1 minute read
Magic Maze
Types Of Knots
Fair Housing Statement
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center
1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org
Sun., August 13, 2023
10am-3pm · Buy, Sell, Trade
FREE Admission!
Free Appraisals!
Coin Supply Dealer on-site. Bill Gray’s
Regional Ice Plex
2700 Brighton-Henrietta Townline Rd. Roche er, NY Information 607-368-2617
Statistics Show Just How Big Small Business Is
Small businesses have such a big impact on their communities, and the world at large, that it might be time to reconsider refering to them as “small.” According to the World Bank, small businesses have a major impact on the world economy, especially in emerging countries. In such nations, small and medium enterprises contribute up to 60 percent of total employment and up to 40 percent of national income. Small businesses figure to frame their economies in emerging countries in the coming decades, and they’re already doing so in developed nations, such as the United States and Canada.
If you could be any fictional character for a day, who would you choose?
- Barbie
- Captain Underpants
- Darth Vader
- Harry Potter
- Indiana Jones
- Katniss Everdeen
Poll ends 08-15-2023
Poll ends 08-08-2023
One food must go. Which do you pick?
18.2% Pizza
18.2% Pasta
45.5% Tacos
18.2% Burgers
We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit www.gvpennysaver.com!