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from Cornell Cooperative Extension, Livingston County Q&A Master Gardeners with the
I’ve been hearing more and more about rain gardens. What key details should I consider when installing one?
A rain garden looks like a perennial garden but has a shallow depression to collectandfilterstormwaterthatrunsoff nearby hard surfaces (roofs, driveways, walkways). Most rain gardens are a few inches deep and hold water for a day or so. Water leaving the garden may enter a storm drain system or seep into the ground where it can help renew groundwater. Plants in the rain garden slowstormwaterrunoff andhelpreduce flooding and erosion. Vegetation may remove pollutants entering waterways. A properly constructed rain garden will hold and filter approximately 30 percent more rainfall than the same area covered by a lawn. It’s a winwin. They do take careful planning and installation to be most effective, but if you have questions or run into problems,the CCE is happy to help. Considerations when installing a rain garden:
1. Plants in a rain garden must withstand alternating periods of wet and dry soil as well as occasional flooding. Also consider deer-resistant plants if populations are high in your area.
2.Varyplantforms,heights,andbloom times to add diversity and interest to your rain garden.
3. Water your newly planted garden regularly for the first season or until the plants are established.
4. Keep weeds to a minimum, especially during establishment. A mulch layer will naturally suppress many weeds. Renew mulch at least once a year or as it decomposes. Composted mulch supplies nutrients for native plants in your garden so there’s no need to add fertilizer.
5. Check water inflow and overflow areas occasionally and clear debris as necessary.
6. Over time, you may need to remove layers of silt or sediment that accumulate in the depression. At that point, you may want to divide plants that are crowded or fill gaps left by plants that failed to thrive.
Parents who want to encourage their children to volunteer may find their efforts at doing so are more convincing if they volunteer themselves. A 2013 study published in the Journal of Adolescence examined the effects that parents who volunteer and talk about volunteering have on children. Researchers found that the children of volunteers were 27 percent more likely to volunteer than children whose parents did not volunteer. In addition, adolescents were 47 percent more likely to volunteer when their parents volunteered and talked about volunteering with their children.
How To Involve More Young People In Agriculture
Highlight the challenges ahead and how agricultural professionals can help overcome them. UN projections indicate the global population will grow by more than two billion people by 2050. Finding a way to feed all of those people in the face of climate change will be no small task,but it’s a task that will require dedicated agricultural professionals. Educators and parents can emphasize these challenges when speaking to young people about a career in the agricultural sector,noting that such careers will present real opportunities to make a difference.
The Health Benefits Of Dairy
Nutritional benefits of dairy: Dairy products are nutrient-dense and great sources of protein,calciumandvitamins.Proteinbuildsandrepairsmuscletissue;carbohydrates in milk provide energy; and calcium and phosphorous can help strengthen bones and teeth. Vitamin D helps promote the absorption of calcium. Dairy also contains riboflavin, vitamin A, pantothenic acid, potassium and niacin. One eight-ounce serving of milk contains the recommended daily values of these nutrients based on guidelines from the U.S. Food & Drug Administration.