be a turno , but it may eat a little wet food. If your cat won’t eat or drink, contact the vet again -- an IV may be needed to keep it hydrated.
Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner. com.
(c) 2023 King Features Synd., Inc.
To Your Good Health
By Keith Roach, M.D.