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Hometown Events
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Byron Bergen Public Library
13 S. Lake St., Bergen (585) 494-1120 Byron-BergenPublicLibrary.org Hours: Tues.-Thurs. 10-1 & 2-7; Fri. 10-6; Sat. 10-1
Caledonia Library
3108 Main Street, Caledonia (585) 538-4512 Hours: Mon. & Thurs. 2-5:30 & 7-9; Tues. 9-1 & 2-5:30; Fri. 2-5:30; Sat. 9-1
Chili Public Library
3237 Chili Avenue, Rochester (585) 889-2200 • www.chililibrary.org Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 9-9; Fri.-Sat. 9-5, Sunday Closed
Hollwedel Memorial Library
Pavilion • (585) 584-8843 Hours: Mon., Wed. 2-7; Tue., Sat. 10-Noon; Fri. 11-5
Mumford Branch Library
883 George Street, Mumford (585) 538-6124 Hours: Mon., Wed., Fri. 12-6
Newman Riga Library
1 S. Main St. Churchville, NY www.newmanrigalibrary.org (585) 293-2009 Hours: Mon., Wed., Fri. 11-5; Tues., Thurs. 11-9; Sat. 10-2
Scottsville Free Library
28 Main Street, Scottsville (585) 889-2023 Hours: Mon., Wed., Fri. 10-5; Tues., Thurs. 1-8; Sat. 10-1
Here’s what’s happening at your local library…
Chili Public Library: TEEN MOVIE: Monday, March 7th at 6:30PM. For ages 13-18. Movie a n n o u n c e m e n t o n I n s t a g r a m @thecplteens. No registration. SIMPLY STORIES: Tuesday, March 8th at 10AM. For all ages with an adult. A special storytime! No registration MAKER MARCH: Tuesday, March 8th at 7PM. For ages 13-18. Create a game! Registration required. LEGO NIGHT FOR TEENS: Tuesday, March 8th at 7PM. For ages 13-18. A fun LEGO building evening! No registration. A N C E S T R Y . C O M T R A I N I N G : Wednesday, March 9th at 10AM. Basic instruction about Ancestry.com. Registration required. CREATIVE WRITING: Wednesday, March 9th at 6:30PM. All about creative writing. Registration required. PRESCHOOL PALS: Thursday, March 10th at 10AM. Ages 4-5 with an adult. Stories and songs! Registration required. BABIES AND BOOKS: Thursday, March 10th at 10:30AM. Ages up to 2 with an adult. Songs and fun! No registration. SAP, SYRUP, & SUGAR: Saturday, March 12th at 2PM. For everyone. A sweet exploration on maple! Registration required.
Caledonia Library: NEW ITEMS (Adult Fiction Series) From Blood and Ash, A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire, and The Crown of G i l d e d B o n e s a l l b y J e n n i f e r Armentrout. Nothing to Lose by J.A. Jance, Death of a Green-Eyed Monster by M.C. Beaton. SENIOR BOOK CLUB Current selection “Such a Quiet Place” by Megan Miranda. Call for details of our next selection. CHECK OUT 3 NEW DISPLAYS “What’s Out There?” and “Green Covers” and “Completely. Unrelated. Unusual. Books.” DID YOU KNOW Your library card links you to all 42 libraries in the OWWL system. You can place items on hold, download e-books, renew items on your account and so much more. KNITTING GROUP -- “Loosely Knit” meets on Thursdays at 2 p.m. Can you knit, crochet, spin yarn, etc.? Come and work on your project, talk with others, or simply ask for help.
As through the poplar’s gusty spire The March wind sweeps and sings, I sit beside the hollow fi re, And dream familiar things; Old memories wake, faint echoes make A murmur of dead Springs... ~”Long Ago,” in Chambers’s
Journal of Popular Literature,
Science, and Art, Conducted by
William and Robert Chambers, 1868 October 24th
Hollwedel Memorial Library: STORYTIME: Tuesdays at 11 am. Join Miss Josselyn for stories, singing, dancing, projects, take and makes and fun!! You can attend in person or watch on Facebook Live. You can also watch the broadcast later on Facebook. FREE YOGA CLASSES: KIDS- March 7 at 5:30. No experience or equipment is necessary. BOOK CLUB: March 16, 2:30 pm. For March, in honor of women’s history month, we will be reading The Only Woman in the Room, by Marie Benedict. Stop in and pick up a copy of the book. and join us on the 16th! KNITTERS’ NOOK: Mondays at 3:30. Join our friendly needleworkers and work on your project! BOARD OF TRUSTEES: Board meetings are held on the second Wed. of each month at 6 pm in the library.
Fishermen´s Flea Market - Saturday, March 19 from 9-2pm. $2 Admission, Children 12 & Under Are Free. Alexander Firemen’s Recreation Hall, 10708 Rt. 98, Alexander. New & Used: Rods, Reels, Custom Baits, Tackle & More! Lunch can be purchased from Alexander Fire Dept. Jim: 5 8 5 - 5 9 1 - 0 1 6 8 o r J o e : 716-440-0004.
The Choruses & Theatre of Avon Central School District present BIG FISH. Held Friday & Saturday, March 11 & 12 at 7pm and Sunday, March 13 at 2pm, at the Avon Central School Auditorium. All seats $12. Tickets at the door or go to: showtix4u.com. This show is rated PG-13 and best suited for students in Grades 5 + and adults.
Museum Quilt Guild Meetings The Museum Quilt Guild meets on the 3rd Saturday of each month at the VA Medical Center Auditorium, 222 Richmond Ave., Batavia. Masks are currently required inside this facility. Regular meetings begin at 9:30 am and include a short business meeting, Show & Tell and a program. Dues are $20 /year for each member. Workshops may be schedule for a nominal fee. Please visit us!
Irish Music Night with No Blarney! Get in the St. Patrick’s Day spirit at the Holland Land Office Museum with Batavia natives No Blarney! as they get us off our feet and dancing to traditional Irish music. The concert is Friday, March 11 from 7 pm-8 pm. Tickets $5 per person and $4 for museum members. Please R.S.V.P. to the museum by email at hollandlandoffice@ gmail.com or call the museum to R.S.V.P. at 585-343-4727. Seating is limited to 30 people. Masks are r e q u i r e d . h t t p : / / w w w . hollandlandoffice.com Wolcott J. Humphrey III Symposium Schedule - Location: Richard C. Call Arena ~ GCC Batavia Campus ~ 1 College Road, Batavia. Date: April 21, 2022. 9:00 a.m. Registration. 9:30 a.m. Panel moderated by Dr. Benjamin Houlton, Dean of College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cornell University. 10:30 a.m. Audience Q & A. 11:00 a.m. Presentation by Peter Boyd, CEO & Founder of Time4Good and Fellow at Yale Center for Business and Development. 11:45 a.m. Audience Q & A. 12:00-1:30 p.m. Lunch and Table Talks. 1:30 p.m. Closing Remarks. Tickets $20/ person; Students tickets are free. R e g i s t e r a t h t t p s : / / gccfoundationinc.org/humphrey. Contact: GCC Foundation at 5 8 5 - 3 4 5 - 6 8 0 9 o r e m a i l foundation@genesee.edu.
HLOM Trivia Night @ the Museum: Albert Einstein: Join us at the Holland Land Office Museum on Thursday, March 10 at 7 pm for the next edition of Trivia Night at the Museum. This month’s topic is Albert Einstein as we celebrate the theoretical physicist’s birthday. Admission is $3 per person or $2 for museum members. All in attendance are required to wear face coverings. Please contact the museum if you would like to attend at 5 8 5 - 3 4 3 - 4 7 2 7 o r hollandlandoffice@gmail.com. You can also join via Zoom by following the links below. The event is also available via Zoom. The links can be found on the museum’s Facebook p a g e a n d w e b s i t e w w w . hollandlandoffice.com.
HLOM Guest Speaker Series- Susan Eck: Tuesday, March 22nd at 7 pm as we welcome back Susan Eck. She will be sharing her presentation “Emblem of Equality: Woman Suffrage in WNY.” Admission $3/$2 for museum members. Masks required. You can also join us via Zoom by following the links on the museum’s Facebook page or website www.hollandlandoffice.com. The Guest Speaker Series is made possible with funds from the Statewide Community Regrant Program, a regrant program of the New York State council on the Arts with the support of the office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature and administered by GO ART!
VFW Post 1602 Auxiliary Corned Beef/Ham Dinner - VFW Post 1602 Auxiliary, 25 Edwards St, Batavia is hosting a Corned Beef / Ham Dinner on Saturday, March 12, 2022 from 4 PM till Sold out. $12 Donation / person. Dinner includes Corned Beef; Ham; Cabbage; Potato; Carrots; and Onions. Music by Old State Roadhouse from 6 PM - 9 PM. Presale recommended: available at the Post or by calling 585-344-3240 after 4:30 PM on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Open to the Public.
The Great Batavia Train Show For 50 years the Great Batavia Train Show has been one of the premier hobby events in Western New York. Our move to the Richard C. Call arena has allowed us to grow the event in a state-of-the-art facility. Our April 3rd event marks our 100th train show! All forms of model railroad and train-related merchandise will be available. Modeling demonstrations, and a limited number of portable layouts, will be part of the fun. Free parking. Genesee Community College Richard C Call Arena, One College Rd., Batavia. $6 adults, $3 under 18, free for children under 13. http://gsme.org The Batavia Society of Artists is hosting artist Karen Crittenden on Tuesday, March 8th at Go-Art/ Seymour Place, 201 E. Main St, Batavia at 7pm. She will be doing a Drum Fun hands-on demo with African Drums. Also doing a transfer of a Mandela on to a drum. Non-Members welcome for a $5 fee. Before, during and after, there will be a very affordable art supply sale of donations from the Virginia Carr-Mumford Family.
By Lucie Winborne * It’s illegal in Vermont to prohibit anyone from putting up a clothesline.
Notre Dame’s First Annual Running with the Irish 5K Run/Walk to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day and support the school and the GLOW ARC. March 12th. Race begins 10AM at Notre Dame High School, 73 Union St, Batavia. T-shirts are $25 with early registration (before March 5th). After that t-shirt sizes will be limited and the price will be $30. Prizes available for winners in male/female age categories. Also, the local school with the most runners/walkers will receive the ND Irish Trophy! Winners announced at TF Brown’s after the race where we can eat, drink and be merry! Come dress up and run or walk! Registration: www.ndhsbatavia.com
HLOM Java with Joe.- Mary Ellen Reardon, “Seven Springs Country Club”: Join us at the Holland Land Office Museum for the next edition of our Java with Joe E. morning presentation group on Thursday, March 24 at 9 am. This month we welcome local author and researcher Mary Ellen Reardon as she shares the history of Seven Springs Country Club through her book “Seven Springs Country Club: A Century of Stewardship.” Copies of the book will be available for sale. The event is free to the public. Masks are required. The program will also be available via Zoom by following the links on the museum’s Facebook page or website www.hollandlandoffice.com.
Annual Senior Citizens St. Patrick’s Boiled Dinner - Canceled: The Cal-Mum Lions Club regretfully must cancel the Corned Beef Dinner in March at J. W. Jones Hall in Caledonia due to the pandemic. CHILI
The First Presbyterian Church of Chili’s Food Cupboard, which is now affiliated with Food Link, continues to be held the third Saturday of each month from 10:00 11:30 at 3600 Chili Ave. It would be helpful if you could register although this is not required - by c a l l i n g 8 8 9 - 9 8 9 6 T u e s d a y Thursday between the hours of 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. We look forward to seeing you the third Saturday of each month! BEST BUYS FOR THE N EW YEAR
Th e a t e r t i c k e t s : J a n u a r y a n d Fe b r u a r y a r e n o t e s p e c i a l l y b u s y se a so n s f o r t h e a t e r s, w h i c h m e a n s th e r e w i l l b e g r e a t e r o p p o r t u n i t y t o ge t d i s c o u n t e d s e a t s f o r m a n y po p u l a r sh o w s. CHURCHVILLE
Ham Dinner at Union Church Join us for a delicious Ham Dinner on Saturday, March 12, from 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM or till SOLD OUT at the Union Congregational Church, 14 North Main St., Churchville (585) 293-1665. Serving: Ham, Scalloped Potatoes, Carrots, Green Beans, Baked Pineapple, and Cake. C o s t : $ 1 2 . N o R e s e r v a t i o n s Accepted. Helping Our Neighbors - Several churches have joined together to provide food for families who need a little extra. Some of this food is also provided by businesses as well as individuals. Residents in the Riga area are welcome to come to Union Church, 14 N. Main Street in Churchville, to pick up a box of nutritious food for their families. Distribution is made every third Tuesday of each month between 4 and 5 pm. Drive into the church parking lot and follow the signs. If you know of any in need, please inform them of this program. GREECE
Greece Arcadia 50th Reunion! GREECE ARCADIA CLASS OF 1972 CLASSMATES, PLUS TEACHERS AND STAFF WHO GUIDED US FROM 1968-1972: SAVE THESE DATES!! The 50th Reunion of the Class of 1972 is 8/26/2022 8/27/2022! Please contact Nancy Tripp at 352-509-5700 or email at GAHSClassof1972@gmail.com so we can plan for your attendance. Weekend Highlights: Friday: Arcadia tour and Memorial Service for departed classmates. Saturday: Celebrations at Greece Canal Park. We’d love to see you there!!
“Music at St. Mark’s,” a free monthly concert series at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 1 East Main St., LeRoy will be held on Thursday, March 24 at 7:00 pm. The onehour concert will feature jazz duo Laura Dubin on piano and Antonio Guerrero on percussion. This couple has performed around the world on Holland America Cruise Lines as well as in Mexico City and at the Rochester International Jazz Festival. The program is funded by a Restart NY grant through GO ART! More information at www. stmarksleroy.org or by emailing stmarksleroy@gmail.com. LeRoy-Stafford Senior Citizens Luncheon will be resuming on Wednesday, March 16th at 12:30 PM at the K of C hall. A boxed lunch from the Smokin’ Eagle along with dessert, will be provided at a cost of $5 per person. Please bring your own beverage. Live entertainment will follow. We also will be having signups for our first bus trip i n A p r i l . C o n t a c t R o s e m a r y #506-5233, Lucy #721-6073 or Sue #861-0422, to reserve your spot by MARCH 11TH. No reservations will be accepted after that date.
Take-out Spaghetti Dinner at the U n i t e d M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h o f Livonia, 21 Summer St, Livonia on Wednesday, March 9, 4:30-6:00PM (or until sold out). Spaghetti, sauce, meatballs, undressed salad, and garlic bread. Donations accepted. Please follow signs in church parki n g l o t f o r d r i v e - t h r o u g h instructions.
Mother’s Day at GCVM - On Mother’s Day interpreters in the Historic Village will showcase a number of tasks and activities reflective of what life was like for 19th-century mothers. Explore historic homes, kitchens, and heirloom gardens, and don’t forget to treat mom to a traditional 19th-century pastry from the D.B. Munger & Co. Confectionery! And most importantly - don’t forget that all Moms receive free admission on Mother’s Day! Sunday, May 8th, 10-4pm, Genesee Country Village & Museum, 1410 Flint Hill Rd., Mumford. Cost: $18. https://www.gcv.org/ events/opening-day/
December days were brief and chill, The winds of March were wild and drear, And, nearing and receding still, Spring never would, we thought, be here. ~Arthur Hugh Clough (1819–1861)
O a k f i e l d U n i t e d M e t h o d i s t Church Pulled Pork Dinner - The Oakfield United Methodist Church, 2 South Main Street in Oakfield, will serve a pulled pork dinner on Saturday, March 12, from 4 pm to 6 pm, or until sold out. The dinner costs $12.00 each and includes a pulled pork BBQ sandwich, coleslaw, baked beans, chips, drink, and dessert. Take-out only. Please call 585-948-5550 for tickets. ROCHESTER
Genesee Region Orchid Society Show and Sale - Hundreds of blooming orchids on display and for sale. Orchid plant giveaways. Orchid talks and demos. Orchid repotting service available. Saturday, April 2: 10AM-5PM; Sunday, April 3: 10AM-4PM at the Rochester Museum and Science Center, Eisenhart Auditorium, 667 East Ave., Rochester. Admission $10.00; children under 12 free. Visit our w e b s i t e h t t p s : / / w w w . geneseeorchid.org for more info or like us on Facebook: Genesee Region Orchid Society.
To shorten winter, borrow some money due in spring. ~W.J. Vogel
RPY & RPO Side-by-Side: TURNING TO CLASSICAL COMPOSERS The Rochester Philharmonic Youth Orchestra turns to the music of classical composers for its Side-bySide concert with the RPO. Come hear the music of Bach/Stokowski, S m e t a n a , W a g n e r , a n d Tchaikovsky. The Rochester Philharmonic Youth Orchestra plays alongside the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra in this annual educational and performance event. RPYO Plays Alone. Bach/Stokowski: Komm’ Su[{cc}{88}]sser Tod. Wagner: Prelude to Die Meistersinger. RPYO and RPO Plays Together. Smetana: The Moldau.Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 5, Mvt. 4. Held March 6, 4pm at the RBTL’s Auditorium Theatre, 885 East Main Street, Rochester. https://www.rbtl.org/ events/rpyo-rpo-side-by-side/ Cirque International: With their artistic interpretations of the world’s greatest acrobatic skills, Cirque du Soleil changed the landscape of Cirque-style productions. With sold-out shows worldwide, Cirque du Soleil soon became the world leader in this style of presentation. This wonderful show features an international line-up of some of the world’s finest acrobats, gymnasts, and aerial artists in an enchanting and mesmerizing spectacle of entertainment. Cirque International is perfect for the entire family as it brings to the stage breathtaking excitement in a magnificent extravaganza that will leave you spellbound. Held March 12, 8pm at the RBTL’s Auditorium Theatre, 885 East Main Street, Rochester. https://www.rbtl.org/ events/cirque-international/
RENT 25th Anniversary Farewell Tour - For a quarter of a century, Jonathan Larson’s RENT has inspired us to choose love over fear and to live without regret. This Tony Award and Pulitzer Prizewinning phenomenon follows a year in the lives of a diverse group of artists and friends struggling to follow their dreams without selling out. It has become more than a musical it’s a cultural touchstone, a rite of passage and a source of joy and strength for millions. RENT has become a part of us forever. March 7th & 8th, 7:30pm, RBTL’s Auditorium Theatre, 885 East Main Street, Rochester. https://www.rbtl.org/ events/rent/
RTOS March Theater Organ Concert - The Rochester Theater Organ Society presents the next live pipe organ concert Sunday, March 13th, 2:30PM at the Auditorium Theatre. One of the most prominent and sought-after artists on the concert circuit, Jelani Eddington, returns to the console of the RTOS-Grierson Wurlitzer 423 theater pipe organ! Admission for NON-members $15 per person. Children 12 and under, and students with school ID are free. The doors open 1:45 PM. Proof of Vaccination, photo ID, properly worn mask, and social distancing are required. General admission seating. Accessible for people with disabilities. For information: http://www.rtosonline. org or call RTOS Concert & Information Line 585-234-2295. The Chili Art Group will hold and meeting and presentation on Thursday, March 10 at 6:30 p.m. at the new Chili Community Center, 3237 Chili Avenue (located behind the Wegmans/Target Plaza). Our guest speaker will be painter, Deb Bonnewell with a fireside chat. New members are always welcome. SCOTTSVILLE
Wheatland Senior Citizens Club - Wheatland Senior Citizen Club is having it’s first meeting of the year on Tuesday, March 8 at 12:00 noon in the Senior Center at the Wheatland Town Hall on Main Street in Scottsville. Bring your own lunch. Yearly Dues of $5 will be collected. Trips will be available. Masks are optional but we ask those who are unvaccinated to please wear one. Come and join our club! Any questions, contact Darryl Cady at 585-889-4330.
Wheatland Senior Travel - On Friday, April 1 we have a Mystery Trip. Lunch at a nice restaurant is included. These trips are fun and very popular. The price for all Seniors who reside in the Town of Wheatland is $75 per person. All others is $99. Masks are not required but recommended if not vaccinated. To sign up for trips or for more info contact Bus America Group Tours 585-697-3590. Wheatland Senior Travel - Tuesday, April 12 we are headed to Spragues Pancake House and Restaurant. Your choice of breakfast or lunch. Breakfast is 2 pancakes, 2 eggs, choice of bacon or eggs sausage and a beverage. Lunch is Hot Roast Turkey Sandwich, cranberry sauce, apple pie and beverage. Then we’re off to Seneca Alleghany Casino. You will receive $25 bonus slot play. Price for All Wheatland Senior residents is $70, all others $95. Bring proper ID to receive a Seneca Club card if you don’t have one. Masks are not required but recommended if not vaccinated. To sign up or more info.: Bus America Group Tours 585-697-3590. Arc of Livingston-Wyoming The recreation program at the ARC for those living with developmental disabilities focuses on empowerment, trust, commitment, excellence and respect. www.lwarc.org
Events should occur on a specifi c date at a specifi c time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items: • Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program • Organizations seeking crafters or vendor • Organizations seeking donations of items Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date R E G I S T E R A N D S U B M I T Y O U R E V E N T O N L I N E AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
MOMENTS IN TIME The History Channel * On March 6, 2001, Napster begins complying with a federal court order to block the transfer of copyrighted songs over its peer-to-peer network. Some 60 million users around the world had freely exchanged digital mp3 fi les using Napster, which folded three months later.
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