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Q&A Master Gardeners with the
When should I prune raspberries to ensure a good harvest this year? Did I miss that timing? What other plants should be tended to in spring to ensure successful production this season?
Raspberries should be pruned in late winter or early spring (February - April).
We recommend leaving 4 - 6 canes per square foot at this time. For the ease of picking, a raspberry patch will be between 1 - 3 feet wide; if the patch is wider, consider cutting back or pulling out canes that widen the patch too much. When pruning out canes, cut them at the base. First, remove canes that have bulges in them-- these are usually caused by cane borers, and the internal damage causes the canes to collapse once they become heavy with fruit. Second, remove all canes that have pale, dried-out looking bark, as those have fruited and will not yield fruit again. Next, remove the thinnest canes. Ideally you will be left with 4-6 thick, sturdy canes. If those canes have little remnants of fruit on their tips, you may cut the tips back to encourage more branching. Elderberry is another berry crop that can be pruned in the same time period. Cut out canes that are 3 years old and over. Inspect the bark on the remaining canes, removing areas with cankers (sunken, discolored lesions) and canes that have holes in them. When cutting back diseased canes such as these, look into the cross-section of the pruning cut. If you observe browning or uneven tissue in the pruning cut, continue cutting back until it is uniform. beside his bowl and howls -- making it impossible for me to work at my desk. What can I do to calm him down and help him lose weight? --
Berry plants that should be pruned before their leaves emerge include: blueberry, currant and gooseberry, seaberry, and pawpaw.
Jim G., Quincy, Massachusetts
Dear Jim: It’s di cult to help overweight pets lose those extra pounds, and it’s clear that Seeker has no qualms about complaining about it!
Since you’re working from home, one way to mitigate the howling is to implement a divert-and-reward system to take his mind o his empty bowl. In essence, keep Seeker away from the kitchen and as busy as your schedule allows.
Immediately a er his breakfast, close o the kitchen. Use a baby gate or shut the door, and hide the food bowl out of sight. Take Seeker outside for a short walk to burn o extra energy and a few calories. If you’re in a high-rise apartment or another situation where going outside frequently is more di cult, opt for a ve-minute training and play session instead.
While you’re working, Seeker should be separated from the kitchen -- either in a closed-o room or with you in your o ce (but in his own corner) -- and given plenty of toys to chew on. Spend time with Seeker on each break from work. Play, work on basic obedience, or just hang out. Once you’re nished with work for the day, take Seeker out for a long walk before giving him dinner.
Stick with the diet prescribed by the vet. Be patient but consistent with Seeker to change his behavior. He can and will lose the weight, because you care about him!
Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com. (c) 2023 King Features Synd., Inc.
By Fifi Rodriguez
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3. GEOGRAPHY: How many stars are on the Australian flag?
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5. MUSIC: Which pop group produced the hit song “God Only Knows”?
6. TELEVISION: “The Brady Bunch” features how many blended family members?
7. LANGUAGE: What is the official language of the United States?
8. U.S. STATES: What is the state capital of Rhode Island?
9. ASTRONOMY: Which is the only planet in our solar system that is not named after a god or goddess?
10. FOOD & DRINK: What is a cheese connoisseur called?