7 minute read
High Doses of Vitamins Lead to Vitamin Toxicity
DEAR DR. ROACH: I have been diagnosed with vitamin D toxicity, according to the blood work from a month ago -- my result was 122 ng/mL. I was taking high doses of vitamin D3 in pill form (15,000 IU a day for three years) bought from a drugstore. I have stopped taking it, but I need to know how long it will take to have a normal amount in my body. (Weeks, months?) Can you shed any light on this question? I would like to take it again when my level comes down, but in a lower amount. Also, by any chance, would the high amount of D3 in my system have any correlation to a diagnosis of stenosis of the aortic valve? -- C.I.
ANSWER: Vitamin D toxicity is not common. I have seen one case in my career requiring hospitalization, due to a very high elevation of the blood calcium level. Vitamin D increases absorption of calcium from food through the intestines.
In addition, calcium can come out of bones in people with very high levels of vitamin D. With high vitamin D levels, calcium levels can also become dangerously high. Common symptoms of very high calcium levels include constipation, nausea and vomiting, muscle weakness, kidney stones, and neurological symptoms, including poor concentration and fatigue. These symptoms tend to happen at levels higher than yours, above 150 ng/mL. Years of high calcium levels can absolutely cause existing heart valve disease to worsen quickly.
In cases of acute intoxication from vitamin D, available treatments include steroids and pamidronate (an injectable medicine similar to alendronate and other drugs used to treat osteoporosis), which can quickly bring the calcium levels back down to normal.
Without this kind of intervention, a vitamin D level will still come down on its own, only more gradually. Vitamin D3 is removed slowly from the body, because it can go into fat tissue. It takes about two months for half the excess to be removed from the body, but because the active forms are removed more quickly, toxicity from excess vitamin D3 usually only lasts for weeks, not months. Still, you are likely not to need any vitamin D for many months, and if you do take it again, do not exceed the safe dose of 5,000 IU a day. I recommend you also get your blood levels tested. Recent studies have questioned the benefit of supplemental vitamin D for most people, although some people, such as those with osteoporosis and low vitamin D levels, probably still benefit.
I’m very glad you wrote. Many people still don’t know that excess of some vitamins can occasionally be dangerous. Vitamin A is the other vitamin where high levels can be very dangerous.
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu.
Sue DeBruyne, Au.D. Doctor of Audiology
Recognize Potentially Dangerous Household Chemicals
Air fresheners: These seemingly innocuous products may be doing more harm than good. Information published in a 2015 issue of The Journal of Toxicological Sciences linked air fresheners to volatile organic compounds, or VOCs. They also may contain ultra-fine particles of formaldehyde and phenol. In addition, National Geographic’s The Green Guide states that many air fresheners contain nerve-deadening chemicals that coat nasal passages and temporarily block one’s sense of smell. Many widely available air fresheners use phthalates, which are linked to hormonal and reproductive issues, birth defects and developmental disorders. In lieu of chemical air fresheners, spray diluted essential oils around the house.
Dental Emergencies
When does a dental problem become an emergency? Some issues need immediate attention, while others can wait until your next dental checkup. A dental emergency is any problem that requires immediate attention, like severe pain, bleeding that won’t stop, the risk of losing a tooth, or an infection.Otherexamplesareasudden or severely painful toothache, sudden swelling in the mouth or jaw, exposed nerves, knocked out or fractured teeth, abscesses, and objects lodged in the teeth or gums. Missing fillings and crowns can also be considered dental emergencies, due to the risk of further damage and infection. If you’re not sure if your issue requires an emergency visit,call your dentist to discuss your symptoms.
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P.S. If you are experiencing a dental emergency, you can request an emergency appointment with a dentist, but it may require a trip to theemergencyroomif noimmediate appointmentisavailable.
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The U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs estimates that around eight million adults in the United States experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in a given year. Women experience PTSD at a much greater rate than men. Estimates from the USDVA indicate that 10 percent of women and 4 percent of men are affected by PTSD. Instances of PTSD are similarly prevalent in Canada, where the Canadian Psychological Association estimates that around 8 percent of Canadians who experience a traumatic event develop PTSD.Though no one is immune to PTSD, rates of the disorder among combat veterans are significantly higher than the rates among the general population. USDVA reports that one study of 1,938 veterans found that the prevalence rate among Gulf War veterans was around 14 percent, while an older study from the American Psychological Association found that about 30 percent of Vietnam War veterans had PTSD in their lifetime.
Penny Saver
My name is Cynnamon, and my parents rescued me from a backyard breeder. I’m about one years old, and I love my fenced in backyard because I live to chase rabbits and squirrels! I spend my days playing with all my toys and annoying Mommy when she has to work. I have a 15 year old rescued sister, Zoe, who refuses to play with me. She just naps all the time. Party pooper! I’m such a happy, snuggly girl!
Upgrade Attic Insulation To Save On Energy Expenses
(NAPSI)—One of the most cost-effective ways to make your home more comfortable year-round is to add insulation to your attic, including the attic trap or access door. By sealing uncontrolled air leaks, points out the U.S. Department of Energy, you can save 10 percent to 20 percent on your heating and cooling bills. Fortunately, this can be a relatively easy task.
Why Improve Your Insulation
Animproperlyinsulatedatticcanbeapreventablesourceofenergylossand unnecessary expense. Over time, insulation can settle or compact, which reduces its R-value. An insulating material’s resistance to conductive heat flow is measured or rated in terms of its thermal resistance or R-value— the higher the R-value, the greater the insulating effectiveness. A breezy attic may also result in drifts or shifts in your original insulation, leaving gaps where heat can escape. By topping up your attic insulation, you’ll increase thethermallevel,reducingyouroverallenergyusageandsavingyoumoney.
How To Do It
A simple way to do this is to topup the existing insulation in your attic. This is oneprojectthathomeownerscanoftentackleforthemselves.Lookfortimesaving, easy-to-install products, such as stone wool batts, that are easy to work with and don’t require costly blower rentals, protective clothing or an investment in expensive equipment.
You can easily add Rockwool ComfortBatt insulation on top of most existing insulationtoincreaseR-valueinanatticwithouthavingtodoanyremediation orremovalfirst.Thebattswillremainstableandwon’tshiftaftertheyareput in place, ensuring upgraded thermal protection. They’re also:
• Easily cut
• Noncombustible
• Excellent for sound absorbency
• Not likely to rot or promote growth of fungi or mildew
• Water and moisture resistant.
To apply the insulation, simply begin in one corner of the attic, open the bag and place the stone wool batts as needed to get a consistent layer throughout the attic. Make sure to cover spaces around ducts, wiring and piping, converting these awkward spaces into energy-saving areas. One of theadvantagesofstonewoolbattsistheircompatibilitywithotherinsulation types, eliminating any need to remove existing product.
Learn More: For further facts and tips on insulation, go to www.rockwool.com/products/comfortbatt.
How To Cut Costs On Home Renovations
Do some prep work: You might be able to save by doing some of the demolition and preparatory work yourself. For example, you can tear up old carpeting before the installation of new tile floors. Perhaps you can mend and patch up walls before a paint job.
is available for income-eligible households
Automatically Eligible Income guidelines are:
Family of 1: $34,224
Family of 2: $44,760
Family of 3: $55,296
Family of 4: $65,820
Funded by: NYS Homes and Community Renewal
By Fifi Rodriguez
1. TELEVISION: Which cable TV series features a character named Don Draper?
2. MOVIES: What subject does Professor Minerva McGonagall teach at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?
3. HISTORY: Where was civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. assassinated?
4. U.S. PRESIDENTS: Which president had a sign on his desk that read, “The Buck Stops Here”?
5. GEOGRAPHY: Where is the world’s largest desert?
6. LITERATURE: What is the real name of the author Lemony Snicket?
7. FOOD & DRINK: What is the fruit that gives the liqueur creme de cassis its flavor?
8. MUSIC: What inspired the Beatles’ song “Blackbird”?
9. CELEBRITIES: What is singer/ actress Judy Garland’s birth name?
Care For Tools Properly
Homeowners often choose to save money and learn valuable skills by doing their own home improvement projects. These minor or major renovations are made much more successful by having the right tools for the job. Investing in good tools can be smart, but those tools are only effective if they are accessible and in good repair. Homeowners who emphasize taking care of their tools can make DIY projects that much easier and more rewarding.
10. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What are squirrels’ nests called? Answers
Does Your Family Have a Fire Escape Plan? (Family Features) When a home fire occurs, you have very little time to get out. A working smoke alarm doubles your chances of survival, yet more than twenty percent of American homes are without them. Energizer and the International Association of Fire Chiefs teamed up to address this problem by providing vital fire safety information to families. Make a Plan Installing smoke alarms on every level of the home and developing a plan of escape can give your family precious minutes to get out and get to safety. Draw a floor plan of your home and sketch exit routes out of every room. Make sure you have a fire escape ladder long enough to reach the ground from upstairs rooms. Assign an outside meeting place, so you can quickly locate each other
Keep it covered. Covered bins can serve as a seating area and also a place to store shoes, hats and scarves.