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Jefferson Park Senior Apartments Fair Housing Statement
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center
1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org
Equal Housing Opportunity
Everything is blooming most recklessly; if it were voices instead of colors, there would be an unbelievable shrieking into the heart of the night. ~ Rainer
Maria Rilke, Letters of Rainer Maria Rilke
By JoAnn Derson
* My mom was dealing with a rough health patch recently, and my dad was in charge of all her doctor visits. There was a lot of follow-up to keep track of, and many different doctors. He used a wallet-size photo holder to corral all the different appointment cards to put them in order of appointment. He really did a great job, and Mom’s all better now. -- Y.R. in Ohio
* A fast, cheap and effective treatment for leg cramps is drinking a little bit of pickle juice. I’m not sure if it’s the vinegar or the combination of vinegar and salt, but it works -- and fast! My grandpa told me about this, and recently I have seen it in magazine articles and on television shows. Nothing fancy, just take a big slug of the juice at the very first sign of a cramp. -- E.E. in Maine
* Here’s a tip for brides: For the couple of weeks before your wedding, wear your wedding shoes around the house several times a week. This breaks them in, and you will be more comfortable with all the standing and dancing on your special day!
* I think cleaning wipes are so very handy, but they can be quite expensive. To make my own, I add cleaner to baby wipes, right in the container. I don’t have babies in the house, but I do mark the container well so that nobody would use it for his or her skin. They work well for me. -- via email
* To thread a needle, run the tip of your finger and thumb over a stick of lip balm, then roll the end of the thread between your fingers. It keeps the threads together and goes through the eye of the needle much easier.
Marianne Cope Roman Catholic Parish
(p) 585-334-3518; www.smcrcc.org; smcrcc@dor.org
O ce: 2061 E. Henrietta Rd., Rochester, NY 14623
Our Worship sites and Mass times: All Masses are currently held at Guardian Angels Church, 2061 E. Henrietta Rd., Rochester, NY 14623.
Weekend Mass: Sat. at 4:30pm (confessions begin at 3pm); Sun. at 8:00am & 10:30am. Weekday Mass: Mon. & Wed. at 12:10pm; Tues. & urs. at 8:00am.
East Rochester United Methodist Church
357 Fairport Road, East Rochester, NY 14445
Pastor Jefrey Nowak
Sunday Worship 11:00am | Wednesday Bible Study 10:30am
“Reach Up, Grow Deep, Branch Out”
United Methodist Church of Webster
169 E. Main St., Webster • 585-265-9720 www.umcwebster.org
• o ce@umcwebster.org
Rick LaDue, Lead Pastor
Sunday Worship 9:00am (Traditional) and 10:30am (Contemporary)
Online Services; Childcare & Classes - both services
“Love God, Love Others, Serve Jesus”
Protection of the Mother of God Russian Orthodox Church
100 Stanford Dr., Rochester, NY 14610 • 585-224-0554
Archpriest Gregory Naumenko, Rector • A ROCOR Parish
Serving all English and Russian Speaking Orthodox Christians
Full schedule of services and live service streaming at www.pomog.org
List your place of Worship on our monthly Worship Pages. Call 226-8111 today.
Make fresh cuts in stems: Think back to the last time you purchased a fresh Christmas tree. What is the key to ensuring it gets enough water while on display? You guessed it: making a fresh cut in the trunk of the tree. The same concept applies to floral arrangements. Use a sharp scissor or pruning shears to cut about one inch from the bottom of each stem at a 45-degree angle. Continue this process every three days or so. The 45-degree angle prevents the stem from squishing during the cut and enables it to absorb more water.