Oatka- Genesee Valley Penny Saver- 1-17-25

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by St. Agnes School for information, tours and to register for the 2025-2026 school year! Small class sizes, faith, excellent academics plus all the extras (PE, Art, Music, Library, Fine Arts, STEM, field trips and more)

local districts for K-5 (some PreK4).

School Care available for PreK4 all day students and K-5 students.



• Deluxe Round Trip Motorcoach Transportation

• Five nights lodging including 3 consecutive nights in Virginia

• Virginia Beach Boardwalk, Colonial Williamsburg, Narrated Naval Base Harbor Cruise

• Admission to the Nauticus & Battleship Wisconsin, Visit to The Mariners’ Museum & Aquarium & Science Center

Deposit $75.00 per person due at booking.

Final payment is due April 2, 2025. Cancellation Insurance Available & Highly Recommended.



• Roundtrip motorcoach from Batavia

• 1 night accommodations at the Country Inn of Lancaster • Dinner Friday night

• Performance of Noah at Sight and Sound Friday night

• Breakfast Saturday morning at hotel • Time on your own at Kitchen Kettle

• Amish Farmlands Tour• First Choice Travel Tour Manager

Deposit $100.00 per person due at booking.

Final payment is due June 6, 2025. Cancellation Insurance Available & Highly Recommended.

BAHAMAS - 7 Night Cruise


• Deluxe Round Trip Motorcoach Transportation from Batavia to New York City

• Seven night cruise to the Bahamas

• Meals and entertainment onboard ship and All Known Government Taxes and Fees.

Deposit $250.00 per person due at booking. Book early for best cabin selection.

Final payment is due April 25, 2025. Cancellation Insurance Available & Highly Recommended.

$1,599 Based on double occupancy outside window cabin (OR1)



• 8 meals: 5 breakfasts and 3 dinners • Guided Tour of Mackinaw City

• Visit to Mackinac Island, including a Guided Carriage Tour

• Boat ride through the Soo Locks and free time and sight-seeing in Sault Sainte Marie

• Visit to Mackinaw Crossings • Admission to Colonial Michilimackinac

• Gaming excitement at a Northern Michigan Casino

Deposit $75.00 per person due at booking.

Final payment is due July 8, 2025. Cancellation Insurance Available & Highly Recommended.

MEMPHIS- Home of the Blues, Soul & Rock & Roll


• Motorcoach transportation

• 6 nights lodging, 4 consecutive nights in Memphis

• 6 breakfasts, 4 dinners

• Admission to Graceland, Home of Elvis, including Airplanes & Car Museum

• Guided Tour of Memphis, Gaming at Memphis area Casino

• Admission to Sun Studio

• Admission to Memphis Rock ‘N’ Soul Museum

Deposit $75.00 per person due at booking.

Final Aug. 26, 2025. Cancellation Insurance Available & Highly Recommended.

• Motorcoach transportation • 5 nights lodging including 3 consecutive nights in Northern Michigan

$1,799 Based on double occupancy outside balcony cabin (BR2) Nov. 2-8, 2025 $

1,299 Per Person,

Early Bird Specials:

8oz Prime Rib, Crab Cake Dinner, Shrimp Alfredo, Beef Stroganoff Your choice - $20

Dine-in only- served Tuesday-Friday & Sundays 4-6pm


BUffalo Delmonico Special - $42

10oz Delmonico Steak, topped with 2 jumbo buffalo wings and buffalo shrimp

Dine-in only

Creamy Cheese Potatoes

1 1/4 c. milk

1 (8 oz.) pkg. cream cheese, softened

1 T. snipped chives

4 c. cubed, cooked potatoes (4 medium potatoes)

1/2 tsp. instant minced onions

1/4 tsp. salt paprika (if desired) In medium saucepan over low heat, blend milk into cream cheese. If necessary, beat smooth with beater. Stir in chives, onion and salt. Add cubed potatoes; stir carefully to coat. Turn potato cheese mixture into 1 1/2 quart casserole; sprinkle with paprika. Bake in 350 degree oven for 30 minutes. Or cook in saucepan over low heat until heated through. Serve immediately.

Puzzle Answers This Week

______ DROP

2024 Pet of the Year

“Hi my name is Lilac and I’m a pure breed Main Coon. My Mom has always wanted one so Dad surprised her with me for her birthday. I came all the way from Indiana to be with my new family. I’m so excited to be here and can’t wait to explore my new home.”

Meet Maximus

Max absolutely loves the snow and would stay out in it for hours if we didn’t make him come in!

He is truly in his element.

Tired of waiting months to get in to your groomer?

Accepting new clients

Support Local Small Businesses

Fully Insured

Professionally Certified

All Dogs & Cats

Specializing in one-on-one stress free sessions ggy

Call or Text Kerry Brandow @ 585-313-0951 to schedule a groom. 4294 Caledonia Avon Road, Caledonia, NY 14423



DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My parents at Christmas said I’m finally old enough to have a kitten! We are going to the local Humane Society this weekend to adopt one. What suggestions do you have so that I train the kitten right?

-- William in Manassas, Virginia

DEAR WILLIAM: Grab a book on cat care at the local bookstore or library and read it cover to cover. While cats are considered to be easier to care for than dogs, they still need to be properly house-trained and given a routine (which helps immensely with reducing anxiety-related behaviors, too).

I’m sure you’ve already stocked up on kitten food, though it’s a good idea not to buy too much to begin with. You’ll want to try a few different brands and types of food -- dry, wet or fresh -- to see what the kitten likes and how well he responds to each.

When you pick up your new kitten, talk to the shelter staff to learn about any particular behaviors the kitten has, any health issues that need monitoring, and any advice they have for getting him or her settled in. Cats being prepared for adoption are sometimes fostered out to make sure they can live easily with humans and to observe them for any health or behavioral issues that need to be ironed out before they’re ready to go to a forever family. e shelter will have that information for you so that there are no surprises (like territorial peeing).

Congratulations, and best of luck! Sounds like you will soon have a new friend in the household.

Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.

Online POLL

With wildfires devastating tens of thousands of acres, tornados ripping apart the Midwest each year, tsunamis washing away oceanside cities, Western NYers may feel fortunate to “only” deal with snow and ice. However, emergency preparedness is crucial no matter where we live. Are you ready for an emergency evacuation?

• I have an emergency kit ready at home

• My family has an evacuation plan

• I receive alerts for severe weather/ emergencies

• I feel somewhat prepared but could improve

• I am not prepared

Poll ends 01-21-2025

Poll ended 01-14-2025

With the end of 2024, many research institutions across the US and the world have made predictions about the state of artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics in the new year. Whether or not it happens this year, as some predict, overall, do you think AI will become smarter than humans?

45% Yes

45% No

10% Unsure




Byron Bergen Public Library

13 S. Lake St., Bergen (585) 494-1120


Hours: Tues.-Thurs. 10-1 & 2-7; Fri. 10-6; Sat. 10-1

Caledonia Library

3108 Main Street, Caledonia (585) 538-4512

Hours: Mon. & Thurs. 2-5:30 & 7-9; Tues. 9-1 & 2-5:30; Fri. 2-5:30; Sat. 9-1

Chili Public Library

3237 Chili Avenue, Rochester www.chililibrary.org (585) 889-2200

Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 9-9; Fri.-Sat. 9-5, Sun. Closed

Hollwedel Memorial Library

5 Woodrow Dr., Pavilion (585) 584-8843

Hours: M,W 1-8; T, Th 10-1; F 11-6; S 9-noon; Sunday-closed

Mumford Branch Library

883 George Street, Mumford (585) 538-6124

Hours: Mon., Wed., Fri. 12-6

Newman Riga Library

1 S. Main St., Churchville, NY www.newmanrigalibrary.org (585) 293-2009

Hours: Mon., Wed., Fri. 11-5; Tues., Thurs. 11-9; Sat. 10-2

Scottsville Free Library

28 Main Street, Scottsville (585) 889-2023

Hours: Mon., Wed., Fri. 10-5; Tues., Thurs. 1-8; Sat. 10-1

Here’s what’s happening at your local library…

LIBRARY CLOSED:Monday,January 20.

SIMPLYSTORIES:Tuesday,January 21at10AM.Forchildrenofallages withanadult.Astorytimeofstories andsongs!Noregistration.

TAILWAGGIN’TUTORS:Tuesday, January21at4PM.Forages12and underwithanadult.Readtoa therapydog.Noregistration.

TEENGAMENIGHT:Tuesday, January21at4PM.Forages1318. Afungamingevening.Registration required.

NON-FICTIONBOOKDISCUSSION: Tuesday,January21at6:30PM.For olderteensandadults.Discussa non-fictionbook.Noregistration.

BABIESANDBOOKS:Thursday, January23at10:30AM.Forages upto24monthswithanadult. Stories,songs,andfingerplays.No registration.

MARIOKARTNIGHT:Thursday, January23at6:30PM.Forages 13-18.PlayMarioKartontheNintendoSwitch.Noregistration.

HAMSTERCARETIME:Friday, January24at3PM.Forallagesand families.Comemeetourhamsters. Noregistration.

He who marvels at the beauty of the world in summer will find equal cause for wonder and admiration in winter.... In winter the stars seem to have rekindled their fires, the moon achieves a fuller triumph, and the heavens wear a look of a more exalted simplicity. ~ John Burroughs, “TheSnow-Walkers,”1866


SNAP-ED NEWYORKCLASSThe Fruit&VegetablePrescriptionProgram.Jointhisfree6-weekprogram,eachTuesdaybeginning January21stuntilFebruary25th from2:15p.m.until3:15p.m. You’lllearntipsforeatinghealth whilesavingtimeandmoney.Receivea$15.00voucher/classto spendonfreshfruitsandveggiesat localfoodretailers!ContactColleenat585-435-2703toregister. LOOSELYKNITEachThursdayat 2:15p.m.Doyouknit?Crochet? Doyouwanttolearn?Allskilllevels arewelcome!

THEBOOKIESOurbookclubnext meetsonTuesdayJanuary21stat 2:15p.m.Currentselectionis“A GentlemanandaThief”byDean Jobb.Comeandseewhatthisfun groupisallabout!

CHILDREN’SSTORYHOURWillresumeonTuesday,February18th. LIBRARYBOARDMEETINGSHeld onthelastTuesdayofeachmonth at6:00p.m.,unlessotherwiseadvertised.

NEWMANRIGALIBRARY: Pop-up BookSaleFri,1/3111a.m. 4:30p.m.&Sat,2/110a.m.2p.m. Browseaselectionofusedbooksat specialprices.;CelebrateTakeYour ChildtotheLibraryDaySat,2/1 10a.m.2p.m.Getalibrarycard,meet thechildren’sprogrammer,andexploreallthewondersthatyourlocal libraryhastoofferyourfamily;PreschoolStorytimewithMs.Jennastarts Feb2/6at10:30a.m.andcontinues everyThursdayinFebandMar.Childrenaged35withacaregiverare invitedtocomeenjoystories,songs, rhymesandFUN!;AdultColoring GroupwithBrendaisback!Feb11 6:00p.m.7:30p.m.(seeonlinecalendarformoredates.)Taketimeout fromyourdailyroutineandletyour creativesideshine!Suppliesprovided orbringyourown.***ifitistoolate for1/17inclusion,pleasesubmitfor 1/24.Feelfreetoemailme***


Stitching,Sorrow&Loss: Elizabeth RoseberryMitchell’s GraveyardQuilt-TheCobblestone MuseumandCountryTreasures QuiltShoppresent“Stitching,Sorrow&Loss:ElizabethRoseberry Mitchell’sGraveyardQuilt,”avirtualeventtobeheldJanuary28at 7pmEST.CuratorJenniferDowns attheKentuckyHistoricalSociety willdiscussthisremarkabletextile. Createdaround1843,itisanunusualmourningquilt.Coffinsanda cemeteryaredepictedinthisnotablepieceofhistoricalhandiwork. Visitcobblestonemuseum.org/ events-grid/toregisterbydonation toreceiveyourZoomlinktoattend orcall585/589-9013forassistance.


GirlScoutCookieSale- Girl Scouts fromAvonandCaledonia havestartedtheirannualcookie sale.Theyhave9deliciousvarieties includingagluten,egg,nutfree CaramelChocolateChip,forever favoritesThinMints,PeanutPatties, Lemonadesandothers.Girlslearn moneyskills,peopleskills,goalsettingwhileearningmoneytohelp withtroopprojects.Allcookies$6. Ifagirldoesn’tcontactyouplease callJeanne314-0226toorder cookiesthruMarch15th

Chicken’nBiscuitDinner Wednesday, January22,(4pm6:30pm).Cost:$12(13andup),$5 (5-12).Proceeds:AmericanLegion Post294FamilyPrograms,5480 EastAvonRoad,Avon.

Meditation101- If youhavealwayswantedtolearnhowtomeditate,oryouwanttoknowthe variousbenefitsofmeditation,join Andartaforthis1hourclass.You willwantyourownpillowand/or blanketwithyouwhenwedothis class.Thisclassis$20perperson andtheclassislimitedto12people.Ifyoualsowanttoregisterfor Andarta’sTheARTofTaroton ThursdayJanuary23,thecostis $40forthetwoclasses.Inthecase ofbadweathertherewillbethe optiontoattendvirtually.Visit https://goart.org/events/mediation101/,calloremailJodiFisherat (585)343-9313orjfisher@goart. org

FebruaryDotMandalaPainting Class - LearnthebasicsofDot MandalaPaintingandmakea lovelyheartstoneonSaturday,February1st,from2-5pmwith instructorMiaBaroneofDotsAMia. Ticketsare$40perperson.Dotting tools(2stylusesand4acrylicdowels),palettes,paint,heartstoneto painton(designsimilartopicture; youmaychooseyourowncolorsto goonamaroonorblackheart stone),andblackpracticepaper willbesupplied.Dottingkitswillbe availableforpurchase.Classisfor ages12andup.Pre-registration requiredtoattend.Toregisterfor theclasspleasevisithttps://goart. org/programming/exlporeart/ exploreart-adult/

LocalAuthorBookLaunchatGO ART! Come toGOART!Thursday January30that6pmandmeet localauthorL.FeigKnipeasshe talksabouthernewbook“Braving Therapy”andgrabyourveryown copyforhertosign.Bookscanbe purchasedthenightoftheeventor aheadoftimefromAmazon.GO ART!201EMainSt,Batavia.

NighttoShine- Hosted byGrace BaptistChurch.Sponsoredbythe TimTebowFoundation.Friday,February7,2025-GraceBaptistis excitedtojoinhundredsofother churchesaroundtheglobeincelebratingpeoplewithdisabilitiesas God’simagebearers.Redcarpet entrancecompletewithawarm welcomefromafriendlycrowdand paparazzi,hairandmakeupstations,shoeshines,limousinerides, karaoke,gifts,acatereddinner,a SensoryRoom,aRespiteRoomfor parentsandcaregivers,dancing, andacrowningceremonywhere everyguestishonoredasaKingor QueenthewayGodseesthem eachandeveryday.GraceBaptist Church,238VineStreet,Batavia. https://gracebatavia.org/night-toshine/

CrossroadsHouseGala! Join us Saturdayevening,January25thfor amagical“NightUndertheStars” galatocelebrateandsupport CrossroadsHouseasweenterour 28thyearprovidingcompassionate end-of-lifecare,atnocharge,to thoseinneedinGeneseeandsurroundingWNYcounties.EnjoyelegantstarlitdiningintheParkPlace RoomatBataviaDowns,withDuelingPianosentertainment,silent auction,reverse50/50raffle,and camaraderiewithfriendsofour mission!Detailsonourwebsite www.crossroadshouse.com/events orcall585-343-3892,option1.

GeneseeSymphonyOrchestra’s February 2ndConcert- The GeneseeSymphonyOrchestra’s nextconcertisSunday,February2, 2025at4pmattheGCCStuart SteinerTheater.MeettheOrchestra (grades3-8)isat3pm.Themeis “MusicalFireworks.”Tickets availableonlineat geneseesymphonyorchestra@ gmail.comatYNGODESS,GOART, Mr.WineandLiquorandCoffee Press.Pricesare$17adult,$12 seniors(62+),studentsfreewithID. Another“can’tmiss”concert.

BeginnerHandBuildinginClayIntro toHandBuildingwillbean opportunityforstudentstowork withclayasanartmedium.For childreningrades7-12.Eachsessionwilltakeupto2hours,one dayaweek,for2weeks.Cost: $150($25perweek)forallthree sessionsORCost:$50ifonly interestedin1session.GOART!, 201EMainSt.,Batavia. 585-343-9313.

TheCrossroadsHouse29thAnnual “StrikeUpSomeFun for Crossroads”BettyEllisonMemorial BowlingEventiscomingupFebruary7thand8thatMancuso BowlingCenter!Oneafternoon andtwoeveningshiftstochoose from!Thispopulareventwillhavea liveDJforthe6pmshifts,aswell asfunandconteststhroughout! BasketRaffles,50/50,specialframe contests!RegisteronourFacebook pageoratwww.crossroadshouse. com/events.Greatwayforyour teamtosupportthemissionofour comfortcarehomeforthedying whilehavingagreattimethe weekendof(wehope)theBills SuperBowl!!!Call343-3892option2formoreinfo!


CaledoniaSeniorLunchGroup will beholdingitsJanuaryMeeting onMonday,January20atnoonat JonesHallinCaledonia.TheProgramwillbeBingoanddiscussion ofeventsandtripsmemberswould liketoseein2025.Wewillshare somedelicioushamcornandpotatochowder.Pleasebringadishto pass,yourtableserviceandbeverage.Guestsarewelcome.Ifyou havequestions,pleasecallCarolyn at585-344-1461.


MaryJemison:LivingstonCounty’s Iconic‘WhiteWomanofthe Genesee’ -Inadditiontorecountingtheoftendramaticelementsofherlifestory,thispresentationbyOliverBickelwill discusswhatitwasaboutMary Jemisonthatmakeshernotonly suchauniquelyinterestingfigurein thehistoryofLivingstonCounty but,over250yearslater,acontinuinginspirationaliconforsomany peopleintheUnitedStatesand beyond.HeldSaturday,January25, 1:30-3pm,LivingstonCountyMuseum,30CenterStreet,Geneseo. https://www. livingstoncountyhistoricalsociety. com/


TuesdayDinner! January 21st. DeepfriedChickenBreastona hardrollservedwithlettuceand tomato,Frenchfries,andMacaroni salad.Servedfrom4-6:30for$10. Rush-HenriettaAmericanLegion Post1151,260MiddleRd.,Henrietta.


CabinFeverFunforLadiesCrafty Women&Friendsishosting aDrop-In“CabinFeverFunfor Ladies”,twoSundaysinarow.Join usattheHopeCenterofLeRoy,(42 MainStreet)foracoupleofhours away.Bringwhatevercraftyproject youareworkingonorrelaxand enjoyeveryone’scompany.Youare welcometobringyourfavorite snacktoshareorjustbringyourself.Let’shaveacupofcoffee,or tea,andchataswework,maybe evenlearnsomethingnew.DROPIN,Freeofcharge,noRSVPnecessary.January19thfrom2pm-4pm andJanuary26thfrom5pm-7pm.

SpringFling-CraftyWomen& Friends - Allladiesarecordially invitedtohelpuswelcomeina seasonofbloomandvitality.Crafty Woman&FriendsofTheHope CenterofLeRoy(42MainSt)is holdinga“SpringFling,”wherewe willenjoyeachother’scompany, refreshments/snackswhilewecreateapreciousTeacupfloral arrangementtogether.Allmaterials provided.Youwillhaveavarietyof floralsandmugstochoosefrom. February7th,6pm-8pm.Payment of$15(thiswillhelpprovidefor futureevents)andpre-registration isduenolaterthanJanuary30th. Call(585)768-8184topre-register oremailPat:lg.hopecenter@gmail. com


JoinUsAtTheGoose! Coffee Hour EveryWednesdayfrom10:00 a.m.to11a.m.,Justwalkinand joinus!PleaseFollowTheGoose Facebookpageforupdates,additions,andcancellations.The GOOSECommunityCenter,33 SouthMainSt.,Oakfield.http:// www.warriorhouseofwny.com

ChairYoga - EveryThursdayfrom 10:00a.m.to11:00a.m.Opento all!Allequipmentisprovided!No RegistrationRequired!Walkinand joinus!TheGOOSECommunity Center,33SouthMainStreet,Oakfield.http://www. warriorhouseofwny.com


GatesGreeceLionsClubSnow Ball Golf! Benefiting:LionsPark Renovation.Saturday,February1, 2025.Only$5.00perperson/per round.GatesLionsPark,100KentuckyAve.Thegamewillbeplayed witha9-IronandaTennisBall,ona 12holecoursewithnaturaland “man-made”obstacles.Weprovidethetennisball.Bringyourown 9-IronorClubrentalsavailable.NO PRIORGOLFEXPERIENCENEEDED!! Food,PrizesandWarmthinthe GatesLionsParkBuilding.FOR MOREINFORMATIONANDTICKETS.Call(585)746-1179oremail wfrance1@rochester.rr.com

“FromtheBigBandsto Broadway, TheBeatles,andBeyond”-ZachFrame:Presentedby TheRochesterTheaterOrganSociety.Sunday,February2,2PM,West HerrAuditoriumTheatre.ATOS 2022OrganistoftheYearZach Framewillperform.Zach’sappearanceissponsoredbyJessicaLudeke inlovingmemoryofherfather WalterH.Ludeke.Admissionfor NON-membersis$15perperson. Children12andunderwithan adult,andstudentswithschoolID arealwaysFREE.TheBoxOffice opensat1PMandthedoorsopen at1:15PM.SeatingisGeneral Admission,notreserved.Noadvanceticketsales.Info.:rtosonline. org


Snowshoeing: Parents may not know that many retailers sell snowshoes for children. While snowshoeing can be physically demanding, it’s also a fun way for families that like family walks to continue those traditions even if there are a few inches of snow on the ground. Make sure kids are bundled up, paying extra attention to their footwear. Kids will enjoy snowshoeing more if their boots are both comfortable and capable of keeping their feet warm.


Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:

• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program

• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor

• Organizations seeking donations of items

Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date

REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414


Steroid Injections Provide Amazing Relief From Shingles Pain

DEAR DR. ROACH: I read your recent column on shingles. I am 66 and in fairly good health. I had both Shingrix shots about five years ago and take hydroxyurea for polycythemia vera (PV).


Learn about the benefits associated with preventive care. Many health insurance plans offer rebates to consumers who have memberships at fitness facilities and use those memberships a certain number of times in a set period of time. These benefits aren’t just ways to save money. They’re also powerful motivators to engage in preventive health care, which is one of the best ways for health care consumers to save money over the long haul.


Your fungal toenails

• Are you embarrassed to wear sandals or go barefoot because of thick, yellow nails?

• Now is the time to get treatment. If le untreated, fungal toenails can: affect your immune system, cause recurring athlete’s foot, infected ingrown toenails (requiring surgery) and discomfort wearing shoes, not to mention their unsightly appearance!

• Patients with diabetes, poor circulation and numbness to their feet can develop more serious problems.

• ere are also safer new topical medications available to help cure fungal toenails.

• A simple one-a-day pill for 3 months will usually cure fungal toenails within 6-9 months from the start of treatment.

• Treatment now may result in clear, thinner nails for the year 2025.

• Call now for an appointment to determine if you’re a candidate for this newer treatment.

Around August 1, I noticed some spots on my forearm that appeared to be a spider bite. I went to my family doctor, and she immediately diagnosed me with shingles and put me on gabapentin, which didn’t help much. The next month was complete misery. I never really had itching or an extensive rash, but intense pain and burning developed from the top of my neck down to my left thumb and forefinger. My wife read that hydroxyurea lowers your immune system, which is probably why I had such a bad case of shingles despite the Shingrix shots. My cousin is a retired anesthesiologist and recommended an epidural steroid injection (ESI) that would help me immediately. I had the injection, and within 24 hours, I had an 80% improvement in my pain level. Over the next month, the pain decreased another 10% to 15%. I went from being almost incapacitated to being able to live again in 24 hours. The outcome was life-changing! It seems that doctors need to be brought up to date on ESIs for shingles. I understand that the studies are inconclusive, but the on-the-ground results seem to show that it is effective. The pain from shingles has to be experienced to really understand how debilitating it can be. ESIs are fairly inexpensive, and even if they only helped slightly, they would be worth the cost. To have the improvement I found is priceless. -- Anon.

ANSWER: I often recommend the vaccine to prevent shingles, but as your case shows, the vaccine isn’t perfect. I agree that your PV and its treatment with hydroxyurea may have predisposed you to the complication of shingles you had, called postherpetic neuralgia (PHN). You are quite right that the pain can be extraordinarily severe.

I am glad you wrote because steroid injections are not a treatment that I have written about before. As you say, not all trials found a benefit, but the largest trial found that intrathecal injections (which are similar to epidural injections but are found to be more effective in a small trial) led to excellent or good pain relief in 90% of people with intractable PHN, compared to 4% in people who didn’t receive treatment.

DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a healthy 50-year-old man. When I was at the pharmacy recently, they said I could get a vaccine for pneumonia. Is this something I should do? -- S.I.

ANSWER: The pneumonia vaccine at age 50 is a new recommendation by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. The risk for developing severe pneumonia from the bacteria Streptococcus pneumoniae starts to increase at age 50 and becomes much higher after 65. The new vaccines (PCV20 and PCV21 under the brand name Prevnar) have long-lasting protection for many strains of this bacterial species.

If you haven’t had this vaccine and are over 50, you should consider it during your next visit. (It’s OK to get the vaccine at the same time as the flu or COVID vaccines.)

Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu. © 2025 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved

Gold is a strong yet malleable metal that used to be common in dental work but isn’t used as much today. But that doesn’t mean gold fillings no longer offer an excellent choice. Aesthetics and cost are the main reasons gold fillings are less common now. Porcelain and ceramic fillings are durable, affordable, and blend seamlessly with other teeth. However, gold offers the most durable filling available, sometimes lasting fifty years. They generally outlast other filling materials by 10 to 15 years because they don’t corrode. Since they’re highly resistant to oral acids and bacteria, gold fillings help protect the surrounding gums too. Gold fillings have the same hardness as enamel, so they don’t wear down opposing teeth.

If you would like to learn about the kinds of materials we use for repairing cavities and keeping your smile a

healthy one, be sure to discuss your questions with us at BATAVIA FAMILY DENTAL. We bring you our dental column in order to keep you up-todate on the latest materials, research, innovations, and procedures available in dentistry today and to inform our readers how the many benefits of modern oral care can enhance their lives via a stunning smile. New patients are always welcome at our state-of-the-art office at 6 Batavia City Centre. Please call us at 585.343.4246 for an appointment.

P.S. The gold used for fillings in dentistry is not pure gold, which is too soft for teeth. It is always mixed with harder metals like platinum, palladium, chromium, and nickel.


different foods to ensure the body gets all of the nutrients it requires.

3144 Church Street, Caledonia, NY 14423 585-538-2130 • churchstreetdentalny.com info@churchstreetdentalny.com

Each mumbered row contains two clues and two answers. e two answers differ from each other by only one letter, which has already been inserted. For example, if you exchange the A from MASTER for an I, you get MISTER. Do not change the order of the letters.

real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org

Auto Satisfaction!

Prepare your car for winter. Start with a checkup that includes:

* Checking the ignition, brakes, wiring, hoses and fan belts.

* Changing and adjusting the spark plugs.

* Checking the air, fuel and emission filters, and the PCV valve.

* Inspecting the distributor.

* Checking the battery.

* Checking the tires for air, sidewall wear and tread depth.

* Checking antifreeze levels and the freeze line.

LMaking the Most of Every Day We Get: Lauren Spiker Turns Grief into Purpose at 13Thirty Cancer Connect

auren Spiker, founder of the nonprofit organization 13 irty Cancer Connect, grew up in Rochester surrounded by a large, loving Italian family. Sunday dinners o en featured pasta and heartfelt conversations around the table – a testament to the courage of her grandparents who le Italy to pursue the American dream. Inspired by dedicated educators, Lauren pursued undergraduate and graduate degrees in special education, laying the foundation for a lifetime dedicated to teaching and leadership.

roughout her career, Lauren worked in public education as a special education teacher and in the corporate world as a leadership trainer. For over two decades, she guided business leaders across industries in strategic planning, leadership development, and team motivation. Every role she’s taken on has been driven by her passion for helping others realize their potential. Outside of her professional endeavors, Lauren cherishes Friday night dates with her husband, gardening, cooking for loved ones, and spending quality time with her children and grandchildren.

When Lauren’s daughter, Melissa, was facing terminal cancer at age 19, Lauren says, “I rarely made promises I didn’t know how to keep,” but from a promise she made to Melissa, 13 irty Cancer Connect was born. Melissa challenged her mother to “do something with” her experience and grief, “something to make a difference, to make things better.” ree nights a er that directive, Melissa passed away at home, as she had planned. Despite her grief, Lauren was determined to honor her daughter’s wish.

In the months following Melissa’s death, Lauren reflected on her daughter’s courage and determination. Melissa had drawn on her inner strength to navigate the challenges imposed by her illness, finding purposeevenasshefacedhermortality.InspiredbyMelissa’sresilience, Lauren transformed her grief into action and founded 13 irty Cancer Connect –a space where adolescents and young adults (AYAs) facing cancer could find support, empowerment, and community.

Each year, nearly 90,000 AYAs in the United States receive a cancer diagnosis. Straddling the gap between pediatric and adult medicine, they o en face a lack of ageappropriate care and support. Cancer disrupts their development, education, relationships, and future planning, leading to complex psychosocial,emotional,andfinancialchallenges.AYAsalsoexperience slower survival improvement rates compared to other age groups and are at higher risk for long-term health issues.

Rochester Medical Center (URMC), herself a cancer survivor. e study aims to better understand the unmet needs of AYAs in the Rochester community and design a coordinated model of supportive care. “By partnering with both community-based organizations and academic institutions, we hope to drive impactful change,” Lauren says.

Lauren fondly recalls Brittany, a 15-year-old aspiring soccer star whose cancer diagnosis and subsequent surgery le her with an artificial knee and a metal rod in her leg. Initially devastated, Brittany persevered through 13 irty’s fitness programs, regaining strength and confidence. Years later, she triumphantly crossed the finish line at 13 irty’s annual 5K Race, shouting, “I did it!” For Lauren, these moments encapsulate the spirit of 13 irty – helping young people reclaim their lives despite the scars cancer leaves behind.

As Lauren continues her journey with 13 irty Cancer Connect, her mission remains clear: to honor Melissa’s legacy by living with purpose and empowering others to do the same. rough compassion, resilience, and community collaboration, Lauren and 13 irty are transforming lives and inspiring hope.

13 irty Cancer Connect strives to bridge these gaps by providing a supportive community and resources tailored to the unique needs of AYAs. “We want to help them find their personal power, even in the face of cancer,” Lauren explains.

One of Lauren’s significant endeavors includes a collaborative research project with a young researcher from the University of

For the past 24 years, Lauren’s goal has been simple – to live life with purpose, keeping the promise she made to Melissa, “finding meaning in every day and everyday tasks because that’s all I have. It’s all any of us have. Today. Right now. At this moment. A chance to make a difference, to make things better. I have the same wish for all the teens and young adults I am privileged to know and love at 13 irty Cancer Connect.”

Lauren draws inspiration from anthropologist Margaret Mead’s words: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” She encourages the Rochester community to accept her daughter’s challenge – to make a difference and create positive change together.

Love to write? You could earn CASH when you share your original story, personal experience, community happening or school event with us! It may be featured on our popular website for all to see and even selected for print! Go to My Hometown at www.gvpennysaver.com or email hometown@gvpennysaver.com!

Lauren Spiker, Founder & Executive Director of 13 irty
Lauren and Melissa

Chicken & Biscuit DINNER

Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2025 • 4:00-6:00pm

$12/person • Veterans $6/person

(Patrons are welcome to stay and dine-in)

Brockport Area Veterans Club, 222 West Ave., Brockport (585) 637-5012

Hosted by American Legion Auxiliary #379

(Proceeds to benefit the support of the Brockport Area Veterans Club)


* Ever wonder how the tradition of leaving hand and footprints in front of Grauman’s Chinese Theater in Hollywood got started? By accident -- when silent film actress Norma Talmadge stepped on wet cement.

active senior living


Stretch. Bodies that have been inactive for lengthy periods of time are inflexible, and lack of flexibility increases your risk for injury. The AAOS recommends that seniors warm up their bodies before stretching with five to10minutesoflow-intensityactivitysuchaswalking.Thenstretchgently, remembering to relax and breathe during each stretch.


Hubbard Springs Apartments North Chili, New York

includes monies received from many sources such as pensions, social security, retirement accounts, alimony, etc. Listed below are the current (2025) maximum allowable incomes (by household size) for Monroe County:

• Water, Sewer and Trash are included in rent.

• All information on income provided by applicants must be verified before occupancy. is qualification and certification process must also be completed annually upon renewal.

• Standard security deposits have been established and are equal to one month’s rent.

• Applications will be accepted for the waiting list in time and date stamped order.

Please return all completed applications to: Hubbard Springs Apartments 154 Union Square Boulevard North Chili, NY 14514

Please call (585) 667-1555 with any questions TTY 711 hubbardsprings@rcgltd.net


active senior living

Here’s A Tip

* Toothpaste works well as a silver polish. Wet your silver, plop a little non-gel toothpaste on it and rub gently with a damp, clean rag. Rinse well with a separate rag, and buff dry. en just step back and let it shine.

* If you’ve ever oversalted soup, don’t worry; here’s a great tip to recover your meal. Just cut a single potato into several large slices. Add them to the soup, and they will soak up the extra salt. Remove before serving.

* S.W. of South Carolina has this tip to share: “If you can’t seem to keep track of your keys, make an extra set for those mornings when you are running late and can’t spare the time to look for them. It has saved me a lot of stress, for sure.”

Hocus Focus


Please take notice e Storage Mall - Brooks Avenue located at 1214 Brooks Ave., Rochester, NY 14624 intends to hold a sale of the property stored in the below listed Storage Spaces. e public sale shall occur as an online auction via www.storageauctions.com on 1/28/2025 at 10:00AM. Unless listed below, the contents consist of household goods, furnishings and garage essentials.

Antonio McIntyre unit #132/151

Lynnette Miller unit #413 is sale may be withdrawn at any time without notice. See manager for details.

COLOGNE: L’Homme Suave by Capucci, 100 mil. half full bottle. Dior Sauvage clone/copycat. Penfield. jeff21973@gmail.com

COLOGNE: Imperia by Rayhaan, 100 mil. bottle, 90% full. Creed Aventus clone/copycat. Penfield. jeff21973@gmail.com

HEATING OIL. Siphon or take tank. About 100 gallons. Livonia. 585-346-5898

20, one dozen CARDBOARD EGG CARTONS, 60+ TOILET PAPER ROLLS - great for crafts or seed starting, 20+ VHS MOVIES. Penfield. 585-736-2749

Approx. 25 bags and pails of CHESTNUT COAL. Wayland. 585-278-4119

Two bags of GREETING CARDS. Large assortment. Avon. 585-226-3073

Collection of CATHOLIC CHURCH HISTORY from 1869 taken off of microfilm from churches in Avon, Honeoye, Honeoye Falls, and Lima. 585-229-2186

ROOFING MATERIALS - two 2’ x 8’ OSB sheathing, gutter guards, 8 coiled nails for nail gun 8 gauge, full roll underlayment and partial. Canandaigua. wfwincdga@aol.com

Assura (2846) High Output Pouches, vol 600ml 50mm, Convatec 1-3/4” 45mm drainable pouch (420695). Churchville. 585-293-1439

Coloplast Wafers Click Ostomy Base Plate Convex Light Precut 1-1/8” Skin Barrier with Flange Standard Wear. Churchville. 585-293-1439

4 TIRE RIMS, 17” x 7-1/2”, Black Steel, 5 lug. Used, Good Condition. Pick Up - Ontario. Call 585-697-4618

NAZARETH ACADEMY YEARBOOKS 1963 & 1964. Webster. 585-671-2118

Many TASTE OF HOME MAGAZINES and annual hardcover editions from 2000-2010. Geneseo. sylvavalentino@yahoo.com

ADULT DIAPERS: pull-up or tabbed, various sizes. BED PADS and PAD INSERTS. LIQUID THICKENER, several packages. Canandaigua. 585-393-1311

Assorted BOARD GAMES. All in excellent condition: Checkers, Parcheesi, etc. Two LAWNMOWER LIFTS. Excellent condition. Phelps. dianejoset@aol.com



Any new DRY WALL SHEETS and any new/lightly used FOAM INSULATION BOARDS. 585-297-5729

KOHLER MODEL M8 ENGINE: Working or not. Needed for parts to repair a BCS 715 rototiller. rholzschuh1@rochester.rr.com

JIGSAW PUZZLES, 300-350 pieces only. Celtictrain1960@gmail.com

OAK DINING ROOM TABLE in good condition. 585-381-6546

1990s COMPUTER MONITOR and an older TYPEWRITER, manual or electric, in good working condition. 585-200-0667 leave message

Set of DUMBBELLS - anywhere between 12lbs-15lbs. 585-455-4923

RELIABLE VEHICLE to get back and forth to work. 585-213-0181

Working JEWELRY MAKING KILN, kiln and jewelry making accessories. susan5257@yahoo.com

FLAT ROCK for edging. jzornow001@gmail.com

DIRT BIKE or ATV, gas powered. Running or not. Call or Text Matt 315-576-1278

MODELS - Built/Unbuilt Aviation, Autos & Trucks, Military, Ships, Etc. Plastic, Wood, Metal. Parts and Pieces are okay. 585-314-6989

WEBER GRILLS - Propane or Charcoal. Call or Text Matt 315-576-1278

HOME CB Radio or HANDHELD that will work inside the home. rainbowroseroom@gmail.com

Cooperstown Dreams Field TRADING PINS. salvatore.d.timpani@gmail.com

OLD COMPUTER, STEREO EQUIPMENT and CAMERAS. ‘80s and ‘90s Apple and other brands amp speakers. 585-883-5334

SHED in good condition. Will pick up! 585-301-1247

METAL OFFICE CHAIR, TWIN SHEET SETS and a pair of MEN’S WINTER BOOTS, size 8/9. 585-415-8513

Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received. Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111

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Ready to show off your brand? Give us a call at (585) 226-8111 with your ideas or get inspiration at www. pennylanepromo.com and explore our products and services.

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Branded apparel like shirts and sweatshirts have a remarkable staying power! Most houses have an average of 30 promotional products and some promotional statistics show that roughly 40% of consumers keep their promo merch for over ten years!*



Wanttoreply? Goonlinetosee all&comment! 2



Thank you to the lady who bought my meal on Sunday, January 12th around 7am. No one has ever done that for me and it made my day! I really appreciate your kindness. Have a wonderful day.

Sincerest Thank You

Be Respectful of the Times You’re Sending Texts


Why is it people think nothing of sending texts messages at all kinds of times?!

I’m tired of getting awakened by people sending me texts at unreasonable hours. How about some consideration?

I’ve been asked, why don’t I just turn my phone off at night?


I would like to say thank you so very much to the wonderful woman (found out she is a nurse) who helped me out in the Wegmans parking lot awhile back. I was having a medical issue and she assisted me with my bags and walked me all the way to my car. I did not catch her name but I have and will continue to pay it forward.

1. I have both a son and father who have life-threatening medical conditions that I’ve multiple times been called for assistance on and I don’t want to not be there to help them. If you’re OK with missing a call about a loved one, that’s your choice, but it’s not mine.

2. If I had a fire, medical emergency, or break-in, I sure don’t want to wait for my phone to boot up.

Before you send someone a text, how about you ask yourself:

1. Do I expect the person I’m texting wouldn’t be sleeping now?

2. Is this a time I would call someone, instead of texting?

If the answers to those questions aren’t YES, then can I suggest you write your text so you don’t forget, but send at a later time?


Make your goals public. By publicly declaring your intention to improve your life, you’re putting some positive pressure on yourself to fully commit to your goal. Friends and loved ones can be great sources of support, and once they’re aware of your efforts, you likely won’t want to let them down. Once you have decidedonaresolution,postyour short-term and long-term goals to your Facebook page or let your immediate family and closest friends know of your goals in person. Their encouragement can help you stay on track, and they may even offer to help you realize your goals.

A.D. Call & Sons

1. GEOGRAPHY: What is the smallest continent by area?

2. MOVIES: What is Deadpool’s real name in the movie series?

3. MEASUREMENTS: How many ounces are in 1 gallon?

4. TELEVISION: What is the name of the character that Jason Bateman plays in “Ozark”?

5. FOOD & DRINK: What is the dimple at the bottom of a wine bottle called?

6. U.S. CITIES: Which city also is known as Motown?

7. LITERATURE: The movie “Bridget Jones Diary” is loosely based on which novel?

8. ANIMAL KINGDOM: Which is the only big cat that doesn’t roar?

9. MEDICAL: What is a common name for fasciculation?

10. LANGUAGE: What does the Latin term “magnum opus” mean?




Automotive Mechanic, Bus Attendant & Driver, Cafeteria Monitor, Custodian, Food Service Helper, Grounds Equipment Operator, Maintenance Mechanic, Senior Student Behavioral Assistant, Teacher Aide, and Subs in all areas.

Computer Science or Technology Teacher, Business Teacher, French Teacher, and Contracted Building Substitute Teacher

Australia (Oceania).
Wade Wilson.
Marty Byrde.
Detroit, Michigan.
“Pride and Prejudice.”
The cheetah.
Muscle twitch.
“Great work.”

Join Our Team at Lapp, LLC –e Global Leader in High-Voltage Insulators!

Are you ready to work for a company with a stellar reputation and a commitment to quality and innovation? Lapp, LLC, based in LeRoy, NY, is looking for a dedicated and skilled individual to join our team as a Production Worker.

Position: Production Worker

Location: LeRoy, NY

Shi : 1st and 2nd Shi

($1.25 /hour shi differential for 2nd shi )

Wage Range: Starting at $20.10/hour.

What You’ll Do:

• Read and interpret production orders, simple blueprints, & work instructions.

• Perform tasks requiring strong mechanical skills and attention to detail.

• Handle physical duties, including li ing heavy loads.

What We’re Looking For:

• Strong mechanical aptitude and ability to follow instructions accurately.

• A team-oriented attitude and willingness to contribute to a collaborative environment.

• Physical stamina to meet the demands of the position. How to Apply:

Complete your application at Lapp, LLC

130 Gilbert Street, LeRoy, NY 14482 or submit your resume via email to jtuerk@lappinsulators.com.

Union Representation: is position is covered under a collective bargaining agreement.

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO): Lapp, LLC is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or any other legally protected status. We encourage applications from diverse candidates, including veterans and individuals with disabilities.

Take the next step in your career— Apply today and become a part of our dynamic team!


Conservation methods can help save energy and preserve natural resources, but business owners may also be intrigued by the potential cost-savings of conservation.

Utility costs vary depending on the size of a business, but the U.S. Small Business Administration notes that prospective business owners must estimate and include such costs when seeking loans to start their businesses. Estimated utility costs can be intimidating, especially for those owners who have never before owned their own businesses. Traditional conservation methods like recycling and reusing are great ways to conserve and save around the office, but business owners also can embrace some other ways to lower their office energy costs while benefitting the planet at the same time.

e Byron-Bergen Central School District is seeking motivated team members and invites you to join our team and apply for the anticipated Civil Service opening:

1 Contract Bus Driver

• Valid NYS Driver’s License required

• CDL Class B with School Bus Passenger Endorsement

• All applicants must pass federal drug test and the DOT physical

• Benefits available (health insurance, sick/personal time, NYS retirement plan)

• Starting rate: $25-26.53 per hour (based upon prior experience)

Application Deadline: January 31, 2025 by 2pm.

TO APPLY: Send letter of interest, Genesee County Civil Service application, and resume to:

Jaime Vindigni, Transportation Coordinator Byron-Bergen Central School District 6917 West Bergen Road Bergen, NY 14416

FOR MORE INFORMATION: www.bbschools.org

e-mail: jvindigni@bbschools.org

Phone: (585) 494-1220, ext. 5112

e Byron-Bergen Central School District is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of age, color, religion, creed, disability, marital status, veteran status, origin, race or sex in the educational programs and activities which it operates.

Hiringin LeRoy, NY

2 Full-Time Ambulance Billing Specialists and 1 Full-Time Accounts Receivable Specialist

Billing is responsible for data entry and insurance billing of patient claims. Computer, accuracy and motivation skills required. In-house training will be necessary, usually requires 6-9 months. Accounts receivable is responsible for posting payments to patient accounts from various forms such as checks or explanation of benefits from insurance carriers. Send resumes to resumes@medexbilling.com



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Email: darlene@nybean.com


Placer, Operator and Maintenance roles available.

Pay range for production roles:

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Apply Now careers.kraftheinz.com



FT or PT for our busy Perry Pet - Perry office. New grad or experienced applicants considered. Successful applicant is self-motivated, with excellent communication skills and thorough attention to detail. Some weekend hours. You will work with compassionate team members to deliver outstanding patient care. Salary commensurate with experience and excellent benefits.

Please email resumes to jkingdon@perryvet.com

No phone calls please.

Check company policy. The employment firm AG Careers suggests reviewing company policy if you will be leaving to work for a direct competitor. There may be strict rules in place and protocol to follow.

• Substitute Mental Health Team Members in the Elementary School beginning in April 2025 (school social worker, counselor, or school psychologist certification)

• World Language Teacher Sub (Spanish) for a leave of absence beginning immediately

• Special Education Teacher Sub (middle school) for a leave beginning in Feb. 2025

• Teaching Assistant in the high school library For details or to apply, visit avoncsd.org


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