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Magic Maze – CENTER
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Don’t overlook deals on automobiles. Certain holidays, such as Presidents’ Day, provide opportunities for consumers to find great deals on new vehicles. Scout out the deals being offered on the car or truck you want.
Online POLL
New Jersey restaurant is implementing a no kids under 10 policy because of loud, unruly, messy children. What do you think of this policy?
• I agree with it. Not all restaurants are a good fit for children
• I welcome a restaurant which won’t have the distraction of small children
• They should have a section dedicated to families with young kids
• Kids should be welcome no matter what
• My kids are well behaved, would they make an exception?
By JoAnn Derson
* “It can be tricky to add new keys to a key ring, especially if you don’t have much of a fingernail. I have found a foolproof way to get the key started. Just use a staple remover. It works wonders!” -- T.R. in Indiana
* If you find that you have small scratches in your wood furniture, try this old trick: Rub a walnut over dings to cover them up. Or find a matching brown crayon, rub it lightly into the scratch, and finish with a hair dryer held 10 inches away for about 10-15 seconds. It melts the wax of the crayon, and then you can buff it with a soft rag. Any excess is swept away and the color remains.
* Got small kids? If your little one keeps rolling out of his bed, here’s a tip: Use a pool noodle tucked under the fitted sheet, lengthwise along the edge of the bed. It’s just enough of a bumper to send a sleeping child back to the center of the mattress.
* “If you have many mismatched frames that you would like to use, you can try spray painting them all the same color. I had several that were different colors and a little bit beat up, but I wanted to use them in one big group. I painted them all glossy black, and they look great!”
-- W.F. in Arkansas
* Hanging shoe racks are a wonderful organizational tool, especially the ones made of plastic that have see-through pockets. You can use them on the back of your bathroom door for small towels and toiletries, or how about on the back of baby’s door as a diaper organizer? My favorite use is on the back of my garage door to hold all the cleaning bottles and solutions with other supplies. They are nice and high, and out of reach of little hands.
Monday Only
Happy Hour
Gas Station Thanks
Thank you so very much for the young man and his daughter who paid for my gas on Thursday, February 3rd in Bloomfield. My sister and I started out to meet another sister for coffee when I realized my car was on empty. I stopped at the next gas station but was having difficulty getting my credit card to register when this gentleman put gas in my tank from his host. A very large amount of gas! Can you imagine such thoughtfulness! And I didn’t even get his name. Thank you again and bless your kindness.
Thank You Naples!
I was pleasantly surprised to find beautiful Valentines posted all along Main St. in Naples. Thank you to the organizations, businesses and individuals responsible. Made my day! Happy Valentine's Day!
Rural Road Rager
Last week I was sitting at the stop sign at the bottom of our rural and partial seasonal road, waiting for you, an oncoming car, to pass by before entering the County Rd. You decided to put on your blinker at the last minute, pull in front of me, stop, and roll down your window. You then proceeded to yell, claiming I am in your lane (not true) and ask "what am I doing?"! I said "I am turning" and sweetly said goodbye and drove off. This enraged you as you shouted expletives and laid on your horn. I thought you would come after me next, but didn't. Wow, what an angry and aggressive young man you are, triggered by something that was so nothing!
Mind My Own Business?
According to the CDC, obesity costs the Healthcare System $173 billion dollars each year. A cost we all pay in the form of higher insurance premiums. So your daily garbage plate is taking money out of my pocket. I'd say that makes it my business.
To The Anti Dog Woman
To the woman who lives on my street and hates dogs, STOP harassing me every time I simply walk by your house with my dogs. They’re NOT going to the bathroom in your yard. We are allowed to utilize the PUBLIC sidewalk. If you don’t stop I will call the police on you just like you do to everyone else on the street. Get a taste of your own medicine.
I would like to thank all the folks who stopped and made sure I was alright on Friday morning when my Ford truck went off the road and into a ditch on Rt. 46 just before Rt. 21. I was pinned in the truck in the ditch. AAA got there three hours after it happened. I want to thank ALL who stopped to make sure I was ok. Kudos to the state trooper who also stopped.
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Shayla is a 1 year old sable and white Boarder Collie. She loves playing fetch outside regardless of the weather. She is a loving, obedient, good natured sweetheart who always surprises us with her ability to learn quickly and understand a continuing growing vocabulary. She loves snow!
Distractions That Can Affect Efficiency At Work
The internet: The CareerBuilder survey found that employers believed the internet is the second biggest productivity killer. Professionals with a lot on their plates should do everything they can to avoid surfing the internet during the workday. The internet can be a rabbit hole, and even individuals who only intend to take a brief break from work to check the news or clear their head may soon find themselves moving from website to website while their work piles up.If it’s a mental break you need,get up and take a brief walk around the office instead of surfing the internet.
many people in business talk of diversity fatigue, says Barbara Adams, PsyD, author of “Women, Minorities, & Other Extraordinary People: The New Path for Workforce Diversity” (Greenleaf Book Group Press). But, she adds, that means “we’ve momentarily lost sight of the magnitude of opportunity before us.”
Her book can serve people in leadership positions who recognize, “the tremendous strategic value of having diverse, inclusive workforces,” but have struggled to commit to it.
For all the many well-meaning diversity initiatives that organizations have undertaken lately, “personal mindsets and beliefs are what count,” she writes.
“People in leadership positions,” Dr. Adams adds, “have the ability to replace judgment and bias that naturally occur in us with curiosity about differences.” And that, she concludes, is “truly the beginning of embracing the opportunity that lies in workforce diversity and inclusion” and can make companies and organizations more successful.
Her book reframes the journey ahead through an organizational lens, highlightingtheimportanceofculturalnorms,challengingmisconceptions, and providing research and practical tools.
Learn More: For further facts about Dr. Adams and a look at her new book, go to www.drbarbadams.com and https://greenleafbookgroup.com.
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On the third Monday in February, Americans stop to remember the contributions of the many great leaders who have served as President of the United States. Certain Presidents’ Day traditions have developed over the years, including an opportunity for shoppers to find great deals on a host of items. Originally established in 1885 to recognize President George Washington, the day we now know as Presidents’ Day was then known as Washington’s Birthday and was traditionally celebrated on February 22. The holiday became known as Presidents’ Day after it was moved to the third Monday in accordance with the Uniform Monday Holiday Act, which enabled the nation’s workers to enjoy more threeday weekends. In addition, the Uniform Monday Holiday Act served as a way to combine the celebration of Washington’s birthday and Abraham Lincoln’s birthday, which is February 12.
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The Similarities Between Passover And Easter
To the casual observer, Passover and Easter may not to seem to have much in common. While the two holidays are celebrated by people of different faiths, they share certain similarities. Both Passover and Easter celebrate fundamental tenets of their respective faiths. For Christians, Easter commemorates the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, a moment that has shaped the lives of faithful Christians ever since. During Passover, Jews honor a moment in history that helped free slaves from captivity and shape them into the people of Israel. In addition, historians believe that the Passion of Christ, which is the short final period of Jesus’ life, occurred during the observance ofPesach,orPassover.Duringthis time, Jesus went to Jerusalem in response to a mandate to appear at the Temple. It also is believed that the Last Supper described in all four Gospels was likely a Passover seder. Liberation and rebirth also are at the heart of both holidays.