Book flights early. Come the holidays, last-minute deals are few and far between. The best way to ensure you get the flight time you want for the best price is to book as early as possible. Some people book their tickets a year in advance if they know they will be traveling on Thanksgiving. However, a safe bet is to do so two months before so you will have the pick of options, including seating family members together and avoiding connecting flights.
Wall murals painted by artist Lorie Longhany
Christmas village and train display
Animated “department store” window displays
Christmas story by author Sandra Whiting
The Cinnamon Bear 1937 radio show diorama
Scenes by artist Mary Marks
Visits from the Grinch and Cindy Lou Who Kazoos and hot dogs for sale
Focus on fruit for dessert. Thanksgiving dinner is usually followed with a decadent spread of desserts. These pies and cakes can be delicious but laden with calories. In lieu of traditional fare, serve poached fruits sprinkled with a little brown sugar and oatmeal for a tasty and healthy dessert. Low-fat sherbet, fresh fruit salad and rice pudding also make for healthier desserts.
Office: PO Box 340 1471 Route 15 Avon, NY 14414
Phone: 585-226-8111 Fax: 585-226-3390 www.gvpennysaver.com
President ...........................Steve Harrison
General Manager ...........................Manuel Karam
Creative Director ..............................Cristie Leone
Production Supervisor .................................Jeff Wasson
Sales Department ............................Colleen Mann
Circulation Manager ...............................Paul Schojan
80,000 Digital Readers Each mumbered row contains two clues and two answers. e two answers differ from each other by only one letter, which has already been inserted. For example, if you exchange the A from MASTER for an I, you get MISTER. Do not change the order of the letters.
“Sarah’s Place is a unique location for that special event with the atmosphere of stepping back in time.” is elegant two-story home has the capacity to entertain 12 guests with five bedrooms, 4 bathrooms and two kitchens. e lower level consists of a gaming room with multiple TVs, pooltable, and multiple gaming tables with an additional prepping area for food. Catering and beverage services can be provided.
Shop small on Saturday, November 30, 2024
Saturday, November 30, 2024 is Small Business Saturday – a day to celebrate and support small businesses and all they do for their communities. When your dollars stay in your community, you help small businesses thrive and your neighborhood prosper.
DO keep poisonous plants out of
Macy's anksgiving Day Parade is parade started in 1924 when Macy's employees wanted to celebrate anksgiving with a festival similar to those they experienced in Europe.
Turkey trot
A 5K race that many families participate in. You can also create your own route and walk or run around your neighborhood.
Break the wishbone e person who ends up with the larger piece of the turkey wishbone is said to have their wish come true.
A great way to give back to your community and help those in need.
Host a Friendsgiving
Celebrate with your friends on anksgiving Day or another time in November.
Watch football e Intercollegiate Football Association began hosting their championship game on anksgiving in 1876.
Ask someone to lead a toast or go around the table and have everyone share what they're thankful for.
Many people are aware of turkey’s ability to induce feelings of relaxation, particularly when eaten in abundance at the Thanksgiving dinner table. Turkey contains the amino acid tryptophan, which plays a role in triggering production of serotonin. Serotonin can induce feelings of relaxation and sleepiness.
Canal Path: Mon., Nov 25 at 3pm
Monroe East: Mon., Nov 25 at 5pm
Eastway: Tues., Nov. 26 at 10am
Rush-Henrietta, Canandaigua & 4 County Papers: Tues., Nov 26 at Noon
Batavia, Oatka & Dansville: Tues., Nov 26 at 2pm
Tri-County: Tues., Nov 26 at 4pm
Livingston: Tues., Nov 26 at 5pm
Philip Weise
Need answers about Medicare?
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I am happy to meet with you one-on-one. Serving Livingston, Genesee, Steuben and surrounding counties.
By Keith Roach, M.D.
DEAR DR. ROACH: I’m an active, 5-foot-2-inch, 125-pound, 72-year-old Caucasian woman without a history of known osteoporotic risk factors, other than demographic ones. I exercise daily, eat calcium through food, take 2,000 units of vitamin D, and follow a Mediterranean-style diet.
My last dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scan showed a T-score in my spine of -3.3 and a T-score in my hip of -2.7. My Z-scores were 0, and my FRAX score showed a 15.4% overall risk of fracture, with a 4.4% risk of a hip fracture in the next 10 years. Overall, my bone density went down 6.5% for my spine and 5% for my hip, compared to three years earlier.
My primary care physician has recommended starting bisphosphonates. My preference would be to postpone medication for at least a year, while I work with a dietician and a physical therapist to refine my exercise program and try to build bone more effectively. But I also don’t want to take foolish chances with a spine or hip fracture.
At my request, I received a referral to a specialist, but I cannot see her for four months.
How accurate are the results of a DXA scan? I have scoliosis from my childhood; could it affect the accuracy of the test results? Would any other imaging, blood or urine tests be appropriate to provide additional information or indicate if there are other causes of bone loss, besides age and gender?
ANSWER: The most important number here is the FRAX score, which combines your clinical risk (age, gender, height and weight, ethnicity, steroid use, smoking, previous fractures, alcohol use, etc.) and your bone density results from your DXA scan to provide an estimate of the overall fracture risk. It also provides an estimate of the most dangerous type of fractures: hip fractures. It’s freely available at frax.shef.ac.uk/FRAX/tool.aspx.
Your results are above the recommended threshold for medication, which is either a total-fracture risk of 20% or a hipfracture risk of 3%. Among the different options, most experts would choose a bisphosphonate drug like alendronate, based on decades of experience and strong data. However, a very low T-score (worse than -3) makes some experts choose a different type of agent -- a PTH analogue like teriparatide. Your scores have dropped a lot quickly, so I definitely recommend treatment. I do understand why you are hesitant. These drugs can cause more harm than good when they are not used correctly, and many of my patients are concerned after reading others’ experiences. But when used properly, generally for three to five years, they are very good at preventing fractures.
Sue DeBruyne, Au.D. Doctor of Audiology
Lakeville 3513 Thomas Dr., Suite 2 Henrietta 20 Finn Road, Suite C Accepting New Patients. 585.286.3664 SouthsideHearingCenter.com
Choose healthy beverages. It’s easy to overlook the calorie content of beverages. Whenever possible, choose water or a low-calorie drink. Children can sip on diluted apple juice. Be mindful of how many alcoholic beverages you consume. Spirits can be 100 calories per serving and are high in sugar.
Scoliosis can affect the accuracy of DXA tests, but the tests usually underestimate the severity of osteoporosis in people with scoliosis. Furthermore, the fact that both your hip and spine have osteoporosis makes the diagnosis pretty certain. A Z-score of 0 means your bone density is at a level that is expected for your age and sex. This means that a secondary cause is unlikely; however, the T-score still indicates osteoporosis. Four months may seem like a long time, but it’s entirely reasonable to wait on deciding the optimal medication until you see the expert. She is likely to do additional testing and give you more personalized information.
Finally, if you can improve your diet and exercise from the standpoint of osteoporosis, this will help you whether you decide to take medication or not. Getting enough protein and calcium from your diet will help, as will avoiding excess alcohol. © 2024 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
While filling a dental cavity should not be painful, you may experience some mild pain or discomfort after the numbing agent wears off. Depending on the type of filling and which tooth is affected, your dentist will have slightly different recommendations for aftercare. Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications should be enough to keep the tooth area comfortable. Pain beyond this level should be reported to your dentist. Avoid hot and cold beverages for a few days because your tooth may be sensitive. Sticky substances like caramel or hard candy should be avoided for a few weeks. Do not chew, bite, or apply pressure to the new filling. Continue brushing and flossing as usual, taking extra care around the new filling.
Following any dental procedures we perform in our office, we always provide patients with detailed home care instructions to help
ensure a successful experience and a problem-free oral future. At BATAVIA FAMILY DENTAL, our purpose in presenting this column is to exhibit the virtues of professional care in achieving and maintaining a healthy, vibrant smile. Through a combination of communication and compassionate concern and proven techniques and innovative technology, we attempt to move our patients toward an optimum state of oral health. Located at 6 Batavia City Centre, hours are by appointment; call 585.343.4246--we’ll give you a reason to smile!
P.S. Your bite may be different after getting a new filling. If your teeth don’t come together like they did before the filling, your dentist can make adjustments.
Jeremy Hugh Rittenhouse November 2, 2024
Scottsville: Jeremy was predeceased by his parents, John and Elisabeth; brother, David; and sisters, Rosemary and Candace. He is survived by his brother, Jonathan (Suzanne); sister, Christanne; 1 niece, 6 nephews and many, many wonderful, loving friends.
He was an expert in antiques and collectibles. He was an artist and wrote great songs and poems. He had the best sense of humor. We will miss you, Jeremy. We love you!
Interment will be at Oatka Cemetery, Scottsville, NY at convenience of the family. A celebration of Jeremy’s life will be in Spring.
Jäger is a 3 year old, 80 pound, almost completely blind dog, but would never let you know he couldn’t see the way he hikes and plays with his toddlers outside. He is ready to cuddle on the cozy and be cozy all season.
3. Just another Silver Lake sunset
Send us a photo and a write-up to be featured. Submit online at gvpennysaver.com - Share With Us. Or, mail to: PO Box 340, Avon, NY 14414. Published at discretion of GVPS.
Teleflora’s Family Gathering Centerpiece
$49.95 • $59.95 $69.95 + tax & delivery T169-1A
Wed 11-27-24 closing at 3:00pm Closed anksgiving Day
We deliver to LeRoy, Byron, Bergen, Caledonia, Mumford, Pavilion, Wyoming, Stafford & Batavia
Teleflora Wire Service for family & friends out of town 110 Lake Street, LeRoy • 768-7720
Hrs: Mon.-Thurs. 9am-5:30pm; Fri. 9am-6pm; Sat. 9am-3pm
In Hong Kong teahouses, "Western toast" is often filled with peanut butter or jam.
It's got a bunch of names
Eggy Bread German Toast
Poor Knights
National French Toast Day falls on the day of Thanksgiving. It’s the perfect time to make some French toast and sit and watch the Thanksgiving Day parade with your family before the festivities begin!
The French do not call this French toast. It’s called “pain perdu,” or “lost bread,” because you can literally use stale bread to make it.
Most experts agree that Fren toast dates back to ancient Rome.
A similar recipe can be found in the book of Apicius from the 5th century BC. The Romans dipped slices of bread in milk (and sometimes eggs) before frying them, and called it “Pan Dulcis.”
According to the U.S. Department of Energy, well-designed landscapescansavehomeowners enough energy to make the projectspayforthemselvesinless than eight years. The DOE notes that homeowners’ landscaping strategies should be dictated by the climates in which they live. For example, homeowners who live in hot, arid regions should employ landscapes to shade their homes’ walls, windows and roof, while those who live in cool regions should make sure their landscapes are not blocking the winter sun from reaching their homes’ south-facing windows. TheDOEalsoadvisesthatshading is the most cost-effective way to reduce solar heat gain in a home, noting that well-planned landscapescanreducepreviously unshaded homes’ air conditioning costs by as much as 50 percent. The DOE also notes that, in treeshaded neighborhoods, summer daytime air temperature can be up to six degrees cooler than the air temperature in treeless areas. Homeowners considering adding trees to their landscapes should know that deciduous trees shed their leaves annually, which meanstheywillblocksolarheatin thesummerbutallowsunlightinto thehomeinwinter.That’sidealfor homeowners who live in regions where temperatures climb in summertimebutdropconsiderably in winter. Homeowners who want year-round shade might consider evergreentreesandshrubs.
The PathStone Weatherization Assistance Program is available for income-eligible households in Monroe County located outside of the city limits.
HEAP Recipients
Automatically Eligible
Income guidelines are:
Family of 1: $36,420
Family of 2: $47,640
Family of 3: $58,848
Family of 4: $70,056
BYLINE: By JoAnn Derson
* Need a quick batch of cookies? Keep a box mix of cake on hand. Instead of the listed ingredients, add two eggs and a half-cup of oil to the mix. Mix and shape, then bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes. ey are really good, and you can get pretty creative.
* Inexpensive gi idea: A cute holiday coffee mug with a bar of chocolate, a packet of hot cocoa or instant coffee, a peppermint stick and a holiday pick. Place inside a gallon-size zipper-top bag, tie with a ribbon, then trim off the zipper-top, leaving just the plastic. Looks nice.
* Instead of going out and buying extra items to have on hand for guests, just borrow from your neighbors. Extra towels, place settings, silverware, kitchen appliances: It’s a pretty good bet that someone on your street has it for you to borrow. If you don’t know your neighbors well enough to ask, maybe you should start planning a get-to-knowyou party right now.
The Byron-Bergen girls soccer team claimed the program’s first-ever state title with a 1-0 overtime win over Stillwater in the NYSPHSAA Class C final on Nov 17, 2024. A big congratulations to the team!
Cell: (585) 750-2906
Email: mark.swanson@patriotrealestatepros.cmo www.patriotrealestatepros.com
I left my wallet/phone in a cart at Henrietta Wegmans. When I realized it, I went into major panic mode! I drove back to Wegmans, nearly hyperventilating. At the Customer Service Desk, I saw it on their back counter, and we were reunited. I can’t even explain the relief I felt. To the person who turned it in - you are the best that ever lived!! You probably can imagine how panicked I was. I wish I could give you a big hug!! Thank you, thank you, thank you SOOO much!! God bless you!
Lately, I’ve come close to hitting e-bike riders riding on the wrong side of the road, in the dark, without lights and going way too fast. Bikes in their purest form are designed to help the rider get an assist going up hills. Some e-bikes are nothing more than simple motorcycles going way too fast and, in this case, riding on the wrong side of the road. You are a danger to yourself and others.
Thank you to the gentleman who stopped November 14 on Summers Street, Livonia to check on my welfare. I had just given blood and felt faint which prompted me to sit down on the ground. His kindness and concern warmed my heart and reminded why I love small town people. A simple act of kindness changes everything!
Around this time of year there is a craft project often done with young kids to make reindeer food. This mix of seed, grains and glitter is sprinkled outside to feed Santa’s reindeer. It is mostly eaten by birds and other wild animals. Adding glitter to this food endangers the life of animals. The chemicals in glitter can damage immune and reproductive systems. Also, most glitter is made from PET plastic. It can break down and release chemicals that disrupt animal hormones. When making reindeer food, please leave out this toxic ingredient and make a product that is safe for all. Your kids won’t miss the glitter and you’ll be helping out wildlife.
Your Friends At Rose Garden Bowl & Viking Valhalla Restaurant
21 Buffalo Rd., Bergen (585) 494-9900
Your Friends At VIP K9, LLC
7133 West Main Rd., LeRoy, NY 14482 (585) 326-4112
Your Friends At Attic to Basement Estate Sales & Cleanouts
65 Lake St., LeRoy (585) 301-8346
Your Friends At LAPP Insulators, LLC
130 Gilbert Street LeRoy, New York 14482 (585) 768-6221
Your Friends At The Greens A Willow Ridge Senior Living Community
1 West Ave., LeRoy (585) 768-2740 Yo h
Your Friends At Cinquino’s Pizza
C Your Friends At Batavia Automotive
314 Ellicott St. Batavia, NY 14020 (585) 343-2447
50 Liberty St. Batavia, NY 14020 (585) 344-7171
Friends and neighbors like all of you fill Thanksgiving with so much joy and so many reasons to be grateful. We feel blessed to be part of such a close-knit community, and we can’t think of a more wonderful place to have our home and business. We hope this Thanksgiving brings peace to your life, food to your table, warmth to your home and love to your heart!
Your Friends At Brockport Federal Credit Union
400 West Ave. Brockport, NY 14420 (585) 637-9179
Your Friends At William Kent Inc.
8369 Richmond Rd. Stafford, New York 14143 (585) 343-5449
Your Friends At Partyka Farms 1420 Cnty. Line Rd. (Rt. 272) Kendall, New York 14476 (585) 659-9131
Your Friends At Davis Trailer World 1640 Main Street York, NY 14592 (585) 538-6640
Your Friends At Kuszlyk Milk Haulers
7982 Batavia Byron Rd Batavia, NY 14020 (585) 343-4800
Your Friends At Smitty’s Coins & Currency 80 South Main Street Canandaigua, NY (585) 394-3650
Your Friends At Lakeville Perio Implant & Dental Surgery 3517 Thomas Drive • Suite 12 Lakeville (585) 346-7408
Your Friends At Homestead Pest Control
(585) 460-4663 protectyourhomestead.com
Your Friends At Curtin Family Farmstand 4194 Lima Road Geneseo, NY (585) 746-8906
Main St., Mt. Morris (585) 658-1083
Shoecraft Rd. Webster, NY (585) 671-1450
Friends At Glass
5330 North Street Canandaigua, NY (585) 398-0064
7383 State Route 96, Victor (585) 742-1200
5102 Parrish St. Ext. Canandaigua (585) 396-1010
1325 East Victor Rd. Victor, NY (585) 924-8740
Friends At
2580 State Route 21 Canandaigua, NY 14424 (585) 577-SPEX
Your Friends At Geneseo Collision Service
4565 Morgan View Rd. Geneseo Days 243-0400 Eves 259-8545
Your Friends At Eagle Gymnastics
2645 County Road 22 Canandaigua, NY (585) 396-1160
Your Friends At Rylee’s Diner 120 Phoenix Mills Plaza Victor, NY (585) 398-7475
Your Friends At Crown Jewelry 142 South Main Street Canandaigua (585) 394-3115
Your Friends At Davis Countryside Meadows & BW’S Restaurant
11070 Perry Rd., Pavilion (585) 584-8450 • (585) 584-8390
Your Friends At Batavia Stage Coach Florist
26 Batavia City Centre Batavia, NY 14020 (585) 344-1283
From our team to you, we extend heartfelt anksgiving wishes filled with joy, gratitude, and the simple pleasures of the season. Your Friends At Bubba’s
Your Friends At Spurr Chevrolet GMC
6325 Brockport-Spencerport Rd. Brockport, NY 14420 (585) 332-5546
Your Friends At Max Pies Furniture
400 S. Jackson St. Batavia, NY 14020 (585) 343-6280
Your Friends At Ken Barrett Chevrolet Cadillac
229 W. Main St. Batavia, NY 14020 (585) 344-1000
81 Lake Street LeRoy, NY 14482 (585) 768-6578
Your Friends At Nancy Crocker Empire Realty Group 7133 West Main Road LeRoy, NY 14482 (585) 314-7982
Your Friends At Toyota of Batavia
3899 W. Main St. Rd. Batavia, NY 14020 (585) 344-4141
Your Friends At Batavia
210 E. Main St. Batavia, NY 14020 (585) 219-4581
Your Friends At Charles Men’s Shop
200 E. Main St. Batavia, NY 14020 (585) 343-2086
Your Friends At Upstate Farms Cultured Products, LLC
5011 Ag Park Dr., W. Batavia (585) 300-0960
Your Friends At Oatka Milk Products, LLC
4815 Ellicott Street Rd. Batavia, NY 14020 (585) 343-0536
Byron Bergen Public Library
13 S. Lake St., Bergen (585) 494-1120 Byron-BergenPublicLibrary.org
Hours: Tues.-Thurs. 10-1 & 2-7; Fri. 10-6; Sat. 10-1
Caledonia Library
3108 Main Street, Caledonia (585) 538-4512
Hours: Mon. & Thurs. 2-5:30 & 7-9; Tues. 9-1 & 2-5:30; Fri. 2-5:30; Sat. 9-1
Chili Public Library
3237 Chili Avenue, Rochester www.chililibrary.org (585) 889-2200
Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 9-9; Fri.-Sat. 9-5, Sun. Closed
Hollwedel Memorial Library
5 Woodrow Dr., Pavilion (585) 584-8843
Hours: M,W 1-8; T, Th 10-1; F 11-6; S 9-noon; Sunday-closed
Mumford Branch Library
883 George Street, Mumford (585) 538-6124
Hours: Mon., Wed., Fri. 12-6
Newman Riga Library
1 S. Main St., Churchville, NY www.newmanrigalibrary.org (585) 293-2009
Hours: Mon., Wed., Fri. 11-5; Tues., Thurs. 11-9; Sat. 10-2
Scottsville Free Library
28 Main Street, Scottsville (585) 889-2023
Hours: Mon., Wed., Fri. 10-5; Tues., Thurs. 1-8; Sat. 10-1
Here’s what’s happening at your local library…
AlexanderFireDepartment ChristmasCraft&VendorShow! Sunday,December1,10am-3pm, AlexanderFireDepartment RecreationHall,10708Alexander Rd.,Alexander.Refreshments Available.FREEADMISSION.OVER 80TABLES.Info.:585-356-3301
AvonCentralSchoolPresents Scrooge,theMusical- Startyour holidayseasonwithAvonCentral School’s26thannualproductionof Scrooge.Thisholidaytraditioninvolvesover70studentsin4th12thgrade.Comeshareinthe holidayspiritandwitnessas Scroogetravelsthroughtimeto discoverthetruemeaningof Christmas.November23,79:30pmandNovember24,24:30pmattheAvonCentralSchool Auditorium,191ClintonStreet, Avon.$10presale,Atthedoor: $10forStudents&seniors;$12/ adult.
HolidayBazaar atTheFirstPresbyterianChurchofEastAvon,5605 EastAvonLimaRd.Itwillbeheld onNovember23rdfrom10am2pm.Therewillbeasoupand luncheonfrom11am-1pmwhile theBazaarisgoingon.Comeout andenjoyhandcraftedgifts,jams, jellies,cannedgoods,bakesgoods allmadebyourP.WCrafter’s groupandmembersofourcongregation.CashorPayPalare accepted,proceedsgotowardour P.WCrafter’sgrouptohelpsupporttheirmissions.Formoreinformationcheckoutourwebsiteor Facebookpage.https:// eastavonchurch.com/
FestivalofCookies attheFirst PresbyterianChurchofEastAvon, 5605EastAvonLimaRd.atthe cornerof5&20.Joinusforour annualFestivalofCookies.Timeis 9am-12pmoruntilsoldout.We usuallyselloutquicklysomakesure youcomeearlytogetthecookies youwant!Priceis$12/pound.You chooseyourselectionorpickfrom apre-madebox.Byyousupporting ourCookieSaleyourfundshelp ourchurchsupportmissionsinand aroundourarea.Yoursupportis greatlyappreciated.https:// eastavonchurch.com/
“Jingle Bells” originally was a Thanksgivingsong,anditwasfirst performed by composer/organist James Lord Pierpont at his church’sThanksgivingconcert.
TheCrossroadsHouseannual ChristmasSale isbackatBatavia FirstPresbyterianChurchnextdoor toCrossroads!Don’tmissit!TWO WEEKENDSstartingFridayNov22, 9to6pm,and25%offonSatNov 23,9to1pm.We’rebackwith 50%offonBlackFridayNov29,96pmand75%offSatNov30,9-1 pm.NewandlikenewChristmas décor,collectibles,toysandlotsof greatgiftideas!TakeoutGail’s famousstuffedpeppersouporchili bythequart,dessertsandbeverages.ContactJackie 585-734-0125formoredetails.
3rdAnnualSmallBusinessCraft andVendorEvent: HostedbySt. PaulLutheranChurchandSchool. JoinusSaturday,November30 from10-3pmatSt.PaulChurch andSchool,31WashingtonAve., Batavia.Comebrowseavarietyof handcrafteditems,quilts,blankets, children/babyitems,woodcrafts, jewelryandmuchmore!Formore informationcontact:585-343-0488 or585-993-2410.
HLOM24thAnnualWonderland ofTreesOpeningGala “Gingerbread&Peppermint”-OnNovember22nd,6pm,the24thAnnual WonderlandofTreeswillofficially kickoff!Viewover30community treesandsomeamazingdecorations!Checkoutalltheamazing decorations,basketraffle,communityatmosphere,andsomuch more!MusicbytheDSPJazzTrio! FoodprovidedbyBatavia’sOriginal PizzeriaandTheAlabamaHotel, alongwithdessertsfromASweet EndingBakery!Tickets:$20,$15 formuseummembers,and$5for children12andunder.Gotothe websitetoreservetickets! hollandlandoffice.comorstopby themuseum.
GeneseeSymphonyOrchestra ChristmasConcert- TheGenesee SymphonyOrchestra’sChristmas Concert,“HolidayMiracles”isSunday,December8,2024at4pmat theGCCStuartSteinertheater. Featuringmanyfavoritesofthe seasonincludingLeroyAnderson’s “ChristmasFestival.”Tickets availableonlineat geneseesymphonyorchestra@ gmail.comatHollandLandOffice Museum,YNGODESS,GOART,Mr. WineandLiquorandCoffeePress. Pricesare$17adult,$12seniors, studentsfreewithID.A“can’t miss”concerttohighlightyourseason.
ChristmasPageant- Joinusfora dramaticpresentationofthestory ofthebirthofJesus.Enjoybeautiful Christmasmusic,andthegiftsand faithofchildren.Areceptionwill followthepageant.December14, 1-2pm,BataviaFirstPresbyterian Church,300E.MainStreet,Batavia.http://www.fpcbatavia.org
GeneseeSymphonyOrchestra’s UglySweaterHoliday- The GeneseeSymphonyOrchestra’s ChristmasConcert,“HolidayMiracles”isSunday,December8, 2024at4pmattheGCCStuart Steinertheater.Featuringmany favoritesoftheseasonincluding LeroyAnderson’s“ChristmasFestival.”Themostfestivesweater getstoconductSleighRide.Tickets availableonlineat geneseesymphonyorchestra@ gmail.comatHollandLandOffice Museum,YNGODESS,GOART,Mr. WineandLiquorandCoffeePress. Pricesare$17adult,$12seniors, studentsfreewithID.A“can’t miss”concerttohighlightyourseason.
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows.
Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
HolidayCraftandBakedFood Sale- Comebrowseandshopat ourcraftandBakedFoodSale. Beautiful,uniqueitemsallmadeby ourmembership.Ourpricingbeats Etsy!Allprofitsbenefitourchurch andmissionprojects.HeldSaturday,December7th,9am-3pmat theFirstPresbyterianChurch,3080 WestMainStreet,Caledonia.
CaledoniaCelticChristmasConcert- CelticChristmasConcertfeaturingTheChristmasCeilidhBand. FridayDecember13,7:30PM.First PresbyterianChurch,3080MainSt. Caledonia.Therewillbeafreewill offeringtooffsetthecostofthe musicians.Receptionwillfollowthe concert.Comeearlytoenjoyaham dinner;oneseatingat6PM.$15. Reservationsnotrequired.https:// www.caledoniafirstpc.org/
FreeThanksgivingDinner: Nancy B.B.Meyer&allthe”AnimalAngels”60thFreeThanksgivingDinner.Elderly,poor,alone,singleEspeciallyourVeterans!Questions asked,nondenominationallectures,nosermons.Nostrangers, onlyfriends&family.Wehaven’t metyet-allyouneedisanempty belly!MUSTCALLFIRST 585-733-6213.
Henry’sDeliFundraiserforthe HopeCenter- Here’sanopportunitytotryoutthenewplacein town!Henry’sDelilocatedat72 MainStreetinLeRoyishavinga “foodiefundraiser”tosupportthe FREEprogramsofferedbytheHope Center.OnWednesdayDecember 4th,theyaredonating20%oftheir pre-taxsalesonALLSUBS,ALLDAY from10amto7pmanditwon’t costyouanythingmore.Theirbakerycaseisstockedwithmanyoptionstocompleteyourmeal.Pick upacannolifordessert!Call(585) 502-5092ThankyouforyoursupportoftheHopeCenterofLeRoy!
Photo ornaments: Print out several different photos that you love. Purchase round or square thin wood pieces from a craft store and attachthephotoswithModPodge® When dry, drill a hole through the topandthreadwithtwine.
OperaontheOatkapresents “WinterSongs”- Saturday, December7,6:30pmatSt.Mark’s EpiscopalChurchinLeRoy,NY. AdmissionFREEandallarewelcome!Comewarmyourmusical soulwithLeRoyresidentHeather DavisandpianistPriscillaYuenas theyperformaneveningofmusic byvariouscomposersallcentered aroundthethemeofWinter.This projectismadepossiblewithfunds fromtheStatewideCommunity RegrantProgram,aregrantprogramoftheNewYorkStateCouncilontheArtswiththesupportof theofficeoftheGovernorandthe NewYorkStateLegislatureand administeredbyGOART!
TheJoyProject,afreeexhibit inspiredbytheformerSibley’s DepartmentStoreindowntown Rochester,bringsold-time ChristmastolifeattheExhibitHall atSt.Mark’sEpiscopalChurch,1 EastMainStreet,LeRoyonSaturdaysfrom10-4andSundaysfrom 12-4betweenNov.30andDec.22. AnextensiveChristmasvillageand traindisplay,“departmentstore windows”withanimatronicsand accompanyingstory,hand-painted muralsofChristmasesofyesteryear bylocalartistLorieLonghany,anda one-of-a-kinddioramaofthe1937 radioshowTheCinnamonBearare included.GoArt!fundingsupportedtheartworkbyLorie Longhany.Infoatstmarksleroy.org/ the-joy-project. Miracleon34thStreet: Stepback intimeastheBloomfieldRotary Playersbringtheirliveradioplay, Miracleon34thStreet,toSt. Mark’sChurch,1EastMainSt., LeRoyonSaturday,December14at 3:00pmand7:00pm.Watchthis stageradioshowwithactorsin periodcostume,soundeffects,and asupportingcastfromtheLeRoy HighSchoolMusicDepartment. Tickets:$10eachandsupportThe JoyProject.Ticketsmaybepurchasedatthechurchoffice(open Tuesdays-Thursdays7am-12noon), atApril’sFinds(7895EastMain Road,LeRoy)orbymailingacheck withaSASEtoSt.Mark’sChurch. Information:stmarksleroy.org.
ChairYoga -EveryThursdayfrom 10:00a.m.to11:00a.m.Opento all!Allequipmentisprovided!No RegistrationRequired!Walkinand joinus!TheGOOSECommunity Center,33SouthMainStreet,Oakfield.http://www. warriorhouseofwny.com
We’veOnlyJustBegun”Sr. Luncheon- Wearetakingpaid reservationsforourAnnual ChristmasLuncheon,December10, 202411:30-1:30pmS.Alabama Firehall,Route63,Oakfield.Itwill becateredbytheAlabamaHotel for$15.00perperson.AllReservationsmustbepaidinAdvance. Contact:LaNoraThompson(630) 888-8966.Youcancometo Novemberluncheonandpayor mailacheckto:LaNoraThompson, 1554HamRoad,Basom,NY 14013.Youmusthaveareservationpaidinadvance!MustbereceivedbyDec.2,2024.Cochairpersons:MichaelHammand LaNoraThompson.
PetAdoptionNetworkOpen House- Ourmissionasanonprofit andno-killorganizationistorescue homelesscatsandkittens,obtain veterinarycareforthem.Allcats andkittensinourprogramlivein fosterhomesuntilthey’rereadyfor adoption.Alladoptablefostercats andkittenshavebeenspayed/ neutered,combotested,andwill haveageappropriatevaccines.Currentlyouradoptioncenterisopen Sunday’sonly-Noonto4:00pmat 4261CulverRoad,Rochester.Can’t gettoourcenterduringopen hours?Call585-338-9175and leaveamessage.Wewillarrange appointmentstobringadopters andkittiestogether.Price:Kittens $200;Cats$150;Seniors$100.
HolidayCraft&VendorSaleto BenefitHolyChildhood: NEW THISYEAR-TWODAYS!! December14,11-4pmand December15,11-3pm,Schoolof theHolyChildhood,100Groton Pkwy,Rochester.HolyChildhood Craft&VendorSalehasover90 vendors,includingSpecialTouch Bakery,foryourholidayshopping. Eachvendorwillalsodonatean itemforabagraffle.Eventbenefits HolyChildhood.
DON’T keep purchases in view of potential thieves. Resist putting presents under the tree until the night before Christmas. Hide large product boxes so they’re not visible in the trash or recycling pickups, where thieves might look toseewhat’sinsidethehouse.
HollyTrolleyRides attheNew YorkMuseumofTransportation! Continuingitsholidaytradition,the NewYorkMuseumof Transportation,inRush,willwelcomeSantaandMrs.Clauson December7,8and15.They’re eagertomeetthekidsandposefor pictures.Holidaydecorations,complimentarycookiesandhot chocolate,andthefondlyrememberedMidtownPlazaMonorailwill addtothefuninthisunique celebrationoftheholidays.Admissionincludingthetrolleyrideis$17 adults,$13age3-14.Ridesdepart at11:00,11:45,12:30,1:15,2:00, 2:45and3:30.Reservationsare required:www.nymtmuseum.org/ Christmas.Locatedat6393East RiverRoadinRush.
AnnualHolidaySuperSale! December7,2024atRushUnited MethodistChurch,6200Rush-Lima Rd,9am-3pmwithhalfpricesale 1pm-3pm.Oursaleroomisstocked withlargesupplyofcarefullyselected,likenewclothingformen, women,children.Sizesinfant-adult XXXL,consistingofshirts,pants, sweaters,coats,dresses,active wear,shoes,boots.Manyaccessorieslikescarves,hats,gloves, purses.Wideselectionof housewares,smallappliances, cookware,tableware,electronics, homedecor,wallart,linens,toys. Antique/vintageBoutiqueArea. MuchChristmasdecor.Unique findsatlowprices!
5thAnnualHolidaySaleto BenefitthePirateToyFundNEWLOCATIONTHISYEAR!SHOP SMALL!Comeshopwithour40 vendorsonthisSmallBusinessSaturdaytostartyourholidayshoppingright!Bringanew,unwrappedtoytodonatetothePirate ToyFundandreceiveafreeraffle tickettoourbagraffle.Supportour localsmallbusinesseswhile supportingagreatcause.Aportion ofproceedswillbenefitthePirate ToyFund!HeldNovember30,103pm,BarnardExemptsRestaurant &PartyHouse,360MaidenLn., Rochester.https://www.facebook. com/share/v68p97ZUPQC2HkAv/
9thAnnualTreeLightingCeremony, tobeheldatIlletteParkon thecornerofRt5and237in Stafford,Saturday,November30th, 2024,at6:30pm.Afterabrief ceremonyandlightingthetree therewillbeasingalongwith refreshmentsandstorytellinginthe StaffordTownHallat8903Rt.237, Stafford,NY.ThePublicisinvitedto attend.
ChristmasHymnSing- Thepublic isinvitedtojoinwithusatthe MorganvilleUnitedChurchof Christforanoldfashioned ChristmasHymnSingonSaturday, December7,at3:00pm.Alight soupanddessertsupperalongwith fellowshipwillfollowtheprogram inaformeroneroomschoolhouse. Wewillhaveanorganaccompanist toleadusthroughsomeoftheold, familiarhymnswelovetosing.It’s agreatopportunitytoinvitea friendorneighbortojoinalong withyouforalittleChristmas cheer.Thechurchandschool housearelocatedat8466MorganvilleRoadinStafford.www. caledoniafirstpc.org
GeneseeValleyHenrietta MooseLodge2290andChapter 1998 -HOLIDAYARTS&CRAFTS SHOW:Saturday,November23, 10am-4pmattheGeneseeValley HenriettaMooseLodge,5375West HenriettaRd.,WestHenrietta. HandmadeCrafts,Towels,Jewelry, Candles,Candy,Blankets,Bibs, WoodItems,QuiltedItems,Baked GoodsandMuchMore!Something foreveryoneplusaBasketRaffle! SoupandSandwichlunchavailable. 30Vendorshaveregistered.
DOroastratherthanfrytheholiday turkey. Burns, explosions and carbon monoxide poisoning are some of the dangers associated with turkey fryers. The CPSC, which discourages the use of fryers, says there have been 168 turkey-fryer related incidents since2002.
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Automotive Mechanic, Bus Attendant & Driver, Cafeteria Monitor, Custodian, Food Service Helper, Grounds Equipment Operator, Maintenance Mechanic, Senior Student Behavioral Assistant, Teacher Aide, and Subs in all areas.
By Fifi Rodriguez
1. MOVIES: What is the name of the necklace that Rose throws into the sea at the end of “Titanic”?
2. GEOGRAPHY: Where was the ancient city of Carthage located?
3. TELEVISION: What are the names of the FBI agents on “The X-Files”?
4. LITERATURE: Who wrote the short story “The Gift of the Magi”?
5. HISTORY: When was the United Nations organization created?
6. SCIENCE: What is the addictive substance in tobacco?
7. U.S. PRESIDENTS: Which president signed into law the Sherman Antitrust Act?
8. CHEMISTRY: What is the lightest of metallic elements?
9. MYTHOLOGY: What is the name of the half-man, half-bull creature that inhabits the Labyrinth?
10. FOOD & DRINK: What is challah?
After the Nov 17th Buffalo game, the Associated Press reports, “Josh Allen came out of his cage... He’s gone out there and silenced critics and detractors with one impressive effort after another this season.” Allen and McDermott downplayed it as just Week 11, “This is not the finish line.” With seven weeks left, what do you think about Buffalo now?
- It’s not all about Allen, but they’re now heading toward the Big Game.
- I never lost confidence in their projection.
- This was a surprising week.
- I don’t follow football.
Poll ends 11-25-24
Poll ended 11-19-2024
Veterans Day falls on 11/11 to recognize the end of “the war to end all wars” (WWII fighting between the Allied nations and Germany ceased on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, and has been observed since 1919, and returned to 11/11 in 1978) How do you observe the holiday?
5.9% Public ceremonies and official duties
11.8% Read/reflect on history
41.2% Connect with veterans in my life
29.4% All of the above
11.8% None of the above
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Taking steps to be more efficient at work can allow businesses and their employees to thrive while ensuring as little time as possible is wasted.
George and Swede Sales & Service, located in Pavilion, NY is seeking a qualified
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Interested and qualified applicants should email resumes to wendyf@georgeandswede.com. To submit resumes by mail or in person: George and Swede Sales and Service, Inc. 7155 Big Tree Road, Pavilion, NY 14525 Attn: Wendy George and Swede is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer.
Define career expectations. Defining career expectations early on can be beneficial in various ways. Such expectations can guide career choices and provide a road map that women can utilize to stay the professional course. This can help women make decisions about their careers when they come to forks in the road. For example, if a path to promotion seems blocked, women can examine their established career expectations to help them decide if it’s time to seek new employment. Defining career expectations also can help women effectively communicate with mentors about their goals, and mentors can then use that information when offering guidance. Expectations need not be concrete, and it’s likely they will change over time. But they can serve as an important foundation for anyone from young female professionals to experienced executives looking to make changes or determine the next step in their careers.
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.
We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org
Use your network. The notion that “it’s not what you know, but who you know” has some truth to it. Successful jobseekers continually expand their professional contacts. This is achievedbygoingtoinformational interviews, attending trade association meetings and reviewing trade publications. Target people who work at the companies where you see yourself,soyoucangettheinside trackaboutjobopenings.
TRAVELING?LaminatedLuggage Tags withhandlefastener.Just$1 eachforsomuchpeaceofmind! GeneseeValleyPennySaver,1471 Route15,Avon.OpenM-Th8:30am5pm&F8:30am-3pm.
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EXPERTPIANOTUNING &REPAIR.Since1980.MusicianExtraordinaire,CharlesM.Freida, 585-426-2334.
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