9 minute read
April 10th: Har-Go Farms/Windy Acres Farm/Kingsley Brothers Farm LLC
Online Surplus Machinery Auction Pavilion, NY • Preview: April 10th from 9am until Noon
Selling: Claas Jaguar 800 chopper with hay and corn heads; JD 6620 combine; NH 1431 discbine; NH rakes & double hitch; JD Gator; Unverferth 130 6 row zone builder; Unverferth 1245 rolling harrow; Kverneland NGS451 tillage tool; JD chisel; IH 4 row planter; HLA defacer; Richardton dump wagon; GT grain dryer; Balzer silage table; augers; elevators; mowers; fert wagons; trailers; generator; Mueller 250g bulk tank; pasteurizer; and more!
April 11th: Berghorn Farms Online Machinery Auction
Akron, NY • Preview: April 11th from 9am until Noon
Selling: IH Loadstar 1600 truck w/ hoist; Killbros gravity wagons; IH grain drills; AC 333 planter; Transport drag; Brillion cultimulcher; Ditcher; rock picker; rake; augers; elevator; and more!
April 17th: Estate of Donald Martin Online Machinery, Tool, Antique & Toy Auction. West Batavia, NY • Preview: April 17th from 9am until Noon
Selling: IH 424; Farmall 350; Farmall Cub; JD 400 lawn mower; JD 332 lawn mower; JD F725 lawn mower; JD 314 with sno wblower and cab; Boylens tractor with snow blower & decks; BH RDTH72 nish mower; sickle bar mower; 2002 Chevy Blazer; plus tools; antiques; vintage toys and much more!
April 26th: April Online Consignment Auction • Western New York is will take time and repetition. e goal is to get them to follow your commands for longer and longer periods until you no longer have to separate them. Be prepared to pause the TV and focus on their training for days or weeks. e long-term reward is worth it.
Accepting consignments through April 10th. Selling: 2013 Outback 316RL travel trailer; Farmall 656; Farmall H; Farmall 400; Case S series; tillage; weights; wheels; haylage and more! Watch for additions!
Diz’s playful personality probably balances out Mac’s serious working dog persona, so take advantage of this.
Wear them out: Both of these breeds are energetic. It’ll be much easier to keep them calm if you take them out for a walk or a romp at a dog park for about an hour before dinner and TV time.
Set the behavior: When it’s TV time, bring them into the room and give the “sit” or “lie down” and “stay” commands to each dog. Give them a treat only when they obey the commands.
Correct and redirect: When the dogs begin to wrestle or steal each other’s toys, tell them to stop. Call both dogs over and work on the basic commands again, then have them sit or lie down in the original spots.
Separate them: If they begin roughhousing again and no longer respond to commands, take Diz into one room and Mac into another.
Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.
LYON & HEALY BABY GRAND PIANO. You move: 585-323-1762 (lv. msg)
HOSPITAL BED in very good condition. Mt. Morris: 585-658-3188
CANCELED STAMPS for stamp collectors. Couple of boxes. American and Canadian stamps: 585-734-8359
MEDICAL - PICC/central line dressing change kits, caps, extra Tegaderm, saline flushes, Foley insertion trays, night/leg bags, irrigation trays: P.FRIED91@GMAIL.COM
WARDROBE MOVING BOXES. Pick up, Canandaigua city: 585-364-8666
SOCKS, fair to good condition, others can be used for crafts: 585-236-0426
LOWREY ORGAN Model M-375, Walnut Finish. You pick up: 585-370-2535
TREADMILL, suitable for walking, not running on. Works. You pick up: lorali58isdone@gmail.com
Older CPAP MACHINE, works well: lorali58isdone@gmail.com
Used ARIEN SNOW BLOWER. Fairly old but still runs: 585-953-0163 (lv. msg)
SLEEPER SOFA, good condition and a SOFA, good condition but has some stains. Bloomfield: 585-747-5521
ENTERTAINMENT CENTER, solid, light oak. Fits 32” TV or could be used for computer monitor. Excellent condition. You pick up: 585-359-1652
Who collects CLOTHING FOR THE NEEDY: motelmaid37@aol.com
STAMPED CROSS STITCH KIT, Serenity Prayer 16” x 20”. All floss and more. Pick up, LeRoy. Text or call: 716-352-1248
WOOD DINING ROOM CABINET w/GLASS DOORS. Good condition. You pick up: 585-213-4023
SUBARU VERTICAL SHAFT ENGINE, did run, needs pull start replaced: 585-737-0491
Clean QUEEN SIZE MATTRESS, 2” thick. Perfect for camper: 585-755-1948
FELLED 4-5’ SECTIONS ASH WOOD; take as much as you want. Easy access; wood on edges of lawn: 585-281-1717
CASTRO CONVERTIBLE COUCH and SLIPCOVER - cushions ripped, but mattress perfect: grleah1@juno.com
FIREWOOD. Large cotton wood tree; felled, trunk and large branches broken down. Easy access. You pick up, Ionia: 585-657-4894
You move: 585-323-1762 (leave message)
WURLITZER PIANO - great condition; only one sticky key. Located on the second floor. Text: 585-755-9697
RESMED S8 ELITE II CPAP - Case, Heater/Humidifier, 2 Tanks, Cord, Manual, Hose, but CPAP part probably no good. West Henrietta: cmonroj1@rochester.rr.com
Gently used WHITE WEDDING GOWN, size large (12?). Preferably with short or long sleeves: 585-346-9777
Old, abandoned CANOES and KAYAKS in need of repair for parts: jerrywilsen99@gmail.com
Small CART to pull with riding lawn mower for 80-year-old senior who still loves gardening: 315-310-3897
ELECTRONICS & PARTS for electronic organs: 585-323-1762 (lv. msg)
Boy Scout requests VINTAGE ARCHERY RECURVE BOWS/ARROWS/ACCESSORIES for Parts/Repairs: Text 585-794-0448 or Email mintshape@netacc.net
Seeking ATVs, DIRT BIKES or GO KARTS that are either running or not for father and son projects. Call/text. Thanks! 315-576-1278
WEBER GRILLS. Not being used or just in your way, I will come pick up. Call or text please: 315-576-1278
VINTAGE MOOG ANALOG SYNTHESIZERS PARTS OR WHOLE WANTED. Micro, Mini, Taurus, Sonic, PolyÖalso accessories: 585-599-3142
SNOWMOBILE wanted running or not. Call or text: 585-733-2026
LARGE POTTERY JARS for indoor gardening: 585-374-5768
Jars of OLD, BROKEN JEWELRY for artwork: 315-748-3378
Clean EGG CARTONS: 716-432-4249
OLD WINDOWS. Must NOT be low-E glass: 814-397-1432
PIANO MUSIC (classical, pop, country): 585-358-6142
20 HP MERCURY OUTBOARD MOTOR for parts. Will pick up. Text: 585-230-9380
SLEEPER SOFA, any size. Please, not if it smells like smoke or cat urine. Will pick up! Thanks! 585-443-9338
VINTAGE ELECTRONICS - Tubes, tube testers, vintage stereo equipment, radios, microphones, motors, speakers, meters, turntables, communication gear, Advertising, Ham, Test Equipment: 585-538-9341
ROSARIES (old and new) to add to my 300+ collection: 585-293-2199 COMICS AND SPORTS/COLLECTIBLE CARDS, any condition, will pick up. I enjoy everything. Thank You! God Bless. Text: 585-260-0437
KEYBOARD in working condition for a 90s Dell computer for a disabled person to work with: 585-346-7022
CLEAN STORAGE BOXES, like copier paper boxes, with lids for moving. Stored indoors. Will pick up: 585-497-2327
HP PRINTER INK CARTRIDGES #60 and #61, new or expired okay. Thank you: 585-519-3325
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received.
Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
To Your Good Health
By Keith Roach, M.D.
Men With Factor V Leiden Can Still Receive Testosterone Therapy
DEAR DR. ROACH: I have Factor V Leiden, but I have been wanting to do testosterone replacement therapy. I have heard that testosterone causes blood clots. Obviously, with FVL, that would be a huge deal for me. Is this true? Does it cause clots, or is it safe for me to do? -- R.C.
ANSWER: Factor V Leiden is a common genetic variant that increases a person’s risk for developing a blood clot. However, a person who has never had a blood clot, but who is identified as heterozygous (meaning they only have one copy of the gene) for factor V Leiden, is still not likely to have a blood clot during their lifetime and is not recommended for treatment to prevent a blood clot.
Testosterone replacement therapy in men with FVL does increase the risk of blood clots in some studies, but not in others. In the studies that have shown an increase in risk, the risk has been estimated as approximately one person per thousand treated with testosterone each year. However, the risk occurs mostly during the first three months, and after two years on treatment, there is no additional risk. Thus, roughly one man per 500 who has FVL and gets treated with testosterone will get a clot, according to the studies that show an increase in risk. This is a small risk, but a blood clot is a significant potential problem. So, the risk of getting a clot should certainly go into the discussion about whether to give testosterone replacement to a man with FVL and symptomatic low testosterone levels. Most of the men I have seen with this issue have elected to take the replacement.
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu.
© 2023 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
Participants Needed
VPG Medical is seeking eligible participants to test an investigational application for Android smart devices.
To participate you must:
• Be 40 years or older
• Have a history of Paroxysmal AFib
• Use a Samsung Android smartphone daily You will be compensated for your time and participation.
For more information and to determine if you qualify, please contact Margot Lutz: (585) 622-4410 • m.lutz@vpgmedical.com
375 White Spruce Blvd., Rochester, NY 14623 (585) 622-4410 • www.VPGMedical.com
Sue DeBruyne, Au.D. Doctor of Audiology
Your fungal toenails
• Are you embarrassed to wear sandals or go barefoot because of thick, yellow nails?
• Now is the time to get treatment. If le untreated, fungal toenails can: a ect your immune system, cause recurring athlete’s foot, infected ingrown toenails (requiring surgery) and discomfort wearing shoes, not to mention their unsightly appearance!
• Patients with diabetes, poor circulation and numbness to their feet can develop more serious problems.
• ere are also safer new topical medications available to help cure fungal toenails.
• A simple one-a-day pill for 3 months will usually cure fungal toenails within 6-9 months from the start of treatment.
• Treatment now may result in clear, thinner nails for the year 2023.
• Call now for an appointment to determine if you’re a candidate for this newer treatment.
Variety is the spice of life when it comes to protein sources. Eat different foods to ensure the body gets all of the nutrients it requires.
A Heartfelt Thank you
Shout out to all eight re departments on the scene of Pearse’s House Fire in Caledonia on a Sunday morning— Caledonia, York, LeRoy, East Avon, Avon, Mumford, Sta ord & Churchville re departments.
anks to Fire Chief, Mike Churchill from Caledonia FD, who was rst on the scene. Tony Demarco & Andrew Carpino were rst through the door!
Shoutout for the local support from Dave, the President of LeRoy Sportsman Club, for providing housing as well as the Red Cross for the generous gi card!
We appreciate all the support during a tragic event!
Daniel Pearse & my brother, omas Pearse
Mouthguards For Oral Protection
A mouthguard protects your teeth, gums,tongue,andcheeksfromtrauma and injury. A mouthguard should be worn during contact sports and any athletic activity that puts your face at risk of injury. Mouthguards can also be worn at night to mitigate bruxism (tooth grinding). There are different options for mouthguards. Your dentist can make a mold of your teeth to create a custom mouthguard, which will be more comfortable and offer better protection. A custom mold can be made for either sports protection or bruxism prevention. Boil-and-bite mouthguards are molded to the shape of your teeth at home by boiling the mouthguard to soften it and then shaping it to fit your teeth while it’s still warm and pliable.
One of our basic philosophies at BATAVIA FAMILY DENTAL is that our
Tree Tamers
patients must recognize the need to take charge of their oral health and do what is necessary to prevent, arrest, or control their own dental conditions. We’ll work together as a our office is located at City Centre 585.343.4246 insurances.
P.S. One size fits all mouthguards come ready to wear but rarely fit well and offer the least protection.
BATHROOMS: Bathrooms also tend to bear the brunt of winter weather, as mold and grime can accumulate throughout a season in which it’s too cold to open bathroom windows to let fresh air in after bathing. Inspect ceilings, tubs, shower stalls, and floors for any signs of mold growth or grime. Mold growth in a home can lead to respiratory problems and exacerbate existing conditions such as asthma, so it’s best to inspect bathrooms for any signs of mold growth throughout winter. If you have let that slip,prioritize such inspections come spring cleaning time.
15% Off All remaining Cub Cadet Snow Blowers
How to pack a suitcase: Roll pants and tops, adding to suitcase first, toward the handle side. Then add heavy items (shoes, boots) toward the wheel end. Make sure you choose the right size case for the trip; too much room will cause items to shift around.
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