4 minute read
Manyhomeownerslovewoodfencingbecauseofitsversatilitywithregard to design and color. The options are endless when it comes to crafting wood fencing, which also can be stained in any color homeowners prefer. Wood fencing can be designed not only for homeowners who prioritize privacy,butitalsocanbecraftedforhomeownersforwhomprivacyisnot a significant concern. Wood is a relatively inexpensive fencing material, but the maintenance required to keep wood fencing looking great can sometimes be costly and time-consuming.
Landscape Design and Installation
Potential Culprits Behind Thinning Grass
Leaf spot do
The Center for Agriculture, Food and the Environment at the University of MassachusettsAmherstnotesthatleafspotdiseasesaffectbothcool-and warm-season turfgrasses. Various fungi can cause leaf spot. Symptoms andthetimingoftheappearanceofleafspotwillvarydependingonwhich fungi is causing the problem. For example, bipolaris sorokiniana, which affects grasses in warm, wet summer months, produces small spots that are dark purple to black. Dreschslera poae is another fungi that causes leafspot,anditalsoproducesdarkpurpletoblackspots.However,ittends toappearinthespringwhentheweatheriscoolandmoist.Understanding the different fungi and when they typically strike can help homeowners identify what is causing their grass to thin. In such situations, professional landscapers can be invaluable resources as well.
Smart bulbs: Manufacturers offer various types of smart light bulbs. Some are color-changing, others react to doorbells or alarms, and otherscansimulatetypicallighting patterns when homeowners are away. Integrated apps enable remote access to scheduling so people can arrive home to a welllit house.
Be especially careful with power tools. Power tools can do a lot and they’re fun to use. But it’s important that DIYers do not let fun distract them from safety. The Power Tool Institute urges power tool users to wear personal protective equipment, including eye and hearing protection and a dust mask, whenever using power tools. The PTI also advises users to make sure tools are powered down before plugging them in and to inspect the tool before using it. Inspections can confirm that all guards are in place and that tools are up to the task at hand. Much like it’s unsafe to overreach on a ladder, overreaching when using power tools increase the risk for mistakes, accidents and injuries.
I used to visit and revisit it a dozen times a day, and stand in deep contemplation over my vegetable progeny with a love that nobody could share or conceive of who had never taken part in the process of creation. It was one of the most bewitching sights in the world to observe a hill of beans thrusting aside the soil, or a rose of early peas just peeping forth sufficiently to trace a line of delicate green.
10” AIR MATTRESS - Fits adjustable twin bed. Mattress LEAKS, needs repair. 585-434-1121, leave message please. Thank you.
You move: 585-323-1762 (leave message)
HP 950XL high yield INKJET CARTRIDGE: mbcq@rochester.rr.com
100-150 JUNK TIRES. You pick up: 716-425-7671
ADULT DIAPERS, size XL. Still in package: 585-236-0426
Beautiful SPINET PIANO with BENCH. Double-tuned 2019. Picture upon request: Bob8lin13@yahoo.com
KIMBALL UPRIGHT PIANO, just tuned in November. It is not being used. We want to find someone who will enjoy it: 585-356-2927
MARTHA STEWART LIVING MAGAZINES 1999-2020. Very good condition. 585-599-3543
2 CAR SEATS, great for grandparents or sitter, one converts to booster. Were registered - so no recalls! terrybennett1973@yahoo.com
INDOOR RECUMBENT BIKE. Excellent for recovery from knee replacement or lesser knee surgery. Leave text or message: 585-697-4671
UPRIGHT PIANO. Great condition, moving and must find a home for it. You must pick up and move yourself: 585-362-9575
OTTOMAN, navy blue print. Excellent condition. Pittsford area. You pick up: jul217@rochester.rr.com
UPRIGHT PIANO. Needs love. Free. Located on the second floor. Text: 585-236-6995
LIFE MAGAZINES from 1989-2000. Not all years complete. Good to very good condition. Prefer non-profit organization for donation. Lima: SRWL22@aol.com
FIREWOOD. Cottonwood tree, felled and already cut in sections. Easy access, you pick up: 585-230-3011
Two large boxes of AVON BOTTLES. You pick up or can meet: 315-331-9391
LYON & HEALY BABY GRAND PIANO. You move: 585-323-1762 (lv. msg)
MEDICAL - PICC/central line dressing change kits, caps, extra Tegaderm, saline flushes, Foley insertion trays, night/leg bags, irrigation trays: P.FRIED91@GMAIL.COM
SOCKS, fair to good condition, others can be used for crafts: 585-236-0426
TREADMILL, suitable for walking, not running on. Works. You pick up: lorali58isdone@gmail.com
Older CPAP MACHINE, works well: lorali58isdone@gmail.com
SLEEPER SOFA, good condition and a SOFA, good condition but has some stains. Bloomfield: 585-747-5521
COOPERSTOWN DREAMS PARK TRADING PINS and DISPLAY BOOK for granddaughter who will play in one tournament this summer: salvatore.d.timpani@gmail.com
BOX TRAILER: 585-323-1762 (leave message)
Used DOUBLE-PANED WINDOWS. Any size: 814-397-1432
TREADMILL, at least medium size, that goes at least two miles per hour please: 585-697-4489
2 used KITCHEN CUPBOARDS, 30”H x 12”W or similar: dotschlag@yahoo.com
PUSH SELF-PROPELLED LAWN MOWER. Call or text: 585-498-6013
METAL FENCE POST. Thanks: 585-861-0181
KEYBOARD with weighted keys, PIANO MUSIC (classical preferred) and a small COMPUTER DESK: 585-346-7022
70s-80s ROCK RECORDS, CASSETTES, and 8-TRACK TAPES for personal collection. I won’t sell them like others: gzintel1967@gmail.com
SEWING MACHINE for new sewer and a WASHER & DRYER in LeRoy: 585-820-3948
SHED, I will take down and a UTILITY TRAILER. Thank you: 585-447-0201
Long length STEEL RETAIL CLOTHING RACK w/wheels: 585-490-6808
Old 7” REEL-TO-REEL AUDIO TAPE RECORDER to listen to a 60-year-old family recording I found: 607-936-3137
STORAGE BINS w/LIDS and one PICNIC BENCH: 585-748-8531
CLAY POTS (broken pieces too) Thank you. email: amdobb@rochester.rr.com
HAY BALE FORK with handle or a PITCHFORK. Thank you. amdobb@rochester.rr.com
INTERNATIONAL STAMPS (no Canada) for grandson’s inherited stamp collection: 585-334-6134
Older versions of PLASTIC CANDY MOLDS. No more than 30-mile radius from Cohocton, Wayland, Springwater or Bath area: 585-447-0087, leave message
Small, 1.5 or 2 cup, FOOD PROCESSOR. No more than 30-mile radius from Cohocton, Wayland, Springwater or Bath area: 585-447-0087, leave message
BOX SPRING for twin bed: 585-657-5451
Gently used WHITE WEDDING GOWN, size large (12?). Preferably with short or long sleeves: 585-346-9777
Old, abandoned CANOES and KAYAKS in need of repair for parts: jerrywilsen99@gmail.com
ELECTRONICS & PARTS for electronic organs: 585-323-1762 (lv. msg)
Boy Scout requests VINTAGE ARCHERY RECURVE BOWS/ARROWS/ACCESSORIES for Parts/Repairs: Text 585-794-0448 or Email mintshape@netacc.net
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received.
Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111